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We show that spurious large non-double-couple components can be obtained in inversions for the full deviatoric moment tensor for shallow crustal earthquakes due to inaccurate Earth models. The traditional “best double-couple” solution does not in general provide an optimal estimate of a double-couple mechanism, and is only reliable when the non-double-couple component of the full deviatoric solution is small. The inverse problem for the moment tensors of the 1998 Antarctic Plate and 2000 Wharton Basin strike-slip earthquakes is shown in each case to have two well-fitting minima in the misfit function of pure double-couple solutions. Such pairs of solutions are most likely to exist for earthquakes which are close either to vertical strike-slip or to dip-slip on a fault plane dipping at 45°. It is shown theoretically that these pairs of solutions arise from the combination of the pure double-couple constraint and the instability of two elements of the moment tensor. No significant non-double-couple component is found for the shallow thrusting 1996 Biak, Indonesia earthquake.  相似文献   

We investigate the properties of the April 2007 earthquake swarm (Mw 5.2) which occurred at the vicinity of Lake Trichonis (western Greece). First we relocated the earthquakes, using P- and S-wave arrivals to the stations of the Hellenic Unified Seismic Network (HUSN), and then we applied moment tensor inversion to regional broad-band waveforms to obtain the focal mechanisms of the strongest events of the 2007 swarm. The relocated epicentres, cluster along the eastern banks of the lake, and follow a distinct NNW–ESE trend. The previous strong sequence close to Lake Trichonis occurred in June–December 1975. We applied teleseismic body waveform inversion, to obtain the focal mechanism solution of the strongest earthquake of this sequence, i.e. the 31 December 1975 (Mw 6.0) event. Our results indicate that: a) the 31 December 1975 Mw 6.0 event was produced by a NW–SE normal fault, dipping to the NE, with considerable sinistral strike-slip component; we relocated its epicentre: i) using phase data reported to ISC and its coordinates are 38.486°N, 21.661°E; ii) using the available macroseismic data, and the coordinates of the macroseismic epicentre are 38.49°N, 21.63°E, close to the strongly affected village of Kato Makrinou; b) the earthquakes of the 2007 swarm indicate a NNW–SSE strike for the activated main structure, parallel to the eastern banks of Lake Trichonis, dipping to the NE and characterized by mainly normal faulting, occasionally combined with sinistral strike-slip component. The 2007 earthquake swarm did not rupture the well documented E–W striking Trichonis normal fault that bounds the southern flank of the lake, but on the contrary it is due to rupture of a NW–SE normal fault that strikes at a  45° angle to the Trichonis fault. The left-lateral component of faulting is mapped for the first time to the north of the Gulf of Patras which was previously regarded as the boundary for strike-slip motions in western Greece. This result signifies the importance of further investigations to unravel in detail the tectonics of this region.  相似文献   

We estimated the stress fields of the aftershocks of the 2000 western Tottori earthquake (Mw 6.6) and the northern Hyogo swarm (max Mw 5.2) by a stress tensor inversion of moment tensor solutions reported from the National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Prevention (Japan). The maximum principal stress direction of the western Tottori sequence was estimated as N107°E with a strike–slip regime. In the northern Hyogo swarm, the orientations of the principal stress directions could not be well constrained by the observed data, but after examining the detailed characteristics of the solution, we obtained a most probable solution of N113°E for the σ1 direction. These solutions are consistent with the maximum horizontal directions roughly estimated from the strike directions of large earthquakes occurring geographically between these two seismic activities. We measured the angle between each fault–slip direction and maximum principal stress direction to investigate the frictional properties of earthquakes. The distribution of the angles was forward modeled to estimate the coefficient of friction and the stress ratio, assuming uniformly distributed fault orientations. For the western Tottori sequence, a homogeneous stress field with a coefficient of friction less than 0.4 was estimated. A high stress level was also suggested because very little change occurred in the stress field during the mainshock. For the northern Hyogo sequence, the coefficient of friction was estimated to be between 0.5 and 1.0.  相似文献   

