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The work of V. A. Ambartsumyan on stellar kinematics and dynamics is analyzed briefly. Its significance in the discussions of cosmogony during the 1930's is emphasized, especially as related to the victory of the “short” scale for galactic evolution. The theory of the destruction of star systems through evaporation of stars, which was founded by Ambartsumyan, is discussed. Ambartsumyan's theory of the equilibrium and evolution of binary stars in the galactic field and its subsequent development are outlined briefly.  相似文献   

The modulation-transfer functions (MTF) of four solar recording films (Eastman-Kodak: 103a-G, IV E, RAR-SO-375; Gevaert: Duplopan-Rapid) are measured with the aid of an interference device. The MTF is used to estimate the smallest detectable element of a two-dimensional pattern; the so-called detectability threshold a * depends on: intensity modulation m, square of MTF, required signal-to-noise ratio q, gamma and granularity of the film. The calculated values of a * for the four emulsions are given in Table II. Finally the influence of exposure time on image quality is discussed.Mitteilungen aus dem Fraunhofer Institut Nr. 74.  相似文献   

G.S. Golitsyn 《Icarus》1979,38(3):333-341
A short review of the atmospheric dynamics for the outer planets and some of their satellites with atmospheres is presented. Their physical properties are discussed. A survey of observational data for atmospheric motions on the large planets is presented and similarity parameters are given for all objects. General problems of the vertical structure of atmospheres are then considered with some detailed discussion for rarefied atmospheres on Io and Ganymede. The low densities of these atmospheres make their dynamics similar to those of the thermospheres of the terrestrial planets but with a specific boundary layer. The atmospheric temperature regime must be strongly coupled to that of their surface, and so winds should be of the order of the velocity of sound. Similarities and differences are noted between the dynamics of Titan and possibly of Pluto and the circulation on Venus. For large and rapidly rotating planets, some analogies with the oceans are pointed out. The “soliton” hypothesis is discussed in some detail for circulation perturbations observed on Jupiter's disk. Finally, it is noted that the bimodal rotation period found for Neptune [D.P. Cruikshank, Astrophys. J. 220, 157–159 (1978)] may be interpreted as an indication of an equatorial jet on the planet with a relative velocity of about 140 m sec?1.  相似文献   

The location of zeros of certain transcendental functions, which we usually come across in transport problems, is discussed.  相似文献   

In this paper, I investigate the family of mixed three-point correlation functions  〈τ q γ3− q 〉, q = 0, 1, 2  , between the integrated Sachs–Wolfe (iSW) temperature perturbation τ and the galaxy overdensity γ as a tool for detecting the gravitational interaction of cosmic microwave background (CMB) photons with the potentials of non-linearly evolving cosmological structures. Both the iSW-effect and the galaxy overdensity are derived in hyperextended perturbation theory to second order and I emphasize the different parameter sensitivities of the linear and non-linear iSW-effect. I examine the configuration dependence of the relevant bispectra, quantify their sensitivities and discuss their degeneracies with respect to the cosmological parameters  Ωm, σ8, h   and the dark energy equation of state parameter w . I give detection significances for combining Planck CMB data and galaxy sample of a survey like Dark UNiverse Explorer (DUNE) by using a quadratic approximation for the likelihood with Λ cold dark matter (ΛCDM) as the fiducial cosmology: the combination of Planck with DUNE should be able to reach a cumulative signal-to-noise ratio of ≃0.6 for the bispectrum  〈τγ2〉  up to ℓ= 2000, which is too weak to be detected. The most important noise source is the primary CMB fluctuations as the Poisson noise in the galaxy number density is almost negligible for a survey like DUNE.  相似文献   

