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气球观测证明  宇宙是平直的    最近 ,一只飞越南极的气球所做的观测证明 ,空间就像希腊几何学家曾预言的那样是平直的 ,而不是弯曲的。BOOMERANG (河外毫米辐射和地球物理气球观测 )的计划是1 998年底实施的。在 1 998年 1 2月到 1 999年 1月的 1 0天里 ,气球一直在南极上空飘浮。气球上载有一架 1 2米射电望远镜 ,用以测量来自空间的宇宙微波背景辐射。宇宙学家认为宇宙是 1 2 0~ 1 50亿年前大爆炸产生的 ,微波背景辐射是大爆炸的余烬。1 992年一个称为COBE(宇宙微波背景探测器 )的地球轨道卫星测出了微波背景辐射…  相似文献   

在大爆炸宇宙学的三大观测支柱中,1929年哈勃(F.Hubble)发现的宇宙膨胀反映了宇宙的现状,彭齐亚斯(A.Penjias)和威尔逊(R.Wilson)于1965年发现的宇宙微波背景辐射只能追溯到宇宙创生后的几十万年时的情景,因为再往前去,大爆炸...  相似文献   

本研究了Poisson随机分布的星系团作为引力透镜天体,其横向本动速度引起的运动引力透镜效应对宇宙背景辐射(CBR)温度涨落各向异性的影响。对星系团的密度结构及其引力透镜效应,我们采用Hernquist模型,并在此基础上,利用星系团的统计理论,在冷蝉 物质及等曲率重子扰动模型框架下,计算了运动引力透镜效应对CBR温度涨落各向异性的贡献。  相似文献   

本文研究了Poisson随机分布的星系团作为引力透镜天体,其横向本动速度引起的运动引力透镜效应对宇宙背景辐射(CBR)温度涨落各向异性的影响.对星系团的密度结构及其引力透镜效应,我们采用Hernquist模型,并在此基础上,利用星系团的统计理论,在冷暗物质及等曲率重子扰动模型框架下,计算了运动引力透镜效应对CBR温度涨落各向异性的贡献.  相似文献   

吴建新  何宝鹏 《天文学报》1995,36(4):379-384
本文借助于观测到的大、小麦哲伦云的星际尘埃辐射,估计总星系内的“冷”星际尘埃热再辐射对宇宙微波背景辐射的影响.结果表明:总星系内的星际“冷”尘埃的热辐射所形成的背景辐射对微波背景辐射的扰动强烈地依赖于宇宙减速因子和“冷”尘埃量,在宇宙背景探测者(COBE)的观测结果的限制下,无论宇宙减速因子取何种值,“冷”尘埃所占的比例都是非常少的,如果Ostriker所作的平均每个星系内由尘埃产生的蓝光光深τB=0.5的假定是合理的,那么星际尘埃量随温度的分布是非常不均匀的。  相似文献   

一 宇宙微波背景辐射与暗能量 2003年7月23日,美国匹兹堡大学瑞安·斯克兰顿博士领导的一个多国科学家小组宣称,发现宇宙暗能量存在的证据。这个小组在研究中,借助了美国"威尔金森微波各向异性探测器"(WMAP)卫星的观测数据,这颗卫星主要用于对宇宙微波背景辐射的微小变化进行观测。宇宙微波背景辐射是"大爆炸"后的产物,其中的光子在宇宙中穿  相似文献   

星系的红移巡天是观测宇宙学中最基本的工作,有关宇宙大尺度结构研究中的许多关键问题,例如宇宙中最大结构的尺度,宇宙中大尺度结构的拓扑特征,以及有关宇宙物质分布的密度场和速度场的许多基本性质的研究,都依赖于覆盖面积足够大、极限星等足够暗的完备的星系红移大样本。通过对巡天的覆盖天区、巡天深度、选择方法、巡产率等方面的分析,比较了最近已完成的一些红移巡天(IRAS、CfA、SSRS、ORS和LCRS等)并  相似文献   

