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De Craen  M.  Swennen  R.  Keppens  E. 《Geologie en Mijnbouw》1998,77(1):63-76
The septarian carbonate concretions from the Boom Clay (Belgium) consist mainly of authigenic minerals such as micrite ( 70% bulk volume) and pyrite framboids ( 3%). These mineral phases occur between detrital grains and fossils. The septarian cracks are lined with calcite, which is sometimes covered with pyrite. The preservation of delicate sedimentological features in the concretion matrix (hardly compacted faecal pellets, burrows and uncrushed shells) points to an early origin of the concretions. Systematic geochemical variations from concretion centre to edge suggest that growth continued during shallow burial. The13C values (–17.5 to –20.5) of the concretionary carbonate show that bacterial sulphate-reduction processes were dominant. Sulphate-reduction-derived HCO3- was diluted by marine-related HCO3-, derived from dissolved bioclasts. A slight enrichment in 13C during growth is caused by the decreasing influence of sulphate reduction because of the progressive closure of the diagenetic system due to shallow-burial compaction. The 18O values (–0.5 to +1.0) of the concretionary carbonate point to a marine origin. The slightly 18O-depleted signature with respect to time-equivalent marine-derived carbonate relates to the incorporation of an 18O-depleted component, originating from sulphate and organic matter. The slight decrease in 18O during growth relates to an increasing influence of this component and to a decreasing influence of seawater-derived oxygen during early diagenesis.  相似文献   

Mineralogical, textural and geochemical investigations were made to determine the post-depositional evolution of Devonian and Early Carboniferous carbonates from Valle de Tena. The carbonate association is made up of low-Mg calcite, which occurs as micrite, spar cements, neomorphic patches and spar filling veinlets. Non-stoichiometric dolomite and ankerite occur as cements (dolomite also as replacements) in the Middle Devonian, post-dating calcite types. All these phases pre-date tectonic stylolites, indicating compaction after stabilization of the carbonate minerals. Strontium concentrations indicate that Early Devonian and Early Carboniferous micrites initially precipitated as aragonite; Middle and Late Devonian micrites precipitated as high-Mg calcites. Both precursors were diagenetically stabilized to low-Mg calcites through interaction with meteoric waters in phreatic environments. Trace elements in dolomite and ankerite indicate precipitation from Sr-enriched meteoric water. All studied carbonates, except Middle Devonian limestones, precipitated in reducing environments, which favoured incorporation of Fe and Mn. Late calcite generations precipitated from more saline waters than micrites. Light 18O values in micrites suggest alteration mainly in meteoric-phreatic environments. The dolomites and ankerites precipitated from more 18O-depleted fluids than the calcites, suggesting a greater contribution from meteoric waters. Variations in 13C of micrites represent primary secular trends, according to published 13C variations. The 13C oscillations within each succession probably relate to sea-level oscillations. Strontium isotopes also point to a meteoric origin of diagenetic fluids. Model calculations suggest that O and Sr isotopes equilibrated between calcites and fluid at relatively low water/rock ratios, whereas C isotopic signatures are inherited from limestones.  相似文献   

杨平  汪正江  谢渊  杜秋定  陈厚国  贺永忠 《地质通报》2012,31(11):1910-1921
为研究黔北地区下寒武统牛蹄塘组烃源岩母质来源和沉积环境,开展了生物标志化合物分析,结果表明:①正构烷烃OEP接近1.0,无明显奇偶优势,受轻微生物降解影响,正构烷烃多表现为双峰型(C18/C25),(nC21+nC22)/(nC28+nC29)值为0.54~1.01,显示重烃组分占绝对优势;Pr/Ph值范围在0.51~0.82之间,具有植烷优势。②烃源岩样品组成相对丰度五环三萜烷>三环萜烷>四环萜烷,三环萜烷中C21、C23、C24呈倒V字形分布,Ts/(Tm+Ts)为0.45~0.50。③C27规则甾烷/C29规则甾烷略小于1或者接近1,芳烃化合物DBT/P为0.05~0.09。根据这些特征并结合干酪根同位素及正构烷烃同位素组成和变化规律,认为该区域下寒武统牛蹄塘组烃源岩形成于浅海还原环境,且有机质主要来源于细菌、藻类等低等水生生物,有机质热演化程度较高。根据常量、微量元素指标并结合有机地化指标刻划出从灯影组到牛蹄塘组和明心寺组沉积时期的水体环境,将牛蹄塘组烃源岩的形成分为3个阶段,第一阶段为早寒武世初始快速海侵阶段,第二阶段为深水还原高有机质产力阶段,第三阶段为海水缓慢变浅高有机质产力阶段,而到了明心寺组沉积时期为浅水氧化非烃源岩阶段。  相似文献   

