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中国东北地区资源型城市棚户区改造与反贫困研究   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
东北地区资源型城市的贫困居民、贫困棚户区与贫困城市问题揭示的是中国当前日益突出的城市贫困现象,相关研究有助于提高地理学解决社会问题的实践能力。通过总结资源型城市沉陷安置区社区建设、居民就业、社会保障、接续产业发展等诸多问题,讨论了在棚户区的改造方式与安置位置选择、政府的贫困救助能力以及城市经济转型中,存在的不利于城市反贫困的主要障碍,并提出应通过采用灵活适用的改造模式、改善安置住房的区位条件、扩大救助贫困居民的地区援助、支持资源型城市自生能力增强等措施,促进棚户区长效改造、克服城市贫困。  相似文献   

宋伟轩  袁亚琦  谷跃  徐旳  刘春卉  汪毅 《地理研究》2021,40(4):1008-1024
中国2008年开始推进的城市棚户区改造运动,是一项针对城市住房困难群体的重要民生工程,也是有利于拉动投资与消费需求,推动新型城镇化建设的发展工程,深刻影响着城市社会空间的转型升级与分异重构.根据2008-2020年南京主城区434个棚户区改造前后的社会空间属性差异,在整体掌握南京棚户区改造时空特征的基础上,重点探讨棚户...  相似文献   

煤炭城市转型中的社会空间结构——以阜新为例   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
魏冶  张哲  修春亮 《地理科学》2011,31(7):850-857
作为煤炭工业城市,阜新市处于经济和社会发展的全面转型中,其城市社会空间结构以及演变特征与国内外通常关注的综合性中心城市的案例均有所不同。利用问卷调查方法获得第一手数据,通过因子分析得到阜新市社会空间结构的5个主因子,即贫困人口、"体制内"就业人员、(原)矿业人口、私营及个体从业者以及棚户区及老旧住宅居民等;利用改进的区位商方法结合GIS制图,展示了5个主因子的空间集聚状况;采用聚类分析方法提取出"体制内"就业人员聚集区、原矿业人口他转移地区、原矿业人口自转移地区(私营及个体从业者聚集区)、待改造棚户区、贫困人口高度集中区等5类社会区;最后根据这5类社会区的空间分布特征,抽象出了转型中阜新市社会空间结构的简化模型。探讨了阜新市社会空间结构的形成机理,认为原矿业人口的转移、铁路的分隔作用、资源开发的阶段性、资源枯竭型城市经济转型、煤炭城市特殊的生态环境问题、职业分化的体制因素等是促使阜新市独特社会空间结构形成的重要因素。  相似文献   

城市被动式动迁居民社区满意度研究为认识城市更新对低收入阶层所产生影响以及如何优化改造该类住区提供了一个新视角。通过南京郊区8个拆迁安置社区的案例研究发现,城市被动式动迁居民社区满意度评价具有6个维度的结构特征,其中满意度评价得分由低到高分别为:就业环境维度、设施配置维度、地理空间维度、自然环境维度、住房条件维度和人文社会维度,社区满意度评价整体偏低,以就业环境、设施配置及地理空间维度尤为突出,表明被迫动迁后低收入居民在就业以及城市公共设施享用等方面的情况最不理想。不同组间的居民社区满意度差异显著,时间、空间、文化程度以及工作稳定性状况是社区满意度的主要影响因素。  相似文献   

城市再生:21世纪中国城市化趋势   总被引:14,自引:3,他引:11  
城市再生是城市化深化的必然结果。20世纪50年代以来,西方城市开发概念经历了5次变化,即城市重建、城市振兴、城市更新、城市再开发和城市再生。每一概念都包含丰富的时代内涵,并具有连续性。我国大规模的城市更新改造是从新中国成立以后开始的,特别是改革开放20多年的开发建设取得了巨大成绩。在实践上积累了宝贵的经验和深刻的教训,在理论上引借了“城市有机更新论”。21世纪我国大城市都不可避免地要踏上城市再生之路,城市再生是新世纪内涵式、质量型城市化政策的必然选择。我国城市再生在实践和理论上面临的5个方面的重要问题,即“逆工业化”和“第三产业化”、“郊区化”与“中产阶层化”、城市社区建设与就业、城市历史文化保护和利用以及城市再生的法制建设、规划和管理。  相似文献   

