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The Upper Jurassic fill of the back-arc Neuquén Basin includes a lowstand wedge known as the Tordillo Formation. The studied deposits crop out along a N-S oriented belt that runs parallel to the Andean magmatic arc. They are limited to the south by the east-west oriented positive structure of the Huincul arch formed as a result of Upper Jurassic tectonic inversion. The Tordillo deposits were formed in an arid fluvial-dominated system characterised by systematic downstream changes in architectural style. A gravelly and sandy bedload fluvial system is recognised in the southern upstream sector. The reduced thickness and the coarse grain size suggest steep gradients, excess of bedload supply and a low subsidence rate. Thicker and finer-grained deposits prevail to the north and northeast. They were formed under arid conditions in a wadi-sand flat-playa fluvial system. This distal facies association indicates increased accommodation owing to high rates of subsidence relative to coarse siliciclastic sedimentation rates. These low-gradient deposits are characterised by cyclic alternations of mud-dominated and sand-dominated packages interpreted as high- and low-accommodation systems tracts. The overall fining upward stacking pattern of the Tordillo Formation suggests a change towards higher accommodation rates. This is accompanied by frequent development of soil horizons and darker primary and reworked pyroclastic deposits. These attributes indicate a stronger explosive volcanic activity associated with increased precipitation and high water table emplacement towards the end of the Tordillo lowstand wedge.  相似文献   

Petrographical and geochemical studies of Silurian Niur sandstones, Derenjal Mountains, Central Iran, were carried out to infer their provenance and tectonic setting. Modal analysis data of 37 medium sand size and well-sorted samples revealed that most quartz is composed of monocrystalline grains with straight to slightly undulos extinction and about 3 % polycrystalline quartz has inclusions, such as rutile needles. The sandstones are classified as quartzarenite, sublitharenite, and subarkose types based on framework composition and geochemistry. Petrographic studies reveal that these sandstones contain quartz, feldspars, and fragments of sedimentary rocks. The detrital modes of these sandstones indicate that they were derived from recycled orogen and stable cratonic source. Major and trace element contents of them are generally depleted (except SiO2) relative to upper continental crust which is mainly due to the presence of quartz and absence of Al-bearing minerals. Modal composition (e.g., quartz, feldspar, and lithic fragments) and discrimination diagrams based on major elements, trace elements (Ti, La, Th, Sc, and Zr), and also such ratios as La/Sc, Th/Sc, La/Co, and Th/Co, in sandstones suggest a felsic igneous source rock and quartzose polycyclic sedimentary provenance in a passive continental margin setting. Furthermore, high Zr/Sc values in these sandstones are considered as a sign of recycling. We indicated paleo-weathering conditions by modal compositions, the CIA index and Al2O3?+?K2O?+?Na2O% vs. SiO2% bivariate for these sandstones. Based on these results, although recycling is important to increase the maturity of the Niur sandstones, humid climate conditions in the source area have played a decisive role.  相似文献   

The Upper Jurassic Tordillo Formation at Cañada Ancha area, northern Neuquén Basin, Argentina, comprises a multi-stage suit of predominantly alluvial sediments that is heterolithic in nature. In that suit, several lithofacies, architectural elements, and bounding surfaces of different order have been identified and their lateral and vertical distribution characterized. This analysis allowed the differentiation of 3 main units (lower, middle and upper), 20 subunits (C-1 to C-20), and the characterization of their alluvial styles.The lower unit (which comprises subunits C-1 to C-4) is mainly formed by fine- to medium-grained sandstones, which become medium- to coarse-grained towards the top. These sandstones characterize settings ranging from floodplains with isolated, unconfined flows, to more complex, vertically stacked, multi-storey sheet sandstones of braided fluvial systems. The middle unit (C-5 to C-10) is dominated by pale brown-grey fine-to coarse-grained sands and medium size subangular to angular conglomerates, which reflect amalgamated complexes of sandstone sheets and downstream accretion macroforms. Remarkably, this alluvial sedimentation was episodically punctuated by volcaniclastic flows. The upper unit (C-11 to C-20) consists of finer sediments, mainly pink to white fine-to medium grained sandstones and red to green siltstones. Towards the top, bioturbation becomes important, and also the presence of volcanosedimentary flows is noticeable. Fluvial settings include braided sheet sandstones with waning flood deposits evolving to isolated high-sinuosity fluvial systems, with flash flood deposits. At the top of this unit, facies may suggest marine influence.Vertical changes in the fluvial style result from both climatic and tectonic controls. A semiarid to arid climate and the active tectonism linked to the eastward migration of the Andean volcanic arc determined major bounding surfaces, fluvial style evolution and the presence of the volcano-sedimentary deposits. Different stages of high and low subsidence rates has been deduced from the vertical stacking of sediments.  相似文献   

