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The data of long-term electromagnetic monitoring are used for studying the dynamics of electric conductivity of the medium and the electric field of the terrestrial sources. The electric conductivity of the medium is estimated from the magnetotelluric transfer functions (impedance tensor and telluric tensor). The electric field of terrestrial sources is identified by filtering the variations of the observed electric field of the Earth. The magnetotelluric parameters and the electric field of terrestrial sources feature anomalous changes of supposedly earthquake-related origin. The anomalies associated with the same earthquake are not simultaneous. It is shown that these anomalies are generated by processes occurring at different depths. The strong earthquake is preceded by the appearance of surface anomalies several months before the event and accompanied by a deep coseismic anomaly. The probable nature of the recognized anomalies is discussed.  相似文献   

On the basis of exploration magnetotelluric soundings (MTS) carried out by the Tyumen Geological Survey in 1980–1981 within the Tobol-Ishim interfluve, the top of the conductive horizon with the electric resistivity of dozens of Ω m is identified in the geoelectrical section at a depth of 75–80 km. Two segments of the locally elevated top of this horizon are revealed. One segment, where the depth of the top of the conductor is 60–65 km, corresponds to the region of the Kiselevskii fault-the main fault in this territory; another segment is associated with the edge zone of the Ishim branch of the Triassic rift system within the West Siberian Plate. Within this segment, the top of the conductive layer rises to a depth of 55-60 km. It is assumed that the Ishim geoelectrical anomaly, which projects into the geothermal anomaly and is coherent with the features of the deep geological structure of its display region, is conditioned by the element of the mantle-crustal magmatogene fluid paleosystem.  相似文献   

岩石圈地震前兆异常机制   总被引:1,自引:6,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
对于电磁卫星所观测到的地震震前电磁异常现象的机制,即电磁异常如何从岩石圈穿过大气层耦合到电离层及其以上空间,目前仍是尚未解决的问题.本文主要介绍目前大量有关地震岩石圈异常的机制研究,力图从卫星地震电磁异常的源头—岩石圈地震来获得相关认识.岩石圈地震前兆异常包括:地表变形、水位变化、悬浮薄雾、超低频(ULF)电磁异常、山脊或山顶发光闪电、卫星红外图片大范围数度温度异常、磁场高于地磁偶极场的0.5%、电离层等离子体密度变化、动物奇异行为等.人们提出了许多试图解释各种异常现象的假说,如热耦合假说、气泡运移假说、边界位错充电假说、离子空穴运移假说等.本文希望通过对以上各种假说提出的基础、物理机理以及异常现象解释的探讨,促进对岩石圈地震前兆异常现象机理认识,从而为地震电磁异常的正确认识提供更有力的帮助.  相似文献   

Focal depths of the 2008 M_s6.1 Panzhihua earthquake sequence and tectonic stress field in the source area are investigated.Source depths of 24 earthquakes in Panzhihua earthquake sequence with a magnitude M≥3.0 were determined using the seismic depth phase sPL;additionally,the focal depths of 232 earthquakes were measured by fitting the threecomponent waveforms of the P and S waves.The source depth of the main shock is~12 km.The majority of the aftershocks with magnitude M≥3.0 occurred in the brittle upper crust at the depths range of 12-18 km.Further,the Source mechanisms of the 232events around the Panzhihua earthquake source area were determined,and the results show that the earthquakes have predominantly strike-slip mechanisms in the Dianzhong Block,but display complexity of the focal mechanisms outside and near the boundary of the Dianzhong block.The 232 earthquake mechanisms from this study are combined with the solutions from the Global Centroid Moment Tensor (GCMT) catalog to derive 2D stress field.The inversion results show that the Dianzhong block is predominantly under a strike slip faulting regime and the direction of the maximum principal compressionσ1 is northwestsoutheast (NW-SE)-trending.The distribution is coincide with GPS velocity field.However,orientations of principal stress axes as well as the faulting types change outside and near the Dianzhong block.The results show that the tectonic stress field in the study area is predominantly controlled by the southeast (SE)-trending horizontal movement and clockwise rotation of the Dianzhong block as a result of the eastward movement of eastern Tibetan meeting the old and rigid South China block (SCB).The Panzhihua earthquake ruptured at~12 km depth where the tectonic stress regime is under the SE-direction horizontal compression and the NE-direction horizontal extension.  相似文献   

