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Hazardous waste is generated in the production of almost all consumer goods, especially those that contain plastic. The United States is the world leader in generating hazardous waste with 214 million tons produced in 1995. The majority of this waste was wastewater generated by the fifty largest generating facilities, disproportionately concentrated along the western Gulf Coast. The largest facilities also treat most of their waste on site, particularly wastewater. Most smaller generators send waste an average of 200 miles for treatment or disposal. Among both citizens and state governments there is resistance to local siting of waste facilties. Local resistance has convinced businesses or government agencies to look elsewhere to site a proposed facility. State efforts to directly control the flow of hazardous waste have not been successful due to court challenges from industry and subsequent decisions that state restrictions violate the Commerce Clause of the U.S. Constitution. Taxes on both in‐state and out‐of‐state waste have proven effective at reducing in‐state waste disposal.  相似文献   

Andy Gouldson 《Area》2006,38(4):402-412
Within the context of broader debates on corporate social responsibility (CSR) and environmental justice (EJ), this paper examines three key questions: first, how the standards that corporations adopt at the global scale trickle down into local site-level practices; second, whether levels of corporate environmental performance vary from place to place; and third whether any variations in corporate environmental performance relate to the principles of EJ. To do this, the analysis draws upon recently disclosed data to evaluate variations in the environmental performance of oil refineries across the US and the EU. It finds significant variations in emissions of some key pollutants. These exist both across the range of refineries, with dirtier refineries emitting at least five times as much as cleaner refineries, and between the EU and the US, with refineries in the EU emitting more than twice as much as refineries in the US. At the local level, it finds that there are correlations between higher levels of emissions from refineries and lower levels of income, employment and population density. Although these findings provide support for some of the contentions of the EJ movement, they do not say anything about causality, and as a result we cannot say definitively that companies adopt lower standards in poorer areas.  相似文献   

Maxwell T Boykoff 《Area》2007,39(4):470-481
The journalistic norm of 'balanced' reporting (giving roughly equal coverage to both sides in any significant dispute) is recognised as both useful and problematic in communicating emerging scientific consensus on human attribution for global climate change. Analysis of the practice of this norm in United States (US) and United Kingdom (UK) newspaper coverage of climate science between 2003 and 2006 shows a significant divergence from scientific consensus in the US in 2003–4, followed by a decline in 2005–6, but no major divergence in UK reporting. These findings inform ongoing considerations about the spatially-differentiated media terms and conditions through which current and future climate policy is negotiated and implemented.  相似文献   

全球环境变化研究越来越重视全球问题与区域问题的结合,强调全球环境变化的问题应主要通过区域研究来解决。资源环境问题已经成为全球环境变化研究的一个重要内容。20世纪下半叶,强烈的人类活动与全球变化背景叠加,使我国地理环境发生了巨大变化。主要自然过程与环境要素的变化包括:全球变暖背景下气候带的明显摆动,降水南增北减使南方洪涝增加、北方干旱日趋严重,巨大的物质和能源需求与日趋严重的环境污染,天然水文过程的重大改变。在地理格局变化方面,工业化过程带来的产业与经济格局变化,改变了人口格局和城市格局以及自然资源供需格局,地表景观格局因此而发生显著的改变。资源环境已经从发展的条件演变为制约我国国家安全的一个关键因素。对中国地理环境特征与资源环境问题认识上的不确定性是未来社会发展的潜在威胁。对此,需要从全球的视角开展深入的研究。  相似文献   

《The Journal of geography》2012,111(5):177-187

The use of SWOT analysis is a means through which geography students can investigate key concepts in economic geography and essential topics in regional economic development. This article discusses the results of a course project where economic geography students employed SWOT analysis to explore medium-sized metropolitan areas across the southern United States and their suitability for export-led development. The results suggest that students were able to critically evaluate these urban regions and their potential for integration into the global economy. This case also intimates that the SWOT concept could be applied to other situations and regions in geography coursework.  相似文献   