S. I. Grachev 《Astrophysics》1999,42(4):376-390
Line formation in the spectrum of a moving medium with a spherical geometry is considered. In the Sobolev approximation there are some special functions that determine the source function and the force of radiation pressure in the line. The most important case is that of a small dimensionless velocity gradient (i.e., a large dimensionless Sobolev length τ) and a small ratio β of the opacity in the continuum to the opacity in the line. Until now there has been no detailed analytical information about the asymptotic behavior of these functions. For the case of a Doppler profile of the absorption coefficient, we clarify the nontrivial structure of their total asymptotic expansions for τ » 1, β « 1, and arbitrary Βτ. We give an algorithm for obtaining all the coefficients of these expansions and give explicit expressions for the first few coefficients. We also compare the asymptotic expansions with the numerical calculations of these functions available in the literature. We also briefly consider the case of a power-law decrease in the absorption coefficient in the line wing (and, in more detail, the case of Lorentz wings of the Voigt profile).  相似文献   

The authors’ individual work on the inclination functions over a period of more than 30 years has led to the need for a joint paper. Intervening papers by other authors have demonstrated misunderstandings needing to be corrected, in particular concerning the key recurrence relation published by the present first author in 1971. This relation is remarkably stable, though this has not always been recognized. The real source of error with the specific functions that are involved in the recurrence relation arises from the possibilities for underflow (as well as overflow) in the computation. The problem exists even with normalized versions of the functions, and is carefully addressed. Very important, for both academic and practical reasons, is a general invariance relation that had been found earlier by the second author, for which a proof is given here for the first time. Some numerical results from our new (and highly efficient) procedure for computing the inclination functions are tabulated, and comparisons made with the results of other authors. Finally, Fortran code for an optimized implementation of this procedure is in supplementary material. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

A technique for high-sensitivity measurements of spectral line profile fluctuations is suggested. Observations with spectral lines most commonly used to study the oscillations have been carried out. It is found that 5-min and 3-min fluctuations of Fei 5123, 5250, 5434 and NaDi 5896 line profiles are able to produce signals equivalent to line-of-sight velocities of 1–5 m s–1 at a spatial resolution of 5 and 10–35 m s–1 at 1.5 × 4 resolution. Such observations permit a better understanding of the particular physical factors responsible for the oscillations of line-of-sight velocity signals and the magnetic field which are the subject of study of helioseismology.  相似文献   

Oscillator strengths are calculated by the STF method for selected transitions of Mn i. The results, applied to the analysis of solar spectra, support the ‘high’ solar photospheric abundance of manganese recently obtained on the basis of experimental gf-values.  相似文献   

Oscillator strengths calculated by the STF method for selected transitions of V i and Co i have permitted to deduce, from an LTE study of weak lines, photospheric abundances in agreement with those obtained from carbonaceous chondrites. A summary of results is also presented for all the iron-group elements.  相似文献   

Carol S. Breed 《Icarus》1977,30(2):326-340
Geomorphic features in the Hellespontus region, Mars, were compared with dunes of the crescentic ridge type in numerous terrestrial sand seas quantitatively by dimensional analysis of dune lengths, widths, and wavelengths. Mean values for the Hellespontus dunes are close to mean values derived from measurements of all sampled terrestrial sand seas. Terrestrial analogs of form and areal distribution of the Hellespontus dunes are shown by comparison of scale ratios derived from the measurements. Dunes of similar form occur in South West Africa, in Pakistan, in the southeastern Arabian peninsula, in the Sahara, in eastern USSR and northern China, and in western North America. Terrestrial analogs closest to form and areal distribution of the Hellespontus dunes are in the Kara Kum Desert, Turkmen SSR, and in the Ala Shan (Gobi) Desert, China.  相似文献   

We report observations of Icelandic hillside gully systems that are near duplicates of gullies observed on high-latitude martian hillsides. The best Icelandic analogs involve basaltic talus slopes at the angle of repose, with gully formation by debris flows initiated by ground water saturation, and/or by drainage of water from upslope cliffs. We report not only the existence of Mars analog gullies, but also an erosional sequence of morphologic forms, found both on Mars and in Iceland. The observations support hypotheses calling for creation of martian gullies by aqueous processes. Issues remain whether the water in each case comes only from surficial sources, such as melting of ground ice or snow, or from underground sources such as aquifers that gain surface access in hillsides. Iceland has many examples of the former, but the latter mechanism is not ruled out. Our observations are consistent with the martian debris flow mechanism of F. Costard et al. (2001c, Science295, 110-113), except that classic debris flows begin at midslope more frequently than on Mars. From morphologic observations, we suggest that some martian hillside gully systems not only involve significant evolution by extended erosive activity, but gully formation may occur in episodes, and the time interval since the last episode is considerably less than the time interval needed to erase the gully through normal martian obliteration processes.  相似文献   

