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Extensive testing suggests that astrometric techniques can be employed to detect and study virtually any planetary system that may exist within 40 light years (12.5 parsec) of the Sun. Following the conclusion of Paper I [G. Gatewood, Icarus27 (1976), 1–12], the astrometric group at the Allegheny Observatory began an intensive survey of 20 nearby stars to detect the nonlinear variations in their motion that planetary systems would induce. Several tests conducted to further our understanding of the limitations of this survey indicated that the photographic detector itself is responsible for the majority of the random error. A new photoelectric detector has been designed and a simplified prototype of it successfully tested. The new detector is expected to be able to utilize virtually all of the astrometric information transmitted through the Earth's atmosphere. This is sufficient to determine relative positions to within an accuracy of approximately 1 milliarcsec/hr. Such precisions exceed the design capabilities of the best existing astrometric telescopes, thus a feasibility study has been conducted for the design of an improved instrument. The study concludes that a new ground-based telescope and the new detector combined should be able to study stars as faint as the 17th magnitude with an annual accuracy of a few tenths of a milliarcsecond. However, to obtain the ultimate accuracy possible from current technology, we must place an astrometric system above the Earth's atmosphere. A space-borne instrument utilizing the new detector would in theory have sufficient accuracy to detect any Earth-like planet orbiting any of the several hundred stars nearest the Sun.  相似文献   

S. Fred Singer 《Icarus》1975,25(3):484-488
Uranus exhibits an unusually large obliquity compared to other planets of the solar system; its equator is inclined by 98° to the plane of its orbit. However its five satellites are remarkably regular, with eccentricities and inclinations very nearly zero, but of course with orbit planes that are tilted by ~98° to the plane of the ecliptic. This circumstance is used here to relate the formation of satellites to planet formation. Six different cases are discussed, of which two can be ruled out and two others are highly improbable. In the analysis, use is made of the fact that satellites in near-equatorial orbits could not follow a rapid (“non-adiabatic”) change of the planet's obliquity. We assume, also, that the observed obliquity is the result of the last stages of planet accumulation. We can therefore exclude contemporaneous formation of planet and satellites, and conclude instead that the satellites were formed or acquired after the planet's axis had been tilted. A plausible scenario involves the tidal capture of a body having 5% to 10% of the planet's mass—sufficient to account for the tilt—followed by its accretion. However, tidal forces break up the body into chunks, slow the accretion, and allow ~1% of the chunks to form the satellites through interaction with a temporary dense atmosphere. The same reasoning may apply also for Saturn and Jupiter. It should be noted that the synchronous orbit it well within the Roche limit for all three planets.  相似文献   

Dale P. Cruikshank 《Icarus》1985,64(1):107-111
Earth-based observers of Neptune have found that the planet varies in brightness at various wavelengths in ways that suggest that changes occur in the planet's atmosphere on several different time scales. Global inhomogeneities in high-altitude haze distribution that are stable for several days permit measurements of the planet's rotation period (about 18 hr), but this stability sometimes breaks down, obscuring the diurnal lightcurve. In addition, there is an apparent long-term variability of the brightness of Neptune in anticorrelation with the cycle of solar activity. This slow variability of low amplitude may be punctuated by outburst of high-altitude condensation of particles in the atmosphere whose decay time is several months.  相似文献   

Existing instruments are unable to detect planets about stars other than the Sun but such detection would be important for the theory of origin of our solar system and in the search for extraterrestrial intelligence. Infrared offers an advantage of about 105 over visible light as regards the ratio of power received from star and planet. Infrared interferometry from Earth orbit would allow discrimination against the stellar infrared by the placement of an interference null on the star and a spinning infrared interferometer would modulate the planetary emission to permit extraction by synchronous detection from the background level. The limit to sensitivity will be set by thermal emission from the zodiacal light particles near the Earth's orbit unless the interferometer is launched out of the ecliptic or out to the orbit of Jupiter, in which case instrumental limitations will dominate. Technological developments in several fields will be required as also with astrometry, spectroscopic radial velocity measurement, and direct photography from orbit, three approaches with which infrared interferometry should be carefully compared.  相似文献   

