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用云南天文台一米望远镜卡焦摄谱仪(f=175mm相机),在哈雷彗星的日心距分别为1.11AU和0.83AU时,作了两次彗发光谱观测,得到了典型的彗发光谱。本文绘出了各带系清晰的分子发射光谱图及认证结果。此外,本文还给出了彗发CN的(0—1)带(λ4216)和C_3的蓝紫发射(λ4052)及C_2的(2—0)带(λ4365)的强度比CN/C_3和CN/C_2,其值分别为CN/C_3=1.03,CN/C_2=1.00。最后,我们还将结果与其他作者在这次回归中所得到的结果进行了比较。  相似文献   

本文主要论述用25米射电望远镜和自相关频谱仪于1986年4月13—17日(UT)期间在我国陕西眉县首次对哈雷彗星羟基分子1667 MHz射电话线的观测及归算结果。由谱线轮廓的幅度、宽度、形状和面积相继导出的谱线强度为-2.4Jy,膨胀速度为0.92kms~(-1),速度的一级矩为0.20kms~(-1),以及羟基的母分子产生率为1.7×10~(29)mols~(-1)。文中所给出的宇宙羟基源W3和W12的观测结果,分别用来检验设备系统探测射电谱线的功能及对哈雷彗星的羟基谱线进行强度定标。这些结果均同理论预期或以往的有关观测相符合。  相似文献   

本介绍了一种先进的图像数据压缩方法。它的压缩率可达50%,并且原理简洁明了,易于实现。此方法已首次成功地应用在国际哈雷彗星联测(IHW)光盘数据库的建立中。  相似文献   

哈雷彗星在日彗距较大时出现长而直的主彗尾(尾流),这是很有趣的。尾流一般是指等离子体尾流;但是,当地球接近彗星轨道面时,尘埃尾流可能叠加到主彗尾上。在一般感光波段宽的彗星底片上很难区分这两种尾流。本文选取哈雷彗星在不同日彗距的5条主尾流,作了光度测量和比较分析。得出沿各尾轴及其垂直方向几个截面的亮度分布、亮度半极大全宽、尾轴的视风差角和真风差角及彗尾长度。在所分析的蓝敏底片上,过近日点前的2个尾流肯定是等离子体尾流,而5个尾流的相似性以及其他证据说明它们主要都是等离子体尾流,尘埃彗尾的污染是次要的。  相似文献   

本文利用理论上失利的哈雷彗星OH脉泽谱线的平均流量密度公式,计算了一组结果与观测值进行比较,彼此互相符合较好,表明OH脉泽谱线理论模型是比较好的。并且根据哈雷存在星在OH脉泽谱线形态的初步分析,表明它在形态上与晚型星系统内OH源的非标准双峰脉泽谱线存在着某些定性的相似性。  相似文献   

这个问题就彗星本身来说,涉及彗星的来源、运行,结构和物质成分等方面。彗星是太阳系内在太阳引力作用下环绕太阳周期性地运行的小天体。绝大多数我们能看到的彗星的近日点在地球轨道附近或之内,。  相似文献   

本文对十多次等离子体彗尾扭折的资料进行了测算,由此分析了行星际激波的某些特性。由太阳事件导致的行星际激波,不仅时空尺度很大、而且强度也很高;但是由别的原因导致的行星际骚扰,一般产生的,则是时空尺度较小的弱激波。根据彗尾扭折效应的分析,文章给出了行星际激波波面前后的速度差值,其大致范围在100—500km/s。  相似文献   

There are many aspects of observational evidence that cometary nuclei have irregular or nonspherical shape. The triaxial figure of the Halley's Comet nucleus is a well known fact. Therefore, the nucleus shape plays a significant role in consideration of the formation and evolution of comets and several attempts have been made to explain their nonsphericity. These studies were mainly based on the random-walk schemes for the aggregation processes. Although some results indeed lead to irregularities and deviation from sphericity, the spherical or irregular shape seem to be prevailing results. On the other hand the triaxial figure can be formed by the tidal and rotational forces. Thus, the assumption that the shape of the cometary nucleus due to some of these effects is in principle acceptable. In here assumed scenario already evolved cometary nucleus is situated as a satellite in the gravitation field of a planetary-like body. Since the rigidity of the nucleus is low, it may be easily transferred in the state of a synchronous satellite and in its shape could be imprinted the dynamical effects from this epoch. Here presented results indicate, that such a possibility should be seriously considered. The theory of this process is applied to the nucleus of comet Halley. It is shown, that the nucleus might be synchronously orbiting around a planetary-like hypothetical body with a period of 0.7 days. The minimal bulk tensile strength of the cometary material of about 102 N m–2 is estimated.  相似文献   

