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张伟民  谭立海  边凯  牛清河 《中国沙漠》2016,36(5):1207-1215
地形在金字塔沙山形成发育过程中起着重要的作用。金字塔沙山通常形成于山前地带,应属于地形屏障影响下形成的一种沙丘类型。首先,上升气流的发育是山前风阻区气流的主要特征,地形屏障是上升气流发生发展的主要原因。沙山的坡脚、坡中及坡顶分别是上升气流的启动区、发育区及衰退区。上升气流是沙山增高增大发育的主要机制。其次,金字塔沙山多发育于局地环流发育较强的地带,局地环流与区域风况配置是形成复杂沙丘类型的重要因素。本区局地环流偏南风不仅持续时间长,且受到鸣沙山微地形的影响,下坡气流较强。实地观测结果破解了常规气候台观测数据难以揭示上升气流及局地环流对金字塔沙丘形成发育的影响。第三,下附地形在沙山形成发育过程中决定着沙丘发育的“临界尺度”,即丘体达到“临界尺度”的时候,坡面上升气流及风速放大作用逐渐显现,促使丘体增高增大发育,随着沙丘形态与上升气流的互馈作用进一步增强,金字塔沙丘逐渐形成演化为高大沙山。实地观测进一步证实了金字塔沙山是纵向(横向)沙丘形变的一种形式。并提出了金字塔沙山在地形条件下形成演化的一种新模式。  相似文献   

Spatial optimization techniques are commonly used for regionalization problems, often represented as p-regions problems. Although various spatial optimization approaches have been proposed for finding exact solutions to p-regions problems, these approaches are not practical when applied to large-size problems. Alternatively, various heuristics provide effective ways to find near-optimal solutions for p-regions problem. However, most heuristic approaches are specifically designed for particular geographic settings. This paper proposes a new heuristic approach named Automated Zoning Procedure-Center Interchange (AZP-CI) to solve the p-functional regions problem (PFRP), which constructs regions by combining small areas that share common characteristics with predefined functional centers and have tight connections among themselves through spatial interaction. The AZP-CI consists of two subprocesses. First, the dissolving/splitting process enhances diversification and thereby produces an extensive exploration of the solution space. Second, the standard AZP locally improves the objective value. The AZP-CI was tested using randomly simulated datasets and two empirical datasets with different sizes. These evaluations indicate that AZP-CI outperforms two established heuristic algorithms: the AZP and simulated annealing, in terms of both solution quality and consistency of producing reliable solutions regardless of initial conditions. It is also noted that AZP-CI, as a general heuristic method, can be easily extended to other regionalization problems. Furthermore, the AZP-CI could be a more scalable algorithm to solve computational intensive spatial optimization problems when it is combined with cyberinfrastructure.  相似文献   

利用社会网络分析的方法对白银市重点资源型工业企业在产品、副产品或废弃物方面的关系展开研究。研究的目的首先在于揭示白银市企业网络的基本特点,从而使得企业不是用偶然的外部联系这一短期机制来获取竞争能力,而是利用网络拓展其知识基础,达到整个网络的互利和共生;其次,为构建企业间合作环境管理网络甚至整个区域的可持续性网络提供进一步研究的基础。研究结果表明银市资源型企业间联系较为密切,个体间的联系以最终产品联系为主,区内企业对外依存度高,区外企业在企业网络中占据重要地位。  相似文献   


This paper examines the need to carry out primary health care administration, programming and planning beyond the established 110 districts in Ghana. The framework for delimiting the sub-districts is offered by the availability of digital data such as the district boundary, site location, road network and population. Using the specified travel distance from predetermined sites, network analysis generates approximate polygons around the health centres to create functional areas ? the health sub-districts. Additional sites are proposed based on a set of criteria which includes proximity, centrality, population and existing level of infrastructural development in an attempt to improve coverage and bring the total utilization of health facilities closer to 100% in the study area.  相似文献   

