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The integral characteristics of source geometry, source duration, and rupture propagation for the Sumatra-Andaman earthquake of December 26, 2004 and for the March 28, 2005 earthquake near northern Sumatra have been determined. The source parameters were found by analyzing records of the higher orbits of long-period surface waves. The results are compared with the large-scale average characteristics of tomographic models for the source process based on different data sets that diverge in some details, as well as with the aftershock distribution for the considered earthquakes.  相似文献   

On the evening of March 28, 2005 at 11:09?p.m. local time (16:09 UTC), a large earthquake occurred offshore of West Sumatra, Indonesia. With a moment magnitude (M w) of 8.6, the event caused substantial shaking damage and land level changes between Simeulue Island in the north and the Batu Islands in the south. The earthquake also generated a tsunami, which was observed throughout the source region as well as on distant tide gauges. While the tsunami was not as extreme as the tsunami of December 26th, 2004, it did cause significant flooding and damage at some locations. The spatial and temporal proximity of the two events led to a unique set of observational data from the earthquake and tsunami as well as insights relevant to tsunami hazard planning and education efforts.  相似文献   

震群活动时,短时间发生大量地震,不同地震事件的记录波形相互交叠影响,易造成地震目录的遗漏,对震群发震构造分析等研究带来不利的影响.本文针对2013年3月3日至5日在河北涿鹿发生的微震震群,利用匹配滤波技术,以地震台网观测目录所记录地震事件的波形为模板,在连续波形记录中搜索与模板相似的信号,从而检测台网目录遗漏的地震.利用波形互相关标定新检测到地震事件的P波和S波到时,进而对其震中位置和震级做出估计.计算结果显示,通过互相关扫描检测到52个地震台网常规分析遗漏的地震,约为地震目录给出的45个事件的1.16倍.检测到的遗漏地震震级估算为ML0.1~0.9,通过震级-频次统计分析,加入遗漏地震后地震目录的完整性在ML0.3~0.8范围内有较明显的改善.根据地震事件精定位结果,推测此次震群的发震构造为北西走向倾角较大的断层,施庄断裂为发震构造的可能性较大.  相似文献   

The Hsingtai, China earthquakes of March 1966 were a series of destructive earthquakes associated with the Shu-lu graben. Five strong shocks of Ms ≥ 6 occurred within a period of less than a month, the largest of which was Ms 7.2. Body and surface waves over the period range from several to 100 s have been modeled for the four largest events using synthetic seismograms in the time domain and spectral analysis in the frequency domain. Data from ground deformation, local geology, regional seismic network, and teleseismic joint epicenter determination have also been used to constrain the source model and the rupture process.The fault mechanism of the Hsingtai sequence was mainly strike-slip with a small component of normal dip-slip. The strikes of the four largest shocks range from ~ N26° to 30°E, approximately along strike of the major faults of the Shu-lu graben and the aftershock distribution. The source mechanisms can be explained with a NNW-SSE extensional stress and a NEE-SWW compressional stress acting in the area. The major shocks all had focal depths ~ 10 km.The four largest shocks in the sequence were characterized by a relatively simple and smooth dislocation time history. The durations of the far-field source time functions ranged from 3.5 to 5 s, while the rise times were all ~ 1 s. The seismic moments of the four largest earthquakes ranged from 1.43 × 1025 to 1.51 × 1026 dyne cm?1. The fault sizes of the four events were very close. Assuming circular faults, the diameters of the four events were determined to be between 10 and 14 km. Stress drops varied from ~ 52 to 194 bars. A trend of increasing stress drop with earthquake size was observed.A survey of stress drop determinations for 15 major intraplate earthquakes shows that on the average the magnitude of stress drop of oceanic intraplate earthquakes and passive continental margin events is higher (~ 200 to several hundred bars) than that of continental intraplate earthquakes (~ 100 bars or less).  相似文献   

Distribution and abundance of zooplankton in the North Sea during the Autumn Circulation Experiment (October 1987–March 1988) were examined. From shipboard egg production incubations and the distributions of eggs, nauplii and females, the productivity of various copepod species was described. Against the background of surface temperature, salinity and chlorophyll-a distributions, major seasonal changes in plankton biomass distributions and specific production of copepods were seen. High biomass levels in October rapidly declined into November and January, especially in the north. These changes were followed by early (January/February) production and biomass increases in the southeastern North Sea. Although lowest between November and January, depending on species and location, production continued for many copepod species throughout the winter, despite low temperatures and large predator populations. It was concluded that winter survival of herring larvae and other predators was enhanced by herbivore production in the southeastern North Sea, and that in the north, low herbivore production, competition and predation decreased the probabilities of predator survival. Copepod overwintering strategies and the implications of winter herbivore production and predator abundance for later plankton production processes are discussed.  相似文献   

