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Plinian plumes erupt with a bulk density greater than that of air, and depend upon air entrainment during their gas-thrust phase to become buoyant; if entrainment is insufficient, the column collapses into a potentially deadly pyroclastic flow. This study shows that strombolian ash plumes can be erupted in an initially buoyant state due to their extremely high initial gas content, and in such cases are thus impervious to column collapse. The high gas content is a consequence of decoupled gas rise in the conduit, in which particles are ultimately incidental. The relations between conduit gas flow, eruption style and plume density are explored here for strombolian scenarios and contrasted with conventional wisdom derived from plinian eruptions. Considering the inherent relation between gas content and initial plume density together with detailed measurements of plume velocities can help unravel ambiguities surrounding conduit processes, eruption styles and hazards at poorly understood volcanoes. Analysis of plume dynamics at Santiaguito volcano, Guatemala adds further support for a model involving decoupled gas rise in the conduit.  相似文献   

 Four co-ignimbrite plumes were generated along the flow path of the pyroclastic flow of 7 August 1980 at Mount St. Helens. Three of the plumes were generated in discrete pulses which can be linked to changes in slope along the channel. One plume was generated at the mouth of the channel where the flow decelerated markedly as it moved onto the lower slopes of the pumice plain. Plume generation here may be triggered by enhanced mixing due to a hydraulic jump associated with an abrupt slope change. Measurements of plume ascent velocity and width show that the co-ignimbrite plumes increased in velocity with height. The plumes have initial velocities of 1–2 m/s. Two of the plumes reached a velocity maximum (4.6 and 8.8 m/s, respectively, at heights of 270 and 315 m above the flow) and thereafter decelerated. The other plumes reached velocities of 6.2 and 13 m/s. The four plumes become systematically less energetic downstream as measured by their ascent rates, which can be interpreted as a consequence of decreasing interaction of the pyroclastic flow front with the atmosphere. Theoretical models of both co-ignimbrite plumes and discrete co-ignimbrite clouds assume that there is no initial momentum, and both are able to predict the observed acceleration stage. The rising plumes mix with and heat air and sediment out particles causing their buoyancy to increase. Theoretical models agree well with observations and suggest that the initial motion of the ascending material is best described as a discrete thermal cloud which expands as it entrains air, whereas the subsequent motion of the head may become influenced by material supplied from the following plume. The models agree well with observations for an initial temperature of the ash and air mixture in the range of 500–600 K, which is in turn consistent with the measured initial ash temperature of around 920 K. Ash masses of 3.4×105 to 1.8×106 kg are estimated. Received: 11 January 1996 / Accepted: 7 October 1996  相似文献   

The influence of thermochemical convection on the fixity of mantle plumes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A general feature of both isochemical and thermochemical studies of mantle convection is that horizontal plume velocities tend to be smaller than typical convective velocities, however, it is not clear which system leads to a greater fixity of mantle plumes. We perform two- and three-dimensional numerical calculations and compare both thermochemical and isochemical cases with similar convective vigor to determine whether presence of a dense component in the mantle can lead to smaller ratios of horizontal plume velocity to surface velocity. We investigate different viscosity and density contrasts between chemical components in the thermochemical calculations, and we perform isochemical calculations with both free-slip and no-slip bottom boundary conditions. We then compare both visually and quantitatively the results of the thermochemical and isochemical calculations to determine which leads to greater plume fixity. We find that horizontal plume velocities for thermochemical calculations are similar to those from isochemical calculations with no-slip bottom boundary conditions. In addition, we find that plumes tend to be more fixed for isochemical cases with free-slip bottom boundary conditions for two-dimensional calculations, however, in three dimensions, we find that plume fixity is similar to that observed in thermochemical calculations.  相似文献   