Hypervelocity impact sputter causes impulses substantially greater than the initial momenta of micro-grains of comet Halley's dust coma, the effective factor being discontinuous at the dust mass (0.2 g) that just penetrates the spacecraft bumper shield. Marginally non-penetrating grains determine the net drag and torque, calculated here for the Giotto shield and exposed components. The torque due to asymmetries induces a precession of the spacecraft axis, whose amplitude is solved for passage through the model dust coma, to find slowly damped oscillations of significant (1°) amplitude.  相似文献   

We present a simple, semianalytic model of the vaporization of H2O and HDO ice from a comet nucleus. We use this model to show that the flux of HDO relative to H2O can be much higher, at times, than would be expected from the D/H ratio in the nuclear ice itself. This effect varies with position in the comet's orbit. It is negligible sufficiently near the Sun but could lead to erroneous interpretations of the primordial D/H ratio in cometary ice if measurements are made in other parts of the cometary orbit.  相似文献   

The cometary images taken on 1986 January 8.590 and 8.638 UT (R-0.9 AU, ~ 1.29 AU) at Gurushikhar, Mt. Abu, India (24 °39 N, 72 °43 E alt: 1700 m) show distinct condensation region in the tail direction. The size of the condensation region is 4 × 103 km. The condensation region showed up strongly in the blue emission, implying the abundance of CO+. It was inferred to be moving with a velocity of 37 ± 3 km/s relative to the comet at a distance of 2.3 × 105 km from the nucleus in the tailward direction.The analysis show that the condensation was a result of rapid ionization mechanism, with a time scale of \~103 to 104 sec. The most probable mechanism for producing the ionization region was found to be the discharge of cross tail electric current passing through the neutral sheet in the near nucleus region followed by an outburst observed in IR wavelengths at 8.1 UT. It was accelerated by J × B drift at a rate of ~24 cm/sec2 to the position observed by us.This feature, most probably is the precursor of the first dramatic Disconnection Event (DE) observed in Halley's Comet at Jan.10.375 UT. This supports the conjecture that the tail features originate in the coma with a velocity of ~20–40 km/s.  相似文献   

在紫金山天文台全自动密度扫描仪(PDS)上测量了1997年3月4日(UT)拍摄的Hale-Bopp彗星的壳层结构。对测量的数据用优选法分析后给出:(1)从彗核喷发出的喷流(壳层结构的第一层亦即最靠近彗核的那一层)呈阿基米德螺线形状,喷流喷出物质的速度为1.6公里/秒;(2)壳层结构的第二,三,四层呈抛物线形状,亦与悬链线相近。  相似文献   

A generalized Finson-Probstein formalism was used to analyse the streamer patterns in the dust tail of Comet Halley as observed between 22 February and 11 March, 1986. A periodic appearance of a pattern of double streamers was found in the dust tail, indicating a time interval in the emission of this structures of about 6.5 days, if interpreted as synchrones. The time interval between the emission of the two components of each double streamer is about 2.5 days. The results are discussed with respect to the rotation of Halley's nucleus.This work is based on observations made at the European Southern Observatory by ESO staff personal and by observers of the Astronomical Institute of the Ruhr-University, Bochum. We, furthermore, used an exposure made at the U.K. Schmidt telescope at Siding Spring, Australia, operated by the Royal Observatory Edinburgh, and published by Sekanina and Larson (1986).  相似文献   

The ortho-to-para ratio (OPR) of a cometary molecule is one of primordial character in comets. The OPR which is characterized by a spin temperature, is thought to reflect the formation conditions of the molecule. In this paper we show the high-dispersion spectrum of cometary NH2 in Comet C/2001 A2 (LINEAR), from which the OPR of NH2 is determined based on the fluorescence excitation model. Since the NH2 is a photodissociation product of cometary ammonia, we applied the permutation group theory to the whole reaction system (i.e. the photodissociation reaction of ammonia to NH2 and H) in order to derive the OPR of ammonia from that of NH2. The derived OPR of ammonia is 1.12 ± 0.03 in Comet C/2001 A2 (LINEAR). This value corresponds to a spin temperature of 30+3 -2 K. If this reflects the temperature where the comet formed in the protosolar nebula, our result indicates that thiscomet was formed in the region of the giant planets between Jupiter and Neptune.  相似文献   

On November 15, 1985 a star was occulted by Comet Halley. Seven consequent spectra of the star has been obtained with 5-minute exposition with the TV scanner at 6-meter telescope. Simultaneously seven spectra of the cometary atmosphere were obtained at the projected distance 40” from the star. A method is developed to calculate the optical thickness of the cometary atmosphere as a function of wave length and the nucleocentric distance. This function is given in the spectral range 3925 Å−4850 Å.  相似文献   

据中国科学院北京天文台与电子工业部22所的联合观测,证认出1994年7月21日的木星十米波爆发中,有一个爆发可能是由于彗星木星碰撞引起的。  相似文献   

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