The Green Bank Equation for the number of communicative civilizations, N, in our Galaxy is reconsidered in view of recent information on the multiplicity of solar-type stars and the possibilities of forming habitable planets around them. Our results are contingent upon the statistical validity of Abt and Levy's work of stellar multiplicity and upon features of Heppen-heimer's theory of planet formation in binary systems. It is concluded that N may have been overestimated by a factor of at least 50.  相似文献   

William K. Hartmann 《Icarus》1976,27(4):553-559
Significant fractions of each planet's late-accreted mass originated not at its own distance from the Sun, but from a neighboring planet's orbit, according to results that follow from calculations by Wetherill (1975). “Late-accreted” refers to a loosely defined period after planets acquired most of their present mass. In an idealized model, Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars received 47, 45, 37, and 52% of their late-accreted mass from planetesimals formed closer to other planets. Resulting compositional anomalies in outer parts of early planets could be significant; atmospheric tests of Lewis's predicted S deficiency on Venus may be inconclusive.The Moon's orbit around Earth puts it in a special category: sorting occurs between Moon-impacting and Earth-impacting material according to approach velocity. In the above model, the moon receives 60% of its late-accreted mass from planetesimals formed near Venus' orbit. Distant planetesimals could be perturbed into the Earth-Moon system and cause major changes in the Moon's composition with only minor effect on Earth. The entire lunar bulk composition anomaly could be explained by plausible reservoirs of distant low-density material.  相似文献   

Anthony Mallama   《Icarus》2007,192(2):576-581
A model for computing the brightness of a satellite in the shadow of a planet is described, which takes into account the Sun–planet–satellite–sensor geometry, the satellite bi-directional reflectance function, and the refraction of sunlight in the planetary atmosphere. Synthetic light curves for eclipse ingress or egress of the five large satellites of Uranus are generated. The model luminosities can be fitted to photometric observations in order to calculate a precise distance between the centers of the satellite and the planet. Alternately, when the satellite ephemeris is accurately known the atmospheric state of the planet can be studied.  相似文献   

Observations of the planet Saturn at wavelengths of 49.5 and 94.3 em are reported. The equivalent disk brightness temperatures were found to be 400 ± 65°K and 540 ± 110°K, respectively. It is suggested that the enhanced portion of the spectrum of the disk brightness temperature favours the idea that the observed long wavelength radiation comes from the planet's atmosphere.However, the possibility of a magnetic field associated with Saturn is not rejected by the observations. Part of the excess temperature could be attributed to weak synchrotron emission coming from a region outside the ring system.  相似文献   

A star will become brighter and brighter with stellar evolution, and the distance of its habitable zone will become larger and larger. Some planets outside the habitable zone of a host star during the main sequence phase may enter the habitable zone of the host star during other evolutionary phases. A terrestrial planet within the habitable zone of its host star is generally thought to be suitable for the existence of life. Furthermore, a rocky moon around a giant planet may be also suitable for life to survive, provided that the planet–moon system is within the habitable zone of its host star. Using Eggleton’s code and the boundary flux of the habitable zone, we calculate the habitable zone of our Solar system after the main sequence phase. It is found that Mars’ orbit and Jupiter’s orbit will enter the habitable zone of the Solar system during the subgiant branch phase and the red giant branch phase, respectively. And the orbit of Saturn will enter the habitable zone of Solar during the He-burning phase for about 137 million years. Life is unlikely at any time on Saturn, as it is a giant gaseous planet. However, Titan, the rocky moon of Saturn, may be suitable for biological evolution and become another Earth during that time. For low-mass stars, there are similar habitable zones during the He-burning phase as our Solar, because there are similar core masses and luminosities for these stars during that phase.  相似文献   