In this study, the dynamics of medium-intensity inflow events over Drogden Sill into the Arkona Sea are investigated. Idealised model simulations carried out with the General Estuarine Transport Model suggest that most of the salt transport during such inflow events occur north of Kriegers Flak, a shoal with less than 20 m water depth surrounded by water depths of more than 40 m. This assumption about the pathway is supported by recent ship-based observations in the Arkona Sea during a medium-intensity inflow event. The propagation of a saline bottom plume could be observed during several days after having passed Drogden Sill. In the area north of Kriegers Flak the plume was about 10 m thick, and propagated with more than 0.5 m s−1 and a salinity of up to 20 psu (with ambient water salinity being 8 psu) eastwards. Although the model simulations were idealised, the structural agreement between the observation and model result was good. The structure and pathways of these medium-intensity inflow events are of specific interest due to the plans for erecting extensive offshore wind farms in the Arkona Sea which may under certain circumstances lead to increased entrainment of ambient water into the bottom plumes.  相似文献   

Vertical ash plumes were imaged at Santiaguito (Guatemala) using a thermal camera to capture plume ascent dynamics. The plumes comprised a convecting plume front fed by a steady feeder plume. Of the 25 plumes imaged, 24 had a gas thrust region within which ascent velocities were 15–50 m s−1. A transition to buoyant ascent occurred 20 to 50 m above the vent, where ascent velocities declined to 4–15 m s−1. Plumes that attained greater heights had higher heat contents, wider feeder plumes and higher buoyant ascent velocities.  相似文献   

To investigate the processes by which sediment is transported through a submarine canyon incised in a continental margin affected by recurrent dense shelf water cascading events, several instrumented moorings were deployed in the Cap de Creus Canyon from September 2004 to September 2005. This was done as part of the EuroSTRATAFORM Program that investigated sediment transport and accumulation processes in the Gulf of Lions. Results obtained in this observational study confirm that major cascading events can effectively contribute to the rapid export of sediment from the shelf and upper slope to deeper environments, and suggest that the associated strong currents carrying coarse particles are able to erode the canyon floor and generate sedimentary furrows. During winter 2004–2005, persistent northerly winds and the absence of river floods contributed to decrease the buoyancy of coastal waters and to dramatically enhance the intensity of dense shelf water cascades in the Gulf of Lions. Under such conditions, cascading continuously affected the entire Cap de Creus upper canyon section for more than a month and sustained cold temperatures and down-canyon steady currents >60 cm/s (up to 100 cm/s), showing periodic fluctuations that lasted between 3 and 6 days. Increases in suspended sediment concentrations were associated with dense shelf water cascading outbursts, but the magnitude of the concentration peaks decreased with time, suggesting a progressive exhaustion of the resuspendable sediments from the shelf and canyon floor. Grain size analyses of the particles caught by a near-bottom sediment trap show that dense shelf water cascades are able to transport coarse sediments (up to 65% sand) in suspension (and presumably as bed load), which have the potential to abrade the seafloor and generate erosive bed forms. The orientation of a large field of “wide” (i.e., widths about 1/2 spacing indicative of erosive formation) sedimentary furrows recently observed in the Cap de Creus Canyon clearly coincides with the preferential direction of highest velocities measured by the moored current meters, indicating a causative relationship between contemporary dense shelf water cascades and furrow formation.  相似文献   

Flow against dispersion in two-dimensional regions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In field applications, upstream spreading of contaminant plumes may be controlled by the flow of fresh water in a direction opposite to the dispersive expansion direction of the plume. In the current literature this type of control is identified as flow against dispersion or contrary flow. In this study analytic methods are used to investigate contrary flow conditions for two-dimensional applications. In particular, special attention is given to the dispersive spread of the contaminant plume in the transverse direction under equilibrium flow against dispersion. Typical problems analyzed emphasize the effect of adsorption and transverse dispersion on the overall control process. Problems analyzed indicate that equilibrium flow velocities deduced from one-dimensional analysis, which may balance the dispersive spread of the plume in the longitudinal direction, represent an over design condition when these equilibrium velocities are compared with the conditions generated from a two-dimensional model for a downstream source which is finite in the transverse direction.  相似文献   

