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村镇建设是我国现代化进程中的重大历史任务.数字化技术对全社会和全行业的发展具有极强的促进作用,加强"村镇数字化"管理建设是我国当今社会经济发展的必然趋势和客观要求,广泛应用数字化管理技术已成为发展村镇经济、富裕农民和加快现代化进程的重要技术手段,是实现社会主义新农村建设目标的重大技术选择.村镇数字化管理是信息技术在村镇社会经济发展全面渗透应用的过程,是村镇社会经济发展相互衔接与协调的基础,也是与城市发展衔接和协调的纽带,是实现村镇现代化的基础与保障.  相似文献   

文章通过研究如何利用测绘部门在城市建设中采集的地理信息空间数据和社区建筑及居民信息数据,搭建一个适用于社区管理的地理信息系统(GIS)平台,为社区的数字化管理提供参考。  相似文献   

村镇社区作为我国社会的基层组织,是社会生活最基本的环境载体,村镇社区对地方病、传染病防治工作的开展对城市社会医疗卫生工作的良性运行具有重要的影响.计算机、网络、数据库等技术的发展,为提高村镇社区地方病、传染病的防治管理水平提供了有效的途径.从村镇社区实际出发,设计了基于Java Applet的电子地图应用程序JAEMA,在此基础上,采用轻量级设计模式,综合运用Struts+Spring+Hibernate框架构建了村镇社区地方病、传染病防治咨询系统EIPCAS,为提高村镇社区地方病、传染病防治水平提供有效的技术支撑和决策支持.  相似文献   

村镇规划国土GIS数据是村镇规划国土信息系统的数据基础,因为其涉及规划、国土、建设等多个行业,数据来源多样、结构复杂,凶此不能简单地照搬城市领域的相关建设经验,而需对其数据组织方法进行深入的研究.本文首先分析了村镇规划国土GIS数据的特点,然后从数据分类编码、数据集成、异构数据融合和数据的专题化管理等几个方面对其进行了探讨研究.其对我国新农村建设中村镇信息的规范化组织有一定的借鉴作用.  相似文献   

城市三维地质数据管理与服务系统框架研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
城市地质数据的数字化管理与服务是“数字城市“工程的重要内容,3D GIS将在未来的城市数字化建设中扮演核心角色.介绍了3D GIS的发展现状及应用前景,详细讨论了基于3D GIS构建的城市地质数据管理与服务系统的设计思路和结构功能.三维数据结构的研究是3D GIS的核心问题并成为当前制约3D GIS深入发展与应用的瓶颈,由于缺乏对三维地质数据进行有效管理与可视化表达的三维数据模型,当前GIS的三维地质建模能力与三维空间分析能力都极为薄弱.在分析城市三维地质数据多种建模方法的基础上,采用一种基于TIN和TEN的混合数据结构来构建城市地质数据建模系统.针对城市三维地质数据的特点,探讨了城市三维地质海量数据的采集与管理、城市三维地质数据信息的Web发布等重要问题,力求为系统功能的最终实现提供完整的解决方案.  相似文献   

国土资源已成为社会经济发展的基础和根本支撑,如何科学合理的管理、利用资源,关系到整个社会的发展和未来。通过建立垦利县国土资源管理委员会集体会审系统,对土地出让的前期工作做了数字化、信息化,提出一个基于工作流技术和GIS技术的综合解决方案,利用现有的地理信息服务平台,建立会审系统为国土资源管理委员会的集体会审工作提供技术支撑并对出让地块加以管理。  相似文献   

随着城市的快速发展和GIS技术的进步,如何利用信息技术手段为现代城市规划管理提供支撑,实现城市管理全过程的图文一体化、二三维一体化、时空一体化,提升城市管理效能成为城市管理者迫切需要解决的问题。本文以数据资源整合为切入点,综合利用现有的信息技术,提出时空图文二三维一体化的基本思路和关键技术,通过珠海规划编制管理平台验证效果良好,为其他城市规划数字化管理提供借鉴和启发。  相似文献   

村镇地理空间数据框架实现软件系统的设计与实现   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
针对村镇数字化发展的需要,本文研究了构建村镇地理空间数据框架的技术架构和业务流程.在论述村镇地理空间数据框架实现软件系统的设计思想和原则的基础上,设计了系统的总体框架和数据模型,最后本文就系统所能实现的多源数据集成、尺度融合等基本功能进行了详细阐述.  相似文献   

