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Extensive seismic investigations of the crust and upper mantle have been carried out in the region of the Barents and Kara seas during the past decade. One of the profiles (2-AR) measured by FGU NPP “Sevmorgeo” with the CDP and deep seismic sounding methods was successfully used for comparatively analyzing different technologies of constructing seismic sections and for demonstrating a high information content of the method of mathematical modeling and the constructions of wave sections from supercritical reflected waves. It is shown that the crusts of the North Barents and South Kara basins are different. In the first case, the velocity section changes insignificantly, whereas, in the second case, velocities in the crust increase under the basin and the M boundary rises. The crust of the Novaya Zemlya orogen has a thickness of 48 km, and its average thickness on the profile is 35 km.  相似文献   

v--v Continuous seismic threshold monitoring is a technique that has been developed over the past several years to assess the upper magnitude limit of possible seismic events that might have occurred in a geographical target area. The method provides continuous time monitoring at a given confidence level, and can be applied in a site-specific, regional or global context.¶In this paper (Part 1) and a companion paper (Part 2) we address the problem of optimizing the site-specific approach in order to achieve the highest possible automatic monitoring capability of particularly interesting areas. The present paper addresses the application of the method to cases where a regional monitoring network is available. We have in particular analyzed events from the region around the Novaya Zemlya nuclear test site to develop a set of optimized processing parameters for the arrays SPITS, ARCES, FINES, and NORES. From analysis of the calibration events we have derived values for beam-forming steering delays, filter bands, short-term average (STA) lengths, phase travel times (P and S waves), and amplitude-magnitude relationships for each array. By using these parameters for threshold monitoring of the Novaya Zemlya testing area, we obtain a monitoring capability varying between mb 2.0 and 2.5 during normal noise conditions.¶The advantage of using a network, rather than a single station or array, for monitoring purposes becomes particularly evident during intervals with high global seismic activity (aftershock sequences), high seismic noise levels (wind, water waves, ice cracks) or station outages. For the time period November-December 1997, all time intervals with network magnitude thresholds exceeding mb 2.5 were visually analyzed, and we found that all of these threshold peaks could be explained by teleseismic, regional, or local signals from events outside the Novaya Zemlya testing area. We could therefore conclude within the confidence level provided by the method, that no seismic event of magnitude exceeding 2.5 occurred at the Novaya Zemlya test site during this two-month time interval.¶As an example of particular interest in a monitoring context, we apply optimized threshold processing of the SPITS array for a time interval around 16 August 1997 mb 3.5 event in the Kara Sea. We show that this processing enables us to detect a second, smaller event from the same site (mb 2.6), occurring about 4 hours later. This second event was not defined automatically by standard processing.  相似文献   

