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1IN TR O D U CTIO N Land isthemost essentiaplhysicalresource asnd mate- rialbasisforpeople'slif e(LIU,1996).Land use/cover change(LUCC ) isa key aspectofglobalenvironment change, andindicatetsheinfluencoefhuman activiti on physicaelnvironment.As we allkno…  相似文献   

The rocky desert in a karst area directly causes the lack of soil, water and forest, hence leading to the poverty there. In 1990, the villagers from the Muzhe Village in Benggu Township, Xichou County, Yunnan declared a war against rocky desert in an attempt to ask the fields for more yields. They invented a distinctive land rehabilitation and sustainable use pattern called "transforming heaven and earth" that had been practiced in Southwest China's karst areas. The key mechanism of the pattern was to develop terraced fields with well conserved soil, water and fertility by exploding rocks in the fields, building stone walls, gathering more soil, and improving soil quality and productivity for the fields in combination with building of irrigation facilities and roads, as well as with forestation and agriculture structure adjustment. The purpose of the pattern was to alleviate poverty in the karst areas by improving soil productivity and promoting agricultural development. A typical area was studied with the help of Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) and the pattern was carried out there for fifteen years, have produced excellent ecological benefits and good economic benefits. Its application in the area approved that it was a sustainable land use pattern for rocky desert areas.  相似文献   

The Three Rivers Headwaters Region(TRHR) plays a key role in regulating water supply and climate of East Asia. A comprehensive understanding of the processes and driving forces of the long-term land use dynamics of the TRHR is needed to guide sustainable land resource management and regional ecological conservation strategies. This study examined long-term land change patterns in the TRHR and investigated the driving forces of the change. First, Landsat TM/ETM+ images covering TRHR of four time points from 1987 to 2016 were used to derive land use patterns, and statistical metrics were applied to quantify the spatial and temporal changes. Second, Principal Component Analysis and correlation analysis were employed to analyze environmental and social-economic data to identify the driving forces of land use change. Third, potential influences of the religion of Tibetan Buddhism on land use change were explored using GIS analysis, questionnaire survey and field observation. Results showed that areas of barren land, agricultural land, and built-up land largely increased, while areas of grassland and forest greatly decreased, with the highest change rate occurring in the most recent decade of analysis(from 2007 to 2016). Among the three headwater regions, the Yellow River Headwater Region showed an overall higher changing speed than the other two headwater regions. The regional driving forces of change in TRHR includedsocial-economic development, climatic condition, pressure of population growth, and environmental protection activities. It was also found that Tibetan Buddhism can help slow down the changes caused by human activities.  相似文献   

Fuqing County of southeast Chian has witnessed significant land use changes during the last decade.Re-mote sensing technology using multitemporal Landsat TM images was used to characterize land use types and to monitor land use changes in the county.Two TM scenes from 1991and 1996 were used to cover the county and a five-year time period.Digital image processing was carried out for the remotely sensed data to produce classified images.The images were further processed using GIS software to generate GIS databases so that the data could be further spatially analyzed taking the advantages of the software.Land use change areas were determined by using the change detection technique.The comparison of the two classified TM images using the above technologies reveals that during the five study years,a large area of arable lands in the county has been lost and deforestation has taken place largely because of the dramatic in-crease in built-up land and orchard.The conclusive statistical information is useful to understand the processes,causes and impacts of the land use changes in the county.The major driving force to the land use changes in the county ap-peared to be the rapid economic development.The decision makers of the county have to pay more attention to the land use changes for the county‘s sustainable development.  相似文献   

1INTRODUCTIONAstheadvancingofthestudyonhumandimensionofglobalenvironmentalchange,thechangeoflanduseisbecomingoneoftheresearchfocuses(IGBP/HDP,1993;IGBP/HDP,1995).Landusechange,combiningwithlandcoverchange,reflectstheinterdependenceofhumanandnature.Whilethestudyonlanduse/coverchangetouchesuponalotofquestion,thedrivingforceanditsdrivingmechanismaretwoofthekeyissues(IGBP/HDP,1995).Inthemeantime,theyarethenecessarybasisofdiscussingandforecastingquantitativelylanduse/coverchangebym…  相似文献   

