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Monthly observations accumulated over more than a decade at the DYFAMED time-series station allow us to estimate the temporal evolution of anthropogenic CO2 in the western Mediterranean Sea. This objective is reached by using recognized interpolation procedures to reconstruct the incomplete distributions of measured total dissolved inorganic carbon and total alkalinity. These reconstructed fields, associated with those available for dissolved oxygen and temperature, are used to estimate the distribution of anthropogenic CO2. This is done with the recently developed Tracer combining Oxygen, inorganic Carbon, and total alkalinity (TrOCA) approach. The main results indicate that (1) the concentrations of anthropogenic CO2 are much higher than those found in the Atlantic Ocean (the minimum concentration at the DYFAMED site is 50 μmol kg−1), and (2) the temporal trend for anthropogenic CO2 is decreasing, especially in the intermediate and the deep layers of the water column at the DYFAMED site. This decrease in anthropogenic CO2 is significantly correlated with a decrease in the dissolved oxygen and with an increase in both salinity and temperature. These trends are discussed in the light of recent published works that propose explanations for the observed increases in salinity and temperature that occurred in the western basin since the 1950s. We conclude that the decrease in anthropogenic CO2 probably resulted from an invasion of old water masses. Different hypotheses on the origin of these water masses are considered and several arguments indicate that the eastern Mediterranean transient (EMT) could have played an important role in the observed decrease in anthropogenic CO2 concentrations at the DYFAMED site.  相似文献   

The macrofauna present at seven of the stations within the Bay of Banyuls-sur-mer (northwestern Mediterranean) initially sampled by Guille during the late 1960s was reassessed in 1994, using the same gear and techniques as those used during the reference study. Results showed an increase both in the number of species and of individuals (all species pooled) per unit of surface area at nearly all stations. This trend was not significant for total biomass. The most important changes were linked to the increase of the polychaete Ditrupa arietina (both within the Spisula subtruncata and the Nephtys hombergii community) and the decrease of the polychaetes Scoloplos armiger and Notomastus latericeus within the Scoloplos armiger community. The possible causes underlying these changes are discussed. The most probable cause is considered to be a slight modification of sediment composition (decrease of fine material in the sediment) within the Spisula subtruncata, the Nephtys hombergii and the Scoloplos armiger communities. Temporal changes in (1) Rhone river input, (2) small coastal river inputs, and (3) frequency of easterly storms may all have contributed to such a decrease.  相似文献   

Prompted by recent data analyses suggesting that the flux of particulate organic carbon sinking into deep waters is determined by fluxes of mineral ballasts, we undertook a study of the relationships among organic matter (OM), calcium carbonate, opal, lithogenic material, and excess aluminum fluxes as part of the MedFlux project. We measured fluxes of particulate components during Spring and Summer of 2003, and Spring of 2005, using a swimmer-excluding sediment trap design capable of measuring fluxes both in a time-series (TS) mode and in a configuration for obtaining particle settling velocity (SV) profiles. On the basis of these studies, we suggest that distinct OM–ballast associations observed in particles sinking at a depth of 200 m imply that the mechanistic basis of the organic matter–ballast association is set in the upper water column above the Twilight Zone, and that the importance of different ballast types follows the seasonal succession of phytoplankton. As in other studies, carbonate appears to enhance the flux of organic matter over opal. Particles must be at least half organic matter before their settling velocity is affected by ballast concentration. This lack of change in ballast composition with SV in particles with <40% OM content suggests that particle SV reaches a maximum because of the increasing importance of inertial drag. Relative amounts of OM and opal decrease with depth due to decomposition and dissolution; carbonates and lithogenic material contribute about the same amount to total mass, or increase slightly, throughout the water column. The high proportion of excess Al cannot be explained by its incorporation into diatom opal or reverse weathering, so Al is most likely adsorbed to particulate oxides. On shorter time scales, dust appears to increase particle flux through its role in aggregation rather than by nutrient inputs enhancing productivity. We suggest that the role of dust as a catalyst in particle formation may be a central mechanism in flux formation in this region, particularly when zooplankton fecal pellet production is low.  相似文献   