—?In this paper we describe a technique for mapping the lateral variation of Lg characteristics such as Lg blockage, efficient Lg propagation, and regions of very high attenuation in the Middle East, North Africa, Europe and the Mediterranean regions. Lg is used in a variety of seismological applications from magnitude estimation to identification of nuclear explosions for monitoring compliance with the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT). These applications can give significantly biased results if the Lg phase is reduced or blocked by discontinuous structure or thin crust. Mapping these structures using quantitative techniques for determining Lg amplitude attenuation can break down when the phase is below background noise. In such cases Lg blockage and inefficient propagation zones are often mapped out by hand. With our approach, we attempt to visually simplify this information by imaging crustal structure anomalies that significantly diminish the amplitude of Lg. The visualization of such anomalies is achieved by defining a grid of cells that covers the entire region of interest. We trace Lg rays for each event/station pair, which is simply the great circle path, and attribute to each cell a value equal to the maximum value of the Lg/P-coda amplitude ratio for all paths traversing that particular cell. The resulting map, from this empirical approach, is easily interpreted in terms of crustal structure and can successfully image small blockage features often missed by analysis of raypaths alone. This map can then be used to screen out events with blocked Lg prior to performing Q tomography, and to avoid using Lg-based methods of event identification for the CTBT in regions where they cannot work.¶For this study we applied our technique to one of the most tectonically complex regions on the earth. Nearly 9000 earthquake/station raypaths, traversing the vast region comprised of the Middle East, Mediterranean, Southern Europe and Northern Africa, have been analyzed. We measured the amplitude of Lg relative to the P-coda and mapped the lateral variation of Lg propagation efficiency. With the relatively dense coverage provided by the numerous crossing paths we are able to map out the pattern of crustal heterogeneity that gives rise to the observed character of Lg propagation. We observe that the propagation characteristics of Lg within the region of interest are very complicated but are readily correlated with the different tectonic environments within the region. For example, clear strong Lg arrivals are observed for paths crossing the stable continental interiors of Northern Africa and the Arabian Shield. In contrast, weakened to absent Lg is observed for paths crossing much of the Middle East, and Lg is absent for paths traversing the Mediterranean. Regions that block Lg transmission within the Middle East are very localized and include the Caspian Sea, the Iranian Plateau and the Red Sea. Resolution is variable throughout the region and strongly depends on the distribution of seismicity and recording stations. Lg propagation is best resolved within the Middle East where regions of crustal heterogeneity on the order of 100?km are imaged (e.g., South Caspian Sea and Red Sea). Crustal heterogeneity is resolvable but is poorest in seismically quiescent Northern Africa.  相似文献   

Tomographic Imaging of Lg and Sn Propagation in the Middle East   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
?—?Observations based on relatively limited data recorded by sparsely distributed stations have indicated that regional seismic phase propagation (Lg and Sn) is very complex in the Middle East. Accurate characterization of regional seismic wave propagation in this region necessitates the use of a large number of seismic stations. We have compiled a large data set of regional and local seismograms recorded in the Middle East. This data set comprises approximately four years of data from national short-period networks in Turkey and Syria, data from temporary broadband arrays in Saudi Arabia and the Caspian Sea region, and data from GSN, MEDNET, and GEOFON stations in the Middle East. We have used this data set to decipher the character and pattern of regional seismic wave propagation. We have mapped zones of blockage as well as inefficient and efficient propagation for Lg, Pg, and Sn throughout the Middle East. Two tomographic techniques have been developed in order to objectively determine regions of lithospheric attenuation in the Middle East.¶We observe evidence of major increase in Lg attenuation, relative to Pg, across the Bitlis suture and the Zagros fold and thrust belt, corresponding to the boundary between the Arabian and Eurasian plates. We also observe a zone of inefficient Sn propagation along the Dead Sea fault system which coincides with low Pn velocities along most of the Dead Sea fault system and with previous observations of poor Sn propagation in western Jordan. Our observations indicate that in the northern portion of the Arabian plate (south of the Bitlis suture) there is also a zone of inefficient Sn propagation that would not have been predicted from prior measurements of relatively low Pn velocities. Mapped high attenuation of Sn correlates well with regions of Cenozoic and Holocene basaltic volcanism. These regions of uppermost mantle shear-wave attenuation most probably have anomously hot and possibly thin lithosphere.  相似文献   

-- A new technique for the parallel computing of 3-D seismic wave propagation simulation is developed by hybridizing the Fourier pseudospectral method (PSM) and the finite-difference method (FDM). This PSM/FDM hybrid offers a good speed-up rate using a large number of processors. To show the feasibility of the hybrid, a numerical 3-D simulation of strong ground motion was conducted for the 1999 Chi-Chi, Taiwan earthquake (Mw 7.6). Comparisons between the simulation results and observed waveforms from a dense strong ground motion network in Taiwan clearly demonstrate that the variation of the subsurface structure and the complex fault slip distribution greatly affect the damage during the Chi-Chi earthquake. The directivity effect of the fault rupture produced large S-wave pulses along the direction of the rupture propagation. Slips in the shallow part of the fault generate significant surface waves in Coastal Plain along the western coast. A large velocity gradient in the upper crust can propagate seismic waves to longer distances with minimum attenuation. The S waves and surface waves were finally amplified further by the site effect of low-velocity sediments in basins, and caused the significant disasters.  相似文献   

