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The orbital gravitational potential energies of the planets and of the satellites have been estimated and compared to the gravitational potential energies of the bodies themselves and to the gravitational potential energy of the Sun. From the point of view of the gravitational potential energy distribution two quite different groups of the planets can be distinguished clearly. However, the gravitational potential energy of the systems is mainly concentrated within the central bodies, only about 10–5 in orbiting bodies.  相似文献   

We derive the general expression for the potential on a solid sphere immersed in a plasma, showing the dependence of the potential on the radiusa of the sphere ands of the plasma sheath that develops around the sphere. In the limit where the radiusa is much larger than the sheath thicknesss-a we recover from this expression the well-known result for the potential on an infinite wall in contact with a plasma. On the other extreme wheres is much larger thana, we get the result derived by Spitzer (1941) for the potential on spherical grains in the interstellar plasma. Since the surface of the sphere forms a sink for the charged particles, there is a net drift of the plasma towards the surface. The effect of this drift on the potential is examined. Finally, for very small metallic spheres, an effect leading to a revision of the potential is discussed. This effect consists in a lowering of the potential barrier for the electrons due to the image force. The various effects limiting the potential on spheres are discussed.  相似文献   

The charging of solid grains in a plasma environment is considered in this study. It is found that grains with zero initial potential gradually gain a negative potential and approach equilibrium. This potential depends most strongly on the plasma temperature. If secondary and photoemission of electrons from this grain is not considered, this equilibrium potential is about –2.7 times the plasma thermal energy. If secondary and photoemission is included, the grain can approach equilibrium at positive rather than negative potential. In this case the sign and the value of the equilibrium potential depends strongly on the material properties and to lesser extent on plasma temperature. This implies that grains of different composition can have different, possibly even opposite, equilibrium potentials in the same plasma environment.  相似文献   

We describe simulations of the response of a gaseous disc to an active spiral potential. The potential is derived from an N -body calculation and leads to a multi-armed time-evolving pattern. The gas forms long spiral arms typical of grand-design galaxies, although the spiral pattern is asymmetric. The primary difference from a grand-design spiral galaxy, which has a consistent two-/four-armed pattern, is that instead of passing through the spiral arms, gas generally falls into a developing potential minimum and is released only when the local minimum dissolves. In this case, the densest gas is coincident with the spiral potential, rather than offset as in the grand-design spirals. We would therefore expect no offset between the spiral shock and star formation, and no obvious corotation radius. Spurs which occur in grand-design spirals when large clumps are sheared off leaving the spiral arms, are rare in the active, time-evolving spiral reported here. Instead, large branches are formed from spiral arms when the underlying spiral potential is dissolving due to the N -body dynamics. We find that the molecular cloud mass spectrum for the active potential is similar to that for clouds in grand-design calculations, depending primarily on the ambient pressure rather than the nature of the potential. The largest molecular clouds occur when spiral arms collide, rather than by agglomeration within a spiral arm.  相似文献   

This paper derives the most general potential function which allows separation of the hamilton-Jacobi equation in orthogonal coordinates and which satisfies the Laplace equation. The resulting potential is then specialized to the case of interest for near-Earth satellites, where the proper behavior of the potential at infinity is obtained and singularities in the region of interest are eliminated. The Vinti potential is found as a special case.This paper was prepared under the sponsorship of the Electronics Research Center of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration through NASA Grant NGR-22-009-262.  相似文献   

The general form of the surface density of an infinitely thin disc is given that generates a Sta¨ckel potential in the disc only, using formulae for the potential of elliptic and hyperbolic strings. This is useful for problems in which a simple form for the potential is important, while the corresponding surface density need only be known to check (numerically) that it is positive. A simple potential with a positive surface density is given. Also, formulae are given to calculate the surface density of such a Sta¨ckel disc, in the case in which the rotation curve is given and all the mass is concentrated in the disc.  相似文献   

