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In the modern times ,the population growth,development of industrial and agricultural production and the petroleum exploitation,brought about the unceasing expansion of artificial oasis and abrupt increase of water demand .The artificial hydraulic irrigation engineering took the place of the natural river systerm,the reservoirs took the placeof natural lakds,which in turn enhanced the space-time redistribution of surface water based on the natural evolution,and so did groundwater.The groundwater recharge reduced 26.2% in 46 years from 1950 to 1995 in the southern piedmont fold plain of Tarim Basin due to mean yearly population increase rate of 27.7‰ and associated with the water use rate increasing from 24.6% to 58.4%.At the same time the artificial water system seepage give primary play to groundwater recharge,which is up to 57.6% whilst that of the natural system reduce to 33.7%.As a result,groundwater level drop 3-5m widespread except some irrigation area and surrounding of plain reservoir.Sping water discharge also reduce about 37.6% and discharge some continuously move away to the north with the value of 0.5-1.2km in the past 40 years.  相似文献   

Xiamen is an economically competitive and highly urbanized city along the coastal area of Fujian Province, China. The research on spatio-temporal variation of landscape heterogeneity under the influence of human activities is of great importance to the further study on the relationship of landscape pattern and ecological process. It is also crucial to the discovery of spatial variation and intensity distribution of human activities. The research analyzed the intensity of human impacts and the spatial variation features and dynamics of landscape patterns by introducing statistical theories and approaches. We analyzed spatio-temporal variation of landscape heterogeneity using the geostatistical techniques, such as semivariogram and Kriging interpolation.Results show that there is a higher correlation between landscape heterogeneity indexes and human impact index. Both the indexes show a moderate spatial autocorrelation as well as an obvious characteristic of anisotropy. From 1998 to 2008, the spatial differentiation of the changes in the intensity of human activities and the changes in landscape heterogeneity shows that the landscape patterns in Xiamen are closely related with the urban land utilization methods, the condition of traffic and geographical location and the physical geographical condition such as the terrain and the ecological environment. The process of urbanization has a significant impact on the urban landscape pattern.  相似文献   

As a very important component of a coastal system,tidal flats come to be a focus of the studies on land-ocean interaction in the coastal zone because those areas are subjected to intense human activities and are highly sensitive to the global change.The Quanzhou Bay,located along the middle part of Fujian coast of China,covers about 136.4km2,and the area of coastal wetland in the entire bay from intertidal to subtidal with 6m of water depth accounts for 96% of the total area.Seven short cores were collected and divided in situ with the interval of 5cm on the coastal wetlands of Quanzhou Bay on April 19,2006.The sediment samples were scattered and the grain sizes were measured by using Mastersizer 2000.Human beings' activities on tidal flat have disturbed the vertical distribution of sediments in stratigraphic sequence and accelerated the sedimentation rates.Grain size analysis results show that the grain size diameters increase and sediment becomes worse sorted towards the sea under the strong human disturbance;Spartina alterniflora can play a role of trapping the fine sediment;but near the bank,the sediment becomes coarse and there are two peak values on frequency curve influenced by the sandpile.The trough formed by human activities along the coastline changes the transport path of water and suspended sediment.The sediments are transported through the trough and deposit in it during the flood;the ebb flow is retarded by the flow output through the adjacent trough,and the deposited sediment can not be re-suspended;then,the sedimentation rate increases.In situ observation show that the sedimentation rate is about 8-10cm/yr.  相似文献   

I.INTRODUCTIONThearidlandinNorthwestChina,richinlight,heat,landandmineralresources,isoneofthebiggestpotentialregionsforeconomicdevelopmentinthefuture.Itischaracterizedbydroughtclimate,scarceprecipitationandthereisnoagriculturewitholltirrigation(Liu,1980).Waterisnotonlythemostvaluablenaturalresources,butalsoveryimportantenvironmentalfactorinthisarea.Theoasesandwaterresourcesforhumansurvivalanddevelopmentaredistributedmainlyintheinlandriverbasins.Atpresentexploitationandutilizationofwater…  相似文献   

1IN TR O D U CTIO NH istoricdaelsertificatiisonnotonlythekeyissueon theinteractiobnetweennatureandhuman proces,sbutalsothemost challenginigssueinthecomplex reltaionshipbetweenhuman andland.Previousl,ymostChinesesci-entistisnthisfieldcarrieoduttheiresearch…  相似文献   