Urban internal structure is essential information for urban geography researchers and urban planners or managers. This research aims to examine the spatial structure changes of internal urban land use based on the interpreted datasets of 1984 and 2008. Spatio-temporal patterns of internal land use conversion and urban expansion are analyzed, and then dominant driving factors (e.g., social economy, population growth and urban planning) were identified. The results indicate that Beijing′s intra-urban layout has experienced tremendous adjustment from compact to disperse configure, otherwise its function objects have shifted from the major economic and industrial development before the 1990s to the combination with cultural, high-technological and inhabitable city at present. The dominant urban land use transformations include the relocation of industrial lands from core districts to suburban or other provinces, and the accelerating expansion of residential areas and green spaces for supplying the demand of housing and ecological protection. Although Beijing′s urban planning has experienced three major adjustments and improvement since the 1980s, its optimization of urban internal patterns still remains a challenge.  相似文献   

The structure and function of network is a central issue in landscape ecology.Road networks with hierarchical structure are crucial for understanding landscape dynamics.In this study,we compared the distribution of national road,provincial road,county road and rural road in the Three Parallel Rivers Region(TPRR)in Yunnan Province of China,and estimated the effect of roads(and other factors)on the spatial patterns of land use and land cover with logistic regression.In addition,we analyzed the land use and land cover change(LUCC)and landscape fragmentation in 1989–2005 along a buffer zone of the primary traffic corridor,national road G214.The results showed that,county and rural roads had much higher percentage of length extending into more natural habitats at higher elevation and steeper slope,compared with the higher level roads in this region.While the distributions of natural land cover types were dominated by environmental factors,human land use types i.e.,building land and farmland types were significantly related with roads,linking more closely with lower level roads.The LUCC dynamics(1989–2005)of the G214 buffer zone showed a general trend of land transformation from conifer forests and valley arid shrubs to building land and farmland,and from ice and snow to alpine shrubs and forests.With the length of G214 unchanged during the time,the overall landscape pattern changed little in the buffer zone,but habitat fragmentation and area decrease had occurred for the natural vegetation types,in contrast to patch mergence and expansion of human land use types,and landscape fragmentation was intensified above 2500 m a.s.l.but declined below the elevation.The results indicated the dynamics of landscape composition and patch type level distribution in spite of the stability of the overall landscape pattern,and implied the potential role of roads,especially the low level roads on landscape changes.  相似文献   

Three-River Headwaters(TRH) region involved in this paper refers to the source region of the Changjiang(Yangtze) River,the Huanghe(Yellow) River and the Lancang River in China.Taking the TRH region of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau as a case,the annual evapotranspiration(ET) model developed by Zhang et al.(2001) was applied to evaluate mean annual ET in the alpine area,and the response of annual ET to land use change was analyzed.The plant-available water coefficient(w) of Zhang’s model was revised by using vegetation-temperature condition index(VTCI) before annual ET was calculated in alpine area.The future land use scenario,an input of ET model,was spatially simulated by using the conversion of land use and its effects at small regional extent(CLUE-S) to study the response of ET to land use change.Results show that the relative errors between the simulated ET and that calculated by using water balance equation were 3.81% and the index of agreement was 0.69.This indicates that Zhang’s ET model based on revised plant-available water coefficient is a scientific and practical tool to estimate the annual ET in the alpine area.The annual ET in 2000 in the study area was 221.2 mm,11.6 mm more than that in 1980.Average annual ET decreased from southeast to northwest,but the change of annual ET between 1980 and 2000 increased from southeast to northwest.As a vast and sparsely populated area,the population in the TRH region was extremely unbalanced and land use change was concentrated in very small regions.Thus,land use change had little effect on total annual ET in the study area but a great impact on its spatial distribution,and the effect of land use change on ET decreased with increasing precipitation.ET was most sensitive to the interconversion between forest and unused land,and was least sensitive to the interconversion between cropland and low-covered grassland.  相似文献   