The current paper deals with the investigation of the gravitational potential of heterogeneous ellipsoids and its extension to the tensor potential, since little attention has been given to this point in the last century. In this view, both integral Newton's and integral MacLaurin's theorems are formulated in tensor form. The generalization is extended to heterogeneous homeoids and focaloidally striated ellipsoids, respectively. A discontinuity in the tensor potential is found across a homogeneous, infinitely thin focaloid, which vanishes in the spherical limit. The potential‐energy tensors related to focaloidally striated ellipsoids are expressed in integral form, depending on the density profile. All the results are particularized to the spherical limit, for which both Newton's and MacLaurin's theorems hold. With the aim of illustrating the procedure, an explicit calculation of the potential‐energy tensors is outlined in the special case of homogeneous, spherical configurations. Finally, an application is made to the Coma cluster of galaxies.  相似文献   

Electron temperatures have been determined at Thumba on Nike Apache flight 10.11 (12 March 1967, 1857 hr IST) by the usual retarding potential analysis and by using an a.c. modulation technique for detecting the space potential on the Langmuir probe characteristic. Simultaneous measurements with the two techniques show that the space potential technique gives temperatures which are related to the temperatures obtained from the retarding potential analysis in a manner remarkably similar to the relations obtained by Booker and Smith as well as by Carlson and Sayers between radar temperatures and d.c. probe temperatures. This result is interesting in view of the fact that radar temperatures have been found to be in good agreement with the temperatures obtained by a.c. modulation techniques on satellite borne probes. The space potential technique is simple, requires limited additional electronics, does not make stringent demands on telemetry and can be easily adopted for rocket borne Langmuir probes.  相似文献   

We have classified orbits in a stationary triaxial stellar system created from a cold dissipationless collapse of 100,000 particles. In order to integrate the orbits, two potential approximations with different fitting functions were used in turn. We found that the relative amount of chaotic versus regular orbits does depend on the chosen approximation of potential, even though both models resulted in very good fits of the underlying exact potential. On the other hand, the content of regular orbits, i.e., its distribution among main families, does not strongly depend of the potential approximation, being therefore a more robust signature of the gravitational system under study.  相似文献   

I present an analytic model for non‐linear clustering of the luminous (baryonic) material in a universe in which the gravitational field is dominated by dark matter. The model is based on a two-component generalization of the adhesion approximation in which the gravitational potential of the dark component is determined by the standard Zel'dovich approximation or one of its variants, or by an N ‐body simulation. The baryonic matter flow is dissipative and is driven by this dark matter gravitational potential. The velocity potential of the matter is described by a generalization of the Burgers equation: the random heat equation ('RH equation') with a spatially correlated Gaussian driving potential.
The properties of the RH equation are well understood: it is closely related to the equation for the Anderson model and to Brownian motion in a random potential: the solution can be expressed in terms of path integrals. Using this it is possible to derive the scaling properties of the solution and, in particular, those of the resultant velocity field. Even though the flow is non‐linear, the velocity field remains Gaussian and inherits its scaling properties from the gravitational potential. This provides an underlying dynamical reason why the density field in the baryonic component is lognormally distributed and manifests multifractal scaling.
By explicitly putting dark and luminous matter on different footings, the model provides an improved framework for considering the growth of large‐scale cosmic structure. It provides a solution for the velocity potential of the baryonic component in closed form (albeit a path integral) from which the statistical properties of the baryonic flow can be derived.  相似文献   

We consider a late closed universe of which scale factor is a power function of time using observational data from combined WMAP5+BAO+SN Ia dataset and WMAP5 dataset. The WMAP5 data give power-law exponent, α=1.01 agreeing with the previous study of H(z) data while combined data gives α=0.985. Considering a scalar field dark energy and dust fluid evolving in the power-law universe, we find field potential, field solution and equation of state parameters. Decaying from dark matter into dark energy is allowed in addition to the non-interaction case. Time scale characterizing domination of the kinematic expansion terms over the dust and curvature terms in the scalar field potential are found to be approximately 5.3 to 5.5 Gyr. The interaction affects in slightly lowering the height of scalar potential and slightly shifting potential curves rightwards to later time. Mass potential function of the interacting Lagrangian term is found to be exponentially decay function.  相似文献   