暴胀宇宙学说简介许梅宇宙创生的热大爆炸学说(标准宇宙模型)已被大多数宇宙学家所接受,并得到观测的支持,证据有:宇宙膨胀或“哈勃红移”,3K宇宙微波背景辐射以及氘和氦的丰度。但此学说也有其难以解决的问题,如(1)“奇点”疑难,即原始火球温度无限高、物质...  相似文献   

宇宙微波背景辐射 宇宙微波背景辐射是一种充满整个宇宙的电磁辐射。其特征和绝对温标2.7开的黑体辐射相同,频率属于微波范围。宇宙微波背景辐射大约产生于大爆炸后的三十万年。  相似文献   

本文综述了近年来国际上对微波背景辐射的各向异性和谱畸变问题的主要研究成果。这一研究可以提供早期宇宙演化的重要信息,对研究初始密度扰动谱、宇宙暗物质、星系及宇宙大尺度结构的形成以及复合之后的再热过程都具有重要意义。  相似文献   

This work is devoted to improving empirical mass-luminosity relations (MLR) and mass-metallicity-luminosity relation (MMLR) for low mass stars. For these stars, observational data in the mass-luminosity plane or the mass-metallicity-luminosity space subject to non-negligible errors in all coordinates with different dimensions. Thus a reasonable weight assigning scheme is needed for obtaining more reliable results. Such a scheme is developed, with which each data point can have its own due contribution. Previous studies have shown that there exists a plateau feature in the MLR. Taking into account the constraints from the observational luminosity function, we find by fitting the observational data using our weight assigning scheme that the plateau spans from 0.28M to 0.50M. Three-piecewise continuous improved MLRs in K, J, H and V bands, respectively, are obtained. The visual MMLR is also improved based on our K band MLR and the available observational metallicity data.  相似文献   

简要地回顾了Be/X射线双星20多年来在红外、可见光、紫外和X射线波段所取得的观测结果,着重介绍了多波段联合观测对探讨双星间的相互作用如中子星的吸积方式和X射线产生的原因等方面的意义,对这些观测结果的分析研究,将是人们了解Be/X射线双星的轨道参数和双星的物理参数、建立理论模型的基础。  相似文献   

A review is presented of the progress that has been made in the last 3 years towards quantifying the properties of high-mass detached and semi-detached eclipsing binaries in Local Group galaxies. Comparisons between these observational results on masses, radii, temperatures and luminosities for stars in detached binaries and evolution models for single stars at the appropriate metallicity are found to be very good. New evolution models for interacting binaries passing through case A mass exchange are being calculated, and indicate a requirement for some mass loss to find agreement with the observational data. The observational data on such semi-detached systems show similar properties to those in the Milky Way galaxy. The directly-determined distances to all these eclipsing binaries are proving to be most valuable for strengthening the distance scale amongst the Local Group galaxies.  相似文献   

Accurate measurements of solar p-mode frequencies and frequency splittings at high degree l require an adequate theoretical knowledge of the effects of mode coupling, induced by the variation with latitude of the angular velocity of the solar internal rotation. Earlier results for expansion coefficients of composite solutions (coupling coefficients) are due to Woodard. In this paper, the analysis is extended to allow for the dependence of the differential rotation on depth, and the result is expressed in terms of measurable quantities (the rotational splitting coefficients), which makes it convenient for diagnostic purposes. The analysis is based on the approach of quasi-degenerate perturbation theory, and is extended further to address possible effects of mode coupling in the observational line profiles. It is shown, using approximations applicable at high degree l , that the expected line profiles of composite modes in the observational power spectra are not distorted by mode coupling.  相似文献   

孙凯 《天文学进展》1997,15(1):44-52
综述日冕物质抛射的观测和持性,简短的前言之后,给出CME的发现经过及统计特性,着重介绍CME与其他种类太阳活动的相关。然后介绍CME的一般特性,包括可能与CME相关的一些物理过程的观测特性。初步结论是:CME是一种演变中的磁结构现象。  相似文献   

