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The 1976 Friuli seismic sequence is known for itscomplexity, with several unusually large aftershocksoccurring in the epicentral area. The source region, where the northeastern part of the Alpine chain meetsthe northern Dinaric chain, is characterized by a complexcompressional tectonic regime. Previous studies have not clearly identified which of the two main tectonic systems was activated, in part due to the limited precision of derived earthquake parameters, such as hypocentral coordinates and focal mechanisms. We review the locations for the 10 largest events of the sequence, including theSeptember 16, 1977 and April 18, 1979 earthquakes andwe compute their centroid moment tensors. Source parameters are calculated using intermediate period surfacewaves and the modification of the Harvard centroid-moment tensoralgorithm proposed by Arvidsson and Ekström (1998). A summary of all available geological, geodetic and seismological data show that most of the earthquakes may be associated with the Periadriatic overthrust and other related thrust faults. Based on their locations and focal mechanisms only two ofthe early aftershocks (May 7, 1976 and May 9, 1976) appear instead to have occurred on Dinaric structures.  相似文献   

Synthetic isoseismals of three earthquakes in California and Nevada   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Recent tests on a series of earthquakes in California and Nevada suggest that in some regions the approximate shapes of the territories with equal earthquake-induced damage (expressed in terms of macroseismic intensity) could be synthetically traced out with a simple formula. This formula takes into account some gross features of the source: depth and length, unilateral or bilateral rupture, radiation patterns, rupture velocity, and directivity. Having been formulated on an empirical basis, the formula is however compatible with the so-called asymptotic approach, in which the far-field component of the Green's function is used. This paper presents the synthetic isoseismals of the earthquakes at Cedar Mountain, Nevada, 1932; Fairview Peak-Dixie Valley, Nevada, 1954; and Coalinga, California, 1983. An overall consistency, from acceptable to remarkable, between the observed intensity patterns and the synthetically back-predicted intensity has been obtained for them. Where the detailed modelling techniques available today are inapplicable, due to insufficient information on the features of the seismic sources, or to save time and money, the new formula may be utilizable for improving seismic hazard calculations.The formula was also used inversely for back-predicting geometric-kinematic parameters of the Coalinga 1983 earthquake from macroseismic maps. This gave characteristics for its source which are in good agreement with the majority of data inferred from modelling and from analyzing modern instrumental recordings. This striking result opens new perspectives in retrieving information on the source of ancient earthquakes for which only macroseismic information is available.  相似文献   

A layeredP- andS-wave velocity model is obtained for the Friuli seismic area using the arrival time data ofP- andS-waves from local earthquakes. A damped least-squares method is applied in the inversion.The data used are 994P-wave arrival times for 177 events which have epicenters in the region covered by the Friuli seismic network operated by Osservatorio Geofisico sperimentale (OGS) di Trieste, which are jointly inverted for the earthquake hypocenters andP-wave velocity model. TheS-wave velocity model is estimated on the basis of 978S-wave arrival times and the hypocenters obtained from theP-wave arrival time inversion. We also applied an approach thatP- andS-wave arrival time data are jointly used in the inversion (Roecker, 1982). The results show thatS-wave velocity structures obtained from the two methods are quite consistent, butP-wave velocity structures have obvious differences. This is apparent becauseP-waves are more sensitive to the hypocentral location thanS-waves, and the reading errors ofS-wave arrival times, which are much larger than those ofP-waves, bring large location errors in the joint inversion ofP- andS-wave arrival time. The synthetic data tests indicated that when the reading errors ofS-wave arrivals are larger than four times that ofP-wave arrivals, the method proposed in this paper seems more valid thanP- andS-wave data joint inversion. Most of the relocated events occurred in the depth range between 7 and 11 km, just above the biggest jump in velocity. This jump might be related to the detachment line hypothesized byCarulli et al. (1982). From the invertedP- andS-wave velocities, we obtain an average value 1.82 forV p /V s in the first 16 km depth.  相似文献   

2015年4月25日尼泊尔发生Mw7.9地震.本文采用三维曲线坐标网格有限差分方法,依据USGS给出的震源运动学反演结果和震源区域地形数据,模拟了尼泊尔地震波场传播过程,得到震源区域烈度分布模拟结果,与实际观测的地表峰值速度(PGV)大体吻合.结果表明:地震烈度的空间分布整体上受控于震源的单边破裂特征,高烈度区域主要分布在破裂传播方向上,即震源东半部.震源南侧到东南侧近场,由于受到震源和地形的双重影响,形成最大烈度分布区域,最大烈度约为IX.南侧平原受低速沉积层影响形成高烈度区域.震源西侧及盆地内烈度相对较低.  相似文献   