郭友良  李郇 《地理科学》2018,38(2):161-167
选择具有代表性的广州市金花街改造项目(1988~2003年)为案例研究对象,分析了政府主导下改造方案的调整过程和改造空间特征,探讨居民诉求和政府旧改政策对旧城空间的影响。研究表明:金花街居民的原地安置诉求和城市政府依此设计的以民生为导向的改造安排,乃是影响旧城空间的重要原因;在准市场化融资方式和福利化拆迁安置方式下,城市政府提出的有关提供公共服务设施、解决居民临时安置问题和让居民原地安置的要求,使改造规划多次提高改造容积率,以保持改造经济平衡;改造后的金花街在房屋和人口两个维度呈现空间加密化的态势,即存在原地安置房叠加融资商品房、原地安置居民叠加购房迁入居民的社会空间现象,金花街改造并未出现以外来中产人口大规模替代原住低收入人口为基本特征的绅士化过程。最后,从引入转让开发权和鼓励微改造两方面对当前广州的旧城改造提出政策建议。  相似文献   

以分布式认知理论为基础,采用质性研究法、数量分析法以及GIS空间分析技术,探讨日喀则市藏族、汉族居民对城市空间环境认知的异同性。研究表明,藏族对城市空间环境的认知得分高于汉族对城市空间环境的认知得分。藏族、汉族对城市空间环境的认知水平可分为高、中、低3类。认知空间呈现圈层结构与混合结构模式,可分为藏汉一致性、藏族独立以及汉族独立3种认知空间类型。影响居民对城市空间环境的认知因素有共性因素和差异性因素。景观走廊质量、宜居性、基础设施两项是藏族居民关注的主要影响因素,汉族居民更关注公共服务设施的服务能力以及对当地文化的融入感。  相似文献   

从社会空间的视角研究邻里关系是城市社会地理学的重要课题。本文利用针对北京回龙观居民的问卷调查数据,并结合质性研究方法,探讨了郊区大型居住区的邻里关系及其与郊区社会空间再生的有机联系。作为典型的郊区大型居住区,回龙观的邻里交往较为浅层化但居民具有较高的交往意愿,邻里互助情况较少但具有很强的互助意愿,居民整体责任意识、社区参与和维权意识强烈。入住小区初期的集体采购、日常生活中的维权和文体活动、“童子军”外交和依托社区网的互动方式使居民相互之间维持了较好的邻里关系。邻里关系与居民受教育程度、入住小区时间长度及有无互助经历等因素相关。对社区形成起到更直接作用的是居民在社会生活方面的互动,这种互动基于实体物理空间和虚拟空间提供的平台,以及通过固化居民间的联系而萌生社区文化。回龙观居民在脱离原居住地社会关系网络背景下,通过邻里关系在郊区大型居住区构建了新的社会关系,改善了郊区社会空间的破碎化状况,促使社会空间再生。  相似文献   

基于个体行为的多尺度城市空间重构及规划应用研究框架   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
中国城市转型面临多尺度的空间重构,从社区、中心城市到都市区、城市群等不同空间尺度。一方面,每个尺度上的空间组织特征及居民行为模式彻底改变;另一方面,一系列社会环境和自然环境问题出现并累积。面对城市发展的新格局和新问题,需要依托行为研究,梳理多尺度城市空间的概念体系,揭示其形成机理,判断其环境响应,并以低碳和和谐城市为导向,提出规划策略。具体内容包括:整合GPS、手机、网络、问卷和访谈等多种行为数据,建立中国城市多时空尺度居民行为数据库;分析城市、都市区和城市群尺度的城市空间组织模式和居民行为特征,创建基于个体行为的中国城市空间理论体系和研究范式;解析多尺度城市空间组织及居民行为模式与社会矛盾和碳排放之间的关系;以社会公正、和谐和低碳为导向,提出不同尺度城市空间调整优化策略和居民行为引导策略,面向居民生活质量和城市发展可持续性的提升,推动形成多尺度的居民生活圈和城市空间单元。  相似文献   

以兰州国际马拉松赛为例,构建连续性赛事举办地居民获得感测量模型,对居民获得感的多维含义进行解构,明晰其实现路径及影响因素,在此基础上对不同类群居民的赛事获得感知和支持意向进行对比.结果 表明:赛事举办地居民依据赛事获得"量入为出",进而决定对赛事的支持度,更趋向于应用有限资源做有限理性判断.兰州国际马拉松赛事的居民获得感主要局限于社会文化和环境领域,居民对赛事的支持度与居民参与城市发展和个人成长密切相关,居民对城市发展涉入度越高,越有助于摆脱个人经济获益评价去衡量赛事效应.赛事举办要充分关注居民的赛事微观经济获益,全方位曝光赛事信息、设定赛事产业化机制、延伸赛事产业链和发掘赛事后效应将有助于举办地居民赛事获得感的提升.  相似文献   

