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The old reservoir areas built in 1950s- 1970s left behind many socio-economic problems, because of the administrative backward migration and little migration fund, and all these problems would be tied to land. Based on interviewing with peasant households, combining land use survey and socio-economic statistical index, this paper analyzed land use change and its corresponding driving forces in Linshui reservoir area of Dahonghe Reservoir. Results showed that land use change in the reservoir area was mainly embodied on low-lying land submergence and migration requisition land. The former changed the land use patterns, and the latter mainly reconstructed original land property and made land over-fragmented. Cultivated land per capita was 0.041ha in this area, below the cordon of cultivated land per capita enacted by FAO. Currently, there were still 30.25% of peasant households being short of grain in trimester of one year, and there were 35.27% of people living under the poverty line. The conditions of eco-environmerit in Linshui Reservoir Area were worse, and healthy and sub-healthy eco-environment accounted for less proportion, composed of green belt around the reservoir area and paddy field ecosystem, and economic forest and orchard ecosystem, respectively. The stress of the reservoir project was macroscopic background to analyze the driving factors of land use change, and real underlying diving factor of the land use change in the area was the change of cultural landscape under the stress of reservoir project. The rapid increase of population was the key factor to induce the change of man-land relationship in the reservoir area, the low level of rural economy was the crucial factor to decide how migrants input for production, and the belief of migrants, influencing the land use patterns in a certain extent, was the inducing factor to keep land use stable. The low-lying submergence and infrastructure construction accompanied the reservoir project were leading factors driving land use change in the area, while changes in land use patterns, after the reservoir being built, were the responses of peasant households' behaviors to land use change.  相似文献   

1IN TR O D U CTIO N Land isthemost essentiaplhysicalresource asnd mate- rialbasisforpeople'slif e(LIU,1996).Land use/cover change(LUCC ) isa key aspectofglobalenvironment change, andindicatetsheinfluencoefhuman activiti on physicaelnvironment.As we allkno…  相似文献   

1 Introduction Economic development in any country or region entails a long process of structural change in production as GDP and income per capita rise. In addition, economic de- velopment requires a long period of structural transfor- mation in materials inputs through reallocating natural resources (Cipolla, 1962). Land, as a crucial element and a key factor of production, is always the best witness of such transformations. In China, one of the largest countries in the world, 13.5% of its…  相似文献   

西辽河的老哈河流域土地利用遥感动态监测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文利用Landsat TM和ETM+遥感影像,基于知识规则的遥感分类及分类后处理方法对20世纪80、90年代末的半干旱的老哈河流域土地利用变化进行动态监测,并用GIS方法对土地利用变化及其空间分布进行了定量分析。结果表明:在这十年间,由于气候条件的变化及人类活动的影响,老哈河流域土地利用发生显著变化,变化范围占流域总面积的33.64%,土地利用变化主要表现为农、林、牧用地之间的转换。其中水体、滩地、林地、草地和未利用土地减少,大量的沙地和裸土地被开发利用;城乡用地和旱地有所增多,水田大幅度增加,农业耕作方式发生巨大变化。本研究为研究北方干旱化形成机理的生态-水文耦合模型提供重要的下垫面输入条件,为以后土地利用格局的改变对蒸散发和径流过程的影响提供重要的分析前提。  相似文献   

Human activities alter land use patterns and affect landscape sustainability. It is therefore very important to investigate the relationship between land use change and human activities. This study focuses on the detection of changing land use patterns in the Yanhe River Basin in northern Loess Plateau of China between 1995 and 2008. Landscape metrics were used to analyze the changing land use patterns and to explore the related anthropogenic driving forces. Results show that:1) Totally, 186 590 ha of cropl...  相似文献   

