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21世纪地质找矿既是地质技术问题,又是当代地质经济问题。为保障人类资源可持续利用,拓宽地质找矿的空间,不断增长科技含量,提高地质找矿效益,是面向21世纪的地质找矿方向。  相似文献   

本文概述了新、老矿区的战略找矿方向和基础理论找矿模式,提出测试、钻探及最佳找矿技术方法组合,强化组织管理是地质勘查的正确思路  相似文献   

21 世纪初期河南地勘工作的方向与任务要适应“人口、资源、环境”协调发展,实行资源、环境勘查并重,战略计划必须站在世界统一的矿业市场的高度,在社会主义市场经济条件下,适应地勘工作管理体制的变化,为河南可持续发展服务。要完成这一历史任务,应有全新的地学理论作指导,还须配以我省地勘技术全面现代化。在地勘工作安排中,要结合我省经济发展和社会发展的需要统筹安排,努力做好资源勘查、环境地质勘查、基础地质调查、地质科研和地质信息系统建设等项工作。并建议省政府在投入和政策上给予必要的支持。  相似文献   

首先综述了现在对全球油气资源量的估计和对 2 1世纪全球油气资源发展形势的预测。表明2 1世纪全球油气资源不会枯竭。未来 10 0年 ,不是世界上有没有油气可供开采 ,而是环境允不允许和在多大程度上允许以及用多大的成本开采的问题。在所有情况下 ,技术进步都起着关键的作用。然后从油气勘探角度对技术进步中的一项主要技术———多分量地震的历史、现状和发展作了评述 ,并结合国家 86 3项目关于海上多波地震技术研究的状况提出了进一步实施的设想  相似文献   

20世纪河南省基础地质研究经历三个阶段。第一阶段50年,随矿产调查进行。第二阶段30年,随矿产勘查和1∶20万区调开展。第三阶段20年,随1∶5万区调、矿产勘查、专题与综合研究广泛展开。为谋求21世纪初期河南省基础地质较快发展,作者认为应有新的指导思想、研究方法和服务方向,并提出知识创新、人才培养和经费保障三项成功战略。  相似文献   

21世纪世界的资源和环境   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
20世纪世界人口从15亿增长到60亿.而经济成长更为快速,自1950年至今已增长4倍.目前世界人口每年增加8000余万人,至2050年将达到90亿,世界经济是否能持续发展以提升或维持现有的生活水准,值得研讨.资源的消长和环境的变迁是具有决定性的两大重要议题.  相似文献   

China is a large marine country. Developing marine economy is an effective way to solve a series of problems with which man is faced, such as the want of natural resources, space limitation, the environmental deterioration, etc. This article analyzes the rich resources of marine biology, harbor, offshore oil and natural gas and coastal tourism resources in China and describes the developing features and regional differences of marine economy. To realize the sustainable development of marine economy in China, what we need to do are as follows: 1 ) to list exploiting ocean into national development strategy; 2) to realize integrated economy of sea and land; 3) to develop ocean by science and technology; 4) to perfect legal institution of marine environment; 5) to establish new idea of sea defending.  相似文献   

回顾了新中国成立以来山东地矿事业从崛起到蓬勃发展的光辉历程。五十年来,山东地矿职工艰苦创业,铸就了地矿事业的辉煌:地矿队伍不断壮大,地质找矿取得丰硕成果;地矿机构日臻完善,依法行政步入正轨;矿产资源开发和保护卓有成效,地矿经济稳步发展。面向新世纪,山东地矿职工将继续开拓进取,谱写地矿事业的新篇章。  相似文献   


With huge area, favorable light, heat and water conditions, rich biological diversity, and a unique ecological system of submarine sand ridges, Jiangsu tidal flat has great significance to its economic development. Based on the geomorphological characteristics, Jiangsu tidal flat is dynamically divided into stable, erosional and accumulative types. In light of resources distribution, evolution rules of Jiangsu tidal flat, existing problems in coastal management, exploitation and utilization, the sustainable development theory is applied to guide the comprehensive exploitation and utilization of tidal flat. Taking different regions with different local conditions in consideration, and in order to make economic development coordinate with local resources and environments, four regional sustainable development models, i.e. (A) Abandoned Huanghe (Yellow) River delta section for salt and aquatic products industries, (B) Sheyang section for reed, aquaculture and rare animal protection, (C) Dafeng and Dongtai section for agricultural comprehensive exploitation, (D) Nantong section for aquaculture and agriculture, are suggested. Meanwhile, the paper takes the guiding ideology of sustainable development to be reflected in modern integrated coastal management and legislation. Supported by Natural Sciences Foundation of Fujian (D 97006) and State Pilot Laboratory of Coast & Island Exploitation, Nanjing University.  相似文献   

There is great potential for agriculture in saline-alkali soil area in Songnen Plain, Northeast China. Butthe sustainable crop production in this area has been restricted by a few of main factors, such as less precipitation, higherevaporation and frequent drought, high salinity and alkalinity, high exchangeable sodium content and poor infiltration ofthe soil, and insufficiency and low availability in nutrition. It is also considered that there are a few of favorable condi-tions for agricultural development in this region, such as sufficient light and heat resources, rich ground water resources,plenty of manure produced by livestock, and so on. At the same time, scientific management and measurements havebeen employed; rational irrigation and drainage system has been established; reclamation, amendment and fertilization ofsoil, and suitable strategies of cropping practices have been made for the sustainable development of agriculture. Great progress has been made during 1996- 2000.  相似文献   