We perform the correlation and spectral analysis of phase-space density and potential fluctuations in a model of an open star cluster for various values of the smoothing parameter ? of the force functions in the equations of motion of cluster stars, and compute the mutual correlation functions for the fluctuations of potential U and phase-space density f of the cluster model at different clustercentric distances. We use the Fourier transform of the mutual correlation functions to compute the power spectra and dispersion curves of the potential and phase-space density fluctuations. The spectrum of potential fluctuations proves to be less complex than that of phase-space density fluctuations. The most powerful potential fluctuations are associated with phase-space density fluctuations, and their spectrum lies in the domain of low frequencies ν < 3/τ v.r.; at intermediate and high frequencies (ν > 3/τ v.r.), the contribution of potential fluctuations to those of the phase-space density is small or equal to zero (here τ v.r. is the violent relaxation time scale of the cluster). We find a number of unstable potential fluctuations in the core of the cluster model (up to 30 pairs of fluctuations with different complex conjugate frequencies). We also find and analyze the dependences of the spectra and dispersion curves of phase-space density and potential fluctuations on ?. We find a “repeatability” (significant correlation) of the spectra at some values of parameter ?. The form of the dispersion curve is unstable against small variations of ?. We discuss the astrophysical applications of our results: the break-up in the cluster core of the phase-space density wave running from the cluster periphery toward its center into several waves with frequencies commensurable to that of the external (tidal) influence; emission and reflection of phase-space and potential waves near the cluster core boundary; possible wavelength and phase discretization of the phase-space and potential waves in the cluster model.  相似文献   

Electrostatic charging has given rise to problems on several geostationary spacecraft. This has led to a rigorous electrostatic cleanliness approach in the case of the scientific geostationary satellite GEOS in order to secure correct electric field and low energy plasma measurements. The present paper outlines the relevant charging mechanism, describes a new method for the determination of the equilibrium potential, and reports on actual potential measurements. The potentials observed are very closely related to the actual plasma conditions at the geostationary orbit. It is generally possible to use the potential measurements to characterize the particle population encountered by the spacecraft.Measurements carried out over a period of 4 years are presented by way of examples. A careful analysis shows that the chosen examples are representative and reflect the conditions observed on all other days of the mission. The results lead to the overall conclusion that the equilibrium potential of GEOS in sunlight is always moderately positive and only rarely exceeds + 10 V with respect to ambient space. At no instance in the sunlit portion of the orbit does the spacecraft assume a negative potential. We find that the observed moderate positive equilibrium potential generally is a function of cold plasma density. During the night and early morning part of the orbit we can, however, identify periods where the high energy particle population dictates the equilibrium potential. The electrostatic cleanliness design of GEOS avoids negative charging also under these conditions. In eclipse, a negative potential cannot be avoided but here the electrostatic cleanliness approach chosen for GEOS prevents any differential charging and avoids potentials of several thousand volts which have appeared on other satellites. The cost, in time and effort, of the precautions employed has clearly been justified. The specially developed techniques have since been used on other satellites and the lessons learned have also been applied successfully to operational spacecraft such as METEOSAT 2.  相似文献   

A fundamentally new approach to an elliptic Gaussian ring has been developed. It has been ascertained that it can be produced from a uniform plane elliptic disk by mass balayage into an elementary homothetic layer with the center of homothety at an ellipse focus. An advantage of new interpretation is in the fact that the spatial potential of a Gaussian ring is expressed in terms of the potential of a uniform elliptic disk, well-known in the finite form, and its derivatives. A general formula for the potential of a two-dimensional homothetic layer has been derived with this purpose. As a result, the potential of a Gaussian ring is represent-able in a simple analytical form in terms of standard complete elliptic integrals in both elliptic and Cartesian coordinates. The mass asymmetry along the ring is considered explicitly. The potential formulas are verified numerically and have no singular points at ellipse foci. Particular cases are considered; the 3D potential surface and system of equipotentials are constructed. Knowledge of the potential extends the range of application of a Gaussian ring in the problem of calculation of secular perturbations in celestial mechanics.  相似文献   