In the early morning hours on Wednesday November 08, 2006 at 04:32:10(GMT) a small earthquake of ML 4.1 has occurred at southeast Beni-Suef, approximately 160 km SEE of Cairo, northern Egypt. The quake has been felt as far as Cairo and its surroundings while no casualties were reported. The instrumental epicentre is located at 28.57°N and 31.55°E. Seismic moment is 1.76 E14 Nm, corresponding to a moment magnitude Mw 3.5. Following a Brune model, the source radius is 0.3 km with an average dislocation of 1.8 cm and a 2.4 MPa stress drop. The source mechanism from a first motion fault plane solution shows a left-lateral strike-slip mechanism with a minor dip-slip component along fault NNW striking at 161°, dipping 52° to the west and rake −5°. Trend and plunging of the maximum and minimum principle axes P/T are 125°, 28°, 21°, and 23°, respectively. A comparison with the mechanism of the October, 1999 event shows similarities in faulting type and orientation of nodal planes.Eight small earthquakes (3.0  ML < 5.0) were also recorded by the Egyptian National Seismological Network (ENSN) from the same region. We estimate the source parameters and fault mechanism solutions (FMS) for these earthquakes using displacement spectra and P-wave polarities, respectively. The obtained source parameters including seismic moments of 4.9 × 1012–5.04 × 1015 Nm, stress drops of 0.2–4.9 MPa and relative displacement of 0.1–9.1 cm. The azimuths of T-axes determined from FMS are oriented in NNE–SSW direction. This direction is consistent with the present-day stress field in Egypt and the last phase of stress field changes in the Late Pleistocene, as well as with recent GPS measurements.  相似文献   

F. Di Luccio  E. Fukuyama  N.A. Pino   《Tectonophysics》2005,405(1-4):141-154
On October 31, 2002 a ML = 5.4 earthquake occurred in southern Italy, at the margin between the Apenninic thrust belt (to the west) and the Adriatic plate (to the east). In this area, neither historical event nor seismogenic fault is reported in the literature. In spite of its moderate magnitude, the earthquake caused severe damage in cities close to the epicenter and 27 people, out of a total of 29 casualties, were killed by the collapse of a primary school in S. Giuliano di Puglia. By inverting broadband regional waveforms, we computed moment tensor solutions for 15 events, as small as ML = 3.5 (Mw = 3.7). The obtained focal mechanisms show pure strike-slip geometry, mainly with focal planes oriented to NS (sinistral) and EW (dextral). In several solutions focal planes are rotated counterclockwise, in particular for later events, occurring west of the mainshock. From the relocated aftershock distribution, we found that the mainshock ruptured along an EW plane, and the fault mechanisms of some aftershocks were not consistent with the mainshock fault plane. The observed stress field, resulting from the stress tensor inversion, shows a maximum principal stress axis with an east–west trend (N83°W), whereas the minimum stress direction is almost N–S. Considering both the aftershock distribution and moment tensor solutions, it appears that several pre-existing faults were activated rather than a single planar fault associated with the mainshock. The finite fault analysis shows a very simple slip distribution with a slow rupture velocity of 1.1 km/s, that could explain the occurrence of a second mainshock about 30 h after. Finally, we attempt to interpret how the Molise sequence is related to the normal faulting system to the west (along the Apennines) and the dextral strike-slip Mattinata fault to the east.  相似文献   