The environmental problems in the seriously polluted cities in China have been paid attention to by policy-makers and foreign and domestic scholars. However, it is very difficult to improve the environmental quality fundamentally due to its complexity, for example the formation of the seriously deteriorated environment. It is considered that the terminal harnessing is an important way, but the spread of high-level terminal treatment is restricted by the limit of funds and technological level. Therefore, the way for a sustainable development of the seriously polluted cities should be multiple-sided, which is to correlate the operation of environmental protection with the operation of city construction. To achieve an identity of these opposites, measures should be taken during economic development and environmental protection in every developing stage. In this paper, the authors take Benxi City as a case study.  相似文献   

21世纪高校GIS本科人才培养方案的研究   总被引:17,自引:3,他引:17  
地理信息系统专业是一个新办专业,就目前而言,从教学计划、教学大纲、课程设置、教材的系统建设等方面都还存在问题。主要从GIS本科的培养目标计划、课程体系建设、实践教学及教与学的关系等方面阐述了思想,以与大家探讨如何建设一个规范、成熟的地理信息系统专业。  相似文献   

介绍了三北地区荒漠化的基本状况与特点.探讨和分析了荒漠化的发生、发展对可持续发展的主要危害以及荒漠化与可持续发展的关系等,认为三北地区对中国的社会经济发展和生态保护有着重要的作用,荒漠化的发展将限制可持续发展战略的实施.必须积极开展三北地区荒漠化防治工作。  相似文献   

以安丘市为例,通过对1999—2008年间建设用地面积变化趋势的分析,以及对安丘市建设用地增加的驱动力研究,采用平均增长率法、回归分析法和趋势分析法,预测分析安丘市2020年的建设用地需求量;通过对安丘市土地利用现状分析,依据上级规划和其他相关规定,分析安丘市2020年建设用地供给量,以此来探讨安丘市建设用地可能的供需矛盾,提出有效的解决方案。  相似文献   


1 INTRODUCTION The Ussuri / Wusuli River watershed is located in the southeast part of Heilongjiang Province of China, which joins remote regions of Russia. The watershed consists of approximately 26 000 000 ha, which is about two thirds of the watershed ecosystem in Russia, one  third in China. The Ussuri River forms part of the border between Russia and China, the shared border stretches more than 1100 km. Khanka/Xingkai Lake lies within both China and Russia. Its total area …  相似文献   

新世纪版《中华人民共和国国家大地图集》编研项目的重要成果之一是《国家普通地图集》,而《国家普通地图集》的主要内容是分省地理图。新版分省地理图的编研,本着"先建库、后制图"的设计理念,充分利用国家1:1000 000基础地理信息数据库成果,并采用基于数据库的自动配图技术。本文主要介绍分省地理图的成果形态、编制技术路线、工艺流程和关键技术等。  相似文献   

井地联合地震勘探在陕北油田开发中的应用   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
陕北延安组含油段主要是各种河流相沉积,由于其沉积相的不稳定,使得储层厚度和物性在横向上变化很大.例如,本项目工区在相距300m的两个井中,在同一层位,一口井具有工业油流,另一口井却无油,并且无油井还处于构造较高部位.为了提高井位设计的准确性,降低油田开发风险,对该区进行了井地联合地震勘探.主要是在井中采用六级三分量检波器,在同震源的条件下,井中和地面弯曲测线同时采集,获得零偏和非零偏VSP成像剖面,过VSP井的4km弯线叠加剖面,取得了很丰富的地震信息,对该资料进行了精细处理和解释,得到了比较好的地质效果,为油田的进一步开发提供了重要依据.  相似文献   

Agrarian system is well adapted in Himalayan eco-system. Hence, the people have adopted the traditional subsistence cereal farming and it becomes the main stay of Himalayan people. About 80 percent of the workable force is attached with agriculture and its allied practices, according to the census of 1991. Although, horticultural farming runs parallel with agriculture, its proportion in terms of land is quite less, resulted in a negligible place in the economy of the region. Human resources, mainly men are attached with national security after recruitment in Army. While, women play a vital and integrated role in maintaining the workable potential in the field of agriculture and are known as backbone of economy. An animal resource implies foremost and wider part in agricultural system and economy as well Water resources are unutilized yet, while almost all the major rivers of our country are originated from and flowing through this region. Increasing population causes forest resources depletion. The economy of the region is rested either on ‘traditional cereal farming‘ or ‘money order based‘ development, which could not take place due to its remoteness from the main streams of the country. The impactof modern technology with innovation in agricultural system remains impracticable due to unwillingness of people in one hand and on the other hand, adversege ographical conditions like topography, climate etc. which could not permit the uses of modern innovation in the field of agriculture. As for infra-structurally, this region is lacked behind, due to its inaccessibility. While, this region is bestowed with numerous rivers, many places for tourists and pilgrims, and huge forest resources. They might be used evenly in thedevelopment processes. The practice of tourism will help for the further development, particularly, in the wake of the newly born state, Uttaranchal. The present paper aims to evaluate the present potentiality of resources and their balanced utilization in the Pindar Basin. A precise study has been done on resource utilization, ecology and environment with keeping view in mind that more or less exploitation of resources could not influence the environment and the economy of the region.  相似文献   

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