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计算地层岩石矿物组分并形成连续变化的岩性剖面是测井解释的核心工作之一。相对于传统的POR、CRA等处理方法,最优化方法能够利用各类测井、地质信息进行综合求解,适用范围更广、计算精度更高。元素俘获能谱测井可以提供多达9种常见地层元素的重量百分含量,使得岩性剖面的计算更直接、更准确。为了充分发挥最优化方法、元素俘获能谱测井的优势,进一步提高岩石矿物组分计算的精度,本文首先确定了不同矿物的元素俘获能谱测井响应方程形式和权重系数计算方法,然后在全岩氧化物实验分析和理论计算的基础上确定了常见矿物的元素含量测井响应值,从而形成了一套完整的基于元素俘获能谱测井的多矿物最优化处理新方法。应用证明,新方法的处理结果与岩心分析结果具有较好的一致性,平均绝对误差在10%以内,其计算精度更高。  相似文献   

脉冲中子伽马能谱测井是利用多探测器获取非弹性散射伽马、热中子俘获伽马能谱及伽马时间谱,通过C/O和地层宏观吸收截面来确定饱和度,但俘获伽马能谱的信息没有得到很好利用,在地层水矿化度较高的情况下,由于俘获伽马能谱的Si,Ca和H的能窗内总的伽马计数与Fe能窗内的伽马计数比值与含氯量有关,因此由俘获伽马能谱确定含水饱和度是可行的,利用MCNP(蒙特卡罗方法)模拟研究了三能窗计数与Fe能窗计数比值与饱和度、岩性、孔隙度、泥质含量、井眼持水率、地层水矿化度以及井眼套管等条件下的关系,为在高矿化度地区利用俘获伽马能谱确定饱和度的可行性在理论上提供了支持.  相似文献   

基于伽马能谱的元素测井发展历程及技术展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着对油气勘探开发的不断深入,勘探对象复杂,给测井解释评价带来极大的挑战.基于伽马能谱的元素测井是通过测量地层元素自发产生或中子源激发的次生伽马能谱,利用谱解析方法获得地层元素含量,为复杂储层测井评价提供一种有效手段.本文全面归纳总结了伽马元素能谱测井的发展历程,认为其可分为四个大的阶段:自然伽马能谱测井、地球化学测井、元素俘获能谱测井和基于脉冲中子源的元素能谱测井;并对其测井技术进行展望,认为基于伽马能谱的元素测井应遵循"三多"发展趋势,即:多功能仪器设计、多参数成果解释和多方位近钻头测量.  相似文献   

自然伽马能谱测井的探测范围是一个直径约等于100cm的球体,粗略地说,厚度小于100cm的地层属于薄层.本文用实验研究和理论计算相结合的方法,对高放射性和低放射性两类薄地层的测井响应分别做了分析.所得结果可用于从低放射性厚储层中正确扣除高放射性泥岩薄层的影响,并在大段泥岩或交互层中划出薄储层.  相似文献   

自然伽马能谱测井的探测范围是一个直径约等于100cm的球体,粗略地说,厚度小于100cm的地层属于薄层.本文用实验研究和理论计算相结合的方法,对高放射性和低放射性两类薄地层的测井响应分别做了分析.所得结果可用于从低放射性厚储层中正确扣除高放射性泥岩薄层的影响,并在大段泥岩或交互层中划出薄储层.  相似文献   

为了使用简易的方法获取可靠的单元素伽马能谱,本文针对元素俘获能谱测井仪器单元素中子伽马能谱的获取进行了仿真模拟计算,包括中子源的选择、地层模型的设计以及探测器的布置。采用Monte Carlo方法中具有代表性的MCNP(Monte Carlo N-Particle Transport Code System)程序模拟了Am-Be中子源产生的中子经过慢化后与地层元素发生热中子俘获反应的中子和光子的输运过程,记录了元素的特征γ射线和伽马能谱,获得的了十种元素的中子俘获伽马能谱。经过对比分析,模拟计算结果与斯伦贝谢公司公布的单元素标准γ能谱在特征峰位位置及谱形变化方面具有很好的一致性,且主要特征峰位所在的位置与国际原子能机构核数据中心数据一致,用实际测量谱验证表明了利用该方法获得的中子伽马能谱具有较强的实用性,对于元素俘获能谱测井数据处理的深化研究具有一定的实用价值,同时也为其他类型元素测井仪器数据处理提供了重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