During three years preceding the 1976 Friuli earthquake, a continuous southward ground tilt was recorded by a tiltmeter placed near Tolmezzo, 15 km north-west of the epicentre of the impending earthquake. The cumulative ground tilt amounted to as much as 3 minutes of arc. Since the tiltmeter was placed in the proximity of an active fault, such a tilt can be explained if the fault slipped aseismically on its shallower section during the same three year period. Aseismic slip on the fault might have been caused by the same mechanism which concentrated stress in the region and eventually produced the 1976 earthquake.  相似文献   

In this work, several seismological observations are presented in order to explain characteristic features of the earthquake sequence which occurred in March 1993 in southwestern Greece, very close to the city of Pyrgos.Fault plane solutions of the largest fore- and aftershocks and the main shock, as well as the directions at which the maximum ground accelerations were recorded suggest that this earthquake sequence has been developed by rupturing three distinct focal planes with different focal mechanisms. The first focal plane, located in the off-shore area, strikes NW-SE, dips SE and includes most of the foreshock activity. The foreshock activity migrated to the northeastern part of the city of Pyrgos and took place on planes with a predominant direction NE-SW. The main shock ofM x =5.5 occurred in a focal plane located between the two above-mentioned areas. Strong motion records of significant shocks of the sequence show peak acceleration values on components consistent with the relevant fault plane solutions.Furthermore, the observed macroseismic field has been compared with synthetic isoseismals computed by using a certain velocity model and the focal mechanism parameters of the main shock.  相似文献   




The earthquake occurred in Lushan County on 20 April, 2013 caused heavy casualty and economic loss. In order to understand how the seismic energy propagates during this earthquake and how it causes the seismic haz- ard, we simulated the strong ground motions from a rep- resentative kinematic source model by Zhang et al. (Chin J Geophys 56(4):1408-1411, 2013) for this earthquake. To include the topographic effects, we used the curved grids finite difference method by Zhang and Chen (Geophys J Int 167(1):337-353, 2006), Zhang et al. (Geophys J Int 190(1):358-378, 2012) to implement the simulations. Our results indicated that the majority of seismic energy con- centrated in the epicentral area and the vicinal Sichuan Basin, causing the XI and VII degree intensity. Due to the strong topographic effects of the mountain, the seismic intensity in the border area across the northeastern of Boxing County to the Lushan County also reached IX degree. Moreover, the strong influence of topography caused the amplifications of ground shaking at the moun- tain ridge, which is easy to cause landslides. These results are quite similar to those observed in the Wenchuan earthquake of 2008 occurred also in a strong topographic mountain area.  相似文献   

2014年2月12日新疆自治区于田县发生了MS7.3级地震.在已知的三维介质模型、地形数据基础上,利用震源运动学初步反演模型(张勇等,2014),作者采用曲线坐标网格三维曲线有限差分方法模拟了于田地震波场传播过程,并计算了模拟区域地震烈度分布.结果表明:地震最大烈度为7度,距离震中最近的于田县城烈度约为5度,断层西北侧地面震动略强于断层东南侧.另外模拟结果还显示地震动在山脊处具有较大的幅度.该地震本身主要能量释放区域在中地壳,主要滑动未及地表,因此对地表造成的破坏有限,这与目前尚无人员伤亡报告的情况相符合.  相似文献   

2014年8月3日云南省昭通市鲁甸县发生了Ms6.5级地震.在已知的三维介质模型、地形数据基础上,利用震源运动学初步反演模型(张勇等,2014),作者采用曲线坐标网格三维曲线有限差分方法模拟了鲁甸地震波场传播过程,并计算了模拟区域地震烈度分布.结果表明:地震最大烈度为Ⅶ度,破坏主要集中在鲁甸县以及巧家县、会泽县靠近鲁甸县的边界.另外,模拟结果还显示地震动在山峰、山脊处具有较大的幅度.计算表明断层东北侧的低速沉积盆地的波动放大效应加强了该地区的地震灾害.  相似文献   

Summary The records of the first series of the North-Italian aftershock series from the period May–August 1976 at the stations Prhonice and Kaperské Hory were analyzed from the point of view of the verification of the travel-time tables used for the interpretation of near earthquake seismograms and of the determination of the short-period body wave magnitudes for near shocks. Also the time-energy distribution was investigated for a 90 days period.  相似文献   

研究了唐山地震发生前的12年以上h≥33.1km地震的活动特征,得知唐山地震前确实存在中源地震前兆MDE;其最主要的特点是:大地震发生前几年,发生多次h≥60km的中源地震,特别是100km左右或大于100km的中源地震,是可能发生板内大地震的前兆信号。文中还研究了唐山MDE的一些具体特征。  相似文献   

