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The viscosity of natural rhyolitic melt from Lipari, Aeolian Islands and melt-bubble emulsions (30–50 vol% porosity) generated from Lipari rhyolite have been measured in a concentric cylinder rheometer at temperatures and shear rates in the range 925–1150°C and 10−3–10−1.2 s−1, respectively, in order to better understand the dependence of emulsion shear viscosity on temperature and shear rate in natural systems. Bubble-free melt exhibits Newtonian–Arrhenian behavior in the temperature range 950–1150°C with an activation energy of 395±30 kJ/mol; the shear viscosity is given by log ηm=−8.320+20624/T. Suspensions were prepared from natural rhyolite glass to which small amounts of Na2SO4 were added as a ‘foaming agent’. Reasonably homogeneous magmatic mixtures with an approximate log-normal distribution of bubbles were generated by this technique. Suspension viscosity varied from 106.1 to 108.37 Pa s and systematically correlates with temperature and porosity in the shear stress range (104.26–105.46 Pa) of the experiments. The viscosity of melt-bubble emulsions is described in terms of the relative viscosity, ηr=ηe/ηm where ηe is the emulsion viscosity and ηm is the viscosity of melt of the same composition and temperature. The dependence of relative viscosity on porosity for magmatic emulsions depends on the magnitude of the capillary number Ca≡G/(σrb−1ηm−1), the ratio of viscous forces acting to deform bubbles to interfacial forces resisting bubble deformation. For inviscid bubbles in magmatic flows three regimes may be identified. For Ca<0.1, bubbles are nearly spherical and relative viscosity is an increasing function of porosity. For dilute systems, ηr=1+φ given by the classical result of Taylor [Proc. R. Soc. London A 138 (1932) 41–48]. For Ca in the range 0.1<Ca<10, emulsions behave as power law fluids and the relative viscosity depends on shear rate (or Ca) as well as porosity. At high Ca (Ca>10) an asymptotic regime is reached in which relative viscosity decreases with increasing porosity and is independent of Ca. Our experiments were carried out for 30<Ca<925 in order to quantify the maximal effect of bubbles in reducing the viscosity of magmatic emulsions relative to single-phase melt at identical conditions of shear rate and temperature. The viscosity of a 50 vol% emulsion is a factor of five smaller than that of melt alone. Rheometric measurements obtained in this study are useful in constraining models of magma transport and volcanic eruption mechanics relevant to transport of volatile-saturated magma in the crust and upper mantle.  相似文献   

Recent geological and petrological results from the Lesser Antilles island arc and Papua New Guinea, and from other regions of arc-trench-type volcanism, provide notable exceptions to the spatial, volumetric, and temporal relationships claimed for generalised arc models. For example, many alkalic and shoshonitic associations do not appear to be developed over the deepest parts of downgoing slabs, and there are now several well-documented exceptions to the K2O/SiO2/depth-to-Benioff-zone relationship. Moreover, the temporal sequence of early tholeiitic → middle calcalkalic → late shoshonitic/alkalic is not well substantiated, although shoshonitic rocks do appear to be developed most commonly in regions with a long history of plate interactions. Exceptions to the generalised arc model are symptomatic of the need to look for the unique features of individual island arcs, rather than just similarities between different ones, so that the major factors controlling arc evolution may be determined.  相似文献   

