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A new methodology for using buoy measurements in sea wave data assimilation   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
One of the main drawbacks in modern sea wave data assimilation models is the limited temporal and spatial improvement obtained in the final forecasting products. This is mainly due to deviations coming either from the relevant atmospheric input or from the dynamics of the wave model, resulting to systematic errors of the forecasted fields of numerical wave models, when no observation is available for assimilation. A potential solution is presented in this work, based on a combination of advanced statistical techniques, data assimilation systems, and wave models. More precisely, Kalman filtering algorithms are implemented into the wave model WAM and the results are assimilated by an Optimum Interpolation Scheme, in order to extend the beneficial influence of the latter in time and space. The case studied concerns a 3-month period in an open sea area near the South-West coast of the USA (Pacific Ocean).  相似文献   

Computer-assisted image analysis data of rock fabrics from two quaternary ignimbrites in the Vulsini and Cimini Volcanic Districts of Central Italy are interpreted in terms of transport and depositional mechanisms. Samples were collected vertically at m spaces up two sections through each deposit. The Orvieto–Bagnoregio ignimbrite (OBI) is a non-welded ignimbrite that shows both fluctuations in the mean particle orientation values of up to approximately ±60°, and large variations in the strength of particle iso-orientation with height. The circular frequency distributions of particle orientations are almost always anisotropic and unimodal, in line with a theoretical Von Mises distribution (the circular equivalent of a unimodal, log–normal distribution). In contrast, the welded Cimina ignimbrite (CI) shows vertical homogeneities in mean orientation values with height, and generally lower degrees of anisotropy. Such differences are interpreted as being the results of different depositional mechanisms: incremental deposition at the base of a density-stratified, partially turbulent flow for the OBI; deposition of a laminar mass flow for the CI. In the former case, during transport particles under solidus temperature are subjected to a frictional regime, particles gliding and dispersive pressures, which finally produce size-inverse grading and variable fabric development, depending on the residence time of particles at the basal shear conditions. In the latter case, elongated particles, supported in a laminar flowing viscous matrix, undergo periodic motions which tend to develop parallel-to-flow iso-orientation. Fabric data in the deposit suggest vertical constancy in the rheological properties of the flow, absence of rheological decoupling and (shearing pervasively during transport) a minor importance of plug horizons.  相似文献   

A monitoring mission to study the shape and estimate initial dilution of the S. Jacinto outfall plume using an autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) was performed on July 30, 2002. In order to reduce the uncertainty about plume location and to concentrate the vehicle mission only in the hydrodynamic mixing zone, outputs of a near-field prediction model, based on effective real-time in situ measurements of current speed and direction and density stratification, were opportunistically used to specify in real time the mission transects. The surface characteristics of the outfall plume were found to be influenced strongly by the relatively weak stratification and low current velocities. Dilution was estimated using a temperature–salinity (TS-) diagram with initial mixing lines between wastewater and ambient waters. Effluent dilutions were at least 30:1 in this study. In order to efficiently map the plume dispersion we applied the least-squares collocation method technique. Our results demonstrate that AUVs can provide high-quality measurements of physical properties of effluent plumes in a quite effective manner and valuable considerations about the initial mixing processes under real oceanic conditions can be further investigated.  相似文献   

Shear wave velocities of soils, which provide shear moduli for earthquake response calculations, can be measured clearly and accurately using the down-hole method. Such a method has been used at a number of sites in California with good results to depths of 200 ft. Seismic waves from hammer blows, delivered to the ends of a heavy plank loaded by the front wheels of a vehicle, are received by a three-component geophone in a carefully prepared vertical hole and recorded at 1 mm/ms with a six-channel seismograph. A series of records are obtained at various measured depths in the hole, allowing calculation of interval velocities. Shear waves are easily identified by a clear 180 degrees phase difference between waves generated by blows on the opposite ends of the plank. Compressional waves are routinely logged by a vertical hammer blow at each recording depth. Shear velocities are reproducible to about 5 per cent in surveys of neighbouring holes. The reading uncertainty of ± 1 msec for the S arrival gives a resolution sufficient to detect a buried layer 5–10 ft thick with a velocity contrast of only 20 per cent.  相似文献   