邓力  谢仲生 《地球物理学报》2001,44(Z1):252-265
介绍碳氧比能谱测井蒙特卡罗模拟方法及软件,内容包括输运计算与探测器响应计算,其中中子诱发y使用了期望值技巧,γ散射采用指向概率法.计算结果可分别给出次级γ线光和连续光,还可给出被探测物或元素的非弹性谱和俘获谱,新方法基本解决了碳氧比能谱测井深穿透、低计数率的难题.  相似文献   

张锋  袁超  王新光 《地球物理学报》2010,53(10):2527-2533
脉冲中子双伽马谱饱和度测井方法是利用特定的脉冲和测量时序设计,采用远、近伽马探测器记录非弹性散射和俘获伽马能谱以及伽马射线时间谱,通过获取C/O和地层宏观俘获截面等信息来确定地层含油饱和度.采用大直径仪器和BGO晶体探测器时,其采集的非弹性散射和俘获伽马能谱计数统计性优于国外仪器,重复脉冲发射中子后伽马射线时间谱仍满足指数衰减规律,且能使伽马射线时间谱的道计数累积,计数统计性好于常规中子寿命测井,得到的地层宏观俘获截面与单脉冲发射近似相同.在地层孔隙度未知的情况下,利用C/O和地层宏观俘获截面交会技术可以定量确定含油饱和度.  相似文献   

本文提出了一种将高分辨率阵列侧向和方位电极系综合在一起的三维侧向测井电极系3D-LS,该电极系具有径向、纵向和周向探测能力。通过有限元数值模拟计算,考察了井眼尺寸、冲洗带电阻率、侵入深度、层厚及围岩电阻率对六种不同探测模式的影响,确定了电极系尺寸和探测特性。分析伪几何因子,低侵时电极系的探测深度最深可达1.5m,其值接近斯伦贝谢双侧向电极系深探测深度,而大于高分辨率方位侧向成像仪深探测深度,并且三维侧向测井电极系可提供多条径向不同深度曲线,可更好地描述地层侵入剖面。无限厚地层条件下,方位电极可识别出厚度0.1m的异常体,利用方位侧向曲线半幅点对应异常体厚度判断,对异常体纵向分层能力可达0.5m。高阻背景下,异常体的电阻率越低,越靠近井眼,方位越大于15度,越易被方位电极探测。数值模拟结果为后续三维侧向测井电极系的研究奠定了基础,对低阻异常评价具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

洞穴型碳酸盐岩地层具有显著的非均质性和测井预测难度大的特点,如何利用双侧向测井对识洞穴进行准确识别与定量评价,是当前的一个研究难点与热点。利用数值模拟方法计算电测井响应,可为洞穴识别与评价提供理论依据。本文根据双侧向测井原理,采用有限元素法,研究了球状洞穴模型的测井响应特征,并考察了不同尺寸的洞穴对电测井响应的影响;然后,系统研究了不同充填程度的洞穴模型的测井响应,得出了电阻率与充填程度之间的关系;最后,研究了洞穴中充填泥质、灰质、砾岩和砂泥岩薄互层等多种充填物的测井响应特征。研究结果对碳酸盐岩洞穴型储层的识别与评价具有较高的应用价值和研究意义。  相似文献   

元素测井是非常规储层测井评价的主要测井方法之一.元素测井是以元素测量为基础,从矿物成分的角度提供地层信息,有效地将测井资料与地质信息结合起来.元素产额获取会受地层矿物和井眼环境的影响.为了提高元素产额计算的准确性,有必要对影响元素产额计算的因素进行分析.本文利用蒙特卡罗方法分析加权最小二乘逆矩阵法在地层矿物相对复杂的情况下求取元素产额时,地层减速作用、地层俘获作用、地层密度与井眼尺寸对元素产额计算精度的影响.研究结果表明,地层密度对元素产额计算的精度影响较大,地层密度越低,地层元素之间的相互影响越大,使得元素产额计算的误差变大,而元素产额计算受地层减速作用与地层俘获作用的影响较小,仅在地层减速能力较弱或地层俘获作用较强时对元素产额计算有一定影响,井眼尺寸对元素产额计算的精度影响取决于井内介质.  相似文献   