Subaerial weathering level, source area and tectonic environments were interpreted by using petrographic and geochemical characteristics of Eocene age sandstones found in the eastern Pontides. The thickness of Eocene age clastic rocks in the eastern Pontides ranges from 195 to 400 m. Mineralogical components of sandstones were mainly quartz, feldspar, rock fragments, and opaque and accessory minerals. Depending on their matrix and mineralogical content, Eocene age sandstones are identified as arkosic arenite-lithic arenite and feldspathic wacke-lithic wacke. CIA (Chemical Index of Alteration) values observed in the Eocene age sandstones (43–55) suggest that the source terrain of the sandstones was not affected by intense chemical weathering. Low CIW/CIA (Chemical Index of Weathering/Chemical Index of Alteration) values of the sandstones studied here suggest only slightly decomposed material and having undergone little transport until final deposition. Zr/Hf, Th/Sc, La/Sc and CIA ratios are low and demonstrate a mafic source; on the other hand, high LREE/HREE ratios and a slightly negative Eu anomaly indicate a subordinate fclsic source. Modal mineralogical and SiO2/Al2O3 and K2O/Na2O and Th, Zr, Co, Sc of Eocene age sandstone contents indicate that they are probably magmatic arc originated and deposited in the back arc basin.  相似文献   

Petrography and geochemistry (major, trace and rare earth elements) of clastic rocks from the Lower Cambrian Lalun Formation, in the Posht-e-badam block, Central Iran, have been investigated to understand their provenance. Petrographical analysis suggests that the Lalun conglomerates are dominantly with chert clasts derived from a proximal source, probably chert bearing Precambrian Formations. Similarly, purple sandstones are classified as litharenite (chertarenite) and white sandstones as quartzarenite types. The detrital modes of purple and white sandstones indicate that they were derived from recycled orogen (uplifted shoulders of rift) and stable cratonic source. Most major and trace element contents of purple sandstones are generally similar to upper continental crust (UCC) values. However, white sandstones are depleted in major and trace elements (except SiO2, Zr and Co) relative to UCC, which is mainly due to the presence of quartz and absence of other Al-bearing minerals. Shale samples have considerably lower content in most of the major and trace elements concentration than purple sandstones, which is possibly due to intense weathering and recycling. Modal composition (e.g., quartz, feldspar, lithic fragments) and geochemical indices (Th/Sc, La/Sc, Co/Th, Cr/Th, Cr/V and V/Ni ratios) of sandstones, and shales (La/Sc and La/Cr ratios) indicate that they were derived from felsic source rocks and deposited in a passive continental margin. The chondrite-normalized rare earth element (REE) patterns of the studied samples are characterized by LREE enrichment, negative Eu anomaly and flat HREE similar to an old upper continental crust composed chiefly of felsic components in the source area. The study of paleoweathering conditions based on modal composition, chemical index of alteration (CIA), plagioclase index of alteration (PIA) and A–CN–K (Al2O3 − CaO + Na2O − K2O) relationships indicate that probably chemical weathering in the source area and recycling processes have been more important in shale and white sandstones relative to purple sandstones. The results of this study suggest that the main source for the Lalun Formation was likely located in uplifted shoulders of a rifted basin (probably a pull-apart basin) in its post-rift stage (Pan-African basement of the Posht-e-badam block).  相似文献   

