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本文简要综述重力波和磁重力波在各种天体物理场合中的应用 ,我们描述在具有开放径向磁场的恒星大气各种磁流体波之间的相互转换过程 ,强调磁重力波被束缚在恒星冕内的可能性 ,并探讨恒星内部高频的声波模 (p -模 )被低频的重力波模 (g -模 )所调制的过程 ,一旦有了足够长时间未间断高质量的日震数据 ,太阳内部的重力波模对声波模的调制效应—即每一个分立声波模的频率精细结构—则可被用来寻找深陷于太阳内部的重力波模或进一步独立地约束重力波模的振幅上限  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to carry out a power-spectrum analysis of the Super-Kamiokande five-day dataset that takes account of the asymmetry in the error estimates. Whereas for symmetrical error estimates the likelihood analysis involves a linear optimization procedure, for asymmetrical error estimates it involves a nonlinear optimization procedure. For most frequencies there is little difference between the power spectra derived from analyses of symmetrized error estimates and from asymmetrical error estimates, but this is not the case for the principal peak in the power spectrum at 9.43 yr −1. A likelihood analysis that takes account of the error asymmetry leads to a peak with power 13.24 at that frequency, and a Monte Carlo analysis shows that there is a chance of only 0.1% of finding a peak this big or bigger in the search band 1 – 36 yr −1. From this perspective, power-spectrum analysis that takes account of asymmetry of the error estimates gives evidence for variability that is significant at the 99.9% level. We comment briefly on an apparent discrepancy between power-spectrum analyses of the Super-Kamiokande and SNO solar neutrino experiments.  相似文献   

The penumbral region of a sunspot is modelled as a two-layer plasma. The upper layer with magnetic field is taken with Evershed flow and the static lower layer is assumed to be field-free. The magnetoacoustic–gravity surface wave (MAGSW) propagation along this interface is studied. Our results show that the flow suppresses the fast MAGSW and allows only slow MAGSW. More importantly, we suggest that the running penumbral waves are more likely to be slow MAGSW.  相似文献   

The excitation of gravity waves by penetrative convective plumes isinvestigated using 2D direct simulations of compressible convection.The oscillation field is measured by a new technique based on theprojection of our simulation data onto the theoretical g-modes solutionsof the associated linear eigenvalue problem. This allows us to determineboth the excited modes and their corresponding amplitudes accurately.  相似文献   

The aim of this work is to present a transport process which is likely to have a great importance for the internal constitution of the stars. In order to set the problem, we first give a short presentation of the physical properties of the Sun and stars, described usually under the names of `Standard Solar Model' or `Standard Stellar Models' (SSM). Next we show that an important question about SSM is that they do not explain the age dependance of lithium deficiency of stars of known age: stars of galactic clusters and the Sun. It has been suggested a long time ago to assume the presence of a macrosocpic diffusion process in the radiative zone, below the surface convective zone of solar like stars. It is then possible for the lithium present in the convective zone to be carried to the thermonuclear burning level below the convective zone. The first assumption was that differential rotation generates turbulence and therefore that a turbulent diffusion process takes place. However, this model predicts a lithium abundance which is strongly rotation dependant, contrary to the observations. Furthermore, the diffusion coefficient being large all over the radiative zone, it prevents the possibility of gravitational separation by diffusion and consequently leads to an impossibility of explaining the difference of helium abundance between the surface and the center of the Sun. The consequence is obviously that we need to take into account another physical process. Stars having a mass M < 1.3 M have a convective zone which begins close to the stellar surface and extends down to a depth which is an appreciable fraction of stellar radius. In the convective zone, strong stochastic motions take care, at least partially, of heat transfer. These motions do not vanish at the lower boundary and generate internal waves into the radiative zone. These random internal waves are at the origin of a diffusion process which can be considered as responsible of the diffusive transport of lithium down to the lithium burning level. This is certainly not the only physical process responsible of lithium deficiency in main sequence stars, but its properties open the way to a completely consistent analysis of lithium deficiency. The model of generation of gravity waves is based on a model of heat transport in the convective zone by diving plumes. The horizontal component of the turbulent motion at the boundary of the convective zone is supposed to generate the horizontal motion of internal waves. The result is a large horizontal component of the diffusion coefficient, which produces in a short time an horizontal uniform chemical composition. It is known that gravity waves, in the absence of any dissipative process, cannot generate vertical mixing. Therefore, the vertical component of the diffusion coefficient is entirely dependant of radiative damping. It decreases quickly in the radiative zone, but is large enough to be responsible of lithium burning. Due to the radial dependance of velocity amplitude, the diffusion coeficient increases when approaching the stellar center. However, very close to the center, non-linear dissipative and radiative damping of internal waves become large and the diffusion coefficient vanishes at the very center. The development of this abstract can be found in E. Schatzman (1996, J. Fluid Mech. 322, 355). This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

