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悬浮体系指悬浮在水中,经过过滤能停留在滤膜或滤纸上的一切物质质点,其中包括泥沙颗粒、浮游生物及各种胶体物质等。悬浮体浓度分布是自然环境条件的综合反映,与物质来源,海洋环流、潮流、波浪等动力要素密切相关。因此,悬浮体浓度及运移途径是测试环境条件的重要参数,对其进行研究将对开发港口、合理利用土地资源、保护生态环境具有重要的实际意义,对于探讨现代沉积过程则具有理论意义。 相似文献
Akihiko Tanaka Motoaki Kishino Roland Doerffer Helmut Schiller Tomohiko Oishi Tadashi Kubota 《Journal of Oceanography》2004,60(3):519-530
An algorithm is presented to retrieve the concentrations of chlorophyll a, suspended pariclulate matter and yellow substance
from normalized water-leaving radiances of the Ocean Color and Temperature Sensor (OCTS) of the Advanced Earth Observing Satellite
(ADEOS). It is based on a neural network (NN) algorithm, which is used for the rapid inversion of a radiative transfer procedure
with the goal of retrieving not only the concentrations of chlorophyll a but also the two other components that determine the water-leaving radiance spectrum. The NN algorithm was tested using the
NASA's SeaBAM (SeaWiFS Bio-Optical Mini-Workshop) test data set and applied to ADEOS/OCTS data of the Northwest Pacific in
the region off Sanriku, Japan. The root-mean-square error between chlorophyll a concentrations derived from the SeaBAM reflectance data and the chlorophyll a measurements is 0.62. The retrieved chlorophyll a concentrations of the OCTS data were compared with the corresponding distribution obtained by the standard OCTS algorithm.
The concentrations and distribution patterns from both algorithms match for open ocean areas. Since there are no standard
OCTS products available for yellow substance and suspended matter and no in situ measurements available for validation, the result of the retrieval by the NN for these two variables could only be assessed
by a general knowledge of their concentrations and distribution patterns.
This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date. 相似文献
利用2002—2015年的中等分辨率成像光谱仪(Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer, MODIS)第4波段反射率产品对黄、东海边界的悬浮物输运情况进行了分析, 同时利用黄、东海2003年现场实测的悬浮物含量数据和这期间准实时的MODIS影像数据, 建立了基于MODIS第4波段遥感反射率的悬浮物含量遥感反演模型。基于该模型, 反演黄、东海表层悬浮物浓度, 并计算悬浮物扩散面积。利用反演得到的表层悬浮物浓度和悬浮物浓度垂向预测模型, 获取垂直方向上的悬浮物浓度, 同时结合水深、扩散面积数据, 计算特定时刻水体中的悬浮物含量。利用插值方法获得整个输运过程中各时刻水体中的悬浮物的含量, 计算各个时刻悬浮物含量的总和作为悬浮物的输送量。对2002年10月至2003年4月黄海向东海的悬浮输送量进行估算, 估算结果为153Mt。 相似文献
海水中的有机物的含量微少,约为0.5~2.0 C mg/L,但其种类复杂。其中以溶解有机物(DOM)为主,而颗粒有机物(POM)所占比例则更少。大洋海水中的POM主要来源于浮游生物等的死骸及其分解碎屑;另外还有海水中受风浪影响所进行的DOM-POM的动力平衡产物。近岸海水还受河流和大气带入的陆源尘影响。POM主要由颗粒氨基酸(PAA)组成。即由Asp、Glu、Thr、Ser、Ala、Gly、Leu、Ile、Val、Met、Cys、Tyr、Lys、His、Arg、Phe、Pro等17种氨基酸组成。它们是食碎动物的主要食物,构成海洋食物链的一环,与该水域生产力有直接联系。纪明侯等(1992)于1983年和1984年首次对青岛胶州湾海水中的颗粒氨基酸的组成和含量的变化及其季节变化进行了调查研究。并且在1982年和1984年前后对渤海湾、黄河口和长江口附近水域同样调查研究了表层海水中PAA的组成与含量分布。他们还于1981年7、8月和1982年7、8月乘“科学一号”考察船进一步研究了长江口外东中国海,包括福建省外海、济州岛附近海域和黑潮流域26°00′-33°00′N、123°00′-129°00′E范围内海域的20余个站位的表层海水和部分站位上不同水深中的PAA的组成和含量。兹将调查研究结果报道如下。 相似文献
东海北部叶绿素a极大值的分布规律 总被引:7,自引:3,他引:7
本文利用《中日黑潮合作调查研究(1986-1992)》的资料着重研究东海北部叶绿素a极大值在水平方向上的分布和季节变化规律等.研究表明,东海北部水动力环境,诸如锋面涡、海洋锋和上升流等等是促成叶绿素a极大值分布变化的重要环境因素.文中特别指出叶绿素a密集区离锋面远近的位置与锋面流速的跃变程度呈现一元线性负相关,可以通过此相关式来估计叶绿素a密集区的位置. 相似文献
