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海洋表层沉积物再悬浮的诱因及其对生源要素循环的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
颗粒物质在向海底沉降的同时,在自然因素、生物扰动以及人为因素等作用下,海洋表层沉积物会再悬浮,从而引起生源要素在海水和沉积物中的再分配,进而对生物食物网、初级生产力产生影响。特别是在陆架边缘海,由于海水较浅,再悬浮剧烈,对生源要素的垂直转移及其生物地球化学过程影响严重,由于再悬浮的诱因很多,过程复杂,所以定量研究表层沉积物的再悬浮还有很多困难。作者将主要对表层沉积物再悬浮的诱因及其对生源要素循环的影响进行总结归纳,以期促进这方面的研究。  相似文献   

氮(N)是生物生命活动的基本营养元素,N循环是整个生物圈物质和能量循环的重要组成部分。近几十年来,环境和资源问题的日益突出促进了人们对海洋生态系统的研究及对海洋资源的开发和利用,海洋中的N循环亦受到了广泛关注。尤其是20世纪90年代以来,随着国际地圈与生物圈计划(IGBP)、全球海洋通量联合研究(JGOFS)、全球海洋生态系统动力学研究(GLOBEC)等重大国际合作计划的实施,海洋中的N循环研究取得了重大进展。 本文主要对海洋沉积物中的N循环过程进行了阐述,包括海洋沉积物中N的生物地球化学循环(海洋中N与生物生产过程的关系、早期成岩作用及N的去营养化、沉积物中N循环及其控制机制、颗粒N的形成及其功能、N与其他生源要素循环的关系)及沉积物中N循环的研究方法等,以期对进一步开展N循环的研究有所帮助。  相似文献   

低氧环境对沉积物中生源要素生物地球化学循环的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
杨波  王保栋  韦钦胜  孙霞 《海洋科学》2012,36(5):124-129
目前,低氧现象已经成为一个全球性的海洋环境问题,而且有逐步恶化的趋势,据报道,世界范围内的低氧区已经由20世纪50年代以前的20多个增长到现在的400多个[1]。尤其是在近海海域,由于人为活动的影响,造成了非常严重的富营养化问题,而由此所引起的低氧现象也日益严重,并已成为海  相似文献   

纳米TiO2 对海洋生源要素含量及威氏海链藻生长的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
探讨不同质量浓度纳米TiO2(0,4,8,12,16,20 mg/L)对海洋生源要素(N,P,Si,Fe)含量及威氏海链藻(Thalassiosira weissflogii)生长的影响。实验结果表明:随纳米二氧化钛浓度增大,对海洋生源要素的吸附率有不同程度的提高,海洋生源要素含量下降,对磷和铁的影响最为明显;纳米二氧化钛吸附对氮磷比和硅磷比影响很大,氮磷比为68~126,硅磷比为74~135,而对硅氮比影响很小基本维持在1。纳米二氧化钛对威氏海链藻生长有明显抑制,并存在剂量—效应关系,与海洋生源要素含量影响存在相关性。  相似文献   

王文婷  王朝晖  刘磊  康伟 《海洋通报》2019,38(6):690-697
分别于2016年11月、2018年4月、2016年7月、2014年11月采集了福建东山湾、福宁湾、浙江象山港以及江苏大丰港52个表层沉积物样品,分析了表层沉积物中总有机碳(TOC)、总氮(TN)、总磷(TP)、生物硅(BSi)、有机质(OM)及含水率(MC)的含量。TOC、TN、TP、BSi、OM及MC含量分别为:0.35%~1.52%,0.08%~0.32%,0.020%~0.074%,0.28%~1.89%,1.86%~9.53%,19.55%~52.55%。福宁湾TN和BSi含量较高,东山湾TP含量较高,而象山港TOC含量较高。从元素之间的摩尔比来看,本研究中各港湾沉积物中的TOC均主要来自浮游植物等水生生物,而TOC的分解和再生速率应远高于BSi的溶解速率。根据主要生源要素污染评价标准,东山湾海域污染较严重,TN、TP、TOC均达到Ⅱ级污染标准。福宁湾及象山港TN、TOC均为Ⅱ级污染。而大丰湾海域总体污染较轻,只有TN超过Ⅱ级标准。  相似文献   

