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对有光变资料的34个类星体及9个活动星系统计了它们的平均光变速率与红移的关系,发现平均光变速率有随红移增大而减小的趋势,而活动星系的平均光变速率比类星体要大.从宇宙演化的角度来看,类星体的光变随着宇宙时愈演愈烈,最后与活动星系相接.  相似文献   

利用测光数据研究时间跨度为18年的光学选类星样本的光变,发现此样本的光变比例约40%。还发现光变类星体的光变幅与光度反相关,即光度越大,光变越小;且光变幅与红移可能有相关性。  相似文献   

本文从类星体与星系成协、类星体是遥远的星系核以及类星体跟活动星系,正常星系形成一个活动程度的明显序列等方面,评述了类星体和星系的关系。这些关系是否意味着类星体和星系有演化上的联系,还有待从观测和理论上作进一步研究。  相似文献   

本文报导光学选类星体样本的光变研究结果。利用CCD 测光资料,本文研究中等亮类星体样本的长期光变行为。结果表明,大约40 % 的光学选类星体在18 年的研究期间内有光变;变光类星体的光变同光度负相关,即愈亮的类星体的光变愈小;光变同红移也可能存在负相关。  相似文献   

通过文献收集了90个活动星系核样本,研究黑洞质量与核球质量的关系,分析黑洞质量及核球质量比与宇宙学红移的关系,进而研究活动星系核的演化关系,结果表明:(1)在Seyfert星系中黑洞质量与核球质量无明显相关,类星体中则呈线性相关;(2)活动星系核演化序列由类星体演化到Seyfert星系。  相似文献   

王建民 《天文学进展》2001,19(2):231-231
连续谱辐射是研究活动星系核结构主要手段之一,谱型,光变,偏振是表征连续谱性质的最主要内容,活动星系是的最主要特征是几乎覆盖了整个电磁波波段,且有着大幅度和快速时标的光变,主要评述了活动星系核从射电到γ射线的全波段性质,观测对活动星系结构核的物理限制及现存的物理模型和解释,并指出了将来的课题。  相似文献   

活动星系核的能量反馈是星系形成理论模型中的一个重要物理过程,与星系所处的暗物质晕质量、星系中央大质量黑洞吸积率等因素有关。当前的半解析模型预测活动星系核反馈机制主要有两种模式:射电模式和类星体模式,前者主要发生在大质量暗晕中央的大质量星系中,后者主要由较小质量星系并合导致。利用斯隆数字化巡天(SDSS)提供的目前最大的类星体光谱观测样本,结合基于SDSS构建的星系群(团)表,从统计上分析了类星体的热光度和暗晕质量的分布情况。初步分析结果显示,在大质量暗晕中,类星体的热光度和所在暗晕的质量没有相关性,类星体所在暗晕的质量分布很广,进一步证实了高光度的类星体并不存在于大质量的暗晕中。  相似文献   

通过搜集了457个活动星系核样本,根据活动星系核的演化实质是指宇宙时标上的变化,讨论了红移量与活动星系核演化的关系,最终证明了活动星系核的演化分为两个序列:(1)从类星体到Seyfert星系之间的演化;(2)平谱射电类星体(FSRQ)—BL Lac天体—射电星系(RG)的演化。  相似文献   

本文综述了活动星系核 ,特别是blazar天体的研究现状 ,对blazar天体的多波段与多波段能谱特性研究进行了较为详细的评述。主要的研究工作包括以下内容 :(一 )γ噪blazar天体的短时标光变研究 ,通过对 1 6个γ噪blazar天体 (其中包括全部已证认和观测到VHEγ射线爆发的可能甚高能γ射线源 )自 1 998年的光学观测及光变分析研究表明 ,短时标光变 (小时量级 )是GeVγ噪blazar天体的普遍特性 ,光变幅度通常可达 0 .6mag/h ,对PKS 1 51 0 -0 89类星体的观测发现在一个小时内对象变暗 2个星等 ,对如此激烈的光变变暗目前的理论还不能很好的解释 ,但它同样反映了辐射区域的内部结构 ;而对TBLs的监测表明 ,其光学波段的短时标光变没有其他对象激烈 ,出现的频度和振幅变化都较小 ;(二 )在研究γ噪blazar天体光变时 ,研究了寄主星系对光变的影响 ,得到了 1ES 2 3 44 + 51 4的光变与PSF的FWHM的关联 ,表明随着大气视宁度的下降 (即FWHM变大 ) ,对象变暗 ,即由于寄主星系的影响从而导致假光变的产生 ;(三 )引进两个多波段复合谱指数 ,αxox=αox-αx 及αoro=αor-αo。对样本的统计研究表明 ,RBLs是能谱特性界于XBLs和OVVs之间的一类中间态 ,所得结果支持了Sambrunaetal.( 1 996)大样本多波段能谱分布特性的统计研  相似文献   

