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An 8 m core from the central plain of the Petit Lac d'Annecy, France, two floodplain cores, river bedload sediments and several hundred soil samples from the catchment have been studied using magnetic techniques. The soils, mainly developed on limestones and local glacial tills, show widespread magnetic enhancement with higher ferrimagnetic concentrations and contents of SP grains than found in the lake sediments. Some soils show significant concentrations of canted antiferromagnetic minerals (mainly haematite). Using magnetic quotient parameters the surface soils are classified into four mineralogical types. The lake and floodplain sediment properties over the past 6000 yrs can largely be explained by the erosion and deposition of these sources, with a smaller superimposed biogenic (magnetosomes) signal. Derived sediment-source linkages allow the construction of several hypotheses about geomorphological changes in the catchment system: (i) the long-term erosion of high altitude unweathered substrates has gradually increased towards the present day; (ii) the erosion of high altitude soils has increased within the last 1000 yrs, possibly during the period of the 'Little Ice Age'; (iii) shifts towards an increased erosion of surface lowland soil occurred ~2000 and 1000 yrs ago and may be linked to an accelerated accretion of floodplain overbank deposits; (iv) there has been a significant storage of surface soil within floodplains, which leads to an underestimation of the importance of soil erosion in the lake sediment records; (v) the sediment transported by high magnitude, low frequency flood events has shifted in source from high altitude soils before ~1000 cal. yr BP to lowland and mid-altitude free draining soils after ~1000 cal. yr BP.  相似文献   

Sediment diatom and chemical analyses of cores from three poorly buffered extra-glacial lakes on the northeastern margin of the Canadian Shield (Cumberland Peninsula, Baffin Island) record interactions between aquatic and terrestrial spheres that were influenced by late Quaternary climatic conditions. Although differences exist between each of the lakes, notably with regards to the intensity of pre-Holocene catchment erosion and the timing of the onset of organic sedimentation, an underlying pattern of lake ontogeny, common to all three lakes, is identified. Although intensified watershed erosion characterized the Late Wisconsinan and Neoglacial cold periods, the lakes nonetheless remained viable ecosystems at these times. Sudden catchment stabilization during the late-glacial to earliest Holocene is associated with incipient organic sedimentation. Lake-water pH increased at this time, likely in response both longer base cation residence times as lake flushing rates decreased, and enhanced alkalinity production from sediment biogeochemical reactions. Subsequently, as the catchments remained stable during the productive early Holocene (c.9–7 ka BP), then gradually received a renewed increase of minerogenic sedimentation, the breakdown of sources of lake alkalinity resulted in natural acidification. Burial of cation-rich mineral sediments and the loss of permanent sedimentary sinks for the products of microbial reduction likely impeded within-lake alkalinity production, and catchment-derived base cations appeared ineffective in curtailing pH declines. The general nature of the Holocene development of these lakes is similar to that observed elsewhere on crystalline terrains, following deglaciation. Our data therefore suggest that catchment glaciation is not a necessary precursor for models of lake development characterized by initial base cation enrichment and subsequent gradual acidification.  相似文献   

Fire can alter sediment sources and transport rates in river basins, changing landforms and aquatic habitats and degrading downstream water quality. Variability in the response between environments, between fires, and with time since fire makes predicting the catchment-scale effect of individual fires difficult. This study applies the fallout radionuclides 137Cs and 210Pbxs to trace the sources and transport of fine sediment through a river network following a wildfire of moderate to extreme severity in the 629-km2 eucalypt-forested Nattai River water-supply catchment near Sydney, Australia. The tracer analysis showed that post-fire erosion caused a switch in fine (< 10 µm) sediment sources from 80% subsoil derived from gully and river bank erosion to 86% topsoil derived from hillslope surface erosion. The fine sediment phosphorus content increased 4–10 fold over pre-fire levels. Annual post-fire sediment yields estimated from suspended solids rating curves were 109–250 times higher than they would have been without fire. A large additional amount of sediment remained stored within the river network for at least four years, particularly in lower-gradient reaches. Analysis of a sediment core showed that surface erosion following a previous fire had supplied at least 29% of total catchment sediment yield over the past 36 years. It is concluded that wildfire can alter catchment sediment budgets in two ways. Firstly, a spatially-diffuse pulse of elevated erosion is associated with moderate or intense rainfall events in post-fire years. Secondly, pulses of elevated catchment sediment yield are driven by the timing and river sediment transport capacity of runoff events. Severe post-fire erosion and high interannual hydrologic variability can result in large sediment stores persisting within the river network for many years. Fallout radionuclide tracers are shown to be useful in quantifying fine sediment sources and transport dynamics following wildfire, and the contribution of wildfire to catchment sediment yield.  相似文献   