Mercury speciation and its distribution in surface and deep waters of the Mediterranean Sea were studied during two oceanographic cruises on board the Italian research vessel URANIA in summer 2003 and spring 2004 as part of the Med Oceaneor and MERCYMS projects. The study included deep water profiles of dissolved gaseous Hg (DGM), reactive Hg (RHg), total Hg (THg), monomethyl Hg (MeHg) and dimethyl Hg (DMeHg) in open ocean waters. Average concentrations of measured Hg species were characterized by seasonal and spatial variations. Overall average THg concentrations ranged between 0.41 and 2.65 pM (1.32 ± 0.48 pM) and were comparable to those obtained in previous studies of the Mediterranean Sea. A significant fraction of Hg was present as “reactive” Hg (average 0.33 ± 0.32 pM). Dissolved gaseous Hg (DGM), which consists mainly of Hg0, represents a considerable proportion of THg (average 20%, 0.23 ± 0.11 pM). The portion of DGM typically increased towards the bottom, especially in areas with strong tectonic activity (Alboran Sea, Strait of Sicily, Tyrrhenian Sea), indicating its geotectonic origin. No dimethyl Hg was found in surface waters down to the depth of 40 m. Below this depth, its average concentration was 2.67 ± 2.9 fM. Dissolved fractions of total Hg and MeHg were measured in filtered water samples and were 0.68 ± 0.43 pM and 0.29 ± 0.17 pM for THg and MeHg respectively. The fraction of Hg as MeHg was in average 43%, which is relatively high compared to other ocean environments. The concentrations reported in this study are among the lowest found in marine environments and the quality of analytical methods are of key importance. Speciation of Hg in sea water is of crucial importance as THg concentrations alone do not give adequate data for understanding Hg sources and cycling in marine environments. For example, photoinduced transformations are important for the presence of reactive and elemental mercury in the surface layers, biologically mediated reactions are important for the production/degradation of MeHg and DGM in the photic zones of the water column, and the data for DGM in deep sea indicate the natural sources of Hg in geotectonicaly active areas of the Mediterranean Sea.  相似文献   

渤海主要渔业资源结构的演变分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对现有资料的系统分析,简化了渤海生态系统食物网,并剖析了近50年来渤海主要渔业资源结构的变化特征,这对进一步阐明渤海生态系统动力学的变化特征以及研究渔业资源衰退的原因有重要的科学意义。研究表明,渤海主要鱼类可聚为4类:游泳动物食性鱼类、底栖动物食性鱼类、浮游动物食性鱼类和腐屑食性鱼类,在此基础上渤海生态系统食物网可简化为3条食物链:浮游植物→浮游动物→浮游动物食性鱼类→游泳动物食性鱼类(第一条食物链);浮游植物和碎屑→底栖动物→底栖动物食性鱼类和头足类→游泳动物食性鱼类(第二条食物链);碎屑→腐屑食性鱼类(第三条食物链)。20世纪50年代末以来,第一条食物链渔业资源已取代第二条食物链渔业资源成为最主要的渔业资源,第三条食物链渔业资源生物量百分比呈上升趋势,近年来已成为继第一条食物链渔业资源的第二大类渔业资源。渔业捕捞、渤海次级生产力结构的变化以及各渔业资源生物自身生长和繁殖特点的不同是导致渤海主要渔业资源结构变化的重要因素。  相似文献   

Macrofauna Communities in the Eastern Mediterranean Deep Sea   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract. During two expeditions with RV ‘Meteor’ in summer 1993 and winter 1997/98 the structural and functional diversity of the benthic system of the highly oligotrophic eastern Mediterranean deep sea was investigated. The macrofauna communities were dominated by polychaetes even at the deepest stations. The fauna at shallow stations was dominated by surface deposit feeders, whereas subsurface deposit feeders and predators generally increased with depth. A high percentage of suspension‐feeding Porifera was found in the Levantine Basin. Mean abundance and number of taxa of both expeditions were significantly correlated to depth and distance to the nearest coast as well as to the total organic carbon (TOC) content in sediments. Numbers of taxa and abundance decreased generally with depth, although lowest numbers were not found at the deepest stations but in the extremely oligotrophic Levantine and Ierapetra Basin. Biomass measured during the second cruise was extremely low in the Ierapetra Basin and comparable to other extreme oligotrophic seas. The significant correlations found for TOC contents and macrofauna with distance to coast during both expeditions apparently reflect the role of hydrographically governed transport of organic matter produced in coastal regions into greater and extreme depths of the Mediterranean Sea. Seasonal differences in macrofauna communities due to seasonal differences in food supply were not found. However, recent large‐scale hydrographic changes (Eastern Mediterranean Transient, EMT) might change the oligotrophy and, thus, the structure of the benthic communities in the Eastern Mediterranean deep sea.  相似文献   