一直以来,对于测定从海洋表层到深层整个全水柱的颗粒物输出通量都是一个很大的挑战。放射性元素234Th因其合适的半衰期(t1/2=24.1d)和超强的颗粒物活性而被广泛应用于示踪颗粒物的循环以及和生物有关的海洋过程,并且234Th/238U不平衡法因其采样简单且能得到高分辨率的垂向和水平向数据而具有更远的发展前景。主要介绍了234Th/238U不平衡法的原理、发展历史、采样和分析方法及其在海洋颗粒物循环过程和其他海洋学研究中的应用、存在的问题和发展前景,并重点探究其对于研究颗粒物有机物再矿化过程和受控机制以及深海碳循环的可能。  相似文献   

张晖  母清林  韩锡锡  王悠 《海洋科学》2023,47(1):99-107
海洋石油污染是全球性的海洋环境问题之一,对海洋生态系统影响极大。本文综述了溢油入海后降解、转化及其随食物链的传递过程,分析其对海洋三大生物类群的毒性效应及可能的作用机制,探讨评价溢油环境风险的方法,并对今后的研究进行展望,为深入研究溢油的生态学效应、科学评价溢油的环境生态风险提供参考。  相似文献   

以富营养化的胶州湾一个柱状沉积物为例,用细化的铁形态分析及量化的铁氧化物还原活性相结合的方法研究了沉积物中铁的成岩作用过程。结果表明,这两种方法相结合的结果能更详细示踪铁的转化并能从多视角提供铁成岩作用的细微差别。这一方法有望应用于其它研究中更好地揭示复杂的铁和硫的生物地球化学循环。铁微生物还原在上部沉积物铁的还原中起重要作用,但12 cm深度以下铁被硫化物的化学还原为主要过程。最具生物活性的无定形铁氧化物是铁微生物还原的主要参与者,然后依次为弱晶态铁氧化物和磁铁矿,晶态铁氧化物几乎不参与铁的成岩循环。沉积物上部铁微生物还原的重要作用主要是活性铁含量高而活性有机质含量低共同作用的结果,且后者也是沉积物中硫酸盐还原速率以及硫化物积累的最终制约因素。对比研究表明,通过还原性溶解动力学方法表征的微生物可还原的铁氧化物主要由无定形和弱晶态铁氧化物组成,其总体活性常数相当于老化的水铁矿,且随深度增加而减低。  相似文献   

通过研究微波消解酸量及酸系、消解温度、消解时间、是否赶酸、是否加入 HF 等条件,得出了在加入12.5mL的4 1的NO3 -HCl时,微波消解温度175℃、消解时间20 min的情况下,近海海洋沉积物成份分析标准物质(GBW 07314)样品消解液不经赶酸(或经120℃赶酸后)直接以原子吸收分光光度计测定,其中Cu,Pb,Cd,Cr的溶出值在环境有效态标准范围内;Zn介于环境有效态与全量分析形态标准之间.基于上述条件,再加入2.5mL的HF后样品消解液经赶酸后测定,其中Cu,Pb,Zn,Cd,Cr的溶出值均在全量分析形态标准范围内.  相似文献   

黄海、渤海沉积物中生物硅的测定及存在问题的讨论   总被引:16,自引:3,他引:16  
叶曦雯  刘素美  张经 《海洋学报》2002,24(1):129-134
硅是水生态系统中构成生物群落的重要元素[1].海洋中硅主要来源于河流输入(4.2±0.8)×1014g/a和热液喷发(1.9.77;10)×1014g/a[2].另外冰川风化、低温海底玄武岩风化、沉积物的成岩作用和大气沉降亦是其来源之一[3].沉积物中的生物硅又称生物蛋白石(简称蛋白石),指化学方法测定的无定形硅的含量,主要由硅藻、放射虫、硅鞭毛虫和海绵骨针组成.沉积物中蛋白石的积累反映了生产力在时间和空间尺度的变化[4,5].对于生物硅的测定,至今已提出了许多种方法.其中最灵敏、应用最广泛的是化学提取法[6,7].  相似文献   

