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The parameterization of the non-neutral atmospheric surface layer has been reexamined using the basic principles of small-scale energetics and thermodynamics. On the basis of this more complete treatment, theK-parameterization has been reformulated. It is found that the linear regression laws between fluxes and driving gradient forces of the turbulent heat and humidity exchanges in the surface layer can be derived in a much more comprehensive manner than by using the commonly used K-theory. With respect to stationary conditions and in the context of similarity concepts, a system of algebraic equations has been formulated which provides reasonable estimates of the distributions of the dimension less rates of viscous energy dissipation as well as turbulent kinetic and thermal-diffusive energy transport as functions of the variablez/L. Quantitative calculations have been performed using the scaling height formulations of Takeuchi and Yokoyama, Prandtl, and von Karman as closure conditions of the equations.  相似文献   

Two formulations of the stable atmospheric boundary layer are proposed for use in weather forecasting or climate models. They feature the log-linear profile near the surface, but are free from the associated critical Richardson number. The diffusion coefficients in the Ekman layer are a natural extension of the surface layer. They are locally determined using wind shear in one case and turbulent kinetic energy in the other. The parameterizations are tested in a one-dimensional model simulating the evolution of the nocturnal boundary layer with and without radiative cooling. Both formulations give very similar results, except near the top of the boundary layer where the transition to the free atmosphere is smoother with the wind shear formulation. A distinctive feature of these schemes is that they retain their simulating skill when resolution is reduced. This is verified for a wide range of situations. In practice, this means that there is no need for a large-scale model to have a level below 50 m or so.  相似文献   

High-resolution numerical simulations are performed for three nights for each of two areas of the United Kingdom. Area-averaging techniques are then used to calculate effective stability functions for turbulence parametrizations in models using typical mesoscale and global spatial resolutions. Comparisons are made with parametrizations commonly used in numerical weather prediction models. The present results do not suggest that significant enhancement of the stability functions above 50 m is justified. Closer to the surface, more significant enhancement is observed in some regions. It is shown that the amount of enhancement is related to the variability of the orography.  相似文献   

In an earlier paper by one of the authors (Smith, 1968), a momentum integral method was developed to parameterize the gross constraint imposed by the surface boundary layer of a steady, axisymmetric, tropical cyclone on the meridional circulation within the vortex itself. Specifically, the method provides an effective means of estimating the radial variation of mean upflow/downflow induced by the boundary layer, compatible with a prescribed radial variation of azimuthal velocity just above the boundary layer,V gr. However, it relies on a judicious choice of vertical profiles of radial and azimuthal velocity components within the boundary layer. An especially suitable set of profiles is discussed herein; these are Ekman-like profiles in which turbulent mixing is characterized by a vertically constant eddy diffusivityK M , matched to a constant stress sublayer just above the sea surface. An attractive feature of the formulation is that a suitable value forK M as a function of radius, which is extremely difficult to extract from observational data, can be calculated when the state of the sea surface, described by a roughness lengthZ 0, is prescribed. Although observations ofZ 0 at high wind speeds are not yet available, the effect of radial variations in sea surface roughness can be assessed and it is shown that these affect the upflow to a significant degree.  相似文献   

数值模式中的大气边界层参数化方案综述   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
大气边界层对下垫面和自由大气之间的热量、动量和物质交换以及全球辐射的收支平衡有着非常重要的作用,数值模式中对边界层的模拟需要通过参数化方案表现出来。综述了数值模式中常用的边界层参数化方案,从闭合框架以及边界层内的重要物理过程这两个方面对各类方案进行了总结,并讨论了边界层参数化方案的发展方向。  相似文献   

1.Introducti0nThemesoscaleoperationalmodel-whichisoftenused,isMM4orMM5'butMM4isusedfrequentlyonlO3kmscale.Thephysicalprocessesinthismodeldevelopconstantly.FororiginalMM4,thecomputationofsurfacefluxesisnotaccurate,andKmodelfortheturbu-lencefluxesbetweenany2levelsneedstobeimprovedbynewtreatment.Inordertostudytheinfluencesofboundarylayerparameterizationschemesonmesoscaleheavyrainsystem,sur-facefluxesandKmodelinoriginalMM4areimprovedbytherecentresearchinthispaPer.Theflux-profilerelationsforv…  相似文献   