Erciyes stratovolcano, culminating at 3917 m, is located in the Cappadocian region of central Anatolia. During its evolution, this Quaternary volcano produced pyroclastic deposits and lava flows. The great majority of these products are calc-alkaline in character and they constitute Kocdag and Erciyes sequences by repeated activities. Alkaline activity is mainly observed in the first stages of Kocdag and approximately first-middle stages of Erciyes sequences. Generally, Kocdag and Erciyes stages terminate by pyroclastic activities. The composition of lavas ranges from basalt to rhyolite (48.4–70.5 wt.% SiO2). Calc-alkaline rocks are represented mostly by andesites and dacites. Some compositional differences between alkaline basaltic, basaltic and andesitic rocks were found; while the composition of dacites remain unchanged. All these volcanics are generally enriched in LIL and HFS elements relative to the orogenic values except Rb, Ba, Nb depleted alkaline basalt. 87Sr/86Sr and 143Nd/144Nd isotopic composition of the volcanics range between 0.703344–0.703964, 0.512920–0.512780 for alkaline basalts and change between 0.704322–0.705088, 0.512731–0.512630 for alkaline basaltic rocks whereas calc-alkaline rocks have relatively high Sr and Nd isotopic ratios (0.703434–0.705468, 0.512942–0.512600). Low Rb, Ba, Nb content with high Zr/Nb, low Ba/Nb, La/Yb ratio and low Sr isotopic composition suggest an depleted source component, while high Ba, Rb, Nb content with high La/Yb, Ba/Nb, low Zr/Nb and low 87Sr/86Sr ratios indicate an OIB-like mantle source for the generation of Erciyes alkaline magma. These elemental and ratio variations also indicate that the different mantle sources have undergone different degree of partial melting episodes. The depletion in Ba, Rb, Nb content may be explained by the removal of these elements from the source by slab-derived fluids which were released from pre-collisional subduction, modified the asthenospheric mantle. The chemically different mantle sources interacted with crustal materials to produce calc-alkaline magma. The Ba/Nb increase of calc-alkaline samples indicates the increasing input of crustal components to Erciyes volcanics. Sr and Nd isotopic compositions and elevated LIL and HFS element content imply that calc-alkaline magma may be derived from mixing of an OIB-like mantle melts with a subduction-modified asthenospheric mantle and involvement of crustal materials in intraplate environments.  相似文献   

横向黏度变化的全地幔对流应力场初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
朱涛 《地震学报》2011,33(5):582-594
将地幔地震波速度异常转换为地幔横向黏度变化(达到3个数量级),在球坐标系下计算了瑞雷数为106、上边界为刚性、下边界为应力自由等温边界条件下的岩石层底部的地幔对流极型和环型应力场.结果表明,地幔对流极型应力场与地表大尺度构造具有良好的对应关系:俯冲带和碰撞带的应力呈现挤压状态,而洋中脊处的应力则呈现拉张状态.地幔对流环...  相似文献   

Cinder cones at Crater Lake are composed of high-alumina basaltic to andesitic scoria and lavas. The Williams Crater Complex, a basaltic cinder cone with andesitic to dacitic lava flows, stands on the western edge of the caldera, against an andesite flow from Mount Mazama. Bombs erupted from Williams Crater contain cores of banded andesite and dacite, similar to those erupted during the climatic eruption of Mount Mazama.Major- and trace-element variations exhibit an increase in incompatible elements and a decrease in compatible elements, consistent with crystal fractionation of olivine, plagioclase, clinopyroxene, orthopyroxene, and magnetite. LREE patterns in the rocks are irregular; each successive basalt is enriched in LREE relative to the preceding andesite.Compositional variations in the magmas of the cinder cones suggest that three magmatic processes were involved, partial melting, fractional crystallization, and magma mixing. Partial melting of more than one source produced primary basaltic magma(s). Subsequent mixing and fractional crystallization produced the more differentiated basaltic to andesitic magmas.  相似文献   

1 研究背景 地电阻率法是通过观测地球介质的电学性质随时间的变化,进而预报地震的方法.在地电台网运行期间,多次大震前记录到明显的地电阻率异常(杜学彬,2010).随着经济社会的发展,一些地电观测场地受到不同程度的干扰,给资料分析带来一定困难.按照干扰源性质,外界干扰源主要分2类:具有电流源性质的干扰和存在影响电性结构的...  相似文献   

近年来,长偏移距排列逐渐被大量应用到海上勘探。传统AVO分析都是小入射角,对于长偏移距数据来说有很大不足。为了探讨拓宽AVO分析的研究范围,本文推导了长偏移距时P波反射系数的一种近似公式,并讨论了其精确性。本文的结果和广泛应用的Shuey公式相类似,Shuey公式可以看作本文结果在小入射角情况的简化。  相似文献   

近年来,长偏移距排列逐渐被大量应用到海上勘探。传统AVO分析都是小入射角,对于长偏移距数据来说有很大不足。为了探讨拓宽AVO分析的研究范围,本文推导了长偏移距时P波反射系数的一种近似公式,并讨论了其精确性。本文的结果和广泛应用的Shuey公式相类似,Shuey公式可以看作本文结果在小入射角情况的简化。  相似文献   