为研究黔北地区下寒武统牛蹄塘组烃源岩母质来源和沉积环境,开展了生物标志化合物分析,结果表明:④正构烷烃OEP接近1.0,无明显奇偶优势,受轻微生物降解影响,正构烷烃多表现为双峰型(c18/c25),(nC2+nC22)/(nC28+nC29)值为0.54~1.01,显示重烃组分占绝对优势;Pr/Ph值范围在0.51-0.82之间,具有植烷优势。②烃源岩样品组成相对丰度五环三萜烷〉5-g,萜烷〉四环萜烷,三环萜烷中C21、C23、C24呈倒V字形分布,Ts/(Tm+Ts)为0.45-0.50。⑧C27规则甾烷/c∞规则甾烷略小于1或者接近1.芳烃化合物DBT/P为0.05-0.09。根据这些特征并结合干酪根同位素及正构烷烃同位素组成和变化规律,认为该区域下寒武统牛蹄塘组烃源岩形成于浅海还原环境,且有机质主要来源于细菌、藻类等低等水生生物,有机质热演化程度较高。根据常量、微量元素指标并结合有机地化指标刻划出从灯影组到牛蹄塘组和明心寺组沉积时期的水体环境,将牛蹄塘组烃源岩的形成分为3个阶段。第一阶段为早寒武世初始快速海侵阶段,第二阶段为深水还原高有机质产力阶段,第三阶段为海水缓慢变浅高有机质产力阶段,而到了明心寺组沉积时期为浅水氧化非烃源岩阶段。  相似文献   

Bituminous rocks in the Ozank(o)y (Ankara) field are different from those of the Paleocenecontent of organic material-rich rocks in the Ozank(o)y (Ankara) field is 3.66-40.72 % wt averaging 14.34%. The dominant organic materials are algae/amorphous accompanied by minor amount of herbaceous material (The dominant kerogen type is Type-Ⅰ with a limited amount of Type-Ⅱ kerogen.).The bituminous rocks in the Ozank(o)y field are enriched in heavy metals such as Ni, Mn, As and Cr. In comparison with the average enrichment values of elements, Ni, Mn, As and Cr in bituminous shales of the Ozank(o)y field are as about 4.38, 14.93, 10.90 and 5.58 times as average values. The average concentrations of these heavy metals are also as high as 215 × 10-6, 828 × 10-6, 58.54 × 10-6, and 148× 10-6 respectively. In addition, sorption properties of clay and organic materials are also important for metal enrichments in the bituminous shales.  相似文献   

In the Dolomites of northernmost Italy the carbonate‐platform growth came to a standstill late in the Early Carnian (Late Triassic). The response to this shutdown of shallow‐water carbonate production in the interplatform basins is largely unknown because erosion has removed most of the soft basinal sediments, giving rise to today's scenic landscape of the Dolomites. Mapping in the central part of the Dolomites and newly available core material has recently revealed a well‐preserved succession of basinal rocks within the Heiligkreuz Hospiz Basin (ital. Ospizio di Santa Croce Basin). In this paper, the regional depositional nature of arrested carbonate platform production is reconstructed by tracing its sedimentological record across the slope and into the basin. The uppermost St. Cassian Formation, the time‐equivalent basinal rocks to the prograding carbonate platforms, is overlain by the Heiligkreuz Formation, whose basal succession was deposited in a restricted and oxygen‐depleted environment immediately post‐dating the platform demise. The succession consists mainly of mudrocks, marlstones, and peloidal packstones, with abundant low‐diversity ostracod and pelecypod fauna and early diagenetic dolomite. C and O isotope values of the basal Heiligkreuz Formation, post‐dating platform demise, average + 2·4 and ? 2·4‰, respectively, and largely overlap the isotopic composition of St. Cassian carbonates. A shift toward slightly lower δ13C values in the Heiligkreuz Formation may reflect incorporation of isotopically depleted C released during bacterial sulphate reduction in the Heiligkreuz sediments. Sedimentological, palaeobiological and geochemical indices suggest that near‐normal marine conditions persisted long after the shutdown of shallow water carbonate‐platform growth, although there are clear indications of severely reduced oxygen levels in the restricted Heiligkreuz Hospiz interplatform basin. The Early Carnian platform demise induced a distinct switch in the locus of carbonate production from the shallow‐water platform and slope to the basin floor and a decrease in the availability of dissolved oxygen in the basinal waters. It is inferred that anoxia extended at least temporarily to the top of the carbonate slope, as indicated by the onlap of normal‐marine mounds by dark marlstones of the basal Heiligkreuz Formation.  相似文献   