Whole-rock chemistry and precise U – Pb zircon chronology have been used to determine the provenance of Archean greenschist-facies siliciclastic sedimentary rocks of the Diemals Formation in the Marda – Diemals area of the central Yilgarn Craton, Western Australia. Field evidence shows that these siliciclastic rocks are, at least in part, derived from uplift and erosion of underlying greenstones, and this is borne out by the similar La/Sc, Cr/Th and REE chemistry of Diemals Formation siltstones and some sandstones to mafic volcanic rocks of the underlying greenstones. The higher Cr/V and lower Y/Ni of some siltstones is consistent with input from ultramafic and mafic rocks. Diemals Formation sandstones and siltstones cannot be separated in terms of ratios such as Zr/La, and siliciclastic rock chemistry reflects provenance rather than the effects of transport and depositional processes, such as sorting. Chemistry does not support input to Diemals Formation sedimentary rocks from the Marda volcanic complex despite both units being close to each other, and having overlapping maximum depositional and crystallisation ages, respectively. Instead, it is likely that detritus for the two units was deposited in adjacent, physically discrete basins. Some Diemals Formation sandstones are geochemically similar to felsic rocks intruding the underlying greenstone succession, with higher La/Sc and lower Cr/Th, and LREE-enriched patterns with negative Eu anomalies. Support for a genetic relationship is shown by the overlap in the maximum depositional age of these sandstones with the crystallisation age of the geochemically identical Pigeon Rocks Monzogranite. Combined whole-rock chemistry and precise U – Pb zircon chronology indicates that Diemals Formation sedimentary rocks were in large part derived from the underlying mafic volcanic rocks, with progressive unroofing of this succession leading to erosion of felsic intrusive rocks, now represented by sandstones found at various levels in the Diemals Formation.  相似文献   

In this study, the whole-rock geochemistry of 35 Oligocene–Miocene sandstone and shale samples from the Zivah Formation, Moghan area (NW Iran) were collected and analyzed for evaluation of their provenance, tectonic setting and the intensity of paleo-weathering. Low to moderate values of the chemical index of alteration (mean CIA?=?53/68 for sandstones/shales) and relatively high values of index of compositional variability (mean ICV?=?1.23/1.08 for sandstones/shales) suggest weak chemical weathering and an immature source. These results support for the semi-arid and semi-humid paleoclimate conditions in the source area. The geochemistry results reveal that the sediments were deposited in a basin related to the island arc and active continental margin tectonic settings, probably indicating the time of initial collision between Arabia and Eurasia. The enrichment of Cr, Ni and V in the sandstone and shales are consistent with mafic input from the source area. However, La/Th vs. Hf and La/Sc vs. Co/Th plots reveal mixed source of felsic and intermediate volcanic rocks. The data indicate that the sediments most likely originated from a mixture of mafic, intermediate and felsic igneous source areas, possibly as the erosional products of localized topography of the Talysh and the Lesser Caucasus mountains (south to southwest), created by compression in the Moghan region during the syn-collisional development of the Caucasus.  相似文献   

We present a modified model for the paleogeographic evolution of Mexico during Early and Late Jurassic time that is constrained by the tectonic setting and the weathering conditions of the Early Jurassic Huayacocotla Formation and Late Jurassic Alamitos Sandstone basins in state San Luis Potosí in central Mexico. Framework petrography constrains feldspato-quartzose sandstone (mean of Q68F22L10) and litho-quartzose (mean of Q75F6L19) sandstone compositions for the two units, respectively. The abundant lithic fragments are totally dominated by volcanic fragments. Quartz cathodoluminescence colours and textures from the Alamitos Sandstone supports a large input of volcanic material, but also indicates the presence of metamorphic quartz. Similarly, the geochemical composition is more mafic for the Huayacocotla Formation (Th/Sc: ˜0.6 and Cr/Th: ˜10) than for the Alamitos Sandstone (Th/Sc: ˜1.1 and Cr/Th: ˜48). Also the weathering conditions were less intense during the Early (CIA: ˜60, PIA: ˜61) than the Late Jurassic (CIA ˜85, PIA ˜97). Well preserved lithic fragments and feldspar grains, particularly in the Huayacocotla Formation, indicate that weathering indeed was minor for this unit. We interpret the difference between the two units as a combined result of climate change and tectonic setting. During the Early Jurassic, transport of volcanic detritus probably dominated from the active Nazas arc in the west. Later, additional sources from the metamorphic basement of Mexico were included. During Late Jurassic time strike-slip faulting related to the opening of the Gulf of Mexico may have re-directed the sediment-transport systems. Finally, the degree of weathering was affected by drastic climatic change from arid to humid tropical conditions during the Middle to Upper Jurassic, possibly related to the first incursions of Gulf of Mexico marine environments linked to the rotation of the Yucatan block.  相似文献   