测定了南黄海和东海表层水0.7~53.0μm和〉53.0μm这2种悬浮颗粒物(SPM)、颗粒氮(PN)的含量.其结果表明,南黄海和东海表层水0.7~53.0μm粒级的SPM、PN平均含量分别为4.68 mg/dm3、18.50μg/dm3;而〉53.0μm粒级的SPM、PN平均含量分别为0.20 mg/dm3、2.65μg/dm3.0.7~53.0μm和〉53.0μm粒级的PN/SPM含量平均比值分别为0.78%、1.41%(m/m),后者约是前者的2倍.统计分析结果表明,尽管这2种粒级的SPM、PN含量和PN/SPM含量比值的范围较大,但约80%的数据集中在较小范围内,即0.7~53.0μm和〉53.0μm粒级SPM含量分别集中在0.37~3.68、0.02~0.29 mg/dm3的范围内;0.7~53.0μm和〉53.0μm粒级PN含量分别集中在2.54~18.90、0.40~2.69μg/dm3的范围内;0.7~53.0μm和〉53.0μm粒级的PN/SPM含量比值分别集中在0.14%~1.00%和0.15%~1.95%之间.研究结果表明,研究海域0.7~53.0μm粒级SPM、PN含量有2个高值区,分别位于近岸海区和东海东北部海区.〉53.0μm粒级SPM、PN含量的分布分为2个部分:南黄海表层水SPM、PN含量分布呈从近岸向外海降低的趋势;而东海表层水SPM、PN含量分布呈断面中间高,并分别向近岸和外海降低的趋势. 相似文献
Th. Leipe A. Loeffler K. -C. Emeis S. Jaehmlich R. Bahlo K. Ziervogel 《Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science》2000,51(6):789
Suspended particulate matter samples were collected from the water column, the bottom nepheloid layer and the ‘ fluffy layer ’ from four stations along a coastal-basin transect in the Pomeranian Bight, western Baltic Sea. Sampling was performed nine times between October 1996 and December 1998 for various analyses, including electron probe x-ray micro analysis for detailed mineralogical investigations.Specific vertical patterns of clay mineral distributions were found. Suspended particulate matter (SPM) in the bottom nepheloid layer and the ‘ fluffy layer ’ overlying sediments was enriched in organic carbon and hydrated three layer clay minerals, whereas the non-aggregated SPM was dominated by quartz and biogenic opal. It appears that separation effects operate during aggregation of mineral particles and organic matter in repeated cycles of resuspension and settling. No clear seasonal variations in the composition of the SPM were found, in spite of high spatial and temporal variability of biological and physical variables. The results suggest that preferential incorporation, possibly aided by microbiological colonization, of hydrated three layer silicates into the organic flocs is a process that occurs under a wide range of conditions. Because aggregates sink faster than individual particles, aggregate formation led to a relative enrichment of illite and smectite in the near-bottom layers. Considering the affinity of organic contaminants and heavy metals to organic matter, the selective removal of aggregated organic matter and hydrated three-layer clay minerals from the water column and enhanced transport in the near-bottom fluffy layer may be a natural cleansing mechanism operating in the shallow waters of the bight. 相似文献
对中国南海表层叶绿素a季节内变化的研究有助于深入认识其海洋特征,满足渔情预报等实际应用需求。利用卫星观测资料分析南海表层叶绿素a不同季节的季节内变化特征,结果表明南海表层叶绿素a季节内振荡强度冬季最高。冬季和春季的季节内振荡最强区域都位于吕宋岛西北侧海区,夏季和秋季振荡较强的区域偏向菲律宾群岛一侧。分析表明研究海区表层温度和表层叶绿素a 存在负相关,冬强夏弱,北强南弱。大部分海区海面高度和叶绿素a 相关性不显著,但南海东南边缘海区海面高度和叶绿素a在季节内存在正相关。冬季海盆尺度逆时针旋转的环流结构应是这些现象产生的原因。除南海东南边缘海区、海南岛东南海区和吕宋岛西侧海区之外,风应力大小和热通量均与叶绿素a 在季节内呈正相关。这显示非局地风场和海流等因素、海洋动力调整过程可能在吕宋海峡以西和南海东南边缘的表层叶绿素a 季节内变化中起到重要作用。 相似文献
