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Izvestiya, Physics of the Solid Earth - The results of studying the deep structure of the Earth’s crust and upper mantle of the Arctic from surface wave data are presented. For this purpose,...  相似文献   

利用福建及其周边3省(浙江、江西、广东)数字地震监测台网的69个宽频带台站一年的噪声记录,采用互相关技术提取两两台站间的瑞利面波格林函数,反演得到了福建及其周边地区3个周期段(T=4s、T=10s、T=15s)的瑞利面波群速度分布图像。所得结果可为研究该地区的地壳构造、地热分布、地震活动等提供重要依据。  相似文献   

邢康  贾漯昭 《中国地震》2019,35(4):685-694
本文选取河南及邻区39个宽频带和甚宽频带地震台站记录的2014年1月~2015年12月垂直分量的连续波形资料,通过波形互相关和叠加运算得到台站间的经验格林函数,并用时频分析方法提取了498条瑞利波群速度频散曲线,进而采用噪声层析成像方法反演获得了河南及邻区8~25s的瑞利波群速度分布图像。结果表明,8s周期的群速度分布与地表构造特征密切相关,平原地区表现为低速异常,而基岩出露的山区呈现为高速异常;14s、20s周期的群速度在山区表现的高速异常与8s相似,说明中上地壳与地壳浅部结构有一定的相关性和继承性;8~20s周期的群速度在华北平原地区存在低速异常范围随周期增加而减小的现象。华北平原地区在下地壳表现出的低速异常,可能与大陆地壳减薄有关。大致以太行-武陵重力梯度带为界,下地壳表现出的西部低速、东部至研究区中部高速异常差异,体现了地壳东薄西厚的结构特征。  相似文献   

安宁河-则木河断裂带位于川滇地块、巴颜喀拉地块和华南地块的交接部位,是川滇菱形块体的东部重要边界。利用布设在安宁河-则木河断裂带周边区域的西昌台阵和川西台阵均历时两年、共187个宽频带地震台站的垂直分量的背景噪声数据,采用噪声层析成像方法获得了这一区域4~20s的Rayleigh波群速度分布图像。与前人研究相比,本文结果的横向分辨率有明显改进,在安宁河-则木河断裂带可达20km左右,在其它区域可以达到20~40km。成像结果表明,安宁河-则木河断裂地区上地壳的速度结构存在明显横向不均匀性,速度分布特征与地表地质构造基本一致,不同周期的速度分布变化较小。盐源盆地、西昌盆地和四川盆地西南缘表现为低速异常。九龙附近和南部的德昌-盐边-巧家附近表现为高速异常,分别与出露的花岗岩体和峨眉山玄武岩有关。在安宁河断裂南段和则木河断裂北段能观测到断裂两侧的速度存在明显差异,其余断裂带两侧的速度对比不明显。贡嘎山附近的中上地壳表现为明显的低速异常,其东侧和西南侧高速体的阻挡,以及鲜水河-安宁河断裂带走向的变化,在贡嘎山区形成一个挤压弯曲段,使得川滇菱形块体的东南向水平运动转换为垂直于断裂的挤压作用和垂直隆升,导致了贡嘎山的快速隆起。  相似文献   

张丽晓  闫俊岗  张双凤 《地震》2022,42(1):155-168
晋冀鲁豫交界地区位于华北克拉通的东南部, 研究该区地壳结构有助于进一步了解河北南部及其邻区地质构造演化特征、 发震机制、 发震规律。 本文收集了晋冀鲁豫交界地区两年84个地震台连续波形观测资料, 通过台站对波形互相关, 得到各台站对间的经验格林函数, 再利用图像分析技术提取瑞利波频散曲线。 本文基于面波直接成像方法得到不同深度剪切波速度结构。 结果显示, 该区部分速度异常与该区地表地质构造单元存在相关性, 速度异常呈区域分布特征, 山区和盆地呈现非常显著的速度差异, 浅层上地壳结构速度变化特征与沉积层厚度、 结晶基底埋深等区域构造密切相关, 中下地壳及上地幔存在不规则的速度异常, 与该区的地震发生存在相关性。  相似文献   