Assuming that damped Lyman- α (DLA) systems are galactic discs, we calculate the corresponding evolution of metal abundances. We use detailed multizone models of galactic chemical evolution (reproducing successfully the observed properties of disc galaxies) and appropriate statistics (including geometrical probability factors) to calculate the average metallicity as a function of redshift. The results are compatible with available observations, provided that observational biases are taken into account , as suggested by Boissé et al. In particular, high column density and high-metallicity systems are not detected because the light of backround quasars is severely extinguished, while low column density and low-metallicity systems are not detectable through their absorption lines by current surveys. We show that these observational constraints lead to a 'no-evolution' picture for the DLA metallicity, which does not allow us to draw strong conclusions about the nature of those systems or about their role in 'cosmic chemical evolution'.  相似文献   

经典的太阳光谱观测是一维的,它有很大的局限性。从50年代起,天文工作者采用多种方法开展二维太阳光谱观测,已经研制出一系列仪器,建立完整的资料归算程序,取得优良成果。在二维观测资料的基础上,用理论方法推出深度分布,可以得出三维的立体图像,这会成为太阳研究的主要方法之一。  相似文献   

王龙  周洪楠 《天文学报》2003,44(2):147-155
选取前文中所列出的29个累积光谱型为F型的球状星团中的3个作为样本,深入研究了初始观测资料的不确定性和选用不同的银河系引力势模型,对样本星团轨道参数的影响。首先采用Monte Carlo方法产生3个样本球状星团的模拟初始观测数据,而后,以这些模拟数据为初始条件,在3种不同的银河系引力势模型下进行轨道计算,得到此3个样本的模拟轨道参数。模拟计算的结果表明:根据模拟初始数据生成的样本轨道参数分布形态大致可分为高斯分布、准高斯分布和非高斯分布等3类;初始观测数据的不确定性对样本轨道参数分布的影响,与样本星团的选择和轨道参数的类型有关;选用不同的银河系引力势模型,对3个样本星团的各个轨道参数的分布和形态结构也会产生不同程度的影响。该工作的结果,可供深入研究球状星团的整体运动和动力学性质等问题参考。  相似文献   

The New Vacuum Solar Telescope (NVST) is a 1-m solar telescope that aims to observe the fine structures in both the photosphere and the chromosphere of the Sun. The observational data acquired simultaneously from one channel for the chromosphere and two channels for the photosphere bring great challenges to the data storage of NVST. The multi-channel instruments of NVST, including scientific cameras and multi-band spectrometers, generate at least 3 terabytes data per day and require high access performance while storing massive short-exposure images. It is worth studying and implementing a storage system for NVST which would balance the data availability, access performance and the cost of development. In this paper, we build a distributed data storage system (DDSS) for NVST and then deeply evaluate the availability of real-time data storage on a distributed computing environment. The experimental results show that two factors, i.e., the number of concurrent read/write and the file size, are critically important for improving the performance of data access on a distributed environment. Referring to these two factors, three strategies for storing FITS files are presented and implemented to ensure the access performance of the DDSS under conditions of multi-host write and read simultaneously. The real applications of the DDSS proves that the system is capable of meeting the requirements of NVST real-time high performance observational data storage. Our study on the DDSS is the first attempt for modern astronomical telescope systems to store real-time observational data on a low-cost distributed system. The research results and corresponding techniques of the DDSS provide a new option for designing real-time massive astronomical data storage system and will be a reference for future astronomical data storage.  相似文献   

We discuss, in terms of particle acceleration, the results from optical VLT observations of hot spots associated with radio galaxies. On the basis of observational and theoretical grounds, the following is shown. (i) Relatively low radio-radio power hot spots are the optimum candidates for being detected at optical waves. This is supported by an unprecedented optical detection rate of 70 per cent out of a sample of low radio power hot spots. (ii) The shape of the synchrotron spectrum of hot spots is mainly determined by the strength of the magnetic field in the region. In particular, the break frequency, related to the age of the oldest electrons in the hot spots, is found to increase with decreasing synchrotron power and magnetic field strength. Both observational results are in agreement with an in-situ particle acceleration scenario.  相似文献   

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