We have studied the focal mechanisms of the 1980, 1997 and 1998 earthquakes in the Azores region from body-wave inversion of digital GDSN (Global Digital Seismograph Network) and broadband data. For the 1980 and 1998 shocks, we have obtained strike–slip faulting, with the rupture process made up of two sub-events in both shocks, with total scalar seismic moments of 1.9 × 1019 Nm (Mw = 6.8) and 1.4 × 1018 Nm (Mw = 6.0), respectively. For the 1997 shock, we have obtained a normal faulting mechanism, with the rupture process made up of three sub-events, with a total scalar seismic moment of 7.7 × 1017 Nm (Mw = 5.9). A common characteristic of these three earthquakes was the shallow focal depth, less than 10 km, in agreement with the oceanic-type crust. From the directivity function of Rayleigh (LR) waves, we have identified the NW–SE plane as the rupture plane for the 1980 and 1998 earthquakes with the rupture propagating to the SE. Slow rupture velocity, about of 1.5 km/s, has been estimated from directivity function for the 1980 and 1998 earthquakes. From spectral analysis and body-wave inversion, fault dimensions, stress drop and average slip have been estimated. Focal mechanisms of the three earthquakes we have studied, together with focal mechanisms obtained by other authors, have been used in order to obtain a seismotectonic model for the Azores region. We have found different types of behaviour present along the region. It can be divided into two zones: Zone I, from 30°W to 27°W; Zone II, from 27°W to 23°W, with a change in the seismicity and stress direction from Zone I. In Zone I, the total seismic moment tensor obtained corresponded to left-lateral strike–slip faulting with horizontal pressure and tension axes in the E–W and N–S directions, respectively. In Zone II, the total seismic moment tensor corresponded to normal faulting, with a horizontal tension axis trending NE–SW, normal to the Terceira Ridge. The stress pattern for the whole region corresponds to horizontal extension with an average seismic slip rate of 4.4 mm/yr.  相似文献   

Moment tensors of microearthquakes induced during the 2000 injection experiment at the KTB deep drilling borehole at a depth level of 5.4 km are studied. A family of 37 most reliable moment tensors contains significant non-double-couple (non-DC) components. The DC is on average 60% and the non-DC is 40%. Fault plane solutions computed from the DC part show preferred strike-slip mechanisms with small normal or reverse components. A predominant azimuth of P and T axes is in the range of N320°–340°E and of N230°–250°E, respectively. The non-DC components contain both the isotropic (ISO) and compensated linear vector dipole (CLVD) components. The mean value of ISO is 1.5%, the mean value of CLVD is − 5.7%. The predominantly negative CLVD components are inconsistent with the concept of the non-DC mechanisms as a result of tensile faulting due to fluid injection into the rock. The main origin of the non-DC components is probably anisotropy in the focal area. The other origins are errors produced by mismodelling of the medium when calculating the Green functions, and numerical errors produced by noise and limitations of input data. Adopting four alternative models of anisotropy obtained by other seismic measurements at the KTB, we have employed the non-DC components for estimating an optimum orientation of anisotropy in the focal area. The optimum orientation of the symmetry plane of anisotropy is nearly vertical with a strike of N335°–340°E. This strike coincides well with the strike of 330° typical for many major lithological units and faults and with the orientation of the transversely isotropic model inferred by other authors. After removing the anisotropy effects from the moment tensors by calculating the source tensors, the distribution of ISO is significantly narrowed. This indicates predominantly shear, but not tensile faulting.  相似文献   

The Hellenic arc is the most active seismic region of the transition zone between the African and Eurasian plates. In this rapidly deforming region, the physical state of the crust and upper mantle may vary laterally and vertically. However, a detailed 3D model of the region is lacking. The reliable determination of fault plane solutions is crucial if such a model is to be produced. On this basis, fault plane solutions have been determined from recent microearthquakes and small events to assess their reliability for use in tectonic interpretation. A search algorithm on first motion data and amplitude ratios and also a waveform-matching scheme were employed on data from our temporal network, operated on the western part of the island of Crete. There, a network of 47 three-component digital stations with an aperture of 60 km and an average station spacing of 5 km was operated in 1997. The majority of the shallow microearthquakes under Crete for which fault plane solutions were determined have a near horizontal T-axis oriented essentially E–W. Differences between well determined fault plane solutions from the search algorithm and the waveform-matching technique were significant (strike up to 45°, dip up to 10°, and slip up to 50°). Second, data of small events within the Hellenic subduction zone were obtained from recently installed broadband stations at local and regional distances and inverted for a deviatoric seismic moment tensor. Available solutions from other sources such as the Harvard group, EMSC, or SED show drastic differences in part. Owing to still limited azimuthal station coverage, the resulting fault plane solutions of small events have generally not been well constrained. The observed large variation of fault plane solutions for micoearthquakes and small events poses a caveat to tectonic interpretation in case of using data from a few stations only.  相似文献   