A number of terrain features and objects of the settlements of Tilichiki and Korf and the village of Khailino in the epicentral zone of the strongest earthquake in the north of the Kamchatka region were examined in the first days after the earthquake. Primary and secondary coseismic ruptures were identified on the surface. An outcrop of the seismic source was discovered in the form of an extended seismic fault about 140 km in traceable length. The settlements were inspected for the purpose of elucidating the macroseismic effect, structural maps were compiled, and the main types of ruptures were identified. The network of seismic stations on Kamchatka and in eastern Russia recorded a few thousand aftershocks. The gathered data provide insight into the structure of the source and its tectonic position at the Asian active continental margin.  相似文献   

对2016-2019年华北中部地区(34.7°-41.1°N,110.3°-119.7°E)流动地磁矢量观测数据进行处理,得到连续3期岩石圈磁场年变化数据,并对岩石圈磁场空间分布形态进行分析.研究发现,磁异常分布与岩石圈结构之间有一定相关性,在太行山隆起以西、临清坳陷、鲁西断隆和鲁西断隆以东等主要结构单元表现出不同程度...  相似文献   

New petrological and geochemical data of upper mantle and lower crustal xenoliths from a Quaternary tephra deposit in Mýtina, Czech Republic, are discussed in the frame of previous geophysical results (receiver functions, reflection seismology) of the western Eger/Ohře Rift area. The Vogtland/NW Bohemia region is well known for intraplate earthquake swarms, which are usually associated with volcanic activity. As previously reported, 3He/4He data of CO2 emissions in mofettes and mineral-water springs point at ongoing magmatic processes in this area. Using teleseismic P receiver functions, an approximately 40-km-wide Moho updoming (from 31 to 27 km) and indications for a seismic discontinuity at 50 to 60 km depth were observed beneath the active CO2-degassing field. The studied xenolith suite probes a lithospheric profile within the structural and gas geochemical anomaly field of the western Eger Rift.With regard to texture, composition, pT estimates and origin, five xenolith groups can be discriminated. Upper crustal xenoliths (quartzites, phyllites, mica schists) resemble crystalline country rocks at surface. One noritic xenolith (6 kbar, 800 °C) could represent a sample of the lower crust. Clinopyroxenites and hornblendites probably represent cumulates of the nephelinitic magma or fragments of magmatic veins. Porous wehrlites and one hornblende peridotite xenolith reflect a metasomatied upper mantle. Megacrysts of Ti-rich amphibole, olivine, clinopyroxene, and phlogopite could be fragments of pegmatitic veins or high-pressure phenocrysts. Most of the ultramafic nodules (xenoliths and megacrysts) formed at pressures between 6 and 11 kbar (22 to 38 km depth), at temperatures well above regional geotherms of the Bohemian Massif calculated from surface heat flow studies. Orthopyroxene-bearing spinel-lherzolite xenoliths were not observed. Our petrographical, geochemical, and thermobarometric results indicate a lithospheric mantle strongly altered by magmatic processes. This metasomatism can cause slower than typical uppermost-mantle seismic velocities in a greater area and might help to explain observed seismic anomalies.  相似文献   

Introduction Analyzing tectonic stress field based on focal mechanism data is an important way to the study tectonic evolvement of lithosphere and associated dynamic process. Such studies growrapidly in China and abroad (Zoback, 1992; Plenefisch, Bonjer, 1997; XU, 1985; CUI, XIE, 1999). At present most of the studies focus on the inversion of focal mechanism data for the direction and relative magnitude of stress tensor, and few on absolute stress. Using focal mechanism and fault scratch,…  相似文献   

Using seismic data of the aftershocks sequence of the April 20, 2013 Lushan earthquake recorded by seismic temporary and permanent stations in the source region, with the visual inspection of particle motion diagrams, this paper preliminarily contains the polarization directions of fast shear wave and the time-delays of split shear waves at every station, and analyzes the crustal anisotropic characteristics in the source region. In the study area, the polarization directions at stations BAX, TQU, L132, L133, L134, and L135 are northeast, which is consistent with the strike of Dachuan–Shuangshi fault. There are two polarization directions at MDS and L131, which are northeast and southeast. The scatter of polarization directions suggests the complex stress field around these two stations where two faults intersect. For the normalized time-delays at every station, the range is 1.02–8.64 ms/km. The largest time-delay is from L134 which is closest to the mainshock, and the smallest one is from L133. The variations in time-delays show the decreasing at stations BAX, L134, and L135 because of the stress–relaxation after earthquake.  相似文献   