太平洋悬浮体特征及近底雾状层(雾浊层)探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2005年在太平洋12个测站分层采集了悬浮体水样及连续的水体温度、盐度、深度等数据.利用水体悬浮体含量在垂向上的分布特征初步分析了大洋雾状层的特点,并讨论了水体中悬浮体颗粒物质的来源,对不同海洋环境中悬浮体分布进行了对比,发现大洋水体中悬浮体含量总体很小,一般不超过0.30mg/dm3,但在一定水层内悬浮体含量相对较高,形成雾状层.雾状层在大洋内广泛分布,一般以表层雾状层和近底雾状层形式存在.大洋水体中悬浮体颗粒物来源广泛.表层雾状层的形成主要受透光层内生物作用的影响,而底质沉积物的再悬浮是影响底部雾状层形成的重要因素.因受水体物理海洋环境和物质来源的影响,不同区域水体中悬浮体含量不同,雾状层的分布不同.海山顶部受水流及岩石基底影响雾状层分布不明显,海山底部与开辟区洋盆海域雾状层更普遍.开辟区东西区由于物源差异水体中悬浮体含量差别明显,靠近火山喷口的西区水体中悬浮体含量明显高于东区的.  相似文献   

The concentrations of cadmium, phosphorus, and aluminum in size-fractionated phytoplankton, zooplankton, and sinking particles are determined using ICPMS to evaluate the roles of biotic and abiotic particles on the cycling and ratios of Cd and P in the water column. Plankton were collected with a filtration apparatus equipped with 10-, 60-, and 150-μm aperture plankton nets on two occasions (2002 and 2006), and sinking particles were sampled by moored sediment traps deployed at depths of 120, 600, and 3500 m from 2004 to 2005. In contrast to what our previous study revealed, i.e., that most of the other bioactive trace metals in plankton were strongly correlated with abiotic Al and adsorbed on phytoplankton [Ho, T.Y., Wen, L.S., You, C.F., Lee, D.C., 2007. The trace metal composition of size-fractionated plankton in the South China Sea: biotic versus abiotic sources. Limnol Oceanogr 52, 1776–88.], Cd/P ratios, ranging from 0.12 to 0.34 mmol/mol P, did not vary with Al and exhibited fairly consistent values among different sizes of plankton, showing that Cd was mostly incorporated on an intracellular basis. In terms of the sinking particles, fluxes in Cd and P as well as in Cd/P ratios were strongly influenced by both biotic and abiotic particles. Overall, the Cd/P ratios in the sinking particles ranged from 0.03 to 1.2 mmol/mol, with the highest value observed in traps at 120 m during the productive season. The lowest value was observed in deep water during high flux periods for lithogenic particles. At surface depth, flux and Cd/P ratios were elevated during the most productive season in the region. The elevated ratios in the traps at 120 m were most likely related to preferential uptake of Cd for the dominant species (coccolithophores) during the productive period. Relatively, Cd/P ratios sharply decreased with increasing Al flux in deep water and ratios were much lower than the expected Cd/P ratios obtained from the relative portion of lithogenic and biogenic particles, indicating that the adsorption of soluble P into lithogenic particles was significant in the deep water during high lithogenic particle flux periods. Using averaged annual fluxes and standing stock in the water column, the residence time of biogenic Cd and P are 0.10 and 0.20, 250 and 100, and 9100 and 5000 years respectively in the top 120 m, 600 m, and water column as a whole, also showing preferential removal for Cd in the euphotic zone but relatively higher removal rates for P in the deep water. Our study suggests that the shift in microalgal community structure along with input of lithogenic minerals are both potentially important factors in influencing Cd/P ratios in oceanic water on a geological time scale.  相似文献   

海洋浮游植物的脂肪酸:组成、功能及其生态学意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
脂肪酸在海洋生物的各种生理和生态过程中发挥着重要作用.浮游植物是海洋中脂肪酸的主要生产者,并通过各种过程被各级海洋生物利用.本文综述了浮游植物不同类群中脂肪酸的组成特点,各种环境因素对浮游植物胞内脂肪酸含量和组成的影响,以及海洋微藻中脂肪酸对浮游植物细胞及海洋其他生物的作用及意义;并探讨了浮游植物的脂肪酸组成在浮游植物...  相似文献   