近20年黄土高原土地利用/覆被变化特征分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文根据黄土高原地区20世纪80年代末、2000年、2008年3期土地利用/覆被空间数据集,计算2个时段(20世纪80年代末-2000年,2000-2008年)土地利用/覆被转类方向及其幅度、土地利用/覆被转类指数、土地利用/覆被状况指数及其变化率,分析黄土高原地区自20世纪80年代末以来土地利用/覆被时空变化特征以及宏观生态状况的变化趋势。结果显示:黄土高原地区近20年来平均土地利用/覆被状况指数为24.07,其中土石山区生态系统综合功能最好,其次为河谷平原区,最差的为农灌区。20世纪80年代末-2000年,黄土高原地区主要土地利用/覆被转类是森林和草地转为耕地,生态级别由高级向低级转移,2000-2008年主要土地利用/覆被转类是耕地转为林地和草地,低覆盖草地转为中高覆盖草地,生态级别由低级向高级转移。近20年来黄土高原地区地覆被状况指数变化以及土地利用/覆被转类指数表明,该区域的宏观生态状况总体上经历了转差(20世纪80年代末-2000年土地利用/覆被转类指数为-1.08),后转好(2000-2008年土地利用/覆被转类指数为2.66)2个过程。这一变化过程前期受区域气候变化以及人口增长共同驱动,后期则叠加了生态工程的影响。  相似文献   

本文以扬州市市辖区为例,利用2001年的ETM影像与2007年的ALOS影像两期遥感数据,采用面向对象的信息提取方法,获取了扬州市2001年与2007年两期土地利用空间分布图.在此基础上,研究了CLUE-S模型的原理及CLUE-S模型的应用;探讨了CLUE-S模型所需数据、驱动因子选取、模拟参数设置、模拟结果获取等,进...  相似文献   

长沙市热岛效应时空特征变化研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文基于1991-2015年长沙市9景Landsat TM/ETM影像,采用单窗算法反演了长沙市建成区的地表温度,提取了土地利用/覆盖类型,并结合相关资料对长沙市热岛效应时空变化特征以及城市热环境与城市土地利用/覆盖变化之间的关系进行了分析。结果表明长沙市热岛范围随着建成区范围的扩大不断增大,并且热岛的时空演变与建成区扩大的趋势一致:1991-1996年,长沙市热岛向东发展迅速,截至1996年东部热岛面积增加达53.54 km2 ;1996-2003年,受城市建成区扩展影响,热岛向西部延伸,增加面积达39.88 km2;2003-2007年,建成区热岛向西部、南部加速发展,热岛增加总面积达33.55 km2;2007年后,长沙市建成区与热岛范围开始向东、西、南、北4个方向全面扩展。此外,建成区土地利用/覆盖情况发生了很大的变化,大量绿地转变为建设用地和耕地,极大地影响了地表温度的空间分布,各土地类型之间的温度差异显著缩小,水体良好的吸热性能明显地体现出来,建筑用地和裸地则对地表温度的贡献显著增大。  相似文献   

Land use/cover change (LUCC) is one of the main boundary conditions which influence many hydrologic processes. In view of the importance of Taihu Lake Watershed in China and the urgency of discovering the impacts of LUCC on storm runoff, two flood events under five land cover scenarios in the Xitiaoxi River Basin of the upstream of Taihu Lake watershed were simulated by distributed hydrologic modeling system HEC-HMS. The influences of each land cover on storm runoff were discussed. It was concluded that under the same rainstorm the ascending order of runoff coefficient and peak flow produced by the 5 different land covers were woodland, shrub, grassland, arable land, and built-up land; the descending order of swelling time were woodland, shrub, grassland, arable land, and built-up land. Scenario of built-up land was the first to reach peak flow, then arable land, grassland, shrub, and woodland. There were close relationships between the runoff coefficients produced by the 5 different land covers. The degrees of impacts on runoff coefficient of land cover change modes were sorted by descending: woodland to built-up land, shrub to built-up land, grassland to built-up land, arable land to built-up land, woodland to arable land, shrub to arable land, arable land to grassland, shrub to grassland, grassland to arable land, and woodland to shrub. Urbanization will contribute to flood disaster, while forestation will mitigate flood disaster.  相似文献   