This article borrows a statistical method from physical geography—topographical prominence—to suggest a new technique for measuring the relative significance or rank of population centers. Unlike raw population measures, prominence gives consideration to both the spatial intensity of concentrated population areas as well as the spatial dependence or independence of neighboring settlement clusters in relation to one another. We explain how to apply the topographic prominence calculation method to gridded population data and examine its practical utility through case studies of several U.S. states. We then discuss some ways in which parametric choices about point-to-surface transformations can result in considerably different outcomes and offer further suggestions for conceptualizing and measuring population center significance.  相似文献   

A sub-bottom acoustic survey of Devil Lake on the Canadian Shield in southern Ontario reveals three acoustic facies: (I) a moderately acoustically transparent, laminated sequence interpreted as a glacilacustrine deposit in glacial Lake Iroquois or a subsequent phase in water depths up to 200 m greater than at present, (II) a transitional more transparent, less layered facies interpreted as being deposited in a more distal glacial lake from erosion of sediment in the watershed exposed by the failure of the ice dam and lowering of the glacial lake before stabilization by the development of forests, and (III) an acoustically transparent facies with similar transmissivity to the water column, interpreted as Holocene gyttja. Each is spatially variable in extent and thickness in response to those processes. There is only a very weak relation between sediment thickness and the water depth in which it was deposited. Wave processes prevent deposition in water depths less than about 6 m and evidence of erosion to the greatest depths of the lake (>40 m) is pervasive. The data demonstrate the value of acoustic survey in assessing lacustrine processes and the history of lakes, and the significance of such documentation in planning a coring program and in interpreting the results.  相似文献   


Cost surfaces are a crucial aspect of route optimization and least cost path (LCP) calculations and are used in awide range of disciplines including computer science, landscape ecology, and energy-infrastructure modeling. Linear features present akey weakness to traditional routing calculations along cost surfaces because they cannot identify whether moving from acell to its adjacent neighbors constitutes crossing alinear barrier (increased cost) or following acorridor (reduced cost). Following and avoiding linear features can drastically change predicted routes. We introduce an approach to address this adjacency issue using asearch kernel that identifies these critical barriers and corridors. We have built this approach into anew Java-based open-source software package– CostMAP (cost surface multi-layer aggregation program)– which calculates cost surfaces and cost networks using the search kernel. CostMAP allows users to input multiple GIS data layers and to set weights and rules for developing aweighted-cost network. We compare CostMAP performance with traditional cost surface approaches and show significant performance gains– both following corridors and avoiding barriers– by modeling the movement of alarge terrestrial animal– the Baird’s Tapir (Tapirus bairdii)– in amovement ecology framework and by modeling pipeline routing for carbon capture and storage (CCS).  相似文献   

Environmental simulation models need automated geographic data reduction methods to optimize the use of high-resolution data in complex environmental models. Advanced map generalization methods have been developed for multiscale geographic data representation. In the case of map generalization, positional, geometric and topological constraints are focused on to improve map legibility and communication of geographic semantics. In the context of environmental modelling, in addition to the spatial criteria, domain criteria and constraints also need to be considered. Currently, due to the absence of domain-specific generalization methods, modellers resort to ad hoc methods of manual digitization or use cartographic methods available in off-the-shelf software. Such manual methods are not feasible solutions when large data sets are to be processed, thus limiting modellers to the single-scale representations. Automated map generalization methods can rarely be used with confidence because simplified data sets may violate domain semantics and may also result in suboptimal model performance. For best modelling results, it is necessary to prioritize domain criteria and constraints during data generalization. Modellers should also be able to automate the generalization techniques and explore the trade-off between model efficiency and model simulation quality for alternative versions of input geographic data at different geographic scales. Based on our long-term research with experts in the analytic element method of groundwater modelling, we developed the multicriteria generalization (MCG) framework as a constraint-based approach to automated geographic data reduction. The MCG framework is based on the spatial multicriteria decision-making paradigm since multiscale data modelling is too complex to be fully automated and should be driven by modellers at each stage. Apart from a detailed discussion of the theoretical aspects of the MCG framework, we discuss two groundwater data modelling experiments that demonstrate how MCG is not just a framework for automated data reduction, but an approach for systematically exploring model performance at multiple geographic scales. Experimental results clearly indicate the benefits of MCG-based data reduction and encourage us to continue expanding the scope of and implement MCG for multiple application domains.  相似文献   

