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This paper gives in some ways a broad look at the Bioremediation Technology in the treatment of polluted groundwater. Environmentalists and Hydrologeologists around the world, especially in the developed countries welcomed this revolutionizing technique at a moment when other methods were becoming rather expensive and sources of secondary and more challenging pollution problems across sole fresh groundwater. Bioremediation of contaminated groundwater is based on the use of bacteria which breakdown organic matters to more stable forms, which will not create nuisance or give off foul odors. The Applicability of this technology at a specific site lies in the understanding of the site's hydrogeologic, physiochemical backgrounds and the knowledge of the properties of the designated bacteria colonies, which would likely stabilize the contaminants. These are key points, which determine the success of the all process. Only, by complying with all those measures, Bioremediation can meet all the expectations.  相似文献   

山东省海岸带地区地下水有机污染特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
山东沿海地区是山东省经济发展水平较高的地区,近些年来随着经济发展,工业化和城镇化不断提高,地下水有机污染日趋严重。该文依据研究区内采集的1367组地下水有机污染测试样品数据,对研究区内地下水有机物检出情况、主要污染因子、分布特征及污染物来源途径等进行了系统分析。分析结果表明,山东省海岸带地区地下水有机污染明显,有机物检出率达39.3%,其中松散岩类孔隙地下水检出率最高,达49.3%;从区域分布看,黄河三角洲地区、寿光蔬菜种植区、弥河冲洪积扇顶部及小清河下游(东营段)化工密集区有机污染呈现面状分布。其中黄河三角洲地区胜利油田散落油污使这一区域地下水有机污染分布最为普遍,寿光地区深层孔隙水受到一定污染,主要由农药污染及地下水超量开采引起。有机污染分布与人类活动高度相关,主要来源于人类活动。  相似文献   

地下水是重要的水资源,地下水的有机污染已引起了包括中国在内的许多国家的重视。该文通过对山东省滨州市浅层地下水污染调查,在获取大量第一手资料的基础上对滨州市浅层地下水持久性有机污染特征进行了分析,对浅层地下水中有机污染物的来源、污染途径、分布规律等进行了研究。研究结果表明,滨州地区浅层地下水已遭受有机物污染,有机物检出项目较多,共有20种,主要为卤代烃类和单环芳烃类,但总体浓度均较低,仅有3种有机指标超标,主要分布在工业园区、化工厂及皮革城附近。滨州地区有机污染物的来源主要为工业厂家"三废"的不合理排放和处置,导致流经污染源附近的地表水体受到不同程度的有机污染,而这些受污染水体又通过不同方式如污灌等进入不同地段的土壤,以垂向入渗形式进入并污染到浅层地下水。典型地段和污染源附近,有机指标检出率和超标率明显高于其他区域。  相似文献   

提出了一种新的深层地下水回灌方法———SPD人工补给系统,并通过室内沙槽模拟试验,对该系统和常规的直接井回灌法作了比较。研究表明,利用该系统补给深层地下水,具有回灌水质要求低、补给速度快、补给量多、不易淤堵等特点,是深层地下水人工补给的一条有效的新途径。  相似文献   

GIS与地下水数值模型集成中面向对象法的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
GIS与专业领域模型的集成面临着许多挑战,其中之一是GIS要适合专业模型的要求。地下水模拟模型需要一个专业的GIS数据结构,同时GIS应用的快速发展,为地下水资源管理提供了辅助决策功能。本文使用面向对象的方法(Object Oriented approach),建立地下水模拟概念模型和适合于地下水可视化模拟的GIS数据结构,并研究GIS与地下水模拟模型紧密集成技术。采用面向对象的思想,将数据、模型和用户接口统一集成到同一个GIS系统中,为模型管理和分析创造了充分的灵活性。  相似文献   

South Yishu geosyncline is 50 km southeast of Changchun City of Jilin Province, where an aquifer is thick,surface runoff is abundant and it has potential to develop water resources preferably. By means of system analysis, the authors analyse the structural characteristics, I/O characteristics, function characteristics and boundary and environment characteristics of the groundwater system, so as to search for a way of optimizing water resources arrangement and enhancing water resources'bearing capacity. Based on the analysis results, the authors abstract conceptual model and mathematical model of the groundwater system. The simulation results certify and enrich the knowledge about south Yishu geosyncline.  相似文献   