We examined metal (Al, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Ni, Cu, Zn, Cd and Pb) and particulate organic carbon (OC) concentrations of the marine vertical export flux at the DYFAMED time-series station in the Northwestern Mediterranean Sea. We present here the first data set of natural and anthropogenic metals from sediment trap moorings deployed at 1000 m-depth between 2003 and 2007 at the DYFAMED site. A highly significant correlation was observed between most metal concentrations, whatever the nature and emission source of the metal. Cu, Zn and Cd exhibit different behaviors, presumably due to their high solubility and complexation with organic ligands. The observed difference of atmospheric and marine fluxes in terms of temporal variability and elemental concentration suggests that dense water convection and primary production and not atmospheric deposition control the marine vertical export flux. This argument is strengthened by the fact that significant Saharan dust events did not result in concomitant marine vertical export fluxes nor did they generate significant changes in metal concentrations of trapped particles.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper was to study the community structure, in terms of species composition, abundance and spatial distribution, of fish larvae in a wide coastal area of Sicily facing the Southeastern Tyrrhenian Sea, extending for 2300 km2 from Cape Cefalù to the west, to Cape Rasocolmo in the east. This study analyses how species are assembled in relation to an inshore–offshore gradient and also how environmental conditions, determined by surface circulation patterns occurring in the Central Mediterranean at the local scale, determine the distribution patterns. Samples from 39 stations were collected using a 60‐cm Bongo net during an ichthyoplanktonic survey carried out in June 2006. In all, 62 taxa, representing 32 families, were identified. Cyclothone braueri (59.6%), Engraulis encrasicolus (9.2%) Lampanyctus crocodilus (4.3%) and Lampanyctus pusillus (4.1%) were the most abundant species. The results showed that the highest abundance value (14830.6 fish larvae per 10 m2 sea surface) was observed in the western part of the study area. MDS, SIMPER and CCA analyses revealed well defined groups of stations and assemblages of larvae in accordance with an inshore–offshore gradient. The results of this study could have implications for the management of marine resources because the investigated area has already been identified as a nursery area for many pelagic and coastal fishes and a natural habitat for many species of high commercial interest.  相似文献   

Benthic mucilaginous aggregates are frequently formed in various parts of the Mediterranean basin, as in the Tyrrhenian and Adriatic Seas. Notwithstanding their wide spatial distribution, the role played by these aggregates in the biogeochemical cycling of organic matter is still largely unknown.The characteristics of the benthic aggregates examined in the present study showed that they are different from other mucilaginous aggregates, such as the “pelagic” ones that can form in the same areas in the water column and subsequently sediment to the seafloor. The aggregates are usually formed of structures of the filamentous macroalgae Acinetospora crinita, Chrysonephos lewisii and Nematochrysopsis marina. The elemental composition of the aggregates showed a marine macrophyte origin on the basis of the bulk organic matter content of the aggregates. Carbohydrates and proteins account for 26.6 to 55.9% of the organic carbon in the mucilage, respectively. Monosaccharide composition of exopolysaccharides in the mucilage aggregates revealed a characteristic pattern, with galactose, xylose or mannose and fucose as the major components. The relatively high content of deoxysugars is another distinctive feature. The abundant sulphate and uronic groups present in the polysaccharides in addition to their macromolecular dimensions and elongation contribute to inter-chain aggregation. Electron microscopic observations suggest that the polysaccharide fraction is the main macromolecular component in the formation of the persistent gel network in the aggregates.  相似文献   