G. Jovanović 《Solar physics》2014,289(11):4085-4104
We derive the dispersion equation for gravito-magnetohydrodynamical (MHD) waves in an isothermal, gravitationally stratified plasma with a horizontal inhomogeneous magnetic field. Sound and Alfvén speeds are constant. Under these conditions, it is possible to derive analytically the equations for gravito-MHD waves. The high values of the viscous and magnetic Reynolds numbers in the solar atmosphere imply that the dissipative terms in the MHD equations are negligible, except in layers around the positions where the frequency of the MHD wave equals the local Alfvén or slow wave frequency. Outside these layers the MHD waves are accurately described by the equations of ideal MHD. We consider waves that propagate energy upward in the atmosphere. For the plane boundary, z=0, between two isothermal plasma regions with horizontal but different magnetic fields, we discuss the boundary conditions and derive the equations for the reflection and transmission coefficients. In the simpler case of a gravitationally stratified plasma without magnetic field, these coefficients describe the reflection and transmission properties of gravito-acoustic waves.  相似文献   

The evolutionary behaviour of rotating solar models with different initial angular-momentum distributions has been investigated through the pre-Main-Sequence and Main-Sequence phases. The angular momentum was removed from the convective evelope of the solar models according to the Kawaler's model of magnetic stellar wind (Kawaler, 1988). The models show that (i) the surface rotational velocities of the solar mass stars are independent of initial angular momentum for ages greater than 108 years and (ii) it is not possible to explain the neutrino problem and the sufficient depletion of lithium in the Sun.  相似文献   

We compile a sample of Sun-like stars with accurate effective temperatures, metallicities and colours (from the ultraviolet to the near-infrared). A crucial improvement is that the effective temperature scale of the stars has recently been established as both accurate and precise through direct measurement of angular diameters obtained with stellar interferometers. We fit the colours as a function of effective temperature and metallicity, and derive colour estimates for the Sun in the Johnson–Cousins, Tycho, Strömgren, 2MASS and SDSS photometric systems. For  ( B − V )  , we favour the 'red' colour 0.64 versus the 'blue' colour 0.62 of other recent papers, but both values are consistent within the errors; we ascribe the difference to the selection of Sun-like stars versus interpolation of wider colour– T eff–metallicity relations.  相似文献   