On the material of sampling, accomplished in: (i) Chernaya Inlet of the Barents Sea (one of the flats of Novaya Zemlya Nuclear Test Site), (ii) in the Open Kara Sea and (iii) on the shoal off Novaya Zemlya from Stepovogo Fjord to Abrosimov Fjord (sites of radioactive waste disposal with activity 90% from total for the Kara Sea), characteristics of macro-, meio- and microbenthic bottom communities on the areas of potential radioactive danger are presented. Significant changes in macro- and meiobenthic communities are not revealed. In Chernaya Inlet, where three nuclear explosions were held in 1955–1961, disturbances in microbenthic protozoa communities are found. These disturbances expressed in the infusoria elimination from the fauna of the inlet deep-water sites and in morphological abnormality of this group individuals in population, inhabiting low depth of the inlet top. The assumed origin of revealed disturbances is high concentration (by 3–4 orders of magnitude above the background) of plutonium in bottom sediments of the inlet. Similar responses of the microbenthic flagellates are not detected.  相似文献   

-- I present a new algorithm for calculating seismic wave propagation through a three-dimensional heterogeneous medium using the framework of mode coupling theory originally developed to perform very low frequency (f < ~0.01т.05 Hz) seismic wavefield computation. It is a Greens function approach for multiple scattering within a defined volume and employs a truncated traveling wave basis set using the locked mode approximation. Interactions between incident and scattered wavefields are prescribed by mode coupling theory and account for the coupling among surface waves, body waves, and evanescent waves. The described algorithm is, in principle, applicable to global and regional wave propagation problems, but I focus on higher frequency (typically f S ~0.25 Hz) applications at regional and local distances where the locked mode approximation is best utilized and which involve wavefields strongly shaped by propagation through a highly heterogeneous crust. Synthetic examples are shown for P-SV-wave propagation through a semi-ellipsoidal basin and SH-wave propagation through a fault zone.  相似文献   

—?A crustal velocity model has been developed for Fennoscandia, the Baltic shield and adjacent areas. This model represents a simplified average of various models developed for parts of this region. We show that P-wave travel times calculated with this model provide an excellent fit to observations at the Fennoscandian, KRSC and IRIS station networks for a set of seismic events with known or very well-constrained locations. The station-event paths cover large parts of Western Russia and the Barents Sea, thus indicating that this model, which we denote the Barents model, is appropriate for this entire region. We show by examples that significant improvements in event location precision can be achieved compared to using the IASPEI model. We finally use the Barents model to calculate locations of recent small seismic events in the Novaya Zemlya region of interest in a CTBT monitoring context.  相似文献   

TheLg wave consists of the superposition ofS waves supercritically reflected, and thus trapped, in the crust. This mode of propagation explains the strong amplitude of this phase and the large distance range in which it is observed. The numerical simulation leads to successful comparison between observed seismograms in stable continental areas and synthetics computed for simple standard crustal models. In regions with strong lateral variations, the influence of large-scale heterogeneities on theLg amplitude is not yet clearly established in terms of the geometrical characteristics of the crustal structure.The analysis of the decay of amplitude ofLg with epicentral distance allows the evaluation of the quality factor ofS waves in the crust. The results obtained show the same trends as codaQ: a clear correlation with the tectonic activity of the region considered, both for the value ofQ at 1 Hz and for its frequency dependence, suggesting that scattering plays a prominent part among the processes that cause the attenuation.The coda ofLg is made up of scatteredS waves. The study of the spatial attenuation of the coda indicated that a large part of the arrivals that compose the coda propagate asLg. The relative amplitude of the coda is larger at sites located on sediments because, in these conditions, a part ofLg energy can be converted locally into lower order surface modes.  相似文献   

