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The global extraction of minerals is commonly located in areas populated by indigenous people; and while conflicts between multinational corporations and local activists and indigenous people are widespread today, the understanding of their dynamics are lacking. The Swedish government’s encouragement to an expanding mining industry has caused resistance due to environmental and social implications, particularly its effect on Sámi reindeer husbandry. The resistance to a mine in Gállok is based on the belief that the right to decide about land use historically falls on the Sámi people, and the right to affect land use is detrimental for the survival of Sámi culture and reindeer husbandry. Although the conflict may be perceived as concerning access to natural resources, we argue that the perceived environmental conflict can be viewed as part of a larger struggle over social status and recognition. Data have been collected using qualitative methods such as observations, interviews and documents. The subsequent analysis relies on a meta-theoretical framework of justice as recognition using a typology of relations of power. Our findings suggest that relations of power constitute different categories of social actors. Stakeholders like the Sámi population are subordinated to more dominant stakeholders such as the government, the company and media, who have ‘more’ power or ‘different’ kinds of power ‘over’ others. Through these asymmetric power relations, historical state-Sámi relations are continuously reproduced within prevailing institutions, and also in this mining conflict. Interviewees from business and the municipality testified to the discourses driven by a neoliberal and profit-focused worldview. Challenging the neoliberal discourse, other stakeholders, namely civil society and Sámi, expressed an alternative discourse based on a local, traditional, cultural, environmental and anti-neoliberal worldview.  相似文献   

A series of thermal-structural-gneiss domes (briefly TSG domes) are developed in the Chinese Altaides. Sericite-chlorite zone, biotite zone, garnet zone, staurolite zone, kyanite (andalusite)zone, sillimanite- cordierite (sillimanite-garnet)zone, migmatite zone and migmatic granite- gneiss field are developed from the low-grade metamorphic area to the centre of the TSG domes. The succession of the formation and evolution of the progressive metamorphic zone, migmatite zone and migmatic granite-gneiss corresponds to the spatial sequence from the outer part to the centre of the TSG domes. The peak temperature of the metamorphism and granitization increases progressively from 400℃ to 800℃ while the pressure decreases progressively from 1.05 GPa to 0.10 GPa from the biotite zone to the migmatic granite-gneiss field. The metamorphism of the erogenic belt may be described by the pressure-temperature-space-time model (PTst). In the main episode of orogeny, the deep heat flow and structural flow upsurged along  相似文献   

Understandings of community in urban–rural fringe locations in Ireland are explored in this paper. As a specific space at the interface between the urban and the rural the fringe incorporates processes of rapid physical, social, and demographic change. These give rise to a range of complex and often competing dynamics, that impact on people and place in a variety of ways. Among the main preoccupations and concerns in these rapidly evolving fringe locations are those relating to what can broadly be described as ‘quality of life’. How this concept is understood across different groups situated within the spatial setting of the fringe, and how it influences the development of a sustainable community there, are central to this discussion. Drawing on household interviews from four case-study locations surrounding Galway City, Ireland, this paper examines how quality of life is experienced across a range of social and spatial dimensions that relate to these locations, and the extent to which they provide a common set of interests around which community may be built. From a wider knowledge perspective, it contributes to debates about how the concept of community provides explanatory power regarding the way in which individuals are associated with one another on the basis of a set of shared interests or concerns within a particular spatial setting.  相似文献   

