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Geology plays a crucial role in both the scientific and the popular culture; it has transformed the way ordinary people look at the world over the last two centuries. Much of this transformation is understood in terms of information about the age of the earth, the disposition of the continents, and the evolution of living things. The two main concerns of this paper are with geology as education, and geology as a system of thought, a way of thinking about the world. My central question is how does a grounding in geology affect the cast of mind, the way one thinks, perceives and behaves? What is the culture of geology? Conclusions are of two kinds. Some of the propositions advanced about the nature of geology in relation to the other sciences and our general culture are: (i) there is no hierarchy of the sciences; (ii) geology is a Romantic science rather than a Classical one; (iii) there is no such thing as the scientific method; (iv) geologists often attempt to reconcile competing hypotheses; (v) geological phenomena are often of an almost irreducible complexity and their investigation is beset by problems of scale, both spatial and temporal; and (vi) the concept of ‘universality’ has a distinctive application in geology. Among the non‐professional uses of geology are: (i) human history is incomplete without environmental history; (ii) geology has application in environmental planning and management, but this requires judgement and experience as knowledge of the geology is not enough, it is equally important to know when it can safely be overridden, when it is useful background, and when it is critically important to decision‐making; and (iii) an awareness of the geology of a region enhances the sense of place—our sense of our individual and communal identities owes much to an awareness of place.  相似文献   

This article discusses the rationale for the structure of the conceptual and terminological framework and categories of ecological geology, which has important methodological significance for its development. The authors consider their own ecological and geological categories and justify the logical structure of the concept and terminology base of modern ecological geology as a single integrated system.  相似文献   

中国环境地质研究主要进展与展望   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
张永双  孙璐  殷秀兰  孟晖 《中国地质》2017,44(5):901-912
环境地质研究是以人-地相互关系为核心、促进人类与地质环境协调共处的重大课题,受到国内外地质学界普遍关注。本文在简要回顾环境地质学科发展历程的基础上,较系统地总结了国内外环境地质研究的主要进展及存在的问题。结合我国当前生态文明建设和未来发展需求,提出环境地质研究是新时期地质工作的重要使命,未来发展方向和重点领域应涵盖城市地质研究、水资源可持续利用和管理、地质灾害监测与综合防治、生态环境系统保护、地球关键带相关问题研究等,强调学科交叉及新技术新方法的系统性研究,在合理开发利用资源和保护地质环境中发挥重要作用。  相似文献   

环境地质研究进展与展望   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
哈承祐 《地质通报》2006,25(11):1247-1256
环境地质学与其他地质学科的最大区别是,把人类活动作为一种地质作用营力加以研究,这是前所未有的.面向国民经济、国家重大工程建设和城市化的快速兴起与发展,环境地质学科得到了迅速发展.关注气候变化、海岸带发展、城市化、地下水资源与地质环境的相互关系至关重要.要重视地质灾害形成发育的规律,特别是人类工程活动与自然地质作用相互关系的研究.地质灾害防治和群测群防,在今后一个相当长的时期内仍然是研究重点.持久地为社会、为公众、为政府服务,提高地质科学在环境保护中的作用与地位,提高公众对环境地质学的认知与认同,才能采取共同行动,为可持续发展做出贡献.  相似文献   

喀斯特断陷盆地环境地质分区及功能   总被引:9,自引:6,他引:3  
喀斯特断陷盆地是随着新生代高原隆升产生的断裂活动所引起的断块差异沉陷及溶蚀作用共同形成的山间盆地。由其以局部地块断陷为主导并伴随侵蚀及溶蚀的成因机制所决定,具有地貌分区明显、新构造运动强烈、水资源分布不均、土壤植被分带性强、气候垂向变化明显、人类活动区间差异大等特征。其中,地貌形态—成因类型既是地质环境本质特征的综合反映,又是对生境具有重大影响的自然因素,而且容易认识和识别,是环境地质分区的良好标志。以地貌形态—成因类型为标志,喀斯特断陷盆地可划分为侵溶蚀山区、溶蚀丘峰谷地区、沉积平坝区、侵溶蚀河谷区4个环境地质分区。侵溶蚀山区生态功能突出,溶蚀丘峰谷地区生态与经济功能并重,沉积平坝区经济功能尤显重要,侵蚀河谷区视所处大江大河流域的区位及宏观影响而定。资源开发和环境恢复治理,应与环境地质分区功能相协调,按流域系统评价和全面权衡利弊、科学规划布局,才能取得可持续的成效。   相似文献   