The principal uses of Landsat imagery in volcanological studies are for regional reconnaisance, for the interpretation of large volcanic structures and to facilitate the comparison of structures in different parts of the world. Standard black and white single band prints and standard false colour composites are the cheapest and most readily available forms of Landsat imagery. However, standard Landsat images have a poorer resolution and lower information content than enhanced images. The most generally useful enhancement techniques for volcanic studies have proved to be destriping. contrast stretching and edge enhancement. Enhancement techniques are illustrated with examples of young volcanic structures from the Central Andes. The next few years should see significant advances in satellite remote sensing technology with higher resolution imagery (down to 10–30m) and imagery in a wider range of spectral bands becoming available.Paper presented at the Symposium Volcanoes of the Earth and Planets, held at the University of Lancaster, March 17, 1981.  相似文献   

Many orogenic belts in the world exhibit accretionary and collisional orogenic phases to varying extents. How accretion evolves into collision of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt(CAOB), the largest Phanerozoic accretionary orogenic belt,is an intriguing question. In this paper, we present new U-Pb age, geochemical and isotopic data for Permian-Triassic granitoids from middle Inner Mongolia, Northern China in the southeastern CAOB, and delineate the magmatic transition from subduction to(soft) collision. The magmatic record of soft collision is identified and characterized by thickened lower crust-derived high Sr/Y granitoids with a sub-linear distribution along the Solonker suture zone. Granitoids from Early Permian to Late Permian became more enriched in whole-rock Nd and zircon Hf isotopic compositions(ε_(Nd)(t) values from 2.4 to-19.5, ε_(Hf)(t) values from 11.6 to-33.7), indicating increasing incorporation of old crust. The change in peak timing of magmatism from west(ca. 264 Ma)to east(ca. 251 Ma) along the Solonker suture zone implies "scissor-like" closure of the Paleo-Asian Ocean. Integrated with previous studies, a three-stage tectonic model from the Permian to Triassic by accretion leading to collision on the south-eastern margin of CAOB is proposed.(1) Early Permian( ca. 285 Ma): Juvenile magmatism on an active continental margin with double-sided subduction of the Paleo-Asian Ocean;(2) Middle Permian to Middle Triassic(ca. 285–235 Ma): Magma source transition from juvenile to old crust induced by a tectonic switch from arc to "scissor-like" closure and subsequent intracontinental orogenic contraction;(3) Late Triassic( ca. 235 Ma): A-type and alkaline magmatism in response to post-collisional extension.  相似文献   

The case is presented that the efficiency of variable viscosity convection in the Earth's mantle to remove heat may depend only very weakly on the internal viscosity or temperature. An extensive numerical study of the heat transport by 2-D steady state convection with free boundaries and temperature dependent viscosity was carried out. The range of Rayleigh numbers (Ra) is 104?107 and the viscosity contrast goes up to 250000. Although an absolute or relative maximum of the Nusselt number (Nu) is obtained at long wavelength in a certain parameter range, at sufficiently high Rayleigh number optimal heat transport is achieved by an aspect ratio close to or below one. The results for convection in a square box are presented in several ways. With the viscosity ratio fixed and the Rayleigh number defined with the viscosity at the mean of top and bottom temperature the increase of Nu with Ra is characterized by a logarithmic gradient β = ?ln(Nu)/? ln(Ra) in the range of 0.23–0.36, similar to constant viscosity convection. More appropriate for a cooling planetary body is a parameterization where the Rayleigh number is defined with the viscosity at the actual average temperature and the surface viscosity is fixed rather than the viscosity ratio. Now the logarithmic gradient β falls below 0.10 when the viscosity ratio exceeds 250, and the velocity of the surface layer becomes almost independent of Ra. In an end-member model for the Earth's thermal evolution it is assumed that the Nusselt number becomes virtually constant at high Rayleigh number. In the context of whole mantle convection this would imply that the present thermal state is still affected by the initial temperature, that only 25–50% of the present-day heat loss is balanced by radiogenic heat production, and the plate velocities were about the same during most of the Earth's history.  相似文献   