We test various methods of quantifying the compliance of single and multiple rock fractures from synthetic ultrasonic data. The data are generated with a 2D discrete particle scheme which has previously been shown to treat fractures in agreement with linear-slip theory. Studying single fractures, we find that delays derived from peak amplitudes do not correspond to group delays, as might be expected. This is due to waveform distortion caused by the frequency-dependent transmission across the fracture. Instead the delays correspond to an expression for phase delays, which we derive from linear-slip theory. Phase delays are a unique function of compliance, whereas group delays are non-uniquely related to compliance. We believe that this property of group delays has hindered the wider application of deriving fracture compliances from traveltimes. We further show that transmission coefficients derived from waveform spectra yield more accurate fracture compliances than those obtained from ratios of signal peak amplitudes. We also investigate the compliance of a set of parallel fractures. Fracture compliance can only be determined from transmission coefficients if the fracture spacing is so large that the first arriving pulse is not contaminated by reverberations. In the case of contamination the direct measurement of group or phase delays is not practical. However, we demonstrate that in such cases of strong waveform distortion the coda wave interferometry method is very effective for determining relative fracture compliance. First break delays in the fracture set data are related to those observed in single fracture simulations. This means that fracture set compliance can be estimated from first break data if used together with numerical simulations.  相似文献   

Although narrow-azimuth towed-streamer data provide good image quality for structural interpretation, it is generally accepted that for wide-azimuth marine surveys seabed receivers deliver superior seismic reflection measurements and seismically derived reservoir attributes. However, seabed surveys are not widely used due to the higher acquisition costs when compared to streamer acquisition. In recent years, there have been significant engineering efforts to automate receiver deployment and retrieval in order to minimize the cost differential and conduct cost-efficient seabed receiver seismic surveys. These engineering efforts include industrially engineered nodes, nodes on a rope deployment schemes and even robotic nodes, which swim to and from the deployment location. This move to automation is inevitable, leading to robotization of seismic data acquisition for exploration and development activities in the oil and gas industry. We are developing a robotic-based technology, which utilizes autonomous underwater vehicles as seismic sensors without the need of using a remotely operated vehicle for deployment and retrieval. In this paper, we describe the autonomous underwater vehicle evolution throughout the project years from initial heavy and bulky nodes to fully autonomous light and flexible underwater receivers. Results obtained from two field pilot tests using different generations of autonomous underwater vehicles indicate that the seismic coupling, and navigation based on underwater acoustics are very reliable and robust.  相似文献   

Summary The nighttime and sunset LF radio wave absorption measured at Nagycenk, western Hungary over 1967–1991 is used to infer planetary wave activity and its long-term trend in the upper middle atmosphere (85 – 100 km). The very moderate positive and mostly statistically insignificant trends are consistent with the pattern provided by previous analyses of various day- and night-time absorption measurements. The trends could be of anthropogenic origin.  相似文献   

Understanding the geological uncertainty of hydrostratigraphic models is important for risk assessment in hydrogeology. An important feature of sedimentary deposits is the directional ordering of hydrostratigraphic units (HSU). Geostatistical simulation methods propose efficient algorithm for assessing HSU uncertainty. Among different geostatistical methods to simulate categorical data, Bayesian maximum entropy method (BME) and its simplified version Markov-type categorical prediction (MCP) present interesting features. In particular, the zero-forcing property of BME and MCP can provide a valuable constrain on directional properties. We illustrate the ability of MCP to simulate vertically ordered units. A regional hydrostratigraphic system with 11 HSU and different abundances is used. The transitional deterministic model of this system presents lateral variations and vertical ordering. The set of 66 (11 × 12/2) bivariate probability functions is directly calculated on the deterministic model with fast Fourier transform. Despite the trends present in the deterministic model, MCP is unbiased for the HSU proportions in the non-conditional case. In the conditional cases, MCP proved robust to datasets over-representing some HSU. The inter-realizations variability is shown to closely follow the amount and quality of data provided. Our results with different conditioning datasets show that MCP replicates adequately the directional units arrangement. Thus, MCP appears to be a practical method for generating stochastic models in a 3D hydrostratigraphic context.  相似文献   