As a result of the increasing scientific knowledge and parallel development of technology, we are witnissing an exponential growth of all factors that determine the shape of society. Analysis of this situation makes it easy to prove, that the Earth is no longer, spontaneously, capable of sustaining an idustrial or biological growth of more than a few powers of ten and that the major part of this feasible increase has already been attained. In the biological case, retarding effects are expected. They are normally characterised by
  1. Limitation of nutrition
  2. limitation of living space
  3. pollution, or
  4. predator-prey relations.
In case of the industrial growth, be it through automobiles or power stations, analogous limiting factors must also be of the same effectivness. Up-to-now, our industrial growth has been depending on mineral resources and fossil fuels. These will be exhausted in a few hundreds of years. In this case, the development of human societies will have to pass into a state of ecological balance, provided that a powerful energy source is used. This passage from our past and present state into the near future may, under controlable conditions, be prosperous. It may as well take a catastrophic form. In the latter case, it is almost sure, that the human species must return to a primitive state of low energy consumption — a form of life not unsimilar to that of our ancestors. Regarding the problems of human societies, I propose that the geological sciences, have passed during their history through two fundamental different stages. The first of these lasted from 1785 to 1885 and was connected with the names ofHutton, Lyell, andDarwin. It was responsible for one of the greatest intellectual revolutions, or forward steps of human knowledge, in the history of natural science. The second stage held out, essentially, during the last hundred years and had an utalitarian character. Geologists have, during this period, basically contributed to the industrial growth by discovering mineral and fuel resources that enhanced this growth. They carried this out, as a cat's paw for trade and industry, whereby they seldom discussed or questionad the fundamental canon of the contemporary culture of exponential growth. As for the third stage in which we are now entering, it is hoped that the essential contribution of geology should be once more an intellectual one. The transition from the second stage to the third one requires, in the meantime, a renunciation of the prevailing dogmas of economic and social theories as it was the case forLyell andDarwin with the religious dogmas of their time. In case that the geological theory can be renovated into a consideration of the terrestial evolution with regard to physical, chemical and biological aspects and if it would be managed to conceive that the geological history, instead of ending with the Pleistocene, has a present and a future as well, it would then be possible for geologists to play again a leading intellectual role.  相似文献   

Jaroslav Jakubec   《Lithos》2004,76(1-4):337-345
For a mining operation to be successful, it is important to bring fundamental and applied science together. The mining engineer needs to understand the importance of geology, mineralogy and petrography, and how projects can benefit from the data collected during the exploration and pre-exploration stage. Geological scientists also need to understand the process of project development from the exploration stage through mine design and operation to mine closure. Kimberlite pipe or dyke emplacement, geology and petrology/mineralogy are three areas that illustrate how information obtained from the geological studies could directly influence the mining method selection and the project strategy and design. Kimberlite emplacement is one of the fundamental processes that rely on knowledge of the kimberlite body geology. Although the importance of the emplacement model is commonly recognized in the resource geology, mining engineers do not always appreciate its importance to the mine design. The knowledge of the orebody geometry, character of the contact zones, internal structures and distribution of inclusions could directly influence pit wall stability (thus strip ratio), underground mining method selection, dilution, treatability, and the dewatering strategy. Understanding the internal kimberlite geology mainly includes the geometry and character of individual phases, and the orientation and character of internal structures that transect the rock mass. For any mining method it is important to know “where the less and where the more competent rocks are located” to achieve stability. On the other hand, the detailed facies studies may not be important for the resource and mine design if the rock types have similar physical properties and diamond content. A good understanding of the kimberlite petrology and mineralogy could be crucial not only to the treatability (namely diamond damage and liberation), but also to the pit wall and underground excavation stability, support design, mine safety (mudrush risk assessment) and mine dewatering. There is no doubt that a better understanding of the kimberlite and country rock geology has a direct impact on the safety and economics of the mining operations. The process of mine design can start at the beginning of kimberlite discovery by incorporating the critical geological information without necessarily increasing the exploration budget. It is important to appreciate the usefulness of fundamental geological research and its impact on increased confidence in the mine design. Such studies should be viewed as worthwhile investments, not as cost items.  相似文献   

数字地质与矿产资源评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
赵鹏大 《江苏地质》2012,36(3):225-228
数学地质已经为我国地球科学研究作出了杰出的贡献。随着信息技术的发展,数学地质的信息化程度也越来越高,称之为"数字地质"。分析了数字地质的发展,介绍了目前数字地质的研究现状及在我国的实际应用。  相似文献   

