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We have further developed Brown's model of solar system formation. In this model, each fragment of an ejected supernova shell evolves into a separate solar system. Specifically, we have formulated the reverse-flow hypothesis that may be responsible for the inner, earthlike planets. We have written a computer program with which it is possible to calculate mass distributions within a solar nebula. We have found mass distributions similar to our solar system over a wide range of the model parameters.Los Alamos National Laboratory is operated by the University of California for the U.S. Dept. of Energy under contract W-7405-ENG-36.  相似文献   

A.G.W. Cameron  J.W. Truran 《Icarus》1977,30(3):447-461
It is suggested that the explosion of a Type II supernova triggered the collapse of a nearby interstellar cloud and led to the formation of the solar system. Estimates of the abundances resulting from nuclear processing of the supernova ejecta are presented. It appears promising that nucleosynthesis in this single supernova event can account for most isotopic anomalies and traces of extinct radioactivities in solar system material.  相似文献   

We investigate the method by which nearby supernovae – within a few tens of pc of the solar system – can penetrate the solar system and deposit live radioactivities on earth. The radioactive isotopic signatures that could potentially leave an observable geological imprint are in the form of refractory metals; consequently, it is likely they would arrive in the form of supernova-produced dust grains. Such grains can penetrate into the solar system more easily than the bulk supernova plasma, which gets stalled and deflected near the solar system due to the solar wind plasma pressure. We therefore examine the motion of charged grains as they decouple from the supernova plasma and are influenced by the solar magnetic, radiation, and gravitational fields. We characterize the dust trajectories with analytical approximations which display the roles of grain size, initial velocity, and surface voltage. These results are verified with full numerical simulations for wide ranges of dust properties. We find that supernova dust grains traverse the inner solar system nearly undeflected, if the incoming grain velocity – which we take to be that of the incident supernova remnant – is comparable to the solar wind speeds and much larger than the escape velocity at 1 AU. Consequently, the dust penetration to 1 AU has essentially 100% transmission probability and the dust capture onto the earth should have a geometric cross section. Our results cast in a new light the terrestrial deposition of radioisotopes from nearby supernovae in the geological past. For explosions beyond ~10 pc from earth, dust grains can still deliver supernova ejecta to earth, and thus the amount of supernova material deposited is set by the efficiency of dust condensation and survival in supernovae. Turning the problem around, we use observations of live 60Fe in both deep-ocean and lunar samples to infer a conservative lower bound iron condensation efficiency of Mdust,Fe/Mtot,Fe ? 4  × 10?4 for the supernova which apparently produced these species 2–3 Myr ago.  相似文献   

Isotopic studies have revealed several types of presolar material in chondritic meteorites (e.g., Ne-E, various components of O, Ti, Ca, Mg). In fact, examples of presolar material are found in all meteorites whose components have not been completely altered by secondary processing. This paper suggests that presolar dust was the primary building material for the meteorites and terrestrial planets. To make this case, the characteristics of presolar dust are discussed and the material in the sun's parent molecular cloud is divided into eight reservoirs. Then the meteorites most likely to preserve their original constituents are identified, and it is shown that dust from several presolar material reservoirs is present in the primitive chondrites. Components that may have formed directly from presolar dust are also identified. Presolar dust and objects made from processed dust make up the vast majority of the material in primitive chondrites. Since there is no obvious reason to believe that other meteorites formed from fundamentally different material than did the primitive chondrites, it is reasonable to conclude that presolar dust, thermally processed but not evaporated and recondensed, was the parent material for the meteorites.In the second part of the paper, various processes that could have affected the presolar dust are identified. It is then shown that: (1) the chemical and oxygen isotopic variations between meteorite classes; (2) the formation of chondrules; and (3) accretion of chondrites and parent body metamorphism are consistent with relatively simple models that use presolar dust as the starting material. These models are presented, not as detailed solutions to the problems, but to exemplify a way of looking at the solar system that may lead to significant advances in our understanding.  相似文献   