Summary. This review is primarily directed to the question whether photometric solar analogues remain such when subjected to detailed spectroscopic analyses and interpreted with the help of internal stucture models. In other words, whether the physical parameters: mass, chemical composition, age (determining effective temperature and luminosity), chromospheric activity, equatorial rotation, lithium abundance, velocity fields etc., we derive from the spectral analysis of a photometric solar analogue, are really close to those of the Sun. We start from 109 photometric solar analogues extracted from different authors. The stars selected had to satisfy three conditions: i) their colour index must be contained in the interval: –0.69, ii) they must possess a trigonometric parallax, iii) they must have undergone a high resolution detailed spectroscopic analysis. First, this review presents photometric and spectrophotometric researches on solar analogues and recalls the pionneering work on these stars by the late Johannes Hardorp. After a brief discussion on low and high resolution spectroscopic researches, a comparison is made between effective temperatures as obtained, directly, from detailed spectral analyses and those obtained, indirectly, from different photometric relations. An interesting point in this review is the discussion on the tantalilizing value of the of the Sun, and the presentation of a new reliable value of this index. A short restatement of the kinematic properties of the sample of solar analogues is also made. And, finally, the observational diagram, obtained with 99 of the initially presented 109 analogues, is compared to a theoretical diagram. This latter has been constructed with a grid of internal structure models for which, (very important for this investigation), the Sun was used as gauge. In analysing the position, with respect to the Sun, of each star we hoped to find a certain number of stars tightly neighbouring the Sun in mass, chemical composition and state of evolution. The surprising result is that the stars occupy in this HR Diagram a rather extended region around the Sun, many of them seem more evolved and older than the Sun, and only 4 of the evolved stars seem younger. The age of some stars in the sample is also discussed in terms of chromospheric activity and Li-content. Our conclusion is much the same as that contained in previous papers we have written on the subject: in spite of a much larger number of stars, we have not been able to nominate a single star of the sample for a “perfect good solar twin”. Another aim in beginning, 25 years ago, this search for solar analogues, was to have ready a bunch of stars resembling the Sun and analysed spectroscopically in detail, in order that, when planets hunters of solar type stars, finally would have found such a specimen, we would have been able to immediately compare the physical parameters of this star to those of the Sun. We have been lucky enough: one of the good solar analogues we present herewith, is 51 Pegasi (HD 217014) which, according to the very recent observations by Mayor and Queloz (1995), has a planet orbiting around it. And what is more: two other stars possessing planets: 47 Ursae Majoris (HD 95128) and 70 Virginis (HD 117176), have just been discovered by Marcy and Butler (187 Meeting of the AAS, January 1996). One of them, 47 Ursae Majoris, is also included in the list of photometric solar analogues. The other star, 70 Virginis, has only been included after the “Planets News”, because the colour index of this star is slightly higher than the prescribted limit of the selection, (, instead, 0.69). It would have been a pity to leave the third ” planet star out of the competition.  相似文献   

Robert Howard 《Solar physics》1983,82(1-2):437-437
A series of digitized synoptic observations of solar magnetic and velocity fields has been carried out at the Mount Wilson Observatory since 1967. In recent studies (Howard and LaBonte, 1980; LaBonte and Howard, 1981), the existence of slow, large-scale torsional (toroidal) oscillations of the Sun has been demonstrated. Two modes have been identified. The first is a travelling wave, symmetric about the equator, with wave number 2 per hemisphere. The pattern-alternately slower and faster than the average rotation-starts at the poles and drifts to the equator in an interval of 22 years. At any one latitude on the Sun, the period of the oscillation is 11 years, and the amplitude is 3 m s-1. The magnetic flux emergence that is seen as the solar cycle occurs on average at the latitude of one shear zone of this oscillation. The amplitude of the shear is quite constant from the polar latitudes to the equator. The other mode of torsional oscillation, superposed on the first mode, is a wave number 1 per hemisphere pattern consisting of faster than average rotation at high latitudes around solar maximum and faster than average rotation at low latitudes near solar minimum. The amplitude of the effect is about 5 m s-1. For the first mode, the close relationship in latitude between the activity-related magnetic flux eruption and the torsional shear zone suggests strongly that there is a close connection between these motions and the cycle mechanism. It has been suggested (Yoshimura, 1981; Schüssler, 1981) that the effect is caused by a subsurface Lorentz force wave resulting from the dynamo action of magnetic flux ropes. But, this seems unlikely because of the high latitudes at which the shear wave is seen to originate and the constancy of the magnitude of the shear throughout the life time of the wave.  相似文献   

Inertia field is universal; this is why it can be in a state with energy as well as in a state without energy. Gravitational field is secondary and it occurs only with the appearance of particles with energy.  相似文献   