斐迪南·冯·李希霍芬出生于1833年。少年时的教育和生活环境使他对地质学产生了兴趣。当他还是小孩子的时候,就随父母游历了家乡的许多地方,并且利用暑假到阿尔卑斯去旅行。在柏林学习地质学的时候,就显示出他宽厚的知识基础,他很快就意识到对他而言,未来工作的目标就是成为一个科学家。1859年,为了获得财政支持进行欧洲以外地区的研究,李希霍芬申请参加了普鲁士政府向东亚派遣的一支探险队,开始了他最初对中国地质的研究。1862年当探险队的成员开始返回柏林,他独自到了上海开始他自己在中国的研究工作。只是由于太平天国起义,他的计划没能立即实现。1868年新年前夕,他和他的朋友对全球地质勘探的状况做了一个回顾,认为中国无论在科学上,还是在应用上都是最有研究价值的国家之一。于是他选择了中国作为他进行地质研究的对象。在参考大量文献的基础上,他制定了详细的研究方向和工作方法。李希霍芬希望建立一个系统的中国地质学的基础。他认为野外工作是第一位的。除了对可开采的矿床进行了估计,他还特别注意了中国煤炭沉积的储量和产量。在1868到1872年期间,他在中国先后进行了7次旅行。他是第一位对中国地质从基础上进行研究的外国地质学家。旅行的资金有一部分是来自加利福尼亚银行和上海商业会馆。他提交了一份地区经济信息的报告,这个报告包括了中国的交通、贸易路线,煤矿的形成、品位和储量、可采性以及在世界市场上的竞争力等。他重要的科学文献是关于经济、运输和人口地理学。从他的著作《中国》我们可以看出,他对于“丝绸之路”的命名是在汉学家、古典文献学家以及地图学家共同合作研究之前。在综合大量的文献后,他在地图上详细地标注了“丝绸之路”,并且讨论了汉朝及其以后历史时期内中国境内主要的贸易路线。由于丝绸一直都是重要的贸易商品,因此他把这条贸易路线称之为“丝绸之路”。对于社会、经济问题与地质问题的综合认识,使他同时又成为一个地理学家。李希霍芬和德国的地图工作者一起开创了一种新的地形的描绘方法,并且修正了当时的中国地图,使中国地图有了更为详尽的内容。对比当时在中国出版的地图,他们绘制的地图在很多方面是全新的,如他们采用图解法(graphicpresentationsofmontains)来代表山脉和其他的地形形态特征。在地质学领域,他绘制了中国地质图,及《中国地图集》中的地形图,连同后来出版的4卷《中国》书稿中大量的横断面和地层剖面,奠定了中国乃至东亚的地质学基础。但是他从来没有把制图作为他旅行的一个主要目的。对他来说,制图只是作为来证实他的野外观察的一个方法,以尽可能正确地体现出地貌的基本特征。李希霍芬到中国旅行的最主要的目的是研究中国地质。他是第一个把中国地质按着现代组成物的分布、序列,发展成为一个系统。可以认为,他是把中国地质学发展成为一门科学的创始人。古生物学和地层学的知识使他很快就认识到了中国地质结构的原理。他的综合知识使他可以在地图上系统地标绘出他所观察到的现象。他的主要成果集中体现在《中国地图集》中的27张地质图,《中国》书稿中另外14张地质图以及大量的剖面图。另外矿产资源也是他研究的主要的内容。他不仅研究了煤炭资源,同时也经常记录贵金属矿产资源。他是最早注意到中国黄土具有风成特征的地质学家。他在研究黄土剖面时,注意到大部分没有层理的沉积物都保存有大量的陆生软体动物的壳。由此,他得出与前人相反的结论,认为黄土不是湖相沉积物,而是风成沉积物。并以北美大草原所见到的草将粉尘固定的过程作为他风成假设的证据。他认为黄土沉积是草原环境下形成的,当时的植被是草原。并且认识到粉尘来源于西部和北部的中亚的沙漠地区。他只是没能将冰期、间冰期的粉尘沉积加以区分。他研究的另一个科学领域是地貌学。在地貌学中他是最先描述一些地表变化过程的先驱者之一。正如他一直意识到的自然与人类活动的相互关系一样,他同样将地球生态系统看作是地质结构、地貌过程、与气候有关的生态环境和人类活动所组成的一个复合体。他是最早萌生地球系统的科学思想的科学家。李希霍芬对中国的研究起初并没有得到人们的重视。直到他的《中国》出版以后,他对中国地质学和地理学的影响才明显起来:他的著作和地图很快就传入中国,在学术界被广泛地阅读和讨论;他的书是地质学和地理学专业的基础教材。不仅在中国,在世界范围内,他的发现也得到了认可,并获得了很高的评价。19世纪末,世界上没有哪个科学家像他那样了解中国和东亚。他也从一个地质学家成为一个跨越多个学科的大科学家,他的影响在他的那个时代体现在科学领域的很多学科之中。李希霍芬在中国现在仍然有很高的赞誉。他的方法学的研究以及他的《探险家指南》,对于年轻的地质科学工作者,仍然具有指导意义。他的地球系统科学的思想对当前土地退化、生态不平衡等环境问题的解决仍然起着指导性作用。  相似文献   