Tertiary sandstones collected from southwest Sarawak, Malaysia, were analyzed to decipher their provenance, weathering, and tectonic setting. The studied sandstones have a sublitharenite composition and are dominantly composed quartz with little mica and feldspar, and a small amount of volcanic fragments. These sandstones were generally derived from quartz-rich recycled orogenic sources. They have relatively high SiO2 content with low Na2O, CaO, MnO, and MgO contents. Values of Chemical Index of Alteration (CIA) of these rock samples vary from 71 to 93, with an average of 81, implying intense chemical alteration during weathering. A felsic igneous source is suggested by a low concentration of TiO2 compared to CIA, enrichment of Light Rare Earth Elements, depletion of Heavy Rare Earth Elements, and negative Eu anomalies. A felsic origin is further supported by a Eu/Eu* range of 0.65–0.85 and high Th/Sc, La/Sc, La/Co, and Th/Co ratios. This work presents the first reported geochemical data of Tertiary sandstones of the Sarawak Basin. These data led us to conclude that the sandstones were dislodged from recycled orogenic sources and deposited in a slowly subsiding rifted basin in a passive continental tectonic setting.  相似文献   

早奥陶世和早志留世是北祁连加里东造山带构造演化和盆地转变的关键时期。在造山带东段景泰地区,下奥陶统阴沟组和下志留统肮脏沟组两套砂岩的微量元素和稀土元素特征显示,阴沟组杂砂岩样品(Cj1和Cj3)具有最小的Eu/Eu*及最大的Th/Sc和REE,肮脏沟组杂砂岩具有较小的Eu/Eu*和较大的Th/Sc及REE;阴沟组岩屑砂岩样品(Cj13、Cj15和Cj18)具有最大的Eu/Eu*及最小的Th/Sc、REE和La/Yb。多个物源、构造背景判别图解和多元素蛛网图分析表明,阴沟组杂砂岩样品具大陆边缘的构造背景,主要物源为大陆上地壳再旋回沉积物和长英质岩石;岩屑砂岩样品为岛弧构造背景,以中基性安山质岩石为主要物源,可能受陆源物质的微弱影响。肮脏沟组杂砂岩构造背景复杂,表现出大陆岛弧、活动陆缘和被动陆缘三种环境共存的特点,受中基性火山弧物质、长英质岩石和再旋回沉积岩的混合物源的影响。两套砂岩的元素特征表明二者可能具有相似的源区。阴沟组杂砂岩源区可能为阿拉善地块南缘海原群变沉积岩或其他相似的陆源再旋回沉积物,砂岩碎屑以来自初始火山弧物质为主,以石灰沟岛弧型中基性火山岩作为其源岩最合适。阴沟组形成于初始弧后盆地环境,是岛弧活动的直接记录。肮脏沟组可能的源岩为阿拉善地块南缘海原群变沉积岩和中高等成熟度的石灰沟岛弧型火山岩及海原群岛弧型变火山岩,沉积于弧后前陆盆地,对构造环境的反映存在滞后性。  相似文献   

滇东南八布基性/超基性岩体被认为代表洋壳残片,与越北Song Hien构造带内的蛇绿岩体共同构成八布-Song Hien古特提斯缝合带的重要岩石记录,是认识华南西南缘古特提斯构造演化的重要窗口.环绕八布基性/超基性岩体分布大面积碎屑岩系,内夹有硅质岩序列,长期以来被认为是三叠纪浊流沉积,但缺少确切的古生物化石和放射性年代学证据.为确定这套碎屑岩的沉积时代和物质来源,对紧邻八布岩体的龙林西含火山岩屑砂砾岩进行LA-ICPMS碎屑锆石U-Pb同位素和微量元素分析.结果显示,碎屑锆石年龄谱与华南西南缘的二叠系-三叠系年龄谱明显不同,但与Song Hien构造带晚二叠世砂岩和哀牢山带绿春二叠纪砂岩年龄谱相似.最年轻锆石年龄组约为285Ma,在微量元素组成上与弧/造山型岩浆结晶锆石一致,对应于安山质-流纹质火山岩屑,指示早二叠世火山岩浆活动.结合碎屑锆石年龄谱的对比分析和八布村东硅质岩序列的新发现,结果表明八布碎屑岩的沉积时代应为早二叠世,而非中三叠世,其早二叠世火山岩源区与八布-Song Hien古特提斯洋俯冲有关.   相似文献   