Segmentation along convergent margins controls earthquake magnitude and location, but the physical causes of segment boundaries, and their impact on earthquake rupture dynamics, are still poorly understood. One aspect of the 2004 and 2005 great Sumatra–Andaman earthquakes is their abrupt termination along a common boundary. This has led to speculation on the nature of the boundary, its origin and why it was not breached.

For the first time the boundary has been imaged and, with newly acquired marine geophysical data, we demonstrate that a ridge on the subducting Indo-Australian oceanic crust may exert a control on margin segmentation. This suggests a lower plate influence on margin structure, particularly its segmentation. The ridge is masked by the sedimentary cover in the trench. Its most likely trend is NNE–SSW. It is interpreted as a fracture zone on the subducting oceanic plate. A ramp or tear along the eastern flank of the subducting fracture zone beneath Simeulue Island may be considered as an intensification factor in terms of rupture propagation barrier.  相似文献   

南北构造带岩石圈结构与地震的研究   总被引:9,自引:7,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
南北构造带是中国大陆东西部大地构造的主要分界,也是大陆内部强烈地震发生的主要地区之一.2008年汶川MS8.0地震发生后,在南北构造带及周边地区进行了大量的野外科学考察、深部地球物理探测和流动地震观测,在岩石圈结构与构造、强震发生的深部构造环境和动力学过程等方面获得了重要的进展.本文综述近年来发表的一批研究成果,包括岩石圈结构的深部地球物理探测和成像,地震层析成像,地震各向异性和壳幔变形,与近期发生的强烈地震相关研究,以及与大陆动力学有关的研究等.自2000年以来,我国建成了具有1000多个地震台站的国家和区域地震台网.它们在实时为地震监测服务的同时,其产出的海量数据还提供用于地球科学研究.一批作者在国内外发表了研究成果,大大提高了对南北构造带的认识.我们虽然取得许多共识性的重要成果,但是也存在一些问题,发现不同作者的结论是相互矛盾的.其原因之一可能是,现有台网的数据成像分辨率和精度仍不足以识别在地壳深处的细节,例如在孕震尺度概念下的地震危险区.加强流动地震观测,提高台站分布的密度,取得高可信度的目标模型是解决问题的重要方面.近年来"中国地震科学台阵观测"计划在南北构造带上实施的大型流动台阵观测,结合固定地震台网的资料,加上高分辨率深部地球物理探测,以获得高可信度的地壳上地幔三维精细结构及物性成像,是提高地震科学和大陆动力学研究水平的一个有效途径.  相似文献   

Mechanisms of earthquakes occurring on plate boundaries have been used to determine the relative motions of lithospheric plates in the east Pacific. By using both P-wave first motions and the radiation pattern of Rayleigh waves in the focal mechanisms determinations, the uncertainty in strike is held to about ± 10°. On the Chile fracture zone and the fracture zone at 4°S on the East Pacific Rise, the direction of motion is not parallel to the trend of epicenters. This supports the hypothesis that these fracture zones are composed of series of en-echelon transform faults.  相似文献   

We give an overview of the 2005–2011 eruptions of Shiveluch Volcano together with the seismicity and deformations of the lava dome during dome growth. It is shown that the generation of the intracrater intrusive dome proceeded at a variable rate. The maximum discharge of erupted lava reached 0.6 million cubic meters per day. Increased explosive activity preceded periods of intensive growth of the lava dome. We determined the volumes and depths of the magma chambers that supplied magma for large eruptions of the volcano on November 12, 1964, February 28, 2005, and October 27, 2010. We calculated the effective viscosity of the 2007 and 2011 lava flows.  相似文献   

Significant hydrologic changes were observed after the magnitude 7.3 earthquake that occurred on October 28, 1983, in central Idaho. Groundwater levels rose by as much as 3 meters near the epicenter. Discharge in many streams and springs increased, in some instances by more than 100%. One warm spring ceased flowing for several days; the flow then resumed and peaked at about nine times its original rate. Available data show no significant changes in water quality following the earthquake.  相似文献   

