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采空区给人类生产生活带来危害,采空区的探测已成为重要研究课题.针对采空区的特点,合理选择物探方法、灵活运用物探方法是准确探测采空区的关键.本文介绍了高频电磁测深法的原理、特点和工作方法,通过分析已知采空区与未知采空区的测量结果,说明高频大地电磁测深是探测采空区的有效手段.通过某钼矿采空区探测中的实例,验证了此方法在钼矿...  相似文献   

高频大地电磁测深在断层构造探测中的应用研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
各种大型工程中测区范围内的断层及破碎带构造,都将对施工产生安全隐患,阐述采用EH-4电导率成像系统的高频大地电磁法能够准确快速的探测一定深度范围内的断层及破碎带等地质构造,对施工区的断层及破碎带等地质构造的赋存状态进行超前的宏观预测,并将野外的成功实例进行分析。  相似文献   

随着我国国民经济的快速发展,对各种矿产资源的需求量越来越大,经过多年对近地表的矿产开采之后,找矿的目标逐渐向矿区深边部发展,本文阐述采用EH-4电导率成像系统的高频大地电磁法,并且利用RRI反演,能够准确快速地探测大深度范围内的矿化异常,对矿区的深边部矿产的赋存状态进行超前地宏观预测,并将野外的成功实例进行分析.  相似文献   

AMT测深法在金刚石矿勘探中的应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
本文介绍了AMT(音频大地电磁测深)法在雅库特和俄罗斯的Archangelsk金刚石矿区勘探中的应用.文章描述了金伯利岩岩脉的位置和形状、电性参数、围岩和上覆岩层特性.金伯利岩矿区位于易于被AMT方法确定的参考导电层之上,或者在高阻层之上.金伯利岩岩脉发育在金伯利岩矿区良导的局部边缘地区.这些良导区与地堑构造有关,其边界与基底和厚层沉积覆盖的弯曲褶皱相一致,并具有强破裂和利于金伯利岩岩浆渗透的特点.依据AMT数据,可很好地确定局部良导区,并作为最有远景的矿脉发育区.利用AMT数据可确定断裂带和区分矿区的构造断层.金伯利岩控制的断层一般被圈闭的岩墙充填,易于被磁法资料确定,而金伯利岩的围岩断层不包含圈闭的岩墙,由磁法难以测量,因此就可较好地确定金伯利岩.本文给出了由沉积层覆盖的简单地质条件下发现岩脉的例子,也介绍了包含几种不同类型金伯利岩如导电的斑状金伯利岩、并被圈闭和厚层沉积覆盖的复杂地质条件下确定岩脉的实例.  相似文献   

我国大地电磁测深的发展   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
刘国栋 《地球物理学报》1994,37(A01):301-310

在研究大地电磁响应函数频散关系的基础上,构制了一套滤波系数算法,以用于由一套视电阻率资料估算相应的阻抗相位.理论模型和实际大地电磁观测资料的数字试验表明,该法是行之有效的.由频散关系估算的相位值与观测的相位资料的比较,可用于检验观测资料是否满足频散关系.利用经频散关系校正的阻抗相位值,进行大地电磁阻抗的联合反演则可望获得更为可靠的结果.研究了观测频带相互衔接的电偶源频率电磁测深和大地电磁测深视电阻率的一维联合反演问题.对两个实测点两种电磁法的观测资料进行了联合反演试验,与钻井资料对比表明,所获得的电性分层参数是较为可信的.在补充了由频散关系获取的电偶源频率电磁相位资料后,对于两种电磁法的视电阻率————阻抗相位、阻抗实部视电阻率-阻抗虚部视电阻率进行了拟大地电磁反演,获得了相近的反演结果.  相似文献   

地震—大地电磁测深资料综合反演   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
周辉  杨宝俊 《地球物理学报》1994,37(A02):477-485

为研究长江中下游地区的成矿规律和地下中浅部精细的电性信息,使用美国EMI公司生产的EH4音频大电磁测深仪,在安徽泥河示范矿区周围及地下中部进行勘探工作,使用非线性共轭梯度方法进行资料反演工作,获得较好结果.经过钻井验证,地电剖面圈定的异常、层位与地下矿体、层界面对应良好,误差小,揭示了成矿位置以及矿体周围的电性结构,为...  相似文献   

本文将S.Park1984年提出的解决三维大地电磁测深问题的薄层近似方法,用于甘肃省河西地区的大地电磁测深定点复测结果的资料解释,展示了这种方法应用于复杂介质结构下的大地电磁测深工作的良好前景。依据该方法理论而编制的程序有较高的计算精度。  相似文献   