Mafic enclaves in the 1991–1995 dacite of Unzen volcano show chemical and textural variability, such as bulk SiO2 contents ranging from 52 to 62 wt% and fine- to coarse-grained microlite textures. In this paper, we investigated the mineral chemistry of plagioclase and hornblende microlites and distinguished three enclave types. Type-I mafic enclaves contain high-Mg plagioclase and low-Cl hornblende as microlites, whereas type-III enclaves include low-Mg plagioclase and high-Cl hornblende. Type-II enclaves have an intermediate mineral chemistry. Type-I mafic enclaves tend to show a finer-grained matrix, have slightly higher bulk rock SiO2 contents (56–60 wt%) when compared with the type-III mafic enclaves (SiO2?=?53–59 wt%), but the overall bulk enclave compositions are within the trend of the basalt–dacite eruptive products of Quaternary monogenetic volcanoes around Unzen volcano. The origin of the variation of mineral chemistry in mafic enclaves is interpreted to reflect different degree of diffusion-controlled re-equilibration of minerals in a low-temperature mushy dacitic magma reservoir. Mafic enclaves with a long residence time in the dacitic magma reservoir, whose constituent minerals were annealed at low-temperature to be in equililbrium with the rhyolitic melt, represent type-III enclaves. In contrast, type-I mafic enclaves result from recent mafic injections with a mineral assemblage that still retains the high-temperature mineral chemistry. Taking temperature, Ca/(Ca?+?Na) ratio of plagioclase, and water activity of the hydrous Unzen magma into account, the Mg contents of plagioclase indicate that plagioclase microlites in type-III enclaves initially crystallized at high temperature and were subsequently re-equilibrated at low-temperature conditions. Compositional profiles of Mg in plagioclase suggest that older mafic enclaves (Type-III) had a residence time of ~100 years at 800 °C in a stagnant magma reservoir before their incorporation into the mixed dacite of the 1991–1995 Unzen eruption. Presence of different types of mafic enclaves suggests that the 1991–1995 dacite of Unzen volcano tapped mushy magma reservoir intermittently replenished by high-temperature mafic magmas.  相似文献   

This paper reports the results of the first comprehensive petrological study of mafic enclaves widespread in the products of recent (2006–2012) eruptions of Bezymianny Volcano, Kamchatka. Four types of mafic enclaves were distinguished on the basis of the composition and morphology of minerals, P–T conditions of formation of mineral assemblages, and structural and textural characteristics of the rocks. Disequilibrium assemblages of mafic enclaves indicate a complex structure of the magmatic plumbing system of the volcano, including a shallow chamber with andesite–basaltic andesite magmas and a deep reservoir filled in part with plagioclase–hornblende cumulates and fed by basic magmas with mantle harzburgite xenoliths. The mafic enclaves were formed at different levels of the magmatic plumbing system of the volcano and correspond to different degrees of mixing of interacting magmas. The most abundant enclaves were formed during magma ascent from the deep reservoir (960–1040°C, 5–9 kbar) into the shallow andesitic chamber (940–980°C). Enclaves of plagioclase–hornblende cumulates from the basic magmas feeding the deep reservoir (T > 1090°C and P > 9 kbar) are much less common.  相似文献   

Thea Dukes 《GeoJournal》2008,72(1-2):105-119
The European Community Initiative URBAN, explored in this article for seven countries in general and for two individual cities in the Netherlands in more detail, is a micro example of the ongoing struggle between European and national policy actors who contest each others’ authority. The programme, aimed at solving social-economic problems in deprived neighbourhoods in European cities, has acted as a catalyst for new forms of cooperation.Whether it has directly contributed to Europeanization at the local level seems questionable, but it has certainly helped some city administrations to enter the European stage. Whereas European urban policy discourse could not be found at the Dutch urban level in the mid 1990s, the discourse has become dispersed and is now increasingly used.  相似文献   

The focus of this study is to determine the concentrations and the distributions of elements of prime environmental concern (As, Cd, Cr, Cu Hg, Mo, Ni, Pb, Se and V) and other elements of environmental interest (B, Ba, Be, Co, Mn, U) in milled coals, power plant ashes, and stack-emitted materials from a Western Canadian power plant using bituminous coal. The concentrations of elements were determined using neutron activation analysis (NAA), Inductively Coupled Plasma Emission Spectroscopy (ICPES), and Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass spectroscopy (ICP-MS) for most elements, Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption (GFAA) for Pb, and Cold Vapor Atomic Absorption (CVAA) for Hg. The result of the study shows that the total rate of input is 423.5 kg/d for elements of prime environmental concern and 280 kg/d for elements of environmental interest. The concentrations of most elements in milled coal are low as compared to world coals and other Canadian milled coals. The total output of these two groups of elements is 2.9 kg/d and 110.4 kg/d, respectively. This indicates that only a small amount of the total input elements from the milled coal is emitted. Most of it is captured by the bottom and ESP ashes with the exception of the highly volatile As Hg, F, Br, and Cl. The element with highest rate of emission for elements of prime environmental concern is Se (0.73 kg/d) and B (95 kg/d) for the elements of some environmental interest.  相似文献   

