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The utilisation of sound backscattered from sediments in suspension, to measure profiles of near-bed particle size and concentration, has been gaining increasing acceptance and usage by sedimentologists and coastal engineers over the past two decades. To obtain the sediment parameters from the backscattered signal requires an inversion to be conducted on the signal and this necessitates a system calibration. The calibration can be carried out by detailed acoustic and electronic measurements, or alternatively by measuring the backscattering from suspensions with known scattering characteristics. Here, we explore the latter approach and describe in some detail the calibration of a triple frequency acoustic backscatter system. The aim is to provide coastal scientists involved in using acoustics as a tool for sediment transport research, with a clear exposition of the calibration process. Suspensions of glass spheres of varying particle size were used as the calibration scatterers. To interpret the signal backscatter from the suspension of glass spheres a simple model for sphere scattering is presented. The results show that consistent calibration results can be obtained in a relatively simple and robust manner.  相似文献   

Three-dimensional saltating processes of multiple sediment particles   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The purpose of this study was to investigate the interacting mechanism between the saltating particles near a channel bed. A three-dimensional real-time flow visualization technique was developed to measure the interparticle collision behaviors during the saltating process. Based on the experimental data, the distribution of the collision points was found to be symmetric. This confirms the assumption that the projections of the collision points onto the reasonable plane are uniformly distributed. A three-dimensional saltating model was also developed. This model produced satisfactory results. The model is able to simulate the continuous saltating trajectories of several particles. The simulated dimensionless saltating height, longitudinal and vertical saltation velocity components were found to increase as the dimensionless particle diameter and the dimensionless flow transport capacity parameter increase, while the simulated lateral saltation velocity component varies inversely with the dimensionless flow transport capacity parameter. A regression equation for the bed load transport rate was also obtained.  相似文献   

Suspended sediment is the primary source for a sustainable agro‐ecosystem in the Mekong Delta by providing nutrient input for the subsequent cropping season. In addition, the suspended sediment concentration (SSC) plays an important role in the erosion and deposition processes in the Delta; that is, it influences the morphologic development and may counteract the deltaic subsidence and sea level rise. Despite this importance, little is known about the dynamics of suspended sediment in the floodplains of the Mekong Delta. In particular, quantitative analyses are lacking mainly because of data scarcity with respect to the inundation processes in the floodplains. In 2008, therefore, a comprehensive in situ system to monitor the dynamics of suspended sediment in a study area located in the Plain of Reeds was established, aiming at the characterization and quantification of suspended sediment dynamics in the deeply inundated parts of the Vietnamese part of the Mekong Delta. The monitoring system was equipped with seven water quality–monitoring stations. They have a robust design and autonomous power supply suitable for operation on inundated floodplains, enabling the collection of reliable data over a long period of time with a high temporal resolution. The data analysis shows that the general seasonal dynamics of suspended sediment transport in the Delta is controlled by two main mechanisms: the flood wave of the Mekong River and the tidal backwater influences from the coast. In the channel network, SSC decreases exponentially with distance from the Mekong River. The anthropogenic influence on SSC could also be identified for two periods: at the start of the floodplain inundation and at the end of the flood period, when subsequent paddy rice crops are prepared. Based on the results, we recommend an operation scheme for the sluice gates, which intends to distribute the sediment and thus the nutrients equally over the floodplain. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A two-year survey of clast displacements on a small rockfall talus at Lousteau, southwestern France, shows that creep reaches up to 19 cm/month near the talus apex, whereas the distal segment remains stable. Movements are not distributed homogeneously but concentrate in distinct areas because of the deflection of clasts by vegetation patches. Sections across the talus reveal stratified deposits, thought to result from the lateral shifting of the tongues of very mobile debris. Poorly sorted gravel layers alternate with coarser debris corresponding to former pavements developed where sedimentation is reduced due to the protective effect of vegetation. Similar deposits have been found in larger, semi-vegetated taluses from the forest belt of the French Alps. Interactions between vegetation development and sedimentation possibly controlled by the climatic changes during postglacial times, may be responsible for their stratification. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Spatio-temporal cross-shore profiles and textural characteristics are the key parameters for understanding dynamics of the inter-tidal sedimentary environment.This study describes short-term dynamics of the inter-tidal sedimentary environment at beaches along the micro-tidal coast.Further a correlation is estimated in cross-shore morphodynamics and textural characteristics of surface sediments.The sedimentary environment is examined for a complete annual cycle using monthly collected cross-shore profiles and sediment samples.The Devbag beach(northern side) and Ravindranath Tagore beach(southern side) at the Kali river mouth,Karwar,west coast of India are characterized from extremely gentle to average slope,and broadly composed of unimodal sands.The sedimentary environment is significantly composed of textures having fine to medium sand,well to moderately sorted,fine to coarse skewed,and platykurtic to leptokurtic in nature.During the annual cycle a reversal pattern is observed between the two adjacent beaches,where a slower rate of sediment accretion is observed at Devbag beach while Ravindranath Tagore beach exhibited erosion.The beach dynamics along with the propagation of south-west(SW) and south-west-west(SWW) waves towards the coast significantly exhibit a dominance of northward sediment transport with the existence of a northerly alongshore current.In addition,the study reveals that an eroded beach may not be significantly identified composed of coarse grains.The poor correlation in morpho-sedimentary characteristics reveals the prediction of grain characteristics based on beach profile and vice-versa is unrealistic.  相似文献   

