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~~STUDY OF RURAL TOURISM IN TURPAN ,CHINA@KEYIM Parhad$Xinjiang Institute of Ecology and Geography, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Urumqi 830011, P. R. China; The Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100039, P. R. ChinaBRAMWELL B, LANE B,…  相似文献   

Modern inbound tourism in China has been developing for 20 years, a trend line of inbound tourists in statistical data began to show. This paper introduces the concept of tourism background trend line, and explores its two functions as a barometer in demonstrating fluctuation in the tourism economy and as a forecaster in forecasting tourism development. The tourism background trend line is a new concept, the word “background” derived from environment science, refers to the “trend line” which reflects the dynamic curve or dynamic equation of tourism development without considering the impact of unexpected incidents. The introduction of this concept was inspired by Karl Marx’s comments on the relation between value and price. Tourism background trend line reflects the summary of multiple factors involving tourism resources, tourism demand, population growth, the scale and speed of economic development, and the spatial interaction between tourism origins and destimations. It demonstrates the natural and stable trend and the temporal law of tourism development in a country or region. The tourism statistical curve is at random, susceptible to disruptions and disturbances from serious political, economic and environmental happenings, but it always fluctuates around the background line. Tourism background line can reveal the potential of a country’s tourism development. Compared with the statistical line, it can be used as a “barometer” indicating ups and downs of tourism industry in the past. When naturally extended, the background trend line also can be used for forecasting the trend of tourism development in future. In this paper, 4 tourism background trend lines of China’s inbound tourists, i. e. foreign tourists, Hong Kong/Macao/Taiwan tourists, overseas Chinese tourists and total tourists from abroad, were established with statistical data from 1978 to 1996. And the impacts of the Political Event in 1989 (or Tiananmen Square Incident) on China’s inbound tourism were evaluated. The result shows that the impact of the Event was not limited within one year, but it stretched over 3 years. The total loss was 20 million in tourist arrivals and $1620 million in foreign currency income. The paper also studied the trend of China’s inbound tourism in the next 4 years. Foundation item: Under the auspices of National Natural Science Foundation of China. Brography: SUN Gen-nian(1961 —), male, a native of Xi’an City, Shaanxi Province, master of science, associate professor. His research interests include environment science, geography modeling and MIS for tourism.  相似文献   

In recent years, mountain regions are attracting great attention to Indian tourists in general and foreign tourists in particular. The potential mountain resources for promoting green tourism are enormous in the form of natural and cultural heritage such as biosphere reserves, flora and fauna, lakes and rivers and traditional rural resources. In order to utilise tourism industry market, uncontrolled numbers of tourists and related haphazard infrastructural facilities in the vulnerable mountain regions pose serious environmental implications. The ecological pressures are threatening land, water and wild life resources through direct and indirect environmental impacts together with generation of solid and liquid wastes, so green tourism is emerging as an important task in order to develop new relationship between communities, government agencies and private sectors. The strategy focuses on ecological understanding, environmental protection and ecodevelopment. The major attributes of the green tourism include environmental conservation and education and distribution of income to local people based on strong partnership. Various knowledge systems go a long way for achieving the goals of the green tourism, which creates awareness about the value of environmental resources. Mountains have ecological, recreational, educational and scientific values, which need to be utilised in sustainable way. Various tourist activities andfacilities need to be diversified in order to achieve multiple benefits including scientific field excursion, recreation in natural and cultural areas, community festivals and sport tourisms. Green tourism considers tourism development as an integral part of a national and regional development. The paper discusses the social, economic and environmental dimensions of the green tourism with particular reference to village tourism development programme taking empirical evidences from the Himalaya. Such programme also minimises biophysical and human vulnerability and risks in mountain regions. The environmental consciousness campaign and introduction of code through multi- purpose Tourist Resource Centres are gaining currency in above context.  相似文献   

北京休闲农业与乡村旅游发展研究   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
休闲农业与乡村旅游在我国已经有20多年的发展历史。北京作为最早开始发展休闲农业与乡村旅游的城市,具备良好的农业资源条件和旅游发展环境。至2007年底,北京全市实际经营的农业观光园达到1302个,观光园总收入13.1亿元,农业观光园和民俗旅游户接待人数达到2614.4万人次,休闲农业与乡村旅游的发展呈现勃勃生机。目前北京休闲农业与乡村旅游发展主要有农业观光休闲、民俗文化休闲、休闲度假三大类型;地域布局呈现近郊、中郊平原区、远郊山区三大圈层结构;与风景旅游区相结合,形成十大发展基地。"十一五"期间,北京市提出重点打造五条农业精品旅游专线,必将进一步推进观光休闲农业与乡村旅游的健康发展。本文从发展条件、发展现状和特点、发展布局、旅游线路组织等几个方面,对北京市休闲农业与乡村旅游的发展进行了全面、系统的分析和总结,并在此基础上提出了北京市休闲农业与乡村旅游发展对策与建议:合理布局、科学管理、加大投入、强化培训、加强法律保障。  相似文献   

