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We present analytical and numerical calculations of the effective roughness length (ERL) over a flat surface with varying roughness elements, for use in large-scale models. It is shown that ERL is mostly determined by the roughest elements present inside the averaging domain and that, more surprisingly, the ERL increases as the first level of the numerical model gets closer to the surface and its altitude approaches the value of the largest local roughness length. This effect further increases the drag coefficient, in addition to the well-known increase due to the lowering of the first model level.  相似文献   

Flux-profile relationships based on surface-layer similarity theory are used to derive relationships between the Monin-Obukhov stability parameter = z/L and the bulk Richardson number Ri b . In contrast to previous studies, the roughness length for heat, z 0h ,is assumed unequal to the roughness length for momentum, z 0m .For the stable case, an analytic expression of in terms of Ri b can be derived and in the unstable case, the solution is obtained through a simple iterative process.Errors introduced from the simplification of z 0h = z 0m are evaluated and are shown to be very significant in most cases. Thus, this error in many practical applications may invalidate the intended solution.  相似文献   

Surface-based and aircraft measured fluxes over the heterogeneous surface in HAPEX-MOBILHY are analyzed for the ten flight days when cloud cover above the boundary layer was minimal. The fair-weather climatology of the spatial variation of surface fluxes is estimated to provide an assessment of the generality of previous case studies appearing in the literature. For the 10-day averages, greater heating over the forest generates a forest breeze which leads to rising motion and a modest increase of boundary-layer cloud cover at the forest edge. The exchange coefficients and effective roughness lengths are computed for local averages (15 km scale) and for regional averages (100 km scale) intended to represent a range of grid sizes in numerical models of the atmosphere. The effective roughness length for momentum over the mixed agricultural region for both scales is on the order of 1 m, apparently due to bluff roughness effects associated with scattered trees, edges of small woods and other obstacles. This roughness length value is an order of magnitude larger than values used in numerical models for the same region, which are based on the dominant vegetation type. The spatially varying effective roughness length for heat is computed for use in those models which use surface radiation temperature to estimate surface heat flux. The effective roughness lengths for heat are found to be smaller than those typically used in numerical models of the atmosphere.  相似文献   

以三源融合网格实况降水分析资料CMPAS为参照,基于二分法经典检验、预报评分综合图和面向对象MODE检验等方法,对比分析2021年智能网格预报SCMOC以及ECMWF全球、CMA-Meso中尺度模式在秦岭及周边地区的降水预报表现,主要结论如下:1)ECMWF能够很好地刻画日平均降水量、日降水量标准差以及地形影响下降水量、降水频次的空间分布特征,但对于0.1 mm以上量级的降水预报频次远高于观测,暴雨预报频次低于观测,SCMOC、CMA-Meso日降水量大于等于0.1 mm的降水频次和暴雨频次预报更好;SCMOC不足在于降水的空间精细分布特征描述能力相对较弱。2)ECMWF预报的大于等于0.1 mm降水频次日峰值出现时间整体较观测偏早3 h左右,CMA-Meso、SCMOC与观测总体吻合较好。3)三种产品24 h降水量大于等于0.1 mm的TS(Threat Score)评分数值上基本一致,但降水预报表现的特征显著不同,SCMOC成功率高、命中率低,漏报多、空报少,ECMWF、CMA-Meso则相反;24 h、3 h大雨以上量级降水SCMOC的TS评分、成功率、命中率一致优于其他两种产品...  相似文献   




Using aircraft and surface data from the 1987 FIFE experiment in Kansas, we estimate the roughness length for momentum to be 0.19 m (with an error range 0.10–0.35 m), and the ratio of roughness length for momentum to that for heat to be about 16 (with an error range of 7–35).  相似文献   