Field analyses of compressional faulting and folding in the Foothills of western Taiwan enable us to reconstruct paleostress trajectories over a large area and to establish the relative chronology of tectonic events. Two main compressional events have contributed to the present structure of the fold-thrust belt. Stratigraphic data show that these events are Plio-Pliocene in age. Older normal faulting indicates NNW-SSE extension across the Chinesse passive continental margin during the Neogene. The two main compressional events of the Taiwan collision correspond to similar fan-shaped distributions of maximum compressive stress trajectories, with a counterclockwise shift of 30°–50° between the two events. Using the relationship between recent stress trajectories and the direction of recent plate motion as a guide, we reconstruct the direction of plate convergence for the older event. We suspect that the relative motion Philippine Sea plate-Eurasia has rotated counterclockwise of at least 35°–45° in Taiwan during collision. This conclusion is in agreement with independent plate tectonic reconstructions. Several problems provide objectives to further tectonic and paleomagnetic studies, including the duration and diachronism of compressional events as well as possible clockwise rotation of northernmost Taiwan.  相似文献   

Three sites from Cretaceous limestone and Jurassic sandstone in northern Oaxaca, Mexico, were studied paleomagnetically. Thermal demagnetization isolated site-mean remanence directions which differ significantly from the recent geomagnetic field. The paleopole for the Albian–Cenomanian Morelos formation is indistinguishable from the corresponding reference pole for stable North America, indicating tectonic stability of the Mixteca terrane since the Cretaceous. Rock magnetic properties and a positive reversal test for the Bajocian Tecomazuchil sandstone suggest that the remanence could be of primary origin, although no fold test could be applied. The Tecomazuchil paleopole is rotated 10°±5° clockwise and displaced 24°±5° towards the study area, with respect to the reference pole for stable North America. Similar values were found for the Toarcien–Aalenian Rosario Formation, with 35°±6° clockwise rotation and 33°±6° latitudinal translation. These data support a post-Bajocian southward translation of the Mixteca terrane by around 25°, which was completed in mid-Cretaceous time.  相似文献   

In the present work a detailed seismotectonic study of the broader area of the Mygdonia basin (N. Greece) is performed. Digital data for earthquakes which occurred in the broader Mygdonia basin and were recorded by the permanent telemetric network of the Geophysical Laboratory of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki during the period 1989–1999 were collected and fault plane solutions for 50 earthquakes which occurred in the study area were calculated with a modified first motions approach which incorporates amplitude and radiation pattern information. Fault plane solutions for the 3 main shocks of Volvi (23/05/78, MW = 5.8 and 20/06/78, MW = 6.5) and Arnaia (04/05/95, MW = 5.8) events and the 1978 aftershock sequence were additionally used. Moreover, data from two local networks established in the Mygdonia basin were also incorporated in the final dataset.Determination of the stress field was realized by the use of the method of Gephart and Forsyth [Gephart, J.W., Forsyth, D.W., 1984. An improved method for determining the regional stress tensor using earthquake focal mechanism data: application to the San Fernando earthquake sequence: Jour. Geophys. Res., v.89, no. B11, p. 9305–9320] for the stress tensor inversion and the results were compared with independent estimates based on the calculation of the average moment tensor [Papazachos, C.B.,Kiratzi, A.A., 1992. A formulation for reliable estimation of active crustal deformation and its application to central Greece. Geophys. J. Int. 111, 424–432]. The obtained stress results show a relatively good agreement between the two approaches, with differences in the azimuth of the dominant extension axis of the order of 10°. Furthermore, comparison with independent information for the mean stress axes provided by the study of kinematics on neotectonic faults [Mountrakis, D., Kilias, A., Tranos, M., Thomaidou, E., Papazachos, C., Karakaisis, G., Scordilis, E., Chatzidimitriou, P., Papadimitriou, E., Vargemezis, G., Aidona, E., Karagianni, E., Vamvakaris, D. Skarlatoudis, A. 2003. Determination of the settings and the seismotectonic behavior of the main seismic-active faults of Northern Greece area using neotectonic and seismological data. Earthquake Planning and Protection Organisation (OASP) (in Greek)] shows a similar agreement with typical misfit of the order 10°. The stress inversion method was modified in order to select one or both nodal planes of the focal mechanism which corresponds to the “true” fault plane of the occurred earthquakes and was able to select a single fault plane in the majority of examined cases. Using this approach, the obtained fault plane rose diagrams are in agreement with results from various neotectonic studies. Moreover, several secondary active fault branches were identified, which are still not clearly observed in the field.  相似文献   

