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2005年9月30日,江苏省政府主持了南通市和盐城市海域行政区域界线(安台线)协议书的签字仪式,两市的海域界线得以基本勘定.勘界协议书中明确,蒋家沙竹根沙海域由省实行统一管理,待时机成熟后再进行划界.江苏省政府办公厅为此专门下发了文件.为落实文件精神,加强省管蒋家沙竹根沙海域的海洋与渔业行政管理,根据省政府领导同志指示,江苏省海洋与渔业局决定成立江苏省蒋家沙竹根沙海域管理委员会.  相似文献   

根据江苏省人民政府办公厅《关于对蒋家沙竹根沙海域实行省统一管理的通知》精神,江苏省海洋与渔业局于2006年3月10日在南京市成立了"江苏省蒋家沙竹根沙海域管理委员会"(以下简称"两沙"海管会),下设办公室挂靠在江苏省海洋渔业指挥部,具体负责"两沙"海域内的海洋与渔业行政管理工作,依法受理"两沙"海域渔业用海申请并进行审核.为平稳推进"两沙"海域重新确权工作,围绕"科学用海、团结管海、依法治海"三原则以及"科学用海的示范区、团结管海的和谐区、安全生产的放心区"的建设目标,我们要统一思想,强化管理,不断开创和谐"两沙"新局面.  相似文献   

蒋家沙和竹根沙海域位于江苏省南通、盐城两市海域的交界处,是江苏省沿海辐射沙洲的核心区,总面积达593.7平方千米.该海域不仅海洋生物种类多样,海洋资源也非常丰富,被广大沿海渔民誉为"海上聚宝盆".  相似文献   

江苏省人民政府在划定南通、盐城两市间海域行政区域界线的同时,从缓解用海矛盾、便于管理、促进稳定和谐的高度出发,决定将蒋家沙竹根沙海域(以下简称"两沙"海域)划归省管,并要求将"两沙"海域建成全省安全生产的放心区.  相似文献   

2005年10月,根据国务院的统一部署,江苏省依法勘定了南通、盐城两市的大部分海域行政区划界线。依据《海域使用管理法》,江苏省政府决定,尚未确界的蒋家沙海域和竹根沙海域(以下简称"两沙"海域),位于南通与盐城市交界处,涉及毗邻两市三县,即盐城市的东台县(市)和南通市的如东县、海安县,总面积593.7平方千米,由江苏省实行统一管理。江苏省管海域内的海洋与渔业行政管理权由江苏省海洋与渔业局统一行使,涉及公安、司法等管理的,由有关部门指定管辖。"两沙"海域地处江苏省辐射沙洲沙脊群中部,受众多沙槽海流冲击以及沿岸流系变化的影响,局部沙洲滩涂年际消长明显;由此也形成辐射沙洲海域特殊的地理地貌和十分丰富的基础饵料,使其成为吕四渔场多种水产经济生物的繁育场所,持续不断地为吕四渔场主要捕捞对象补充新生群体。"两沙"海域的开发利用是江苏省海洋与渔业事业的重要组成部分,也关系到盐城和南通沿海经济的健康稳定。因此,根据"两沙"海洋区划组建"两沙"管理机构,负责落实相关管理责任非常必要。按照法律授权和江苏省政府意见,参照"湖管会"模式,江苏省海洋与渔业局组建"海管会",即组建由两市三县人民政府和海洋与渔业行政主管部门领导、有关乡镇领导以及公安、边防领导参加的江苏省蒋家沙竹根沙海域管理委员会(以下简称"海管会"),海管会下设办公室为其日常办事机构和江苏省海洋与渔业局的派出机构,直属江苏省海洋与渔业局领导。海管会办公室(以下简称"海管办")具体负责"两沙"海域内海洋与渔业行政管理,依法受理"两沙"海域使用申请。  相似文献   

蒋家沙竹根沙海域位于江苏省南通市和盐城市交界处,总面积达593.7平方千米.该海域受众多沙槽海流冲击以及沿岸流系变化影响,导致局部沙洲滩涂年际消长明显,造就了辐射沙洲海域特殊的地理地貌和十分丰富的基础饵料,成为吕四渔场多种水产经济生物的繁育场所."  相似文献   