The importance of energetic particles in the generation of solar flares and related phenomena has been underestimated if not completely neglected. A reexamination of their role in the light of recent observations carried out during the last solar maximum by a number of experiments on SMM and Hinotori satellites points out the continuous and violent evolution of the solar atmosphere. Most observed features can be better explained by the old idea that particles are trapped in magnetic loops above active regions where they are first heated and then accelerated by absorbing part of the wave energy flowing upwards continuously from the convection zone. Their catastrophic release into the chromosphere as a consequence of an instability in the region such as chromospheric heating or due to the emergence of new magnetic flux is considered as being the flare proper. Since the trapping of the particles involves the generation of resonant waves, a reassessment of the isotopic overabundance problem as well as a search for these waves in interplanetary space are proposed.  相似文献   

The presence of dust at high redshift requires efficient condensation of grains in supernova (SN) ejecta, in accordance with current theoretical models. Yet observations of the few well-studied supernovae (SNe) and supernova remnants (SNRs) imply condensation efficiencies which are about two orders of magnitude smaller. Motivated by this tension, we have (i) revisited the model of Todini & Ferrara for dust formation in the ejecta of core collapse SNe, and (ii) followed, for the first time, the evolution of newly condensed grains from the time of formation to their survival – through the passage of the reverse shock – in the SNR. We find that  0.1–0.6  M  of dust form in the ejecta of 12–40 M stellar progenitors. Depending on the density of the surrounding interstellar medium, between 2 and 20 per cent of the initial dust mass survives the passage of the reverse shock, on time-scales of about  4–8 × 104  yr  from the stellar explosion. Sputtering by the hot gas induces a shift of the dust size distribution towards smaller grains. The resulting dust extinction curve shows a good agreement with that derived by observations of a reddened QSO at   z = 6.2  . Stochastic heating of small grains leads to a wide distribution of dust temperatures. This supports the idea that large amounts (∼0.1 M) of cold dust  ( T ∼ 40   K)  can be present in SNRs, without being in conflict with the observed infrared emission.  相似文献   

We discuss certain dynamical processes during the final stage of the sinking of the dust layer. We supposed that turbulance gave rise to a state of slow sinking (quasi-equilibrium) and evaluated the critical thickness at the onset of gravitational instability in the radial direction. We gave a precise numerical relation between 3 length-scales: 〈|Z|〉c : h1 : λT = 0.02107 : 0.1592 : 1, the first being the mean height of the dust particles at the onset of radial instability, the second being that value of the half-thickness and of the height at which the self-gravity of the dust layer is equal to the solar z-component, and the last being the longest wavelength at the onset of ring instability. We also calculated the time required for the formation of rings and found it to be far shorter than the sinking time.  相似文献   

We have investigated a simple model for the effects of a central pulsar on the expansion of supernova shells. Some numerical results relevant to the Crab Nebula are also reported.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the evidence for short-lived radionuclides in the early solar system and evaluates the models of their origin. The stellar model requires that some freshly-nucleosynthesized radionuclides were injected into the proto-solar cloud shortly before it began to collapse. The spallation theory suggests that these nuclides were the products of interaction between energetic particles and gas/dust in the proto-solar cloud or solar nebula. A brief discussion is given to a new theory for the X-wind model of solar system formation.  相似文献   

A model of supernova feedback in galaxy formation   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A model of supernova feedback during disc galaxy formation is developed. The model incorporates infall of cooling gas from a halo, and outflow of hot gas from a multiphase interstellar medium (ISM). The star formation rate is determined by balancing the energy dissipated in collisions between cold gas clouds with that supplied by supernovae in a disc marginally unstable to axisymmetric instabilities. Hot gas is created by thermal evaporation of cold gas clouds in supernova remnants, and criteria are derived to estimate the characteristic temperature and density of the hot component and hence the net mass outflow rate. A number of refinements of the model are investigated, including a simple model of a galactic fountain, the response of the cold component to the pressure of the hot gas, pressure-induced star formation and chemical evolution. The main conclusion of this paper is that low rates of star formation can expel a large fraction of the gas from a dwarf galaxy. For example, a galaxy with circular speed 50 km s1 can expel 6080 per cent of its gas over a time-scale of 1 Gyr, with a star formation rate that never exceeds 0.1 M yr1. Effective feedback can therefore take place in a quiescent mode and does not require strong bursts of star formation. Even a large galaxy, such as the Milky Way, might have lost as much as 20 per cent of its mass in a supernova-driven wind. The models developed here suggest that dwarf galaxies at high redshifts will have low average star formation rates and may contain extended gaseous discs of largely unprocessed gas. Such extended gaseous discs might explain the numbers, metallicities and metallicity dispersions of damped Lyman systems.  相似文献   