Dealing with processes of environmental change in an anthropological perspective inevitably implicates people. With people come notions of society and history, complicating matters of causation. In this article, I shall present two empirical cases from Icelandic history and current Greenlandic society. These cases shed light on the natural–social entanglements in a long-term historical perspective and in a highly charged present, respectively. My ambition is to open up for a renewed sense of causation in the social domain in view of the manifest complexities with which we are faced in the present era of globalization and rapid social changes. The reasoning is ethnographic rather than conceptual, if not exactly letting the cases speak for themselves, then at least avoiding both linear explanation and other normative stands on causation.  相似文献   

The relationship between exports and economic growth is a paradigmatic element of modern economic growth policy, despite the absence of strong evidence of a connection. Until recently, data on export production prevented an extensive empirical analysis of metropolitan-scale trade. This article examines the export growth dynamics across large metropolitan statistical areas (MSAs) within the southern United States, a region that has been impacted by economic globalization. These analyses found that some Southern metropolitan areas differ from regional and national averages in selected measures of export performance. Additionally, the export performance of Southern cities was not correlated with all indicators of economic development. This article concludes that export dynamics should be viewed increasingly from an urban frame, with particular emphasis on the production of globally consumed knowledge products and advanced manufacturing. Moreover, export policy should be directed toward the individual strengths of urban regions.  相似文献   

The fact that most environmental degradation occurs in developing countries suggests the difficulties in implementing and sustaining environmental policies. In the current era of heightened environmental awareness and publicity for the impacts of climate change, where all countries are expected to take action, cases of ‘successful’ implementations of environmental policy in a developing country are instructive. This paper provides an overview of why and how the 1989–1999 national integrated pest management programme worked in Indonesia – before being terminated in the wake of the Asian financial crisis. It is seen that environmental programmes cannot be sustained without strong national political endorsement, focussed local research linked to international support, appropriate policy implementation mechanisms and demonstrated and direct benefits for local participants and communities.  相似文献   

This paper expands the human capital model to compare the migration propensities of Cubans, Mexicans, and Puerto Ricans within the U.S. between 1985 and 1990. Using the 5% PUMS from the 1990 U.S. Census, both aggregate migration streams and micro‐level migration propensities are estimated for Cubans, Mexicans, and Puerto Ricans. The effects of personal factors, the economic environment, and the presence of fellow nationals are examined in the context of larger geographic patterns, and discussed in terms of each nationality's immigration history and cultural context. While many factors effect migration behavior similarly, there are notable differences in the way education, English fluency, and unemployment rate affect migration propensity of the native‐born and foreign‐born of each nationality. Differences are also apparent at the macro‐level. Puerto Ricans show signs of dispersing out of New York; Mexicans are redistributing within the Southwest; and Cubans are re‐concentrating in Florida. Both levels of analysis point to how immigration history, settlement patterns, and cultural context influence migration behavior. The results demonstrate the benefits of using an expanded human capital approach to explain migration differences, and highlight the diversity of population redistribution occurring within Hispanic nationalities.  相似文献   

Derek H Alderman 《Area》2003,35(2):163-173
Streets named for Martin Luther King, Jr are common yet controversial features in cities across the United States. This paper analyses the politics of naming these streets as a 'scaling of memory'– a socially contested process of determining the geographic extent to which the civil rights leader should be memorialized. Debates over the scaling of King's memory revolve around the size of the named street, the street's level of prominence within a hierarchy of roads, and the degree to which the street transcends the spatial confines of the black community. A street-naming struggle in Eatonton, Georgia (USA) exposes how the scaling of memory can become a point of division and contest within the black community as activists seek to fulfil different political goals. Analysing these intra-racial contests allows for a fuller appreciation of the historical consciousness and geographic agency of African Americans rather than seeing them as a single, monolithic group.  相似文献   