The identification and interpretation of drowning events in the geologic record can aid significantly to the reconstruction of the depositional, tectonic and eustatic history of a study area and often improve reservoir and seal prediction in carbonate rocks. The differentiation between drowned platforms showing a record of continuous deepening and those with a record of exposure followed by rapid deepening remains, however, problematic. The Zhujiang carbonate platform (Liuhua 11-1 field, South China Sea) study shown here provides an example of an integrated approach combining high-resolution geochemistry, microfacies analyses and foraminiferal biostratigraphy in order to improve the reconstruction of environmental conditions prior, during and after platform demise and drowning. The Zhujiang carbonate platform displays the following vertical succession of four facies types i) skeletal grain facies with a miogypsinid/lepidocyclinid-dominated fauna deposited in a moderately deep (< 50 m), oligotrophic back-reef setting; ii) in situ corals in patch-reef facies in an oligotrophic lagoon (< 10 m); iii) rhodoid facies with in situ red algal crusts, dominated by Heterostegina sp. and spiroclypeids, possibly capped by a subaerial exposure surface. Well-rounded rhodoids representing a mesotrophic lagoon dominate the upper portions of the rhodoid facies; iv) pelagic marine shales of the Hanjiang Formation burying the carbonate platform after drowning. This facies succession, in combination with geochemical evidence suggests a deepening-upward trend. This trend might have been interrupted by transient subaerial exposure but no evidence for meteoric diagenesis was found at the drowning unconformity topping the carbonate platform. Instead, microfacies analyses suggest that platform demise may be related to progressive changes in environmental conditions, including increasing nutrient-levels and/or decreasing temperature up-core towards the drowning unconformity. These findings are of significance for those concerned with Miocene carbonate factories and, more specifically, the demise of carbonate platforms in general.  相似文献   

The Luxi-Xianrenzhang diabase dikes were emplaced into the eastern part of the Guidong composite granitoids in northern Guangdong Province at the end of the Early Cretaceous. They show tholeiitic features, enrichment in large ion lithophile elements, slight enrichment in light rare earth elements, depletion in Zr and Hf, and basically no depletion in Nb and Ta and no Eu anomaly. They are similar to intraplate basalt in terms of trace element characteristics. They have high εNd(t) values (3.6-4.9), initial ^87Sr/^86Sr ratios (0.70530-70641) and δ^18O values and Dupal anomaly of Pb isotope compositions. Their Sr-Nd, Pb-Sr, Pb-Nd and Pb-Pb isotopes plot between DMM and EMII, with Pb similar to EMII, Nd relatively close to DMM and Sr in between. This profile suggests that the diabase dikes studied were derived from partial melting of a mantle source that had been subjected to metasomatism by fluids originated from a subduction zone under a tectonic environment of crustal extension and lithosphere thinning in the late Yanshanian.  相似文献   

浙江燕山期主要Cu(mo)矿化岩体的地球化学特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文系统研究了浙江省燕山期主要Cu(Mo)矿化岩体的稀土、微量元素和稳定同位素地球化学特征。Cu(Mo)矿化岩体多属轻稀土富集型,一类铕异常不明显,多为矽卡岩型等矿床的成矿母岩;另一类负铕异常强烈,多为直接含矿斑岩体。Cu(Mo)矿化岩体多为I型,属火山弧和同造山碰撞形成。  相似文献   

Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 11 palaeoclimate has so far been documented in marine and ice sheet isotopic records. However, excepting some lacustrine pollen records, very little is known about palaeoclimatic conditions in continental areas. This study uses geochemical records in calcareous tufa deposits from rivers as a basis for reconstructing temperate palaeoclimatic conditions. Tufa deposits are now proven to record high‐quality palaeoclimatic information in recent to Holocene deposits. Work on older interglacial tufas is just starting and in this paper we present the first comprehensive results from a MIS 11 tufa. The tufa comes from the Seine Valley (La Celle, northern France). Geochemical data in the tufa calcite are interpreted to record primarily air temperature (δ18O) and humidity (δ13C and Mg/Ca and Sr/Ca). The combined data identify a warm and wet climatic optimum followed by two temperature decreases associated with oscillations in humidity. These marked climatic variations recorded through the La Celle profile are strongly coherent with the palaeoenvironmental reconstructions from malacological data. The abrupt climatic and environmental events recorded could be related to short‐term degradation of vegetation cover in Europe, which is itself controlled by global palaeoclimatic events. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Bituminous rocks in the Ozankoey (Ankara) field are different from those of the Paleocene- Eocene Mengen and Giineytepe (Bolu) regions in metal enrichment levels. Organic carbon (Corg) content of organic material-rich rocks in the Ozankoey (Ankara) field is 3.66-40.72% wt averaging 14.34%. The dominant organic materials are algae/amorphous accompanied by minor amount of herbaceous material (The dominant kerogen type is Type-I with a limited amount of Type-Ⅱ kerogen.). The bituminous rocks in the Ozankoey field are enriched in heavy metals such as Ni, Mn, As and Cr. In comparison with the average enrichment values of dements, Ni, Mn, As and Cr in bituminous shales of the Ozankoey field are as about 4.38, 14.93, 10.90 and 5.58 times as average values. The average concentrations of these heavy metals are also as high as 215× 10^-6, 828 × 10^-6, 58.54 × 10^-6, and 148 × 10^-6 respectively. In addition, sorption properties of day and organic materials are also important for metal enrichments in the bituminous shales.  相似文献   

新疆金矿火山岩微量及稀土元素地球化学特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘家远 《黄金地质》2001,7(4):45-51
金矿火山岩微量元素以Th和Zr的明显正异常及Nb和Ti的明显负异常为特征。微量元素比值蛛网图模式曲线均呈微向左倾斜的多峰多谷曲线。过渡元素以Cr和Ni的明显负异常及Sc,Co,Cu明显正常为特征。过渡元素球粒陨石标准化曲线,也均呈微向右倾斜的W形曲线。稀土元素以稀土总量偏低,轻稀土富集,重稀土亏损,Eu具微弱异常至微弱正常为特征。稀土元素配分模式均呈微向右倾斜和近于水平的平滑曲线,陆相火山作用两类成矿岩浆建造-陆相火山岩与潜火山杂岩具有基本一致的微量元素和稀土元素地球化学特征。  相似文献   

The Pongkor gold–silver deposit is the largest low‐sulfidation epithermal precious metal deposit in Indonesia, and is of Pliocene age. The deposit consists of nine major subparallel quartz–adularia–carbonate veins with very low sulfide content. Vein infill records five paragenetic sequences, dominated by calcite in the early stage and quartz in the later stage of the hydrothermal evolution. Fluid inclusions in hydrothermal calcite and quartz of all stages indicate a temperature ranging from 180 to 220°C and a meteoric water origin (very low salinity close to 0 wt% NaCl equivalent). Carbon isotope data on calcite display a narrow range from ?6.5 to ?3.0‰δ13C. The oxygen isotope values have a wider range of +4.6 to +10.1‰δ18O. The broadly positive correlation of the δ13C versus δ18O plot suggests that the carbon species, which equilibrated during the formation of calcite, is dominated by H2CO3 not far from equilibrium with HCO3?. The abundance of rare earth and yttrium (REY) in carbonate samples is very low (>REY mostly <2 ppm). However, there is always a positive Eu anomaly, which indicates a deeper fluid reservoir at >250°C.  相似文献   