南黄海海底沉积物声学特性及其影响因素试验研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
利用自南黄海中西部海底取回的沉积物样品,对其声学特性及其影响因素进行了试验研究,结果显示,研究区海底沉积物的压缩波速为1.359 ~1.695 km/s,剪切波速为12.5 ~70.9 m/s;颗粒较细的沉积物与较低的压缩波速、剪切波速对应,主要集中在研究区东侧水深较深处;沉积物的物理力学性质对其压缩波速、剪切波速的影响较显著,沉积物的温度和换能器的频率对上述声学两参数也具有一定的影响,而沉积物的包含物及薄夹层等影响声波传播的理论计算结果。给出了研究区海底沉积物物理力学各参数与压缩波速、剪切波速之间的回归方程,以期为国防、工程提供基础资料。  相似文献   

Reference elements, such as silicon, were used to calculate the effect of sediment in the gut contents of molluscs on the estimation of the total body burden of trace elements. A significant proportion of the aluminium, iron, manganese, and lead are contributed by the sediment in the gut of many New Zealand mollusc species. Local mineralisation is likely to produce an important contribution for elements such as chromium, vanadium, and nickel in some areas of New Zealand and the ingested sediment in molluscs from “clean” environments will result in the real body burden of some elements such as lead being naturally lower than the available data suggests.  相似文献   

Sediment traps are an important tool for studying the source, composition and sedimentation processes of sinking particulate matter in the ocean. An in situ observational mooring(TJ-A-1) is located in the northern South China Sea(20.05°N, 117.42°E) at a water depth of 2 100 m and equipped with two sediment traps deployed at 500 m and 1 950 m. Samples were collected at 18-day intervals, and 20 samples were obtained at both depths from May 2014 to May 2015. Large amounts of fecal matter and marine snow were collected in the lower trap. The fluxes of marine snow and fecal pellets exhibited a fluctuating decrease between May 2014 and early August 2014 and then stabilized at a relatively low level. Scanning electron microscopy observations revealed that the main components of the marine snow and fecal pellets were diatoms, coccolithophores, radiolarians, and other debris, all of which are planktons mostly produced in photic zone. Used in conjunction with the particle collection range estimates from the lower trap and data on ocean surface chlorophyll, these marine snow and fecal pellets were related to the lateral transport of deep water and not vertical migrations from overlying water column. Moreover, the source area might be southwest of Taiwan.  相似文献   

The west-central Florida inner shelf represents a transition between the quartz-dominated barrier-island system and the carbonate-dominated mid-outer shelf. Surface sediments exhibit a complex distribution pattern that can be attributed to multiple sediment sources and the ineffectiveness of physical processes for large-scale sediment redistribution. The west Florida shelf is the submerged extension of the Florida carbonate platform, consisting of a limestone karst surface veneered with a thin unconsolidated sediment cover. A total of 498 surface sediment samples were collected on the inner shelf and analyzed for texture and composition. Results show that sediment consists of a combination of fine quartz sand and coarse, biogenic carbonate sand and gravel, with variable but subordinate amounts of black, phosphorite-rich sand. The carbonate component consists primarily of molluskan fragments. The distribution is patchy and discontinuous with no discernible pattern, and the transition between sediment types is generally abrupt. Quartz-rich sediment dominates the inner 15 km north of the entrance into Tampa Bay, but south of the Bay is common only along the inner 3 km. Elsewhere, carbonate-rich sediment is the predominate sediment type, except where there is little sediment cover, in which cases black, phosphorite-rich sand dominates. Sediment sources are likely within, or around the periphery of the basin. Fine quartz sand is likely reworked from coastal units deposited during Pleistocene sea-level high stands. Carbonate sand and gravel is produced by marine organisms within the depositional basin. The black, phosphorite-rich sand likely originates from the bioerosion and reworking of the underlying strata that irregularly crop out within the study area. The distribution pattern contains elements of both storm- and tide-dominated siliciclastic shelves, but it is dictated primarily by the sediment source, similar to some carbonate systems. Other systems with similar sediment attributes include cool-water carbonate, sediment-starved, and mixed carbonate/siliciclastic systems. This study suggests a possible genetic link among the three systems.  相似文献   

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