New Sr and Nd isotopic data are presented for several large feldspar crystals occurring in microgranular enclaves in the Swifts Creek and Bridle Track plutons, along with analyses of their host enclave groundmass and adjacent granitoid. In the Swifts Creek Pluton several previous studies have concluded that the microgranular enclaves represent admixed, more mafic and more primitive magmas, and new data presented here confirm that. Feldspar megacrysts in the microgranular enclaves have Sr and Nd isotopic signatures that are distinct from the surrounding enclave groundmass and from other enclaves in the pluton and therefore cannot have crystallised in situ. Isotopic compositions of these feldspars are more consistent with their having crystallised in a reservoir similar in composition to the most primitive granitoid analyses. The crystals were then physically transferred from the granitoid magma into the enclave while the latter was still partially liquid, thus invalidating arguments for a porphyroblastic origin. Field, petrographic and geochemical data are consistent with microgranular enclaves in the Bridle Track pluton also originating as admixed, more mafic magmas. However, Sr isotopic compositions of the enclaves are identical, within error, to the host granite and indicate that significant Sr isotopic equilibration has occurred. Nd isotopic compositions of the enclaves extend to slightly higher 143Nd/144Nd(i) and are consistent with a mingled magma origin followed by major isotopic equilibration. Feldspar phenocrysts in the studied enclave have isotopic compositions indistinguishable from both the enclave groundmass and host granite, preventing an interpretation of their origin using isotopic evidence alone.  相似文献   

This article discusses the ways in which community protocols might challenge the dominant discourses that guide environmental law and policy at the local, national and international levels and makes suggestions about the conditions that need to be fulfilled if such a challenge is to be effective. Community protocols have attracted the attention of many scholars as they are recognised in the Convention on Biological Diversity’s Nagoya Protocol. They are argued to hold the potential to achieve fair and equitable benefit-sharing by allowing local community voices to express their customary law, worldviews, and ideas of benefit and development among other things. While much of the existing literature discusses community protocols as legal tools, they are also tools that may challenge the dominant discourses argued to guide environmental law and policy. The article takes up this question on the basis of findings from five original case studies. It is argued that community protocols may challenge dominant discourses by: facilitating and articulating the recognition of local communities and indigenous peoples; providing a source for understanding their worldviews; and by empowering them in the long term. In order to achieve these outcomes, community protocol must be understood as processes and pay attention to legal and political contexts, how communities organise, the role of supporting actors, and the articulation of benefits.  相似文献   

Marco Antonsich 《GeoJournal》2000,52(2):325-338
The aim of the present paper is to compare two different patterns of urban iconographies in Ethiopia during 1930s: the one of the Amhara – the traditionally Ethiopian dominant ethnic group – and the one of the Italian fascism. The paper gives an historical account of the structure of the Amhara settlements, focusing on the ways the power of their politico-military chiefs, being they the Negus or the Ras, shaped the spatial order of these settlements. When the Italians conquered military Ethiopia in 1936, they started re-shaping this spatial order, erasing the signs of the previous power and imposing their new iconographic apparatus. This was mainly done through urban planning which was devised to `write' the Fascist concepts of progress, order, hierarchy, and racial segregation on the territory. Owing to the short duration of the occupation, the poor material conditions of the colony and the lack of financial resources, such town-planning projects turned out to be just a political rhetoric exercise.  相似文献   

According to the forecasts of the World Health Organization, 70% of the world’s population will have lived in large and small cities by 2050. This means that more than two-thirds of the planet’s population will become a part of new natural-technical formation, that is, geobiotechnoecosystems. Such ecosystems are characterized by profound changes in natural properties during active human impacts and by acquiring new qualities. The changes manifest themselves in all ecological functions of the terrestrial spheres: the atmosphere, the hydrosphere, and the lithosphere, including a change in the geophysical (energetic) potential as well. The presented material can be considered as a basis for the formation of Geophysical Urban Ecology, which is a new scientific and practical field.  相似文献   

Postoyev  G. P.  Kazeev  A. I.  Kuchukov  M. M. 《Doklady Earth Sciences》2023,507(1):S216-S224
Doklady Earth Sciences - The stresses at the points of the ground mass are determined and distributed according to the Coulomb–Mohr law in the main stresses, under compression conditions. The...  相似文献   