利用空间数据访问技术基于Ajax技术的客户端浏览方式和其开源技术,开发了村镇低成本地理信系统。系统在地理空间数据的基础上加各种村镇专题信息,具有较好的交性,对村镇信息化建设具有积极的推作用。  相似文献   

目前,我国数字城市已走向面向云服务的智慧城市地理平台时代。云GIS服务平台为政府部门及公众提供了可定制、弹性化的一站式地理信息服务。本文在研究云GIS下地理空间数据的整合模型、服务体系架构,以及部署方式的基础上,深入分析了Arc GIS云平台特点并设计了一套基于云平台的智慧城市地理空间信息服务共享平台——"兰州市城关区数字化社会管理与服务平台"。该平台通过地理云服务集成了虚拟化、网络化、智能化等关键技术,创建了智慧城市社会管理与服务新模式,提高了社会管理效能和质量。  相似文献   

In China, community tourism is still a relatively new phenomenon, but the villagers of a small Qiang village in the Qiang Autonomous County of Beichuan in Southwestern Sichuan have initiated tourism in a way which conforms to the basic theory of community tourism development. This demonstrates that community tourism possesses a strength and vitality that can promote the development of tourism in the rural and mountainous areas. In the district of Zhenghe Village, the tourism industry, based on the community tourism model, is the mainstay of its economy. The practice of community tourism in the village not only promotes the economic development of the village community, but also leads to the protection of the mountainous natural environment and of the culture of the Qiang people. This paper investigates the development process of community tourism in Zhenghe and shows how the local residents participate in this process. It also looks at how profits have been distributed within the community. It demonstrates that community tourism is a correct choice by the Zhenghe people as they have dearly been moving from poverty to prosperity, while the local ecology and environment have been simultaneously protected. The authors hope that other minority villages with similar local conditions and natural resources will be able to use this example to develop their own community tourism.  相似文献   

平阴县孝直镇属偏远的农业大镇,为解决村庄规模偏小、布局分散和"空心村"等问题,充分利用国家城乡建设用地增减挂钩政策,以土地综合整治为平台,积极推进大村制建设,合村并点建设新型社区,从根本上改变农村面貌,加速城镇化和城乡一体化进程。  相似文献   

随着渔业经济的发展,捕捞强度过大使得渔业资源严重衰退,渔村社区面临转型的困境.以调查村为例从产业结构、管理体制、文化教育管理、生活方式等四个方面对其现实的状况与困境进行分析,并在此基础上提出转型的相应对策措施,以期为相关政府部门的决策提供参考和借鉴.  相似文献   

Using social exchange theory, this study investigated residents’ attitudes toward the preliminary stage of tourism development in nature reserves in Wuyishan National Nature Reserve of China, and the socio-economic and negative effects of residents’ attitude toward the tourist industry. Results of the questionnaire survey indicated that local people perceived they could benefit from the economic activities related to tourism, and were supportive of the conservation of natural resources and local culture, sustainable community development, and community participation in ecotourism planning and management. This study also revealed that the variables of age, gender, education level, household income, family size, non-farm work arrangements, and the distance to tourism attractions, have significant association with respondents’ attitudes toward ecotourism development, or negative impacts of the tourist industry. Respondents who are male, or have a higher household income, are more supportive of tourism development inside the reserve. Younger and more highly educated community members are more likely to support learning more about natural and cultural resources and landscapes. Respondents who have a higher household income, or live far from the village center, are more concerned about the negative environmental impacts of tourism development.  相似文献   

随着我国城市化水平的不断提高,在城市中出现了大量的住宅社区,并引入了社区智能管理系统,但在数字社区建设过程中,通过地理信息技术进行社区的空间管理、信息查询和定位分析的研究案例还不多见,本文主要通过地理信息技术和空间数据库技术,利用WebGIS方法,以北京市回龙观居住小区为研究实例,将空间信息融入社区管理系统中,实现对社区空间信息的有效管理,并探讨其在技术上的可行性及实现的途径和主要方法。  相似文献   