We perform Rayleigh wave tomography in east Guangdong and its surrounding regions by applying the ambient noise method to broadband data recorded at 26 stations from Guangdong, Fujian and Jiangxi Digital Seismic Networks. Cross-correlations of vertical- component ambient noise data are computed in one-day segments and stacked over seven months from March to September, 2011. Then Rayleigh wave group dispersion curves are measured using the frequency-time analysis method. Group velocity maps at periods from 5s to 15s are inverted. The resulting group velocity maps generally show good correlation with tectonic features, reflecting the velocity variations in the shallow crust. The basin areas are clearly resolved with lower group velocities at the short periods due to thick sedimentary layers, and the mountain areas with higher group velocities due to thin sedimentary layers. The variations of group velocity on the map can draw out the distribution of basins and mountains in study areas. The geothermal field can change the group velocity obviously, and lower group velocities are always found in high geothermal areas. The velocity maps indicate that a low-velocity layer may be found in the study areas.  相似文献   

周旻炜  周龙泉 《中国地震》2018,34(2):328-336
基于2009~2010年国家、区域测震台网的387个宽频带台站数据,通过互相关方法提取到可靠的瑞利波经验格林函数,利用相位匹配滤波时频分析技术测量瑞利波相速度频散曲线,最后采用噪声层析成像方法获得了华南地区不同周期的瑞利波相速度分布图。结果显示,华南地区速度结构横向变化幅度较小,反映了华南地区作为一个整体较为稳定,与华南地区自晚中生代以来未发生过强烈构造活动的特征基本一致;虽然华南地区整个岩石圈速度结构较为均匀,但扬子块体西部、四川盆地与扬子块体东部、华夏块体间存在明显的速度差异,体现在周期为8~10s时华夏块体相速度大于扬子块体西部、川滇块体以及四川盆地,由于沉积层较厚四川盆地速度最低;周期为10~30s时华夏块体面波相速度大于扬子块体西部和四川盆地,而川滇块体速度最低;周期为35s时扬子块体、华夏块体、四川盆地的速度基本一致,且高于川滇块体,这与华南地区地壳厚度明显小于川滇块体的特征相符。  相似文献   

—?Rayleigh wave group velocity dispersion measurements from 10?s to 160?s periods have been made for paths traversing Northern Africa. Data were accumulated from the IRIS DMC, GEOSCOPE, and MEDNET seismic networks covering the years 1991–1997. The group velocity measurements are made including the effects of debiasing for instantaneous period and a single-iteration, mode-isolation (phase match) filter. The curves are grouped by tectonic province and compared to tomographic model-based curves in an effort to test and validate the tomographic models. Within each tectonic category (rift, orogenic zone, or craton) group velocity curves from various provinces are similar. Between tectonic categories, however, there are marked differences. The rift related paths exhibit the lowest group velocities observed, and cratonic paths the fastest. One-dimensional shear velocity inversions are performed, and while highly nonunique, the ranges of models show significant differences in upper mantle velocities between the tectonic provinces.¶This work is part of a larger project to determine group velocity maps for North Africa and the Middle East. The work presented here provides important tools for the validation of tomographic group velocity models. This is accomplished by comparing group velocity curves calculated from the tomographic models with carefully selected high-quality group velocity measurements. The final group velocity models will be used in M s measurements, which will contribute to the m b :M s discriminant important to the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT). The improved shear wave velocity models provided by this study also contribute to the detection, location, and identification of seismic sources.  相似文献   

华北地区瑞利面波噪声层析成像研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
华北具有中国大陆最古老的克拉通构造,自中生代以来,华北克拉通活化,发生大规模的伸展和裂解,岩石圈减薄,并成为中新生代构造强烈活动的地区。华北地区不但是中国的政治、经济和文化中心,也是地震灾害多发区,历史上曾发生过多次破坏性地震。近代发生的唐山、滦县、宁河强震造成了巨大的经济损失和人员伤亡,因此该区一直是中国的地震重点监视防御区。  相似文献   

