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A confirmatory study of soil physiographic units identified through aerial photo interpretation technique, in Yamuna alluvial plain, Haryana is presented here. The area under study is part of Yamuna alluvial plain in Sonepat district, Haryana. Shanwal and Malik (1980) studied and mapped this area (semi-detailed) on 1:25,000 scale through areial photo interpretation technique. The soil profile samples of major soil physiographic units of the area were fractionated into sand, silt and clay. Detail mineralagical studies were carried out through electron microscopic and X-ray diffractometer studies in order to know their nature and origin of the parent material. X-ray diffraction data shows that mineralogy of different fractions (Sand, silt and clay) of soils samples, of different physiographic units were similar except Lavee. In this area mica is the dominant day mineral in the soils followed by Kaolinite, chlorite, vermiculite and smectite in decreasing order of their abundances. The occurance of fibrous minerals in coarse clay and silt fraction of soil samples of Lavee physiographic unit is the interesting feature of this area. The presence of fibrous minerals indicates that this overlain material designated as natural Levee in this area is not the alluvium brought down by the river Yamuna but is aeolian material flown from adjoining deseret of Rajasthan and deposited as stabilized sand dune. The fibrous minerals have been reported earlier in the desert of Rajasthan.  相似文献   

Visual interpretation of LANDSAT imagery of 1∶250,000 scale (band 5 and 7) and 1∶1 M (FCC) covering 1611 km2 in Mewat area, Haryana was carried out for delineating the physiographic units. The physiographic units viz. hills, piedmont plain, intermontane basin and Yamuna alluvial plain were identified and delineated using interpretation elements. Soils and land use in relation to the physiographic units were studied during the field visit and are described in the paper.  相似文献   

Visual interpretation of IRS-L1SS-II (January, 1995) FCC (1:50,000 scale) of spectral bands 2, 3 and 4 was carried out for the identification and mapping of major physiographic units in an arid watershed of Jodhpur district (Rajasthan). Based on image characteristics and field traverses, seven major physiographic units identified are (1) hills (2) pediments, flat to undulating (3) buried pediments, moderately deep to deep, coarse textured (4) buried pediment, shallow to moderately deep and deep, medium to fine textured, saline (5) older alluvial plains, deep and very deep, coarse textured (6) younger alluvial plains, deep to very deep, very coarse textured and (7) dune complexes. Based on physiographicvariatton and soil or site characteristics such as texture, depth, slope, erosion and underneath substrata, 41 soil mapping units were identified and mapped. Final physiography, soil, slope, drainage and landuse maps were prepared on 1:5,000 scale. Taxonomically, the soils of the watershed were classified as Para-Lithic Torriorthents, coarse-loamy, Lithic/Typic Haplocambids, fine-loamy, Lithic/Typic Haplosalids and Typic Torrifluvents and Typic Torripsamments. Land suitability for various mapping units in the watershed have been assessed on the basis of soil physico-chemical characteristics.  相似文献   

In this study digital image processing for physiographic analysis and soil resource mapping of Solani watershed was carried out using satellite remote sensing data and GIS. Digital image processing of satellite data facilitated in accurately delineating and identifying various soil mapping units. The physiography of the study area is mainly influenced by denudational and colluvial processes in the upper part and by sedimentation processes in the lower part. Topography of the land and nature of parent material along with the time factor seemed to have played a vital role in the genesis of soils. Majority of the mapping units are Typic Haplustepts with Entisols and Inceptisols being the major soil orders. The soils of the Siwalik hills experiences severe erosion, which prevents the maturation of soil profile. The present study demonstrated that satellite remote sensing and GIS is a valuable tool for physiographic analysis and soil resource mapping.  相似文献   

This study was undertaken to prepare an inventory on soil erosion of a hilly river watershed — the Aglar watershed, part of Tehri Garhwal and Dehradun districts (U.P.), using terrain physiography and soil survey data obtained from interpretation and analysis of Landsat TM FCC (1:62,500 scale) and limited ground investigations. The watershed is divided into four broad physiographic units viz. higher Himalayas (> 2000m elevation); lower Himalayas (< 2000m elevation); river terraces and flood plains. Each physiographic unit has been further divided into subunits on the basis of aspects and landuse. Three major orders of soils viz. Inceptisols, Mollisols and Entisols were found in different physiographic units. Soil, and land properties of soilscape units viz. soil depth, texture, structure, slope, landuse and soil temperature regime were evaluated for soil-erosion hazard. The results indicate that in the whole watershed 19.13%, 45.68%, 26.51% and 7.92% areas have been found to be under none to slight, moderate, severe and very severe soil erosion hazard categories, respectively.  相似文献   