The mineralogy and geochemistry of Ceres, as constrained by Dawn's instruments, are broadly consistent with a carbonaceous chondrite (CM/CI) bulk composition. Differences explainable by Ceres’s more advanced alteration include the formation of Mg‐rich serpentine and ammoniated clay; a greater proportion of carbonate and lesser organic matter; amounts of magnetite, sulfide, and carbon that could act as spectral darkening agents; and partial fractionation of water ice and silicates in the interior and regolith. Ceres is not spectrally unique, but is similar to a few other C‐class asteroids, which may also have suffered extensive alteration. All these bodies are among the largest carbonaceous chondrite asteroids, and they orbit in the same part of the Main Belt. Thus, the degree of alteration is apparently related to the size of the body. Although the ammonia now incorporated into clay likely condensed in the outer nebula, we cannot presently determine whether Ceres itself formed in the outer solar system and migrated inward or was assembled within the Main Belt, along with other carbonaceous chondrite bodies.  相似文献   

Analytic expressions are presented which approximate the Emden function θ, and the associated Emden functions,ψ o andψ 2, and their derivatives, near the first zero of θ,ξ o. The range of accurate representation extends toξ= 1.5ξ 1. This range is sufficient to encompass the boundary of a critically rotating polytrope.  相似文献   

E. Biémont 《Solar physics》1974,39(2):305-308
Absolute oscillator strengths are computed by the STF method for selected lines of Sci.The lifetimes deduced from these values are in satisfactory agreement with recent beam-foil measurements. From a study of 10 selected lines, a new value of the solar photospheric abundance is derived (logN sc = 3.04) in agreement with the meteoritic value.  相似文献   

A few classes of the light curve of the black hole candidate GRS 1915+105 have been analysed in detail. We discover that unlike the previous findings, quasi-periodic oscillations (QPOs) occasionally occur even in the so-called 'On' or softer states. Such findings may require a revision of the accretion/wind scenario of the black hole candidates. We conjecture that considerable winds that are produced in 'Off' states cool down as a result of Comptonization and fall back to the disc, creating an excess accretion rate and producing the so-called 'On' state. After the drainage of the excess matter, the disc goes back to the 'Off' state. Our findings strengthen the shock oscillation model for QPOs.  相似文献   

The radial and space velocities are inferred for 15 stars that are photometric analogs of the Sun. The space velocity components (U, V, W) of most of these stars lie within the 10–60 km/s interval. The star HD 225239, which in our previous papers we classified as a subgiant, has a space velocity exceeding 100 km/s, and belongs to the thick disk. The inferred fundamental parameters of the atmospheres of solar analogs are combined with published evolutionary tracks to estimate the masses and ages of the stars studied. The kinematics of photometric analogs is compared to the data for a large group of solar-type stars.  相似文献   

We present a general analytical procedure for computing the number density of voids with radius above a given value within the context of gravitational formation of the large-scale structure of the Universe out of Gaussian initial conditions. To this end, we develop an accurate (under generally satisfied conditions) extension of the unconditional mass function to constrained environments, which allows us both to obtain the number density of collapsed objects of certain mass at any distance from the centre of the void, and to derive the number density of voids defined by collapsed objects. We have made detailed calculations for the spherically averaged mass density and halo number density profiles for particular voids. We also present a formal expression for the number density of voids defined by galaxies of a given type and luminosity. This expression contains the probability for a collapsed object of certain mass to host a galaxy of that type and luminosity (i.e. the conditional luminosity function) as a function of the environmental density. We propose a procedure to infer this function, which may provide useful clues as to the galaxy formation process, from the observed void densities.  相似文献   

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