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Hydrographic data from the Iceland-Faeroes Ridge region, covering an area of 59°–69° north and 0°–20° west, have been subjected to a spatial data analysis. The analysis consists of the two-dimensional spectral method (2D-FFT) and the empirical eigenfunction method (EOF). Results from the two methods show good agreement indicating that the significant length scales for horizontal variability present in the data have wavelengths of approximately 339 km, 72 km and 37 km. These wavelengths relevant to the Iceland-Faeroes front are interpreted as the sizes respectively of the warm water intrusion from the south of the front with a diameter of half the wavelength (i.e.,?169 km), and the meander-like and eddy-like features. Predictions of the same frontal system have also been made using a realistic numerical model to provide hydrographic outputs similar to the observations. The hydrographic outputs from the model have been subjected to the same 2D-FFT method to establish the spatial length scale present in the model predictions. A comparison of results from a spectral data analysis between the field measurements and the model predictions shows that the model can predict the sizes of the meander-like and the eddy-like features quite accurately. However, predictions of frontal orientation, frontal slopes and size of the warm water intrusion still require further study. The work presented also demonstrates the importance of spatial statistics in oceanographic research, particularly in ocean predictability studies.  相似文献   

The recovery of quantities related to the gravity field (i.e., geoid heights and gravity anomalies) is carried out in a test area of the central Mediterranean Sea using 5' × 5' marine gravity data and satellite altimeter data from the Geodetic Mission (GM) of ERS‐J. The optimal combination of the two heterogeneous data sources is performed using (1) the space‐domain least‐squares collocation (LSC) method, and (2) the frequency‐domain input‐output system theory (IOST). The results derived by these methods agree at the level of 2 cm in terms of standard deviation in the case of the geoid height prediction. The gravity anomaly prediction results by the same methods vary between 2.18 and 2.54 mGal in terms of standard deviation. In all cases, the spectral techniques have a much higher computational efficiency than the collocation procedure. In order to investigate the importance of satellite altimetry for gravity field modeling, a pure gravimetric geoid solution, carried out in a previous study for our lest area by the fast collocation approach (FCOL), is used in comparison with the combined geoid models. The combined solutions give more accurate results, at the level of about 15 cm in terms of standard deviation, than the gravimetric geoid solution, when the geoid heights derived by each method are compared with TOPEX altimeter sea surface heights (SSHs). Moreover, nonisotropic power spectral density functions (PSDs) can be easily used by IOST, while LSC requires isotropic covariance functions. The results show that higher prediction accuracies are always obtained when using a priori nonisotropic information instead of isotropic information.  相似文献   

Processing and analysis of Simrad multibeam sonar data   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The common approach to analysing data collected with multibeam and sidescan sonars is to visually interpret charts of contoured bathymetry and mosaics of seabed images. However, some of the information content is lost by processing the data into charts because this involves some averaging; the analysis might uncover more information if done on the data at an earlier stage in the processing. Motivated by this potential, I have created a software system which can be used to analyse data collected with Simrad EM1000 (shallow water) and EM12 (deep water) multibeam sonars, as well as to generate bathymetry contour charts and backscatter mosaics. The system includes data preprocessing, such as navigation filtering, depth filtering (removal of outlying values), and amplitude mapping using the multibeam bathymetry to correctly position image pixels across the swath. The data attributes that can be analysed include the orientation and slope of the seafloor, and the mean signal strength for each sounding. To determine bathymetry attributes such as slope, the soundings across a number of beams and across a series of pings are grouped and a least-squares plane fitted to them. Bathymetric curvature is obtained by detrending the grouped data using the least-squares plane and fitting a paraboloid to the residuals. The magnitudes and signs of the paraboloid's coefficients reveal depressions and hills and their orientations. Furthermore, the seafloor geology can be classified using a simple combination of these attributes. For example, flat-lying sediments can be classified where the backscatter, slope and curvature fall below specified values.  相似文献   

On the analysis of catch and effort data   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

海面的曳力系数和空气动力学粗糙度长度是计算海气动量、感热和水汽通量交换必需的参数。基于在“黑格比”和“灿都”台风期间收集的涡动相关系统观测数据, 文章研究了10m风速和摩擦速度之间、10m风速和曳力系数之间、以及10m风速和动力粗糙度长度之间的参数化关系。结果表明: 曳力系数和摩擦速度及10m风速之间存在抛物线关系, 动力粗糙度长度与摩擦速度及10m风速之间存在自然指数关系; 临界摩擦速度为0.83m·s-1, 临界10m级风速为23.69m·s-1。  相似文献   