陈雨诗  刘云刚 《热带地理》2022,42(7):1085-1095
运用文本分析,从中美关于南海制图的特点及差异着手,探讨了中美制图所表达的南海领域化过程以及地图对于领域化实践的作用。研究发现:1)中美制图中南海海域范围、岛礁地名及海疆边界表达的演变,是国家权力影响制图的表现。2)中美南海制图差异源于维护国家核心利益的需求:中国通过制图(再)领域化,对内加强南海海域管控,强化国民海权意识,对外宣示南海主权;美国通过制图(去)再领域化,强调南海的公海和多国属性。3)地图作为领域化工具,能够在国际舞台上讲述中国人的南海故事,也能清晰表达中国对南海诸岛和附近水域拥有主权的一贯和明确立场。应从地图维权、地图创新、地图宣传等方面加强对南海的领域化表达,使地图在南海海洋国土治理中发挥更重要的作用。  相似文献   

王娟  王柯心  杨晨 《热带地理》2021,41(4):734-745
休闲渔业是美国最受欢迎的户外活动之一,在发展过程中为美国创造了巨大的经济和社会效益,并形成多主体参与的治理机制。文章在分析美国休闲渔业发展现状的基础上,运用最邻近指数、缓冲区分析、泰森多边形和关联维数测度,对佛罗里达州休闲渔业资源分布特征进行空间分析。结果显示,美国休闲渔业形成以淡水为主、咸水为辅的发展格局,其中佛罗里达州休闲渔业资源呈现集聚式、非均衡分布特征,80%的垂钓点位于海岸线20 km以内,各垂钓点之间形成紧密的关联作用。联邦政府、地方政府、行业组织和休闲渔业参与者之间形成的多中心治理模式,能够匹配美国休闲渔业大区域分散、小区域集聚的空间分布特征,适应参与主体多样化、需求差异化的发展需要。有鉴于此,针对中国休闲渔业存在的问题,提出应通过借鉴美国“自下而上”的多中心治理机制,建设服务型政府、行业协会灵活增权以及休闲渔业企业融合创新等措施,推动中国休闲渔业科学管理和高质量发展。  相似文献   

自由贸易区是以高水平开放实现外部经济集聚优势的重要制度空间。作为我国全面深化改革和对外开放的战略举措,自由贸易试验区建设率先在上海、广东、天津和福建展开试点。本文以自由贸易区的概念内涵界定、核心区位因素分析为基础,重点从区位类型、产业选择和管理模式等方面,透析美国自由贸易区的发展实践及其有益借鉴。本文认为,美国自由贸易区发展特点包括:涵盖临空、临港和陆路枢纽等区位类型,呈现数量众多、分布广泛和产业多元的总体特征,实施主-辅区并行运营、双层管理机构及矩阵联络制的管理模式。文章最后提出了创新贸易经济的治理体系、推动内外贸易的融合联动、加快制造业的转型升级和提升法律监管的保障力度等有益借鉴。  相似文献   

区域资源环境综合承载力是人地关系和谐和可持续发展的重要基础,也是自然地理综合研究的前沿及热点内容。近年来,区域资源环境综合承载力研究取得了长足进展,体现在:①建立了综合、广泛的评价指标体系;②资源环境综合承载力与人地关系的调适;③综合研究方法的应用;④对资源环境综合承载力的时空动态研究的关注及尝试。目前,资源环境综合承载力研究应用于国土空间开发、产业规划、灾后重建、资源环境监测及预警等领域。未来仍需在完善指标体系的构建、研究尺度及动态变化等方面加强研究,以此深化综合自然地理理论及实践研究,为区域资源、社会和生态环境可持续性研究提供支撑。  相似文献   

