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Looking at kriging problems with huge numbers of estimation points and measurements, computational power and storage capacities often pose heavy limitations to the maximum manageable problem size. In the past, a list of FFT-based algorithms for matrix operations have been developed. They allow extremely fast convolution, superposition and inversion of covariance matrices under certain conditions. If adequately used in kriging problems, these algorithms lead to drastic speedup and reductions in storage requirements without changing the kriging estimator. However, they require second-order stationary covariance functions, estimation on regular grids, and the measurements must also form a regular grid. In this study, we show how to alleviate these rather heavy and many times unrealistic restrictions. Stationarity can be generalized to intrinsicity and beyond, if decomposing kriging problems into the sum of a stationary problem and a formally decoupled regression task. We use universal kriging, because it covers arbitrary forms of unknown drift and all cases of generalized covariance functions. Even more general, we use an extension to uncertain rather than unknown drift coefficients. The sampling locations may now be irregular, but must form a subset of the estimation grid. Finally, we present asymptotically exact but fast approximations to the estimation variance and point out application to conditional simulation, cokriging and sequential kriging. The drastic gain in computational and storage efficiency is demonstrated in test cases. Especially high-resolution and data-rich fields such as rainfall interpolation from radar measurements or seismic or other geophysical inversion can benefit from these improvements.  相似文献   

In this paper, the condition number of the stationary kriging matrix is studied for some well-known covariance models. Indeed, the robustness of the kriging weights is strongly affected by this measure. Such an analysis can justify the choice of a covariance function among other admissible models which could fit a given experimental covariance equally well.  相似文献   

The numerical stability of linear systems arising in kriging, estimation, and simulation of random fields, is studied analytically and numerically. In the state-space formulation of kriging, as developed here, the stability of the kriging system depends on the condition number of the prior, stationary covariance matrix. The same is true for conditional random field generation by the superposition method, which is based on kriging, and the multivariate Gaussian method, which requires factoring a covariance matrix. A large condition number corresponds to an ill-conditioned, numerically unstable system. In the case of stationary covariance matrices and uniform grids, as occurs in kriging of uniformly sampled data, the degree of ill-conditioning generally increases indefinitely with sampling density and, to a limit, with domain size. The precise behavior is, however, highly sensitive to the underlying covariance model. Detailed analytical and numerical results are given for five one-dimensional covariance models: (1) hole-exponential, (2) exponential, (3) linear-exponential, (4) hole-Gaussian, and (5) Gaussian. This list reflects an approximate ranking of the models, from best to worst conditioned. The methods developed in this work can be used to analyze other covariance models. Examples of such representative analyses, conducted in this work, include the spherical and periodic hole-effect (hole-sinusoidal) covariance models. The effect of small-scale variability (nugget) is addressed and extensions to irregular sampling schemes and higher dimensional spaces are discussed.  相似文献   

Sequential kriging avoids the use of matrices and resolves the issue of unstable solutions. It allows for stepwise ways to get joint estimations and cosimulations that are equivalent to the simultaneous solution. The approach is proposed as the solution for geocellular modeling with variable cell size from heterogeneous structural properties (HSPs) as required for modeling with structural constraints. Rock properties are controlled by structural domains, regions, and structural geology parameters. In some cases, rock properties are cross-correlated to formation thickness, curvature of structures, and other structural attributes. Cell thickness may be proportional to formation thickness and may enter as a conditioning property in the estimation of rock property parameters for simulation. In addition, cell volume controls the upscaling of covariance structures (i.e., regularized variograms). Structural properties are priorly modeled. Perturbation response functions (PRFs) are computed for each cell vs all possible sample point locations to facilitate sequential kriging. Upscaled PRFs are modified following conditional updating after each new data value is included in the estimation of parameters. Generalized sequential kriging is expected to become the main tool for real-time spatial modeling of 3D cellular models with HSP. In addition, some new developments related to the sequential kriging algorithm are included. Sequential kriging can be used for the estimation of parameters for simulation in the so-called unstructured grids.  相似文献   

Conditional Spectral Simulation with Phase Identification   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Spectral simulation is used widely in electrical engineering to generate random fields with a given covariance spectrum. The algorithms used are fast particularly when based on Fast Fourier Transform (FFT). However, because of lack of phase identification, spectral simulation only generates unconditional realizations. Local data conditioning is obtained typically by adding a simulated kriging residual. This conditioning process requires an additional kriging at each simulated node thus forfeiting the speed advantage of FFT. A new algorithm for conditioning is proposed whereby the phase values are determined iteratively to ensure approximative data reproduction while reproducing the frequency spectrum, that is, the covariance model. A case study is presented to demonstrate the algorithm.  相似文献   