A new high-efficiency and low-background system for the measurement of natural gamma radioactivity in marine sediment and rock cores retrieved from beneath the seabed was designed, built, and installed on the JOIDES Resolution research vessel. The system includes eight large NaI(Tl) detectors that measure adjacent intervals of the core simultaneously, maximizing counting times and minimizing statistical error for the limited measurement times available during drilling expeditions. Effect to background ratio is maximized with passive lead shielding, including both ordinary and low-activity lead. Large-area plastic scintillator active shielding filters background associated with the high-energy part of cosmic radiation. The new system has at least an order of magnitude higher statistical reliability and significantly enhances data quality compared to other offshore natural gamma radiation (NGR) systems designed to measure geological core samples. Reliable correlations and interpretations of cored intervals are possible at rates of a few counts per second.  相似文献   

In this work, we describe a stochastic method for delineating well capture zones in randomly heterogeneous porous media. We use a moment equation (ME) approach to derive the time-dependent mean capture zones and their associated uncertainties. The mean capture zones are determined by reversely tracking the non-reactive particles released at a small circle around each pumping well. The uncertainty associated with the mean capture zones is calculated based on the particle displacement covariances for nonstationary flow fields. The flow statistics are obtained either by directly solving the flow moment equations derived with a first-order ME approach or from Monte Carlo simulations (MCS) of flow. The former constitutes a full ME approach, and the latter is a hybrid ME-MCS approach. This hybrid approach is invoked to examine the validity of the transport component of the stochastic method by ensuring that the ME and MC transport approaches have the same underlying flow statistics. We compared both the full ME and the hybrid ME-MCS results with those obtained with a full MCS approach. It has been found that the three approaches are in excellent agreement when the variability of hydrologic conductivity is small (Y2=0.16). At a moderate variability (Y2=0.5), the hybrid ME-MCS and the full MCS results are in excellent agreement whereas the results from the full ME approach deviate slightly from the full MCS results. This indicates that the (first-order) ME transport approach renders a good approximation at this level of variability and that the first-order ME flow approximation may not be sufficiently accurate at this variability in the case of divergent/convergent flow. The first-order ME flow approach may need to be corrected with higher-order terms even for moderate Y2 although the literature results reveal that the first-order ME flow approach is robust for uniform mean flow (i.e., giving accurate results even with Y2 as large as four).  相似文献   

High concentrations of ammonia in a river can cause fish kills and harms to other aquatic organisms. A simple water quality model is needed to predict the probability of ammonia concentration violations as compared to the US Environmental Protection Agencys ammonia criteria. A spreadsheet with Random Monte Carlo (RMC) simulations to model ammonia concentrations at the mixing point (between a river and the effluent of a wastewater treatment plant) was developed with the use of Microsoft Excel and Crystal Ball add-in software. The model uses effluent and river ammonia, alkalinity, and total carbonate data to determine the probability density functions (PDFs) for the Monte Carlo simulations. Normal, lognormal, exponential and uniform probability distributions were tested using the Chi-square method and p-value associated with it to choose the best fit to the random data selected from the East Burlington wastewater treatment plant in North Carolina and the Clinch River in Tennessee. It is suggested that different options be tested with a minimum of three classes and a maximum of n/5 classes (n = number of data points) and the highest probability (p-value) for the PDF being tested be chosen. The results indicted that six violations to the EPA criterion for maximum concentration (CMC) were predicted when using 2000 RMC simulations and PDFs fitted to the available data, which violate the current criterion of no more than one violation over 3 years. All violations occur when the pH of the blend ranges from 8.0 to 9.0. No violations were found to the criteria of chronic concentration (CCC) using RMC.  相似文献   