活动星系核有两种主要的光变:不规则的闪耀和比较有规律的周期性光变,不规则光变的典型的时间尺度是10~4—10~5秒,周期性光变的典型的时间尺度是10~6—10~8秒。这篇综述主要讨论基于活动星系核黑洞吸积模型上的一些光变模型。这些讨论表明,活动星系核的短时标光变特征对厚吸积盘模型提供了强有力的支持。对时标较长的周期性光变,尽管现在已有不少模型(“亮斑”、薄盘的不稳定性、双稳定性、自引力吸积盘的脉动等等),但是所有这些模型都不够完善;当然也有些模型是很有希望的(如双稳定性)。  相似文献   

《New Astronomy Reviews》2000,44(7-9):503-510
AGNs with narrow Balmer lines show various extreme properties. In particular, rapid X-ray variability, steep X-ray spectra, peculiar optical and UV line ratios, and possibly peculiar line profiles. Since all these phenomena occur together they are likely to be related to one specific underlying physical parameter. I review recent evidence, based on HST imaging of low z quasars, which suggests that the Hβ line width and continuum luminosity of quasars provide a reasonably accurate estimate of the black hole mass. This implies that narrow-line AGN have relatively low black hole masses, and thus high L/LEdd, as independently suggested based on their steep X-ray spectra. I present additional evidence suggesting that the X-ray variability and the radio loudness are primarily driven by the black hole mass. The high mass inflow rate into the core of narrow-line AGNs may produce a denser and more enriched BLR, a high column radiation pressure driven outflow, and a smaller illumination angle for the NLR, as suggested by the observed emission line properties. Narrow-line AGNs may thus provide important clues for understanding the rich overall phenomenology of AGNs.  相似文献   

光学波段的“变脸”AGN (changing-look Active Galactic Nucleus, CL AGN)是光谱类型发生变化AGN的统称.近年来,越来越多观测证据表明这类现象与中央超大质量黑洞吸积活动有关.而黑洞吸积率的变化可能会引起喷流的增强或者减弱,进而导致射电波段观测性质的变化.在已发表的文献中,收集了74个光学波段证认的“变脸”AGN、90个“变脸”AGN的候选体.基于这个目前最大并且选源方式多样化的非完备样本,探讨了“变脸”AGN在射电波段的观测性质.从澳大利亚平方公里阵先导设备(Australian Square Kilometre Array (SKA) Pathfinder, ASKAP)和美国甚大阵甚大阵(Very Large Array, VLA)的4大射电巡天观测中,发现了51个“变脸”AGN (含21个候选体)在0.9–3 GHz存在射电波段的对应体,样本的射电探测率约为41%,与一般AGN的射电探测率无显著区别.此外,分析了这些源的射电谱指数,发现在1.4 GHz和3 GHz频段“变脸”AGN相对于一般射电源有较平的射电谱.该统计结果或可解释为“...  相似文献   

Optically “changing-look” active galactic nuclei (AGNs) are a class of objects that exhibit appearance or disappearance of broad lines. Recent studies have shown that these “changing-look” activities very likely result from the accretion activities of the central supermassive black holes. Large variation of the accretion rate might cause jet ejection and fading events, thus lead to a certain variability of observational radio properties. From the published literature, 74 “changing-look” AGNs and 90 “changing-look” AGNs candidates identified in optical observations were collected. Based on this largest, complex, and incomplete sample to date, the radio properties of “changing-look” AGNs were investigated. The radio counterparts of 51 “changing-look” AGNs (including 21 candidates) were discovered from the all-sky surveys conducted by the Australian Square Kilometre Array Pathfinder (ASKAP) and Very Large Array (VLA) covering the frequency range of 0.9–3 GHz. This corresponds to a detection rate of about 41 percent, which is similar to general AGNs. The radio spectral indices between 0.9 and 1.4 GHz and between 1.4 and 3 GHz were calculated, which suggest that these “changing-look” AGNs tend to have flatter radio spectra than normal AGNs. This statistical result indicates that “changing-look” AGNs might host some young, compact, and faint radio jets.  相似文献   