新构造、活动构造与地震地质   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
新构造、活动构造和地震地质研究都是开展地震危险性评价的重要基础性地质工作。在综述新构造、活动构造和地震地质的基本含义、相互联系与区别、主要工作内容及方法的基础上,简要回顾了国内外在相关研究领域的主要进展,提出了中国活动构造与地震地质工作中应注意的主要问题和对未来工作的几点建议。最后,重点介绍了青藏高原东南缘开展活动构造体系和玉树地区活动断裂与地震地质调查研究工作所取得的主要进展与成果。  相似文献   

This paper considers the present state of mathematical geology. Three directions are recognized: applied, theoretical, and mathematical. Applied mathematical geology includes formal use of mathematics to solve problems and computer processing of data. Success is achieved by a correspondence of mathematical methods used to the nature of geological data. This correspondence can be demonstrated by purely mathematical means. Theoretical mathematical geology uses mathematics as a language of geology; however, a number of methodological problems must be solved: formalization of initial geological concepts and creation of a strict conceptual basis, substantiation of initial principles of mathematical simulation, creation of theoretical geological models, problems of elementary and coincidence in geology, and methodological substantiations of possibilities of any mathematical model to approximate geological models. The essense and significance of these problems are considered. The main task of mathematical geology is to prove its correspondence to the nature of the geological objects studied, geological data obtained, and geological problems solvable. Finally, the main problems of mathematical geology are not so much mathematical as geological and methodological.  相似文献   

军事地质及其相关知识在人类战争历史中发挥着重要的作用,创造了许多战争奇迹。在以深地、深海、深空为特点的"三深"现代化信息战争中,战场环境的利用与评估、打击防御目标的优选排序、战争对人类生存环境影响评估等方面的需求凸显出来,以上都需要与地质密切相关的知识来协助解决。通过梳理与地质密切相关的专业知识在军事上的运用,结合现代战争特点与需求,系统厘定军事地质定义、内容和方向,以及各专业在军事上应用的联系与区别,提出了军民融合地质与军事的三种形式,即"民为军用"、"军为民用"和"军民联合",为现代战争中军事地质研究及基础地质的军民融合提供思路。  相似文献   

Write field guides! Not just to areas of classic geology, although these are particularly important, but also to your local area. These will be an aid to the local geologist, for their own pleasure and information, and, if relevant, for that of their students. But such guides will be of particular importance to local residents and amateur naturalists without a specialist geological knowledge.  相似文献   

Arid and semiarid areas are widely distributed in China but rich in natural resources. Because of the arid climate, complex geological conditions, and human activities, some problems of ecological environmental geology occur, such as lack of water resources, desertification, salinization, and biogeochemical endemic diseases, etc. These problems occur in fragile regions of the environment, seriously restricting the developing of the national economy and causing harm to human health. Ecological environmental geology is a new developing science in China. Through the research of ecological environmental geology and with the help of research results of the western plain of the Tarim Basin in Xingjing, we propose a comprehensive administrative measure of ecological geological environment on the basis of rational utilization of water resources, and it can be used to improve the ecological environment of arid and semiarid areas.  相似文献   

构造地质与工程地质的基本关系   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
构造地质学是研究各种地质构造及其成生演化的基础地质学 ,工程地质学主要是应用地质学理论尤其是构造地质学理论解决人类工程建设活动中与构造现象和构造活动有密切关系的地质问题的应用地质学。二者的研究目的虽然不同 ,但所研究的主要对象是相同的 ,即都是地质构造 ,所研究的又都是地球变化过程中的构造变动及其各类效应。文中讨论了构造地质学与工程地质学之间的基本关系 ,主要包括地质构造对工程地质环境和工程地质条件的控制作用 ;深部构造、浅部构造以及表层构造动力学特征与区域地壳稳定性之间的关系 ;构造结构面、构造应力场与岩土体稳定性的关系 ;活动构造与工程建筑安全性的关系以及地质构造与崩滑流、地裂缝、地面沉降等地质灾害的关系等问题。  相似文献   

