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Upper mantle shear structure of North America   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Summary. The waveforms and travel times of S and SS phases in the range 10°–60° have been used to derive upper mantle shear velocity structures for two distinct tectonic provinces in North America. Data from earthquakes on the East Pacific Rise recorded at stations in western North America were used to derive a tectonic upper mantle model. Events on the north-west coast of North America and earthquakes off the coast of Greenland provided the data to investigate the upper mantle under the Canadian shield. All branches from the triplications due to velocity jumps near 400 and 660 km were observed in both areas. Using synthetic seismograms to model these observations placed tight constraints on heterogeneity in the upper mantle and on the details of its structure. SS–S travel-time differences of 30 s along with consistent differences in waveforms between the two data sets require substantial heterogeneity to at least 350 km depth. Velocities in the upper 170 km of the shield are about 10 per cent higher than in the tectonic area. At 250 km depth the shield velocities are still greater by about 4.5 per cent and they gradually merge near 400 km. Below 400 km no evidence for heterogeneity was found. The two models both have first-order discontinuities of 4.5 per cent at 405 km and 7.5 per cent at 695 km. Both models also have lids with lower velocities beneath. In the western model the lid is very thin and of relatively low velocity. In the shield the lid is 170 km thick with very high elocity (4.78 km s-1); below it the velocity decreases to about 4.65 km s-1. Aside from these features the models are relatively smooth, the major difference between them being a larger gradient in the tectonic region from 200 to 400 km.  相似文献   

Summary. Four seismic refraction profiles have been interpreted which serve to indicate the structure of the lithosphere near the Mid-Atlantic Ridge close to the Azores. An east–west profile which crosses the ridge axis yields a crustal structure. Although energy is propagated across the ridge axis within the crust the axial region marks a clear barrier to propagation within the mantle. A profile parallel to the axis (4 my isochron) shows, below a 7.6 km/s layer, a low-velocity zone underlain by an 8.3 km/s refractor 9 km below the sea bed. On profies normal to the ridge axis higher velocities, which are observed on lines shot towards the ridge, can be attributed to this refractor if it has a dip of several degrees away from the ridge. On another profile parallel to the axis (9 my isochron) a velocity of about 8.3 km/s is only found to exist much deeper at about 30 km depth. These observations are interpreted in the light of seismic refraction results recently obtained by Lewis & Snydsman and of quantitative petrological models, such as that of Bottinga & Allègre. A velocity model based on Bottinga & Allègre's model allows us to understand our results qualitatively. In particular the two 8.3 km/s refractors at 9 and 30 km depth correspond to two different residual peridotite layers. The upper layer contains 1.5–2 wt per cent water and as the lithosphere moves away from the ridge axis the temperature in this layer becomes low enough to start hydration reactions. These cause the low-velocity zone observed at 4 my and the total disappearance of the shallow level refractor before 9 my.  相似文献   

Summary. The Wiener—Hopf technique is used to obtain an exact analytical solution for the problem of H -polarization induction over the edge of a perfectly conducting thin sheet, representing an ocean, electrically connected to a perfectly conducting mantle through a slab of finite conductivity and thickness, which represents the Earths crust. It is shown that the induced currents resulting from this type of induction process are drawn up into the sea from the cust and mantle with the greatest concentration of current near the ocean edge. The surface impedance over the land surface, is calculated for various mantle depths and is shown to increase sharply as the coastline is approached. The magnetic field along the ocean floor is also plotted as a function of distance from the coastline, and the results are found to agree very well with those calculated previously by approximate and numerical methods.  相似文献   

Delineation of detailed mantle structure frequently requires the separation of source signature and structural response from seismograms recorded at teleseismic distances. This deconvolution problem can be posed in a log-spectral domain where the operation of time-domain convolution is reduced to an additive form. The introduction of multiple events recorded at many stations leads to a system of consistency equations that must be honoured by both the source time functions and the impulse responses associated with propagation paths between sources and receivers. The system is inherently singular, and stabilization is accomplished through the supply of an initial estimate of the source time function. Although alternative choices exist, an effective estimate is derived from the eigenimage associated with the largest eigenvalue in a singular-value decomposition of the suite of aligned seismograms corresponding to a given event. The relation of the deconvolution scheme to simultaneous least-squares deconvolution is examined. Application of the methodology to broadband teleseismic P waveforms recorded on the Canadian National Seismograph Network demonstrates the retrieval of effective Green's functions including secondary phases associated with upper-mantle structure.  相似文献   

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