Land use/cover change (LUCC) is one of the main boundary conditions which influence many hydrologic processes. In view of the importance of Taihu Lake Watershed in China and the urgency of discovering the impacts of LUCC on storm runoff, two flood events under five land cover scenarios in the Xitiaoxi River Basin of the upstream of Taihu Lake watershed were simulated by distributed hydrologic modeling system HEC-HMS. The influences of each land cover on storm runoff were discussed. It was concluded that under the same rainstorm the ascending order of runoff coefficient and peak flow produced by the 5 different land covers were woodland, shrub, grassland, arable land, and built-up land; the descending order of swelling time were woodland, shrub, grassland, arable land, and built-up land. Scenario of built-up land was the first to reach peak flow, then arable land, grassland, shrub, and woodland. There were close relationships between the runoff coefficients produced by the 5 different land covers. The degrees of impacts on runoff coefficient of land cover change modes were sorted by descending: woodland to built-up land, shrub to built-up land, grassland to built-up land, arable land to built-up land, woodland to arable land, shrub to arable land, arable land to grassland, shrub to grassland, grassland to arable land, and woodland to shrub. Urbanization will contribute to flood disaster, while forestation will mitigate flood disaster.  相似文献   

Sutainable use of natural resources is different from sustainable development.As the most important natural resource,sustainable use of land resource is the essential guarantee of sustainable development.The nature of sustainable use of land resource is to retain the quantity and productivity of land resource from generation to generation.The evaluaton of sustainable use of land resource is an important method to ensure land-use to get onto the sustainable track.Furthermore,building index system is the key of the evaluation.In view of tendency of the evaluation indexes chosen so widely,the evaluation indexes should include only three kinds in the researches on the evaluation of sustainable use of land resourece.The first is the stock and structure index of land resource,viz,Areas quantity structure of land resources.In China,it is especially paid attention to the per person index of landquantity and rate between cultivated land farmland.The second is the productive index of land,which includes the productivity,potentiality,stability and renewal situation of land.The third is the sustained index of land environment .On the evaluation research of areal level,we should lay particular emphasis on statistic indexes.With a case of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region in China,the evaluation index system of sustainable land-use in county area has been built in this thesis,Using the weighted average method to calculate the means of sustainable land-use in each county,according to the land-using situation,all counties in the autonomous region have been divided into three types.(1)Sustainable Pattern contains 18 counties,which have higher land resource productivity,stronger sustained abilities of land environment.The economic benefits of land-using in these conties are obviously higher.These counties have gotten highly intensive farming,and tyey are all in the good circumstance.(2)Basically Sutained Pattern contains 48 counties,which productivity of land resource is of middle level.In part of counties are obviously higher.These counties can rapidly enter in a good circumstance.(3)Critically Sustained Pattern contains 14 counties,which are mostlyin the karst mountain areas.They have less stock of land resource,lower productivity and more extensive culitivation.The productivity of land renewing has been hindered.so it urgently need to be renovated.At last,the writers have explored the basic ways of sustainable use of land resource in Guangxi,China-(1)Retain the stock of land resource and strictly manage farmland uses.(2)Strengthen the value accounting of land resource,and control the farmland occupation of non-agricultural controction.(3)Depend on technology advanced,optimize the land-using structure,and promote the productive level.(4)Carry out land management all-round,and improve the ecological environment of land resource.(5)Enhance evaluation researche and land monitoring ,and promote the sustainable utilization level of land resource.  相似文献   

1INTRODUCTIONAstheadvancingofthestudyonhumandimensionofglobalenvironmentalchange,thechangeoflanduseisbecomingoneoftheresearchfocuses(IGBP/HDP,1993;IGBP/HDP,1995).Landusechange,combiningwithlandcoverchange,reflectstheinterdependenceofhumanandnature.Whilethestudyonlanduse/coverchangetouchesuponalotofquestion,thedrivingforceanditsdrivingmechanismaretwoofthekeyissues(IGBP/HDP,1995).Inthemeantime,theyarethenecessarybasisofdiscussingandforecastingquantitativelylanduse/coverchangebym…  相似文献   