High-frequency electromagnetic sounding is an electromagnetic exploration method using the natural high-frequency electromagnetic field as a field source. It has higher resolution and greater depth penetration than the direct current method and is especially fit for geothermal energy exploration and low- and mid-level groundwater detection. We introduce a successful application of high-frequency electromagnetic sounding for evaluating geothermal water resources. The high frequency electromagnetic system (MT-USA with a frequency range from 10 KHz to 1 Hz) is first applied to sample field data from China. A remote reference station is used to assure sampled data quality. We then perform 2D inversion image processing with the electrical method data. The results basically indicate the spatial distribution of underground geothermal water and provide favorable clues to finding the sources of the subsurface geothermal water in this area.  相似文献   

On the basis of the dispersion relation of magnetotelluric response functions (MTRF), a filter coefficient algorithm has been made, with which the corresponding impedance phase data can be estimated using a set of apparent resistivity data. The tests of theoretical models and observed magnetotelluric (MT) data show that this algorithm is effective. Comparing the impedance phase estimated using dispersion relation with the observed phase, it can be checked whether the dispersion relation between the observed apparent resistivities and phase data was satisfied. The use of phase data corrected using the dispersion relation in the joint inversion for MT impedance is advantageous to obtain more reliable inversion results. The problems on the one-dimensional joint inversion for the (MT) apparent resistivity and the apparent resistivity of the frequency electromagnetic sounding (FEMS) with horizontal electric dipole, whose observed frequency bands are linked up each other, are studied. The observed data of two kinds of electromagnetic (EM) methods at two sites are used to inverse, the comparison with the drilling data show the results are more reliable. To supply the phase data of FEMS using the dispersion relation, for the apparent resistivity-phase data and impedance real part-imaginary part apparent resistivities of two kinds of EM methods the imitated MT joint inversions are made, and more similar results also are obtained. The Chinese version of this paper appeared in the Chinese edition ofActa Seismologica Sinica,15, 91–96, 1993. The projects sponsored by the Chinese Joint Seismological Science Foundation.  相似文献   

本文将大地电磁反演中的RRI方法应用于线源频率测深模型资料的反演中.当背景电导率变化很小时,可用变化前的电场来近似代替变化后的电场,从而在反演方程的推导过程中将有源电磁场中的源项消掉,得到和大地电磁场相同的反演方程,使有源电磁波的反演也可以应用RRI方法.反演过程中所需要的模型资料通过有限元方法得到,该资料不需做近场校正,直接用适合于有源电磁场的RRI方法反演,避免了近场校正带来的误差.数值模型结果证明该方法是可行的.最后,用RRI方法讨论了当源和目标区间存在低阻异常体时只对目标区反演的可行性,对实际工作的解释有一定的指导意义.  相似文献   

Theory of the pole-dipole resistivity sounding technique and its application in the hard rock areas for shallow groundwater exploration is presented in this paper. The different components of electric field produced by the point source of current, situated over the ground surface, are measured by a dipole placed at a large distance from the source. The theory of the method is rather simple, suggesting two configurations, namely radial pole-dipole and axial pole-dipole. Theoretical expressions derived for the apparent resistivity over layered Earth are directly related to the Schlumberger apparent resistivity, whereas expressions for geometrical factor for pole-dipole and Schlumberger configuration are different. The proposed technique has been tested in actual field conditions having different rock types. A few examples are presented along with Schlumberger sounding curves which confirm the applicability of the proposed sounding technique.  相似文献   

沙漠戈壁地貌地区地下水电性勘查研究与应用   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
在新疆阿克苏地区水文地质调查基础上,根据当地地形、地貌条件,采用EH-4型电导率成像系统,在研究区域内做了面积性的水文物探工作,结合水文地质与地球物理场特征,根据剖面上纵横向电性特征以及深度切片资料,在当地的地质条件下,从水文地质的角度分析当地地下水赋存位置、埋深和类型,并查明地下水资源可开发利用情况,根据电阻率值的变化圈定和保护低矿化度地下水层位与区域,并指出可重点关注的区域,为当地政府规划解决人畜饮用高矿化度地下水问题提供了科学的依据.  相似文献   

应用大地电磁测深法,对秦皇岛-唐山沿海地区进行地热资源勘查.在该测区布设6条测线,获得103个测点的野外资料.采用先进的数据处理和反演方法,得到大地电磁测深剖面二维反演电阻率模型,根据当地区域地质资料,对地层、断裂构造进行推断解释,并结合华北地区地热资源类型及其与地质构造特征的关系,圈定该测区地热资源远景区.  相似文献   