The acoustic spectrum of a transiting aircraft, when received by a hydrophone located beneath the sea surface, changes with time due to the acoustical Doppler effect. The traditional method for analysing signals whose frequency content changes with time is the short-time Fourier transform that selects only a short segment of the signal (or window of data) for spectral analysis at any one time. The short-time Fourier transform requires the frequency content of the signal to be stationary during the analysis window, otherwise the frequency information will be smeared by the transformation. Recently, joint time-frequency distributions, which highlight the temporal localisation of a signal's spectral components, have been used to analyse nonstationary signals whose spectra are time dependent. In this paper, the short-time Fourier transform and the Wigner-Ville time-frequency distribution are applied to time-series data from a hydrophone so that the instantaneous frequency of the propeller blade rate of a turbo-prop aircraft can be estimated at short time intervals during the aircraft's transit over the hydrophone. The variation with time of the estimates of the Doppler-shifted blade rate is then compared with the corresponding temporal variation predicted using a model that assumes the sound propagates from the airborne acoustic source to the subsurface receiver through two distinct isospeed media (air and water) separated by a plane boundary (the air-sea interface). The results for five transits are presented in which the altitude of the aircraft ranged from 350 to 6050 ft with the speed of the aircraft varying from 232 to 245 kn  相似文献   

目前,海洋数据获取量日益增多,根据时空分辨率、时空范围、垂向分层情况等的不同,可将海洋数据分为多种类型。了解和掌握现有的海洋数据资料,并加以利用,对国家经济发展、国防安全、军事活动等具有重要意义。经过长时间的研究和积累,本文总结了国内外海洋数据资料发布的几个主要数据源,同时归纳了几类常用的海洋数据资料,包括地形水深数据、卫星遥感数据、海洋调查观测数据、再分析产品数据,并对各类数据适用的时间尺度、空间尺度进行分析,旨在为海洋领域的科研工作者提供信息支持,为我国海洋大数据的建设提供参考。  相似文献   

This paper describes a new procedure of directional wave analysis from pitch-roll buoy measurements. The two previous procedures adopted by the National Data Buoy Center (NDBC) [Steele, K. E., Lau, J. C. K. and Hsu, Y.-H. L. (1985) Theory and application of calibration techniques for an NDBC directional wave measurement buoy. IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering OE-10(4), 382-396; Steele, K. E., Teng, C.-C. and Wang, D. W. C. (1992) Wave direction measurements using pitch-roll buoys. Ocean Engineering 19(4), 349-375] are relevant to our formulations. In these two studies, an estimate for the total phase shift of the sea surface displacement/slope spectra from the measured buoy heave/pitch and heave/roll spectra was calculated either by a weighted average method or a maximum heave/pitch quad-spectrum method. These two formulations were based on a fundamental assumption of symmetric hull-mooring effect on pitch and roll motions, which will never be true in the oceans. In the present study we essentially incorporate the basic formulations of NDBC, but calculate two estimates for this total phase shift.Examples of directional wave analysis from data measured by a 3 m diameter discus buoy during Typhoon Herb are presented in this paper. This data set was also analyzed by the weighted average method of Steele et al. (1985) which yielded unsatisfactory results of wave directions during severe wave climates.  相似文献   

热带气旋资料长度对风暴潮危险性评估结果的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
热带气旋历史样本数不足一直困扰着风暴潮风险评估研究,本文基于西北太平洋62 a(1949-2010年)历史观测热带气旋事件集资料和用随机模拟方法构造的1000 a模拟热带气旋随机事件集,以福建省连江县为例,开展了资料长度对风暴潮灾害危险性评估结果的影响分析。文中用ADCIRC模型模拟了两种数据集强迫下的风暴潮增水,采用极值Ⅰ型分布法得到了典型重现期的风暴潮增水,经过对计算结果分析发现典型重现期的风暴潮增水计算结果与所用数据资料长度有着密切相关性,数据资料越长,结果越稳定。对于1000 a一遇的风暴潮增水值,使用500 a长度的资料已经趋于稳定,并接近用1000 a资料计算得到的结果。在进行风暴潮危险性评估时,相比用几十年尺度的热带气旋历史数据集,1000 a的热带气旋模拟数据集的计算结果更具实际意义。  相似文献   

