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The rivers of the world are undergoing accelerated change in the Anthropocene, and need to be managed at much broader spatial and temporal scales than before. Fluvial remote sensing now offers a technical and methodological framework that can be deployed to monitor the processes at work and to assess the trajectories of rivers in the Anthropocene. In this paper, we review research investigating past, present and future fluvial corridor conditions and processes using remote sensing and we consider emerging challenges facing fluvial and riparian research. We introduce a suite of remote sensing methods designed to diagnose river changes at reach to regional scales. We then focus on identification of channel patterns and acting processes from satellite, airborne or ground acquisitions. These techniques range from grain scales to landform scales, and from real time scales to inter-annual scales. We discuss how remote sensing data can now be coupled to catchment scale models that simulate sediment transfer within connected river networks. We also consider future opportunities in terms of datasets and other resources which are likely to impact river management and monitoring at the global scale. We conclude with a summary of challenges and prospects for remotely sensed rivers in the Anthropocene. © 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The expansion of industrial and defense activities in the Arctic as part of the execution of a state program on the development of its territory requires seismic safety assurance of constructed and existing critical facilities. The data presented in this paper show that the current understanding of the seismicity of the Arctic and particularly of its shelf given in building regulations is quite simplistic and does not reflect the complexity of the situation and the intensity of expected seismic effects. To a large extent, safety problems can be solved by the seismic monitoring of the area. For this purpose, it is necessary to expand existing networks of seismic stations, to equip them with tools for monitoring groups, and to increase the number of island seismic stations. The primary task is to refine the seismic zoning of Arctic territories based on the new data.  相似文献   

This paper is a review of the current state and prospects of space research into the Sun, which plays an important role in solar-terrestrial physics studies. We present the most significant results obtained by spacecraft for different fields of solar physics-from the interior to the corona. Goals and tasks of solar space projects under development or consideration are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

海洋重力勘探中的完全布格校正   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
海洋重力测量由于海底地形的复杂性,需要在简单布格校正的基础上加入海底地形校正,从而使理论地球模型更好的符合实际的地球椭球体.本文总结了完全布格校正的理论,从空间域和频率域的角度对中间层和地形校正的方法作了介绍,并引入了一种综合的方法且将之运用到了实际的工作中,并取得了很好的效果.  相似文献   

矿井物探技术应用现状与发展展望   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
通过回顾近六十年来矿井物探的发展历程,简要分析总结了国内外现有的煤矿矿井物探技术的分类与特点、研究现状与应用成果,详细介绍了主要矿井物探方法技术(矿井地震法、矿井电磁法)的研究应用新进展,提出了目前我国矿井物探技术存在的一些迫切需要解决的问题和今后的发展方向.结果表明:矿井物探是地面勘探技术的重要补充,是矿井地质工作的重要手段,它相对于常规的矿井地质手段而言,具有更准确、更快捷、更方便等特点,已成为我国煤矿现代化安全生产中必备的探测技术手段,具有广阔的发展前景.  相似文献   

回顾了《地球物理学进展》(以下简称《进展》)创刊22周年的发展历程,总结了《进展》创办过程中的探索与实践经验.根据计量学统计,分析了《进展》目前在我国期刊行业中的地位和发展趋势.认为《进展》经过20余年的发展,已成为国内地球物理学领域有影响的核心刊物.作者也指出了《进展》的不足并给出解决方案,提出了创立一流刊物的发展目标和措施,期望广大作者读者关心、爱护《进展》,参与到《进展》的共建中来.  相似文献   

A systematic multi-parameter and multi-platform approach to study the slow process of earthquake preparation is fundamental to gain some insights on this complex phenomenon. In particular, an important contribution is the integrated analysis between ground geophysical data and satellite data. In this paper we review some of the more recent results and suggest the next directions of this kind of research. Our intention is not to detect a particular precursor but to understand the physics underlying the various observations and to establish a reliable physical model of the preparation phase before an impending earthquake. In this way, future investigation will search for suitable fore-patterns, which the physical model of multi-layers coupling predicts and characterizes by quasi-synchronism in time and geo-consistency in space. We also present alternative explanations for some anomalies which are not actually related to earthquakes, rather to other natural or anthropic processes.  相似文献   