沂蒙山国家地质公园地质旅游资源丰富,独有的岱崮地貌群景观以及长江以北最大地下峡谷的喀斯特地貌景观,且从超基性金伯利岩到酸性花岗岩的岩石地貌类型丰富。同时,地质公园旅游种类众多,且地质旅游资源较为集中,适合开展地质旅游。通过介绍沂蒙山国家地质公园概况和主要地质遗迹景区,并运用了综合评价法对沂蒙山国家地质公园主要地质遗迹地质旅游资源进行评估,评估结果显示主要地质遗迹景区的地形与地质资源较为独特,地质遗迹景观较为丰富,但文化资源方面未引起足够重视;景区的相关设施与交通建设尚可,但相对不完善,有待提高。目前沂蒙山国家地质公园开发适度,但保护的力度有所欠缺,应坚持开发与保护并重原则;地质科普教育工作没有得到有效宣传,应更加突出科普教育意义,体现地质遗迹的科学价值。通过地质旅游资源评估,对该区域的地质旅游资源进行重新的认识,激发游客和学者对沂蒙山国家地质公园的热情,实现地质遗迹价值,推动景区的地质旅游发展。  相似文献   

Based on the questionnaire investigation, the authors make a comparative study on local residents‘ perception of tourism impacts in Xidi, Zhouzhuang and Jiuhua Mountain. The result shows that residents of the three places tend to have strong and consistent perception of its positive economic, socio-cultural and environmental impacts, but distinctly diverse ones of its negative impacts. Residents in Xidi and Zhouzhuang also have noticeable perception of its negative environmental impacts while those in Jiuhua Mountain have weaker perception of them.The research confirms the fact that residents are more liable to have positive perceptions at the early stage of the life cycle of the tourist places. The authors conclude that there exists a nonlinear relationship between residents‘ perception and tourism development stages, and that tourism socio-cultural impact may appear at an early stage of tourism development instead of being no universal.  相似文献   

GIS在中国旅游资源研究与应用中的现状及趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着现代信息技术的不断发展,GIS在旅游研究与应用愈来愈深入。目前,GIS已经广泛的应用到旅游资源研究中,尤其在旅游资源空间分类、评价、旅游规划、旅游资源管理、旅游开发利用等方面取得了较大的进展。首先,本文综述了近些年来GIS在旅游资源研究中的文献资料,研究发现GIS空间分析理论与方法在旅游资源研究与开发中的应用较为广泛,但在旅游资源认知、分类及评价等方面仍存在一些尚未解决的问题。其次,在总结前人和课题组研究成果的基础上,对旅游资源认知、分类与标准化理论进行了相关论述。通过梳理GIS建模技术与空间分析方法在旅游资源信息提取与分析、旅游资源评价、旅游资源开发规划等相关研究成果中发现,旅游资源研究方法已从定性描述走向定量模型,应用成果不断增多,涉及综合评价、空间结构优化、空间布局与选址、空间发展趋势预测、空间利用规划等方面。最后,提出了未来在旅游资源知识模型、旅游资源图谱、旅游资源多维仿真以及旅游资源大数据等方面的相关展望。  相似文献   

针对现有的旅游信息化产品往往只提供对于旅游主、客体自身的属性特征信息的发布与查询功能,而很少对其空间特征信息,以及空间信息的相互关系进行发布、查询与分析,不能让用户对旅游目的地产生直观、形象的认识,面向旅游者、旅游企业和村镇管理部门,集成WEBGIS技术、多媒体技术、Web3D技术和虚拟现实技术,利用Commercial Off-The-Shelf(COTS)软件组件开发村镇民俗旅游景观三维展示构件。并结合村镇民俗旅游景点的平面、空间、图形、三维等多种漫游方式,对不同资源类型、不同区域自适应展示旅游景观,实现立体展示村镇的风景名胜、风土人情、休闲娱乐、旅游交通等,深入挖掘村镇地方特色,搭建对外宣传的窗口,促进民俗文化交流,保护优秀传统民俗旅游资源,势在必行。  相似文献   