In our previous works, based on numerical models, it was shown that under certain conditions a hot material can rise in portions in the tails of thermal mantle plumes. The spectrum of these pulsations can correspond to the observed spectra of catastrophic hotspot eruptions. Since most of the existing numerical models of thermal convection for the mantle of the present Earth do not reveal these pulsations, in this work, we analyze the physical cause and initiation conditions of pulsations of thermal plumes. The results of a numerical solution of the thermal convection equations for a material with varying parameters in the extended Boussinesq approximation are presented. It is shown how the structure of the convection is transformed with the increase of convection intensity. At the Rayleigh numbers Ra > 106, convection becomes unsteady, and the configuration of the ascending and descending flows changes. The new flow emerging at the mantle bottom acquires a mushroom shape with a head and a tail. After the rise of the plume’s head to the surface, the tail remains in the mantle in the form of a quasi-stationary hot steam. It turns out that at Ra ~ 5 × 107, the thermal mantle plume becomes pulsating and its tail is in fact a heated channel through which the hot material rises in successive portions. At the Rayleigh numbers Ra > 5 × 108, the tail of the thermal plume breaks and the plume becomes a regular conveyor of separate ascending portions of the hot material, which are referred to as thermals. Thus, thermal convection with pulsating plumes takes place at the transitional stage from the regime of quasi-stationary plumes to the regime of thermals.  相似文献   

Motion of the entire solid planet with respect to its spin axis have been proposed on Mars. This movement is known as True Polar Wander (TPW). According to the conservation of angular momentum with no external torque, on geological time scales the axis of maximum inertia of a planet is aligned with the rotation axis. Then rearrangement of masses within the mantle disturbs the planet's inertia and induces TPW. The convection pattern on Mars is possibly controlled by a sequence of single plumes originating from the core-mantle boundary. Using a homogeneous model of the martian mantle and modelling the plume as a sphere, we calculate the inertial tensor perturbations caused by the plume mass anomaly. We investigate the stabilizing influence of the remnant rotational bulge due to the lithosphere elasticity on these perturbations. It appears that, during early martian history, the elastic lithosphere was thin enough to allow its fractures under the inertia perturbations induced by a hot plume. Consequently, the lithosphere's behaviour became effectively viscoelastic and the plume could induce large TPW. We conclude that one plume convection pattern should have greatly influenced the rotation pole behaviour during early Mars history: around 4 Gyr ago, Mars already could have experienced two TPW events lasting possibly only a few million years each. We then compare our scenario with others already published in the literature.  相似文献   

The data on geomagnetic reversals, organic changes, and lower-mantle plume magmatism in the Phanerozoic are collected and correlated. No direct relationship is revealed between the geomagnetic reversals, plumes, and biozones. However, the frequency of geomagnetic reversals is found to correlate to the frequency of biozonal alterations. We relate this inconsistency to the coupling of the two processes, which are mutually independent, with the long-term changes in the Earth’s rotation. The plumes are formed at the core-mantle boundary and, thus, the reversals should have a different source. We hypothesize that the change in the geomagnetic polarity is due to the nonuniform rotation of the inner core relative to the mantle in combination with the changes in the axial tilt of the Earth’s rotation.  相似文献   

Conceptual model selection is a key issue in risk assessment studies. We analyze the effect of a number of conceptual aspects related to solute transport in two-dimensional heterogeneous media. The main issues addressed are non-ergodicity, anisotropy in the correlation structure of the transmissivity field, and dispersion at the local scale. In particular, we study the development of a solute plume when mean flow is oriented at an angle with respect to the principal directions of anisotropy. The study is carried out in a Lagrangian framework using Monte Carlo analysis. Of special interest is the evolution of individual plumes. A number of aspects are analyzed, namely the location of the center of mass for each plume and the different ways to compute the angles that the main axes of the plume develop with respect to the direction of the mean flow. Stochastic theories based upon ergodicity conclude that the plume gets oriented in the mean flow direction. In our non-ergodic simulations, the mean of the offset angles, for each individual plume in each particular realization, is offset from the mean flow direction towards the direction of maximum anisotropy. If, instead, the analysis is performed on the ensemble plume (superposition of all different simulations), it is then found oriented closer to the direction of the mean flow than the average offset angle for the different plumes considered separately. This last result adds an extra word of caution to the use of ensemble averaged values in solute transport studies. Serious implications for risk assessment follow from the conceptual model adopted. First, in any single realization there will a large uncertainty in locating the plume at any given time; second, real dilution would be less than what would be expected if the macrodispersion values obtained for ergodic conditions were applied; third, the volume that is affected by a non-zero concentration is smaller than that predicted from macrodispersion concepts; fourth, the orientation of the plume does not correspond to that of the mean flow; and fifth, accounting for local dispersion helps reducing uncertainty.  相似文献   