针对村镇数字化管理的实际需求,本文研究并实现了包括数据建模、标准化处理、分级分类及地理编码统一、分类代码转换、属性结构规整、一致性处理和对象化处理在内的一整套数据整合方法与技术流程,并以北京市吴雄寺村为例,对该村多源数据进行了空间化整合,实现了北京市吴雄寺村地理空间框架数据的构建,因此本文阐述的数据整合技术今后可以在我国更多的村镇进行广泛应用.  相似文献   

Community participation in forest resource management in Nepal   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
Livelihood of the people in Nepal hills depends much upon forest resources in addition to farming as forest plays a critical role in the well being of the farming households where access to alternative sources, such as energy for cooking, nutrition for animals, materials for fertilizer and constructing materials for shelter, are limited. Thus, the well being of the people in the hills is directly affected by the management of these forest resources. This issue was addressed in this paper by examining the forest resource management practices and its effect on well being of rural people in two different stages in a village lying in the steep hill of Mahabharat Range in the southern hills of Kathmandu valley, Lalitpur District. The main ethnic/caste groups in the villageare Brahmin/Chhetri (high Hindu caste),Magar/Tamang (Tibeto Burmans) and Kami (occupational caste: cobbler). Currently there are four community forest users groups, with mixed ethnic membership, organized to manage the forest resources. The endowments, weak institutional settings, before 1990 helped the Bhramins, Magars and Tamangs to get access into the private forest endowment, which made them easy to get access to the forest resources, mainly fuel wood, fodder and timber in 1990 and enhanced their well beings. But the socially backward Kami could not get benefit from the institutions that existed during that time and had less chance to enhance their well beings. After the set up of different endowments during late 199os, i.e.,hand over of forest management to users groups in line with the concept of community forest,environment to use the forest resources became better for all the groups, along with the management of the forest. This enhanced the well beings of all the groups in the study village. However, the ability of Kami to use the forest resources to enhance their well beings was still lacking behind. The reason was partially due to the difference in endowments carried over from the endowments before 199o, and partly due to their occupational work and location of their settlements.  相似文献   

Owing to the geographic disadvantages of mountain villages, the social, cultural, and economic conditions of mountain villagers are inferior to those of urban dwellers in South Korea. Thus, in 1995, the The government of South Korea launched a mountain village development support program to promote agriculture and forestry, balance national land development, and preserve cultural heritage. The program was effectively implemented, improving the income, population size, and living conditions of villagers in addition to setting up a system for stable project implementation. However, concerns were raised about long-term development planning, the creation and marketing of specialty brands, facility management/operation, and follow-up support. The government conducted surveys of mountain villagers in 2003 and 2014, obtaining basic data to address these issues. This study evaluates the outcomes of these two surveys, suggesting areas requiring focused action, concentrating on village development projects, forest resource distribution and use, demographic trends, the economy, exchange with urban areas, green tourism, and master planning. We find that despite growth in the forest labor force, forest ownership is diminishing in terms of the number and scale of holdings. Consequently, it is necessary to commercialize forest resources, establish favorable settlement conditions, and expand government support for village-run projects. In addition, systematic forest management for older tree age classes would benefit the public and provide assets for future mountain village development. Our results are expected to provide baseline information for the establishment and efficient implementation of mountain village development policy.  相似文献   

章丘市创新旧村综合整治新模式,以群众满意不满意、拥护不拥护为标准,不搞一个模式,不搞盲目推进。为稳步推进,确保社会稳定,把好事办好,章丘市国土资源局加大了市场化运作方式,把权力交给基层群众,积极探索了多元化运作机制,有力地推动了旧村整治与新社区建设的发展。  相似文献   

数字地籍是地籍发展的重要趋势。地籍管理信息系统是数字地籍建设的核心,文章在分析目前我国地籍信息系统建设现状的基础上,指出以后地籍管理信息系统将是面向网络的、以空间数据库为核心的、集成应用的系统。文章重点介绍基于大型组件式GIS平台SuperMap GIS所开发的吉林市地籍管理信息系统的软件组织、系统结构、系统特色以及系统应用模式,从而提出基于面向网络一体化地籍管理信息系统的建设思路,为我国数字地籍的建设提供参考。  相似文献   

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