用户生成内容(User Generated Content,UGC)作为感知旅游地物质空间的新型地理大数据,以使用者的视角描绘了旅游地的客观环境,是探索旅游目的地感知的重要途径。然而,传统的旅游研究对旅行摄影照片处理能力有限,深度学习图像语义分割技术的发展,为挖掘旅游者视觉行为模式,探索旅游地环境感知提供了有力支持。本研究提出了整合在线旅行照片大数据与问卷调查小数据的旅游者视觉行为模式与感知评估框架,并将其应用于鼓浪屿案例。首先将744条旅游轨迹,聚类为6类视觉行为模式,并可视化与时空分析;其次基于全卷积网络算法,量化22 507张旅行照片语义,探索不同视觉模式的旅游者关注要素的空间分异;最后通过照片语义与场景感知问卷调查的相关性分析和多重线性回归模型,评估旅游地整体视觉感知满意度,并提出相应的空间优化建议。研究表明:(1)鼓浪屿旅游者视觉行为模式聚类为单点游、海岛风光游、环岛游、街巷空间游、遗产建筑游和全岛游6类;(2)不同视觉行为模式的旅游者视觉兴趣区存在空间集聚现象,视觉空间转移遵循地理邻近效应;(3)相关性分析与模型结果表明,旅游者偏好空间开敞度较高的区域,感知满意度越低的区域...  相似文献   

传统的旅游行程规划往往仅被归类为空间排序问题,而对行程安排中时空耦合性与游客自身选择的灵活性考虑不足。本文将行程规划问题的理解从空间视角拓展至游客活动视角,从旅游节点时空耦合关系以及重构模式出发,将旅行中涉及到的时间、空间与专题等多维属性有机组织,进而提出行程时空链的概念模型以及行程要素时空衔接方法。研究以南京为案例展开模型实验,结果显示该模型与传统线路设计方法在节点名称、节点数量以及节点顺序等指标的匹配度均超过了80%,体现出较好的应用可靠性。相较于已有研究仅从空间视角展开的论述,本文提出以游客自身作为行程规划的基本单位,从游客行为选择、游览时间序列以及节点线路串联等多维视角进行映射耦合,以期为拓展深化城市旅游线路设计理论,支撑智慧旅游工程精细化建设提供理论支撑与借鉴。  相似文献   

Strengthening the regional tourism cooperation is the requirement of both tourism development and tourist competition drive. On the one hand, resources, products, market and infrastructure in tourism are characteristics of half-public goods, which are the externalities. On the other hand, tourism competition has evolved from individual scenic spot, or finn competition to regional competition, which also requires urgent regional tourism cooperation. In recent years, the regional economic cooperation has been becoming popular in the world. The triangle tourism zone of Liaoning Province, constituted by Shenyang, Dalian and Dandong, is the core region of Liaoning tourism system. This regional tourism cooperation has been raised for a long time, but has not made substantial progress as yet. In recent years, the strategic cooperation among them has been becoming urgent, along with the change of tourism competition models, as well as the desire for building a Northeast Asia tourist economy circle. Based on literature, this paper establishes a conceptual frame of regional tourism cooperation and applies it in the analysis of the strategic tourism cooperation of Liaoning Province's golden triangle zone. This paper firstly examines both qualifications and motives concerning with cooperation among the three cities, and believes that the biggest difficulties involve traditional ideas, administrative institutions, communications, economic performances, time constraints, and more overlap among their tourist markets. Then this paper continues to construct a cooperating mechanism, including participant arrangements, construction of operating mechanism and construction of assisting mechanism. At last, this paper proposes approaches to the strategic cooperation such as introducing Xiuyan County, strategic integration and developing differentiated and complemented tourism products.  相似文献   

地理信息技术的发展,推动了旅游业信息化的进展。特别是随着生态环境保护意识的增强,生态旅游的行为和内容也逐步纳入到旅游信息和旅游资源管理范畴中。本文采用Google Earth COM API,基于开放式KML数据标准,探讨开放式地理信息技术在旅游资源管理信息系统中的应用。与读者分享基于KML数据标准,对多元异构的旅游资源数据进行的标准化分类组织和整合的技术方法,介绍使用Google Earth三维数字地球平台提供的免费API快速实现旅游景观资源的可视化,旅游景观资源和信息的快速查询与空间定位功能,以及旅游景观资源的3D自动漫游飞行功能的实现途径和方法,归纳总结开发中的技巧和经验。并实际应用Google Earth COM API与C#.Net语言联合开发了旅游资源管理信息系统,为部门管理旅游资源信息和公众交互访问旅游资源提供便捷的技术平台,也为同类型的旅游资源信息系统的研发提供技术参考。  相似文献   