Simulation of Tidal Effects on Contaminant Transport in Porous Media   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A one-dimensional numerical model is developed with oscillating velocities and dispersions to simulate the migration process of a contaminant plume within tidally influenced aquifers. Model simulations demonstrate that a major effect the tidal fluctuation has on the migration process of a contaminant plume is the exit concentration discharging to the tidal estuary. Tidal fluctuation causes the exit concentration levels to be significantly diluted by the surface-water body of the estuary. Sensitivity analyses demonstrate that tidal fluctuation hastens the rate of plume migration near the bank of the estuary because of the relatively high advective and dispersive fluxes induced by tides. However, tides affect the migration process only over a short distance from the tidal-water interface (about 40 ft for the parameters used in this study). If the contaminant plume is located far beyond the interface, tidal fluctuations will not affect the rate of plume migration until an existing regional ground-water flow velocity brings the plume to the tidally active zone. With or without tides, the rate of contaminant migration increases with higher regional hydraulic gradient. Furthermore, the effects of tidal fluctuations on the transport process become insignificant with higher regional hydraulic gradients.  相似文献   

Development and verification of deep-water blowout models   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Modeling of deep-water releases of gas and oil involves conventional plume theory in combination with thermodynamics and mass transfer calculations. The discharges can be understood in terms of multiphase plumes, where gas bubbles and oil droplets may separate from the water phase of the plume and rise to the surface independently. The gas may dissolve in the ambient water and/or form gas hydrates––a solid state of water resembling ice. All these processes will tend to deprive the plume as such of buoyancy, and in stratified water the plume rise will soon terminate. Slick formation will be governed by the surfacing of individual oil droplets in a depth and time variable current. This situation differs from the conditions observed during oil-and-gas blowouts in shallow and moderate water depths. In such cases, the bubble plume has been observed to rise to the surface and form a strong radial flow that contributes to a rapid spreading of the surfacing oil. The theories and behaviors involved in deepwater blowout cases are reviewed and compared to those for the shallow water blowout cases.  相似文献   

Despite that discrete flow features (DFFs, e.g. fractures and faults) are common features in the subsurface, few studies have explored the influence of DFFs on solute plumes in otherwise permeable rocks (e.g. sandstone, limestone), compared to low-permeability rock settings (e.g. granite and basalt). DFFs can provide preferential flow pathways (i.e. ‘preferential flow features’; PFFs), or can act to impede flow (i.e. ‘barrier flow features’; BFFs). This research uses a simple analytical expression and numerical modelling to explore how a single DFF influences the steady-state distributions of solute plumes in permeable aquifers. The analysis quantifies the displacement and widening (or narrowing) of a steady-state solute plume as it crosses a DFF in idealised, 1 × 1 m moderately permeable rock aquifers. Previous research is extended by accounting for DFFs as 2D flow features, and including BFF situations. A range of matrix-DFF permeability ratios (0.01 to 100) and DFF apertures (0.25 mm to 2 cm), typical of sedimentary aquifers containing medium-to-large fractures, are considered. The results indicate that for the conceptual models considered here, PFFs typically have a more significant influence on plume distributions than BFFs, and the impact of DFFs on solute plumes generally increases with increasing aperture. For example, displacement of peak solute concentration caused by DFFs exceeds 20 cm in some PFF cases, compared to a maximum of 0.64 cm in BFF cases. PFFs widen plumes up to 9.7 times, compared to a maximum plume widening of 2.0 times in BFF cases. Plumes crossing a PFF are less symmetrical, and peak solute concentrations beneath PFFs are up to two orders of magnitude lower than plumes in BFF cases. This study extends current knowledge of the attenuating influence of DFFs in otherwise permeable rocks on solute plume characteristics, through evaluation of 2D flow effects in DFFs for a variety of DFF apertures, and by considering BFF situations.  相似文献   