Active galactic nuclei(AGNs)have two major classes,namely radio loud AGNs and radio quiet AGNs.A small subset of the radio-loud AGNs is called blazars,which display extreme observational properties,such as rapid variability,high luminosity,high and variable polarization,and superluminal motion.All of those observational properties are probably due to a relativistic beaming effect with the jet pointing close to the line of sight.Observations suggest that the orientation can be expressed by a core-dominance p...  相似文献   

The spectral variability of active galactic nuclei (AGN) is one of the key features that enables us to study in more detail, the structure of AGN emitting regions. Especially, the broad line profiles that vary both in flux and shape, give us invaluable information about the kinematics and geometry of the broad line region (BLR) where these lines are originating from. We give here a comparative review of the line shape variability in a sample of five type 1 AGNs, those with broad emission lines in their spectra, of the data obtained from the international long-term optical monitoring campaign coordinated by the Special Astrophysical Observatory of the Russian Academy of Science. The main aim of this campaign is to study the physics and kinematics of the BLR on a uniform data set, focusing on the problems of the photoionization heating of the BLR and its geometry, where, in this paper, we give for a first time, a comparative analysis of the variabilty of five type 1 AGNs, discussing their complex BLR physics and geometry in the framework of the estimates of the supermassive black hole mass in AGN.  相似文献   

基于被ROSAT全天区巡天观测和射电4.85GHz巡天观测同时探测到的活动星系核的大样本,研究了X射线选的射电噪活动星系核的多波段性质.通过分析该样本中的活动星系核的宽波段能量分布,确认了来自射电、光学和X射线波段的辐射光度之间的显著相关性.这种相关性对于类星体、赛弗特、蝎虎座天体和射电星系是有区别的.同时,探讨了从光学到X射线波段之间的谱指数与红移以及5000A和4.85GHz处的单色光度的相关性.  相似文献   

I review some basic results on AGN with supersoft X‐ray spectra and their relations to Galactic binaries in their soft high states. This paper is based on a talk given at the Supersoft Sources Workshop at ESTEC in May 2009. Given the length of the talk and the number of pages the review cannot be complete and is biased towards my personal view. I demonstrate that at high accretion rates supersoft AGNs and Galactic binaries share steep soft X‐ray spectra, that the X‐ray variability of supersoft AGNs is more pronounced compared to Galactic binaries in their high states, that the X‐ray variability of supersoft novae and supersoft AGNs is similar, and that in Galactic binaries mostly positive time lags are seen, while negative time lags are observed in some supersoft AGN (© 2010 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

基于被ROSAT全天区巡天观测和射电 4.85GHz巡天观测同时探测到的活动星系核的大样本 ,研究了X射线选的射电噪活动星系核的多波段性质 .通过分析该样本中的活动星系核的宽波段能量分布 ,确认了来自射电、光学和X射线波段的辐射光度之间的显著相关性 .这种相关性对于类星体、赛弗特、蝎虎座天体和射电星系是有区别的 .同时 ,探讨了从光学到X射线波段之间的谱指数与红移以及 50 0 0 和 4.85GHz处的单色光度的相关性  相似文献   

A wealth of information on the properties of jets in Active Galactic Nuclei (AGNs) can be derived from total flux density observations at high radio frequencies. This includes, for example, the Doppler factor, the Lorentz factor, and the viewing angle of the jet. We have earlier calculated these parameters for a sample of ~80 sources of different AGN types using almost 20 years of 22 and 37 GHz data from Metsähovi Radio Observatory. We have now gathered data for an additional ten years, and studied the long term characteristic variability time scales of a large sample of AGNs using the first order structure function, the discrete autocorrelation function and the Lomb-Scargle periodogram. Some of the results will be presented in this paper. We also stress the importance of long term observations of AGNs, the main reason for this being misinterpretations of source properties due to insufficient time coverage. Only a few observing epochs will too easily lead to incorrect conclusions about variability, continuum spectra, and the general detectability of the source, not to mention the exclusion of interesting objects from further studies. This is particularly important when considering, for example, the Planck satellite for which the quality of the main mission product, the accurate cosmic microwave background anisotropy maps, depends heavily on the elimination of foreground sources such as AGNs.  相似文献   

This is the third paper in a series connected with our Multiwavelength Quasar Survey. The survey is aimed to provide a quasar sample more complete than any previous survey by using a combined selection technique to reduce selection effects. We present the observational results for the X-ray candidates in field f836. We found 15 X-ray AGNs in this field of which eight are new discoveries. The X-ray data and optical spectra of these AGNs are given. We give the X-ray candidate selection criteria, which proved to be highly efficient in isolating X-ray AGNs.  相似文献   

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