林喆  李钢  周俊俊  石金龙  徐锋  王莺莺 《热带地理》2022,42(9):1475-1487
基于Doe Network平台数据,综合运用数理统计、空间分析和地理探测器等方法,探讨了美国1996―2021年失踪人口的基本特征、时空格局与影响机制。结果表明:1)美国失踪多发生在青少年(13~18岁)与成年时期(19~59岁),且失踪人口数量随年龄增长呈先增后减的趋势;男性失踪人数多于女性,但失踪高发年龄略滞后于女性;各种族中黑人面临着最大的失踪风险。2)时间上,自1996年以来,失踪人口的年际变化数量先呈现波浪式上升趋势,2017年达到峰值后大幅下降;受气温和节假日影响,夏季6―8月和冬季12月为失踪高发期,2―4月为失踪的低谷期。3)空间上,失踪人口在州尺度上呈由沿海边境地区向内陆递减的特征,失踪高发区域随时间推移,自东、西沿海地区与南部美墨边境同时向美国内陆推进;县尺度上呈边缘集中成片,内部零星分散的特征。4)失踪人口数量变化是多因素共同作用的结果,主要受地区人口流动性、人均GDP、生育率以及易失踪人群基数影响,人口环境因子与经济、社会因子结合后对美国失踪人口空间分异的解释力增强,达到80%以上。5)人口失踪可用“社会失范理论”解释,社会目标和手段的脱节导致社会失范,进而诱发...  相似文献   

基于城市夜间灯光数据的中美两国城市位序规模分布对比   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
工业革命以来,人类开启了大规模的城市化进程。城市随着交通和通讯技术的发展不断突破原有的规模限制,城市规模不断变大。以人口为指标的城市规模分布服从齐普夫法则。不同城市化发展阶段,其城市位序规模分布存在差异。城市夜间灯光数据一般可用来衡量城市的经济活动、建成区面积、人口密度、发展水平等。本文以同源的城市夜间灯光数据代表城市规模,在国家尺度和省州尺度研究中美两国城市规模位序分布,并比较其异同。研究表明,在国家尺度,2013-2016年间,中美两国城市规模均变得集聚,而中国城市规模分布比美国更为分散,齐普夫指数相差约0.1。在省州尺度,不同省州的城市规模分布存在差异,中国和美国分别有44%和84%的省份或州的齐普夫指数大于1,中国城市规模分布分散型省份占一半以上,而美国的集中型的州则占有84%,总体而言,中国城市的规模分布更为分散。中美两国高位序城市实际值远低于拟合值,理论上仍然具备很大的发展潜力。中国高位序城市需要进一步提高城市经济活动的聚集程度,使得城市规模体系更趋完善与成熟。  相似文献   

In this paper we address the revival of interest in recent years in the relevance of geographical research and highlight problems of politicization faced by researchers through cases of policy-oriented research in the UK and Belgium. We argue that geographers should be aware of the possibilities and constraints for critical engagement in the context of policy-oriented research. We identify at least two important opportunities for researchers to avoid clientelistic relationships with contractors and enhance their political relevance. First, researchers can stick to letter of the contract and maintain academic standards while at the same time interpreting their tasks according to their own ethical and political judgements. Second, relevance can be increased by forming alliances within and beyond the formal hierarchies of the state and the academy. The identification and utilization of these 'spaces of relevance' can be seen as the first step towards an approach that strategically seeks a balance between societal engagement on the one hand and contractual obligations, policy relevance and academic standards on the other.  相似文献   

环境地理与人类健康研究成果与展望   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所倡导和建立了化学地理研究机构,是我国最早从事环境科学研究的单位之一,推动了环境质量调查、环境质量评价、环境背景、环境容量和环境治理等理论和技术的建立和发展;长期进行克山病、大骨节病等地方病的调查及其环境病因与防治的研究,为上述疾病的控制做出了重大贡献;创立和发展了中国的医学地理学研究体系。2000年以后,在持续开展西部地方病地理流行规律和稀土元素生物地球化学循环研究基础上,重点开展了重金属等污染物及全球环境变化的健康风险评价研究,拓展了区域碳、氮、磷等生命元素的生物地球化学循环与温室气体排放的关系研究,强化了环境污染治理和健康保护的技术研究。实现了从化学地理到环境地理、从医学地理到健康地理的转变。未来的环境地理与人类健康研究将以地理环境的化学属性为重点,以人口健康保护为核心,探讨环境保护、社会经济发展和人类健康安全在整体上协调的机制与途径。  相似文献   

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