C.E. KenKnight 《Icarus》1977,30(2):422-433
It is proposed that the presence or absence of Jupiter-like planets, and perhaps even Venus-like planets, around nearby stars be studied with a 2-m telescope in Earth orbit. According to the Abbe theory of imaging, the coherence of the light from an unresolvable star can be used to discriminate between planet light and scattered light from the star. Most scattered light is shown to arise from the imperfect figure of the telescope surface, but an analog of a phase contrast trast microscope can be used to control the figure automatically. A number of arrangements are possible for using the interference properties of light to cancel the residual scattered starlight by two to three orders of magnitude without affecting the planet light.  相似文献   

Recent observations point to the presence of structured dust grains in the discs surrounding young brown dwarfs, thus implying that the first stages of planet formation take place also in the substellar regime. Here, we investigate the potential for planet formation around brown dwarfs and very low-mass stars according to the sequential core accretion model of planet formation. We find that, for a brown dwarf mass 0.05 M, our models predict a maximum planetary mass of  ∼5   M  , orbiting with semimajor axis ∼ 1 au. However, we note that the predictions for the mass–semimajor axis distribution are strongly dependent upon the models chosen for the disc surface density profiles and the assumed distribution of disc masses. In particular, if brown dwarf disc masses are of the order of a few Jupiter masses, Earth-mass planets might be relatively frequent, while if typical disc masses are only a fraction of Jupiter mass, we predict that planet formation would be extremely rare in the substellar regime. As the observational constraints on disc profiles, mass dependencies and their distributions are poor in the brown dwarf regime, we advise caution in validating theoretical models only on stars similar to the Sun and emphasize the need for observational data on planetary systems around a wide range of stellar masses. We also find that, unlike the situation around solar-like stars, Type II migration is totally absent from the planet formation process around brown dwarfs, suggesting that any future observations of planets around brown dwarfs would provide a direct measure of the role of other types of migration.  相似文献   

In a steady-state model for the interaction of the solar wind with the atmosphere of a non-magnetic planet, the magnetized solar wind acts as a dynamo over the dayside of the planet and induces Ohmic currents in the planet's ionosphere. A model for the dynamo mechanism and for the induced current configuration is developed. Based on this model and assumed model atmospheres of Mars and Venus, the distribution of currents entering the ionosphere through the ionopause is calculated. The requirement that the total current be of such a magnitude as to cancel the shock-compressed interplanetary magnetic field fixes the ionopause altitude. The calculations for Venus are in reasonable agreement with observations. The calculations for Mars indicate the possibility of an observable ionopause in the altitude range from 325 to 425 km.  相似文献   

Francois Mignard 《Icarus》1982,49(3):347-366
The dynamics of small dust grains orbiting a planet are investigated when solar radiation pressure forces are added to the planet's gravitational central field. In the first part a set of differential equations is derived in a reference frame linked to the solar motion. The complete solution of these equations is given for particles lying in the planet's orbital plane, and we show that the orbital eccentricity may undergo considerable variation. At the same time the pericenter longitude librates or circulates according to initial conditions. With this result we establish a criterion for any orbiting particle (because of its highly eccentric orbit) to collide with its planet's atmosphere. The case of inclined orbit is studied through a numerical integration and allows us to draw conclusions related to the stability of the orbital plane. All solutions are periodic, with the period being independent of the initial conditions. This last point permits us to investigate the different time scales involved in that problem. Finally, the Poynting-Robertson drag is included, along with the radial radiation pressure forces, and the secular trend is considered. A coupling effect between the two components is ascertained, yielding a systematic behavior in the eccentricity and thus in the pericenter distance. Our solutions generalize the results of S. J. Peale (1966, J. Geophys. Res.71, 911–933) and J. A. Burns, P. Lamy, and S. Soter (1979, Icarus40, 1–48) by allowing eccentricities to be large (of order 1) and inclinations to be nonzero and by considering Poynting-Robertson drag.  相似文献   