Despite the increasing urbanization of the Aboriginal population in Canada over the past 50 years, most municipalities have not developed services and programs designed to meet their unique social and cultural needs. Faced with numerous health and social problems, the Aboriginal population is mainly forced to rely on the non-Aboriginal social services sector. However, little is known about the extent to which such sectors seek to accommodate Aboriginal populations in their programming. We examine the extent to which the recovery system makes space for Aboriginal healing through the provision of culturally-appropriate services and programming. Through the use of 24 in-depth interviews with staff members at seven treatment facilities in Winnipeg (Canada), we find an entrenched reluctance, indifference and lack of desire to create Aboriginal spaces of healing in treatment, save for one facility where Aboriginal healing spaces serve as a focal point of treatment. We discuss the implications in terms of the effectiveness of the non-Aboriginal recovery system (along with other social services) in meeting the needs of Canada’s urban Aboriginal population.  相似文献   

Eclogite, one of the important lithologies in the main hole of the Chinese Continental Scientific Drilling (CCSD) Project, exists above the depth of 3 245 m and has distinctive responses of gamma-ray, compensating density and neutron well-logging, and so on. In this study, according to the diversities of minerals and chemical components and well-logging responses, eclogites are classified from three aspects of origin, content of oxygen, and sub-mineral. We studied the logging identification method for eclogite sub-classes based on multi-element statistics and reconstructed 11 kinds of eclogite. As a result, eclogites can be divided into 6 types using well logs. In the light of this recognition, the eclogite in the main hole is divided into 20 sections, and the distribution characters of all sub-classes of eclogite are analyzed, which will provide important data for geological research of CCSD.  相似文献   

C. Gdaniec 《GeoJournal》2000,50(4):379-387
In a former industrial part of Barcelona, as in the de-industrialising neighbourhoods of many big cities, the ‘new’ economy and the ‘cultural’ economy have started to replace the ‘old’ economy, bringing new life into a declining district but also causing conflicts of land use, housing or the preservation of architectural heritage. The latter is an important part of regeneration and marketing policies of city governments, whereby the ‘new’ economy not only emerges from the old but the physical space of the old industrial quarter becomes the tool and setting in which the city can re-present itself and its success story of transformation and regeneration. Through the increasing use of information and communication technologies, which are at the same time driving this transformation - an industry as such as well as business-aid in various sectors, cultural industries in particular - the city has acquired a second, virtual presence. The city exists and ‘lives’ on numerous websites. Those by city government and city organisations often have the express purpose of marketing and presenting the city, while those by (cultural) businesses and other organisations in the district add to the mosaic of the virtual city. As a result, the old industrial space continues to live and be productive, its economic value having changed largely into a cultural value. This coexistence of the real and the virtual, old and new, also meets with a conflict at certain junctures. There is the positive representation of plans and events on the city's websites on the one hand, and the undercurrent of protest and disenchantment among the local population who find themselves marginalised from the profits and success of development, on the other. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

With the rapid development of industrialization and urbanization in the Pearl River Delta region, organic as well as inorganic pollution is becoming a major environmental concern. Urban deposits including road dusts, corresponding gully sediments and topsoils proved to be useful tools for assessing the level and distribution of contaminants in metropolitan areas. Most of the previous studies utilizing urban deposits, however, focused on inorganic pollutants, while data on organic pollutants are rare. In this study, therefore, the organic pollutants in urban deposits of Hong Kong and Guangzhou were systematically investigated in terms of their abundance, composition and distribution. The road dusts, gully sediments and vehicular tunnel dusts as well as soils from different urban locations with variable traffic volumes (less than 1000 to more than 75000 AADT) were examined. The results indicated that vehicle-emitted particles were the major source of organic pollutants, while the contributions from background soils were very limited. Surprisingly, the soil in a remote island of Hong Kong with no vehicular traffic has also shown signs of pollution from vehicular particles likely through dry-wet atmospheric deposits. In general, the characteristics of organic pollutants in urban dusts from both cities are comparable although there were also some significant differences. For example, the amount of extractable organic matter in urban deposits of Hong Kong was significantly higher than that of Guangzhou. Differences in their extractable asphaltene contents not only reflected the differences in quality and types and fuels used in these cities, but also sample residence times, and thus different extents of weathering processes.  相似文献   