The study on relationship between eco-geographic environment (EGE) and regional development (RD) is of theoretical and practical significance to promote the comprehensive study on nature and human factors and regional coordination development. Based on the evaluation index system and models of EGE and RD, Quadrant Analysis Method (QAM) and the Coordination Degree and Coordinated Development Degree Model (CDCDDM) were applied to studying the relationship between EGE and RD in Xinjiang in this paper. The results show that Xinjiang can be divided into four type regions according to the relationship between EGE and RD, namely high coordination region (HCR), overloading development region (ODR), low coordination region (LCR) and potential development region (PDR). Most areas of Xinjiang belong to LCR which can not bear a larger population and support large-scale economic development. HCR, ODR and PDR, which are mainly distributed in piedmont oases and take basin as unit, should be focused on in the development of Xinjiang. The EGE has great influence on RD, and there is serious contradiction between them. Relevant suggestions on development strategies were put forward according to the character of different type regions, and the key regions of macro-layout of RD in Xinjiang were pointed out.  相似文献   

LA-ICP MS zircon U-Pb dating results of granites from Sawuer Mountains in North Xinjiang, NW China, are reported based on 1:50 000 regional geologic surveys. Zircon U-Pb dating shows that the granitoids have magmatic crystallization age of 320 ±2 Ma. In addition, zircons with ages of 341 ~358 Ma could be subdi- vided into two groups, i.e. , Group 1 with a weighted mean age of 342 + 3 Ma and Group 2 with a weighted mean age of 354 + 2 Ma. The petrology and geochemistry of granitoids from Sawuer Mountains suggest their mixed origin. The granite from Sawuer Mountains occurred in an extensional setting, most probably related to post-orogenic processes during the closure of the Peo-Asian Ocean; namely, represent the tectonic setting shif- ted from compress to post-collisional setting.  相似文献   

LA-ICP MS zircon U-Pb dating results of granites from Sawuer Mountains in North Xinjiang, NW China, are reported based on 1:50 000 regional geologic surveys. Zircon U-Pb dating shows that the granitoids have magmatic crystallization age of 320 ± 2 Ma. In addition, zircons with ages of 341 -358 Ma could be subdivided into two groups, i. e. , Group 1 with a weighted mean age of 342 ± 3 Ma and Group 2 with a weighted mean age of 354 ± 2 Ma. The petrology and geochemistry of granitoids from Sawuer Mountains suggest their mixed origin. The granite from Sawuer Mountains occurred in an extensional setting, most probably related to post-orogenic processes during the closure of the Peo-Asian Ocean ; namely, represent the tectonic setting shifted from compress to post-collisional setting.  相似文献   

1INTRODUCTION Soil and water loss in the Dabie mountainous area is one of the most severe environmental problems in Anhui Province and the Changjiang (Yangtze) River basin as well.Itnotonlyresultsinenvironmentaldegradation,but alsorestrictstheproductionoflocalindustryand agricul- ture and hinders the sustainable economic and social de- velopment of the area, which has done great harm to the people's life and production there (XU, 2000; ZHANG and SHI, 2001). Since the 1980s, especial…  相似文献   

This paper explores the method of comprehensive evaluation of water resources carrying capacity and sets up an evaluation model applying the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method. Based on the data of nature, society, economics and water resources of the Tarim River Basin in 2002, we evaluated the water resources carrying capacity of the basin by means of the model. The results show that the comprehensive grades are 0.438 and 0.454 for Aksu and Kashi prefectures respectively, where the current water resources exploitation and utilization has reached a relative high degree and there is only a very limited water carrying capacity, 0.620 for Kizilsu Kirgiz Autonomous Prefecture, where water resources carrying capacity is much higher, and in between for Hotan Prefecture and Bayingolin Mongolian Autonomous Prefecture. As a whole, the comprehensive grade of the Tarim River Basin is 0.508 and the current water resources exploitation and utilization has reached a relative high degree. Thus, we suggest that the integrated management of the water resources in the basin should be strengthened in order to utilize water resources scientifically and sustainably.  相似文献   

This paper describes the paleoclimatic changesoccurring in the Chaiwopu Basin since 730,000 yr.B.P., together with theformation and evolution of Chaiwopu Lake based on the chronology and characteristics of a core drilled in the basin. Analysis of the drilling core provides information on the climate and environment of the area. It would appear that the paleoclimatic changes that occurred in the basin during the Pleistocene was controlled by the relationship between the sun and the earth and by Long-term (10,000 yr.) climatic cycles. The climate tended to cold-dry during the glacial period (ice age) and warm-moist during the interglacial. Following the warm period of the Holocene, short-term (1,000 yr.) climatic cycles occurred in cool-moist periods, similar to the “Little Ice Age”, alternated with warm-dry periods.  相似文献   