Aftershock series of known strong earthquakes differ in duration and energetics. The study of geological properties of an earthquake source region is of interest in two aspects: (1) acquisition of constraints on the source development process and (2) detection of precursors of strong aftershocks. The latter are dangerous because they complete the process of damage of industrial and civil structures. Cases of aftershocks comparable in energy to the main event are known in seismological practice (the Tashkent, 1966, and Gazli, 1976, earthquakes). The seismic situation in Koryakia (2006) is very significant in this respect. The paper assesses the possibilities of rigidity monitoring for the study of the aftershock stage of the source development process with the use of earthquakes in California (the United States) as an example.  相似文献   

Using seismic data of the aftershocks sequence of the April 20, 2013 Lushan earthquake recorded by seismic temporary and permanent stations in the source region, with the visual inspection of particle motion diagrams, this paper preliminarily contains the polarization directions of fast shear wave and the time-delays of split shear waves at every station, and analyzes the crustal anisotropic characteristics in the source region. In the study area, the polarization direc- tions at stations BAX, TQU, L 132, L 133, L 134, and L 135 are northeast, which is consistent with the strike of Dachuan- Shuangshi fault. There are two polarization directions at MDS and L131, which are northeast and southeast. The scatter of polarization directions suggests the complex stress field around these two stations where two faults intersect. For the normalized time-delays at every station, the range is 1.02-8.64 ms/km. The largest time-delay is from L134 which is closest to the mainshock, and the smallest one is from L133. The variations in time-delays show the decreasing at stations BAX, L134, and L135 because of the stress-relaxation after earthquake.  相似文献   

1992兰德斯地震震源处应力量值的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
盛书中  万永革 《地震学报》2011,33(4):420-430
给出了根据地震前后应力轴偏转、地震应力降和地震前后相对主应力大小,计算震源处应力量值的方法.并将该方法运用于兰德斯地震的霍姆斯特德谷断层段,获得了该子断层10 km深度处震前最大、中间和最小主应力的量值分别为271,266 MPa和259 MPa;震前断层面上的正应力和剪切应力分别为265MPa和6.2 MPa;震后断...  相似文献   

玉树地震震源区速度结构与余震分布的关系   总被引:9,自引:5,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
利用玉树震区21个应急流动地震台站和青海省地震台网固定地震台站的观测数据,采用双差层析成像方法,对2010年4月14日至6月15期间发生的地震进行了重定位,并反演得到了玉树地震震源区的三维速度结构.重定位结果揭示余震主要沿NW向成窄带状分布在断层的两侧,表明脆性破裂应力释放主要集中于一个狭窄的区域内.在西北端,余震偏离玉树—甘孜断裂分布,在SW向也有分布,推测可能与南西向次级断裂有关.双差层析成像得到的速度结构在浅部与地表地质构造相一致,中上地壳的速度结构显示巴颜喀拉地块为高速异常,羌塘地块为低速异常.玉树地震余震分布与特定的速度结构存在相关性:主震发生在高低速过渡带偏高速体的一侧,余震主要分布在高速体外围,高速体内部几乎没有余震分布.一般说来,中上地壳的高速体通常具有较高的强度,可以积累较强的孕震能量.主震发生后,高速体内积累的弹性能量向周边释放,可能是导致高速体周边余震发生的主要原因.  相似文献   

正Erratum to:Earthq Sci DOI 10.1007/s11589-013-0034-z The original version of this article contained an omission in the Acknowledgments section.The corrected version appears in this erratum.  相似文献   

选取内蒙古测震台网2009—2016年内蒙古中西部ML≥2.8中小地震波形记录,采用多台联合反演方法,计算该区中小地震震源谱参数,获得地震矩M0、矩震级MW、应力降Δσ和震源尺度r,利用线性回归,分析近震震级ML、地震矩M0、矩震级MW、应力降Δσ和震源尺度r之间的关系。结果表明,各参数之间存在一定线性关系,内蒙古中西部地区应力降模型为增加应力降模型(ISD)。  相似文献   

Application of thermodynamic equations for phase transitions with a shock wave output from metastable to stable phases that are believed to occur in subduction zones indicates that while many show a volume reduction, and thus may contribute to slab pull mechanisms of plate tectonics, they do not satisfy criteria for the generation of shock waves. Of the reactions considered only one (antigorite + clinoenstatite → forsterite + talc) satisfies the criteria, and for this case the shock wave pressure is, in fact, less than the pressure calculated for the leading edge of the subduction zone. This would imply that if the transition does occur under shock conditions in the subduction zone, dilatational rather than compressional first motions for the associated earthquake are expected.  相似文献   

ComparisonandanalysisofthestressfieldinthesourceregionofTangshanandLancangearthquakesequencesGui-LingDIAO;(刁桂苓)Li-MinYU;(于利民)...  相似文献   

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