Arid and Alpine ecosystems are known for extreme environmental changes during the Late Quaternary. We hypothesize that the world's largest Alpine arid ecosystem however, the Alpine Steppes of the Tibetan highlands, remained ecologically stable during the LGM and the mid-Holocene. This hypothesis is tested by distributional range of plant species, plant life forms and rate of endemism. The set of character species has a precipitation gradient between 50 and 350 mm/a, testifying for resilience to precipitation changes. 83% of the species have a wider vertical range than 1000 m used as a proxy for resilience to temperature changes. 30% of the species are endemic with 10 endemic genera, including plate-shaped cushions as a unique plant life form. These findings are in line with palaeo-ecological proxies (δ18O, pollen) allowing the assumption that Alpine Steppes persisted during the LGM with 3 to 4 K lower summer temperatures.During the mid-Holocene, forests could have replaced Alpine Steppes in the upper catchments of the Huang He, Yangtze, Mekong, Salween and Yarlung Zhangbo, but not in the interior basins of the north-western highlands, because the basins were then flooded, suppressing forests and supporting the environmental stability of this arid Alpine grassland biome.  相似文献   

Chapman and Pollack (C and P)[2007, Int J Earth Sci] criticize Hamza et al. [2007, Int J Earth Sci] for using actual heat flux measurements in young oceanic crust instead of values from 1-D cooling models. The rationalization of C and P and previous authors is that hydrothermal circulation causes the discrepancy between model and measurement. However, the discrepancy between model values and measured heat flux exists over the entire ocean floor and is opposite to the perturbations that hydrothermal circulation would superimpose on a conductive system [Hofmeister and Criss (2005) Tectonophysics 409:199–203]. The error lies in force-fitting a 1-D cooling model to the 3-D oceanic crust [Hofmeister and Criss (2005) Tectonophysics 395:159–177]. Shortcomings of the 1-D model include mathematical errors, such as use of volumetric rather than linear thermal expansivity to describe contraction which, by assumption, is limited only to the Z -direction [Hofmeister and Criss (2006) Tectonophysics]. This 3× error, traceable to McKenzie and Sclater [1969, Bull Vocanol 33–1:101–118], accidentally provides good agreement of model values with globally averaged seafloor depths for young, but not old ages, and is the sole rationale for using the simplistic cooling model. There is no justification for selective substitution of erroneous 1-D model values for measurements only for the younger half of the 3-D oceanic crust, as stridently and arbitrarily promoted by C and P. Hamza et al. [2007, Int J Earth Sci], in contrast, use the scientific method, which calls for discarding models that do not well describe physical phenomena. The remainder of this report summarizes the shortcomings of cooling models, particularly the half-space cooling (HSC) model touted by C and P, and explains how hydrothermal circulation affects heat flux. We focus on the basics, as these have been misunderstood. With the key issues of C and P being erroneous, it is not necessary to address their remaining comments, many of which enumerate the vote for an imagined, gargantuan circulation of hot fluid through oceanic basins that is somehow warmed without removing heat from the rocks. The use of “consensus” to belittle valid challenge is the enemy of the scientific method.  相似文献   

Michael Jones 《GeoJournal》2012,77(6):765-775
The term ??indigenous peoples?? generally refers to the original inhabitants of areas of the world colonized by Europeans. Relatively few ethnic minorities in Europe have been recognized as indigenous. A consequence of globalization is that knowledge of rights gained by indigenous groups in different parts of the world has led to explicit or implicit claims for indigenous status by organized groups within some European ethnic or regional minorities. An example from the Northern Isles of Scotland is the Shetland and Orkney Udal Law group (SOUL), which includes on its website links to legal decisions supporting indigenous rights in Canada and Australia. SOUL argues for greater local autonomy regarding the use of resources. The islands were inhabited by Norse settlers from Scandinavia from the 9th century AD and came under Scottish rule in the 1460s. Certain elements of Norse law related to land tenure, in particular foreshore rights, have survived to the present as a form of customary law referred to as udal law. Udal law has been the subject of court cases in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. It has been presented as symbolizing Orkney and Shetland identity, and brought into public debates on matters of concern to Orcadians and Shetlanders. Udal law is invoked to support a claim for local control over the surrounding sea and seabed, important for fishing, salmon-farming and oil exploitation. These issues are examined in relation to definitions of indigenous peoples applied by the United Nations, International Labour Organisation, and World Bank.  相似文献   

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