Ultrahelvetic units of the Eastern Alps were deposited on the distal European continental margin of the (Alpine) Tethys. The Rehkogelgraben section (“Buntmergelserie”, Ultrahelvetic unit, Upper Austria) comprises a 5 m thick succession of upper Cenomanian marl-limestone cycles overlain by a black shale interval composed of three black shale layers and carbonate-free claystones, followed by lower Turonian white to light grey marly limestones with thin marl layers. The main biostratigraphic events in the section are the last occurrence of Rotalipora and the first occurrences of Helvetoglobotruncana helvetica and Quadrum gartneri. The thickest black shale horizon has a TOC content of about 5%, with predominantly marine organic matter of kerogen type II. Vitrinite reflectance and Rock-Eval parameter Tmax (<424 °C) indicate low maturity. HI values range from 261 to 362 mg HC/g TOC. δ13C values of bulk rock carbonates display the well documented positive shift around the black shale interval, allowing correlation of the Rehkogelgraben section with other sections such as the Global Boundary Stratotype Section and Point (GSSP) succession at Pueblo, USA, and reference sections at Eastbourne, UK, and Gubbio, Italy. Sediment accumulation rates at Rehkogelgraben (average 2.5 mm/ka) are significantly lower than those at Pueblo and Eastbourne.  相似文献   

Bituminous rocks in the Ozank(?)y(Ankara) field are different from those of the Paleocene- Eocene Mengen and Güineytepe(Bolu) regions in metal enrichment levels.Organic carbon(C_(org)) content of organic material-rich rocks in the Ozank(?)y(Ankara) field is 3.66-40.72% wt averaging 14.34%.The dominant organic materials are algae/amorphous accompanied by minor amount of herbaceous material(The dominant kerogen type is Type-Ⅰwith a limited amount of Type-Ⅱkerogen.). The bituminous rocks in the Ozank(?)y field are enriched in heavy metals such as Ni,Mn,As and Cr.In comparison with the average enrichment values of elements,Ni,Mn,As and Cr in bituminous shales of the Ozank(?)y field are as about 4.38,14.93,10.90 and 5.58 times as average values.The average concentrations of these heavy metals are also as high as 215×10~(-6),828×10~(-6),58.54×10~(-6),and 148×10~(-6) respectively.In addition,sorption properties of clay and organic materials are also important for metal enrichments in the bituminous shales.  相似文献   

刘思逸  高平  肖贤明  刘若冰  秦婧  袁桃  王旭 《现代地质》2022,36(5):1281-1291
目前五峰—龙马溪组黑色页岩中显微组分缺乏统一的分类方案,命名也较为混乱,给页岩气勘探与评价造成了困难。为此,采用全岩光片和有机地球化学(TOC、δ13Corg)分析等方法,对四川盆地五峰—龙马溪组黑色页岩中显微组分进行有效识别与特征总结,探讨其可能成因,并判断其有机质类型。研究结果表明:五峰—龙马溪组页岩中显微组分主要由海相镜质组、腐泥组、动物有机碎屑组和次生组组成。其中,海相镜质组由无结构镜质体组成,呈浑圆状或长条状,具有强的光反射能力,但分布并不广泛;腐泥组主要由无结构腐泥体组成,为藻类遭受热降解过程而形成的无结构且无固定形态的显微组分,在富有机质页岩中广泛分布;动物有机碎屑组主要包括笔石表皮体、几丁虫和放射虫有机碎屑体;次生组由次生沥青体组成,广泛分布在页岩基质孔隙中,呈无固定形状。五峰—龙马溪组页岩中主要发育腐泥组和次生组,其次为动物有机碎屑组和海相镜质组,其有机质类型以Ⅰ-Ⅱ1型干酪根为主,且腐泥组和次生组含量越高,有机质类型越好,其生烃潜力越大。  相似文献   

赞比亚东北部班韦乌卢地块受到其东北部的古元古代乌本迪构造带、西北部的中元古代基巴拉构造带、东南部的中元古代伊鲁米德构造带及西南部泛非期卢弗里安构造带的影响。班韦乌卢地块主要由基底和沉积盖层两部分组成。其中,基底主要由片岩带、安山质-流纹质变质火山岩、花岗岩类岩基及其他侵入体组成。沉积盖层从老至新依次为姆波罗科索群、卡萨马群、加丹加超群及新生代的河流相和湖泊相沉积。本文对卡萨马地区的卡萨马群地质特征、碎屑锆石U-Pb-Hf同位素及地球化学特征进行了系统研究,获得卡萨马群中紫红色粉砂岩的32颗碎屑锆石U-Pb年龄多集中在(1849±23)~(1993±21)Ma,卡萨马群的形成时代可能晚于(1434±14)Ma,属于中元古代,其中22颗锆石(176Hf/177Hf)i为0.281049~0.281618,εHf(t)为-12.8~-1.6,二阶段模式年龄变化范围为2406~3487 Ma。对卡萨马群的砂岩进行了稀土元素分析和微量元素分析,结果显示卡萨马群砂岩δEu负异常明显,投点主要落在沉积岩区;微量元素显示砂岩形成于被动大陆边缘环境。  相似文献   