利用小波分析重力的长期变化   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
运用小波滤波方法估算Chandler和周年项的潮汐因子.本文分析了四个台站(Brussels, Boulder, Membach以及Strasbourg)的观测记录,运用合成潮方法得到重力残差后,用Daubechies小波带通滤波器滤波残差,得到256~512 d时间尺度上的序列,根据标准差最小原则确定观测极潮周年和Chandler项的周期,然后利用最小二乘法估算它们的潮汐因子,同时给出未经模型改正的周年重力.由于高阶Daubechies小波构造的滤波器具有良好的频率响应,且能压制信号中的高阶异常成分,使滤波的信号更加光滑,因此计算结果具有更小的均方差,更加可靠.  相似文献   

Lateral variation in upper mantle viscosity: role of water   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Differences in the viscosity of the earth's upper mantle beneath the western US (∼1018-1019 Pa s) and global average values based on glacial isostatic adjustment and other data (∼1020-1021 Pa s) are generally ascribed to differences in temperature. We compile geochemical data on the water contents of western US lavas and mantle xenoliths, compare these data to water solubility in olivine, and calculate the corresponding effective viscosity of olivine, the major constituent of the upper mantle, using a power law creep rheological model. These data and calculations suggest that the low viscosities of the western US upper mantle reflect the combined effect of high water concentration and elevated temperature. The high water content of the western US upper mantle may reflect the long history of Farallon plate subduction, including flat slab subduction, which effectively advected water as far inland as the Colorado Plateau, hydrating and weakening the upper mantle.  相似文献   

地震动反应谱变异系数分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用随机振动理论,分别考虑3种地震动随机过程模型,本文对反应谱变异系数及相关问题进行了深入分析。研究结果表明:在一定范围内,地震动模型、场地条件和结构体系阻尼比对结构加速度反应越零率有明显影响,但这三者对反应谱变异系数的量值影响不大。在工程设计中,可以采用白噪声模型按本文给出公式计算反应谱变异系数。  相似文献   

Apatite distributions and compositions from cumulates from the EPR at Hess Deep, the MAR at the Kane Transform, and the SWIR at ODP Hole 735B were determined to assess the variability at each setting and to evaluate the potential utility of apatite in understanding the evolution of the lower ocean crust. Apatite in cumulates with low P2O5 contents are heterogeneously distributed along linear arrays or in tight clusters suggesting they crystallized from planar or pipe-like channels of evolved liquid. Most of the variation in the apatite composition is in the halogen site. The XApF and XApCl are inversely correlated defining trends at near constant XApOH with EPR XApOH=0.25, MAR XApOH=0.45, and SWIR XApOH=0.65. These trends are defined both by sample averages and by the range of individual analyses in samples with large ranges in their F/Cl ratio. These trends are interpreted to reflect the reequilibration of apatite from variably evolved liquids/fluids that moved through the crystal mush. Comparison of the F–Cl–OH contents of apatite with the F–Cl–OH contents of glasses recovered from the same ridges show approximate correspondence: apatite and glasses from the EPR have the highest halogen contents while apatite and glasses from the MAR and SWIR have more OH. Some of the higher Cl contents in the apatite are interpreted to be produced by degassing of the cumulus pile while others reflect the assimilation of a seawater component. We suggest that systematic analysis of apatite from oceanic cumulates might allow cumulates that crystallized at shallow depths and assimilated seawater-derived components to be distinguished from those that crystallized below the level of seawater interaction.  相似文献   

The synorogenic intrusive activity of the eastern part of the Seiland province evolved from tholeiitic basalt low in K and Ti, through high-K calc-alkaline magmas and possible transitional basalt, to alkaline olivine basalt and picrite; finally, highly differentiated alkaline magmas and carbonatites were emplaced. For intrusive rocks with equivalent SiO2 contents, K2O, K2O + Na2O and K2O/Na2O increased with time, and the degree of iron enrichment in basaltic suites dimished. The western part of the province shows no equivalent evolution, tholeiitic magmas being emplaced at the same time as calc-alkaline magmas to the east.The magmatism is believed to have stemmed from a diapiric complex established in the mantle above a Benioff zone dipping to the east beneath the deforming Andean-type margin of the Baltic plate. Tectonic shortening of the continental edge and rearward movement of the underthrust plate relative to the asthenosphere resulted in migration of the plate junction, steepening of the seismic zone, and increasing depth to the magmagenetic region.  相似文献   