通过对经济建设、资源勘探、环境保护和地学发展的需求分析,提出了进行精细地质研究的必要性,诠释了精细地质的概念及其技术体系。认为精细地质是以先进的技术方法和高灵敏度的测量仪器,对地质体进行精确细致的研究,形成先进、精确、实用的成果,达到提高地学科研与调查水平,高效服务经济建设的目的。精细地质的技术体系包括遥感、物探、化探、钻探、同位素测年、空间定位技术、计算机技术等,通过空中地表地下全方位立体化的综合调查,完成对研究对象的精细研究。通过物探、遥感、同位素测年、化探等核心技术在国内外精细地质研究中的发展应用状况分析,以遥感技术为例,阐述了进行精细地质调查研究的可能性,展望了精细地质在矿产资源勘探、地学研究、环境保护、国防建设、地质灾害调查等领域的应用前景。  相似文献   

本文在梳理前人研究成果的基础上,结合野外实地调查和样品分析数据,分析了四川成都龙泉山城市森林公园的主要环境问题。研究表明,龙泉山城市森林公园总体地质环境条件较好,其总体规划和地质环境相适宜,在建设过程中需要关注局部地区的地质灾害发育、浅层地下空间瓦斯赋存和地下水污染等环境地质问题。区内主要地质灾害发育类型为小型滑坡,其次为崩塌和不稳定斜坡,多发生于龙泉山复背斜核部及断裂带区域,建设旅游道路和游憩设施时,要加强防范。区内局部浅层地下空间瓦斯赋存,建议在园区内进行地下工程建设时,进行超前地质预报,在施工过程中要加强瓦斯浓度监测与通风,注意火源管控。区内浅层地下水类型主要为HCO_3-Ca·Mg和HCO_3-Ca型,局部地区浅层地下水因人类活动而受到污染,其中总硬度、氨氮、氯化物等超标,建议加强公园内重点规划建设区域的地下水用途管控和生态环境保护。  相似文献   

Radan Květ 《GeoJournal》1990,22(4):387-390
Conclusion The suggested application of hierarchical systems to geology and geography offers a new view on the evolution of the Earth and a new classification of geosciences. The application of these systems allows the individual fields of geosciences to be connected with each other and also with other disciplines (e.g. physics, astronomy, biology). Hierarchical systems including periodicity can aid future advances in natural sciences because they can be regarded as a uniting principle and key to new approaches to research in natural sciences.  相似文献   

川藏铁路是我国正在建设的世纪工程,复杂的地质演化史导致铁路廊道地质环境差异大,水文地质、工程地质和环境地质问题复杂多变,在工程施工及今后运营中值得高度关注。在简要回顾川藏铁路廊道以往地质工作的基础上,阐述了铁路建设面临的水工环地质问题,包括高原构造岩溶高压突涌水、断裂带基岩裂隙高压突水突泥、高温热水热害等水文地质问题,活动断裂断错与强震灾害、高地应力与深埋隧道岩爆和大变形、特殊岩土体的不良工程特性与灾害效应、高位远程滑坡灾害链等工程地质问题,含煤地层和热液矿床酸性水腐蚀性、湿地生态退化演替、铁路建设与敏感生态环境的互馈效应等环境地质问题。提出了今后值得深入研究的关键科学技术问题:水文地质方面包括高原岩溶发育层序规律与构造岩溶蓄水构造类型、深埋隧道突水突泥的孕灾致灾模式与预测方法、活动断裂控热机制与地下热水循环模式、高温热害风险识别及地热资源化技术等问题;工程地质与地质灾害方面包括活动断裂的精细特征与工程断错效应、复杂地质构造区深部构造应力场特征、构造混杂岩带工程地质特性与灾害效应、水-力-热多场耦合作用下深埋隧道围岩稳定性与灾害效应、内外动力耦合作用下的高位远程滑坡机理及风险防控技术等问题;环境地质方面包括高原多源水转化循环机制与生态脆弱区生态需水量控制技术、隧道建设的水文生态环境效应、生态地质环境监测评价与保护关键技术、全球气候变暖的地质生态环境效应等问题。从公益性地质调查和商业性工程勘察相结合的角度,提出了地质调查是基础、科技攻关是关键、灾害隐患监测与工程治理协调推进的应对策略,为国家重大工程规划区的水工环地质工作发展方向提供了参考建议。  相似文献   

The current state, achievements, substantial tasks, and problems of the evolution of ecological geology are described. The concepts of an ecogeological system as an investigation object, ecogeological conditions, ecological functions of the lithosphere, special ecogeological investigation methods, and ecogeological system assessment principles, criteria, and indices are the fundamentals of ecological geology. These issues are described and the ways to improve them are formulated. Scientific psychological, terminological, substantial, and state organizing factors are regarded as key factors for the complicated development of ecological geology.  相似文献   

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