Seismotectonics of Taiwan   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
High-quality seismicity data and focal mechanism solutions obtained during 1973–1983 by the permanent Taiwan Telemetered Seismographic Network and several temporary local seismographic networks are used for a detailed study of the seismotectonics of the Taiwan area. Seismicity distribution in southern Taiwan clearly reveals an east-dipping Benioff zone which has a thickness of about 30 km and begins to deepen along 121°E at a dip angle of 55°–60°. The leading edge of this Benioff zone reaches a depth of about 180 km between 21°N and 22°N, but tapers off to a shallower depth of about 100 km from 22°N to 23°N. The presence of this seismic zone implies that subduction of the South China Sea plate under the Philippine Sea plate extends from Luzon northward to about 23°N. The position of the northern boundary of the South China Sea plate, as tentatively defined according to the seismicity distribution, passes through southern Taiwan from the offshore area in the Taiwan Strait west of Kaohsiung in an east-northeast direction to the Taitung area where a triple junction probably lies. Seismicity is found to disappear abruptly below a certain depth in many parts of Taiwan. This phenomenon may be attributed to the frictional to quasiplastic transition in the crust or upper mantle. Comparison of shallow seismicity with surface faults and fractures shows that all areas of active shallow seismicity are marked by densely-developed faults and fractures. However, the converse is not necessarily true. This may be partly due to the relatively short duration of seismicity data and partly due to excessive weakening of some of the severely faulted and fractured areas. Finally, focal mechanism solutions for west central Taiwan and the Kuangfu-Fuli area in eastern Taiwan predominantly show a maximum horizontal compression in the SE-NW direction which can be related to collision between the Eurasian and Philippine Sea plates. However, focal mechanism solutions for both the Hualien area in eastern Taiwan and the Tainan area in southwestern Taiwan show remarkable irregularities which may result from local tectonic complexities.  相似文献   

A set of free-drift experiments was undertaken to synthesize carbonates of mixed cation content (Fe, Ca, Mg) from solution at 25 and 70 °C to better understand the relationship between the mineralogy and composition of these phases and the solutions from which they precipitate. Metastable solid solutions formed at 25 °C which are not predicted from the extrapolation of higher temperature equilibrium assemblages; instead, solids formed that were intermediary in chemical composition to known magnesite–siderite and dolomite solid solutions. A calcite–siderite solid solution precipitated at 25 °C, with the percentage of CaCO3 in the solid being proportional to the aqueous Ca/Fe ratio of the solution, while Mg was excluded from the crystal structure except at relatively high aqueous Mg/Ca and Mg/Fe ratios and a low Ca content. Alternatively, at 70 °C Mg was the predominant cation of the solid solutions. These results are compatible with the hypothesis that the relative dehydration energies of Fe, Ca and Mg play an important role in the formation of mixed cation carbonates in nature.  相似文献   