Petrological and geochemical studies have been carried out on Pulivendla and Gandikota Quartzite from Chitravati Group of Cuddapah Supergroup to decipher the provenance and depositional environment. Both the units are texturally mature with sub-rounded to well-rounded and moderately to well-sorted grains. Majority of the framework grains are quartz, in the form of monocrystalline quartz, followed by feldspars (K-feldspar and plagioclase), mica, rock fragments, heavy minerals, with minor proportion of the matrix and cement. Based on major element geochemical classification diagram, Pulivendla Quartzite is considered as quartz-arenite and arkose to sub-arkose, whereas Gandikota Quartzite falls in the field of lith-arenite and arkose to sub-arkose. Weathering indices like CIA, PIA, CIW, ICV, Th/U ratio and A–CN–K ternary diagram suggest moderate to intense chemical weathering of the source rocks of these quartzites. Whole rock geochemistry of quartzites indicate that they are primarily from the first-cycle sediments, along with some minor recycled components. Also their sources were mostly intermediate-felsic igneous rocks of Archean age. The tectonic discrimination plots, Th–Sc–Zr/10 of both these formations reflect active to passive continental margin setting. Chondrite-normalized rare earth element (REE) patterns, and various trace element ratios like Cr/Th, Th/Co, La/Sc and Th/Cr indicate dominantly felsic source with minor contribution from mafic source. Th/Sc ratios of Pulivendla and Gandikota Quartzite are in close proximity with average values of 2.83, 3.45 respectively, which is higher than AUCC (\(\hbox {Th/Sc}=0.97\)), demonstrating that the contributions from more alkali source rocks than those that contributed to AUCC.  相似文献   

The Neoproterozoic Bhander Group in the Son Valley, central India conformably overlying the Rewa Group, is the uppermost subdivision of the Vindhyan Supergroup dominantly composed of arenites, carbonates and shales. In Maihar-Nagod area, a thick pile of unmetamorphosed clastic sedimentary rocks of Bhander Group is exposed, which provides a unique opportunity to study Neoproterozoic basin development through provenance and tectonic interpretations. The provenance discrimination and tectonic setting interpretations are based on modal analysis and whole rock geochemistry. The average framework composition of the detrital sediments composed of quartz and sedimentary lithic fragments are classified as quartz arenite to sublitharenite. The sandstone geochemically reflects high SiO2, moderate Al2O3 and low CaO and Na2O type arenite. The high concentration of HFSE such as Zr, Hf, and Th/Sc, Th/U ratios in these sandstones indicate a mixed provenance. The chondrite normalized REE pattern shows moderate to strong negative Eu anomaly which suggests that major part of the sediments were derived from the granitic source area. The sandstone tectonic discrimination diagrams and various geochemical plots suggest that the provenance of the lower and upper Bhander sandstone formations was continental interior to recycled orogen.  相似文献   

Robert Cullers 《Lithos》1988,21(4):301-314
A series of soil and stream sediments developed during intense weathering on the metaluminous Danburg granite, northeastern Georgia, U.S.A., have been analyzed mineralogically and chemically. The concentrations of Ba, Na, Rb and Cs in the silt and coarser fractions are controlled mainly by feldspars and biotite. Hf is controlled by zircon, and the REE (rare-earth elements) and Th are largely controlled by sphene. Variations in feldspar, sphene and zircon may produce small variations in Eu/Sm and La/Lu ratios. Ferromagnesian minerals control Ta, Fe, Co, Sc and Cr concentrations.

The mineralogical and chemical composition of the Danburg granite is more closely reflected in the silt than in the sand or gravel fractions of stream sediments. In the silt, the contents of Rb, REE, Th, Ta, Fe, Co and Sc and the ratios of La/Sc, Th/Sc, La/Co, Th/Co, Eu/Sm and La/Lu are similar to those in the unweathered granite. In contrast, these element contents or ratios in the sands and gravels are 0.05−3× the concentration in the unweathered granite. Ta and Ba contents are an exception to the above. The Ta and Ba contents of the sands and gravels are similar to those of the granite.

In the kaolinite-halloysite clays, the content of Na is depleted relative to the source. Rb, Cs, Ba, Hf and Ta are depleted or enriched in the clays relative to the source, while the REE, Th, Fe, Co, Sc and Cr are enriched. The Eu/Sm (Eu anomaly size) and La/Lu ratios, and the REE patterns of the clays are similar to those of the source.