北极地区低平流层惯性重力波的观测研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文

南极地区重力波活动有大量报道,相对而言,北极地区重力波的研究还很少.本文利用极区Ny-Alesund站点(78.9°N,11.9°E)无线电探空仪从2012年4月1日到2017年3月31日共5年的观测数据,统计分析了北极地区低平流层惯性重力波的特征.观测显示,月平均纬向风在20 km以下盛行东向风,再随着高度增加,逐渐呈现出半年振荡现象.对流层顶高度在5~13 km范围内变化,其月平均高度显示出年循环,最高出现在夏季,约为10 km,最低出现在冬季,约为8.5 km.对流层和低平流层月平均温度都显示出明显的年周期变化,这与中低纬度观测结果有所不同.结合Lomb-Scargle谱分析和矢端曲线方法,估算了准单色惯性重力波参数.个例研究表明,低平流层惯性重力波呈现出远离源区的自由传播性质.统计结果显示,惯性重力波的水平和垂直波长分别集中在50~450 km和1~4 km范围内,本征频率集中在1~2.5倍惯性频率间,这些值都比中低纬度观测值稍小.垂直方向本征相速度主要集中在-0.3~0 m·s-1,而纬向和经向本征相速度集中在-40~40 m·s-1之间.在5年的观测中,大约91.5%的惯性重力波向上传播.在冬季和早春,由于极地平流层极涡活动,激发出向下传播的惯性重力波,因此,向下传播的比例上升到相应月份的20%左右.由于低层大气盛行的东向风的滤波效应,低平流层大部分惯性重力波向西传播.波能量呈现出明显的年周期变化,最大值在冬季、最小值在夏季,与北半球中低纬度观测结果一致,表明北半球重力波活动普遍冬季强、夏季弱.


利用油气藏潮汐重力异常直接找油是近年从俄罗斯引进的方法,但这一方法的原理在国内研究得很少,其有效性和可靠性还没有得到充分的论证.本文对油藏潮汐重力的形成机制、潮汐重力的观测和数据处理方法进行了研究.理论计算表明,油藏潮汐重力异常在微伽量级,而实际资料表明潮汐重力的观测误差为10μGal量级,油藏潮汐重力异常可能会被噪声淹没,所以没有观测到潮汐重力异常不等于地下没有油气;实际观测的潮汐重力异常可达数十μGal,即使超过观测误差的3倍,也不能将它直接归因于油藏产生的潮汐重力异常.例如:潮汐重力改正的误差可能达到数十μGal,对有效异常形成干扰.  相似文献   

The structure of the water management complex of the Russian Federation is discussed. The main features showing the degree of meeting the demands for water in different spheres of economic activities are presented. The tendencies for variations in volumes of water use are revealed in housing facilities and public utilities, manufacturing and extractive branches of industry, electric power engineering, and agriculture. The article shows the present condition of fishery in inland water bodies, river craft and the infrastructure of inland water and aquatic water transport, and recreation.  相似文献   

在当前国内油气供需紧张的严峻形势下,开展"第二深度空间"的油气勘探"势在必行",也是"当务之急"."第二深度空间"的油气勘探需解决3个问题.一是油气无机成因的地球化学证据.原油、沥青、干酪根的Pb,Sr,Nd同位素示踪、原油中异常高含量的金属微量元素、原油中有机硅化合物的发现等均表明原油可以由无机反应而生成.二是油气无机成因论是可以指导油气勘探的.油气的分布与中地壳的低速、高导层的耦合表明有成因关系,中地壳的低速、高导层是油气的发生器,也是初始储层,据此可以对油气田进行预测.柴达木盆地昆北花岗岩油田的发现是一典型案例.三是"第二深度空间"的油气勘探需要地球物理方法和技术的支撑.目前第4代采集处理新理论、新方法业已提出.地球物理学家已经把深部勘探的新方法、新技术提到议事日程.总之,"第二深度空间"的油气勘探是有理论依据的,是可能的,是可操作的.发现大型、超大型油气田指日可待.  相似文献   

The methodical solutions for improving the GT-2A aerogravimetric complexes by incorporating the Javad Quattro-G3D GPS receiver connected to four antennas spaced in two orthogonal planes are discussed. The operation features of the advanced aerogravimetric complex are described and the results of its application during the testing flight to 78° N latitude are presented. The anomalous gravity obtained in the testing flight is compared with the EGM2008 and EIGEN-6C models.  相似文献   

The dynamics of time and space variations in the composition of the aquatic medium is estimated and correlated with the governing factors of anthropogenic impact. The role of anthropogenic component is shown to be determining in the formation of the hydrochemical regime in Russian Arctic rivers.  相似文献   

A large number of primary oil and gas reservoirs have been discovered in Proterozoic strata all over the globe.Proterozoic sequences are widely distributed in China, and the discovery of large Sinian-aged gas reservoirs in the Sichuan Basin and Mesoproterozoic liquid oil seepages in North China shows that attention should be paid to the exploration potential of Proterozoic strata. In this paper, the main controlling factors of Proterozoic source rocks are discussed. Principally, active atmospheric circulation and astronomical cycles may have driven intense upwelling and runoff to provide nutrients; oxygenated oceanic surface waters could have provided suitable environments for the organisms to thrive; volcanic activity and terrestrial weathering caused by continental break-up would have injected large amounts of nutrients into the ocean, leading to persistent blooms of marine organisms; and extensive anoxic deep waters may have created ideal conditions for the preservation of organic matter. Additionally, the appearance of eukaryotes resulted in diversified hydrocarbon parent material, which effectively improved the generation potential for oil and gas. Through the comparison of Formations across different cratons, seven sets of Proterozoic organic-rich source rocks have been recognized in China, which mainly developed during interglacial periods and are also comparable worldwide. The Hongshuizhuang and Xiamaling Formations in North China have already been identified previously as Mesoproterozoic source rocks. The early Proterozoic Changchengian System is highly promising as a potential source rock in the Ordos Basin. In the Upper Yangtze area, the Neoproterozoic Datangpo and Doushantuo Formations are extensively distributed, and represent the major source rocks for Sinian gas reservoirs in the Sichuan Basin. Moreover, the Nanhuan System may contain abundant shales with high organic matter contents in the Tarim Basin, although this possibility still needs to be verified. Indeed, all three cratons may contain source rocks of Proterozoic strata; thus, these strata represent major exploration targets worthy of great attention.  相似文献   