An estimate of roughness length is required by some atmospheric models and is also used in the logarithmic profile to determine the increase of wind speed with height under neutral conditions. The choice of technique for determining roughness lengths is generally constrained by the available input data. Here, we compare sets of roughness lengths derived by different methods for the same site and evaluate their impact on the prediction of the vertical wind speed profile.Wind speed and direction data have been collected at four heights over a three-year period at the North Norfolk Wind Monitoring Site. Wind speed profiles were used to generate sector roughness lengths based on the logarithmic profile formula. This is the only direct way of determining roughness lengths. The simplest and cheapest method is to use maps with published tables giving roughness length estimates for different terrain types. Alternatively Wieringa (1976, 1986) and Beljaars (1987) give formulae for determining roughness lengths from wind speed gusts or standard deviations.The four sets of estimated roughness lengths vary considerably. They were used to estimate 34 m wind speeds from 12.7 m observations. The profile-derived roughnesses are used simply as a check on the prediction of the wind speed profiles. The terrain-derived roughness lengths give reasonable results. Gust-derived and standard deviation roughnesses both predict wind speeds which are lower than the observed ones. The error is greater in the case of standard deviation roughnesses. If stability corrections are applied in the prediction of the vertical wind speed profile, the results are considerably improved.  相似文献   

张文月  闵锦忠 《气象科学》2024,44(2):328-337
从降水偏差特征、预报技巧和对象诊断分析3个角度评估了欧洲中期天气预报中心模式(EC)、华东区域中心区域数值模式(WARMS)和江苏区域模式(PWAFS)对2020年江淮地区梅汛期11次典型暴雨过程的预报性能,并分析了各模式的优点及不足。结果表明:(1)24 h观测日平均累计降水主要分布在大别山—江苏淮北以及大别山—皖南山区,相应的模式降水偏差大值区与主要雨带位置有较好的对应关系,其中,EC在大别山和皖南山区存在明显干偏差,在江苏淮北地区则出现系统性北偏。WARMS和PWAFS两种区域模式均在大别山和皖南山区上游地区和下游浙江地区出现大范围湿偏差,而在江苏淮北地区出现干偏差;(2)24 h预报技巧评分结果表明,EC对暴雨及以下量级的TS评分最高,但大暴雨量级PWAFS最优,原因是EC对大暴雨量级出现较高漏报。对比WARMS和PWAFS两家区域模式可见,PWAFS在几乎各量级的空报和漏报率都低于WARMS,因此TS评分也高于WARMS;(3)通过MODE对象诊断分析发现,EC对降水位置预报最稳定,PWAFS对降水强度和范围的预报效果最优,但对雨带位置的预报不够稳定。总得来说,PWAFS的预报性能略优于WARMS,与EC相比在对降水强度和雨带范围的刻画上也具有优势,但预报稳定性尚有待提高。  相似文献   

Mesoscale models which can be used to assess wind and turbulent structure in complex terrain are overviewed. The different types of models — diagnostic and prognostic are discussed and the significant physical processes which each can handle realistically are reviewed. Examples of specific applications of these models are presented.  相似文献   

检验全球数值预报模式的相似度等指标   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
朱娟  张立凤  张铭 《气象科学》2018,38(2):221-228
本文依照泛函形式并考虑了球面经纬网格的特点,定义了用于全球数值模式效果检验的指标:距离、距平相似度和倾向相似度,给出了相应的计算方法,并以全球WRF模式为例,检验了该模式的中期预报效果。所得结论如下:指标距离、距平相似度和倾向相似度物理意义明确,易于理论分析,考虑了球面经纬网格的特点,检验准确度高,具有普适性,能方便应用于球面经纬网格输出的数值模式检验。指标距离、距平相似度的检验结果分别与传统检验指标均方根误差、距平相关系数相一致,该指标还可直接用于向量场(如风场)的整体检验。本文的全球WRF模式所做的检验表明,对本文个例,该模式的全球500 hPa中期天气形势预报在第7 d及之内皆可用,5 d及之内预报效果更佳。  相似文献   

Convective deposition of submicron-size aerosol to porous surface vegetation was studied by electrochemical simulation, under Reynolds and Schmidt similarity, to a rectangular array of closely-packed lichen and artificial wire roughness layers. Results, showing an approximate tenfold increase in deposition velocity over that of a flat plate placed at the same position, were compared with predictions made on the basis of various rough-surface transfer models, including those based on statistical eddy renewal, as well as with numerical solutions of the diffusion equation in statistically-renewed surface cavities. Most analytical models could be made to fit the observed data, at least for a limited range of flow velocities, but poorly known and poorly defined parameters limit their usefulness for predictive purposes; and their validity across a large variation in molecular diffusivity (or Schmidt number Sc) is generally not assured. Numerical models also depend on poorly substantiated physical assumptions but the effect of such assumptions on transfer can be calculated for a wider range of conditions than those permitting an analytical solution. This allows more direct feedback between model assumptions and calculated or observed transfer. Numerically calculated values for deposition velocity in air for Sc from 0.7 to 7000 and flow velocities from 0.2 to 5 m s-1 are presented for different model assumptions, with values ranging from < 0.01 to > 1 cms-1.  相似文献   