The local geology and shallow S-wave velocity structure of a site are recognized to be key factors for the increase in the damaging potential of seismic waves. Indeed, seismic amplitudes may be amplified in frequency ranges unfavorable for building stock by the presence of soft sedimentary covers over lying hard bedrock. Hence, microzonation activities, which aim at assessing the site response as accurately as possible, have become a fundamental task for the seismic risk reduction of urbanized areas. Methods based on the measurement of seismic noise, which typically are fast, non-invasive, and low cost, have become a very attractive option in microzonation studies.Using observations derived from seismic noise recordings collected by two-dimensional arrays of seismic stations, we present a novel joint inversion scheme for surface wave curves. In particular, the Love wave, the Rayleigh wave dispersion and the HVSR curves are innovatively combined in a joint inversion procedure carried out following a global search approach (i.e., the Genetic Algorithm).The procedure is tested using a data set of seismic noise recordings collected at the Bevagna (Italy) test-site. The results of the novel inversion scheme are compared with the inversion scheme proposed by Parolai et al. (2005), where only Rayleigh wave dispersion and HVSR curves are used, and with a cross-hole survey.  相似文献   

The IESP experiment implemented onboard the Interball auroral probe measures the six components (3B, 3E) of the waves in the ULF range: 0.1–10 Hz and from time to time 0–30 Hz. Two different kinds of waves have been observed in the auroral region at altitudes between 10 000 and 20 000 km: (1) electrostatic emissions which consist of quasi-monochromatic structures with frequencies above the oxygen gyrofrequency, superimposed on a wide band signal interpreted as a Doppler broadening, (2) electromagnetic wide band spectrum fluctuations. These emissions are interpreted as current-driven electromagnetic or electrostatic ion cyclotron waves. The electromagnetic/electrostatic character is controlled by the plasma parameter i and by the O+ concentration.  相似文献   

Deep unconsolidated sediments in the Mississippi embayment will influence ground motions from earthquakes in the New Madrid seismic zone. Shear wave velocity profiles of these sediments are important input parameters for modeling wave propagation and site response in this region. Low-frequency, active-source surface wave velocity measurements were performed to develop small-strain shear wave velocity (VS) profiles at eleven deep soil sites in the Mississippi embayment, from north of New Madrid, Missouri to Memphis, Tennessee. A servo-hydraulic, low-frequency source was used to excite surface wave energy to wavelengths of 600 m, resulting in VS profiles to depths of over 200 m. The average VS profile calculated from the eleven sites is in good agreement with common reference VS profiles that have been used in seismic hazard studies of this region. The variability in VS profiles is shown to be associated with changes in formation depth and thickness from site-to-site. Using lithologic information at each site, average formation velocities were developed and compared to previous studies. We found average VS values of about 193 m/s for alluvial deposits, 400 m/s for the Upper Claiborne formations, and 685 m/s for the Memphis Sand formation.  相似文献   

Merits and demerits of recording of seismic signals at the bottom of water areas are considered. It is shown that long-term seismological monitoring systems should be placed in the regions of industrial development of the shelf and continental slope and in the areas of high seismic and tsunami hazard of oceans and seas. The results obtained during expeditions of the Shirshov Institute of Oceanology of the Russian Academy of Sciences with the use of broadband bottom seismographs are reported. Autonomous bottom seismographs with long-term operation at the bottom and operative communication via satellite and radio channels are proposed for the formation of a marine seismological network.  相似文献   

We report on the feasibility of assessing single-grain dose-distributions by using an EMCCD-based imaging system with complementary analysis software. Automated image-processing was successfully applied to compensate sample motion and for grain identification. Following a dose recovery test, 74% of the grains were recognized successfully, and 44% exhibited a suitable OSL dose response behavior to interpolate an equivalent dose value, and a central dose recovery ratio of 1.038 was obtained.  相似文献   

现有的随钻声波测井通常采用三种测量方式:单极子、偶极子及四极子测量模式.分别采用单极子源、偶极子源和四极子源激发单极子、偶极子和四极子信号对地层速度信息进行测量.由于随钻测井环境比较复杂,钻杆在井孔中占据大部分空间,钻杆速度高于地层速度,导致接收到的信号中仪器波能量占主导,无法有效地提取地层的纵横波速度信息.本文探讨一种采用非对称偏心的点声源,一次激发,利用方位分布的四个接收器接收,经过合成后同时分别得到单极子、偶极子和四极子模式波信号的测量方法,为建立同时利用多极模式波信号测量地层纵横波速度的随钻声波测井实用技术提供基础.本文利用1:12的缩比模型在实验室对该方法进行了考察,实验结果证明,可以通过非对称点声源得到有效的地层单极子、偶极子和四极子模式波信号.通过分析和对比实测数据和理论模拟的频散曲线,本文进一步提出利用三种模式波的频散曲线联合反演确定地层横波速度的方法.  相似文献   