夏季黄东海颗粒有机碳的分布特征 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
根据2006年6~7月对黄东海大面调查的资料,分析研究了黄东海颗粒有机碳(particulate organic carbon,POC)的浓度和分布特征。结果表明,夏季黄东海POC的浓度范围是6.07~2 204.17μg.L-1,平均浓度为147.15μg.L-1。POC整体上呈现近岸浓度较高、远岸浓度较低,北部浓度较高,南部浓较低的分布特点;在长江口外及浙江近岸海区存在POC的高值区,特别是长江口外,表层和底层POC浓度很高,这主要是受到长江陆源输入的重要影响。在垂直分布上,南黄海区POC的浓度分布整体上呈现上层水体浓度较低,下层水体浓度较高的特点,这主要是受底质再悬浮的影响。而东海区呈现近岸POC浓度较高,离岸POC浓度较低的特点,这主要是受长江冲淡水输入的影响。 相似文献
机载海洋激光雷达测量叶绿素a浓度、悬移质浓度和浅海深度的性能估计 总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9
以14:00时离水辐亮度作为背景光强度,模拟355nm激光雷达测量不同深度水层叶绿素a荧光的信噪比.分析体积衰减系数c、辐照度衰减系数k、散射系数b和透明度盘深度(SDD)的关系.最后模拟532nm激光雷达测量悬移质浓度的最大测量深度和误判率小于10%时的最大海底探测深度随SDD的变化. 相似文献
根据2006年8月和2007年1月两个航次的调查,在15条断面91个调查站点共获取浮游植物样品182个,基于形态分类的方法对浮游植物样品进行了鉴定分析,发现东海蓝藻赤潮藻类束毛藻由薛氏束毛藻(Trichodesmium thiebautii)、汉氏束毛藻(T.erythraeum)和红海束毛藻(T.hildebrandii)组成,其中薛氏束毛藻占优势,其次是汉氏束毛藻和红海束毛藻。夏冬季节,束毛藻分布趋势一致,呈现近海和黑潮流经海域高、其它海域低的特点,温度和营养物质是束毛藻分布的主要控制因子。 相似文献
海洋锋是典型的海洋中尺度现象之一。目前卫星遥感主要利用海表温度数据分析海洋锋,但由于西北太平洋海域夏季海表温度的趋同特性,不能进行有效的锋面监测;而不同水团所具有的生物光学特性往往是不同的,且不具有太阳辐射引起的显著性季节变化,因此海色资料也成为检测海洋锋的有效数据源。文中以东海黑潮为例,详细说明了基于叶绿素a浓度融合数据,采用梯度法进行海洋锋面检测的过程,通过比较不同季节不同梯度阈值得到的东海黑潮锋结果,从保持锋面的完整性及对零碎锋区的剔除效应方面,选取了不同季节较优的梯度阈值。总体来说,文中检测出的东海黑潮区域海色锋与海流黑潮强流区较吻合,12月至4月东海黑潮海色锋检测结果不如海温锋,而5-11月东海黑潮海色锋检测结果优于海温锋,特别是台湾以东黑潮区域,不论什么季节海温锋都没有体现,而海色锋始终很明显。利用文中提出的海洋锋检测算法、分析方法及选择的梯度阈值可以有效地检测东海黑潮区域的海洋锋面,结合海色锋和海温锋,可以监测分析东海黑潮强流区的时空变化。 相似文献
利用2011年春季(5-6月)、2009年夏季(8月)、2010年秋季(11-12月)和2009 年冬季(12月一次年1月)4个航次实测的悬浮体质量浓度资料,分析了东海陆架表层水体总悬浮体、有机悬浮体和无机悬浮体质量浓度的季节分布特征。结果表明,东海陆架表层水体总悬浮体质量浓度冬半年高于夏半年,等值线基本平行于岸线,在浙江沿岸29°N附近有一浑水舌向东南方向延伸,常年存在2个高值中心和2个次高值中心。有机悬浮体质量浓度则为夏半年高于冬半年,存在2个高值中心和2个次高值中心,季节变化显著。无机悬浮体质量浓度分布趋势相似于总悬浮体质量浓度,但整体轮廓线向近岸收缩约0.5°,常年存在2个高值中心和1个次高值中心。有机悬浮体占总悬浮体百分比按季节从高到低依次为春季、夏季、冬季和秋季,其中长江口、杭州湾外近海海域和黑潮区为东海有机悬浮体百分含量高值区。 相似文献
Sediment transport in the Yellow Sea and East China Sea 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Eight survey cruises in different seasons have been conducted in the Yellow Sea (YS) and East China Sea (ECS) during the period from 2000 to 2008. Suspended sediment concentration (SSC) and hydrological data were collected during each cruise. Data analysis showed that total suspended sediment mass was approximately 0.18 × 109 tons in the surveyed area during spring and autumn seasons. Highly turbid waters were found in the shallow waters between the Subei coast, the Changjiang estuary and the Zhejiang coast with seasonal variations. 相似文献
渤、黄、东海悬浮物质量浓度冬、夏季变化的数值模拟 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
采用HAMSOM三维正压水动力模型结合粒子追踪的悬浮颗粒物输运模型模拟了渤、黄、东海悬浮物质量浓度冬、夏季变化。模拟结果显示,潮流和底质对悬浮物质量浓度的分布有决定性的作用,沉积物再悬浮对悬浮物质量浓度分布影响大,冬季尤为显著。莱州湾中西部和渤海湾南部悬浮物终年维持高质量浓度,古黄河口冬季再悬浮物的质量浓度高于其它季节的。长江口附近悬浮物终年维持高质量浓度,夏季长江口东北悬浮物的质量浓度高于冬季的,浙江沿岸冬季悬浮物的质量浓度高于夏季的。 相似文献