基于非线性动力学模型的旅游生态容量分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,大量增加的游客给景区的旅游生态容量带来了较大的压力,矛盾日渐突出。为了实现景区的环境保护与可持续发展,研究游客活动量与景区旅游生态容量之间的关系是十分必要的。本文从非线性动力学观点出发,构建二者非线性动力学模型,并进行平衡态分析。研究结果表明:(1)系统要达到可持续发展,必须建立在景区环境的自我更新能力及人工恢复程度之和大于外界污染水平,且游客的增长率必须保持在较低水平的基础上;(2)景区旅游生态容量的承载力是有限的,所能容纳的游客也是有限的,超过一定的限度就会引起生态系统失衡。采取严格控制游客量,加强对景区内外环境的保护和改善、提升游客素养等措施,对于系统的协调发展至关重要。  相似文献   

随着旅游者对休闲娱乐类旅游需求的不断增加,山地型旅游区已成为最受欢迎的旅游目的地之一,利用新兴且高效的轨迹记录方式挖掘山地型旅游区游客在小尺度范围内动态的时空行为特征和制约因素,对旅游区线路设计和旅游产品优化尤为重要,也将为山地型旅游区的深化发展和科学管理提供建议。本文以湖北省恩施州恩施大峡谷为案例地,基于“六只脚”平台的GNSS轨迹及位置照片数据,结合GIS在线地图绘制的景区路网和从BigMap平台获取的POI数据,选择GNSS轨迹栅格化的概念模式解析出恩施大峡谷游客轨迹的时空行为特征,尝试探讨与其他类别旅游区时空行为特征的差异,从而总结出山地型旅游区的行为特征,并通过网络点评数据和游记文本等网络文本挖掘行为特征形成的影响因素。研究表明:(1)月份和季相层面,游客行为5月游客量处于峰值,节日效应明显,短假期效应较强;淡旺季游客行为轨迹呈非集聚性,旺季游客量主要受气候条件影响呈不稳定态势;(2)游客行为轨迹于11:00—14:00游客量达到顶峰,日内结束时间相对较早,且兴趣点选择偏向知名度高的七星寨景区;(3)空间分布特征层面,受时空因素控制,单一路径景区轨迹集中度较强;(4)不同性别...  相似文献   

Tourism development surely has social, economic and environmental impacts on tourist destinations. The study on resorts residents’ attitudes can help understand the nature of tourism development and the extent to which it may influence on tourist destinations. By now, researches on residents’ perception and attitudes are plenteous in the international circle and achievements are great, yet few are found in developing countries. As a most representative cultural tourist destination, World Cultural Heritage—Xidi and Hong villages in Yi County of Anhui Province, are drawing the attention of both tourists and academic circles. This article, taking Xidi and Hong villages as examples, seeks to analyze ancient village residents’ attitudes towards tourism impacts and then tries further to explore the connection between tourism development and residents’ attitudes. Both qualitative and quantitative surveys are applied in the exploratory investigation into local residents’ attitudes of tourism impacts. Based on abundant face-to-face interviews with the local households, tourism enterprises concerned, local government and tourists from July to August of 2002, we are able to have a better understanding of local residents’ attitudes to community life, and perception of tourism impacts on society, economy and environment. By this we can promote domestic study on resorts residents’ attitudes, and provide some theoretical grounds for establishing tourism development planning and perfect community participation system at tourist destinations. Foundation item: Under the auspices of the National Social Science Foundation of China (No. 03BJY084) Biography: WANG Li (1974-), female, a native of Ma’anshan City of Anhui Province, master candidate, specialized in tourism geography, tourism sociology and tourism planning. E-mail: shine_wl@sohu.com  相似文献   