基于福建及邻区108个宽频带地震台站2016年6月到7月两个月垂直和水平分量波形连续记录, 利用相位加权叠加算法提高信噪比, 计算得到108个台站对的高质量经验格林函数。 对所获取的经验格林函数, 采用时频分析的方法在1~20 s频段内量取了大量高质量的Rayleigh波和Love波群速度频散数据。 在此基础上, 采用基于射线追踪的二维层析成像方法反演得到了福建及其邻区1~20 s的Rayleigh波和Love波群速度分布。 分辨率测试结果表明群速度分布的分辨率能达50 km。 成像结果显示1~10 s的群速度分布与地壳中上部地质特征有很好的一致性, 区内的福州盆地和漳州盆地在浅层结构中表现出明显的低速异常。 长周期的群速度则揭示了漳州西北的高地热区内中下地壳低速体, 政和-大埔断裂两侧的速度差异, 表明其可能是一个深大断裂, 并呈现明显的东西差异。  相似文献   

华北及邻区地壳上地幔三维速度结构的地震走时层析成像   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
利用华北及邻区475个地震台站的区域地震走时资料,反演了该地区的地壳上地幔三维P波和S波速度结构。地震走时的计算用近似弯曲射线追踪方法,三维速度模型的反演用LSQR算法。用检测板方法对走时数据进行成像分辨率分析,结果表明反演模型在水平方向上以0.5°×0.5°的节点分布,垂直方向上以1km、10km、25km、42km、60km为节点作网格划分是合理的。研究区域内,秦岭—大别造山带两侧的华北块体与扬子块体有不同的速度异常特征:华北块体地壳速度结构复杂,而扬子块体则相对简单。华北块体地壳内存在较明显的低速异常,而扬子块体则正常或高速异常。自中新生代以来华北块体地壳经历挤压到伸展的强烈变形,而扬子块体相对稳定。华北块体的构造活动依然强烈,表现为频繁的地震活动。华北地块地壳速度结构的主要特征是:①主要构造带(如燕山构造带、太行山山前构造带、汾渭构造带、郯庐断裂带以及秦岭-大别构造带)位于地壳上地幔的低速或高低速过渡区内;②在唐山及附近地区25 km、42 km和60 km深处连续的低速异常,可能意味着上地幔热的物质上涌,到达上地壳的下部后停止上升过程。  相似文献   

The lithospheric structure of the Sinai Peninsula is shown by means of nine shear velocity profiles for depths ranging from zero to 50 km, determined from the Rayleigh wave analysis. The traces of 30 earthquakes, which occurred from 1992 to 1999 in and around the study area, have been used to obtain Rayleigh wave dispersion. These earthquakes were registered by a broadband station located in Egypt (KEG station). The dispersion curves were obtained for periods between 3 and 40 s, by digital filtering with a combination of MFT and TVF filtering techniques. After that, all seismic events were grouped in source zones to obtain a dispersion curve for each source-station path. These dispersion curves were inverted according to generalized inversion theory, to obtain shear wave velocity models for each source-station path, which is the main goal of this study. The shear velocity structure obtained for the Sinai Peninsula is shown through the shear velocity distributions with depth. These results agree well with the geology and other geophysical results, previously obtained from seismic and gravity data. The obtained velocity models suggest the existence of lateral and vertical heterogeneity. The shear velocity increases generally with depth for all paths analyzed in the study area. Nevertheless, in some paths a small low velocity channel in the upper or lower crust occurs. Along these profiles, it is found that the crustal structure of the Sinai Peninsula consists of three principal layers: upper crust with a sedimentary layer and lower crust. The upper crust has a sedimentary cover of 2 km thick with an average S-velocity of 2.53 km/s. This upper crust has a variable thickness ranging from 12 to 18 km, with S-wave velocity ranging from 3.24 to 3.69 km/s. The Moho discontinuity is located at a depth of 30 km, which is reflected by a sharp increase in the S-velocity values that jump from 3.70–4.12 to 4.33–4.61 km/s.  相似文献   