在江苏省蒋家沙竹根沙海域(以下简称"两沙"海域)使用管理的实践中应该不断探索和完善"分批确权、分步推进"的工作思路,及时调整不同时期、不同阶段的工作方法,认真把握时机和进度.同时应注重有偿使用问题的研究和解决,坚持依法行政,开拓性地实践和丰富国家海域有偿使用制度内涵,努力维护海域所有者权益.  相似文献   

寒来暑往,江苏省蒋家沙竹根沙海域管理委员会办公室(以下简称"两沙"海管办)成立已近三年,我有幸被海管办聘为"两沙"海域"行风监督员"和"特别协管员",曾参加老坝港紫菜养殖企业海域申请纠纷调解二十多次,用心感受着每一场海域纠纷调解的艰难,用心体会着"两沙"海管办工作人员的辛劳和酸苦.我将参加海域纠纷协调过程中的所感所悟表达出来,以抚平激动的心情.  相似文献   

2005年10月,根据国务院的统一部署,江苏省依法勘定了南通、盐城两市的大部分海域行政区划界线。依据《海域使用管理法》,江苏省政府决定,尚未确界的蒋家沙海域和竹根沙海域(以下简称"两沙"海域),位于南通与盐城市交界处,涉及毗邻两市三县,即盐城市的东台县(市)和南通市的如东县、海安县,总面积593.7平方千米,由江苏省实行统一管理。江苏省管海域内的海洋与渔业行政管理权由江苏省海洋与渔业局统一行使,涉及公安、司法等管理的,由有关部门指定管辖。  相似文献   

江苏省蒋家沙竹根沙海域(以下简称"两沙"海域)是南通、盐城两市贝类增养、护养和紫菜养殖等渔业生产活动的重要场所,"两沙"海域附近水域也是海上作业渔船传统的避风抛锚点,每逢大风或节假日都有渔船锚泊该地.  相似文献   

采用高效毛细管电泳法(HPCE)对酶解褐藻胶寡糖进行了分离分析,考察了缓冲液浓度、pH、电压及温度等参数对寡糖分离的影响.实验结果表明在pH=2.5,100mmol/L 磷酸盐缓冲液中,运行电压20kV,电泳由负极到正极,温度30℃,235nm紫外检测条件下,酶解褐藻胶寡糖获得了高效分离.  相似文献   

由时域有限连续信号的部分频段值重构其它频段值的问题,可以转化为求解线性方程A·x=b的问题。奇异值分解(SVD)方法能够清楚地刻画算子A的值域和数值零空间,通过计算信号与所张成值域的正交基的内积,可以预先判断信号重构性能的好坏。数值计算表明SVDTikhonov正则解比Papoulis-Gerchberg(PG)算法在色噪污染情况下有更好的抗干扰性。  相似文献   

The macrobenthic production of an estuarine system was evaluated over a 14-year study period in a seagrass bed and in a sandflat. Over this period, the estuary suffered severe eutrophication and extreme weather events with important impacts on the community, impairing system functioning and ultimately the goods and services provided by the estuary (decline in the seagrass bed, decreased community production and/or a boost in the production by opportunist species, such as Hydrobia ulvae). Following the anthropogenic impacts, management measures were introduced which allowed a gradual recovery of the seagrass bed and a new macrobenthic community structure manifested by production increases of slow-growing species, such as Scrobicularia plana and Hediste diversicolor. There was a gradual re-orientation of energy into population biomass instead of population density but this was not translated into higher community production, mainly due to the decreased production of opportunist species (H. ulvae and several polychaetes). Several weather extreme events occurred during this post-mitigation phase - floods, heatwaves and droughts, all of which had negative impacts on macrobenthic dynamics and production. The heatwaves led to the greatest decreases in macrobenthic production, mainly due to S. plana perhaps associated with its physiological intolerance of higher temperatures. The prolonged drought that followed the heatwaves maintained low levels of production by S. plana and H. ulvae. With climate change, the frequency and intensity of extreme weather events are likely to increase worldwide so that the recovery of impacted/disturbed systems from impacts such as eutrophication may be seriously affected by these additional stressors, compromising attempts to improve the ecological quality of estuarine ecosystems.  相似文献   