The South China Sea(SCS) and the Arabian Sea(AS) are both located roughly in the north tropical zone with a range of similar latitude(0°–24°N). Monsoon winds play similar roles in the upper oceanic circulations of the both seas. But the distinct patterns of chlorophyll a(Chl a) concentration are observed between the SCS and the AS.The Chl a concentration in the SCS is generally lower than that in the AS in summer(June–August); the summer Chl a concentration in the AS shows stronger interannual variation, compared with that in the SCS; Moderate resolution imaging spectroradiometer(MODIS)-derived data present higher atmospheric aerosol deposition and stronger wind speed in the AS. And it has also been found that good correlations exist between the index of the dust precipitation indicated by aerosol optical thickness(AOT) and the Chl a concentration, or between wind and Chl a concentration. These imply that the wind and the dust precipitation bring more nutrients into the AS from the sky, the sub-layer or coast regions, inducing higher Chl a concentration. The results indicate that the wind velocity and the dust precipitation can play important roles in the Chl a concentration for the AS and the SCS in summer. However aerosol impact is weak on the biological productivity in the west SCS and wind-induced upwelling is the main source. 相似文献
The pelagic species is closely related to the marine environmental factors, and establishment of forecasting model of fishing ground with high accuracy is an important content for pelagic fishery. The chub mackerel(Scomber japonicus) in the Yellow Sea and East China Sea is an important fishing target for Chinese lighting purse seine fishery. Based on the fishery data from China's mainland large-type lighting purse seine fishery for chub mackerel during the period of 2003 to 2010 and the environmental data including sea surface temperature(SST), gradient of the sea surface temperature(GSST), sea surface height(SSH) and geostrophic velocity(GV), we attempt to establish one new forecasting model of fishing ground based on boosted regression trees. In this study, the fishing areas with fishing effort is considered as one fishing ground, and the areas with no fishing ground are randomly selected from a background field, in which the fishing areas have no records in the logbooks. The performance of the forecasting model of fishing ground is evaluated with the testing data from the actual fishing data in 2011. The results show that the forecasting model of fishing ground has a high prediction performance, and the area under receiver operating curve(AUC) attains 0.897. The predicted fishing grounds are coincided with the actual fishing locations in 2011, and the movement route is also the same as the shift of fishing vessels, which indicates that this forecasting model based on the boosted regression trees can be used to effectively forecast the fishing ground of chub mackerel in the Yellow Sea and East China Sea. 相似文献
采集了中国东海(2009-12~2010-01)35个站位的海水样品,其中包括6个站位的垂直断面。用TPTZ方法测定了溶解态的单糖(MCHO)、多糖(PCHO)和总糖(TCHO)的浓度,对其水平分布和PN断面分布进行了研究。结果表明,受到长江冲淡水和黑潮水的影响,表层海水中MCHO、PCHO和TCHO浓度的水平分布表现出由近岸向外海递减的分布趋势。PN断面由于受冬季东北季风的影响,水体混合强烈,使得MCHO、PCHO和TCHO浓度在垂直方向上分层无明显规律。对长江口外3个断面海水中TCHO浓度与环境因子做了相关性研究。结果表明,TCHO浓度与盐度和温度呈显著的线性负相关,与Chl-a浓度呈线性正相关。 相似文献