2010年4月14日青海玉树地震震动图   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
陈鲲  俞言祥  高孟谭 《中国地震》2011,27(1):99-102
在2010年4月14日07时49分(北京时间)青海省玉树藏族自治州玉树县(33.2°N,96.6°E)7.1级地震发生后,综合考虑震中地区的地质构造背景、活动断裂分布、震源机制结果、震源破裂过程、我国西部的地震动参数经验衰减关系及局部场地效应的影响,用考虑场地效应的震动图快速生成方法,在震后约2小时后得到玉树地震震中地区的震动图,并提供给相关部门使用.结果表明,此次地震的地震烈度特征预测如下:①烈度的展布方向NW-SE向,与玉树断裂的走向一致;②极震区的烈度为Ⅸ度,面积约为300km2;③烈度Ⅸ度区主要位于震中东南方向沿断裂走向近40km和西北方向沿断裂走向15km之间的区域;④Ⅸ度区的西北端由于局部场地条件的影响,其烈度由基岩参考面的Ⅸ度区降为土层上的Ⅷ度区;⑤Ⅷ度区面积约为3000km2;⑥Ⅶ度区的面积约为8000km2;⑦Ⅵ度区面积约为24000km2.  相似文献   

昆明地震台宽频带数字地震资料震相分析图集编制   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
收集了昆明地震台2001~2004年数字地震仪记录的从地方震到极远震、浅源地震到深源地震共计351个典型地震,用分析软件进行震相标注后,采用数据库、前端显示和查询相结合的电子版形式,编制成<昆明台数字地震仪震相分析图集>.  相似文献   

2021年5月21日21时48分(北京时间)云南大理州漾濞县发生Ms6.4地震.中国地震台网中心在震后8min发布正式速报结果,随后联合多家单位启动地震相关产品的应急产出工作,共产出地震基本参数、历史地震、地震构造、震源机制、仪器地震烈度和余震精定位等9类14种数据产品.产品结果显示,本次地震发生在川滇地块滇西地区,位...  相似文献   

2012年5月28日河北省唐山4.8级地震   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
2012年5月28日河北省唐山市古冶区与滦县交界发生4.8级地震,地震宏观震中位于古冶区的王辇庄乡.震中烈度为V度,地震发生在NE走向的唐山断裂带附近.地震没有造成人员伤亡和经济损失.震源机制解P轴方位为SEE,T轴方位为SSW,接近水平,这与华北构造应力场的NE-NEE方向不一致.唐山4.8级地震是1976年唐山7.8级地震晚期余震的正常起伏,2004年以来唐山老震区的ML4.0以上地震呈现了很好的准周期性.唐山4.8级地震前地震活动性和测震学参数存在背景性异常,从不同角度反映了老震区地震活动平静、起伏的阶段性特征.前兆异常以中短期异常为主,其中地下流体异常、电磁异常表现更为突出.此次地震虽然震级不高,但无论是地震活动性还是前兆方面都出现了一定数量的异常.异常既有趋势性的,也有短临的,配套性很好.  相似文献   

伽师强震群震源机制与区域应力场特征   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
利用所搜集新疆地震台网各种短周期Pg 和Pn 波初动方向资料和中国数字地震台网(CDSN)、全球数字地震台网(GDSN)及中亚地区部分资料,计算了新疆阿图什1996年6. 9级和1998年6. 0级地震、伽师1997~ 1998年6次强震,以及MS≥ 4. 0中小地震震源机制解48个。结合伽师强震群地震时空分布、地震烈度,对该区域应力场进行了探讨。结果表明,该区域应力场主压应力方向为SW-NE向。  相似文献   

介绍了基于Google Map浏览的流动地震监测网点志记动态信息化的开发过程与目的,描述了该应用的实现过程.借助Internet网络,以B/S(浏览器/服务器)体系结构作为基础架构,采用Joomla集成平台开发,使当前的地震监测点点志记具有动态电子地图(借助Google Map自身强大的地理信息功能,如交通背景、地形地...  相似文献   


2017年8月8日,在我国四川省九寨沟县发生一次MS7.0级地震.在快速响应的基础上,重新筛选远场地震波形资料并收集覆盖震中区的InSAR资料对主震的震源破裂过程重新进行了反演分析,收集震后约13 h的余震震相数据对余震进行了双差定位,并基于此对发震断层的复杂性进行了讨论,提出了有待进一步研究的问题.最后,利用反演得到的有限动态破裂模型对地震烈度进行了估计.


东南沿海地震带近期地震形势探讨   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
从地震活跃幕、地震活动相关性和时空强特征演变等多个方面探讨了东南沿海地震带近期的地震形势.认为该带第四个中强地震活跃幕已经在1999年结束,目前正处于第五个平静幕的中期或后期阶段.短时间内发生6级以上地震和5级以上地震丛集活动的可能性较小,未来1-2年内.有发生5级左右地震的危险。  相似文献   

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