基于GIS的广州市土地利用遥感动态监测与变化分析   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
以1997、2003年广州市的Landsat TM影像为基本数据源,在遥感和地理信息系统处理软件的支持下,经过几何纠正、图像裁剪和图像增强处理后,采用最大似然比法结合人工目视解译对影像进行了识别分类,获得了广州市两个时相的土地利用分类数据,并进行了分类精度评价.然后建立了土地利用转移矩阵,并利用数值统计的方法,从不同角度分析了1997~2003年广州市土地利用变化的过程,包括土地利用变化的数量、速度、空间转移及其区域差异等.另外,经济发展、人口的增长、城市化建设等因素是广州市土地利用变化的主要驱动力.  相似文献   

1IN TR O D U C TIO NEco-security is the state in w hich the resources,envi-ronm entand ecosystem s thatconcern people are secure(M Aetal.,2004;SH Ietal.,2004).O therw ise,w e calliteco-security problem or ecologicalrisk.The eco-se-curity isdraw ing the in…  相似文献   

This study uses DEM(Digital Elevation Model) data and remote sensing maps of the study area in 1993, 1999, and 2009 to analyze the slope gradient change of land use patterns in Qiandongnan Prefecture, Guizhou province, China. The land use data were classified into five types, forest, farmland, grassland, water and built-up, the slope gradients were divided into four grades. Indices for analyzing land use features were defined by their proportions, transformation matrixes, land use degree and changes.The results showed that all land use types can be found at every gradient. Generally, with the slope degree increased, the area of forest being augmented as well, while the area of the other land use types(farmland, grassland and build-up) declined. Moreover, a mass of farmland were shifted from other land use types from 0° to 25°, while a quantity of forest were transformed from the other land use types on 25° from 1993 to 2009. In terms of land use degree and changes, the area of farmland and buildup land use types decreased when slope degree increased. Finally, we calculated the five landscape pattern metrics: Patch Density(PD) value, Largest Patch Index(LPI), Shannon's Diversity Index(SHDI), Area-Weighted Mean Shape Index(AWMSI) and Contagion Index(CONTAG). The results of metricsanalysis showed that PD values, SHDI values and CONTA values had a similar variation trend, that is, they decreased when slope degree increased. There was no obvious variation trend on LPI value.  相似文献   

The Songnen Plain in Northeast China, one of the key national bases of agricultural production, went through remarkable land use/cover changes in recent years. This study aimed to explore the long-term land use/cover changes and the effects of these changes on the environment. The Landsat-based analysis showed that, during 1986–2000, cropland, built-up land and barren land had increased, among which cropland had the largest increase of 9,198km2 with an increase rate of 7.5%. Woodland, grassland, water body and swampland had decreased correspondingly, among which grassland had the most dramatic decrease of 6,127km2 with a decrease rate of 25.6%. The transition matrix results revealed that grassland, woodland and swampland were the three main land use types converted to cropland. Climate warming created the potential environment for the conversion of grassland and swampland into cropland. Land resources policy made by central and provincial governments of China affected the pattern and intensity of land use. Land use/cover changes accompanied by climatic variation brought out a series of environmental consequences, such as sand desertification of land, land salinization and alkalinization, grassland degradation, and more frequent floods. Under this circumstance, optimized land use structure and restoration measures are needed.  相似文献   