Laboratory analyses of nutrient release processes from Haihe River sediment   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Sediment samples were collected from the heavily contaminated Haihe River to conduct static nutrient release experiments with tap water,and to evaluate the effect of dredging depths,salinity and light ...  相似文献   

The response of the Yalu River Estuary to human activities was investigated.Changes of sediment dynamics during the past 10 years were explored through hydrodynamic calculation,as well as heavy mineral...  相似文献   

A tidal bore is a water discontinuity at the leading edge of a ood tide wave in estuaries with a large tidal range and funneling topography. New measurements were done in the Garonne River tidal bore on 14 15 November 2016, at a site previously investigated between 2010 and 2015. The data focused on long, continuous, high-frequency records of instantaneous velocity and suspended sediment con- centration (SSC) estimate for several hours during the late ebb, tidal bore passage and ood tide. The bore passage drastically modi ed the ow eld, with very intense turbulent and sediment mixing. This was evidenced with large and rapid uctuations of both velocity and Reynolds stress, as well as large SSCs during the ood tide. Granulometry data indicated larger grain sizes of suspended sediment in water samples compared to sediment bed material, with a broader distribution, shortly after the tidal bore. The tidal bore induced a sudden suspended sediment ux reversal and a large increase in suspended sedi- ment ux magnitude. The time-variations of turbulent velocity and suspended sediment properties indicated large uctuations throughout the entire data set. The ratio of integral time scales of SSC to velocity in the x-direction was on average TE,SSC/TE,x 0.16 during the late ebb tide, compared to TE,SSC/ TE,x 0.09 during the late ood tide. The results imply different time scales between turbulent velocities and suspended sediment concentrations.  相似文献   

Sediment in urban stormwater systems creates a significant maintenance burden, while a lack of coarse-grained bed sediment in streams limits their ecological value and geomorphic resilience. Gravel substrates, for example, provide benthic habitat yet are often scoured from the channel bed only to end up in a detention basin or treatment wetland. This dual problem of both ‘too much’ and ‘too little’ coarse-grained sediment reflects a watershed sediment budget that is profoundly altered. We developed a conceptual urban coarse-grained (>0.5 mm) sediment budget across three domains: hillslopes (urban land surfaces), the built stormwater network and stream channels. We then quantified key sources, sinks and storages for a suburban case study, using a combination of hillslope and in-channel monitoring, and interrogation of local government records. Around 36% of the sediment supplied to the stormwater network reached the catchment outlet, a level of sediment delivery much higher than observed in similar-sized natural catchments. The remainder was deposited in the sediment cascade and either stored, or extracted and removed from the catchment (e.g. material deposited in sediment ponds and gross pollutant traps). Conventional urban drainage networks are characterized by high hillslope sediment supply and low storage, resulting in efficient sediment delivery. Channel erosion, deposition in (and extraction from) pipes and channels, and floodplain deposition are small compared to sediment transport through the cascade. An understanding of the sediment budget of urban headwater catchments can provide stormwater and waterway managers with the information they need to address specific sediment problems such as sedimentation in stormwater assets and geomorphic recovery of urban streams. © 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. © 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Observations of suspended sediment concentration and discharge at two sites on the proglacial river network draining from a predominantly cold-based, High-Arctic glacier (Austre Brøggerbreen) are described. Analysis of these observations illustrates: (i) the relatively low suspended sediment yield from this basin in comparison with many other glacier basins reported in the open literature; (ii) sustained and possibly increasing availability of suspended sediment to the fluvial system as the ablation season progresses; and (iii) the role of the proglacial sandur as both a sediment source and sink. Field observations coupled with the results of the data analysis are used to make inferences concerning the changing nature and relative importance of sediment sources within the basin. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In order to study the sediment response to different addition of organic matter, we added cultures of the dinoflagellates Scrippsiella hangoei and Woloszynskia halophila and the diatom Pauliella taeniata to aquaria containing natural sediment. The biomass added was 1550–3260 mg C m−2, and in the control, no biomass was added (n=3). Oxygen profiles at the sediment–water interface and inorganic nutrients in the near bottom water were determined once a week. In the additions of P. taeniata and W. halophila the sediment quickly became anoxic, and subsequently there was a flux of >1 mmol PO43− m−2 d−1 out of the sediment in these treatments. The majority of the released P came from P stored in the sediment and not from the organic phosphorus added. The result was very different for the S. hangoei addition. This species underwent a life cycle change to form temporary cysts. During this process there was a net uptake of nutrients. After the formation of cysts the concentration of inorganic nutrient was similar to that of the control. Cysts generally survive for long periods in the sediment (months to years) before germinating, but can also be permanently buried in the sediment. The novel idea presented here is that the phytoplankton composition may directly affect sediment processes such as oxygen consumption and phosphorus release, through species-specific life cycle changes and yields of resting stages produced prior to sedimentation. This can be an important aspect of nutrient cycling in eutrophic waters, like the Baltic Sea, where there is large year-to-year difference in the amount of resting stages settling at the sea floor, mainly due to differences in abundance of diatoms and dinoflagellates during the spring bloom. If yields of resting stages change, e.g. due to changes in the phytoplankton community, it may lead to alterations in the biogeochemical cycling of nutrients.  相似文献   