The effect of the dense atmosphere of Titan on the tidal variations of the external gravitational potential of degree two is quantified. The atmospheric tides perturb the external gravitational potential of Titan in two ways. First, the atmosphere itself contributes directly to the external gravitational potential with a period of 15.945 days. Second, the variable loading of the atmosphere induces mass redistribution within Titan, which also changes the external gravitational potential. It is shown that the relative atmospheric contributions to the tides are most likely less than 2% and vanish almost completely for the most plausible models with a subsurface ocean. This suggest that atmospheric tidal perturbations will contribute only negligibly to Cassini measurements of Titan's gravitational field so that the tidal Love numbers derived from these observations can be directly interpreted in terms of the satellite's interior.  相似文献   

The aim of the present paper will be to develop a theory which should make it possible to investigate secular stability of close binary systems, consisting of tidally-distorted components of arbitrary internal structure, by a minimization of the potential energy of the system as a whole. In the second section which follows brief introductory remarks, appropriate expressions for the total potential energy of a close binary will be formulated. Section 3 will be concerned mainly with the nature of the tide-generating potential, and its effects on the shape of each star. In Section 4, the amplitudes of partial tides raised by this potential will be specified, for stars of arbitrary structure, correctly to terms of second order in superficial distortion; and in Section 5 we shall investigate the effects of interaction between rotation and tides to the same degree of approximation. The concluding Section 6 will then contain an explicit formulation of different constituents adding up to the total potential energy of the system, which can be used as a basis for its secular stability by the methods outlined already in our previous investigation (Kopal, 1973).  相似文献   

Optimality conditions for intermediate-thrust arcs (IT-arcs) of rocket trajectories in rotating potential force fields where Coriolis-forces have to be taken into account are derived. For coplanar problems, the existence of IT-arcs in optimal time-free transfers depends on inequality conditions, based mainly on properties of the local potential field. Therefore, the region of the potential force field, where no time-free optimal IT-arc exists, can easily be evaluated. As an example the restricted three-body problem will be considered.  相似文献   

A simple model is presented for the estimation of the surface potential of satellites with insulating coating. Any small area F of the surface is represented by a capacitor, which is charged up by the plasma and photoelectron currents. Using simple approximations for the currents, the surface potential is calculated for plasma parameters supposed to describe the solar wind between 0.3 a.u. and 1 a.u. distance from the Sun.The potential of the shaded side of the satellite is found to depend strongly on the capacitance of the surface. High capacitances or high spin frequency for the spacecraft can be used to limit the potential differences on the surface. In any case the angular surface potential distribution is asymmetric with respect to the solar wind velocity.  相似文献   

In different problems of celestial mechanics it is often necessary to estimate the effect of the truncated higher harmonics of the gravity potential on the motion of a test particle. As a rule the magnitude of this effect is strictly connected with the gravitational acceleration, i.e. partials of the potential. But the mathematical theory of attraction gives the estimations for the potential itself. However, as far as the general term of development (spherical harmonic) possesses a definite reserve of the smoothness, we have succeeded in passing from potential estimations to its partials estimations. The mathematical method based on a multidimensional generalization (obtained here) of an inequality by BERNSTEIN is used. By the way several inequalities connecting different norms of spherical harmonics are proved.  相似文献   

Bulk energization of electrons to 10?–?20 keV in solar flares is attributed to dissipation of Alfvén waves that transport energy and potential downward to an acceleration region near the chromosphere. The acceleration involves the parallel electric field that develops in the limit of inertial Alfvén waves (IAWs). A two-potential model for IAWs is used to relate the parallel potential to the cross-field potential transported by the waves. We identify a maximum parallel potential in terms of a maximum current density that corresponds to the threshold for the onset of anomalous resistivity. This maximum is of order 10 kV when the threshold is that for the Buneman instability. We argue that this restricts the cross-field potential in an Alfvén wave to about 10 kV. Effective dissipation requires a large number of up- and down-current paths associated with multiple Alfvén waves. The electron acceleration occurs in localized, transient, anomalously conducting regions (LTACRs) and is associated with the parallel electric field determined by Ohm’s law with an anomalous resistivity. We introduce an idealized model in which the LTACRs are (upward-)current sheets, a few skin depths in thickness, separated by much larger regions of weaker return current. We show that this model can account semi-quantitatively for bulk energization.  相似文献   

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