Thus, the mineralogy and element contents of a siltstone developed from metaluminous, granitic sources during intense weathering would be expected to be more similar to the source rock than the sandstones and conglomerates. Claystones should contain similar REE patterns and Eu/Sm ratios as the source rock, but such fine-grained sediments might represent much larger areas of source rocks than the more locally derived sandstones or conglomerates.  相似文献   

This study presents new zircon U–Pb geochronology, geochemistry, and zircon Hf isotopic data of volcanic and subvolcanic rocks that crop out in the Bayanhushuo area of the southern Great Xing’an Range (GXR) of NE China. These data provide insights into the tectonic evolution of this area during the late Mesozoic and constrain the evolution of the Mongol–Okhotsk Ocean. Combining these new ages with previously published data suggests that the late Mesozoic volcanism occurred in two distinct episodes: Early–Middle Jurassic (176–173 Ma) and Late Jurassic–Early Cretaceous (151–138 Ma). The Early–Middle Jurassic dacite porphyry belongs to high-K calc-alkaline series, showing the features of I-type igneous rock. This unit has zircon εHf(t) values from +4.06 to +11.62 that yield two-stage model ages (TDM2) from 959 to 481 Ma. The geochemistry of the dacite porphyry is indicative of formation in a volcanic arc tectonic setting, and it is derived from a primary magma generated by the partial melting of juvenile mafic crustal material. The Late Jurassic–Early Cretaceous volcanic rocks belong to high-K calc-alkaline or shoshonite series and have A2-type affinities. These volcanics have εHf(t) and TDM2 values from +5.00 to +8.93 and from 879 to 627 Ma, respectively. The geochemistry of these Late Jurassic–Early Cretaceous volcanic rocks is indicative of formation in a post-collisional extensional environment, and they formed from primary magmas generated by the partial melting of juvenile mafic lower crust. The discovery of late Mesozoic volcanic and subvolcanic rocks within the southern GXR indicates that this region was in volcanic arc and extensional tectonic settings during the Early–Middle Jurassic and the Late Jurassic–Early Cretaceous, respectively. This indicates that the Mongol–Okhotsk oceanic plate was undergoing subduction during the Early–Middle Jurassic, and this ocean adjacent to the GXR may have closed by the Late Middle Jurassic–Early Late Jurassic.  相似文献   

http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1674987113000352   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Yidun Group extends from the Shangri-La region to the south and the Changtai region to the north,and is an important component of the Triassic Yidun arc in the eastern Tibetan plateau.It is composed of the Lieyi,Qugasi,Tumugou and Lanashan Formations from the base upward.Both the Lieyi and Lanashan Formations consist dominantly of black or gray slate and sandstone,whereas the Qugasi and Tumugou Formations have variable amounts of mafic to felsic volcanic rocks and turfs accompanied with gray slate and sandstone.Sandstone from the Yidun Group has variable CIA values from 55 to 76,indicative of mild to moderate weathering condition for the source rocks.All the sandstones define a general weathering trend nearly parallel to the A-CN boundary in the A-CN-K triangular diagram,implying limited effect of diagenetic and post-depositional K-metasomatism.Dominant detrital quartz and feldspar grains of the sandstones suggest predominantly felsic sources.Relatively high Y/Ni and low Cr/V ratios of sandstones from the Yidun Group indicate more contribution from felsic than mafic sources.Similarly,the Yidun sandstones have Co/Th and La/Sc ratios generally similar to upper continental crust (UCC) and cluster between UCC and felsic sources,indicating felsic rocks as primary sources.Granodiorite represents the average chemical composition of sources as evaluated by extending the predicted weathering trend back to the feldspar join in A-CN-K diagram.Prominently high Zr/Sc ratio or Hf concentration and Paleoproterozoic Nd modal ages (1.94-2.21 Ga)point to input of recycling components derived from old sedimentary source in a relatively stable tectonic setting.  相似文献   