The physical characteristics of surface sediments from a suite of pristine lakes on Signy Island, maritime Antarctic, were used to develop a quantitative link between catchment ice-extent and lake-sediment response. Percentage dry weight, median particle size, percentage loss-on-ignition and wet density of the lakes' surface sediments were the most significant variables explaining contemporary catchment ice-extent. Two independent reconstruction models – Partial Least Squares (PLS) and a Modern Analog Technique (MAT) – were applied to dated sediment cores at two sites on Signy Island. The validity of the reconstructions was tested against historical information on catchment ice-extent. With sufficiently high sedimentation rates and sampling resolution, the models can predict sub-decadal changes in ice-extent. The model results are best regarded as indicators of erosion resulting from meltwater activity in the catchment. Comparison of results with Twentieth Century climate records affirms the hypothesis that climatic warming is the most likely cause for the ice retreat observed on Signy Island during the last 40 yrs. Similar reconstruction models using these simple sedimentary measures could be developed for analogous locations in the Antarctic and in Arctic and Alpine regions.  相似文献   

At the geological time scale, the way in which the erosion of drainage catchments responds to tectonic uplift and climate changes depends on boundary conditions. In particular, sediment accumulation and erosion occurring at the edge of mountain ranges should influence the base level of mountain catchments, as well as sediment and water discharges. In this paper, we use a landform evolution model (LEM) to investigate how the presence of alluvial sedimentation at range fronts affects catchment responses to climatic or tectonic changes. This approach is applied to a 25 km × 50 km domain, in which the central part is uplifted progressively to simulate the growth of a small mountain range. The LEM includes different slope and river processes that can compete with each other. This competition leads to ‘transport‐limited’, ‘detachment‐limited’ or ‘mixed’ transport conditions in mountains at dynamic equilibrium. In addition, two end‐member algorithms (the channellized‐flow and the sheet‐flow regimes) have been included for the alluvial fan‐flow regime. The three transport conditions and the two flow algorithms represent six different models for which the responses to increase of rock uplift rate and/or cyclic variation of the precipitation rate are investigated. Our results indicate that addition of an alluvial apron increases the long‐term mountain denudation. In response to uplift, mountain rivers adapt their profile in two successive stages; first by propagation of an erosion wave and then by slowly increasing their channel gradients. During the second stage, the erosion rate is almost uniform across the catchment area at any one time, which suggests that dynamic equilibrium has been reached, although the balance between erosion and rock uplift rates has not yet been achieved. This second stage is initiated by the uplift of the mountain river outlets because of sedimentation aggradation at the mountain front. The response time depends on the type of water flow imposed on the alluvial fans domains (× by 1.5 for channelized flow regime and by 10 for the sheet flow one). Cyclic variations of precipitation rate generate cyclic incisions in the alluvial apron. These incision pulses create knick‐points in the river profile in the case of ‘detachment‐limited’ and ‘mixed’ river conditions, which could be mistaken for tectonically induced knick‐points. ‘Transport‐limited’ conditions do not create such knick‐points, but nevertheless trigger erosion in catchments. The feedbacks linked to sedimentation and erosion at range front can therefore control catchment incision or aggradation. In addition, random river captures in the range front trigger auto‐cyclic erosion pulses in the catchment, capable of generating incision–aggradation cycles.  相似文献   