新疆阿尔泰克兰盆地及外围广泛发育花岗质侵入岩。对分布于克兰盆地西南部和东北部的花岗岩开展了详细的岩相学及年代学研究,旨在为进一步研究克兰盆地的形成和演化机制提供新的依据。研究的花岗岩类有中细粒含二云正长花岗岩、中粗粒二云二长花岗岩、白云二长花岗岩和中粗粒英云闪长岩,LA-MC-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb年龄分别为(404.6±4.7)、(386.7±4.8)、(395.6±2.9)和(406.6±3.1)Ma,表明岩体侵位于早—中泥盆世。结合区域年代学和地质背景的研究成果认为,克兰盆地花岗岩形成时代有奥陶纪、泥盆纪和二叠纪,其中泥盆纪花岗岩的分布范围最大,泥盆纪特别是400Ma左右为克兰盆地花岗质岩浆侵入活动的高峰期,与区域上一致。克兰盆地泥盆纪花岗岩与康布铁堡组火山岩时代大体一致,花岗岩侵位略晚于火山岩,花岗岩与火山岩的时空关系表明两者为陆缘弧构造背景下同一岩浆事件的产物。  相似文献   

A new dinosaur tracksite was discovered in a steeply inclined sandstone layer of the Middle Jurassic Sanjianfang Formation in the Shanshan area of the Turpan Basin. The site is the first record of dinosaur footprints from Xinjiang Province in northwestern China. More than 150 tridactyl theropod dinosaur footprints are preserved as positive hyporeliefs on the lower bedding plane of a fine-grained sandstone body. Most of the footprints are isolated and appear to be randomly distributed. Some show well defined phalangeal pads, heels and rarely indistinct impressions of the distal part of the metatarsus. Two distinct morphotypes are present: a larger type with relatively broad pads shows similarities to Changpeipus and Megalosauripus, and a slightly smaller, slender and gracile type which is similar to Grallator, Eubrontes and Anchisauripus. In both morphotypes, digit III is the longest with a length between 11.4 and 33.6 cm. A single imprint shows prominent scratches, probably formed during slipping of the track maker.  相似文献   

哈图岩体侵位于西准噶尔南部早-中泥盆世海相火山-沉积地层中,主要岩性为二长花岗岩、正长花岗岩及少量碱长花岗岩,是研究西准噶尔晚石炭世构造环境的理想对象。哈图岩体花岗岩中SiO2含量(质量分数,下同)为72.06%~76.53%,全碱(Na2O+K2O)为7.80%~8.57%,CaO为0.20%~1.58%,MgO为0.07%~0.42%,明显具有高Si、富碱、贫Ca、低Mg的特征;这些花岗岩的Al2O3含量为12.55%~14.06%,A/CNK值为1.06~1.15,A/NK值为1.15~1.36,显示其为弱过铝质-强过铝质花岗岩。此外,哈图岩体具有较低的稀土元素总含量((88.14~139.53)×10-6)和高的轻、重稀土元素比值((La/Yb)N值为3.04~6.50),在球粒陨石标准化稀土元素配分模式中显示为典型的右倾"V"字形且具有强烈的负Eu异常,表明源区可能有斜长石残留或出现斜长石的分离结晶作用;在原始地幔标准化微量元素蛛网图中,这些花岗岩明显富集Rb、Th、U、K、Pb等大离子亲石元素,相对富集Zr、Hf,强烈亏损Sr、Ti、P,相对亏损Ba、Nb。以上特征及主量、微量元素特征和图解表明,哈图岩体为典型的弱过铝质-强过铝质A2型花岗岩,其形成于造山后伸展阶段,是由洋壳和岛弧组成的新生地壳受上涌的幔源物质加热,在浅部低压条件下发生部分熔融,再经分离结晶作用的产物。  相似文献   

别也萨麻斯矿床是目前新发现的分布在新疆北阿尔泰以Li矿化为主的花岗伟晶岩型稀有金属矿床,具有独特性和代表性。矿区发育Li-Nb-Ta矿化和Nb-Ta矿化两类伟晶岩,二云母二长花岗岩是含矿伟晶岩脉群的直接围岩。在系统的野外地质特征调查(包括野外露头和钻孔岩芯赋矿岩系、矿化特征、蚀变类型等的详细观察)基础上,对含矿伟晶岩和二云母二长花岗岩开展了LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb定年和原位Hf同位素研究。获得锆石206Pb/238U加权平均年龄分别为(151.0±1.8)Ma和(449.0±4.2)Ma,含矿伟晶岩形成于晚侏罗世,二云母二长花岗岩则形成于晚奥陶世。含矿伟晶岩和二云母二长花岗岩的εHf(t)值分别为0.62~1.30和1.35~6.07,二阶段Hf模式年龄为1161~1118 Ma和1345~1037 Ma。含矿伟晶岩的εHf(t)值较花岗岩小得多,二阶段Hf模式年龄与形成年龄的差值较花岗岩大得多,表明两者是阿尔泰造山带在不同演化阶段下的产物。悬殊的年龄差、不同的大地构造背景与不同的形成物源表明别也萨麻斯稀有金属矿床含矿伟晶岩与二云母二长花岗岩在成因上并无联系,近矿花岗岩围岩并非含矿伟晶岩脉的真正母体。  相似文献   