A wide-angle reflection/refraction seismic line obtained through Sino-French joint research near the Bangung-Nujiang Suture in Tibet [1] yielded crustal velocity estimates for both P and S waves. AVp/Vs ratio of 1.65 was derived fo waves propagating in the upper ( < 25 km) crust. According to the high-pressure, high-temperature velocity measurements of Kern [2] and others, such a ratio implies the presence of quartz-rich rocks, e.g., granites and granitic gneisses, in the upper Tibetan crust. Because of the high geothermal gradient in Tibet ( > 50°C/km near the surface), a shallow low-velocity zone is expected to form in a granitic upper crust for both P and S waves. A two-dimensional ray-tracing study indicates that the observed first P and S waves [1] can be interpreted as diving waves above a low-velocity zone where a positive gradient exists. The low-velocity zone commences at a depth of 10 km and extends possibly to 20 km or deeper.  相似文献   

v--vS/P amplitude ratios have proven to be a valuable discriminant in support of monitoring a Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty. Regional S and P phases attenuate at different rates and the attenuation can vary geographically. Therefore, calibration is needed to apply the S/P discriminant in new regions. Calibration includes application of frequency-dependent source and distance corrections for regional Pn, Pg, Sn, and Lg phases.¶Jenkins et al. (1998) developed Pn, Pg, Sn, and Lg amplitude models for nine geographic regions and two global composite models, stable and tectonic. They determined frequency-dependent source and attenuation corrections from a large data set obtained from the Prototype International Data Center (PIDC). We use their corrections to evaluate calibrated S/P discriminants.¶Our discrimination data set includes >1000 amplitude ratios from earthquakes, industrial explosions, chemical explosions, and nuclear explosions from Lop Nor, India and Pakistan. We find that the calibrated S/P ratio is largest for earthquakes and smallest for the nuclear explosions, as expected. However, the discriminant is not universally valid. In particular, the S/P ratio for the Pakistan nuclear explosion fell within the normal range for the earthquakes. This event was recorded by only a few stations at far-regional distances and appears to have an anomalously high Sn amplitude. The industrial explosions overlap with the earthquake population, however the buried chemical explosions generally register lower S/P ratio than earthquakes.  相似文献   

柴达木盆地东部地震地面运动放大效应   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
柴达木盆地是青藏高原东北部大型断陷山间盆地,该地区的流动观测记录了2008年11月10日发生于大柴旦附近的M_W6.3地震。和附近的基岩上的记录相比,盆地内部的记录显示出非常显著的地面运动放大效应,表现为峰值速度的增大、持续时间的延长,其呈现出长持续时间的后续震相。傅里叶频谱分析表明盆地内部显著的后续震相的频率和直达波相比较低,地面质点运动轨迹图显示后续震相为面波运动特征。为了解释地面运动的差异,构建二维模型,通过交错网格高阶有限差分方法计算了地震波在盆地内部的传播过程,结果显示盆地内部低速层的存在造成直达波的放大以及多次反射与转换,盆地边缘结构造成的波的相干叠加产生了强烈的次生面波,其低频、大振幅、长持续时间的特征是盆地内部地面运动放大的主要原因。  相似文献   

Profile 1-AP with a length of 1300 km intersects the Barents Sea from The Kola Peninsula to Franz Josef Land. The combined Common Depth Point (CDP) and Deep Seismic Sounding (DSS) seismic studies were carried out on this profile. The DSS measurements were conducted with the standalone bottom seismic stations with an interval of 5–20 km between them. The stations recorded the signals generated by the large air guns with a step of 250 m. Based on these data, the detailed P-velocity section of the Earth’s crust and uppermost mantle have been constructed for the entire profile and the S-velocity section for its southern part. The use of a variety of methods for constructing the velocity sections enabled us to assess the capabilities of each method from the standpoint of the highest reliability and informativity of the models. The ray tracing method yielded the best results. The 1-PR profile crosses two large basins—the South Barents and North Barents ones, with the thickness of the sediments increasing from 8 to 10 km in the south to 12–15 km in the north. The Earth’s crust pertains to the continental type along the entire profile. Its thickness averages 32 to 36 km and only increases to 43 km at the boundary between the two basins. The distinct change in the wave field at this boundary suggests the presence of a large deep fault in this zone. The high-velocity blocks are revealed in the crust of the South Barents basin, whereas the North Barents crust is characterized by relatively low velocities.  相似文献   