1introductionThetopiconslope-gUllyerosionretahonshipinsmallCatclunentSofthendddiereaChesoftheYellowhiverhaslongbeenconcernedbyscienhstsinreleVantdepartmentSasthere~hresultwouldprovidescienuncbasisforop~erosioncontrolteChniqueanddeCisionmaking.AlthoughnumerousfieldStUdiesonedmentso~sinasmallCatchmentinthecoddlereachesoftheYellowmyerhavebeendriedcuLyetcurrentviewPOintSweredrawnduetodifferentresearchmethodsappliedTheproblemofsedimentsourcesonasmallcatClunentinthecoddlereachesoftheYellowhiv…  相似文献   

Runoff and erosion processes are often non-linear and scale dependent, which complicate runoff and erosion modelling at the catchment scale. One of the reasons for scale dependency is the influence of sinks, i.e. areas of infiltration and sedimentation, which lower hydrological connectivity and decrease the area-specific runoff and sediment yield. The objective of our study was to model runoff and erosion for a semi-arid catchment using a multi-scale approach based on hydrological connectivity. We simulated runoff and sediment dynamics at the catchment scale with the LAPSUS model and included plot and hillslope scale features that influenced hydrological connectivity. The semi-arid Carcavo catchment in Southeast Spain was selected as the study area, where vegetation patches and agricultural terraces are the relevant sinks at the plot and hillslope scales, respectively. We elaborated the infiltration module to integrate these runoff sinks, by adapting the parameters runoff threshold and runoff coefficient, which were derived from a rainfall simulation database. The results showed that the spatial distribution of vegetation patches and agricultural terraces largely determined hydrological connectivity at the catchment scale. Runoff and sediment yield for the scenario without agricultural terraces were, respectively, a factor four and nine higher compared to the current situation. Distributed hydrological and erosion models should therefore take account of relevant sinks at finer scales in order to correctly simulate runoff and erosion-sedimentation patterns.  相似文献   

The recent sediments of two lakes in the NE German lowland became seasonally laminated at different times. Anoxic bottom conditions resulted from a surplus of organic matter (OM), in the early stage indicated by irregularly laminated sediments comprising abundant iron-sulfide framboids. Their diagenetic formation predates the preservation of biochemical calcite varves. In the larger, deeper Lake Tiefer See near Klocksin, anoxia developed stepwise. A first anoxic pulse was contemporary with inflow narrowing by railway-dam construction and accumulation of OM. It was favored by a decrease of the intensity of lake circulation (turnover). Nutrients introduced from artificial fertilizer then increased the primary production (diatoms) to the point of OM surplus and seasonal laminae formation started 40 years later in 1924. In the smaller, shallower Lake Tiefer See in the Uckermark, a massive pulse of iron sulfide was centered around 1960, seven years after installation of piped field drainage into the lake. Anoxia developed rapidly with the nutrients drained from a fertilized groundwater catchment that is 10 times larger than the surface catchment, while surface erosion was reduced. Reducing bottom conditions became regular and the seasonal lamination was preserved after 1967. Morphological criteria to screen lakes for varved sediments should include reductions of natural lake inflow and catchment increase, such as by inflow of field drainage. Similar developments of increased nutrient input or intensity decrease of lake circulation may result from historical human activities but also from natural processes.  相似文献   

Interest in the Holocene development of small to medium-sized river catchments in Western and Central Europe in relation to changes in land use and climate has increased over the past years. In this study we reconstruct the Holocene landscape development and fluvial dynamics of the Geul River (The Netherlands) and the main forcing mechanisms of environmental change. Field studies were carried out and we used OSL and 14C dating methods to reconstruct the Holocene valley development. Our study shows that 2 periods of deforestation (during the Roman Period and the High Middle Ages) led to severe soil erosion and increased floodplain sedimentation in the catchment of the Geul River, possibly combined with periods of increased wetness during the High Middle Ages. Alluvial fans have been active since the Roman deforestation phase. Our results show that the Geul catchment is highly sensitive to changes in land use.  相似文献   