大喀拉苏似斑状黑云母二长花岗岩出露于新疆阿尔泰南缘,是研究阿尔泰二叠纪构造环境的理想对象。采用LA-Q-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb定年获得其加权平均年龄为(261.4±2.1)Ma,属中二叠世。岩石具有高Si(SiO2质量分数为69.03%~70.94%)、富Al(Al2O3为14.18%~14.71%)、富K(Na2O/K2O值为0.70~0.87)的特征,A/CNK值为1.02~1.04,属高钾钙碱性弱过铝质花岗岩,显示I-A过渡型特点。微量元素表现出Rb、Th、Pb、Nd、Sm的相对正异常;Ti、P、Sr和Ba的负异常;稀土元素显示轻稀土元素强富集、重稀土元素平缓及明显的负Eu异常(0.55~0.82)。岩石的εNd(t)值和两阶段模式年龄分别为2.66~3.01和0.79~0.80Ga。综合区域地质资料和岩体地球化学特征,认为大喀拉苏黑云母二长花岗岩形成于后造山伸展环境,岩浆来源于地幔和地壳物质的混合,并在岩浆源区经历了分离结晶作用。  相似文献   

Most world natural heritage sites are designated partly by reason of their prominent aesthetic values in accordance with Article Ⅶ of World Natural Heritage Convention.In this paper, the aesthetic values of Kanas National Nature Reserve, which has potential for such designation, was analyzed quantitatively using scenic beauty estimation(SBE).The landscapes of 19 representative scenic spots in the Kanas National Nature Reserve in summer and autumn were selected as the objects of evaluation.The contributions of different landscape factors to the aesthetic value of the Kanas National Nature Reserve were revealed using a multivariate quantitative model.The main factors affecting the aesthetic value were waterscapes, vegetation, mountains, folk culture and the tourist environment.The t-test and F-test results are extremely significant.According to the results, some suggestions were given for conserving the landscapes in the Kanas National Nature Reserve.  相似文献   

Dating data, altitude of Neolithic sites, climatic changes from sedimentary records and previous research results were collected and analyzed to detect possible connections between climatic changes and human activities in the Changjiang River Delta in the Neolithic Age. The results indicated that hydrological changes greatly impacted the human activities in the study region. Low-lying geomorphology made the floods and sea level changes become the important factors affecting human activities, especially the altitude change of human settlements. People usually moved to higher places during the periods characterized by high sea level and frequent floods to escape the negative influences from water body expansion, which resulted in cultural hiatus in certain profiles. However, some higher-altitude settlements were not the results of climatic changes but the results of social factors, such as religious ceremony and social status. Therefore, further research will be necessary for the degree and types of impacts of climatic changes on human activities in the study area at that time.  相似文献   

关于西部大开发的哲学思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文运用哲学思维从八个方面探讨了西部大开发面临的重大认识和决策问题,旨在西部人民中唤起艰苦奋斗的创业精神,要把西部大开发的立足点建立在主要依靠中国人自己的基础上。  相似文献   

通过对新疆乌恰地区萨热克铜矿床的构造岩相学实测剖面研究,认为萨热克巴依复式向斜构造有利于盆地流体大规模聚集成矿,且萨热克铜矿床受构造和盆地流体作用影响形成南、北两个矿带。北矿带储矿构造样式为褶皱群落+顺层断层+层间连通性复式断裂-裂隙带,后期具有强沥青化流体侵入特征;南矿带储矿构造样式为传播褶皱+侵入构造+穿层断裂-裂隙带。典型钻孔及坑道的构造岩相学相体解剖研究结果表明:上侏罗统库孜贡苏组二段旱地扇扇中亚相杂砾岩为矿质的初始富集岩性,矿体在膝折构造及沿断裂构造侵位的辉绿岩脉部位增厚;层间和切层断裂-裂隙发育最密集构造应力区为富烃类还原性成矿流体提供运移通道及储矿空间;总体显示萨热克铜矿具有构造与成矿流体叠加耦合作用特征。  相似文献   

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