Bent-over buoyant jets distorted by a crosscurrent develop a vortex pair structure and can bifurcate to produce two distinct lobes which diverge from one another downwind. The region downwind of the source between the lobes has relatively low proportions of discharged fluid. Factors invoked by previous workers to cause or enhance bifurcation include buoyancy, release of latent heat at the plume edge by evaporating water droplets, geometry and orientation of the source, and the encounter with a density interface on the rising path of the plume. We suggest that the pressure distribution around the vortex pair of a rising plume may initially trigger bifurcation. We also report new experimental observations confirming that bifurcation becomes stronger for stronger bent-over plumes, identifying that bifurcation can also occur for straight-edged plumes but gradually disappears for stronger plumes which form a gravity current at their final level and spread for a significant distance against the current. Observations from satellites and the ground are reviewed and confirm that volcanic plumes can show bifurcation and a large range of bifurcation angles. Many of the bifurcating plumes spread out at the tropopause level and suggest the tropopause may act on the plumes as a density interface enhancing bifurcation. Even for quite moderate bifurcation angles, the two plume lobes become rapidly separated downwind by distances of tens of kilometers. Such bifurcating plumes drifting apart can only result in bilobate tephra fall deposits. The tephra fall deposit from the 16 km elevation, SE spreading, bifurcating volcanic plume erupted on 15 May 1981 from Mt Pagan was sampled by previous workers and clearly displayed bilobate characteristics. Examples of bilobate tephra fall deposits are reviewed and their origin briefly discussed. Bilobate deposits are common and may result from many causes. Plume bifurcation should be considered one of the possible mechanisms which can account for come examples of bilobate tephra fall deposits.  相似文献   

Laboratory experiments were performed to study the influence of density and viscosity layering on the formation and stability of plumes. Viscosity ratios ranged from 0.1 to 6400 for buoyancy ratios between 0.3 and 20, and Rayleigh numbers between 105 and 2.108. The presence of a chemically stratified boundary layer generates long-lived thermochemical plumes. These plumes first develop from the interface as classical thermal boundary layer instabilities. As they rise, they entrain by viscous coupling a thin film of the other layer and locally deform the interface into cusps. The interfacial topography and the entrainment act to further anchor the plumes, which persist until the chemical stratification disappears through entrainment, even for Rayleigh numbers around 108. The pattern of thermochemical plumes remains the same during an experiment, drifting only slowly through the tank. Scaled to an Earth’s mantle without plate tectonics, our results show that: (1) thermochemical plumes are expected to exist in the mantle, (2) they could easily survive hundreds of millions of years, depending on the size and magnitude of the chemical heterogeneity on which they are anchored, and (3) their drift velocity would be at most 1-2 mm/yr. They would therefore produce long-lived and relatively fixed hotspots on the lithosphere. However, the thermochemical plumes would follow any large scale motion imposed on the chemical layer. Therefore, the chemical heterogeneity acts more as a ‘floating anchor’ than as an absolute one.  相似文献   