The 1875-1840-Ma Great Bear magmatic zone is a 100-km wide by at least 900-km-long belt of predominantly subgreenschist facies volcanic and plutonic rocks that unconformably overlie and intrude an older sialic basement complex. The basement complex comprises older arc and back-arc rocks metamorphosed and deformed during the Calderian orogeny, 5–15 Ma before the onset of Great Bear magmatism. The Great Bear magmatic zone contains the products of two magmatic episodes, separated temporally by an oblique folding event caused by dextral transpression of the zone: (1) a 1875-1860-Ma pre-folding suite of mainly calc-alkaline rocks ranging continuously in composition from basalt to rhyolite, cut by allied biotite-hornblende-bearing epizonal plutons; and (2) a 1.85-1.84-Ga post-folding suite of discordant, epizonal, biotite syenogranitic plutons, associated dikes, and hornblende-diorites, quartz diorites, and monzodiorites. The pre-folding suite of volcanic and plutonic rocks is interpreted as a continental magmatic arc generated by eastward subduction of oceanic lithosphere. Cessation of arc magmatism and subsequent dextral transpression may have resulted from ridge subduction and resultant change in relative plate motion. Increased heat flux due to ridge subduction coupled with crustal thickening during transpression may have caused crustal melting as evidenced by the late syenogranite suite. Final closure of the western ocean by collision with a substantial continental fragment, now forming the neoautochthonous basement of the northern Canadian Cordillera, is manifested by a major swarm of transcurrent faults found throughout the Great Bear zone and the Wopmay orogen.Although there is probably no single evolutionary template for magmatism at convergent plate margins, the main Andean phase of magmatism, exemplified by the pre-folding Great Bear magmatic suite, evolves as larger quantities of subduction-related mafic magma rise into and heat the crust. This results in magmas that are more homogeneous, siliceous, and explosive with time, ultimately leading to overturn and fractionation of the continental crust.  相似文献   

Chen  Yang  Cui  Yanxing  Sheng  Xiaoxuan  Jiang  Wensheng  Feng  Shizuo 《Ocean Dynamics》2020,70(6):759-770
Ocean Dynamics - The 3D Lagrangian residual velocity (LRV) is solved analytically in a narrow bay employing a vertically varying eddy viscosity coefficient. The nondimensional vertical profile of...  相似文献   

The composition of basalts erupted at the earliest stages in the evolution of a back-arc basin permit unique insights into the composition and structure of the sub-arc mantle. We report major and trace element chemical data and O-, Sr-, Nd-, and Pb- isotopic analyses for basalts recovered from four dredge hauls and one ALVIN dive in the northern Mariana Trough near 22°N. The petrography and major element chemistry of these basalts (MTB-22) are similar to tholeiites from the widest part of the Trough, near 18°N (MTB-18), except that MTB-22 have slightly more K2O and slightly less TiO2. The trace element data exhibit a very strong arc signature in MTB-22, including elevated K, Rb, Sr, Ba, and LREE contents; relatively lowK/Ba and highBa/La andSr/Nd. The Sr- and Nd- isotopic data plot in a field displaced from that of MTB-18 towards Mariana arc lavas, and the Pb-isotopic composition of MTB-22 is indistinguishable from Mariana arc lavas and much more homogeneous than MTB-18. Mixing of 50–90% Mariana arc component with a MORB component is hypothesized. We cannot determine whether this resulted from physical mixing of arc mantle and MORB mantle, or whether the arc component is introduced by metasomatism of MORB-like mantle by fluids released from the subducted lithosphere. The strong arc signature in back-arc melts from the Mariana Trough at 22°N, where the back-arc basin is narrow, supports general models for back-arc basin evolution whereby early back-arc basin basalts have a strong arc component which diminishes in importance relative to MORB as the back-arc basin widens.  相似文献   

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