Summary The effective propagation ofLi, Lg andRg waves across Aegean sea was established. It shows that the basin has the continental structure and that the orogenic area of Aegean sea doesn't influence on the continental waves transmition. There were obtained the meanLi, Lg 1 ,Lg 2 andRg velocities in Aegean sea respectively 3.80, 3.57, 3.32 and 3.03 kg/sec.  相似文献   

—?We present a hybrid boundary-element (BE) and generalized screen propagator (GSP) method for the 2-D SH problem to model the combined effects of arbitrarily irregular topography, large-scale crustal variation, and the associated small-scale heterogeneities on regional wave propagation. We develop a boundary connection technique to couple the wave fields calculated by the BE method with those of the GSP method. Its validity is tested by numerical experiments. For a long crustal waveguide, the relatively short sections with severe surface topography can be modeled by the time-consuming BE method to high frequencies, and the exterior field in the relatively weak heterogeneous media of large volume can be calculated by the GSP method. For the waveguide with severe topography, the BE method can be used section by section via the boundary connection technique to model the combined effects of rough topography and large-scale structural variation on Lg wave propagation at extended regional distances.¶Numerical comparisons with independent methods showed that the hybrid method is relatively accurate for Lg simulation. We apply the hybrid method to Lg wave propagation in two real crustal waveguides in the Tibet region; one with Lg blockage and another without blockage. We found that the most characteristic effect from the irregular topography is the strong scattering by the topographic structures. The scattering by local irregular topographies leads to anomalous near-receive effects and tends to remove energy from the guided waves, which causes decay of amplitude and waveform distortion. It can be expected that rough surface topography and random heterogeneities with scale length close to the dominant wavelength will be very efficient in attenuating regional waves. The dramatic lateral variation of the topography-Moho large-scale structure combined with the small-scale rough topography and random heterogeneities could be the cause of Lg anomalous attenuation and blockage observed in this region. More quantitative assessment of the topographic effects must be conducted in the future.  相似文献   

Bottom sediment was analysed, via grab, trawl and underwater photography in 1991–1992 in the Barents, White, Kara, Norwegian and Greenland Seas, and the large scale features of macrobenthos distribution are described. The maps of alpha-diversity, biomass and trophic zone distribution on the investigated shelf are presented. Statistical assessment of the bottom community structure changes during the last 60–70 years for the Barents Sea area is presented. It is shown that on regional and transregional levels the researched communities are of natural undisturbed character and that the revealed changes may be both the result of natural processes or sampling errors. Local disturbances of benthos composition and structure, supposedly caused by man, are found to be rare not far from the Novaya Zemlya and Murman coasts.  相似文献   