Kriging in a global neighborhood   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The kriging estimator is usually computed in a moving neighborhood; only the data near the point to be estimated are used. This moving neighborhood approach creates discontinuities in mapping applications. An alternative approach is presented here, whereby all points are estimated using all the available data. To solve the resulting large linear system the kriging estimator is expressed in terms of the inverse of the covariance matrix. The covariance matrix has the advantage of being positive definite and the size of system which can be solved without encountering numerical instability is substantially increased. Because the kriging matrix does not change, the estimator can be written in terms of scalar products, thus avoiding the more time-consuming matrix multiplications of the standard approach. In the particular case of a covariance which is zero for distances greater than a fixed value (the range), the resulting banded structure of the covariance matrix is shown to lead to substantial computational savings in both run time and storage space. In this case the calculation time for the kriging variance is also substantially reduced. The present method is extended to the nonstationary case.  相似文献   

This paper presents the characterization of the covariance matrix function of a Gaussian or second-order elliptically contoured vector random field on the sphere which is stationary, isotropic, and mean square continuous. This characterization involves an infinite sum of the products of positive definite matrices and Gegenbauer??s polynomials, and may not be available for other non-Gaussian vector random fields on spheres such as a ?? 2 or log-Gaussian vector random field. We also offer two simple but efficient constructing approaches, and derive some parametric covariance matrix structures on spheres.  相似文献   

A stationary specification of anisotropy does not always capture the complexities of a geologic site. In this situation, the anisotropy can be varied locally. Directions of continuity and the range of the variogram can change depending on location within the domain being modeled. Kriging equations have been developed to use a local anisotropy specification within kriging neighborhoods; however, this approach does not account for variation in anisotropy within the kriging neighborhood. This paper presents an algorithm to determine the optimum path between points that results in the highest covariance in the presence of locally varying anisotropy. Using optimum paths increases covariance, results in lower estimation variance and leads to results that reflect important curvilinear structures. Although CPU intensive, the complex curvilinear structures of the kriged maps are important for process evaluation. Examples highlight the ability of this methodology to reproduce complex features that could not be generated with traditional kriging.  相似文献   

Multivariable spatial prediction   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
For spatial prediction, it has been usual to predict one variable at a time, with the predictor using data from the same type of variable (kriging) or using additional data from auxiliary variables (cokriging). Optimal predictors can be expressed in terms of covariance functions or variograms. In earth science applications, it is often desirable to predict the joint spatial abundance of variables. A review of cokriging shows that a new cross-variogram allows optimal prediction without any symmetry condition on the covariance function. A bivariate model shows that cokriging with previously used cross-variograms can result in inferior prediction. The simultaneous spatial prediction of several variables, based on the new cross-variogram, is then developed. Multivariable spatial prediction yields the mean-squared prediction error matrix, and so allows the construction of multivariate prediction regions. Relationships between cross-variograms, between single-variable and multivariable spatial prediction, and between generalized least squares estimation and spatial prediction are also given.  相似文献   

A proof is provided that the predictions obtained from kriging based on intrinsic random functions of orderk are identical to those obtained from anappropriate universal kriging model. This is a theoretical result based on known variability measures. It does not imply that people performing traditional universal kriging will get the same predictions as those using intrinsic random functions, because traditionally these methods differ in how variability is modeled. For intrinsic random functions, the same proof shows that predictions do not depend on the specific choice of the generalized covariance function. It is argued that the choice between these methods is really one of modeling and estimating the variability in the data.  相似文献   

The impact of using an incorrect covariance function on kriging predictors is investigated. Results of Stein (1988) show that the impact on the kriging predictor from not using the correct covariance function is asymptotically negligible as the number of observations increases if the covariance function used is compatible with the actual covariance function on the region of interestR. The definition and some properties of compatibility of covariance functions are given. The compatibility of generalized covariances also is defined. Compatibility supports the intuitively sensible concept that usually only the behavior near the origin of the covariance function is critical for purposes of kriging. However, the commonly used spherical covariance function is an exception: observations at a distance near the range of a spherical covariance function can have a nonnegligible effect on kriging predictors for three-dimensional processes. Finally, a comparison is made with the perturbation approach of Diamond and Armstrong (1984) and some observations of Warnes (1986) are clarified.  相似文献   

Block-sample covariances may be calculated by discretizing a block into regularly spaced grid points, computing punctual covariance between each grid point and the sample, then averaging. Gauss quadrature is a better, more accurate method for calculating block-sample covariance as has been demonstrated in the past by other authors (the history of which is reviewed herein). This prior research is expanded upon to provide considerably more detail on Gauss quadrature for approximating the areal or volumetric integral for block-sample covariance. A 4 × 4 Gauss point rule is shown to be optimal for this procedure. Moreover, pseudo-computer algorithms are presented to show how to implement Gauss quadrature in existing computer programs which perform block kriging.  相似文献   

The Gibbs sampler is an iterative algorithm used to simulate Gaussian random vectors subject to inequality constraints. This algorithm relies on the fact that the distribution of a vector component conditioned by the other components is Gaussian, the mean and variance of which are obtained by solving a kriging system. If the number of components is large, kriging is usually applied with a moving search neighborhood, but this practice can make the simulated vector not reproduce the target correlation matrix. To avoid these problems, variations of the Gibbs sampler are presented. The conditioning to inequality constraints on the vector components can be achieved by simulated annealing or by restricting the transition matrix of the iterative algorithm. Numerical experiments indicate that both approaches provide realizations that reproduce the correlation matrix of the Gaussian random vector, but some conditioning constraints may not be satisfied when using simulated annealing. On the contrary, the restriction of the transition matrix manages to satisfy all the constraints, although at the cost of a large number of iterations.  相似文献   