The behavior of the Mediterranean ecosystem in response to realistic riverine inputs and dissolved matter exchange is investigated. The strategy is to evaluate the stability of the ecosystem subjected to various atmospheric inputs.  相似文献   

An ensemble of 250 model setups covering the Mediterranean Sea is built by perturbing various parameters: the bathymetry, the initial conditions, atmospheric forcing fields (air temperature, cloud coverage, wind), and internal model parameters (diffusion coefficients). The ensemble is then forwarded in time using the GHER hydrodynamic model, allowing to obtain information about the expected error associated with the forecast in a natural way. The evolution of this error is analyzed. In particular, we examine the time evolution and stationarity of its spatial average, and the spatial distribution of the error at different instants, by means of its first to fourth order moments, and of empirical orthogonal functions. We verify whether the a posteriori error distribution is Gaussian using the Anderson-Darling test. From these results, we are able to assess what parameters and forcing fields are most critical for the forecast. Qualitative conclusions are obtained throughout the text, in accordance with our expectations. Moreover, quantitative estimations of the expected error are also given.  相似文献   

Disequilibrium between 234Th and 238U in water column profiles has been used to estimate the settling flux of Th (and, by proxy, of particulate organic carbon); yet potentially major non-steady-state influences on 234Th profiles are often not able to be considered in estimations of flux. We have compared temporal series of 234Th distributions in the upper water column at both coastal and deep-water sites in the northwestern Mediterranean Sea to coeval sediment trap records at the same sites. We have used sediment trap records of 234Th fluxes to predict temporal changes in water column 234Th deficits and have compared the predicted deficits to those measured to determine whether the time-evolution of the two coincide. At the coastal site (327 m water depth), trends in the two estimates of water column 234Th deficits are in fairly close agreement over the 1-month deployment during the spring bloom in 1999. In contrast, the pattern of water column 234Th deficits is poorly predicted by sediment trap records at the deep-water site (DYFAMED, 2300 m water depth) in both 2003 and 2005. In particular, the transition from a mesotrophic to an oligotrophic system, clearly seen in trap fluxes, is not evident in water column 234Th profiles, which show high-frequency variability. Allowing trapping efficiencies to vary from 100% does not reconcile the differences between trap and water column deficit observations; we conclude that substantial lateral and vertical advective influences must be invoked to account for the differences.Advective influences are potentially greater on 234Th fluxes derived from water column deficits relative to those obtained from traps because the calculation of deficits in open-ocean settings is dominated by the magnitude of the “dissolved” 234Th fraction. For observed current velocities of 5–20 cm s−1, in one radioactive mean-life of 234Th, the water column at the DYFAMED site can reflect 234Th scavenging produced tens to hundreds of kilometers away. In contrast, most of the 234Th flux collected in shallow sediment traps at the DFYFAMED site was in the fraction settling >200 m d−1; in effect the sediment trap can integrate the 234Th flux over distances 40-fold less than water column 234Th distributions. In some sense, sediment trap and water column sampling for 234Th provide complementary pictures of 234Th export. However, because the two methods can be dominated by different processes and are subject to different biases, their comparison must be treated with caution.  相似文献   

In the Mediterranean Sea the carbon chemistry is poorly known. However, the impact of the regional and large-scale anthropogenic pressures on this fragile environment rapidly modifies the distribution of the carbonate system key properties like CT (total dissolved inorganic carbon), AT (total alkalinity), CANT (anthropogenic CO2), and pH. This leads inexorably to the acidification of its waters. In order to improve our knowledge, we first develop interpolation procedures to estimate CT and AT from oxygen, salinity, and temperature data using all available data from the EU/MEDAR/MEDATLAS II database. The acceptable levels of precision obtained for these estimates (6.11 ??mol-kg−1 for CT and 6.08 ??mol kg−1 for AT) allow us to draw the distribution of CANT (with an uncertainty of 6.75 ??mol kg−1) using the Tracer combining Oxygen, inorganic Carbon, and total Alkalinity (TrOCA) approach. The results indicate that: 1) all Mediterranean water bodies are contaminated by anthropogenic carbon; 2) the lowest concentration of CANT is 37.5 ??mol kg−1; and 3) the western basin is more contaminated than the Eastern basin. After reconstructing the distribution of key properties (CT, AT, CANT) for four periods of time (between 1986 and 2001) along a west-east section throughout the whole Mediterranean Sea, we analyze the impact of the Eastern Mediterranean Transient (EMT). Not only has the concentration of CANT increased (especially in the intermediate and the bottom layers of the eastern basin, during and after the EMT), but also the distribution of all properties has been considerably perturbed. This is discussed in detail. For the first time, the level of acidification is estimated for the Mediterranean Sea. Our results indicate that for the year 2001 all waters (even the deepest) have been acidified by values ranging from −0.14 to −0.05 pH unit since the beginning of the industrial era, which is clearly higher than elsewhere in the open ocean. Given that the pH of seawater may affect a very large number of chemical and biological processes, our results stress the necessity to develop new programs of research to understand and then predict the evolution of the carbonate system properties in the Mediterranean Sea.  相似文献   