Computational Movement Analysis focuses on the characterization of the trajectory of individuals across space and time. Various analytic techniques, including but not limited to random walks, Brownian motion models, and step selection functions have been used for modeling movement. These fall under the rubric of signal models which are divided into deterministic and stochastic models. The difficulty of applying these models to the movement of dynamic objects (e.g. animals, humans, vehicles) is that the spatiotemporal signal produced by their trajectories a complex composite that is influenced by the Geography through which they move (i.e. the network or the physiography of the terrain), their behavioral state (i.e. hungry, going to work, shopping, tourism, etc.), and their interactions with other individuals. This signal reflects multiple scales of behavior from the local choices to the global objectives that drive movement. In this research, we propose a stochastic simulation model that incorporates contextual factors (i.e. environmental conditions) that affect local choices along its movement trajectory. We show how actual global positioning systems observations can be used to parameterize movement and validate movement models and argue that incorporating context is essential in modeling movement.  相似文献   

Geographic data themes modelled as planar partitions are found in many GIS applications (e.g. topographic data, land cover, zoning plans, etc.). When generalizing this kind of 2D map, this specific nature has to be respected and generalization operations should be carefully designed. This paper presents a design and implementation of an algorithm to perform a split operation of faces (polygonal areas).

The result of the split operation has to fit in with the topological data structure supporting variable-scale data. The algorithm, termed SPLITAREA, obtains the skeleton of a face using a constrained Delaunay triangulation. The new split operator is especially relevant in urban areas with many infrastructural objects such as roads. The contribution of this work is twofold: (1) the quality of the split operation is formally assessed by comparing the results on actual test data sets with a goal/metric we defined beforehand for the ‘balanced’ split and (2) the algorithm allows a weighted split, where different neighbours have different weights due to different compatibility. With the weighted split, the special case of unmovable boundaries is also explicitly addressed.

The developed split algorithm can also be used outside the generalization context in other settings. For example, to make two cross-border data sets fit, the algorithm could be applied to allow splitting of slivers.  相似文献   

高歆 《地理研究》2020,39(11):2607-2625
鉴于传统各向异性二维半变异函数各向同性化方法未充分考虑或无力精确描述其内部结构信息的缺陷,本研究通过引入线性广义尺度不变(GSI)模型,以DEM数据作为验证对象,对二维半变异函数各向异性结构信息进行多尺度建模,并采用旋转椭圆法、两步搜索作图法等方法对系统参数进行估计,最后以球状模型为例对理论半变异函数的估计精度,及其在空间数据插值中的应用效果进行对比研究。结果表明:各向异性普遍存在于地形数据的空间变异中,有证据表明,这种各向异性结构中处处显现出不同的变形特征,但是也存在着某种规则性的成分,如各向同性圆形或近圆形等值线,因此,在对坐标进行各向同性化处理时不适合采用“一刀切”的方式去处理;GSI系统参数皆能得到较高精度的估计,如决定系数R2普遍达到了0.99以上,间接证明了GSI模型对地形数据各向异性结构处理的有效性和适用性;通过理论模型估计和插值结果对比,线性GSI坐标转换法比传统坐标转换法有了明显的精度提升,并且展现出了较高的边缘信息恢复能力,但也表现出了一定的局限性和不稳定性。  相似文献   