P. Mandal  S. Horton   《Tectonophysics》2007,429(1-2):61-78
The HYPODD relocation of 1172 aftershocks, recorded on 8–17 three-component digital seismographs, delineate a distinct south dipping E–W trending aftershock zone extending up to 35 km depth, which involves a crustal volume of 40 km × 60 km × 35 km. The relocated focal depths delineate the presence of three fault segments and variation in the brittle–ductile transition depths amongst the individual faults as the earthquake foci in the both western and eastern ends are confined up to 28 km depth whilst in the central aftershock zone they are limited up to 35 km depth. The FPFIT focal mechanism solutions of 444 aftershocks (using 8–12 first motions) suggest that the focal mechanisms ranged between pure reverse and pure strike slip except some pure dip slip solutions. Stress inversion performed using the P and T axes of the selected focal mechanisms reveals an N181°E oriented maximum principal stress with a very shallow dip (= 14°). The stress inversions of different depth bins of the P and T axes of selected aftershocks suggest a heterogeneous stress regime at 0–30 km depth range with a dominant consistent N–S orientation of the P-axes over the aftershock zone, which could be attributed to the existence of varied nature and orientation of fractures and faults as revealed by the relocated aftershocks.  相似文献   

Klaus-G. Hinzen   《Tectonophysics》2003,377(3-4):325-356
Fault plane solutions (FPS) from 110 earthquakes in the northern Rhine area with local magnitudes, ranging from 1.0 to 6.1, and occurring between 1976 and 2002 are determined. FPS are retrieved from P-wave first motions using a grid search approach allowing a detailed exploration of the parameter space. The influence of the 1D velocity model on take-off angles and resulting FPS is examined. All events were relocated with a recently developed minimum 1D model of the velocity structure [J. Geophys. Res. (2003)]. Rose diagrams of the orientation of P, T and B axes show a clear preference of trends of P and T axes at N292°E and N27°E, respectively. The majority of B axes trend in northerly directions. Plunges of P and T axes are mostly around 45° while most B axes are subhorizontal. The main direction of the maximum horizontal stress directly inferred from the fault plane solutions is N118°E.To calculate the orientations of the principal stress axes and the shape of the stress tensor, the inversion method of Gephard and Forsyth [J. Geophys. Res. 89 (1984) 9305] was applied to the whole data set and to several subsets of data. The subsets were formed by grouping events from various geological and tectonic areas and by grouping events into different depth ranges. The subset areas include the Lower Rhine Embayment, the Rhenish Massif, the middle Rhine area, the Neuwied Basin and the area known as the Stavelot–Venn Massif. Inversion of the entire data set shows some ambiguity between a strike-slip and extensional stress regime, with a vertical axis for the medium principal stress and a trend of N305°E and N35°E for the σ1 and σ3 axis, respectively, as the best fitting tensor. Earthquakes from the Lower Rhine Embayment and, to some degree, from the middle Rhine area indicate an extensional stress regime. In the Lower Rhine Embayment, plunge and trend of the σ1 axis are 76° and N162°E and for the σ3 axis 7° and N42°E. The best fitting solution for the area of the Stavelot–Venn Massif is a strike-slip regime with subhorizontal σ1 and σ3 axes with a trend of N316°E and N225°E, respectively. Stress orientations found here agree overall with the results from earlier studies based on smaller data sets. The directions of the maximum and minimum horizontal stresses inverted from focal mechanisms agree well with the stress field predicted by the European Stress Map. This confirms earlier interpretations that the stress field of the Rhine Graben system is controlled by plate driving forces acting on the plate boundaries. However, amplitudes of the stresses change on a local scale and with depth. Estimates of the absolute magnitude of principal stresses favor a normal faulting regime in the shallow crust (above 12-km depth) and a strike-slip regime in the lower crust.  相似文献   

An inversion of P-wave travel time residuals from selected earthquakes in the distance range 30°–98° to two seismic station networks was used to model P-wave velocity anomalies down to 250 km depth. In the first inversion experiment a region between 43.5°–47.5°N and 21°–29°E was modelled, using 35 seismic stations, while in the second one a region between 44°–47°N and 25°–29°E was modelled, using 19 seismic stations. The 4-layer block model of the first inversion offers 19% reduction in residual variance, while the 5-layer block model of the second one offers 26% reduction, the rest being explained by noise and smaller scale heterogeneities. The obtained velocity anomalies correlate remarkably well with the gravity anomalies and with the tectonic model for the Vrancea region of Fuchs et al. (1979).  相似文献   