To understand the nature of land degradation and factors responsible for it, investigations were carried out in Etah district with an area of 4.45 lakh hectares. For identification of soil/land degradation problems, multidate Landsat, TM spectral bands and FCC were used. It is observed that salt-affected soils are sharply depicted by light and dark gray mixed tone on band 3, while they are not clear on band 4. Flood plain and waterlogged soils are clearly observed on band 4. Band 6 (10.3 – 12.5 µm) helps in separation of broad zones of coarse and fine-textured soils, active flood plain of rivers, and eroded and gullied lands. The confusion between coarse-textured droughty soils and salt-affected areas in TM FCC (2, 3, 4) could be eliminated by use of band-6 data in combination with FCC. For delineation of problematic areas, two approaches were followed viz. (i) physiographic approach, and (ii) direct approach. In the physiographic approach landscape map associated with image characteristics was prepared. Further the image interpretation units were interpreted for land degradation hazards. With this approach physiography and soil relationship and the degradation problems vis-a-vis soil units could be established and ameliorative measures as per soil condition can be suggested. In direct approach, the problematic areas as per predetermined key were demarcated. Out of 4.45 lakh ha of the area, 1.99 lakh ha is affected by various soil degradation problems, like droughty soils, flooding hazard and salinity and alkalinity which cover 22.1%, 50.0% and 27.9%, respectively. To study the distribution of a salt-affected lands, major physiographic boundaries were superimposed over the land degradation map prepared by direct approach. It is observed that 81.5% of the salt-affected areas lie in the old alluvial plain while 18.5% is in recent flood plain.  相似文献   

Soil mapping on the scale 1:50,000 was conducted in Tehri-Garhwal district of Uttar Pradesh using Survey of India Topographic maps and utilising aerial photographs of the area which were interpreted for demarcation of physiographic units, vegetation, drainage and other features relevant to soil development. Resulting soil map and soils and land use information have been helpful in presenting an optimum land use and management plan in the area keeping in view of the soils characteristics, terrain features and existing land use, Soils and physiographic interpretation in the area have highlighted significant soil-landscape relationships relevant to land utilization. The other factors responsible for soil formation which could be significant in the area i.e. climate and parent material were also taken into consideration apart from topography. Of all these factors topography was revealed to be the predominant factor governing soil formation in the area. Soil units mapped coincided with the physiographic units demarcated through aerial photo-interpretation. The area of the district could be divided into three climatic zones viz. (i) Cool temperate, (ii) Sub-tropical warm temperate and (iii) tropical following Kaushic (1962). It was noticed that in each climatic zone with the climate being almost uniform within the zone, irrespe tlve of variations in the parent material, soil development was markedly affected by topographly, variations which led to differences in soil characteristics particulary soil texture and amount of coarse fragments. In about 70 percent of the area of the district where slopes are steep to very steep, topography was revealed to be the dominant factor determining characteristic soil development. In the remaining part where slopes are moderate to gentle, parent material is the dominant factor followed by topography.  相似文献   

Efficient micro-watershed management needs characterization of it to optimize natural resources, which is especially important in drought prone areas. In the present study micro-watersheds of Gandheshwari tributary in Chotta-Nagpur Plateau are characterized based on physiographic properties towards agricultural potentiality. An algorithm interpolating elevation values using an empirical formula is proposed to obtain an improved Digital Elevation Model (DEM). IRS LISS-Ill Satellite data is used to acquire important parameters like landuse/ landcover and drainage. Image processing techniques like edge enhancement, edge detection, and principal components analysis are used for improving lineament detection. For characterization of watershed landform analysis using physiographic parameters is done in Geographic Information System (GIS). Detailed drainage network obtained from satellite image, the improved DEM and other GIS layers of land based information are used to delineate micro-watersheds. The Agricultural 1-lydrologic Response Units (AHRU) targeting agricultural use of the land are derived by overlaying the delineated parameters and are grouped into thirty response units based on their agricultural potential. Micro-watersheds are characterized based on the dominant Al-IRU giving spatial information about agricultural suitability, emphasizing availability and scarcity of water so that respective water conservation practices can be improved to use the potential AHRU.  相似文献   