Chian  Abraham C.-L.  Abalde  José R. 《Solar physics》1999,184(2):403-419
Close temporal correlation between high-frequency Langmuir waves and low-frequency electromagnetic whistler waves has been observed recently within magnetic holes of the solar wind. In order to account for these observations, a theory is formulated to describe the nonlinear coupling of Langmuir waves and whistler waves. It is shown that a Langmuir wave can interact nonlinearly with a whistler wave to produce either right-hand or left-hand circularly polarized electromagnetic waves. Nonlinear coupling of Langmuir waves and whistler waves may lead to the formation of modulated Langmuir wave packets as well as the generation of circularly polarized radio waves at the plasma frequency in the solar wind. Numerical examples of whistler frequency, nonlinear growth rate and modulation frequency for solar wind parameters are calculated.  相似文献   

The ejection of energetic electrons and protons,and γ-ray burst are revealed by solar space observations,which have confirmed some related theories of solar radio emission and uncovered the nuclear reaction in flares.The difference and relationship between CME and plasma cloud in flares are shown by space observations.The hot and cold regions of flares are known.The theory of nonlinear magnetohydrodynamics is developed by solar and heliospheric magnetic field observations.  相似文献   

The theory of gravity says that a binary with orbital frequency ν should be a source of gravitational waves at the double frequency and higher harmonics. This implies that long-term exposure of an ensemble of binaries to gravity waves with frequency ν G can result in (a) a lack of binaries with frequencies near frequency ν G /2 and its higher harmonics (the effect of unstable orbits) and/or (b) an excess of binaries whose orbital frequencies are “absolutely” incommensurable with ν G /2 and its higher harmonics (the effect of stable orbits). It is assumed that the stable-orbit frequencies are almost equal to multiples of πν G /2 and ν G /2π, where π plays the role of a “perfect” factor ensuring the best antiresonance of binaries. The statistical analysis of frequencies of 5774 Galactic close binary systems (CBSs) with periods P less than 10 days is based on calculating the resonance spectrum that indicates the best common multiple for a given set of frequencies with allowance for the factor π. The CBS distribution turns out to be modulated by the frequency ν G = 104.4(5) μHz, and this effect is the most pronounced for superfast and compact rotators, such as cataclysmic variables (CVs) and related objects. The frequency ν G is, within the error, equal to the “enigmatic” frequency ν0 = 104.160(1) μHz com discovered earlier in the power spectra of the Sun and brightness variations of some extragalactic sources. This confirms the existence of a “coherent cosmic oscillation” of the Universe with frequency ν0 G ). The new astrophysical phenomenon naturally explains an “CV period gap” at frequencies ≈πν G /3 (P ≈ 153 min) and maxima at the neighboring frequencies ≈πν G /2 and ≈πν G /4 (P ≈ 102 and ≈204 min, respectively). The remarkable and “mysterious” role of the transcendental number π for the world of binaries is emphasized, and the mystery of physical nature of the “universal” oscillation ν0 G ) is highlighted.  相似文献   

A concept of the dynamical equinox and its relation to the analytical form of the adopted theory of the Sun is discussed. Connection between the FK4 equinox and the dynamical equinox is determined by comparing two analytical theories of the Sun (the adopted Newcomb's theory and a new one (AT-1) constructed at the Institute of Theoretical Astronomy) with solar meridian observations made at the U.S. Naval Observatory (1911–1971). Corrections to the FK4 right ascensions, 0 to declinations and to the angle between the equator and the ecliptic are: Secular variations in and are negligible. Large secular variations of 0 may be explained by improvement of observational conditions after the reconstruction of the telescope pavilion in the forties.Proceedings of the Conference on Analytical Methods and Ephemerides: Theory and Observations of the Moon and Planets. Facultés universitaires Notre Dame de la Paix Namur, Belgium, 28–31 July, 1980.  相似文献   

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