Wave-induced, steep vortex ripples are ubiquitous features in shallow coastal seas and it is therefore important to fully understand and model the sediment transport processes that occur over them. To this end, two two-dimensional vertical (2DV) models have been critically tested against detailed velocity and sediment concentration measurements above mobile ripples in regular asymmetric oscillatory flow. The two models are a kω turbulence-closure model and a discrete-vortex, particle-tracking (DVPT) model, while the data are obtained in the Aberdeen oscillatory flow tunnel (AOFT). The models and the data demonstrate that the time-dependent velocity and suspended sediment concentration above the ripple are dominated by the generation of lee-side vortices and their subsequent ejection at flow reversal. The DVPT model predicts the positions and strengths of the vortices reasonably well, but tends to overpredict the velocity close to the ripple surface. The kω model, on the other hand, underpredicts the height to which the vortices are lifted, but is better able to predict the velocity close to the bed. In terms of the cycle- and ripple-averaged horizontal velocity, both models are able to reproduce the observed offshore flow close to and below the ripple crest and the DVPT model is able to produce the onshore flow higher up. In the vicinity of the vortices, the DVPT model better represents the concentration (because of its better prediction of vorticity). The kω model, on the other hand, better represents the concentration close to the ripple surface and higher up in the flow (because of the better representation of the near-bed flow and background turbulence). The measured and predicted cycle- and ripple-averaged suspended sediment concentrations are in reasonable agreement and demonstrate the expected region of exponential decay. The models are able to reproduce the observed offshore cycle- and ripple-averaged suspended sediment flux from the ripple troughs upwards, and as a result, produce net offshore suspended sediment transport rates that are in reasonable agreement. The net measured offshore suspended transport rate, based on the integration of fluxes, was found to be consistent with the total net offshore transport measured in the tunnel as a whole once the onshore transport resulting from ripple migration was taken into account, as would be expected. This demonstrates the importance of models being able to predict ripple-migration rates. However, at present neither of the models is able to do so.  相似文献   

A long‐lasting rainstorm event from 20 to 22 August 2005 affected a large part of the northern Alps and Prealps in Switzerland. It resulted in elevated discharges and flooding in many headwater catchments and mountain rivers. The associated geomorphic processes included shallow landslides, deep‐seated slope instabilities, debris flows, and fluvial sediment transport. In many parts of the affected areas human activities are important, including many buildings, traffic lines and other infrastructure. In the steeper parts, geomorphic processes were mainly responsible for flow overtopping and sediment deposition both in and outside of the channel network. In the lower parts, lateral erosion and exceedance of the channel discharge capacity were the main reasons for morphologic channel modification and flooding. Sediment‐related processes contributed a lot to the overall damage. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Restoring belts of perennial vegetation in landscapes is widely recognized as a measure of improving landscape function. While there have been many studies of the transport of pollutants through grass filter strips, few have addressed sediment related processes through restored tree belts. In order to identify these processes and quantify their relative contribution to sediment trapping, a series of rainfall simulations was conducted on a 600 m2 hillslope comprising a pasture upslope of a 15 year old tree belt. Although the simulated events were extreme (average recurrence intervals ~10 and 50 yr), the trapping efficiency of the tree belt was very high: at least 94% of the total mass of sediments was captured. All the size fractions were trapped with a minimum Sediment Trapping Ratio (STR) of 91% for the medium‐sized fragments. Fractions < 1·3 µm and > 182 µm were totally captured (STR = 100%). Through the joint analysis of sediment budgets and soil surface conditions, we identified different trapping processes. The main trapping process is the sedimentation (at least 62% of trapped sediment mass) with deposits in the backwater and as micro‐terraces within the tree belt. Modelling results show that the coarsest size fractions above 75 µm are preferentially deposited. Joint infiltration of water and sediments has also been noticed, however, this process alone cannot explain the selective trapping of the finest fractions. We suggest that the finest fractions transported by the overland flow may be trapped by adsorption on the abundant litter present within the tree belt. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A sediment budget is constructed for the slope and narrow continental shelf off the Sepik River in order to estimate the relative importance of turbid plumes versus bottom gravity transport through a near-shore submarine canyon in the dispersal of sediment across this collision margin. 210Pb geochronology and inventories of Kasten cores are consistent with the northwestward dispersal of sediment from the river mouth via hypopycnal and possible isopycnal plumes. Sediment accumulation rates are 5 cm yr−1 on the upper slope just off of the Sepik mouth, decreasing gradually to 1 cm yr−1 toward the northwest, and decreasing abruptly offshore (<0.2 cm yr−1 at 1200 m water depth). A sediment budget indicates that only about 7–15% of the Sepik River sediment discharge accumulates on the adjacent open shelf and slope. The remainder presumably escapes offshore via gravity flows through a submarine canyon, the head of which extends into the river mouth. The divergent sediment pathways observed off the Sepik River (i.e., surface and subsurface plumes versus sediment gravity flows through a canyon) may be common along high-yield collision margins of the Indo–Pacific archipelago, and perhaps are analogous to most margins during Late Quaternary low sea-level conditions.  相似文献   