V.S. Safronov  E.L. Ruskol 《Icarus》1982,49(2):284-296
A two-stage growth of the giant planets, Jupiter and Saturn, is considered, which is different from the model of contraction of large gaseous protoplanets. In the first stage, within a time of ~3 × 107 years in Jupiter's zone and ~2 × 108 years in Saturn's zone, a nucleus forms from condensed (solid) material having the mass, ~1028 g, necessary for the beginning of acceleration. The second stage may gravitating body, and a relatively slow accretion begins until the mass of the planet reaches ~10 m. Then a rapid accretion begins with the critical radius less than the radius of the Hill lobe, so that the classical formulae for the rate of accretion may be applied. At a mass m > m1 ≈ 50 m accretion proceeds slower than it would according to these formulae. When the planet sweeps out all the gas from its nearest zone of feeding (m = m2 ≈ 130 m), the width of the exhausted zone being built13 of the whole zone of the planet) growth is provided the slow diffusion of gas from the rest of the zone (time scale increases to 105?106 years and more). The process is terminated by the dissipation of the remnants of gas. In Saturn's zone m1 > m2 ≈ 30 m. The initial mass of the gas in Jupiter's zone is estimated. Before the beginning of the rapid accretion about 90% of the gas should have been lost from the solar system, and in the planet's zone less than two Jupiter masses remain. The highest temperature of Jupiter's surface, ≈5000°K, is reached at the stage of rapid accretion, m < 100 m, when the luminosity of the planet reaches 3 × 10?3 L. This favors an effective heating of the inner parts of the accretionary disk and the dissipation of gas from the disk. The accretion of Saturn produced a temperature rise up to 2000?2400° K (at m ≈ 20?25 m) and a luminosity up to 10?4 L.  相似文献   

H.J. Melosh 《Icarus》1980,43(3):334-337
Tidal deformation of the lithosphere of a synchronously rotating planet or satellite produces stresses that may result in a distinctive tectonic pattern. The lithosphereis treated as a thin elastic shell which maintains the equilibrium shape of a tidally distorted body. Stresses develop as the equilibrium shape changes during orbital evolution. E. M. Anderson's theory of faulting is used to translate this stress pattern into a tectonic pattern of faults on the planet's surface (The Dynamics of Faulting, Oliver & Boyd, Edinburgh, 1951). On a body such as the Moon, which has receded from the Earth, an originally large tidal bulge has collapsed. The predicted tectonic pattern includes N-S striking thrust faults over an area extending roughly 30° in latitude and longitude around the sub-Earth point and its antipode. The polar regions above roughly 70° latitude exhibit normal faults striking from the near side of the Moon toward the far side. Strike slip faults, with offsets consistent with east-west compression, occur near the limbs. Stress differences are largest at the equator on the limbs, and may have reached several hundreds bars over the last few billion years of the Moon's history. The existence of such a tectonic pattern on the Moon can only be resolved by photogeologic mapping. At present, there is little evidence of this pattern; however, the crucial evidence probably lies in the poorly mapped lunar polar regions. These tectonic patterns, which could provide geologic evidence for large tidal distortions, may also be present on the Galilean satellites of Jupiter.  相似文献   

Observations of the Earth’s exosphere have unveiled an extended envelope of hydrogen reaching further than 10 Earth radii composed of atoms orbiting around the Earth. This large envelope increases significantly the opacity of the Earth to Lyman α (Lyα) photons coming from the Sun, to the point of making feasible the detection of the Earth’s transit signature from 1.35 pc if pointing with an 8 meter primary mirror space telescope through a clean line of sight (N H <?1017 cm??2), as we show. In this work, we evaluate the potential detectability of Earth analogs orbiting around nearby M-type stars by monitoring the variability of the Lyα flux variability. We show that, in spite of the interstellar, heliospheric and astrospheric absorption, the transit signature in M5 V type stars would be detectable with a dedicated Lyα flux monitor implemented in a 4–8 m class space telescope. Such monitoring programs would enable measuring the robustness of planetary atmospheres under heavy space weather conditions like those produced by M-type stars. A 2-m class telescope, such as the World Space Observatory, would suffice to detect an Earth-like planet orbiting around Proxima Centauri, if there was such a planet or nearby M5 type stars.  相似文献   

