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This work reports an efficient bulk formulation of sea surface drag that incorporates effect of dynamic stability under varied atmospheric forcing. The proposed formulation exhibits a polynomial dependence of wind speed on air–sea temperature difference based on statistical analysis. Quality checked meteorological and oceanographic data from four shallow water buoys located off Korean seas having measurements at an interval of every 1 h were used for this study. The analyses of in situ records for this region suggest stability ranging from highly stable to very unstable conditions. Importance of this proposed formulation is better reflected during unstable condition where other popular bulk formulations fail. In addition, importance and impact of such a study on wind-wave growth using the state-of-art wave model was also investigated. Finally, we advocate a new drag formulation, which accounts for varied atmospheric stability and suggest that this should be considered as an essential pre-requisite for ocean modeling studies.  相似文献   

Wave flume experiments have been performed to investigate a sandy cliff recession under monochromatic wave forcing. We varied the wave climate through the wave energy flux F and the surf similarity parameter ξ. The various processes of the cliff erosion cycle are depicted. The sea bed evolution mostly depends on the surf similarity parameter ξ. Steep planar (ξ > 0.7), gentle planar (0.5 < ξ < 0.7) and bared (ξ < 0.5) profiles are observed. We observed different bar dynamics, including steady and unsteady self-sustained oscillating states. Then we analyze the role of the eroded material on the cliff recession rate. We show that the cliff recession rate increases with the wave energy flux. Moreover, for a given wave energy flux, it is larger for a gentle planar profile than for a bared profile. However it is similar for both a bared profile and a steep planar profile. The cliff recession rate is not a monotonic function of the cliff height as the type of bottom profile influences the wave energy at the cliff.  相似文献   

开鲁坳陷钱家店铀矿床铀的赋存状态及铀矿形成时代研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
本文对开鲁坳陷钱家店铀矿床铀的存在形式及铀矿成矿作用进行了研究。钱家店铀矿床矿石中铀的存在形式有铀矿物、吸附铀及含铀矿物,其中以铀矿物和吸附铀形式为主。U6 /U4 比值为0.266~1.116,平均为0.761。铀矿石中铀在各种粒级碎屑中均有分布,但集中分布在0.1~0.25mm粒级中,铀分布率27.89%~76.98%,平均为46.55%。钱家店砂岩型铀矿床UPb等时线年龄为53±3Ma和7±0Ma。  相似文献   

A considerable proportion of the world population lives and works on or near coasts. Therefore, knowledge of the physical processes which affect the coast is very important. These include the tides of the sea and the oceanic and meteorological circulation patterns that cause variations of the sea level and generate waves. The sea level is measured by tide-gauges, while the height of waves may be determined by a variety of special devices. Radar systems have been applied for the sea level and wave measurements since the late 1990s. This paper presents results from a field test or such a radar application and aims to give the reader help and support in the selection of an appropriate radar-gauge system to measure sea level and sea state. The underlying physical principles of radar and its application in distance measurements are not subjects of this paper.  相似文献   

Relationship between the non-dimensional roughness length and inverse of wave age has been discussed without consideration of wave directions, though wind wave field consists of various directional component waves. In this study we observe wave heights by an array of four wave gauges at the Hiratsuka Tower of (Independent Administrative Institution) National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Prevention (NIED), Japan, and discuss the effect of wave directionality. As a result, the data sets were classified into two different groups according to the directional wave spectrum distribution. In case 1 only swell and wind waves exist and in case 2 there exist wave components from several directions. It is shown that the case of multiple-directional component waves (case 2) may affect the non-dimensional roughness length and friction velocity.  相似文献   


