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北京上甸子本底站2003年秋冬季痕量气体浓度变化特征 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
2003年9月至2004年2月在北京上甸子区域大气污染本底监测站(117°07′E,40°39′N,海拔293.9 m)开展了对大气中痕量气体的连续在线监测,获得了NO、NO2、SO2、CO和O3等气体组分的变化特征、变化规律和浓度水平。初步分析表明,NO、NO2、SO2、CO和O3有明显的日变化和月变化特征。O3浓度在秋季较高,冬季较低;NO、NO2和SO2冬季出现浓度高值。探讨了O3和痕量气体与气象因子的关系。O3与NO、NO2、NOx、CO和SO2皆为负相关,CO与NOx和SO2具有较好的相关性。本底站痕量气体浓度与同期观测的城区污染物浓度相比其变化趋势基本呈同位相。 相似文献
回顾了关于长距离输送对中国区域本底大气臭氧的影响,以及中国区域大气本底站臭氧变化及其区域代表性两方面的研究进展。来自不同污染源区O3的长距离输送对中国区域O3影响的研究结果分歧较大,贡献最显著的源区和受体地区也存在争议;同时,鲜有研究考虑到平流层对对流层的O3贡献,而这部分贡献在前体物排放很少的本底地区非常重要。中国区域各大气本底观测站分别与其周围一定范围内的区域具有相同的对流层O3柱浓度最大值月份分布,而对与人体健康密切相关的近地面O3区域特征的分析尚未深入开展;鉴于研究方法的局限性,也尚未深入揭示形成O3变化区域特征的复杂成因。基于现有研究进展和不足之处,如何利用全球大气化学-环流模式的示踪模拟结果,定量评估来自全球不同地区的O3对中国本底大气O3的影响,并进一步评估中国区域6个大气本底站近地面O3季节变化的区域代表性,是亟待解决的科学问题。 相似文献
利用轨迹分析法、印痕分析和流场分析法,结合上甸子站卤代温室气体H-1301、HCFC-22、CFC-11和SF6在线浓度观测数据,选取2012年9月7-12日上甸子测站卤代温室气体浓度短期波动典型个例进行分析.轨迹分析结果表明:7日12时,污染发生前,气团主要来自较远的偏西北、偏北方向,水平输送距离长,移动迅速,垂直高度高,对应的卤代温室气体浓度偏低,H-1301、HCFC-22、CFC-11和SF6的体积分数分别为4x10-12、350x10-12、260x10-12、10x10-12;9、10日有一定比例的气团在测站的偏南区域近地面回旋打转,水平输送距离短,垂直高度低,在边界层内缓慢移动,不利于污染物在边界层内扩散,导致卤代温室气体浓度偏高,对测站浓度的短期抬升贡献较大,9日12时H-1301、HCFC-22、CFC-11的峰值体积分数分别达到45x10-12、1 200x 10-12、310x10-12,10日03时SF6的峰值体积分数达到28x10-12;11日西南方向回旋气团消失;12日气团完全来自较远的西北方向且轨迹移动较快.印痕分析与轨迹分析结果一致:7、8日敏感性系数较高区域主要分布在测站以北,9、10日敏感性系数较高区域分布在测站偏南,11、12日测站偏南的敏感性系数较高区域消失.流场分析结果表明:9、10日环流形势有利于污染物在测站区域累积,造成测站浓度的短期抬升. 相似文献
阿克达拉区域大气本底站反应性气体在线观测 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
为了促进大气成分业务观测水平的提高,对阿克达拉区域大气本底站新建设的NO_x、SO_2、CO和O_3 4种反应性气体集成观测系统的构造、功能以及质量控制方法进行了介绍,分析了在站址科学论证期间观测到的O_3和CO的浓度水平和变化特征,并与其他本底站的观测结果进行了比较,给出了新观测系统的一些初步观测结果。结果表明,阿克达拉站观测到的O_3和CO的浓度水平及其变化特征有别于中国东部几个大气本底站的观测结果,反映了该站与其他站的差异;新的观测系统自动化程度较高、易于实现质量控制,其性能指标能够满足该偏远站点观测的需求。 相似文献
分析了3个代表不同背景特征的WMO(世界气象组织)区域本底空气污染站黑龙江五常县龙凤山本底站,北京密云县古北口上甸子本底站和浙江临安本底站的降水化学特征。分析内容为降水的pH值和SO42-、NO3-、Cl-、F-、NH4+、K+、Na+、Ca2+、Mg2+诸离子的浓度。结果表明,降水pH值和SO42-、NO3-、NH4+、Ca2+具有年际变化和年变化的特征,但其变化趋势各站及各要素不尽一致。离子Cl-、F-、K+、Na+、Mg2+浓度偏低,变化不明显。就多年平均而言,临安站的pH值为3站最低,SO42-为最高。上甸子除了SO42-浓度次于临安外,其余所有离子浓度均为3站之首,而且pH值也为3站最高。龙凤山除了降水中的Ca2+、Mg2+离子浓度略高于临安外,其它各离子的浓度是3站中最低,pH值在3站中的位置居中。降水化学特征演变趋势为:3个站的降水皆呈酸性,其中临安最严重,龙凤山其次,上甸子相对轻一些,但其酸化的速率为3站之首。 相似文献
利用华中区域代表性站点金沙国家大气本底站2007—2018年的PM2.5、PM10颗粒物质量浓度数据,2019年3月—2019年6月反应性气体数据,对华中区域空气质量进行整体评价,并分析了颗粒物浓度的变化特征及其影响因素.结果表明,反应性气体CO、SO2、NO、NO2质量浓度其日平均最大值、平均值均达到一级标准,O3日... 相似文献
T. Wang H. Guo D. R. Blake Y. H. Kwok I. J. Simpson Y. S. Li 《Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry》2005,52(3):295-317
We present a 16-month record of ozone (O3), carbon monoxide (CO), total reactive nitrogen (NOy), sulphur dioxide (SO2), methane (CH4), C2 – C8 non-methane hydrocarbons (NMHCs), C1 – C2 halocarbons, and dimethyl sulfide (DMS) measured at a southern China coastal site. The study aimed to establish/update seasonal
profiles of chemically active trace gases and pollution tracers in subtropical Asia and to characterize the composition of
the `background' atmosphere over the South China Sea (SCS) and of pollution outflow from the industrialized Pearl River Delta
(PRD) region and southern China. Most of the measured trace gases of anthropogenic origin exhibited a winter maximum and a
summer minimum, while O3 showed a maximum in autumn which is in contrast to the seasonal behavior of O3 in rural eastern China and in many mid-latitude remote locations in the western Pacific. The data were segregated into two
groups representing the SCS background air and the outflow of regional continental pollution (PRD plus southern China), based
on CO mixing ratios and meteorological conditions. NMHCs and halocarbon data were further analyzed to examine the relationships
between their variability and atmospheric lifetime and to elucidate the extent of atmospheric processing in the sampled air