河道湿地是流域生态系统中,位于水陆交错地带,关联陆地生态系统和水生生态系统的桥梁和纽带,对蓄水滞洪、净化水质和水土保持,以下维持生物多样性和生态平衡起重要的作用。本文采用1986、1996、2000、2006和2015年5期Landsat遥感影像数据对刘家峡以下黄河上游湿地进行湿地解译提取,并利用空间统计分析法、转移矩阵法和质心位置变化法对刘家峡以下黄河上游河段河道湿地演变规律以及驱动力因素进行研究。结果表明,1986-2015年,黄河上游河道湿地面积从17.3万hm2逐渐减少到12.2万hm2,减少了29.0%。研究区土地利用类型的转移主要发生在河流、裸滩、草本湿地与耕地的相互转化上。过去30年嫩滩湿地的变化幅度远大于老滩湿地,嫩滩湿地面积从1986年的15.46万hm2减少到2015年的10.41万hm2,减少了32.7%,嫩滩湿地演变规律为天生湿地型之间的相互演变,即河流-裸滩-沼泽湿地。而老滩湿地面积基本处在稳定状态,面积范围在1.84~2.28万hm2之间,具有天然湿地-人工湿地与天然湿地-农业用地的演变规律特征。水渠湿地、坑塘湿地和森林湿地质心位置变化较为突出,由单一类型动态度分析可知,研究区自然湿地萎缩、城镇化加速、河流水面面积减少加快。以上分析结果与研究区气温、水利水电工程、灌溉用水、凌汛期冰情以及城镇化程度均有关,与降雨量无明确关系。  相似文献   

The Three Rivers Headwaters Region(TRHR) plays a key role in regulating water supply and climate of East Asia. A comprehensive understanding of the processes and driving forces of the long-term land use dynamics of the TRHR is needed to guide sustainable land resource management and regional ecological conservation strategies. This study examined long-term land change patterns in the TRHR and investigated the driving forces of the change. First, Landsat TM/ETM+ images covering TRHR of four time points from 1987 to 2016 were used to derive land use patterns, and statistical metrics were applied to quantify the spatial and temporal changes. Second, Principal Component Analysis and correlation analysis were employed to analyze environmental and social-economic data to identify the driving forces of land use change. Third, potential influences of the religion of Tibetan Buddhism on land use change were explored using GIS analysis, questionnaire survey and field observation. Results showed that areas of barren land, agricultural land, and built-up land largely increased, while areas of grassland and forest greatly decreased, with the highest change rate occurring in the most recent decade of analysis(from 2007 to 2016). Among the three headwater regions, the Yellow River Headwater Region showed an overall higher changing speed than the other two headwater regions. The regional driving forces of change in TRHR includedsocial-economic development, climatic condition, pressure of population growth, and environmental protection activities. It was also found that Tibetan Buddhism can help slow down the changes caused by human activities.  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTIONTherecentandfuturedevelopmentofspacebasedremotesensingtechnologyhasbroughtareformationtoresearchworkaswellasformulatingsuitablepolicyforpopulation,resources,environmentanddevelopment.Throughrealtimeandperiodicobservationsofalargear…  相似文献   

This study uses DEM(Digital Elevation Model) data and remote sensing maps of the study area in 1993, 1999, and 2009 to analyze the slope gradient change of land use patterns in Qiandongnan Prefecture, Guizhou province, China. The land use data were classified into five types, forest, farmland, grassland, water and built-up, the slope gradients were divided into four grades. Indices for analyzing land use features were defined by their proportions, transformation matrixes, land use degree and changes.The results showed that all land use types can be found at every gradient. Generally, with the slope degree increased, the area of forest being augmented as well, while the area of the other land use types(farmland, grassland and build-up) declined. Moreover, a mass of farmland were shifted from other land use types from 0° to 25°, while a quantity of forest were transformed from the other land use types on 25° from 1993 to 2009. In terms of land use degree and changes, the area of farmland and buildup land use types decreased when slope degree increased. Finally, we calculated the five landscape pattern metrics: Patch Density(PD) value, Largest Patch Index(LPI), Shannon's Diversity Index(SHDI), Area-Weighted Mean Shape Index(AWMSI) and Contagion Index(CONTAG). The results of metricsanalysis showed that PD values, SHDI values and CONTA values had a similar variation trend, that is, they decreased when slope degree increased. There was no obvious variation trend on LPI value.  相似文献   