Nakagawa  Yasuyuki  Nadaoka  Kazuo  Yagi  Hiroshi  Ariji  Ryuichi  Yoneyama  Haruo  Shirai  Kazuhiro 《Ocean Dynamics》2012,62(10):1535-1544

Tokyo Bay is one of the estuaries in Japan with a high population of almost 26 million people in the basin area. One of the major concerns for the environment in this water area is the decreasing ecosystem functions including the deterioration of water and sediment qualities caused by various anthropogenic activities. Since the bottom sediments around almost the entire area of the inner bay consist of fine materials with a high organic content, which cause the deterioration of water quality through processes such as hypoxia, an understanding of the fine sediment dynamics in the Bay is crucial for an environmental assessment of the water area. This paper proposes a model for the key processes of fine sediment dynamics, which reflects field data about muddy bed structures and their dynamics obtained during the monitoring campaign in 2007. One of the specific features of the sediment in the Bay at present is the persistent existence of fluid mud layers (water content over 300 %) with a thickness of around a few decimeters, which might be caused by deposition of abundant organic particles due to eutrophication. The present study shows that diffusion flux model delivers quite reliable results for estimating erosion flux from the top of fluid mud layers after calibrating the model parameter against the time series data of vertical flux measured by an acoustic Doppler velocimeter system. This study also derives analytical solutions, based on the Bingham fluid concept, of advection flux in the fluid mud layer on which external shear stress force is applied.


Tokyo Bay is one of the estuaries in Japan with a high population of almost 26 million people in the basin area. One of the major concerns for the environment in this water area is the decreasing ecosystem functions including the deterioration of water and sediment qualities caused by various anthropogenic activities. Since the bottom sediments around almost the entire area of the inner bay consist of fine materials with a high organic content, which cause the deterioration of water quality through processes such as hypoxia, an understanding of the fine sediment dynamics in the Bay is crucial for an environmental assessment of the water area. This paper proposes a model for the key processes of fine sediment dynamics, which reflects field data about muddy bed structures and their dynamics obtained during the monitoring campaign in 2007. One of the specific features of the sediment in the Bay at present is the persistent existence of fluid mud layers (water content over 300?%) with a thickness of around a few decimeters, which might be caused by deposition of abundant organic particles due to eutrophication. The present study shows that diffusion flux model delivers quite reliable results for estimating erosion flux from the top of fluid mud layers after calibrating the model parameter against the time series data of vertical flux measured by an acoustic Doppler velocimeter system. This study also derives analytical solutions, based on the Bingham fluid concept, of advection flux in the fluid mud layer on which external shear stress force is applied.  相似文献   

An in-channel surficial depositional feature (surficial fine-grained laminae) composed of loosely bound fine sediment deposited during low flow conditions has often been observed in river systems in south-western Ontario. The physical characteristics of this feature have been determined by a direct observation image analysis system. This sediment consists primarily of flocculated fine-grained material. The size distributions of surficial fine-grained laminae and suspended sediment were not significantly different. Each distribution is bimodal in nature and shows a characteristic grain size deficiency in the 4-5 μm size range. This observation suggests that flocculation and not low discharge or low competence is the dominant mechanism for the formation of surficial fine-grained laminae under conditions of low flow in fluvial systems of south-western Ontario. A quantitative assessment of this feature shows its potential importance as a source of fine-grained sediment and associated contaminants for downstream transport.  相似文献   

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