Land use changes are regarded as landscape pattern change driven by many interactive natural and social-economic factors. Different combination of physical geographical elements induced the difference of spatio-temporal pattern of land use change. There are four physical geographical regions in Mongolian Autonomou County of Qian Gorlos of Jilin Province. Based on spatial analysis and statistical analysis, we conclude that the primary pattern of land use and the tendency of land use changes are all different in four physical geographical regions. During 1987 – 1996, the dominant land use change processes were from grassland or forest to arableland, from unused land to paddy and grassland to unused land. Though land use change is mainly affected by social and economic condition in short period, the composite characters of physical geographical elements controls land use dynamic process. The relationship between land use dynamic process and the character of physical geographical units differ in different regions. Possible human impacts on land use change are explored with application of buffer areas of series distance along main roads and radius around main settlements. A few models are built to describe the relationship between land use spatial change rates and distance to road and settlements. According to our result, the relationship with the proximity to roads was a negative liner function, with the change rate decreasing rapidly when moving away from roads. Within a distance of less 7.5km from main traffic lines, land use changes occur red more. The bulk of grassland was apt to be opened up for cultivation around the settlements and the transformation from dryland to paddy occurred within the distance of 1km away from settlements. Foundation item: Under the auspices of the Knowledge Innovation Project of the Chinese Academy of sciences (KZCXI - Y - 02); the Key Ninth Five-Year Plan (96 - B02 - 01); the National Natural Science Foundation of China (49901017). Biography: HUANG Fang (1971 – ), female, a native of Jilin Province, Ph. D. candidate of Changchun Institute of Geography, the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Her research interests include application of remote sensing and GIS.  相似文献   

Human-induced land use/cover change (LUCC) forms an important component of global environmental change. Therefore, it is important to study land use/cover and its change at local, regional and global scales. In this paper we conducted the study of land use change in Northeast China, one of the most important agricultural zones of the nation. From 1986 to 2000, according to the study results obtained from Landsat images, widespread changes in land use/cover took place in the study area. Grassland, marsh, water body and woodland decreased by 9864, 3973, 1367 and 10,052km2, respectively. By comparison, paddy field, dry farmland, and built-up land expanded by 7339, 17193 and 700km2, respectively. Those changes bore an interactive relationship with the environment, especially climate change. On the one hand, climate warming created a potential environment for grassland and marsh to be changed to farmland as more crops could thrive in the warmer climate, and for dry farmland to paddy field. On the other hand, the changed surface cover modified the local climate. Those changes, in turn, have adversely influenced the local environment by accelerating land degradation. In terms of socio-economic driving forces, population augment, regional economic development, and national and provincial policies were confirmed as main driving factors for land use change. Foundation item: Under the auspices of the Knowledge Innovation Programs of Chinese Academy of Sciences (No. KZCX2-YW-341), National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 40871187, 40801208)  相似文献   

The spatialization of population of counties in China is significant.Fistly,we can gain the estimated val-ues of population density adaptive to different kinds of regions.Secondly,we can integrate effectively population data with other data including natural resources,environment,society and economy,build 1km GRIDs of natural resources re-serves per person,population density and other economic and environmental data,which are necessary to the national manage-ment and macro adjustment and control of natural resources and dynamic monitoring of population.In order to establish population information system serving national decision-making,three steps ought to be followed:1)establishing complete geographical spatial data foundation infrastructure including the establishment of electric map of residence with high resolu-tion using topographical map with large scale and high resolution satellite remote sensing data,the determination of at-tribute information of housing and office buildings,and creating complete set of attribute database and rapid data update-ing;2) establishing complete census systems including improving the transformation efficiency from census data to digital database and strengthening the link of census database and geographical spatial database,meanwhile,the government should attach great importance to the establishment and integration o population migration database;3)considering there is no GIS software specially seving the analysis and management of population data,a practical approach is to add spe-cial modules to present software system,which works as a bring actualizing the digitization and spatialization of popula-tion geography research.  相似文献   

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