The interaction of the solar wind with non-magnetic planets has been investigated theoretically taking account of the dilution of a planet's gravity field with distance and a uniform static external pressure of the incident solar wind. This results in the termination of the ionospheric boundary at a finite distance on the nightside of the planet. Numerical results are obtained for the shape of the boundary for different values of the scale height of the ionosphere, and for ratios of static to dynamic pressure of the incident solar wind.  相似文献   

Compared with the other terrestrial planets, Mercury has anomalously low mass and high iron content. Equilibrium condensation and inhomogeneous accretional models are not compatible with these properties, unless the solar nebula's thermal structure and history meet stringent conditions. Also, such models predict a composition which does not allow a presently molten core. It appears that most of the solid matter which originally condensed in Mercury's zone has been removed. The planet's composition may be explained if the removal process was only slightly more effective for silicates than for iron. It is proposed that planetesimal orbits in the inner solar nebula decayed because of gas drag. This process is a natural consequence of the non-Keplerian rotation of a centrally condensed nebula. A simple quantitative model shows good agreement with the observed mass distribution of the terrestrial planets. The rate of orbital decay is slower for larger and/or denser bodies, because of their smaller area-to-mass ratios. With plausible assumptions as to planetesimal sizes and compositions, this process can produce fractionation of the sense required to produce an iron-rich planet. Cosmogonical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

With several detections, the technique of gravitational microlensing has proven useful for studying planets that orbit stars at Galactic distances, and it can even be applied to detect planets in neighbouring galaxies. So far, planet detections by microlensing have been considered to result from a change in the bending of light and the resulting magnification caused by a planet around the foreground lens star. However, in complete analogy to the annual parallax effect caused by the revolution of the Earth around the Sun, the motion of the source star around the common barycentre with an orbiting planet can also lead to observable deviations in microlensing light curves that can provide evidence for the unseen companion. We discuss this effect in some detail and study the prospects of microlensing observations for revealing planets through this alternative detection channel. Given that small distances between lens and source star are favoured, and that the effect becomes nearly independent of the source distance, planets would remain detectable even if their host star is located outside the Milky Way with a sufficiently good photometry (exceeding present-day technology) being possible. From synthetic light curves arising from a Monte Carlo simulation, we find that the chances for such detections are not overwhelming and appear practically limited to the most massive planets (at least with current observational set-ups), but they are large enough for leaving the possibility that one or the other signal has already been observed. However, it may remain undetermined whether the planet actually orbits the source star or rather the lens star, which leaves us with an ambiguity not only with respect to its location, but also to its properties.  相似文献   

During the last decade there was a change in paradigm, which led to consider that terrestrial-type planets within liquid-water habitable zones (LW-HZ) around M stars can also be suitable places for the emergence and evolution of life. Since many dMe stars emit large amount of UV radiation during flares, in this work we analyze the UV constrains for living systems on Earth-like planets around dM stars. We apply our model of UV habitable zone (UV-HZ; Buccino, A.P., Lemarchand, G.A., Mauas, P.J.D., 2006. Icarus 183, 491–503) to the three planetary systems around dM stars (HIP 74995, HIP 109388 and HIP 113020) observed by IUE and to two M-flare stars (AD Leo and EV Lac). In particular, HIP 74995 hosts a terrestrial planet in the LW-HZ, which is the exoplanet that most resembles our own Earth. We show, in general, that during the quiescent state there would not be enough UV radiation within the LW-HZ to trigger the biogenic processes and that this energy could be provided by flares of moderate intensity, while strong flares do not necessarily rule-out the possibility of life-bearing planets.  相似文献   

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