We used multivariate statistical techniques to analyse the distributions of surface sediment chironomid assemblages with respect to surface-water temperature, and an additional set of 27 environmental variables, in 30 freshwater lakes of northern Fennoscandia. Our study transect spans boreal coniferous forest to subarctic tundra and includes a steep temperature gradient. Canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) with forward selection and associated Monte Carlo permutation tests revealed that there were statistically significant (P<0.05) relationships between chironomid distributions and two environmental variables, namely lakewater temperature and maximum lake depth. A constrained CCA with temperature as the only predictor variable suggested that the relationship between lakewater temperature and chironomid composition was sufficiently robust for developing a weighted-averaging (WA) based quantitative inference model that will allow palaeotemperature reconstructions using subfossil chironomid remains preserved in lake sediments.  相似文献   

A next-generation drilling system, equipped with a thermal drilling device, is proposed for glacier ice. The system is designed to penetrate glacier ice via melting of the ice and continuously analyze melt-water in a contamination-free sonde. This new type of drilling system is expected to provide analysis data in less time and at less cost than existing systems. Because of the limited number of parameters that can be measured, the proposed system will not take the place of conventional drilling systems that are used to obtain ice cores; however, it will provide a useful method for quickly and simply investigating glacier ice.An electro-thermal drilling device is one of the most important elements needed to develop the proposed system. To estimate the thermal supply required to reach a target depth in a reasonable time, laboratory experiments were conducted using ice blocks and a small sonde equipped solely with heaters. Thermal calculations were then performed under a limited range of conditions. The experiments were undertaken to investigate the effects of the shape and material of the drill head and heater temperature on the rate of penetration into the ice. Additional thermal calculations were then performed based on the experimental results.According to the simple thermal calculations, if the thermal loss that occurs while heat is transferred from the heater to ice (in melting the ice) is assumed to be 50%, the total thermal supply required for heaters in the sonde and cable is as follows: (i) 4.8 kW (sonde) plus 0 W (cable) to penetrate to 300 m depth over 10 days into temperate glacier ice for which the temperature is 0 °C at all depths and to maintain a water layer along 300 m of cable; (ii) 10 kW (sonde) plus 19–32 kW (cable) to penetrate to 1000 m depth over 1 month into cold glacier ice for which the temperature is −25 °C at the surface and 0 °C at 1000 m depth and to maintain a water layer along 1000 m of cable; and (iii) 19 kW (sonde) plus 140–235 kW (cable) to penetrate to 3000 m depth over 2 months into an ice sheet for which the temperature is −55 °C at the surface and 0 °C at 3000 m depth and to maintain a water layer along 3000 m of cable. The thermal supply required for the cable is strongly affected by the thickness of the water layer, cable diameter, and the horizontal distance from the ice wall at which the ice temperature was maintained at its initial temperature. A large thermal supply is required to heat 3000 m of cable in an ice sheet (scenario (iii) above), but penetration into glacier ice (scenarios (i) and (ii) above) could be realistic with the use of a currently employed generator.  相似文献   

Yang  Wei  Zhang  Liping  Zhang  Yanjun  Li  Zongli  Xiao  Yi  Xia  Jun 《地理学报(英文版)》2019,29(3):389-405
Journal of Geographical Sciences - The Interconnected River System Network (IRSN) plays a crucial role in water resource allocation, water ecological restoration and water quality improvement. It...  相似文献   

Previous work related to central‐Auckland site Albert Park showed that sparse site histories for inner‐city weather stations can be usefully supplemented by mining searchable online historical archives (Papers Past, DigitalNZ), at least as far back as 1909. Assessment of potential is extended here back to 1853, within the context of developing a long‐term rainfall record for Auckland. Although late 19th century sources are thinner and of poorer quality, much useful information could be gleaned about the locations and exposures of early sites. Hypothesised implications for the rainfall record suggest that all early site data need to be adjusted upwards.  相似文献   

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