The scientific foundation of artificial weather modification is meso- and small-scale dynamics and cloud–precipitation microphysics. Artificial weather modification requires the realistic coupling of weather patterns, dynamical processes, and microphysical processes. Now that numerical models with weather dynamical characteristics have been widely applied to artificial weather modification, several key points that should not be neglected when developing numerical models for artificial weather modification are proposed in this paper, including the dynamical equations, model resolution, cloud–precipitation microphysical processes, numerical computation method, and initial and boundary conditions. Based on several examples, approaches are offered to deal with the problems that exist in these areas.  相似文献   

Parameterization of evaporation from a non-plant-covered surface is very important in the hierarchy strategy of modelling land surface processes. One of the representations frequently used in its computation is the resistance formulation. The performance of the evaporation schemes using the , , and their combination resistance approaches to parameterize evaporation from bare soil surfaces is discussed. For that purpose, the nine schemes, based on a different dependence of and on volumetric soil moisture content and its saturated value, are used.The tests of performances of the considered schemes are based on time integrations by the land surface module (BARESOIL) using observed data. The 23 data sets at a bare surface experimental site in Rimski anevi, Yugoslavia on chernozem soil, were used for the resistance algorithm evaluation. The quality of the schemes was compared with the observed values of the latent heat flux using several statistical parameters.  相似文献   

The atmospheric dynamic equations have been transformed from the z-coordinate system into a generalized vertical coordinate system by using a so-called DDD transformation method. Then the general-ized system is assumed being pressure, sigma or incorporated pressure-sigma coordinate system and corre-sponding equations are obtained with the second-order accuracy. It is pointed out that the usual equations are only of the first-order accuracy when their space-differential terms are approximated by central finite differences. Therefore the usual forms of the equations may result in quite large errors on steep slopes of mountains included in a model.  相似文献   

6种数值模式在安徽区域天气预报中的检验   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
周昆  郝元甲  姚晨  邱学兴 《气象科学》2010,30(6):801-805
本文检验了从2006年6月到2008年12月,Grapes、MM5、WRF、T213、JMA和Germany共6个模式对安徽区域72 h内降水量、风速和气温的预报。降水量TS评分显示,从小雨到大雨,JMA的参考价值较高,从大雨到大暴雨则是MM5和WRF比较好;Germany和T213的评分均处于中间水平,而Grapes评分最低。冬夏季各模式的预报较好,其他季节预报较差。风速,24 h JMA和T213的预报较好,48、72 h MM5和WRF的参考价值较高。气温,24、48 h MM5和WRF预报较好,而72 h则是MM5和T213好。Grapes对风速和气温的预报相对较差。上述检验结果不仅有助于预报员更好地利用数值模式制作天气预报,而且为数值天气预报的解释应用提供科学依据。  相似文献   

A miniature anemometer has been designed for the measurement of turbulent transport within canopies. The sensing element utilizes a relatively new concept in hot-film anemometry, in which the angular measurement is derived from the non-uniformity in heat transfer coefficient around the circumference of the cylindrical hot-film. The element is split along its length to form two separate conducting films and the relative magnitudes of the heat convected from each side are used to calculate the elevation angle of the wind. An electromechanical servosystem operated by a second split-film keeps the sensing head facing into the wind. The anemometer measures all three components of velocity over the complete solid angle without octant ambiguity and at velocities as low as 20 cm s–1. It is a research instrument and because of its non-linear response characteristics, data handling is best accomplished by digital computer.The response of the split-film elements extends to high frequencies. The servo-system follows turbulent fluctuations up to approximately 5 Hz and keeps the probe within a few degrees of the wind at all times. In field tests, total wind speed and wind component measurements compared well with more conventional anemometers; eddy-correlation measurements of shear-stress with the split-film anemometer were in good agreement with measurements from a shear stress lysimeter and from a pressure-sphere anemometer.  相似文献   

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