用背景噪声和地震面波反演东北地区岩石圈速度结构   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
李皎皎  黄金莉  刘志坤 《地震》2012,32(4):22-32
本文利用东北地区的黑龙江、 吉林、 辽宁和内蒙古等四省区区域数字地震台网122个宽频带地震台站记录的波形数据, 分别通过背景噪声互相关及地震面波提取8~25 s和25~70 s的瑞利面波频散曲线, 进而反演得到东北地区从浅到深直至约100 km的岩石圈速度结构。 结果表明, 周期为8 s至15 s的短周期群速度分布与地表构造特征有较好的对应关系, 盆岭边界的大型断裂对上地壳速度结构的控制作用明显, 松辽盆地呈现较厚的低速沉积盆地特征; 周期为20 s至30 s的群速度与短周期时相比出现明显变化, 反映了以大兴安岭—太行山重力梯度带为界, 西部地区莫霍面深度大于东部地区; 周期为50 s至70 s的长周期群速度图表现为随着周期的增加, 东部低速区域西移而西部显示稳定高速, 可能反映了研究区受太平洋板块俯冲影响, 大兴安岭以东地区软流圈热物质上涌的特征。  相似文献   

Surface wave data were initially collected from events of magnitude Ms ≥ 5.0 and shallow or moderate focal depth occurred between 1980 and 2002: 713 of them generated Rayleigh waves and 660 Love waves, which were recorded by 13 broadband digital stations in Eurasia and India. Up to 1,525 source-station Rayleigh waveforms and 1,464 Love wave trains have been processed by frequency-time analysis to obtain group velocities. After inverting the path-averaged group times by means of a damped least-squares approach, we have retrieved location-dependent group velocities on a 2° × 2°-sized grid and constructed Rayleigh- and Love-wave group velocity maps at periods 10.4–105.0 s. Resolution and covariance matrices and the rms group velocity misfit have been computed in order to check the quality of the results. Afterwards, depth-dependent SV- and SH-wave velocity models of the crust and upper mantle are obtained by inversion of local Rayleigh- and Love-wave group velocities using a differential damped least-squares method. The results provide: (a) Rayleigh- and Love-wave group velocities at various periods; (b) SV- and SH-wave differential velocity maps at different depths; (c) sharp images of the subducted lithosphere by velocity cross sections along prefixed profiles; (d) regionalized dispersion curves and velocity-depth models related to the main geological formations. The lithospheric root presents a depth that can be substantiated at ~140 km (Qiangtang Block) and exceptionally at ~180 km in some places (Lhasa Block), and which exhibits laterally varying fast velocity very close to that of some shields that even reaches ~4.8 km/s under the northern Lhasa Block and the Qiangtang Block. Slow-velocity anomalies of 7–10% or more beneath southern Tibet and the eastern edge of the Plateau support the idea of a mechanically weak middle-to-lower crust and the existence of crustal flow in Tibet.  相似文献   

冯策  焦明若  沈军 《地震》2018,38(1):84-95
收集辽宁及邻区59个宽频带地震仪记录的自2012年1月1日至12月31日的背景噪声连续波形垂向记录, 以背景噪声的方法获取辽宁及邻区面波群速度图像。 过程采用互相关的方法提取瑞利面波格林函数, 利用CPS330提取了群速度的频散曲线, 共从1655条频散曲线中筛选出了1233条信噪比较高的频散曲线。 将研究区划分为0.5°×0.5°的网格, 应用的层析成像方法得到了周期为8~40 s的瑞利面波群速度结构分布。 结果表明: 辽宁地区地壳及上地幔存在明显的横向不均匀性。 短周期群速度分布与研究区内断裂带及地质构造地貌形态表现出良好的相关性, 其中8~15 s周期内群速度分布特征与盆地坳陷、 山区隆起对应性较好, 呈“两垒高, 一堑低”的群速度分布特点, 基本与地质构造相吻合, 地震多位于高低速过渡带内。 较长周期20~30 s的群速度在渤海湾-辽东湾中存在低速异常, 显示了渤海湾盆地和下辽河盆地具有较厚的沉积层覆盖。 35~40 s与莫霍面的深度有明显关联性,莫霍面埋深大体呈西厚东薄的特点。 38~40 s周期内郯庐断裂带东侧的低速异常可能说明渤海内存在局部的热物质上涌现象。 本文结果较好地反映了研究区内地貌地质构造情况, 与区域内地壳及上地幔结构的相关研究成果相吻合, 为辽宁及邻区的地震活动构造背景及地震孕育机理提供重要参考资料。  相似文献   