许建玉  刘羽 《暴雨灾害》2016,27(1):31-38



The need for a thorough knowledge of boundary conditions over the vast oceanic surfaces makes remote sensing appear as the most suitable tool for future development. Remote sensing techniques require calibration data and consequently in-situ experiments to yield those data. Over the sea, aircraft seem to be the most convenient means of conducting validation experiments because they allow exploration of a large range of scales (from local measurements to measurements of pixel scale). This paper reports on some in-situ atmospheric aircraft measurements that were conducted as part of the TOSCANE-T experiment organized by the European Space Agency to calibrate the scatterometer for launch on ERS-1 in the early 1990's for global ocean wind measurement.The data analysed are the thermodynamic and turbulent variables measured by an instrumented aircraft, the Hurel Dubois, flying at a constant level of 50 m over the sea surface. Special attention was drawn to the variability of the boundary conditions within areas of 25 × 30 km. In fact, the two-dimensional fields of fluxes and thermodynamic parameters were inhomogeneous with some rather strong wind distortion.The eddy fluxes were parameterized with the aid of bulk aerodynamic formulations at a basic scale of 30 km samples, which corresponds to the aircraft flux computation legs. The bulk aerodynamic coefficients for momentum and heat were found to remain independent of windspeed (for wind velocities less than 12 m/s). Fluxes and thermodynamic parameters were also investigated at two other scales: the integration scale was either reduced to small areas of which size always remains larger than several characteristic lengths of turbulent transfer, or extended to a large area of 25 × 30km. The results of the bulk aerodynamic relationships appeared to be scale invariant, which would therefore justify the application of average values, within the range of scales under study.  相似文献   

陆面过程中冠层四流辐射传输模式的模拟性能检验   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
利用实际观测资料检验新发展的植被冠层四流辐射传输模式的模拟性能.将浙江大学田间观测数据用于模式试验,其结果表明:在可见光波段,因叶片散射率值较小,四流模式和二流模式模拟结果差别不大,模拟的冠层反照率都接近观测值.这表明在可见光波段,二流模式已经能够较好模拟芯层反照率,四流模式能够提高的精度范围有限;在近红外波段,因叶片散射率值较大,两个模式模拟结果差别较明显,四流模式模拟的冠层反照率相对二流模式的模拟结果更接近观测值.利用第2次雪模式比较计划SNOWMIP资料和改进的10层陆面模式BATS进行耦合试验,将四流模式以及二流模式均耦合到该陆面模式中,其目的是为考察四流模式对陆面模式模拟地表反射太刚短波辐射通量的影响.耦合后得到的结果与SNOWMIP中加拿大BERMS草地站和森林站的观测资料进行了对比.对比结果表明,采用网流模式、二流模式、BATS原辐射传输模式后,耦合四流模式的陆面模式模拟地表反射太阳短波辐射通量最接近观测值.说明采用四流模式能够改善陆面模式对地表反射太阳短波辐射通啦的模拟.  相似文献   

This paper uses a Modified Soil-Plant-Atmosphere Scheme (MSPAS) to study the interaction betweenland surface and atmospheric boundary layer processes. The scheme is composed of two main parts:atmospheric boundary layer processes and land surface processes. Compared with SiB and BATS, which arefamous for their detailed parameterizations of physical variables, this simplified model is more convenientand saves much more computation time. Though simple, the feasibility of the model is well proved inthis paper. The numerical simulation results from MSPAS show good agreement with reality. The schemeis used to obtain reasonable simulations for diurnal variations of heat balance, potential temperature ofboundary layer, and wind field, and spatial distributions of temperature, specific humidity, vertical velocity,turbulence kinetic energy, and turbulence exchange coefficient over desert and oasis. In addition, MSPAS isused to simulate the interaction between desert and oasis at night, and again it obtains reasonable results.This indicates that MSPAS can be used to study the interaction between land surface processes and theatmospheric boundary layer over various underlying surfaces and can be extended for regional climate andnumerical weather prediction study.  相似文献   

In this paper, an equation of the vertical velocity at the top of PBL is derived by use of a PBL model which is based on an analytic and actual form of K. Results show that the vertical velocity is a function of geostrophic vorticity, geostrophic wind speed, Coriolis parameter and the roughness of the ground, thus improving Charney-Eliassen’s formula. The order of magnitude of the vertical velocity computed from our equation is in agreement with that from the latter, but more factors affecting the vertical velocity are included.  相似文献   

WRF模式边界层参数化方案对西南低涡模拟的影响   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
刘晓冉  李国平 《气象科学》2014,34(2):162-170
应用中尺度数值模式WRF(V3.3版本)选用4种行星边界层参数化方案(YSU、ACM2、MYJ和NOPBL)对2011年6月16—18日造成强降水的西南低涡过程进行敏感性试验,对比分析不同边界层参数化方案对西南低涡过程模拟的影响。模拟结果表明:4种边界层参数化方案均能较好地模拟出西南低涡以及暴雨带的东移,其中YSU方案对低涡路径、强度及降水的总体模拟效果最好。YSU和ACM2方案,与MYJ和NOPBL方案相比,模拟的低涡中心区域正涡度柱和垂直上升运动较强,达到的垂直高度更高。造成这种差异的主要原因是对边界层上的夹卷效应以及垂直混合作用考虑的不同。不考虑边界层作用的NOPBL方案模拟的地表风速异常偏大,造成地表热通量明显偏强、边界层高度偏高。YSU、ACM2和MYJ 3种方案模拟的边界层高度和热通量的日变化比较一致,夜间基本维持少变,白天变化大,其中MYJ模拟的边界层高度和热通量较大,ACM2模拟的较小。地表风速是造成热量输送以及边界层高度模拟差异的主要因子。  相似文献   