The Liupan Mountains is located in the southern Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region of China, which forms an important dividing line between landforms and bio-geographic regions. The populated part of the Liupan Mountains region has suffered tremendous ecological damages over time due to population pressure, excessive demand and inappropriate use of agricultural land resources. In this paper, datasets of land use between 1990 and 2000 were obtained from Landsat TM imagery, and then spatial models were used to characterize landscape conditions. Also, the relationship between the population density and land use/cover change (LUCC) was analyzed. Results indicate that cropland, forestland, and urban areas have increased by 44,186ha, 9001ha and 1550ha, respectively while the grassland area has appreciably decreased by 54,025ha in the study period. The decrease in grassland was most notable. Of the grassland lost, 49.4% was converted into cropland. The largest annual land conversion rate in the study area was less than 2%. These changes are attributed to industrial and agricultural development and population growth. To improve the eco-economic conditions in the study region, population control, urbanization and development of an ecological friendly agriculture were suggested.  相似文献   

TheSonghuaRiver,oneofthemajorriversinNortheastChina,hastwosources:thenorthsourceistheNenjiangRiverandthesouthsourceistheSecondSonghuaRiver.ThetrunkstreamoftheNenjiangRiver,risingatthesouthernfootoftheYilehuliMountain,is1370kmlonganditswatershedareais…  相似文献   

To satisfy the growing of land demand from economic development,a large scale of land reclamation from sea has been carried out in Inner Lingdingyang Bay in the Zhujiang(Pearl)River estuary in recent years.As a result,the tidal flat and the water channels became narrow,the frequency of floods increased,and the environment was un-dermined.Guangzhou Marine Geological Survey(GMGS)conducted an integrated project for marine geo-environ-ment and geo-hazards survey in 2003.With the integration of multi-temporal remote sensing images of 1977,1978,1988,1996,and 2003,GIS spatial analyzing approach and GPS technique,as well as field data and other background data of the region,this research investigated the comprehensive characteristics and the drivers of coastal land use dy-namics and shoreline changes in Inner Lingdingyang Bay.The results reveal that the reclaimed coastal land was mainly for agriculture and aquaculture in early years,but now they are used for construction sites of harbors and in-dustries,especially high-tech industry.  相似文献   

Land-use change is an important aspect of global environment change. It is, in a sense, the direct result of human activities influencing our physical environment. Supported by the dynamic serving system of national resources, including both the environment database and GIS technology, this paper analyzed the land-use change in northeastern China in the past ten years (1990–2000). It divides northeastern China into five land-use zones based on the dynamic degree (DD) of land-use: woodland/grassland — arable land conversion zone, dry land — paddy field conversion zone, urban expansion zone, interlocked zone of farming and pasturing, and reclamation and abandoned zone. In the past ten years, land-use change of northeastern China can be generalized as follows: increase of cropland area was obvious, paddy field and dry land increased by 74.9 and 276.0 thousand ha respectively; urban area expanded rapidly, area of town and rural residence increased by 76.8 thousand ha; area of forest and grassland decreased sharply with the amount of 1399.0 and 1521.3 thousand ha respectively; area of water body and unused land increased by 148.4 and 513.9 thousand ha respectively. Besides a comprehensive analysis of the spatial patterns of land use, this paper also discusses the driving forces in each land-use dynamic zones. The study shows that some key biophysical factors affect conspicuously the conversion of different land-use types. In this paper, the relationships between land-use conversion and DEM, accumulated temperature (⩾10°C) and precipitation were analysed and represented. We conclude that the land-use changes in northeast China resulted from the change of macro social and economic factors and local physical elements. Rapid population growth and management changes, in some sense, can explain the shaping of woodland/grassland — cropland conversion zone. The conversion from dry land to paddy field in the dry land — paddy field conversion zone, apart from the physical elements change promoting the expansion of paddy field, results from two reasons: one is that the implementation of market-economy in China has given farmers the right to decide what they plant and how they plant their crops, the other factor is originated partially from the change of dietary habit with the social and economic development. The conversion from paddy field to dry land is caused prmarily by the shortfall of irrigation water, which in turn is caused by poor water allocation management by local governments. The shaping of the reclamation and abandoned zone is partially due to the lack of environment protection consciousness among pioneer settlers. The reason for the conversion from grassland to cropland is the relatively higher profits of farming than that of pasturing in the interlocked zone of farming and pasturing. In northeastern China, the rapid expansion of built-up areas results from two factors: the first is its small number of towns; the second comes from the huge potential for expansion of existing towns and cities. It is noticeable that urban expansion in the northeastern China is characterized by gentle topographic relief and low population density. Physiognomy, transportation and economy exert great influences on the urban expansion. Foundation item: Under the auspices of Knowledge Innovation program Key Project of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (KZCX-2-308). Biography: LIU Ji-yuan (1947 - ), male, a native of Shanghai Municipality, professor, Director General of Institute of Geographical Sciences and Natural Resources Research, the Chinese Academy of Sciences. His research interests include environment and resources, remote sensing and geography.  相似文献   