Conditioning realizations of stationary Gaussian random fields to a set of data is traditionally based on simple kriging. In practice, this approach may be demanding as it does not account for the uncertainty in the spatial average of the random field. In this paper, an alternative model is presented, in which the Gaussian field is decomposed into a random mean, constant over space but variable over the realizations, and an independent residual. It is shown that, when the prior variance of the random mean is infinitely large (reflecting prior ignorance on the actual spatial average), the realizations of the Gaussian random field are made conditional by substituting ordinary kriging for simple kriging. The proposed approach can be extended to models with random drifts that are polynomials in the spatial coordinates, by using universal or intrinsic kriging for conditioning the realizations, and also to multivariate situations by using cokriging instead of kriging.  相似文献   

Comparison of kriging techniques in a space-time context   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Space-time processes constitute a particular class, requiring suitable tools in order to predict values in time and space, such as a space-time variogram or covariance function. The space-time co-variance function is defined and linked to the Linear Model of Coregionalization under second-order space-time stationarity. Simple and ordinary space-time kriging systems are compared to simple and ordinary cokriging and their differences for unbiasedness conditions are underlined. The ordinary space-time kriging estimation then is applied to simulated data. Prediction variances and prediction errors are compared with those for ordinary kriging and cokriging under different unbiasedness conditions using a cross-validation. The results show that space-time kriging tend to produce lower prediction variances and prediction errors that kriging and cokriging.  相似文献   

Rate of Convergence of the Gibbs Sampler in the Gaussian Case   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We show that the Gibbs Sampler in the Gaussian case is closely linked to linear fixed point iterations. In fact stochastic linear iterations converge toward a stationary distribution under the same conditions as the classical linear fixed point one. Furthermore the covariance matrices are shown to satisify a related fixed point iteration, and consequently the Gibbs Sampler in the gaussian case corresponds to the classical Gauss-Seidel iterations on the inverse of the covariance matrix, and the stochastic over-relaxed Gauss-Seidel has the same limiting distribution as the Gibbs Sampler. Then an efficient method to simulate a gaussian vector is proposed. Finally numerical investigations are performed to understand the effect of the different strategies such as the initial ordering, the blocking and the updating order for iterations. The results show that in a geostatistical context the rate of convergence can be improved significantly compared to the standard case.  相似文献   

Determining kriging weights to estimate some variable of interest at a given point in the field involves solving a system of linear equations. The matrix of this linear system is subject to numerical instability, and this instability is measured by the matrix condition number. Six parameters in the kriging process have been identified which directly affect this condition number. Analysis of a series of 648 experiments gives some insight on these parameters, and how the condition number relates to kriging variance.  相似文献   

This work focuses on the characterization of the central tendency of a sample of compositional data. It provides new results about theoretical properties of means and covariance functions for compositional data, with an axiomatic perspective. Original results that shed new light on geostatistical modeling of compositional data are presented. As a first result, it is shown that the weighted arithmetic mean is the only central tendency characteristic satisfying a small set of axioms, namely continuity, reflexivity, and marginal stability. Moreover, this set of axioms also implies that the weights must be identical for all parts of the composition. This result has deep consequences for spatial multivariate covariance modeling of compositional data. In a geostatistical setting, it is shown as a second result that the proportional model of covariance functions (i.e., the product of a covariance matrix and a single correlation function) is the only model that provides identical kriging weights for all components of the compositional data. As a consequence of these two results, the proportional model of covariance function is the only covariance model compatible with reflexivity and marginal stability.  相似文献   

In linear geostatistics, models for the mean function (drift) and the variogram or generalized covariance function are selected on the basis of the modeler's understanding of the phenomenon studied as well as data. One can seldom be assured that the most appropriate model has been selected; however, analysis of residuals is helpful in diagnosing whether some important characteristic of the data has been neglected and, ultimately, in providing a reasonable degree of assurance that the selected model is consistent with the available information. The orthonormal residuals presented in this work are kriging errors constructed so that, when the correct model is used, they are uncorrelated and have zero mean and unit variance. It is suggested that testing of orthonormal residuals is a practical way for evaluating the agreement of the model with the data and for diagnosing model deficiencies. Their advantages over the usually employed standardized residuals are discussed. A set of tests are presented. Orthonormal residuals can also be useful in the estimation of the covariance (or variogram) parameters for a model that is considered correct.  相似文献   

普通克立格方法是一种广泛应用于各种地质领域的线性插值方法。在普通克立格方法实际应用中,有时会出现方程无解的问题,而这些问题的出现往往与协方差函数的选取以及取样点的空间分布有关。这里通过对协方差函数的严格正定性分析,以及对取样点的空间分布对协方差阵奇异性的影响分析,试图拓展对普通克立格方法奇异性分析的各种思路,从而让人们在普通克立格方法的实际应用中找到奇异性无解的原因,有意识地避免可能发生的奇异性无解问题。  相似文献   

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