Summary A study has been made of a new channel wave, denotedLi, using a total of 83 observations from the seismic records of Swedish stations, mainly from earthquakes at normal depth.Li resembles theLg waves in several respects: it propagates only through continental structures, it has a similar particle motion, i.e. mainly transverse horizontal, and only slightly larger period. ButLi has a higher velocity, 3.79±0.07 km/sec, and it is believed to propagate in the intermediate layer in the crust in a way similar to the propagation of theLg waves in the granitic layer.Li is identical withS * in records of near-by earthquakes in the same way asLg2 is identical withSg. Li usually exhibits no clear dispersion.
Zusammenfassung Es wurden Untersuchungen angestellt über eine neue Kanalwelle, welcher die BezeichnungLi gegeben wurde, wobei insgesamt 83 Erdbebenregistrierungen von schwedischen Stationen Verwendung fanden. Hauptsächlich waren es Erdbeben mit normaler Herdtiefe. DieLi-Wellen haben in verschiedener Hinsicht Ähnlichkeit mit denLg-Wellen: Sie pflanzen sich nur im Bereich kontinentaler Struktur fort und sie haben eine ähnliche Partikelbewegung, d.h. hauptsächlich horizontaltransversal.Li hat eine nur unwesentlich höhere Periode als dieLg-Wellen. AberLi hat eine wesentlich höhere Geschwindigkeit, 3.79±0.07 km/sec, und es ist anzunehmen, dass sie sich in der Basaltschicht der Kruste in ähnlicher Weise fortpflanzt wieLg in der Granitschicht.Li ist identisch mitS * in Aufzeichnungen von Nahbeben, so wieLg2 identisch mitSg ist.Li weist gewöhnlich keine deutliche Dispersion auf.

The rock magnetic and paleomagnetic results from the Upper Paleozoic sedimentary sequences composing the isles of the Novaya Zemlya Archipelago are presented. The recorded temperature dependences of the magnetic susceptibility, the magnetic hysteresis parameters, and the results of the first-order reversal curve (FORC) measurements suggest the presence of single-domain or pseudo-single-domain magnetite and hematite grains in the rocks. The Upper Paleozoic deposits overall are promising for unraveling the tectonic evolution of the Barents–Kara region. Together with the rock magnetic data, the positive fold and reversal tests testify to the primary origin of the indentified magnetization components. However, the interpretation of the paleomagnetic data should take into account the probable inclination shallowing. New substantiation is offered for the paleomagnetic poles for Early Devonian and Late Permian. For the first time, paleomagnetic constraints are obtained for the Late Carboniferous boundary. It is shown that the Early Cimmerian deformation stage within the Paikhoi–Novaya Zemlya region is associated with the sinistral strike slip displacement along the Baidaratskii suture during which the internal structure of the Southern Novaya Zemlya segment could undergo shear in addition to the nappe-thrust transformations. The Northern Novaya Zemlya segment, which is shifted northwest with respect to the Southern segment, was deformed in the thrusting mode with an overall clockwise rotation of this segment relative to the East European Craton.  相似文献   

Summary Sn andPn waves propagated to teleseismic distances are investigated by means of short-period seismograph records of the Swedish network.Sn is found in the distance range of 2400 to 4600 km andPn in the range 3500 to 3900 km, but only provided the path is exceptionally homogeneous. Almost all paths are restricted to the Russian platform. There are probably very few areas in the world offering similar propagation paths. The velocities just under the Mohorovii discontinuity are found to be 4.72 km/sec and 8.26 km/sec for transverse and longitudinal waves respectively. In addition, other properties of the teleseismicSn andPn are investigated, such as periods, dispersion, amplitudes, particle motions, propagation mechanisms, and comparisons are made withPa, Sa, withLi, Lg1, Lg2 and withP. The fact that teleseismicPn occurs much more seldom than teleseismicSn could be explained by different velocity profiles just under the crust.  相似文献   

Cross-correlation functions of noise are constructed on 119 interstation paths from seismic noise records at stations of Eastern Europe. Dispersion curves of the group velocity of Rayleigh waves obtained from the cross-correlation functions are used for constructing the three-dimensional distribution of the velocity of transverse waves on the East European platform and in adjacent regions by methods of surface-wave tomography. The mean velocity in the crust is minimum in the region of the Caspian depression and Black Sea basin (<3.3 km/s) and maximum in the Baltic shield area (>3.7 km/s). The upper mantle beneath the Baltic and Ukrainian shields is characterized by increased velocity and the absence of the asthenospheric layer. Reduced velocities are noted in the upper mantle of the Black Sea basin. A low-velocity anomaly in the shape of a vertical column is revealed at depths of 200–300 km in the central part of the Dnieper-Donets aulacogen, which confirms the existence of a paleorift in this region.  相似文献   

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