Resource development in the form of cyclical commercial logging activities results in a short period of often severe land disturbance followed by a prolonged phase of recovery. The monitoring of catchment sediment yield gives some indication of the gross erosion processes within the catchment as a result of the disturbance and may also effectively measure any ameliorative processes. Studies in Ulu Segama, Sabah, East Malaysia, recorded significant increases in stream suspended sediment loads as a result of logging. Stream loads were derived from a combination of daily sample measurements and storm event sampling using automated liquid samplers. Measured loads were then compared to computed loads from sediment discharge rating sets derived from the actual samples. Application of these ratings in the disturbed catchment initially underestimated sediment loads; however, a progressive overestimation of loads occurred as the catchment vegetation recovered. When using sediment rating curves as a tool to measure catchment erosion rates in disturbed environments, considerable caution has to be used. Vegetation recovery is reflected in the rapid recovery of stream water quality, making it necessary to continually review the rating.  相似文献   

High sediment delivery due to catchment and channel erosion can impact on waterway health and reservoir sedimentation. Methods that decrease sediment connectivity within the system are needed to address these potential impacts. Vegetation has the potential to decrease channel erosion and sediment transfers in dryland environments by increasing channel bed resistance and roughness. Detailed studies of vegetation and process interactions were undertaken within an ephemeral channel in SE Spain at three scales (channel network, reach and patch) by repeat surveys and mapping after floods. Connectivity mapping showed variations in vegetation type and density along the channel and that these influence sediment retention and channel erosion. Hydraulic calculations of vegetation roughness effects at 25 cross-sections down the channel indicate the influence of different vegetation type and characteristics. Particular attention was paid to the perennial grass Lygeum spartum because of its potential benefits in channel stabilisation. Sedimentation takes place within these reaches, mainly by trapping within and downstream of individual plants. Check dams have a profound influence on vegetation and sediment distribution in this channel but use of vegetated zones may be a more sustainable strategy of sediment control.  相似文献   

Sedimentation rates over the last 100 years within two lagoons on the southeast coast of Australia, Lake Illawarra and St Georges Basin, have been quantified to determine the effects of catchment land use change and native vegetation clearance on infill rates, and spatial variations in the rate at which the estuaries have filled. Both catchments have similar lake and catchment area but have experience different degrees of modification due to land clearing for agriculture practices, urbanisation and industrialisation. Results indicate that in the heavily modified catchment of Lake Illawarra sedimentation rates close to fluvial deltas can be in excess of 16 mm/year, and between 2 and 4 mm/year in the adjacent central basin. This is approximately an order of magnitude greater than the pre-European rates. In contrast, at St Georges Basin, where the catchment has experienced much less modification, sedimentation rates in the central basin appear to have remained close to those prior to European settlement. However, sedimentation rates in the urbanized margin of St Georges Basin are relatively high (up to 4.4 mm/year). This rapid modern sedimentation in the margin of the estuarine embayments has been detected in several other estuaries in the region. However the degree of sedimentation within the bay-head deltas, and more significantly in the central basin appears proportional to the degree clearance of native vegetation (forest) in the catchment, urban expansion and development of heavy industry in the respective catchment areas.  相似文献   

This study interprets the recent history of Lake Kivu, a tropical lake in the East African Rift Valley. The current gross sedimentation was characterized from a moored sediment trap array deployed over 2 years. The past net sedimentation was investigated with three short cores from two different basins. Diatom assemblages from cores were interpreted as reflecting changes in mixing depth, surface salinity and nutrient availability. The contemporary sediment trap data indicate seasonal variability, governed by diatom blooms during the annual mixing in the dry season, similar to Lakes Malawi and Tanganyika. The ratio of settling fluxes to net sediment accumulation rates implies mineralization rates of 80–90% at the sediment-water interface. The sediment cores revealed an abrupt change ~40 years ago, when carbonate precipitation started. Since the 1960s, deep-water methane concentrations, nutrient fluxes and soil mineral inputs have increased considerably and diatom assemblages have altered. These modifications probably resulted from a combination of three factors, commonly altering lake systems: the introduction of a non-native fish species, eutrophication, and hydrological changes inducing greater upwelling. Both the fish introduction and increased rainfall occurred at the time when the onset of carbonate precipitation was observed, whereas catchment population growth accompanied by intensified land use increased the flux of soil minerals already since the early twentieth century due to more intense erosion.  相似文献   