Soil resource characterization of Dhamni micro-watershed in Chandrapur district of Maharashtra was carried out using IRS-1D LISS-III data in conjunction with field survey and ancillary data. The study indicates that nearly 84.2 per cent of the total geographical area of the watershed is under cultivation. Forest (mainly degraded) occupy only 4.5 per cent area Whereas wasteland with scrub cover 9.4 per cent area of the watershed. Nine soil series were tentatively identified and mapped as soil series association in to five mapping units. These soils belong to order Inceptisol, Vertisol and Mollisol. Except the soils of wasteland with scrub, other soils are moderately suitable for pigeonpea and soybean and have average to good productivity.  相似文献   

GIS based land resource inventory (LRI) with fine resolution imagery is considered as most authentic tool for soil resource mapping. Soil resource mapping using the concept of soil series in a smaller scale limits its wide application and also its impact assessment for crop suitability is controversial. In this study, we attempted to develop LRI at large scale (1:10,000 scale) at block level land use planning (LUP) in Dandakaranya and Easternghats physiographic confluence of India. The concept of land management unit was introduced in this endeavour. The impact assessment of LRI based LUP was exercised to develop efficient crop planning with best possible management practices. The study area comprised six landforms with slope gradient ranging from very gentle (1–3%) to steep slopes (15–25%). The very gently sloping young alluvial plains occupied maximum areas (19.95% of TGA). The single cropped (paddy) land appears to dominate the land use systems (40.0% of TGA). Thirty three landscape ecological units were resulted by GIS-overlay. Eighteen soils mapping units were generated. The area was broadly under two soil orders (Inceptisols and Alfisols); three great group (Haplaquepts, Rhodustalfs and Endoaquepts) and ten soil series. Crop suitability based impact assessment of LRI based LUP revealed that average yield of different crops increased by 39.2 and 14.5% in Kharif (rainy season) and Rabi (winter) seasons respectively and annual net returns by 83.4% for the cropping system, compared to traditional practices. Productivity and net returns can be increased several folds if customized recommended practices are adopted by the farmers. Informations generated from the study emphasized the potentiality of LRI towards optimizing LUP and exhibited an ample scope to use the methodology as a tool to assess in other physiographic regions in India and abroad.  相似文献   

Visual interpretation of LANDSAT imagery in bands 6 and 7 covering Panna district, Bundelkhand, Madhya Pradesh was carried out for terrain analysis and present land use. The physiographic units viz. hills and hill ranges, escarpments, ridges, table-land, pediment, piedmont plain and sub-units of second order were identified and delineated using inter pretation elements. Area of each unit and sub-unit is calculated and presented in the table showing extent, tone, texture, shape and land use. Land use in relation to physiographic units is also described in the paper and shown in the form of small scale map. Visual interpretation technique helps in broad terrain analysis on scale 1:1 million. This information could be used for making a rapid resource inventory.  相似文献   

Remote sensing techniques have been employed to identify and delineate soils in a part of Dibrugarh district of Assam. Landsat-4 MSS data in the form of FCC (4, 5, 7) were interpreted visually for physiographic analysis in conjunction with Survey of India topographic maps. Ground data were translated in terms of soils using composite interpretation map as base. The abstraction level attained was Families of Soil Taxonomy. Four major physiographic units were delineated, viz. active flood plain, recent alluvial plain, gently undulating old alluvial plain and gently sloping to undulating piedmont plain. Dominant soils identified are: coarse loamy Aeric Fluvaquents and fine loamy Typic Udifluvents in active flood plain; fine Typic Haplaquepts and fine loamy Aquic Dystrochrepts in recent alluvial plain; fine loamy Umbric Dystrochrepts and fine Ultic Hapludalfs in old alluvial plain; coarse loamy Typic Udorthents and fine Mollic Hapludalfs in piedmont plain.  相似文献   