在南海西沙群岛(15.76°~17.13°N,111.18°~112.90°E)5条年分辨率的滨珊瑚生长率(即每年生长宽度,mm/a或cm/a)序列和4个U-Th年龄的基础上,根据珊瑚生长率与器测海温的显著正相关关系特征并建立的转换方程,定量重建了近500年(1520~2007 A.D.)连续的年分辨率的西沙海温历史。这一时期的海温变化可以分为两个主要阶段:1)1520~1825 A.D.以小幅波动为主,略有下降(-0.21±0.07 ℃)。2)1826~2007 A.D.整体呈上升趋势(0.93±0.15 ℃),其中1826~1899 A.D.快速上升(1.0±0.13 ℃);1900~1971 A.D.小幅波动,略有下降(-0.16±0.19 ℃);1972~2007 A.D.再次上升(0.55±0.30 ℃)。同时,近500年来西沙海温具有显著的年际、十年际和多年代际周期,分别对应于ENSO、太阳活动和太平洋多年代际涛动(PDO)。珊瑚生长率记录的西沙海域持续升温始于1820年代后期,与西太平洋暖池区的升温起始时间相当,但略早于全球其他区域,体现了南海海域对赤道海域海洋环境变化的敏感响应。


文章指出物探方法的特点是工作场地要求低、周期短、耗资小、效果直观,并论证在解决工程地质问题中物探技术与传统勘探方法的关系,即两者相互依靠、相互补充、不可分割。只有认清两者的关系才能更好地解决工程地质问题。  相似文献   

Grain size and geochemical analyses have been carried out on 58 samples collected from different areas of mangrove environment of the Egyptian Red Sea coast. The texture characteristics of mangrove sediments show that the mean size decreases in sediments of coastal areas while increase in island sediments and the sediment type generally changes from sand to slightly gravelly muddy sand. The sediments are composed mainly of poorly sorted, negatively nearly symmetrical and leptokurtic fine sands. Cluster analysis showed that, distribution of gravel, sand and mud fractions is related to bottom facies and type of sediment source. Generally, sand fraction is the main category among the three constituents. Geochemically the factor controlling the carbonate content of studied sediments includes material supply of biogenic and terrigenous components. Therefore, sediments of Hamata area, km 17 south Safaga, Wadi El-Gemal Island and Abu-Minqar Island are terrigenous sediments, while sediments of km 37 north Quseir are highly carbonates. In general organic matter is higher in the mangrove sediments relative to adjacent areas. The high organic matter in the mangrove sediments is primarily due to the high supply from primary productivity, terrestrial and reworked sediments. Texture is the main controlling factor for the organic matter enrichment. Spatial variations in the phosphorus content in the different studied localities are related to the sources of phosphorus to the area. In comparison, cluster analysis indicates that phosphorus might be transported from terrestrial source to the sea through wadis draining the excavated Upper Cretaceous phosphate rocks. Also, the abundance of phosphorus content may be attributed to phosphatization of calcareous skeletons. Our observations provide knowledge on the physico-chemical effects and will be useful in the management and suitable development of the areas under study. In addition it represent database in the future.  相似文献   

武山蛇绿岩位于北秦岭西段、商丹断裂西延之北,岩石组成主要为超基性岩、变质的基性侵入岩、枕状玄武岩及大理岩.变玄武岩的岩石地球化学特征显示为钙碱性玄武岩,形成于大陆裂谷至初始洋盆环境,其Sm-Nd等时线年龄为1 570 Ma,反映原始岩浆形成于中元古代,属大陆地壳演化早期的蛇绿岩.  相似文献   

It is well recognized that sea surface temperature (SST) plays a dominant role in the formation and intensification of tropical cyclones. A number of observational/empirical studies were conducted at different basins to investigate the influence of SST on the intensification of tropical cyclones and in turn, modification in SST by the cyclone itself. Although a few modeling studies confirmed the sensitivity of model simulation/forecast to SST, it is not well quantified, particularly for Bay of Bengal cyclones. The present study is designed to quantify the sensitivity of SST on mesoscale simulation of an explosively deepening storm over the Bay of Bengal, i.e., Orissa super cyclone (1999). Three numerical experiments are conducted with climatological SST, NCEP (National Center for Environmental Prediction) skin temperature as SST, and observed SST (satellite derived) toward 5-day simulation of the storm using mesoscale model MM5. At model initial state, NCEP skin temperature and observed SST over the Bay of Bengal are 1–2°C warmer than climatological SST, but cooler by nearly 1°C along the coastline. Observed SST shows a number of warm patches in the Bay of Bengal compared with NCEP skin temperature. The simulation results indicate that the sea surface temperature has a significant impact on model-simulated track and intensity of the cyclonic storm. The track and intensity of the storm is better simulated with the use of satellite-observed SST.  相似文献   