Based on atmospheric precipitation monitoring data for Moscow, we have revealed a number of episodes when the content of hydrocarbonates repeatedly surpasses the equilibrium level. These facts are associated with the complex structure of precipitation, which is caused by differences in the chemical composition of condensation nuclei. As a result, the underlying surface involves two groups of drops with acidities of different nature. The acidity of the first (“metal”) group is determined by the carbonate equilibrium with atmospheric CO2 and dissolved carbonates of alkaline and alkaline earth metals. The acidity of the second (“ammonium”) group is characterized by the balance between ammonia absorbed from the air and atmospheric acids. Because of this, the precipitation acidity measured during the monitoring is regulated not only in the air but also in the condensate collector. The mixing of the metal and ammonium groups of precipitation is accompanied by only a partial conversion of hydrocarbonates into dissolved CO2. Its termination is hindered when CO2 actually ceases to enter the atmosphere due to mass-exchange deceleration. As a result, the content of hydrocarbonates in the collector exceeds the equilibrium level. Some estimates indicate that the acidity of the ammonia component of precipitation can be much higher than the acidity according to monitoring data. This should be taken into account in estimating the health and environmental impacts. The true level of acid rain hazard can be estimated only by measuring the acidity of individual drops, whereas the results obtained with modern tools of monitoring can underestimate this hazard.  相似文献   

海洋广角地震数据校正方法探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
海洋广角地震数据的采集具有高投入、高风险及高难度等特点,这使得从海洋上采集到的地震数据显得异常宝贵,但往往由于各种客观条件(如气候条件、定时定位条件、仪器条件及人为因素等)的限制,导致采集到的地震数据存在一些缺陷.以南海地区开展的海陆地震联测及海底地震仪(OBS)探测的试验数据为例,对导航数据时间误差、部分陆地固定台站...  相似文献   

台湾岛地处亚欧大陆和太平洋交界处,台风、东北季风等所引起的海洋灾害频繁,所以建立完备的海洋水文观测体系显得尤为重要。中国台湾自主建置完成的近海水文观测体系由资料浮标站、观测桩、潮位站、岸边气象站、雷达测波站等多种近海水文观测系统构建组成;同时,为确保观测体系的准确性和规范性,还建立了数据品质管理系统和标准化作业模式。在近海水文观测数据的分析方面,尝试应用新的数学分析方法,如通过EMD(empirical mode decomposition)方法探讨风暴潮水位变化,利用小波转换从雷达观测影像中分析近岸波浪信息,以及发展数据同化技术将观测数据应用于作业化波浪现报、预报模式。此外,近海水文观测体系在社会应用方面有着很大的发展潜质。  相似文献   

I~IOWIn recent years, with the development of the nonlinear science, eSPecially the sea surface remote sensing measurement technology and the probing Of the modern naval science, the effects ofnonlinear coupling interaction have gradually drawn universal attention.But due to the limitation of claSSical frequency spectral method (Bracewell, 1990), it is difficult to characterize the nonlinear coupling inforTnation at higher frequency band. Thus, there havereconed the fundamental pwhleln to …  相似文献   


Quantitative and objective trend analysis of bottom topography in order to detect the tectonic structures has become available by use of the processed Seabeam data. The following two procedures of trend analysis are introduced.

(1) Edge detection procedures in digital image processing are applicable to the analysis of topography for extraction of the lineament of tectonic structures and prediction of the existence of faults based on the digital bathymetric data.

(2) Automatic calculation of water flow using the topographic grid data is used for estimation of not only water flow pattern and volume but also the construction of the ridge or trough axis by calculating the accumulated water volume. This method was also applied to the Seabeam bathymetric data. This is quite useful for detection of offset structures and hidden faults.

These two methods are applied to the topographic data obtained in the North Fiji Basin, which is characterized by active spreading ridges. The regional tectonic structure of the North Fiji Basin was found to be expressed by the topographic trend of the central axis.  相似文献   

Geophysical data (magnetic, gravity, and bathymetric) collected by international and national agencies along intersecting track lines in the Bay of Bengal show discrepancies that are analyzed and adjusted by crossover techniques. The original magnetic anomaly map over this region exhibits high gradients over the entire region, which do not fit with the known geological framework. The corrected map is devoid of artifacts, and the contours became smooth, which can be utilized for meaningful geological interpretation. The corrected free-air gravity map indicates improvements from the original in resolution with clear isolated anomalies in high track density areas. Corrected bathymetry does not show much improvement. Received: 29 May 1998 / Revision received: 23 February 1999  相似文献   

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