The October 23, 2004, Mid-Niigata Earthquake jolted central Japan, causing serious damage in a mountainous region of Pliocene sedimentary rocks. Though aftershocks distribution showed a diffused pattern, it indicated that a blind-thrust fault having a NE–SW strike and inclined towards NW was the most causative. Tectonic deformation caused by this faulting was considered to be one of the causes of flooding that occurred about 8 months after the earthquake. Precise digital elevation models (DEMs) before and after the earthquake were obtained with stereoscopy for aerial photographs and laser imaging detection and ranging technology (LIDAR), respectively, and then compared to detect elevation changes and translations. Lastly, the changes of landforms due to landslides are excluded from the estimated deformations to obtain only the components of tectonic deformations of the ground surface.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the ionospheric and geomagnetic responses during the 28 March 2005 and 14 May 2005 Sumatran earthquakes using GPS and magnetometer stations located in the near zone of the epicenters. These events occurred during low solar and geomagnetic activity. TEC oscillations with periods of 5–10 min were observed about 10–24 min after the earthquakes and have horizontal propagation velocities of 922–1259 m/s. Ionospheric disturbances were observed at GPS stations located to the northeast of the epicenters, while no significant disturbances were seen relatively east and south of the epicenters. The magnetic field measurements show rapid fluctuations of 4–5 s shortly after the earthquake, followed by a Pc5 pulsation of 4.8 min about 11 min after the event. The correlation between the ionospheric and geomagnetic responses shows a good agreement in the period and time lag of the peak disturbance arrival, i.e. about 11–13 min after the earthquake.  相似文献   

Using GPS and GLONASS navigation systems, instantaneous observations of solar burst effects on the Earth’s ionosphere are made. These observations are carried out for both Northern and Southern hemispheres, including the ionosphere at polar and equatorial latitudes. It is shown that the rate of total electron content (TEC) change is agrees well with the time profiles of solar bursts. An experimental dependence of the electron content gradient on the elevation angle is obtained.  相似文献   

Damage and parameters of the earthquakes of 10 March and 19 May 1951 in southern Spain have been reevaluated. Data available do not allow accurate depth determinations and previous estimates of larger depths are not confirmed, so depths have been fixed at 30 km for both shocks. Magnitudes (Ms) have been determined as 5.4 and 5.6, respectively. Intensities estimated at 22 and 29 sites from contemporary documentary sources give maximum values of VI–VII and VI (EMS Scale), lower than previous estimates. The focal mechanism for the May shock is right-lateral strike-slip with a normal component of motion, with planes with strikes 273° and 169°; seismic moment 1.9 × 1016 Nm and dimension 6 km (radius of circular fault). Shocks are located near the boundary between the Iberian plateau and the Guadalquivir Basin and may be related to faults connected with this boundary.  相似文献   

Detailed analysis of intensity for ten damaging historical earthquakes in the central arcuate belt between the Himachal and Darjeeling Himalayas was carried out in the backdrop of isoseismal eccentricity, source depth and Indian plate obliquity. Results indicate that the elongated axes of the isoseismals and strike of ruptures for shallow earthquakes are almost parallel with strike of the Himalayan arc, and clearly conformable with the obliquity. An empirical power law relationship between eccentricity and focal depth established under the present study illustrates that the deeper events are more influenced by the bending of the penetrating Indian lithosphere, whereas the shallower events are principally controlled by the obliquity. A positive correlation between eccentricities and obliquity obviously supports this inference. The present study further reveals that the constant decrease in Indian plate obliquity from Himachal to Nepal-Bihar Himalaya is well compatible with the graben structures and horizontal shearing along this arcuate segment.  相似文献   

1989年10月和1991年3月大同地震的活动断裂   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
中国地震局地球物理研究所在 1 989年 1 0月 5.8级和 1 991年 3月 5.5级大同地震之后使用由数字地震仪组成的小孔径流动台网对其余震进行了流动观测。通过利用多道地震数据分析软件正确地确定震相 ,修改地壳速度模型等方法 ,高精度地确定了部分余震的震源位置。两次大同地震部分余震的震中分布表明 ,大同地震的主干断裂是北北东走向的断裂 ,同时伴随北西走向的分支断裂的活动。盆地的速度结构可以以双层速度结构模拟 ,其上层为 P波速度为3.1 km/s的沉积层 ,符合大同盆地为火山喷发堆积物的实际情况。  相似文献   

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