Carl Sagan 《Icarus》1976,27(4):575-576
Arguments are presented for naming topographic features on other solar system objects after human beings other than astronomers; and to institute a more consistent scheme for Jovian satellite nomenclature.  相似文献   

A new law of motion for supernova remnant (SNR) which introduces the quantity of swept matter in the thin layer approximation is introduced. This new law of motion is tested on 10 years observations of SN 1993J. The introduction of an exponential gradient in the surrounding medium allows to model an aspherical expansion. A weakly asymmetric SNR, SN 1006, and a strongly asymmetric SNR, SN 1987A, are modeled. In the case of SN 1987A the three observed rings are simulated.  相似文献   

The effects on a close binary system of one component becoming a neutron star as a result of a supernova explosion are discussed in this paper. In the case of a Type I supernova, the system can remain bound in many cases of interest. For a Type II supernova, the system will probably be disrupted although in some cases a remnant of the companion to the supernova may remain in a bound orbit.Consequently, neutron stars formed in Type I supernova explosions may exist in close binary systems. Such systems may be strong X-ray emitters due to mass flow as suggested by Shklovsky. Photons with energies in the 1–50 MeV region should also be emitted.  相似文献   

An examination of the histogram of the supernova remnants radii allows one to deduce: (1) some support for the existence of a fairly dense galactic halo at least up to a few kpc from the galactic plane; (2) a first approximation for the initial energy distribution. Although the precise shape is still in doubt and various possibilities exist, one can conclude that the supernova rate should be no less than 1/150 SN yr–1, and no more than 1/70 SN yr–1; the average initial energy should be larger than 1.4×1049 erg.  相似文献   

Abstract– The rock record from the early solar system indicates high‐temperature thermal processing sufficient to melt refractory oxides and silicates. The astrophysical context for the formation and evolution of our solar system, from a molecular cloud to a “clean” planetary system, is difficult to constrain tightly because of the large scales and lack of resolution of astronomical observations. Protostellar jets and winds, commonly associated with forming stars, are likely to play a role in heating and redistribution of the processed material in the solar system. We have recently proposed that disk‐winds can cause melting of small inclusions to distances out to several AU. Particularly energetic outbursts, such as the FU‐Orionis and EXor events, occur over relatively short time scales (approximately 100 and 1 yr, respectively), and are probably events related to formation of the refractory solids present in primitive meteorites.  相似文献   

This paper derives the average period of occurrence of syzygies (conjunctions and oppositions) ofp planets in unperturbed, coplanar, circular orbits about the sun. Numerical results indicate the reliability of the theory and applications are suggested. For example, the theory is relevant to the search for resonances and near mirror configurations.  相似文献   

Magnetic fields are observed in star forming regions. However simulations of the late stages of star formation that do not include magnetic fields provide a good fit to the properties of young stars including the initial mass function (IMF) and the multiplicity. We argue here that the simulations that do include magnetic fields are unable to capture the correct physics, in particular the high value of the magnetic Prandtl number, and the low value of the magnetic diffusivity. The artificially high (numerical and uncontrolled) magnetic diffusivity leads to a large magnetic flux pervading the star forming region. We argue further that in reality the dynamics of high magnetic Prandtl number turbulence may lead to local regions of magnetic energy dissipation through reconnection, meaning that the regions of molecular clouds which are forming stars might be essentially free of magnetic fields. Thus the simulations that ignore magnetic fields on the scales on which the properties of stellar masses, stellar multiplicities and planet-forming discs are determined, may be closer to reality than those which include magnetic fields, but can only do so in an unrealistic parameter regime.  相似文献   

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