A new method for the retrieval of ocean wave parameters from SAR imagery is developed,based on the shape-from-shading(SFS)technique.Previously,the SFS technique has been used in the reconstruction of 3D landform information from SAR images,in order to generate elevation maps of topography for land surfaces.Here,in order to retrieve ocean wave characteristics,we apply the SFS methodology,together with a method to orient the angular measurements of the azimuth slope and range slope,in the measurement of ocean surface waves.This method is applied to high resolution fine-quad polarization mode(HH,VV,VH and HV)C-band RADARSAT-2 SAR imagery,in order to retrieve ocean wave spectra and extract wave parameters.Collocated in situ buoy measurements are used to validate the reliability of this method.Results show that the method can reliably estimate wave height,dominant wave period,dominant wave length and dominant wave direction from C-band SAR images.The advantage of this method is that it does not depend on modulation transfer functions(MTFs),in order to measure ocean surface waves.This method can be used in monitoring ocean surface wave propagation through open water areas into ice-covered areas,especially the marginal ice zone(MIZ)in polar oceans.  相似文献   

Because of weak dissipation effects, swells generated by fierce storms can propagate across an entire ocean basin; therefore, observing swell generation and decay and retrieving storm characteristics from a swell by satellite remote sensing are possible. In this study, based on the dispersion relation and geometrical optics principle, we used SAR wave mode data from 2003 to 2010 provided by GlobWave to track swells with peak wavelengths of more than 300 m to locate a storm-generated far-traveling swell and present the swell field related to this “static” origin. Through a comparison with ECMWF wind datasets, we conducted validations and explored some conditions that cause misjudgments in swell origins. Finally, we obtained the spatiotemporal distribution characteristics of satellite-observed swell origins (i.e., the fierce wind condition) and their evolution. This work can be used as a reference for wave models, providing early swell warnings, determining air-sea surface interactions, and determining global climate change.  相似文献   

Field measurements of seismic P-wave velocities have been carried out by surface to surface refraction measurements for five different rock types. Subweathering velocities are surprisingly high and range from 5.0 km/sec in quartz monzonite to 6.2 km/sec in amphibolite in agreement with the proposal of Nur and Simmons for water-saturated low-porosity rocks. Maximum velocities found are 6.1 km/sec for quartz monzonite, 5.8 km/sec for granite gneiss, 6.4 km/sec for syenite, 6.4 km/sec for anorthosite, and 7.0 km/sec for amphibolite, and maximum depth for these velocities is 1.3 km. We conclude as follows: (1) field measurements correspond well with laboratory measurements but true velocity may be slightly higher than laboratory measurements, (2) shallow velocities are much higher than older laboratory measurements but agree well with recent laboratory measurements on water-saturated samples, (3) velocities much less than 6 km/sec seem unlikely in the crust unless in an area of extreme tectonic activity, (4) velocities of 6.5–6.7 km/sec commonly reported for the lower continental crust probably correspond to rocks less mafic than basalt or gabbro.  相似文献   

The determination of the void ratio and stress state distribution in undisturbed soil is still an ambitious aim which cannot be reached by sampling from bore holes. Therefore, an alternative method is proposed to determine soil density and stress state using dispersion wave measurements and cone penetration tests. Dispersion wave measurements and resonant-column tests are carried out to measure the shear wave velocity and shear modulus distribution with depth. Using finite element calculations a relationship between cone penetration resistance, stress state and void ratio is derived. From these results the void ratio distribution and the stress state can be calculated inversely. The inverse method is applied to real test data. The results of the inverse parameter determination are shown and assessed regarding the possibilities and the limitations of the presented method.  相似文献   

By combining AVHRR data from the NOAA satellites with information from a database of in situ measurements, large-scale maps can be generated of the microphysical parameters most immediately significant for the modelling of global circulation and climate. From the satellite data, the clouds can be classified into cumuliform, stratiform and cirrus classes and then into further sub-classes by cloud top temperature. At the same time a database of in situ measurements made by research aircraft is classified into the same sub-classes and a statistical analysis is used to derive relationships between the sub-classes and the cloud microphysical properties. These two analyses are then linked to give estimates of the microphysical properties of the satellite observed clouds. Examples are given of the application of this technique to derive maps of the probability of occurrence of precipitating clouds and of precipitating water content derived from a case study within the International Cirrus Experiment (ICE) held in 1989 over the North Sea.  相似文献   

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