High-resolution multichannel seismic data enables the discovery of a previous, undocumented submarine canyon(Huaguang Canyon) in the Qiongdongnan Basin, northwestern South China Sea. The Huaguang Canyon with a NW orientation is 140 km in length, and 2.5 km to 5 km in width in its upper reach and 4.6 km to 9.5 km in width in its lower reach. The head of the Huaguang Canyon is close to the Xisha carbonate platform and its tail is adjacent to the Central Canyon. This buried submarine canyon is formed by gravity flows from the Xisha carbonate platform when the sea level dropped in the early stage of the late Miocene(around 10.5 Ma). The internal architecture of the Huaguang Canyon is mainly characterized by high amplitude reflections, indicating that this ancient submarine canyon was filled with coarse-grained sediments. The sediment was principally scourced from the Xisha carbonate platform. In contrast to other buried large-scale submarine canyons(Central Canyon and Zhongjian Canyon) in the Qiongdongnan Basin, the Huaguang Canyon displays later formation time,smaller width and length, and single sediment supply. The coarse-grained deposits within the Huaguang Canyon provide a good environment for reserving oil and gas, and the muddy fillings in the Huaguang Canyon have been identified as regional caps. Therefore, the Huaguang Canyon is a potential area for future hydrocarbon exploration in the northwestern South China Sea. The result of this paper may contribute to a better understanding of the evolution of submarine canyons formed in carbonate environment.  相似文献   

The changes in the phytoplankton absorption properties during a diurnal cycle were investigated at one station located in the north-western area of the Alborán Sea. The experiment was performed in spring when the water column was strongly stratified. This hydrological situation permitted the establishment of a deep chlorophyll a (chl a) fluorescence maximum (DFM) which was located on average close to the lower limit of the mixed layer and the nutricline. The relative abundance of pico-phytoplankton (estimated as its contribution to the total chl a) was higher in the surface, however, micro-phytoplankton dominated the community at the DFM level. Chl a specific absorption coefficient (a*(λ)) also varied with optical depth, with a* (the spectrally average specific absorption coefficient) decreasing by 30% at the DFM depth with respect to the surface. A significant negative correlation between the contribution of the micro-phytoplankton to the total chl a and a* was obtained indicating that a* reduction was due to changes in the packaging effect. Below the euphotic layer, a* increased three-fold with respect to the DFM, which agrees with the expected accumulation of accessory pigments relative to chl a as an acclimation response to the low available irradiance. The most conspicuous change during the diurnal cycle was produced in the euphotic layer where the chl a concentration decreased significantly in the afternoon (from a mean concentration of 1.1 μg L−1 to 0.7 μg L−1) and increased at dusk when it averaged 1.4 μg L−1. In addition, a* and the blue-to-red absorption band ratio increased in the afternoon. These results suggest that a*(λ) diurnal variability was due to increase in photo-protective and accessory pigments relative to chl a. The variation ranges of a*(λ) at 675 and 440 nm (the absorption peaks in the red and blue spectral bands, respectively) in the euphotic layer were 0.01–0.04 and 0.02–0.10 m2 mg−1 chl a, respectively. Approximately 30% out of this variability can be attributed to the diurnal cycle. This factor should therefore be taken into account in refining primary production models based on phytoplankton light absorption.  相似文献   

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