发展深地探测技术对于推进地球物理发展有重要意义.基于重力梯度的深地传感技术具备自身独有的优势,可以有效弥补现有主要方法的局限.本文提出了一种基于光纤Sagnac干涉仪的重力梯度测量原理,将重力梯度转化为角加速度并利用光纤角加速度计进行精密传感.本文设计了重力梯度原型样机,并利用ANSYS有限元仿真论证了其可行性与稳定性,在此基础上对光纤重力梯度原型样机进行了长达14天的连续静态测试,得到角加速度测量本底噪声低于3×10-10rad·s-2·Hz-1/2,对应重力梯度测量噪声达0.68 E·Hz-1/2.基于光纤Sagnac干涉仪的重力梯度测量没有对传感单元一致性的要求,无需复杂的环境控制与辅助设备,测试结果展现了其高灵敏度特性以及应用于深地探测的巨大潜力.


A simple technique has been used to investigate gravity waves in the Antarctic and Arctic mesosphere. Data from two meteor radars are used, one at Rothera in the Antarctic (68°S) and one at Esrange in the Arctic (68°N). Observations have been made from 2005 to 2008 in the Antarctic and from 2000 to 2008 in the Arctic. The results reveal a seasonal behaviour with a semi-annual cycle. Over both sites wave activity maximises at the solstices and minimises at the equinoxes. Monthly-mean gravity-wave activity increases with height in all seasons except in summer when gravity-wave variances show little or no increase with height at heights below about 90 km. Above about 90 km in summer there is a rapid increase in wave activity. We suggest that this summer-time behaviour is a consequence of rapid wave growth as gravity waves ascend into the more stable air of the lower thermosphere. Differences between the Arctic and Antarctic gravity-wave field are also evident. In particular, a higher level of gravity-wave activity is observed in the Antarctic spring compared to the Arctic spring. We suggest that these inter-hemispheric differences may be the result of differences in the generation of gravity waves in the polar troposphere and stratosphere.  相似文献   

As part of the resource evaluation and exploration program conducted by Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory for the national Hot Dry Rock (HDR) Geothermal Program, a regional magnetotelluric (MT) survey of New Mexico and Arizona is being performed. The MT lines are being located in areas where the results of analysis of residual gravity anomaly maps of Arizona and New Mexico, integrated with other geologic and geophysical studies indicate the greatest potential for HDR resources.The residual gravity anomalies are derived by applying the concept of predicting gravity anomalies from topography. This can be accomplished by employing reductions similar to those used in some isostatic investigations, in which a regional topographic surface is used as the Bouguer reduction datum. The datum is derived by comparison of various harmonics of Bouguer anomalies and elevations of stations. Topography can be used to predict Bouguer anomalies because of isostatic compensation; the resultant anomalies can be considered high frequency residual anomalies or isostatic anomalies corrected for regional compensation. Such maps have been produced for Arizona, New Mexico, west Texas, and Chihuahua, Mexico.The main objective of the MT project is to produce a regional geoelectric contour map of the pervasive deep electrical conductor within the crust and/or upper mantle beneath the Colorado Plateau and the adjacent Basin and Range Province and Rio Grande Rift. The MT survey consists of 200 sites along several long profiles with site spacing of 15–20 km. Pre-existing available MT data are being integrated with the new data. After the data are processed, a one-dimensional inversion is applied to the sounding curve and used as a starting point for 2-D modeling. Such a project and ultimate map will be of major value in studying the regional geophysics and tectonics of the southwest United States as they now apply to HDR resources in particular and geothermal resources in general.Electrical conductivity anomalies of large areal extent are of particular interest in geothermal exploration. Correlation analysis of large conductive anomalies with other geophysical, geological, and geotectonic data is being performed. Preliminary analysis of the data has suggested several major regions of anomalously shallow high electrical conductivity. Among these is the Aquarius area of northwest Arizona which is the site of a longwavelength residual anomaly low, which when modeled and correlated with other geophysical data can be shown to be possibly related to low density and high temperature in the crust at depths of 20 km or less. Preliminary analysis of MT data indicates the possible existence of a mid-crustal high electrical conductivity anomaly in this same region.  相似文献   

本文利用基于余弦变换的匹配滤波技术对中国东北地区布格重力异常进行了分离.根据分离的剩余场异常特征,以黑河-齐齐哈尔-白城断裂带和佳木斯-伊通断裂带为分界线,把东北地区分布的主要盆地划分为西部盆地、中部盆地和东部盆地.指出研究区主要盆地的构造样式与剩余场相关的正负异常圈闭呈现一一对应的关系,其地质边界范围与剩余场反应的边...  相似文献   

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