论述了一种在线圈中心测量磁场垂直分量的近区频率域电磁测深方法的原理及一维正演数值模拟研究结果.推导出线圈中心近区频域电磁法的视电阻率表达式,提出了在线圈中心测量磁场垂直分量频域电磁法的基本思路,利用MATLAB编程进行一维正演模拟,先后正演模拟了7种有代表性的地电模型.结果表明:此方法对层状地电构造的电性参数和厚度变化比较敏感,分辨力较高,对二层断面的上层厚度和基底电性分辨,对三层断面的中间层的电性和厚度变化分辨比较清楚,是一种有前景的近区频率域电磁测深方法.  相似文献   

华北煤田瞬变电磁勘探深度研究   总被引:1,自引:5,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
为研究瞬变电磁勘探在华北煤田的勘探深度,利用瞬变电磁感应电压晚期段表达式,通过指定仪器最小可分辨电压,推导出瞬变电磁勘探最晚可检测出有效信号时间及最大探测深度表达式,计算了特定情况下的极限探测深度和最晚有效信号检出时间:在发射磁矩为10002×20 A.m2,地层电阻率分别为10和100Ω.m时,瞬变电磁勘探最晚有效信号检出时间为209.6 ms和52.6 ms,最大探测深度为1823 m和2889 m;以实测典型华北煤系地层瞬变电磁曲线为例,其计算机反演深度达1400 m;结果表明:采用合适的仪器和正确的工作装置,瞬变电磁勘探可以满足华北煤田目前开采深度的勘探需要.  相似文献   

The transient electromagnetic (TEM) method has been used extensively for hydrogeophysical exploration in Denmark for the past decade. Innovative instrumentation combined with multi-dimensional modelling and interpretational insights based on experience gained through numerous case studies have proven to be a successful strategy. In the case study reported here, the combination revealed an unknown and unexpected buried valley complex. Drill hole data were in good agreement with estimates of both the bearings and depths of valleys defined by the TEM surveys. The Pulled Array Transient Electromagnetic (PATEM) system was built to provide high data density for increased lateral resolution. A High moment Transient Electromagnetic (HiTEM) system was developed for delineation of aquifers to depths up to 300 m. Because both of these systems provide high data density, data quality can be assessed as part of the interpretational strategy. When acquiring TEM measurements in areas as densely populated as the Danish countryside, precautions must be taken to minimize coupling between the TEM system and man-made conductors. Modelling the slope of the flanks of buried valleys has challenged the adequacy of the one-dimensional (1-D) assumption for inversion of TEM data. The study shows that for a valley structure in a low-resistive layer, the 1-D assumption is sufficient to track the presence of rather steep slopes. For a valley structure in a high-resistive layer, however, the insensitivity of the TEM method to resistors makes it difficult to determine a slope with a 1-D inversion, and only the overall structure is defined.  相似文献   

浅部频率域电磁勘探方法综述   总被引:7,自引:4,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
适用于近地表(2000m以内)勘探的频率域电磁法主要有音频大地电磁法(audio-frequency magnetotellurics, AMT), 无线电大地电磁法(radio-magnetotellurics, RMT), 可控源音频大地电磁法(controlled source audio-frequency magnetotellurics, CSAMT), 广域电磁法(Wide Field Electromagnetic Method, WFEM).本文拟从最新的数据采集技术、数据处理技术、正反演算法、实例等四个方面, 论述适用于浅部勘探的AMT, RMT, CSAMT和WFEM方法的国内外最新进展, 总结目前AMT, RMT, CSAMT和WFEM方法遇到的困难, 对潜在的发展方向提出建议.综述表明:(1)张量测量、多站阵列、多站叠加可提高AMT、RMT和CSAMT数据的质量.利用近区数据WFEM法可获得良好的效果.国产与国外仪器在质量方面的差距正在逐步缩小.(2)数学形态滤波技术、Hilbert-Huang变换等可有效分离出有用的数据, 局部畸变仍然是亟待解决的难题, 需要更为深入的研究.(3)矢量有限元与非结构网格的出现大幅度提高了有限元处理复杂电磁问题模拟的精度与应用范围, 成为目前电磁正演的首选工具.完全非线性反演算法仍然局限于1D、2D问题, 共轭梯度法和高斯牛顿算法等为解决3D问题的发展趋势.地质约束的引入和多数据联合反演可以减小反演的非唯一性.各向异性的反演为目前反演研究的热点之一.(4)野外数据解释的正确性严重依赖于对地下结构先期的维性判别, 在2D特性不明显、3D特性明显时, 需要采用3D进行反演解释.  相似文献   

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