We have examined the quality of the National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Prevention (NIED) seismic moment tensor (MT) catalogue obtained using a regional broadband seismic network (FREESIA). First, we examined using synthetic waveforms the robustness of the solutions with regard to data noise as well as to errors in the velocity structure and focal location. Then, to estimate the reliability, robustness and validity of the catalogue, we compared it with the Harvard centroid moment tensor (CMT) catalogue as well as the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) focal mechanism catalogue. We found out that the NIED catalogue is consistent with Harvard and JMA catalogues within the uncertainty of 0.1 in moment magnitude, 10 km in depth, and 15° in direction of the stress axes. The NIED MT catalogue succeeded in reducing to 3.5 the lower limit of moment magnitude above which the moment tensor could be reliably estimated. Finally, we estimated the stress tensors in several different regions by using the NIED MT catalogue. This enables us to elucidate the stress/deformation field in and around the Japanese islands to understand the mode of deformation and applied stress. Moreover, we identified a region of abnormal stress in a swarm area from stress tensor estimates.  相似文献   

A re-compilation of magnetic data in the Weddell Sea is presented and compared with the gravity field recently derived from retracked satellite altimetry. The previously informally named ‘Anomaly-T,’ an east–west trending linear positive magnetic and gravity anomaly lying at about 69°S, forms the southern boundary of the well-known Weddell Sea gravity herringbone. North of Anomaly-T, three major E–W linear magnetic lows are shown, and identified with anomalies c12r, c21–29(r) and c33r. On the basis of these, and following work by recent investigators, isochrons c13, c18, c20, c21, c30, c33 and c34 are identified and extended into the western Weddell Sea. Similarly, a linear magnetic low lying along the spine of the herringbone is shown and provisionally dated at 93–96 Ma. Anomaly-T is tentatively dated to be M5n, in agreement with recent tectonic models.Although current tectonic models are generally in good agreement to the north of T, to the south interpretations differ. Some plate tectonic models have only proposed essentially north–south spreading in the region, whilst others have suggested that a period of predominantly east–west motion (relative to present Antarctic geographic coordinates) occurred during the mid-Mesozoic spreading between East and West Gondwana. We identify an area immediately to the south of T which appears to be the southerly extent of N–S spreading in the herringbone. Following recent work, the extreme southerly extent of the N–S directed spreading of the herringbone is provisionally dated M9r/M10. In the oldest Weddell Sea, immediately to the north and east of the Antarctic shelf, we see subtle features in both the magnetic and gravity data that are consistent with predominantly N–S spreading in the Weddell Sea during the earliest opening of East and West Gondwana. In between, however, in a small region extending approximately from about 50 km south of T to about 70°S and from approximately 40° to 53°W, the magnetic and gravity data appear to suggest well-correlated linear marine magnetic anomalies (possible isochrons) perpendicular to T, bounded and offset by less well-defined steps and linear lows in the gravity (possible fracture zones). These magnetic and gravity data southwest of T suggest that the crust here may record an E–W spreading episode between the two-plate system of East and West Gondwana prior to the initiation of the three-plate spreading system of South America, Africa and Antarctica. The E–W spreading record to the east of about 35°W would then appear to have been cut off at about M10 time during the establishment of N–S three-plate spreading along the South American–Antarctic Ridge and then subducted under the Scotia Ridge.  相似文献   