Slums pose a persistent challenge for fast growing urban areas in the global South, despite several decades of policy intervention. While Chennai has adopted several strategies ranging from upgrading to reconstruction, the city has been unable to deliver its target of ‘clearing’ slum settlements. Through an analysis of four enumeration reports and a look at the evolving political contexts and subsequent practices, we illustrate the evolution of slum policy approaches in Chennai since the 1970s. The analysis shows slum practices in Chennai continue to be characterized by an underlying continuity, with relocation as the dominant mode of operation since the nineties. However, approaches to slums have also evolved from paternalistic socialism with in‐situ development in the seventies, to approaches characterized by affordability and cost recovery in the eighties, to the aesthetics of global cities in the nineties, to the technology driven, to slum‐free ‘smart city’ discourse currently in vogue.  相似文献   

African cities contain a range of low-income ethnic and cultural enclaves that defy conventional ‘slum’ typecasts and intervention guidelines. Further, new forms of urbanization (e.g. gated communities and informal settlements) have received heavy emphasis in recent urban geographic research. Such research emphases have many unintended consequences; one of which is that traditional indigenous neighborhoods in the older city are glossed over. This paper focuses on urban downgrading in Korle Gonno, a prominent and established indigenous community in Accra, Ghana. Using mixed-method data (including surveys), the results illustrate that a traditional neighborhood encounters many of the same dimensions of urban poverty as the more famed slums in the city, yet it experiences different poverty trajectories. We argue that the prevailing slum profiling techniques fall short of capturing these trajectories; more nuanced approaches that capture continuity and discontinuity with past and present socioeconomic processes are necessary. Attention must be rebalanced toward understanding the deterioration of these neighborhoods if policymakers, planners and urban theorists are to obtain a comprehensive picture of poverty dynamics and appropriate interventions in African cities.  相似文献   

Forced evictions are widespread in Kenyan cities and are, on the surface, caused by conflicts in land rights, non–payment of excessive land and house rents, and urban redevelopment. But, more fundamentally, evictions are due to factors embedded in the country's political economy, in particular, the grossly inequitable land ownership structure which makes it difficult for the poor to access land and decent shelter. Evictions cause significant socioeconomic hardship to individuals, affecting cities and whole nations. To avoid evictions, I argue that Kenya must make its political economy more inclusive, implement land reform, domesticate its municipal planning and related by–laws, and create a proactive slum settlements policy. This paper is based on secondary data, largely drawn from the extensive coverage of urban evictions in recent decades in Kenya's leading newspapers.  相似文献   

Large-scale urban redevelopment has caused the breakdown of traditional social bonds in Chinese cities. To date, very few studies have attempted to delve into the impact of this urban redevelopment on neighbourhood cohesion. Using data collected from questionnaires conducted in 20 urban villages and 1 urban village redevelopment neighbourhood in Guangzhou, this paper examines the impact of urban village redevelopment on the restructuring of neighbourhood attachment, neighbourly interaction, and community participation—three dimensions of neighbourhood cohesion. Results of a path analysis show that, overall, neighbourhood cohesion declines after redevelopment occurs, and that the sources of neighbourhood cohesion differ between urban villages and the redevelopment neighbourhood. Our findings show that after redevelopment, neighbourhood attachment becomes more influenced by residential satisfaction but less by neighbourly contacts, and community participation becomes less subject to neighbourly interaction and neighbourhood attachment. Such changes occur as a result of the differentiation between social groups and the concurrence of environmental restructuring and demographic reconstruction during the process of urban village redevelopment.  相似文献   

Slum eradication has been a concern in South Asian cities since the colonial times. Legislation and policies are being framed both out of national desires and international strategies. However, very little is being studied on how these legislation and policies come into being, specifically geography's influence in their formulation. The article analyses parliamentary debates from India (Rajya Sabha, 1953–2014), and outlines the process of historical, political, and institutional dominance of Delhi. It shows that the slum legislation and policies in India are formulated by abstracting cases from the Delhi slums. This knowledge hegemony of Delhi is discussed within the growing consideration towards urban theory's southern shift, which puts the Southern cities (megacities) as underdogs. The paper argues that at a regional level, these megacities exert the same hegemony that the southern theory wants to avoid. The results argue towards broadening the southern theory and ordinary city discussions.  相似文献   