地下水防污性能评价反映地下水遭受污染的可能性,可以为土地利用规划、地下水资源保护规划、地下水水质监测等提供科学依据。该文采用美国EPA地下水防污染性能评价方法(DRASTIC),对威海市主城区范围内地下水防污性能进行了评价,为政府部门合理开采利用地下水提供了科学依据,有利于地下水资源保护和城市建设协调发展。  相似文献   

Porosity (n) and Dispersivity (D) were modeled in relation to Solute Transport Time (t) in a saturated, homogeneous, isotropic, unconfined aquifer using the MOC model. It was noted that n and D have an important influence on solute transport time t in groundwater, with a consistently strong and direct relationship between n, D, and t. In the case of porosity, the relationship was found to be directly related to t when other aquifer properties remained unchanged. This was also mathematically argued using a form of the flow equation put forward by Henry Darcy (1856). Dispersivity on the other hand had somehow the same relationship with solute transport time t as porosity, but with much less effect. That is, higher dispersions lead to longer solute transport time within the aquifer system. This was because as the individual solute particles set off from the average seepage velocity, they traversed through longer distances due to tortuosity, mechanical mixing, diffusion, and microscopic heterogeneity latent in the porous media. Also when n and D were co- treated over t, n was noted to be dominant over D with regard t. This follows that the effect of porosity on solute transport time far out shadowed that of dispersivity. Stated in other words, the dispersivity of a substance in any porous medium is to a large extent a function of the porosity of that medium.  相似文献   

South Yishu geosyncline is 50 km southeast of Changchun City of Jilin Province, where an aquifer is thick,surface runoff is abundant and it has potential to develop water resources preferably. By means of system analysis, the authors analyse the structural characteristics, I/O characteristics, function characteristics and boundary and environment characteristics of the groundwater system, so as to search for a way of optimizing water resources arrangement and enhancing water resources‘bearing capacity. Based on the analysis results, the authors abstract conceptual model and mathematical model of the groundwater system. The simulation results certify and enrich the knowledge about south Yishu geosyncline.  相似文献   

通过分析昌邑-新河测段1991~2019年LCR-G型与CG-5型相对重力仪的相对重力观测数据和测点附近水文资料发现:1)2009~2018年相对重力观测值持续增大的主要原因为昌邑市地下水位下降,水位降低的最大影响可达132 μGal;2)2014-05~2016-03相对重力累计下降72 μGal,并在2016-03~2018-05快速回升,这一现象是否与动力学原因有关尚不明确。  相似文献   

延安城市供水二期工程水源地选区方略   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过对延安市城区及临近地区水资源与水文地质条件分析,排除了就近在这些地区再新建水源地的可能性,接着从延安市所辖县区范围内的水文地质条件出发,在原有1∶20万水文地质普查资料的基础上,确定了未来供水含水层选用白垩系洛河组潜水、承压水及第四系潜水。在分析比较区内的白垩系、第四系富水地段之后,概略计算了这些地段的地下水补给量,并从中选出3个富水地段,拟在此3个富水地段开展水文地质详查工作,作为寻找地下水源的重点工作区。  相似文献   

邹平市北部平原区孔隙水分布广泛且南北差异较大,摸清邹平市地下水资源储量,进行开采潜力分析,提出解决水资源供需矛盾和合理开发利用地下水资源的现实措施,对邹平市合理高效开发利用地下水资源具有重要意义。为推动邹平市地下水合理高效开发利用,本文利用地下水均衡原理,对区内浅层及深层孔隙水进行资源量计算,并对浅层地下水开发利用潜力进行分区。分析表明,邹平市地下水分布较为不均,存在"南超北余"不均匀分布的现状。调整开采布局的原则是以环境地质问题为约束条件,并最大限度地发挥地下水资源潜力。遵循以调控浅层地下水合理水位为中心的资源开发利用总方针,依据浅层地下水开采资源潜力和开采现状等,主要分为强化开采、稳定开采、控制开采、补源开采和半咸水改造利用5个大区。  相似文献   