A Lower Cretaceous carbonate platform depositional system with a rimmed margin and an adjacent oversteepened slope was analysed in order to determine its depositional architecture and major depositional controls. The platform is made up of coral, rudist, orbitolinid and algal limestones and, in a 12-km dip transect, there is a gradation from lagoon to platform margin, slope and basin environments, each characterized by distinctive sedimentological features and facies associations. The rimmed platform is an aggradational system developed during approximately 4·2 million years of fluctuating relative sea-level rise, and it is bounded by unconformities at its base and top. Internal cyclicity in the construction of the system is evident, mainly in platform interior and slope settings. The seven recognized sequences average 0·6 million years in duration and are related to minor relative sea-level changes. Carbonate deposition occurred in shallow- and deep-water settings during periods of high relative sea level. Reduced rates of sea-level rise led to the development of shallowing upward sequences and, eventually, to the exposure of the shallowest parts of the platform during relative sea-level falls. During low relative sea level, erosion surfaces developed on the slope, and gravitational resedimentation occurred at the toe of slope. Basinwards, resedimented units pinch out over distances of a few hundred metres. Active faults controlled sedimentation at the platform margin, promoting the development of steep slopes (up to 35°) and preventing progradation of the shallow-water platform, despite high sediment production rates. The development of sequences is interpreted to be related to tectonic activity.  相似文献   

矿泉水中微量元素锶富集的地球化学环境   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
本文通过对全国566处富含锶(Sr)矿泉水的化学测试数据、所处的地球化学环境、地质背景的分析,重点阐述了微量元素Sr的富集与含水介质岩性的关系,并概括了矿泉水中Sr富集的地球化学特征。认为富含Sr矿泉水的形成与不同含水介质岩性和Sr的丰度等地球化学环境密切相关。矿泉水中Sr富集的最有利的环境是碳酸盐岩地层,其次是碎屑岩地层。研究表明,HCO3-Ca型的矿泉水分布最广,但Sr含量普遍偏低。各种重碳酸型的矿泉水中Sr的平均含量均小于1mg,L;相反,由于Sr^2 和SO4^2-呈正相关关系,各种硫酸型的矿泉水中Sr的平均含量大于1mg/L。地下水中的pH值能影响Sr的迁移能力,含Sr的矿泉水pH值多集中在7∽8.5之间。  相似文献   

During the Late Jurassic, accelerated ocean-floor spreading and associated sea-level rise were responsible for a worldwide transgression, which reached its maximum in the Late Kimmeridgian. In many Western European basins, this major sea-level rise led to the formation of marly and condensed sections. In the Swiss Jura, however, a shallow carbonate platform kept growing and only subtle changes in the stratigraphic record suggest an increasingly open-marine influence. Field observations and thin-section analyses reveal that the central Swiss Jura was at that time occupied by tidal flats and by more or less open marine lagoons where shoals and bioherms developed. The evolution through time of sedimentary facies and bed thicknesses permits the definition of small-, medium-, and large-scale depositional sequences. The diagnostic features of these sequences are independent of scale and seem largely controlled by the Kimmeridgian second-order transgression. A high-resolution sequence-stratigraphic correlation with biostratigraphically well-dated hemipelagic and pelagic sections in the Vocontian Basin in France reveals that: (i) The most important increase in accommodation recorded in the Kimmeridgian of the central Swiss Jura occurs in the Eudoxus ammonite zone (Late Kimmeridgian) and corresponds to the second-order maximum flooding recognized in many sedimentary basins. (ii) The small- and medium-scale sequences have time durations corresponding to the first and second orbital eccentricity cycle (i.e. 100 and 400 ka, respectively), suggesting that sedimentation on the platform and in the basin was at least partly controlled by cyclic environmental changes induced by insolation variations in the Milankovitch frequency band. The comparison of the high-resolution temporal framework defined in the Swiss Jura and Vocontian Basin with the sequence-stratigraphic interpretation realized in other Western European basins shows that the large-scale sequence boundaries defined in the Kimmeridgian of the Swiss Jura appear in comparable biostratigraphic positions in most Western European basins. Discrepancies that occur are probably because of local or regional tectonics.  相似文献   

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