We examine sediment dynamics in an upland, temperate lake system, Lake Bassenthwaite (NW England), in the context of changing climate and land use, using magnetic and physical core properties. Dating and analysis of the sedimentary records of nine recovered cores identify spatially variable sedimentation rates across the deep lake basin. Mineral magnetic techniques, supported by independent geochemical analyses, identify significant variations both in sediment source and flux over the last ∼2100 years. Between ∼100 years BC and ∼1700 AD, sediment fluxes to the lake were low and dominated by material sourced from within the River Derwent sub-catchment (providing 80% of the hydraulic load at the present day). Post-1700 AD, the lake sediments became dominantly sourced from Newlands Beck (presently providing ∼10% of the lake’s hydraulic load). Three successive, major pulses of erosion and increased sediment flux appear linked to specific activities within the catchment, specifically: mining activities and associated deforestation in the mid-late nineteenth century; agricultural intensification in the mid-twentieth century and, within the last decade, the additional possible impact of climate change. These results are important for all upland areas as modifications in climate become progressively superimposed upon the effects of previous and/or ongoing anthropogenic catchment disturbance.  相似文献   

Environmental degradation, including shallowing, deterioration of aquatic habitat and water pollution, has arisen from the inflow of fine sediment to Lake Takkobu in northern Japan. The lake has experienced gradual environmental degradation due to agricultural development, which has introduced both fine sediment and sediment-associated nutrients into the lake. We have reconstructed the history of sediment yield to Lake Takkobu in Kushiro Mire over the last 300 years and have examined trends with reference to land-use development. Fifteen lake sediment core samples were obtained, and various physical variables of lake sediments were analyzed and dated using 137Cs and tephrochronology. The physical variables showed that all points contained mainly silt, except for two points close to the river mouths, where the mean diameter was < 35 μm. The peaks were defined as a “signal” when the physical variables were synchronous in a profile. These were created by floods and engineering works constructing drainage systems. The signal of canal construction in 1898 was detected in all core points. Lake Takkobu core samples contained two tephra layers. From the refractive indices of dehydrated glasses, the lower tephra layer was identified as Ko-c2 (1694) and the upper tephra layer as Ta-a (1739). A clear peak in the 137Cs concentration was detected at all the sampling points, except for the site close to the Takkobu River. This site showed two peaks in the 137Cs concentration, which was attributed to perturbation from flood events and a drainage project. The maximum 137Cs concentration was identified as the sediment surface from 1963, enveloped by the 1962 and 1964 signals. The sediment yield averaged over the last 300 years for Lake Takkobu was reconstructed for four periods using the signal, tephra and 137Cs as marker layers. The sediment yield under the natural erosion condition for the first two periods was 226 tons/year from 1694 to 1739 and 196 tons/year from 1739 to 1898. The development of the Takkobu watershed started in 1880s with partial deforestation and channelization in 1898, 1959, and 1962 leading to an increased sedimentation yield of 1016 tons/year from 1898 to 1963. Continued deforestation, channelization works in 1964, road construction in 1980–1990s, as well as agriculture development caused a further increase to 1354 tons/year from 1963 to 2004. Compared to the averaged natural sedimentation yield of 206 tons/year until 1898, initial land-use development in a catchment accelerated lake sedimentation, indicated by the 5-fold sediment yield. With increasing agricultural development since 1960s, sedimentation yields were highest for 1963–2004; a 7-fold increase compared with pre-impact conditions. To reduce sediment yield, riparian buffers along the rivers should be preserved or rebuilt, and sluices may function effectively during short-term periods of flooding. Environmental management policy and laws restricting uncontrolled and inappropriate land-use might help in addition to ensure longer-term environmental health by reducing the sedimentation rate.  相似文献   