Nadarajah [Nadarajah, S., 2008. Letter to the Editor. Coastal Engineering 55, 189–190] pointed out several errors in the paper by Muraleedharan et al. [Muraleedharan, G., Rao, A. D., Kurup, P. G., Unnikrishnan Nair, N., Sinha, M., in press. Modified Weibull distribution for maximum and significant wave height simulation and prediction. Coastal Engineering] which suggested a modified Weibull distribution for maximum and significant wave height simulation and prediction. In response to Nadarajah's [Nadarajah, S., 2008. Letter to the Editor. Coastal Engineering 55, 189–190] comments, Muraleedharan [Muraleedharan, G., 2008. Reply to Saralees Nadarajah. Coastal Engineering 55, 191–193] argued that there were no errors in the original paper by Muraleedharan et al. [Muraleedharan, G., Rao, A. D., Kurup, P. G., Unnikrishnan Nair, N., Sinha, M., in press. Modified Weibull distribution for maximum and significant wave height simulation and prediction. Coastal Engineering]. Here, it is pointed out that the response by Muraleedharan [Muraleedharan, G., 2008. Reply to Saralees Nadarajah. Coastal Engineering 55, 191–193] is at least as incorrect as Muraleedharan et al. [Muraleedharan, G., Rao, A. D., Kurup, P. G., Unnikrishnan Nair, N., Sinha, M., in press. Modified Weibull distribution for maximum and significant wave height simulation and prediction. Coastal Engineering].  相似文献   

As follows from the statement of the Third Official Solar Cycle 24 Prediction Panel created by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), and the International Space Environment Service (ISES) based on the results of an analysis of many solar cycle 24 predictions, there has been no consensus on the amplitude and time of the maximum. There are two different scenarios: 90 units and August 2012 or 140 units and October 2011. The aim of our study is to revise the solar cycle 24 predictions by a comparative analysis of data obtained by three different methods: the singular spectral method, the nonlinear neural-based method, and the precursor method. As a precursor for solar cycle 24, we used the dynamics of the solar magnetic fields forming solar spots with Wolf numbers Rz. According to the prediction on the basis of the neural-based approach, it was established that the maximum of solar cycle 24 is expected to be 70. The precursor method predicted 50 units for the amplitude and April of 2012 for the time of the maximum. In view of the fact that the data used in the precursor method were averaged over 4.4 years, the amplitude of the maximum can be 20–30% larger (i.e., around 60–70 units), which is close to the values predicted by the neural-based method. The protracted minimum of solar cycle 23 and predicted low values of the maximum of solar cycle 24 are reminiscent of the historical Dalton minimum.  相似文献   

Water exchange between a semiclosed bay and the adjacent sea, and its relation to atmospheric forcing is examined from a field experiment undertaken in the Bay of Kaštela (Adriatic Sea, Yugoslavia). Four ‘Aanderaa’ RCM4 current meters were attached on a single mooring in a 45 m deep inlet of the Bay for about two months. Water samples were taken for phytoplankton and bacteria determination at several additional stations. Salinity, temperature measurements, and determinations of the Secchi-disc depth were also made. Samples were taken approximately each week during the current measurement period so as to resolve the synoptic time scale. In the first part of the current measurement period the water was stratified, while in the second part the entire water column became vertically mixed after a strong wind event. During stratified conditions kinetic energy was at a maximum in the intermediate layer, while during homogeneous conditions the kinetic energy was trapped mainly in the bottom layer. Vertical modal structure of the current field showed that during homogeneous conditions wind induced surface flow was 180° out of phase with respect to the bottom flow. The current reversal appeared at the depth between 8 and 20 m. Under stratified conditions the surface flow was in phase with the bottom flow and water entered the Bay on one side of the inlet in the whole water column and left on the other side. These water exchange structures were reflected in the horizontal distribution of density, bacteria, Secchi-disc data and phytoplankton composition.  相似文献   

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