Two-month continuous waveforms of 108 broadband seismic stations in Fujian Province and its adjacent areas are used to compute noise cross-correlation function (NCF). The signal quality of NCF is improved via the application of time-frequency phase weighted stacking. The Rayleigh and Love waves group velocities between 1s-20s are measured on the symmetrical component of the NCF with the multiple filter method. More than 5,000 Rayleigh wave dispersion curves and about 4,000 Love wave dispersion curves are obtained and used to invert for group velocity maps. This data set provides about 50km resolution that is demonstrated with checkerboard tests. Considering the off great circle effect in inhomogeneous medium, the ray path is traced based on the travel time field computed with a finite difference method. The inverted group velocity maps show good correlation with the geological features in the upper and middle crust. The Fuzhou basin and Zhangzhou basin showed low velocity on the short period group velocity maps. On the long period group velocity maps, the low velocity anomaly in the high heat flow region near Zhangzhou and clear velocity contrast across the Zhenghe-Dapu faults, which suggests that the Zhenghe-Dapu fault might be a deep fault.  相似文献   

—?Measurements of group velocity are derived from phase-velocity dispersion curves and modeled with global laterally-varying isotropic structure. Maps for both Love and Rayleigh waves are created in the period range 35?s to 175?s. The data set of group-velocity measurements includes over 50,000 minor-arc observations and 5,000 major-arc observations. The errors in the measurements are estimated by an empirical method of comparing pairwise-similar paths, resulting in uncertainties which are 20% to 40% of the size of the typical measurement. The models are determined by least-squares inversion for spherical harmonic maps expanded up to degree 40. This parameterization allows for resolution of structures as small as 500?km. The models explain 70–98% of the variance relative to the Preliminary Reference Earth Model (PREM). For the area of Eurasia, the group-velocity maps from this study are compared with those of Ritzwoller and Levshin (1998). The results of the two studies are in very good agreement, particularly in terms of spatial correlation. The models also agree in amplitude at wavelengths longer than 30?degrees. For shorter wavelengths, the agreement is good only for models at short periods. The global maps are useful for prediction of group arrival times, for revealing tectonic structures, for determination of seismic event locations and source parameters, and as a basis for regional group-velocity studies.  相似文献   

使用了宁夏及邻区90个地震观测台站资料,反演得到了该区高分辨率的瑞利面波层析成像结果。选用2012年1月至2013年12月的垂直分量连续波形数据,通过对台站对间进行波形互相关和叠加运算,得到各台站对间的经验格林函数,使用CPS(Computer Programs in Seismology)软件测量得到了4005条瑞利面波群速度频散曲线。选取信噪比大于10的经验格林函数对频散曲线进行了筛选,提取了3182条台站对间的频散曲线,反演得到了研究区周期6~50s,分辨率达0.5°×0.5°的瑞利波群速度分布图像。银川盆地在6~26s为明显的低速异常,且盆地内部的低速异常呈现出不均匀的减弱趋势;关中盆地在6~22s为条状低速异常,呈现出东南部的速度略强于西北部的横向不均匀性;在30~50s呈现出在银川断陷盆地及其以南存在一自北东向西南走向的大区域低速异常区,且表现出山地与盆地之间的主要活动构造带存在明显的地貌界线,即六盘山附近的深大断裂是中国东西两大构造单元的分界线。反演结果与研究区地质构造特征、地层地貌具有较好的相关性,且和银川盆地与穿过盆地的人工地震剖面结果吻合,为该地区活动构造带的动力学和强震发震机理研究提供重要依据。  相似文献   

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