1. Introduction In our previous paper, MSPAS (Modi?ed Soil-Plant-Atmosphere Scheme) was fully introduced andthe e?ectiveness of the model was also well proved (Liuet al., 2004). In this paper, some sensitivity experi-ments are performed to test the sta…  相似文献   

卢绪兰  彭新东 《气象学报》2021,79(1):119-131
大气边界层湍流运动是地球大气运动最重要的能量输送过程之一.当数值模式分辨率接近活跃含能湍涡长度尺度时,湍流运动被部分解析,被称为"灰色区域",传统的边界层方案不适合此时模式湍流问题的描述.为了提高模式边界层方案在包括"灰色区域"的不同网格尺度上的描述能力,适应不同分辨率模式的需要,在雷诺平均湍流理论基础上,修正Mell...  相似文献   

The turbulent structure of the planetary boundary layer (PBL) is investigated based on measurements from a 213 m meteorological tower. It is found that the sensible heat flux decreases with height, resulting in a temperature increase during the daytime. On the other hand, the water vapor flux is almost constant with height and the diurnal variation of specific humidity is not so clear. Time variations of sensible heat flux and water vapor flux are closely correlated to the variation of net radiation and some differences are seen in their response times. Transient processes in the mixed layer including those related to the moisture structure are also investigated during periods of development and disappearance of the layer.  相似文献   

将任一中尺度区域的平均瞬间径流率考虑为区域平均降水量和地表土壤层水分渗透垦的余项.根据降水量在地理空间上分布的实测资料拟合其空间概率密度函数(PDF),并结合土壤入渗物理过程的数学描述及其经验公式,精确估计出地表土壤渗透率及其空间分布,由此建立区域地表径流率的统计-动力学估计方案.换言之,区域内地表产流率可视为区域平均降水量与区域平均的土壤下渗量之差值,而区域内土壤的平均下渗量又町分为非饱和区和饱和区两部分的下渗量来分别计算.就陆面水分循环的物理过程而言,地表入渗现象是在一定的下垫面特性基础上,由一定的水分供应源而形成的.根据大气降水向地表层输送水分的物理过程,在满足植被表层覆盖需水(截流水)和地表层土壤人渗水基础上,多余的降水量才会形成地表径流.凶此,推求地表产流率的主要关键在于地表土壤层需水量.为此奉文根据土壤水分通量方程推导出水分入渗公式.又从描述土壤水分和降水的空间PDF出发,推导出非均匀土壤含水量及降水气候强迫所形成的次网格尺度区域平均径流率计算公式.利用长江三角洲地区1996年降水量和土壤特性等实测资料建立区域平均地表径流率的估计公式,并对其影响凶素进行敏感性试验.结果表明,该方法与用Mosaic方法计算的区域径流率(或产流率)结果十分接近.由此可见,该文提出的降水气候强迫下非均匀地表区域平均径流的这种统计-动力参数化方案,具有相当的可靠性与可行性.  相似文献   

A simple parameterization is proposed to obtain longwave radiative cooling rates, which can be used for atmospheric boundary-layer simulations on clear days in mid-latitudes. The net flux difference which is set to zero at the surface, can be parameterized with the use of three variables: the surface temperature, the lowest level (1.5 m) air temperature, and the total amount of water vapor. If these three elements, along with the water vapor profile are known, it is possible to estimate the cooling rate due to longwave radiation. The results of this parameterization are in good agreement with those of a precise scheme (Roach and Slingo, 1979), within a range of ± 1°C/day of diurnal change for boundary-layer simulations.  相似文献   

A set of concentration time series from ground-level plumes in the atmosphere has been used to generate conditionally sampled (zeros ignored) plume concentration statistics. These have been compared and contrasted with corresponding unconditionally sampled statistics. It is found that conditional statistics are much less sensitive to the location of the receptor (relative to the mean plume) and to averaging time. Indeed, most of the variation apparent in unconditionally sampled statistics (both explained and unexplained) resides in the intermittency, the fraction of non-zero readings.The data are used to test three commonly used models for the concentration frequency distribution. At the simplest level of modelling, it is assumed that conditional statistics are invariant; then the data are best represented by a clipped-normal distribution. However, an exponential distribution is only slightly conservative and has the advantage of simplicity. A log-normal distribution is clearly not supported by the data. With this simple approach the intermittency remains unspecified and this is a serious deficiency.More advanced modelling must account for the residual variation in conditional statistics, which implies a relationship between these statistics and the intermittency. Although there is evidence for such a relationship in the data, it is not adequately represented by any of the distribution models considered.  相似文献   

The surface flux calculation method proposed by Louis (1979) is extended by allowing momentum and heat to have different roughness lengths (z 0 andz T respectively). Our approach is to extend the traditional analysis by a more careful consideration of potential temperature structure near the surface. This consideration leads to a redefinition of the bulk Richardson number. For bulk transfer coefficients, our method shows a significant improvement over the original Louis method when compared with the theoretical surface-layer model applied to rough surfaces. Numerical experiments simulating sea breezes in 2D show that our extension is crucially important in simulating light wind and low humidity conditions.  相似文献   

陆面模式中植物根系吸水过程参数方案研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

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