parcels. The trace gas variability (S) versus lifetime (τ) relationship, defined by the power law, Slnx = Aτ− b, (where X is the trace gas mixing ratio) gives a fit parameter A of 1.39 and exponent b of 0.42 for SCS air, and A of 2.86 and b of 0.31 for the regional continental air masses. An examination of ln[n-butane]/ln[ethane] versus ln[propane]/ln[ethane] indicates that their relative abundance was dominated by mixing as opposed
to photochemistry in both SCS and regional outflow air masses. The very low ratios of ethyne/CO, propane/ethane and toluene/benzene
suggest that the SCS air mass has undergone intense atmospheric processing since these gases were released into the atmosphere.
Compared to the results from other polluted rural sites and from urban areas, the large values of these species in the outflow
of PRD/southern China suggest source(s) emitting higher levels of ethyne, benzene, and toluene, relative to light alkanes.
These chemical characteristics could be unique indicators of anthropogenic emissions from southern China. 相似文献
从天气分析和预报提供的后向轨迹信息可以加强预报指导。澳大利亚气象研究中心(BMRC)开发了一个计算三维后向和前向轨迹的软件,使用的资料是澳大利亚气象局有限区域36小时3个风速分量的业务预报。它们有三种可用的输出形式;后向轨迹、前向轨迹及36小时气块垂直位移等值线场。这个软件已用于分析诊断研究。 相似文献
采用考虑化学气体传输过程的云模式模拟了2014年7月30日发生在安徽滁州境内一次深对流过程,研究深对流活动对不同高度示踪气体的输送及再分布作用。结果表明,在积云发展阶段,强上升气流使得云内源层示踪气体有效地向上输送,对流层中部强的夹卷过程及水平入流使得云外气体入云输送至主要对流区,并在垂直气流的作用下进一步影响各层示踪气体的分布。各层示踪气体均可向上输送至对流层上部,其中对流层中部示踪气体(2.1~4.5 km、4.5~7.5 km和7.5~10.8 km)的向上输送作用与近地层示踪气体(0~2.1 km)的贡献相当。例如,输送到11~13 km的示踪气体有4.9%来自近地层,6.3%来自2.1~7.5 km。此外,近地层示踪气体可在深对流的水平输送下向云侧边界扩散,将局地污染输送到云外周边地区。源层高度位于2.1~4.5 km的示踪气体可下沉输送至近地层,形成新的局地污染。随着源层高度的抬升,示踪气体向下输送作用减弱,其中对流层上层示踪物(10.8~15 km)无法输送到6 km以下。 相似文献
Ozone throughout the troposphere is subject of significant temporal and spatial variability due to photochemical production in the planetary boundary layer and free troposphere, stratospheric intrusions, convective events and long range transport. However, high resolving observations of ozone in the troposphere are generally rare today. That is of special disadvantage for limited area models, which represent mathematically a differential equation system with an initial and boundary problem. As ozone concentrations usually increase from the earth surface to the stratosphere, a proper choice of the background ozone concentrations is necessary to reproduce or even predict the amount and distribution of ozone in a specific region of interest.In this paper the impact of background concentrations of ozone on regional scale model results is analysed during a summer smog episode over Europe. For this purpose ozone is artificially partitioned into individual categories. For each category, transport and chemical transformation is calculated separately. Initial and boundary concentrations of ozone dominate total ozone concentrations increasingly with height. But also in the planetary boundary layer they contribute with more than 30% to thetotal ozone changes and are therefore far from being negligible. Moderately modified assumptions of background ozone concentrations reveal an uncertainty of near surface ozone concentrations of 5–15%depending on the weather situation. 相似文献
Based on the hourly precipitation data at 176 observational stations over south China and the hourly ERA5reanalysis data during the 40-yr period of 1981-2020, we analyzed the universal characteristics of moisture transport and their associated background circulations for four types of regional extreme precipitation events(REPEs) over south China. Main findings are shown as follow.(i) The wind that transported moisture for the REPEs over south China featured a notable diurnal variation, which was... 相似文献