Visual Interpretation of Landsat Imagery (TM-FCC) on 1∶250,000 scale covering 2410 sq km in a part of Mahandi Delta, Kataka district, Orissa was carried out for delineating the physiographic units. The major physiographic units identified and delineated were ‘Delta plain’ and ‘Coastal plain’. These units were further subdivided on the basis of image elements. The abstraction level attained was ‘Family’ based on Soil Taxonomy. The soils of the beach were classified as Typic Ustipsamments; old coastal plain as fine, Typic Haplaquept and coarse loamy Aquic Ustifluvent; Tidal flat as fine Typic Haplaquept and fine loamy Aquic Ustifluvent; mud flat as fine Typic Haplaquept; Levee-plain complex as Typic Ustipsamment and fine loamy Typic Ustorthent; old Delta plain as fine Udic Ustochrept and Aeric Haplaquept and recent delta plain as fine loamy and coarse loamy Typic Ustorthent. The soils are mixed in mineralogy and Isohyperthermic in temperature regime.  相似文献   

Secondary salinisation is the most harmful and extended phenomenon of the unfavourable effects of irrigation on the soil and environment. An attempt was made to study the impact of poor quality ground water on soils in terms of secondary salinisation and availability of soil nutrients in Faridkot district of Punjab of northern India. Based on physiographic analysis of IRS 1C LISS-III data and semi-detailed soil survey, the soil map was finalized on a 1:50,000 scale and digitized using Arc Info GIS. Georeferenced surface soil samples (0–0.15 m) from 231 sites were collected and analyzed for available phosphorus (P) and potassium (K). Interpolation by kriging produced digital spatial maps of available P and K. Ground water quality map was generated in GIS domain on the basis of EC (electrical conductivity) and RSC (residual sodium carbonate) of ground water samples collected from 374 georeferenced tube wells. Integration of soil and ground water quality maps enabled generating a map showing degree (high, moderate and low) and type (salinity, sodicity and both) of vulnerability to secondary salinization. Fine-textured soils have been found to be highly sensitive to secondary salinisation, whereas medium-textured soils as moderately sensitive to secondary salinisation. The resultant map was integrated with available P and K maps to show the combined influence of soil texture and ground water quality on available soil nutrients. The results show that available P and K in the soils of different physiographic units were found in the order of Ap1 < Ap2 < Ap3. The soils of all physiographic units had sizeable area having high content of P (>22.5 kg / ha) and medium available K (135–335 kg ha−1) in most of the test sites when irrigated with saline, sodic or poor quality water.  相似文献   

Studies were undertaken to study physiography and soils in Merida area of Spain with the help of aerial photographs in order to make morphogenetic interpretation of the landscape for a clearer understanding of the distributional pattern of soils. Physiography of the area presents a picture of flat to convex low table lands in step like succession. These were termed as mesitas. The mesitas do not slope regularly from summit to the valley bottom, but show at least three to four changes in the gradient. The diflerent physiographic units and associated soils are discussed. The morphometry of the landscape, especially sequential occurrence of mesitas in step like succession, asymmetric valleys, presence of promontories on lower slopes transverse to the general gradient, idealised alterations of petrocalcic and calcic horizons from mesita summit to valley bottom indicated a major physiographic process of mass movement in the form of rotational slips. The distributional pattern of the soil is explainable on this basis. From the logical sequence of climatic changes and the geologic history of the area, it is believed that after the large scale sedimentation during Miocene period, followed by large scale climatic changes and accompanied by tectonic activities the process of mass moveme. it http://moveme.it could have started sometime in Pliocene.  相似文献   

A methodology for the preparation of semi detailed soil maps using medium scale aerial photographs for an area of about 3600 ha in Merida area, Spain is presented. The new concepts such as ‘Basic Land Units’, ‘Soil Consociation’ and ‘Soil Set’ developed by Elbersen (1976) were adopted for this study to see their utility for the preparation of semidetailed soil maps which can be used for land evaluation, land classification and also for making prodictions about the feasibility of a particular project for rural development plannning purposes. Basic land units and their subdivisions like major and minor compo-nents were used for the delineation of interpretation units. Mapping units, viz, Soil Consoication, Soil Complex and miscellaneous land type were used for mapping soils. Soils were classified upto family level and shown as subgroups in the 1:50,000 scale soil map. Soils were mapped as soil sets per basic land unit per subgroup. A model legend for use in the preparation of seimdetailed physiographic cum soil maps is given which is in terms of physiography and Soil Taxonomy qualified by soil sets.  相似文献   