Integrated transportation and land use studies are of major interest to planners because they consider the interaction between transportation development and land use change. Quantifying the impact of transport infrastructure on land use change is necessary for evaluating the role of transportation development in the process of land use and land cover change in the urban-rural fringe. Taking Qixia District of Nanjing City, Jiangsu Province, China as a typical urban-rural fringe area, this paper analyzes the patterns and characteristics of land use change along three major transportation arteries using land use data from 2000 and 2008. We examine the spatial differentiation and gradient of land use pattern around railway, expressway, and highway corridors to investigate whether land use change in the urban-rural fringe is related to distance from transportation arteries and to clarify the varying impacts of different forms of transport infrastructure on land use patterns. We find that construction land generally tends to be located close to major transportation arteries, and that railways have the most obvious influence on land use change in the urban-rural fringe, while the impact of expressways was not significant. We conclude that there exists a causal relationship between the presence of transportation arteries and land use change in the urban-rural fringe, but this relationship varies across different types of linear transport infrastructure.  相似文献   

Three-River Headwaters(TRH) region involved in this paper refers to the source region of the Changjiang(Yangtze) River,the Huanghe(Yellow) River and the Lancang River in China.Taking the TRH region of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau as a case,the annual evapotranspiration(ET) model developed by Zhang et al.(2001) was applied to evaluate mean annual ET in the alpine area,and the response of annual ET to land use change was analyzed.The plant-available water coefficient(w) of Zhang’s model was revised by using vegetation-temperature condition index(VTCI) before annual ET was calculated in alpine area.The future land use scenario,an input of ET model,was spatially simulated by using the conversion of land use and its effects at small regional extent(CLUE-S) to study the response of ET to land use change.Results show that the relative errors between the simulated ET and that calculated by using water balance equation were 3.81% and the index of agreement was 0.69.This indicates that Zhang’s ET model based on revised plant-available water coefficient is a scientific and practical tool to estimate the annual ET in the alpine area.The annual ET in 2000 in the study area was 221.2 mm,11.6 mm more than that in 1980.Average annual ET decreased from southeast to northwest,but the change of annual ET between 1980 and 2000 increased from southeast to northwest.As a vast and sparsely populated area,the population in the TRH region was extremely unbalanced and land use change was concentrated in very small regions.Thus,land use change had little effect on total annual ET in the study area but a great impact on its spatial distribution,and the effect of land use change on ET decreased with increasing precipitation.ET was most sensitive to the interconversion between forest and unused land,and was least sensitive to the interconversion between cropland and low-covered grassland.  相似文献   

The results of water sample analyses and investigation in the head area of the Changjiang River reveal that the characteristics of hydrochemistry of the river vary with drainage basins. In the drainage basin of the Tuotuo River, the mineral concentration of water is generally high, ions of Cl and Na are obviously dominant. The water tends to be salty, and the type of hydrochemistry is rather complex. In the drainage basin of the Dam River, the mineral concentration is mainly in a low and middle level, ions of HCO3- and Ca2 are higher than others, and the type of hydrochemistry is relatively simple. The ground water in deep layers plays an important role in recharging surface water, and the stable recharging results in little change in chemical composition of surface water.  相似文献   

Biography:CHEN Fu(1974- ), male,a native of Sheyang County, Jiangsu Province, doctoral candidate.His research interests include land use management.1 INTRODUCTION Land use change may influence a variety of natural and ecological processes, including soil nutrient, soil moisture, soil erosion, land productivity (FU et al., 1999), biodiversity, cycle of biographical geochemistry, and so on (VITOUSEK, 1994). So, it is very important that the studies of land use changes understand re…  相似文献   

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