Typhoons in Korea are the major causes of natural disasters in the Korean peninsula. In this study, rainfall generated by typhoons was quantitatively analysed using various statistical methods. First, the frequency analysis of rainfall induced by typhoons was carried out to calculate the design rainfall. Second, the frequency analysis of simulated rainfall derived by nonparametric Monte Carlo simulation (NMCS) was performed to evaluate the uncertainty of rainfall caused by typhoons. Third, the regression relationship between the physical characteristic factors of typhoons and rainfall was established by locally weighted polynomial regression (LWPR), and the characteristic factors of typhoons were simulated. The simulated characteristic factors were then used to estimate rainfall and to calculate the design rainfall by typhoons. Comparative analyses of design rainfalls as estimated using various statistical methods were performed. The LWPR showed good performance in terms of reproducing typhoon characteristics. Therefore, the combined NMCS and LWPR method suggested in this study can be used as a supplementary technique for assessing extreme rainfall with climate change and reflected variability. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

基于FFT-MA谱模拟的快速随机反演方法研究   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
虽然基于地质统计学的随机反演方法能够有效融合测井资料中的高频信息,但计算效率低,占用内存大,限制了它在实际资料中的应用.本文在保留传统随机反演方法优点的基础上,创造性地引入傅里叶滑动平均(Fast Fourier Transform-Moving Average, FFT-MA)谱模拟进行频率域的地质统计模拟,并利用逐步变形算法(Gradual Deformation Method,GDM)确保模拟结果与实际地震数据的匹配,构建了基于FFT-MA谱模拟的新的快速随机反演方法.与常规随机反演相比,新方法不仅分辨率高,而且能够使反演解得到快速收敛,有效提高计算效率,减少内存占用.模型试算获得了与理论模型吻合度较好的高分辨率反演结果.实际资料分析也表明新方法所得到的高分辨率反演结果能够对薄互储层进行良好的展示,为薄储层的识别提供高效可靠的技术支持.  相似文献   

本文简要介绍基于飞行时间(TOF)技术的正电子发射断层扫描成像(PET)的基本原理以及用于TOF-PET探测器模拟常用的Geant4,GATE,DETECT2000等模拟工具包,回顾近年来相关研究,对基于Monte Carlo方法的各种TOF-PET模拟,对影响LSO/LYSO晶体TOF-PET时间分辨的各项因素的模拟进行综述,并对未来TOF-PET模拟发展提出展望。  相似文献   


As time irreversibility of streamflow is marked for time scales up to several days, while common stochastic generation methods are good only for time-symmetric processes, the need for new methods to handle irreversibility, particularly in flood simulations, has been recently highlighted. From an investigation of the historical evolution of existing stochastic generation methods, which is a useful step before proposing new methods, the strengths and weaknesses of current approaches are located. Following this investigation, a generic solution to the stochastic generation problem is proposed. This is an analytical exact method based on an asymmetric moving-average scheme, capable of handling time irreversibility in addition to preserving the second-order stochastic structure, as well as higher-order marginal statistics, of a process. The method is studied theoretically in its general setting, as well as in its most interesting special cases, and is successfully applied to streamflow generation at an hourly scale.  相似文献   

A. Veihe  J. Quinton 《水文研究》2000,14(5):915-926
Knowledge about model uncertainty is essential for erosion modelling and provides important information when it comes to parameterizing models. In this paper a sensitivity analysis of the European soil erosion model (EUROSEM) is carried out using Monte Carlo simulation, suitable for complex non‐linear models, using time‐dependent driving variables. The analysis revealed some important characteristics of the model. The variability of the static output parameters was generally high, with the hydrologic parameters being the most important ones, especially saturated hydraulic conductivity and net capillary drive followed by the percentage basal area for the hydrological and vegetation parameters and detachability and cohesion for the soil erosion parameters. Overall, sensitivity to vegetation parameters was insignificant. The coefficient of variation for the sedigraph was higher than for the hydrograph, especially from the beginning of the rainstorm and up to the peak, and may explain difficulties encountered when trying to match simulated hydrographs and sedigraphs with observed ones. The findings from this Monte Carlo simulation calls for improved within‐storm modelling of erosion processes in EUROSEM. Information about model uncertainty will be incorporated in a new EUROSEM user interface. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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