This paper outlines a methodology to identify informal settlements out of high resolution satellite imagery using the concept of lacunarity. Principal component analysis and line detection algorithms were applied alternatively to obtain a high resolution binary representation of the city of Hyderabad, India and used to calculate lacunarity values over a 60 × 60 m grid. A number of ground truthing areas were used to classify the resulting datasets and to identify lacunarity ranges which are typical for settlement types that combine high density housing and small dwelling size - features characteristic for urban slums in India. It was discovered that the line detection algorithm is advantageous over principal component analysis in providing suitable binary datasets for lacunarity analysis as it is less sensitive to spectral variability within mosaicked imagery. The resulting slum location map constitutes an efficient tool in identifying particularly overcrowded areas of the city and can be used as a reliable source in vulnerability and resilience assessments at a later stage. The proposed methodology allows for rapid analysis and comparison of multi-temporal data and can be applied on many developing urban agglomerations around the world.  相似文献   

Urban renewal is an inevitable requirement for adapting to the new situation of urban development and promoting the high-quality development of cities. As an integral part of the city, the redevelopment of the urban waterfront has increasingly become an important way to promote urban renewal and participate in global competition. In order to comprehensively understand the status of waterfront redevelopment, this article summarized the relevant progress of urban waterfront redevelopment in China and abroad from the aspects of waterfront concept, waterfront redevelopment concept, spatial process, evolution path, organizational model, and driving mechanism, and examined the research prospects. The findings are as follows: 1) The evolution trend of the spatial process of waterfront redevelopment changes from production to service-economy, and from a single land use type to a multiple land use types. 2) From the evolution of the spatial process, it can be concluded that waterfront areas are mainly redeveloped in four different temporal and spatial evolution paths: material space improvement, high-quality economic development, shared vision of leisure and entertainment, and historical and cultural protection. 3) The organizational model of waterfront redevelopment is mainly divided into three types: government led, private, and public-private partnership. Stakeholders participate in forming the organizational model of waterfront redevelopment, interacting with the social-environmental systems composed of port, environment, economy, politics, culture, and so on and jointly acting on waterfront redevelopment. 4) In the future, the research on urban waterfront redevelopment should focus on the innovation of analytical systems and theoretical research frameworks, pay attention to the research on the dynamic evolution path of waterfront redevelopment, further analyze waterfront redevelopment mechanism and mechanism of influence, strengthen the systematic analysis of the multiple performances of waterfront redevelopment, and establish a waterfront redevelopment management and control method library to promote urban renewal. © 2023, Editorial office of PROGRESS IN GEOGRAPHY. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

The intimate city: violence,gender and ordinary life in Delhi slums   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this paper I argue for an expansion of the horizons of urban geography through a notion of the intimate city. I focus on the slum as a space where the violence of an exclusionary city is woven into its intimate material and social conditions, but where this violence is also domesticated and rendered as part of the everyday. I illustrate through three stories of intimate lives of slum women that everyday life in the slum requires the production of (1) an urban subject who shows agency not by resisting but by living with intimate violence; (2) an urban subjectivity involved in acquiring knowledge of one’s bodily terrain in order to limit this violence; and (3) an urban citizenship that argues for a “right to intimacy” as a way to claim a right to the city. This paper calls for a recasting of the public/private divide in urban geography in order to understand how violence circulates through and contravenes the boundaries of public/private, city/slum, tradition/modernity.  相似文献   

This paper examines the causes and impact of the "evictionr" of the lighterage industry from the Singapore River in 1983. For more than 160 years, the lighterage industry served the traditional Entrepôt trade interests of Singapore from its base along the Singapore River. In 1983, all cargo–carrying lighters operating from the river were forced to relocate to new facilities at Pasir Panjang as a direct consequence of the Singapore government's broader economic agenda to speedily industrialise and modernise the island state. State policy unequivocally linked slum clearance and city redevelopment with its economic programme. As Singapore's economy grew and diversified through the 1970s it became less reliant on the commerce of the entrepôt trade, and the lighterage industry, already struggling to compete with technological changes in sea transport, found itself left without a bargaining position and standing in the path of economic development and urban renewal. While the economic success that Singapore has enjoyed over the past several decades seems to vindicate the state's relentless drive for urban renewal, it often overshadows the impact of the state's policies on individuals. For those working in the industry, eviction led to social and economic hardship as business declined and individuals struggled to adapt to their new work environment.  相似文献   

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