As in other regions colonised from Europe within the last few centuries, Australia's vegetation and soils have been dramatically changed by clearing, cropping and grazing. In southeastern Australia, particularly on the Southern Tablelands, the impacts of European settlement are clearly manifested by channel incision. By using stratigraphic and documentary evidence, in conjunction with aerial photographs, sediment budgets for the post-settlement period have been constructed to define the fluxes and stores of sediment for each of the major geomorphic components of the 136 km2 catchment of Jerrabomberra Creek near Canberra. Using these budgets, and some plausible assumptions, it has been possible to approximate the history of both the sediment delivery ratio and sediment yield for this catchment. While the quantities estimated in this analysis are approximations, the trends through time are credible. Sediment yield increased rapidly to a peak after European settlement, and has returned to a level between the peak and the pre-European value. The delivery ratio has followed a similar trend. The most general conclusion to emerge is that in this landscape both the total sediment flux and the sediment yield of the catchment have been dominated by channel erosion. This result is contrary to the findings in many parts of the world where sheet and rill erosion dominates the fluxes. The soil conservation implication of these results is clear: to control off-site effects of erosion, the focus must be on the channels.  相似文献   

A radiocarbon-dated core, NC, taken in the alpine Blue Lake in the Snowy Mountains of southeastern Australia provides a Holocene record of sedimentation that consists mainly of organic clays. Two types of quartz grains are recovered from 81 samples from the core. One type consists of angular grains, with frequently shattered faces, which originates from granitic lithologies present within the small catchment area of the lake. The other type is characteristically rounded to subrounded, often textured with frequent silica coating and is considered to have been deposited within the lake and its catchment by aeolian processes. These aeolian grains are thought to have been transported along the main dust path that ferries aeolian dust from the Mallee region, west of the Snowy Mountains, as far as the southeastern Tasman Sea. Aeolian grains with the largest size occur over approximately the last 1.6 ka of the Holocene and this indicates an increase of climatic instability, with arid phases that commenced about 3.5 ka. At 2 ka, a wet period in southeastern Australia coincided with low aeolian input at Blue Lake. The period of consistent reduced aeolian activity spans the 7.6 to 5.5 ka interval at Blue Lake.  相似文献   

The magnetic properties of recent sediments from five short cores from Brothers Water in the English Lake District are compared with those from a set of catchment soil samples. From the comparison, it is concluded that bacterial magnetosomes have made a significant contribution to the magnetic properties of the sediments of the last five decades. This contribution is superimposed on a continuing erosive input of haematite-rich sediment from the parent materials of the catchment and may obscure any possible increase in surface soil input during recent times. The results highlight the difficulty of making sediment-source linkages where biogenic contributions to the magnetic properties of the sediment are important relative to the input of magnetic minerals from catchment erosion.  相似文献   

This study uses the Holocene lake sediment of Lake ?ū?i (Latvia, Vidzeme Heights) for environmental reconstruction with multi-proxy records including lithology, computerised axial tomography scan, grain-size analysis, geochemistry, diatoms and macrofossils, supported by AMS radiocarbon dating. Numerical analyses (PCA; CONISS) reveal three main phases in the development of the lake. Response to the Lateglacial–Holocene transition in Lake ?ū?i took place around 11,300 cal. BP. Organogenic sedimentation started with distinctive 5-cm-thick peat layer and was followed by lacustrine sedimentation of carbonaceous gyttja. Several findings of the peat layer with similar dated age and position at different absolute altitudes indicate that lake basin was formed by glaciokarstic processes. In the Early Holocene (until around 8,500 cal. BP), the lake was shallow and holomictic, surrounded by unstable catchment with erosion and inflow events. Predominance of diatom species of Cyclotella and Tabellaria, large numbers of respiratory horns of phantom midge pupae (Chaoboridae), high Fe/Mn ratio, as well as the presence of laminated sediments indicates the transition to a dimictic and oligo-mesotrophic lake conditions with high water level, anoxia in the near-bottom and stable catchment in the Middle Holocene (8,500–2,000 cal. BP). This contrasts with many hydrologically sensitive lakes in Northern and Eastern Europe in which the water level fell several meters during this period. During the Late Holocene (from 2,000 cal. BP to the present), the lithological and biotic variables reveal major changes, such as the increase in erosion (coarser grain-size fraction) and eutrophication [diatoms Aulacoseira ambigua (Grun.) Sim., Stephanodiscus spp., Cyclostephanos dubius (Fricke) Round]. Characteristics of lake-catchment system during the Late Holocene reflect anthropogenic signal superimposed on the natural forcing factors. To date, the Late Quaternary palaeolimnological reconstructions using lake sediment has been limited in the Baltic region. Therefore, findings from Lake ?ū?i provide important information about environmental and climatic changes that took place in this part of Eastern Europe. This study shows that the relative importance of climate and local factors has varied over the time and it is essential to consider the lake basin topography, catchment size and land cover as potential dominant forcing factors for changes in sedimentary signal.  相似文献   