镰子沟金矿床位于小秦岭金矿集区西部,矿体受断裂和石英脉体控制,围岩蚀变以钾化和硅化为主。矿床浅部以金矿为主,深部发现金钼(共)伴生矿体。为了确定镰子沟金矿床成岩、成矿时代,选择镰子沟金矿床正长斑岩和金钼矿石分别进行了LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb和辉钼矿Re-Os同位素研究。获得正长斑岩的~(207)Pb/~(206)Pb年龄加权平均值为1802.9±9.9Ma,此年龄明显早于小秦岭地区金矿床的形成时代;获得辉钼矿Re-Os等时线年龄为128.8±6.5Ma,指示矿床形成于早白垩世,晚于区域已知花岗岩形成时代。综合研究认为,镰子沟金矿床的形成与区域花岗岩无关,可能与深部流体或隐伏岩浆有关。  相似文献   

为观测和分析安装中拖曳锚在土中的运动特性,自制了由玻璃水槽、拖曳系统和拉力传感器组成的板锚拖曳试验装置。将硅凝胶与水混合制备成了透明土,依据有效重度强度比确定模型锚材料,按照1:50缩尺比例,在自制板锚拖曳试验装置上开展固定锚腚拖曳锚拖曳试验,研究了偏心系数和锚腚角对固定锚腚拖曳锚运动特性的影响规律。结果表明:该试验装置可以直接观测拖曳板锚嵌入土中运动的全过程;锚眼法向偏心距和切向偏心距不是独立参数,偏心系数能综合描述锚眼偏心对板锚在土中运动的影响;锚腚角是影响板锚在土中运动的重要参数,随着锚腚角增加,板锚最终嵌土深度先增加后减小;随着锚眼偏心系数增加,板锚最终嵌土深度先增加后减小;固定锚腚拖曳锚在土中的运动轨迹近似服从负指数函数曲线。  相似文献   

瑞雷面波在填海造地强夯效果检测中 ,较常规静力学方法具有成本低、效率高、适宜大面积检测的人工地震勘测方法。本文以漳州后石电厂填海造地的强夯效果检测为例 ,给出瑞雷面波检测方法在强夯效果检测应用的技术途径、技术方案 ,并对检测效果进行分析  相似文献   

极限保土状态下的反滤机制试验研究   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
陈轮  庄艳峰  许齐  王钊 《岩土力学》2008,29(6):1455-1460
提出了反滤系统极限保土状态的概念,分别采用4种不同孔径的钢丝编织网进行粉土反滤试验,研究反滤系统的极限保土状态。试验表明,当滤网孔径O和粉土特征粒径d85的比值等于12时,反滤系统才达到极限保土状态。极限保土状态下的反滤系统,在淹没式出流条件下,经往复水流作用26 h后改为单向水流,水力梯度从3.8逐渐增加到9.1,并在9.1的水力梯度下持续渗透453.25 h,反滤系统仍保持稳定,未发生失稳破坏;在非淹没式出流条件下,水力梯度从5.3逐渐增加到12.7期间,反滤系统保持稳定,但在维持12.7的水力梯度下持续渗透261.83 h后,反滤系统发生失稳破坏。对极限保土状态的研究有助于工程设计中更加合理地确定织物滤层孔径上限,减少淤堵。  相似文献   

1IntroductionTostudyglobalchangesinthepast (PAGES) ,i.e.,paleo climaticandpaleoenvironmentalchanges,itisnecessarytoestablishahigh resolutionandhigh precisiontimescale .Lateinthe1 980s,Edwardsetal.( 1 987,1 987)developedthethermalionizationmassspectrometry U seriesdatingmethod (TIMS)andtheyusedthismethodtoconducttheprecisedatingofthecharacteristicclimateeventssincethelastinterglacialperiod .Theirscientificpracticearousedgreatinterestofsci entificworkersengagedinQuaternaryenvironment (Peng…  相似文献   