Antony Morris   《Tectonophysics》2003,377(1-2):157
A compilation of available palaeomagnetic data from the Troodos (Cyprus) and Baër–Bassit (Syria) ophiolitic terranes of the eastern Mediterranean Tethyan orogenic belt is presented. The ophiolites represent fragments of oceanic lithosphere generated at a Neotethyan spreading axis in the Late Cretaceous, although debate continues over the tectonic setting of this spreading axis and its position within the eastern Mediterranean palaeogeography. Two types of model reconstructions have been proposed: Type 1—the ophiolites formed in a southerly Neotethyan basin by spreading above an oceanic subduction zone. The Baër–Bassit ophiolite was then emplaced a relatively short distance (tens of kilometers) southwards on to the Arabian continental margin, leaving the Troodos ophiolite isolated in an intra-oceanic setting to the west; and Type 2—the ophiolites formed in a northerly Neotethyan basin by spreading at a ‘normal’ oceanic ridge, with subsequent large-scale thrusting (hundreds of kilometers) to the south of emplaced ophiolites over microcontinental fragments to reach their present positions. Palaeomagnetic determination of the palaeolatitude of the Neotethyan spreading axis is, therefore, of considerable interest.Previous palaeomagnetic analyses have demonstrated the presence of significant, and in some cases extreme, relative tectonic rotations of a variety of origins in both ophiolites. To allow palaeomagnetic data from these rotated units to be combined, an inclination-only formulation of the palaeomagnetic tilt test is employed. This provides unequivocal evidence that both ophiolites retain pre-deformational remanent magnetizations, which are interpreted as original ocean-floor magnetizations acquired close to the time of crustal formation in the Late Cretaceous. The mean inclinations of 37.0±2.6° for the Troodos terrane and 41.1±3.4° for the Baër–Bassit terrane indicate respective palaeolatitudes for the spreading axes of 20.6°N±1.8° and 23.6°N±2.5°, consistent with a Late Cretaceous position between the Arabian and Eurasian margins. These data, together with a well-defined palaeolatitude of 25.5°N±4.5° for the eastern Pontides previously reported in the literature, provide constraints which must be incorporated in any successful tectonic reconstruction of the eastern Mediterranean Tethys. The implications of these constraints for Type 1 and 2 models are discussed using a series of plate tectonic cross-sections constructed along a line extending northwards from the Arabian continental margin. In the absence of palaeomagnetic data from Late Cretaceous rocks of the eastern Taurides, however, it is presently impossible to use these palaeolatitudinal constraints to resolve the root zone debate on a purely palaeomagnetic basis. Solutions which satisfy the constraints may be found for both types of model reconstruction. Additional, published field-based geological considerations, however, strongly support models in which the Troodos and Baër–Bassit (and other southerly) ophiolites were generated in a southern Neotethyan basin, rather than those involving generation in a northerly basin and subsequent large-scale thrust displacement to the south.  相似文献   

The 14 November 2001 Kunlun, China, earthquake with a moment magnitude (Mw) 7.8 occurred along the Kusai Lake–Kunlun Pass fault of the Kunlun fault system. We document the spatial distribution and geometry of surface rupture zone produced by this earthquake, based on high-resolution satellite (Landsat ETM, ASTER, SPOT and IKONOS) images combined with field measurements. Our results show that the surface rupture zone can be divided into five segments according to the geometry of surface rupture, including the Sun Lake, Buka Daban–Hongshui River, Kusai Lake, Hubei Peak and Kunlun Pass segments from west to east. These segments, each 55 to 130 km long, are separated by step-overs. The Sun Lake segment extends about 65 km with a strike of N45° 75°W (between 90°05′E 90°50′E) along the previously unrecognized West Sun Lake fault. A gap of about 30 km long exists between the Sun Lake and Buka Daban Peak where no obvious surface ruptures can be observed either from the satellite images or field observations. The Buka Daban–Hongshui River, Kusai Lake, Hubei Peak and Kunlun Pass segments run about 365 km striking N75° 85°W along the southern slope of the Kunlun Mountains (between 91°07′E 94°58′E). This segmentation of the surface rupture is well correlated with the pattern of slip distribution measured in the field. Detailed mapping suggest that these five first-order segments can be further separated into over 20 second-order segments with a length of 10–30 km, linked by smaller scale step-overs or bends.Our result also shows that the total coseismic surface rupture length produced by the 2001 Kunlun earthquake is about 430 km (excluding the 30-km-long gap), which is the longest coseismic surface rupture for an intracontinental earthquake ever recorded.Finally, we suggest a multiple bilateral rupture propagation model that shows the rupture process of the 2001 Mw 7.8 earthquake is complex. It consists of westward and eastward rupture propagations and interaction of these bilateral rupture processes.  相似文献   

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