1IntroductionFlow is the key mechanism by which pollutants are transmitted from one point to another in hydro-geologic systems. Groundwater flow is not indepen-dent of the geological formation within which it occurs. Hydraulic conductivity which is a measure of groundwater flow is strongly related with the am-bient geologic properties such as texture,porosity and topography. These properties do not only con-trol the rate of groundwater flow but also limit the occurrence,hence the dispersion of…  相似文献   

Flow, solute transport and pollution remediation through attenuation in unconsolidated porous media were investigated in this study. The variables used in the investigation include soil texture, porosity, topography and hydraulic conductivity. The study revealed that hydraulic conductivity is highly dependent on soil texture, porosity and topography.Hydraulic conductivity was noted to have a controlling influence on groundwater flow and residence time, and the degree of natural attenuation in hydrogeologic systems. Contaminant transport simulated with the MODFLOW Model revealed dominance of advective transport of contaminants in unconsolidated porous media. However, attenuation through sorption (linear isotherm equilibrium controlled) and reaction (first-order irreversible decay) also retarded contaminant plume migration. Thus natural attenuation was found to be highly feasible in clay formations due to low hydraulic conductivity and long groundwater residence times. Though natural attenuation processes including dispersion, diffusion, dilution, mixing, volatilization and biodegradation were not investigated for in this paper, it is shown to be a sound remediation technique of contaminated ground water due to its capacity to destroy or transform contaminants or at least retard their flow.  相似文献   

基于GIS的地下水流有限差数值模拟参数自动提取研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文根据地下水流有限差模拟有关参数的空间分布特点,将其划分为点状、线状与面状空间分布参数三种类型。利用GIS的空间分析功能,研究基于GIS的点状、线状与面状空间分布参数自动提取的技术路线。通过点、线、面三者之间空间位置关系的拓扑分析,确定地下水开采井、水位动态监测井、线状与面状水系、模拟区域边界、面状参数分布区与模型空间离散格网之间的空间位置关系。经过矢量数据与栅格数据互相转换,实现地下水流有限差数值模拟有关参数的自动提取。结合地下水流有限差分数值模拟有关参数数据文件的结构,将基于GIS提取的栅格结构数据文件自动转换成模型所需结构的数据文件,达到模型参数数据文件的自动组织与提高地下水流数值模拟的效率目的。  相似文献   

在收集利用前人研究成果的基础上,采用补给量法计算地下水资源量,开采系数法计算地下水可开采资源量,通过调查统计获得地下水开采资源量,最后得到研究区地下水的补给资源量、可开采资源量及剩余资源量,提出地下可持续开发利用建议。  相似文献   

秦鹏  罗梅 《山东国土资源》2012,28(10):29-31
通过环境地质调查及水样测试,从地层、气象、地貌、水文地质等几个角度进行了系统分析,潍北平原高氟地下水的分布、形成条件受地质、气候、地貌和水文地质的控制,大气降水在入渗过程中通过水岩作用及淋滤作用将岩石和土壤中氟元素带入地下水中,在蒸发作用下浓缩,最终形成高氟地下水。  相似文献   

浅层地下水探测是物探工作重点关注领域之一,本文从地球物理特征出发,结合工作实例,分析电阻率层析成像技术、电测深、大地电磁法、甚低频及浅层地震等方法在地下水探测中的效果,分析各方法探测中优缺点。本文从成本、效率、探测深度、地形条件等不同因素考虑,给出了不同条件下物探方法的选择。文中对不同勘探深度给出了不同的综合勘探手段组合,100m以浅优选层析成像技术、电测深、瞬变电磁法、浅层地震等方法组合,500m以深选择CSAMT法、EH法等组合。  相似文献   

稳定同位素技术是近来发展起来用于识别和评价环境有机污染物来源和降解的新方法。介绍了近年来在实验室和现场对包括含氯有机试剂、石油烃类、多氯联苯等多种有机污染物在生物和非生物降解、挥发和吸附等物理过程中的稳定同位素分馏效应研究中所取得的成果和可能存在的问题,在此基础上,对稳定同位素分馏效应在污染物环境研究中面临的困难以及应用前景进行了论述,指出未来应拓展研究污染物种类,加强环境因素对稳定同位素分馏效应影响的研究。  相似文献   

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