Soil survey of Hissar district (Haryana) covering total area of 6,331 sq. kms. was carried out using the aerial photographs of 1 : 25,000 scale. A detailed physiographic legend was prepared and boundaries were confirmed in relation to soil. Soil-landscape relationship was established during the course of study. Four major physiographic units were identified in the area : i. e. i) Aeolian plain, ii) Alluvial plain, iii) Drishdawati flood plain, iv) Ghaggar flood plain. Each of the major unit was sub-divided on the basis of photo elements, tone, texture, erosion, parcelling etc. The soils of the sand dunes/ Bars are classified as Typic Torripsamments/Ustipsamments; plain-Typic, Camborthids/Calciorthids/Ustrochrepts; basins-Aquic Ustochrepts and salt affected plain-Aquic Natrustalfs.  相似文献   

Soil and Soil Conservation surveys for watershed management were conducted using aerial photos of 1:60,000 scale in parts of North Cachar and Karbi-Anglong districts of Assam. The area was divided into different river catchments and sub-watersheds. The erosion, slope, landuse and soils in relation to physiogrphy were studied in each sub-watershed. The different physiographic units identified in the area were high, medium, low and very low hills; pediplains; alluvial plain and the valleys. These units were further subdivided based on slope, landuse and erosion etc. The soils were classified according to Soil Taxonomy. For priority determination, weightage was alloted to each of the sub-watersheds considering their physiography, slope, landuse, erosion,soil texture, depth and delivery ratio and sediment yield was calculated for each subwatershed. It has been found that out of 122875 ha, an area of 1745 ha had very high priority, 30590 ha high, 37290 ha medium, 51957 ha low and 1294 ha very low priority for soil conservation purposes.  相似文献   

Aerial photographs are invaluable for study of terrain characteristics which are reflected in the morphology-form and association of different physiographic units in any area. Based on environmental controls of geology, relief, dominant geomorphic process and climate, a system of landscape classification has been evolved. Characteristic physiographic units in any area are identified and defined based on their form, slope variations, orientation, spacing, surficial deposits and water regime. Only two units i.e. landscape pattern and facet are adopted in the classification system. The dominant aeolian process evolves a variety of forms and associations. The most important forms evolved are long sandy ridges with variation in spacing and directions, shifting sand dunes-both scattered and in clusters and various combinations of short sandy ridges. The paper describes the form, assocation and characteristics of one of the landscape patterns classified in the desert area. The norms established on the basis of aerial photo-interpretation thus help to infer terrain characteristics at different places where the pattern occurs.  相似文献   

Visual interpretation of IRS-1A LISS-II (October 1988 & Feb. 1989) FCC (spectral bands 2, 3 & 4) at 1:50,000 scale was carried out for soil resource mapping of Bhiwani district (Haryana State) covering on area of 5099 sq. kim. Based on image characteristics, element analysis (landform, vegetation & erosion) and field traverses, physiography-soil relationship was established. Major physiographic units identified in the area are: Aeolian plain, Fluvio-acolian plain, Transitional plain, Alluvial plain, Hills and Pediments. Area was divided into 34 subunits. Final physiography-soil map on 1:50,000 scale was prepared. Taxonomically, the soils of each unit were classified and are found as: In aeolian plain—Typic Torripsamments/coarse loamy, Typic Camborthios; Fluvio-aeolian plain-Aridic Ustipsamments/coarse loamy/fine loamy Typic/Udic Ustochrepts; Alluvial plain—Typic Ustipsamments/coarse loamy/fine loamy Typic/Udic Ustochrepts; Hills and Pediments—fregmental Lithic Torriorthents/Typic Torripsamments. Interpretation for each subunit was made regarding land suitability for various land utilisation types. It was found that hills and pediments, dunal ridges, dunal complexes and serub-lands are best suitable for forestry and horiculture plantations. Dunal plains and inter-dunal depressions are best suitable for gram/bajra/oilseeds/guar, very gently sloping dunal plain and low lying plain are suitable for wheat/arhar/cotton/sunflower.  相似文献   

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