Tourism development surely has social, economic and environmental impacts on tourist destinations.The study on resorts residents‘ attitudes can help understand the nature of tourism development and the extent to which it may influence on tourist destinations. By now, researches on residents‘ perception and attitudes are plenteous in the international circle and achievements are great, yet few are found in developing countries. As a most representative cultural tourist destination, World Cultural Heritage-Xidi and Hong villages in Yi County of Anhui Province, are drawing the attention of both tourists and academic circles. This article, taking Xidi and Hong villages as examples, seeks to analyze ancient village residents‘ attitudes towards tourism impacts and then tries further to explore the connection between tourism development and residents‘ attitudes. Both qualitative and quantitative surveys are applied in the exploratory investigation into local residents‘ attitudes of tourism impacts. Based on abundant face-to-face interviews with the local households, tourism enterprises concerned, local government and tourists from July to August of 2002, we are able to have a better understanding of local residents‘ attitudes to community life, and perception of tourism impacts on society, economy and environment. By this we can promote domestic study on resorts residents‘ attitudes, and provide some theoretical grounds for establishing tourism development planning and perfect community participation system at tourist destinations.  相似文献   

Shift-share analysis has been confirmed a useful approach in the study of regional economics and many kinds of extended shift-share models have been advanced and put into practice in economic studies, but few have hitherto been introduced and applied to the tourism research in China. Moreover understanding the spatially competitive relationship is of paramount importance for marketers, developers, and planners involved in tourism strategy development. Based on international tourism receipts from 1995 to 2004, this study aims at probing into the spatial competitiveness of interna- tional tourism in Jiangsu Province in comparison with its neighbors by applying a spatially extended shift-share model and a modified dynamic shift-share model. The empirical results illustrate that exceptional years may exist in the ap- plication of dynamic shift-share models. To solve this issue, modifications to dynamic shift-share model are put forward. The analytical results are not only presented but also explained by the comparison of background conditions of tourism development between Jiangsu and its key competitors. The conclusions can be drawn that the growth of international tourism receipts in Jiangsu mainly attributes to the national component and the competitive component and Zhejiang is the most important rival to Jiangsu during the period of 1995-2004. In order to upgrade the tourism competitiveness, it is indispensable for Jiangsu to take proper positioning, promoting and marketing strategies and to cooperate and integrate with its main rivals.  相似文献   

Impacts of Yulong Mountain Glacier on Tourism in Lijiang   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
Introduction The mountain tourism has been repeatedly identified as potentially vulnerable to global climate change and has received greater research attention. Implications of climate change can be seen, for example, in less snow, receding glaciers, melt…  相似文献   

青藏高原地区壮美的自然风光、神奇的人文景观和独特的民族文化,使其成为国内外旅游者倾心向往的世外桃源,亟需进一步探究其旅游经济与生态环境之间的交互耦合关系。本文创建青藏高原旅游经济与生态环境综合评价指标体系,采用青海省和西藏自治区15个地市州2000-2017年面板数据探究旅游经济与生态环境协调效应及交互胁迫关系。结果显示: ① 2000-2017年青藏高原仅有拉萨和西宁旅游经济指数呈现快速增长趋势,其余地市州均呈现缓慢增长趋势,生态环境指数整体较高,仅有西宁和海东呈现波动增长趋势,其余地市州变化平缓;② 青藏高原旅游经济与生态环境复合系统协调度时序上呈现波动增长趋势,空间上呈现南高北低、东高西低的分布格局;青海呈现以西宁为核心,逐层向外递减的核心-边缘空间格局;西藏呈现以拉萨为中心,南高北低的空间格局;③ 青藏高原复合系统协同效应子类型主要是旅游经济滞后型,西宁和拉萨呈现“旅游经济滞后-系统均衡发展-生态环境滞后”的变化趋势;④ 基于双指数模型证实了青藏高原旅游经济与生态环境之间具有交互胁迫关系。  相似文献   

Tourism industry has become an important part of Indian economy, and tourism development has been, however, concentrated to a few areas. Accumulation of tourism activities has reached the critical stage in most of the tourism centers, which pose serious threats to the natural environment. The Bhyundar Valley of Nanda Devi Biosphere Reserve (NDBR) in Uttarakhand State of the Indian Himalaya is a burning example of such problems. Land use/cover changes, deforestation and accumulation of garbage are some of the negative impacts of unregulated tourism in the valley. Unsustainable activities of tourists and villagers in the valley make such problems very severe. To deal with the ongoing problems and ensure community involvement in tourism management and environmental conservation, the Biosphere Reserve Authority introduced ecotourism in the form of Eco Development Committees (EDCs) in the Bhyundar Valley. Study reveals that many problems associated with tourism have been minimized to some extent with the help of EDCs but few are still prevailing in valley. However, the existing attempts to conserve the valley from the negative effects of tourism are inadequate and modifications are needed in the current initiatives.  相似文献   

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