黑龙江虎林岩体的锆石U——Pb 年龄及地质意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
胥嘉  邢德和  杨浩  张彦龙 《世界地质》2012,31(4):631-637
通过虎林石青山采石场角闪花岗闪长岩的锆石U-Pb LA-ICPMS 年龄测定,确定了虎林岩体形成于118 Ma 的早白垩世晚期。根据该岩体的岩石学和地球化学特征及区域构造演化研究资料,认为虎林岩体的形成与太平洋板块的俯冲作用有关。  相似文献   

新疆希勒库都克铜钼矿床辉钼矿Re-Os年龄及其地质意义   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
新疆富蕴县内的希勒库都克铜钼矿床是与花岗斑岩有关的斑岩型铜钼矿床.通过对矿石中8件辉钼矿Re-Os同位素的测定,得到了(326.6±7.1)Ma~(333.1±4.6)Ma的模式年龄,加权平均年龄为(329.4±1.6)Ma,一个相关性很好的等时线年龄(327.1±2.9)Ma,表明其形成于早石炭世中期,它可能形成于同...  相似文献   

沂南县铜井金矿床锆石SHRIMP U-Pb年龄及其地质意义   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
通过对山东省沂南铜井金矿矿石中的锆石进行SHRIMP U-Pb同位素年龄测定,获得了2组谐和年龄,其中7个测点构成的谐和线上交点年龄数值为(2 500±15)Ma(MSWD=5.0),有5个测点构成的谐和线年龄数值为(128.6±3.6)Ma(MSWD=0.89).研究认为,前者基本代表了新太古代二长花岗岩的形成年龄,...  相似文献   

潍河流域下游地表污水对地下水水质影响的状态分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
术洪亮  魏保军 《吉林地质》1999,18(2):37-41,76
为了准确地建立莱洲湾南岸地区虞河段地表水与地下水污染质运移的数学模型,本文对研究区地下水及地表水污染特征及其污染现状进行了调查、分析,为地下水资源的合理利用开发提供了依据。  相似文献   


对帕米尔构造结中新生代构造变形和地貌演化过程的精细约束是揭示青藏高原造山历史和动力学机制,以及中亚古环境变迁控制因素的关键。文章重点总结了近十年来与帕米尔中新生代构造地貌演化,以及塔里木盆地新生代海侵海退相关的研究成果,包括主要断裂构造、穹窿埋藏和剥露、岩浆变质作用,刻画了帕米尔-西昆仑从二叠纪末期到中新世中晚期的构造地貌发展的动力学过程。研究表明,帕米尔-西昆仑山脉从三叠纪-侏罗纪早期就已经出现,经历了中生代中晚期和新生代早期的活化造山和晚渐新世-中新世向外和向上生长过程。帕米尔构造结始新世的构造变形比较微弱,其地壳的强烈增厚始于37~35 Ma,帕米尔向北的大规模楔入和弧形构造的形成均发生在晚渐新世(约27~25 Ma)以来。晚渐新世-早中新世是帕米尔构造结强烈变形期,大型断裂的初始活动、岩石剥露和岩浆变质可用印度板块断离引起的地壳物质向南北两侧双向楔冲的动力学模型来解释。帕米尔-西昆仑山前的塔里木盆地分别经历了约41~40 Ma和39~37 Ma两次幕式向西的海退过程。特提斯洋最终退出塔里木-阿莱依-塔吉克盆地的时间(约39~37 Ma)与中帕米尔始新世岩浆作用及中-南帕米尔地壳开始强烈增厚的时间(约37~35 Ma)略有重叠,暗示构造对塔里木盆地最终海退可能存在一定影响。但从长时间尺度来看,中亚地区海侵和海退震荡波动与气候变化引起的全球海平面升降变化的规律是一致的,说明气候变化对塔里木海退的长期影响。据此,特提斯洋最终退出塔里木盆地可能是帕米尔地壳加厚和气候变冷引起的全球海平面下降共同作用的结果,而构造和气候对塔里木海退的相对贡献则还需要进一步评估。


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