The Markham River is a small river draining a tropical mountain range with altitudes between 1000 and 3000 m and discharges directly into a submarine canyon, the head of which is at 30 m depth and reaches depths of 500 m only 4 km from the shore. As such, the Markham discharge system serves as a possible analogue for rivers discharging onto margins during low stands of sea-level. Located in a tectonically active area and with high rainfall, sediment supply is high and episodic and is sometimes related to catastrophic mountain landslides. The river has an estimated sediment load of 12 Mt yr−1. Occasionally, high energy flows are generated at the river mouth which is evident from the channel morphology and sediment distribution. Profiles of salinity and suspended sediment concentrations (SSC) show that sediment is dispersed via a plume with components at both the surface, intermediate depth along isopycnal surfaces and near the sea bed. The dispersal pattern of the surface freshwater plume is largely determined by the buoyancy force. The surface plume is very thin with salinity gradients 15 ppt m−1 while a Richardson number greater than unity suggested that the mixing zone is highly stratified. Estimates of the horizontal sediment flux gradient of the surface plume along the estuary axis suggest that about 80% of the sediment discharged is lost from the plume within a distance of 2 km from the river mouth. Particle fall velocities estimated from the vertical flux indicate values less than those of flocculated material. Layers of sediment with SSCs between 500 and 1000 mg l−1 were observed at intermediate depths and near the seabed during periods of both high and intermediate discharge. The mass of sediment in a SSC layer at intermediate depths between 150 and 250 m within the canyon channel was estimated to be equivalent to an average of 2 to 3 days of Markham sediment discharge. SSCs near the seabed of between 250 and 750 mg l−1 suggest that layers of significantly elevated density exist near the seabed, moving under the influence of gravity down steep seabed slopes of the Markham canyon.  相似文献   

The rise of an initially horizontal, buoyant cylinder of fluid through a denser fluid at low Reynolds number is used to look at the ascent of strongly tilted mantle plumes through the mantle. Such ascents are characterized by (1) the growth of instabilities and (2) the development of a thermal wake downstream. Three-dimensional numerical experiments were carried out to examine these features. An hybrid particle-in-cell finite element method was used to look at the rise of non-diffusing cylinders and, a standard finite element method was used to look at the diffusing case. First the experiments show that the timescale of the fastest growing instability vary with the Rayleigh number and the viscosity ratio. In particular the growth rate decreases as the Rayleigh number decreases, in agreement with our analysis of the laboratory experiments of Kerr et al. (2008). Second the experiments show that the length of the thermal wake increases with the Rayleigh number but the change in viscosity has almost no influence on the wake length. Applied to strongly tilted mantle plumes we conclude that such plumes cannot be unstable given the plume timescales. We also discuss the application of this conclusion to weakly tilted plumes. Besides, this study allows to predict that mantle plumes are unlikely to have developed a significant thermal wake by the time they reach the surface. Finally, the resolution that is required to allow for the growth of mantle plume tails by combined diffusion and thermal entrainment is shown to represent a challenge for the large scale mantle convection simulations.  相似文献   

Geochemical models invoking several distinct reservoirs in the mantle, with different time histories, raise important questions about the exchange of mass between them. If two of these reservoirs are the upper and lower mantle, above and below about 700 km, then sinking of cold slabs through this level is one of a number of possible ways in which mixing can occur. In addition, if slabs do penetrate the transition zone, surrounding upper layer material will be dragged downwards. We have examined the interaction of very viscous plumes, or slabs, with density and viscosity interfaces in a series of laboratory experiments using fluids of different viscosities and densities and have documented several mechanisms which can lead to significant entrainment and mixing. If a slab remains planar as it passes through a density interface, a boundary layer of lighter fluid is pulled into the lower layer and we predict the consequent mass flux. When a near-vertical slab becomes unstable to folding (as it does if it has a sufficient viscosity contrast with its surroundings and its length is greater than about five times its thickness), there is another more efficient entrainment mechanism: upper layer fluid is trapped between the folds in the slab. The effective entrainment increases as the density difference between the upper and lower layers decreases. An increase in viscosity with depth also leads to buckling instability and folding of the surrounding material into the slab material. On the other hand, when there is substantial density difference between the layers a dense slab can cease to sink through the interface but spread out along the interface because it is unstable and incorporates enough upper layer fluid between its folds to become neutrally buoyant. The range of slab behaviour occurring in the mantle is not known but we draw attention to the various possibilities and to the implications for mass flux between layers.  相似文献   

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