Greywackes (Dharwar greywackes) are the most abundant rock types in the northern part of the Dharwar-Shimoga greenstone belt of the western Dharwar craton. They are distinctly immature rocks with poorly-sorted angular to sub-angular grains, comprising largely quartz, plagioclase feldspar and lithic fragments of volcanics (mafic+felsic), chert and quartzite, with subordinate biotite, K-feldspar and muscovite. They are characterized by almost uniform silica (59.78-67.96 wt%; av. 62.58), alkali (4.62-7.35 wt%; av. 5.41) contents, SiO2/Al2O3 (3.71-5.25) ratios, and compositionally are comparable to the andesite and dacite. As compared to Ranibennur greywackes, located about 100 km south of Dharwad in the Dharwar-Shimoga greenstone belt, the Dharwar greywackes have higher K2O, CaO, Zr, Y, ΣREE, Th/Sc, Zr/Cr, La/Sc and lower Sr, Cr, Ni, Sc, Cr/Th values. The chondrite normalized patterns of Dharwar greywackes are characterized by moderately fractionated REE patterns with moderate to high LREE enrichment, with almost flat HREE patterns and small negative Eu anomalies, suggesting felsic dominated source rocks in the provenance. The frame work grains comprising felsic and mafic volcanics, feldspars and quartz suggest a mixed source in the provenance. The moderate CIA values ranging between 57 and 73, indicate derivation of detritus from fresh basement rocks and from nearby volcanic sources.The mixing calculations suggest that the average REE pattern is closely matching with a provenance having 40% dacite, 30% granite, 20% basalt and 10% tonalite. These greywackes were deposited in a subduction related forearc basin than a continental margin basin. Their La/Sc ratios are high (av. 4.07) compared to the Ranibennur greywackes (1.79), suggesting that the greywackes of the northern part of the basin received detritus from a more evolved continental crust than the greywackes of the central part of the Dharwar-Shimoga basin.  相似文献   

Detrital mode, composition of feldspars and heavy minerals, and major element chemistry of sandstones from the Permo-Triassic succession in the intracratonic Satpura Gondwana basin, central India have been used to investigate provenance. The Talchir Formation, the lowermost unit of the succession, comprises glacio-marine and glacio-fluvial deposits. The rest of the succession (base to top) comprising the Barakar, Motur, Bijori, Pachmarhi and Denwa formations, largely represent variety of fluvial depositional systems with minor fluvio-deltaic and fluvio-lacustrine sedimentation under a variety of climatic conditions including cold, warm, arid, sub-humid and semi-arid. QFL compositions of the sandstones indicate a predominantly continental block provenance and stable cratonic to fault-bounded basement uplift tectonic setting. Compositional maturity of sandstones gradually increases upwards from the Early Permian Talchir to the Middle Triassic Denwa but is punctuated by a sharp peak of increased maturity in the Barakar sandstones. This temporal change in maturity was primarily controlled by temporal variation in fault-induced basement uplift in the craton and was also influenced by climatic factors. Plots of different quartz types suggest plutonic source rocks for the Talchir sandstones and medium-to high-rank metamorphic plus plutonic source rocks for the younger sandstones. Composition of alkali feldspars in the Permo-Triassic sandstones and in different Precambrian rocks suggests sediment derivation from felsic igneous and metasedimentary rocks. Compositions of plagioclase in the Talchir and Bijori sandstones are comparable with those of granite, acid volcanic and metasedimentary rocks of the Precambrian basement suggesting the latter as possible source. Rare presence of high-K plagioclase in the Talchir sandstones, however, indicates minor contribution from volcanic source rock. Exclusively plagioclase-bearing metasedimentary rock, tonalite gneiss and mafic rocks are the probable sources of plagioclase in the Upper Denwa sandstones. Quartz-rich nature of the sandstones, predominance of K-feldspar over plagioclase and albite rich character of plagioclase in the sandstones is consistent with deposition in an intracratonic, pull-apart basin like the Satpura Gondwana basin. Composition of garnet and its comparison with that from the Precambrian basement rocks suggests mica-schist and amphibolite as possible sources. Predominance of dravite variety of tourmaline in the Permian sandstones suggests sediment supply from metasedimentary rocks. Presence of both dravite and schorl variety of tourmaline in subequal amount in the Triassic sandstones indicates sediment derivation from granitic and metasedimentary rocks. However, schorl-bearing rocks are absent in the basement complex of the study area. A-CN-K plot suggests granites, acid volcanic rock and meta-sediments of the basement as possible sources of the Talchir sandstones and metasedimentary rocks for the Barakar to Pachmarhi sandstones. The Denwa sandstones were possibly derived from K-feldspar-free, plagioclase-bearing metasediments, mafic rocks and tonalite gneiss. Chemical Index of Alteration (CIA) values suggest low intensity source rock weathering for the Talchir sandstones and higher intensity source rock weathering for the others. Various bivariate plots of major oxides composition of the sandstones suggest passive to active continental margin setting and even arc tectonic setting for a few samples.  相似文献   

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