This study contrasts the effects of human disturbances on two very different lake/catchment systems: Hatch Pond and Beaver Lake, New Hampshire. Hatch is in a steep mountain catchment remote from urban/industrial centers, and is a small, relatively deep, primarily seepage lake with moderate flushing rate. The catchment has been continuously forested, but disturbed by partial loggings and a forest fire. Beaver’s more extensive and gently sloping catchment is much closer to urban/industrial centers, and has been agricultural and recently suburban. Beaver is a larger but shallower drainage lake with much more rapid flushing than Hatch. We compared the sedimentary records and inferred limnological responses to catchment land uses and air pollution inputs of these mesotrophic lakes, and interpreted differing responses as a function of basic differences between the lakes and their catchments. Some chemical and biological variables in the sediment of both lakes respond sensitively to the first disturbances of the catchments by Euro-American settlers. Diatom-inferred Cl at both lakes indicates a modest increase of salinity at this time. Hatch sediment contains a record of soil erosion starting 1810 with first logging and fire. For ~125 years, erosion was largely of upper eluviated soil, but by 1935 it reached deeper into the illuviated (enriched) horizon. Maximal lake trophic state based on diatom-inferred limnological variables occurred in the mid-1900’s period of maximum sedimentation of illuviated soil. The sediment record since 1964 reflects forest maturation, and soil stabilization and acidification, but not lake acidification. At Beaver, the limnological effects of forest clearance and agriculture starting ~1700 were relatively mild due to gentleness of slopes and soil characteristics favoring stability. A near doubling of earth elements, and major increases in trace metal pollutants and coal combustion particles (CCP) occurred in sediment dating around 1900. Landscape analysis as well as historical and sedimentary records preclude the catchment as the major source of these increases. The most likely source is atmospheric fallout of CCP with its metal load. Despite controls on CCP and other emissions starting 1960, concentrations of earth elements and trace metals in Beaver sediment remain high due to soil mobilization by residential development of the catchment. The trophic state of Beaver Lake has increased, but the relative increase has been smaller than at Hatch, despite more intensive land uses and greater aerial inputs at Beaver. We propose that this lesser eutrophication is due to rapid flushing of Beaver Lake with stream water from relatively undeveloped parts of the extensive catchment, and lower sensitivity to nutrient inputs of this naturally more eutrophic lake. A major shift from unicellular to colonial chrysophytes at Hatch starts in the late-1800’s, and at Beaver in the early 1900’s. Colonial taxa in lesser quantities appear at the time of first settlement of the Beaver catchment. At both lakes the shifts are correlated with increasing metal fluxes from the opening of catchment biogeochemical cycles, as with the aforementioned erosional sequence at Hatch. But at Hatch aerial inputs of trace metals, and at Beaver aerial inputs major and trace metals associated with CCP are also correlated with the major chrysophyte shift. It appears that the chrysophytes have responded to stressors associated with both catchment disturbance and regional atmospheric inputs.  相似文献   

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