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Most of the railway tunnels in Sweden are shallow-seated (<20 m of rock cover) and are located in hard brittle rock masses. The majority of these tunnels are excavated by drilling and blasting, which, consequently, result in the development of a blast-induced damaged zone around the tunnel boundary. Theoretically, the presence of this zone, with its reduced strength and stiffness, will affect the overall performance of the tunnel, as well as its construction and maintenance. The Swedish Railroad Administration, therefore, uses a set of guidelines based on peak particle velocity models and perimeter blasting to regulate the extent of damage due to blasting. However, the real effects of the damage caused by blasting around a shallow tunnel and their criticality to the overall performance of the tunnel are yet to be quantified and, therefore, remain the subject of research and investigation. This paper presents a numerical parametric study of blast-induced damage in rock. By varying the strength and stiffness of the blast-induced damaged zone and other relevant parameters, the near-field rock mass response was evaluated in terms of the effects on induced boundary stresses and ground deformation. The continuum method of numerical analysis was used. The input parameters, particularly those relating to strength and stiffness, were estimated using a systematic approach related to the fact that, at shallow depths, the stress and geologic conditions may be highly anisotropic. Due to the lack of data on the post-failure characteristics of the rock mass, the traditional Mohr–Coulomb yield criterion was assumed and used. The results clearly indicate that, as expected, the presence of the blast-induced damage zone does affect the behaviour of the boundary stresses and ground deformation. Potential failure types occurring around the tunnel boundary and their mechanisms have also been identified.  相似文献   

以北极规划输气管道工程为依托,建立埋地管道与冻土热交换相互作用数值计算模型,探究了埋地管道在连续多年冻土区、非连续多年冻土区和季节冻土区内,按照不同操作温度(5、-1和-5℃)运行情况下管道周围冻土温度演化过程.计算结果表明:同一区域不同管温对冻土上限值影响差异较大,尤其是在非连续多年冻土区,无论管道是正温输送还是负温输送,由于管道的运营,极大地影响了冻土上限值.5℃正温管道将导致冻土上限下降1~3倍管径;-1℃和-5℃负温管道将有助于提高冻土人为上限.建议在连续多年冻土区管道采用-1℃输送温度;在非连续多年冻土区冬季采用-1℃输送温度,夏季可以是正温,接近环境大气温度,但全年输气平均温度要小于0℃;在季节冻土区,若按照负温输送,反而容易引起管基土冻胀,建议输气温度不作特别控制,与温带地区管道类似,正温输送.希望能够为北极多年冻土区天然气管道建设提供新的思路.  相似文献   

冷伟  孙郁东 《地球科学》2019,44(12):3993-3997
俯冲带热结构是控制俯冲板块演化的最主要因素之一.前人通过建立解析模型和数值模型对大洋俯冲带热结构进行了一系列研究,发现俯冲板块年龄和俯冲速度是影响俯冲带热结构的关键因素.为了认识大陆俯冲带热结构,特别是理解数值模型结果与岩石学结果之间的差异,我们建立了二维大陆俯冲带运动学和动力学数值模型研究其热结构演化.模型结果显示,如果大陆俯冲板块的俯冲速度与角度和大洋板块一致的话,较低的大陆俯冲带初始温度导致其板块温度比大洋俯冲带低.但是,当大陆俯冲板块的初始温度较高,俯冲速度超慢并且考虑大陆地壳中的放射性元素生热时,模型得到的大陆俯冲带热结构能够解释通过高压和超高压变质岩得到的较热的俯冲板块温度.另一方面,如果俯冲板块与上覆板块存在动力学解耦作用,也能够得到较热的俯冲温压数据.   相似文献   

桥位附近水流及局部冲刷的数值模拟   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
将平面二维河道推移质冲淤数学模型和桥位局部冲刷经验公式有机地结合起来,计算整体河段泥沙冲淤和桥位局部地区泥沙冲刷,既考虑了局部流态对整体流场的影响,又反应了整体流场对局部流态的影响.文中以长江黄石大桥河段为例,计算其桥位冲刷,计算结果与模型测量资料基本一致,效果良好.  相似文献   

Geotechnical and Geological Engineering - Rainfall leads to the deterioration of slope stability conditions, while intense rainfall has been commonly associated with landslides on natural or...  相似文献   

以许厂煤矿的应用为例,介绍了小波变换和二维分形技术的基本理论以及预测奥灰裂隙发育带的方法、步骤及效果。理论与实际分析表明,在预测奥灰裂隙发育带中,小波变换可以提高地震资料的分辨率和信噪比,二维分形参数有很高的参考价值,二者的结合为预测奥灰裂隙发育提供了一种有效的方法。  相似文献   

This study presents a numerical investigation on the dynamic mechanical state of a coal pillar and the assessment of the coal bump risk during extraction using the longwall mining method. The present research indicates that there is an intact core, even when the peak pillar strength has been exceeded under uniaxial compression. This central portion of the coal pillar plays a significant role in its loading capacity. In this study, the intact core of the coal pillar is defined as an elastic core. Based on the geological conditions of a typical longwall panel from the Tangshan coal mine in the City of Tangshan, China, a numerical fast Lagrangian analysis of continua in three dimensions (FLAC3D) model was created to understand the relationship between the volume of the elastic core in a coal pillar and the vertical stress, which is considered to be an important precursor to the development of a coal bump. The numerical results suggest that, the wider the coal pillar, the greater the volume of the elastic core. Therefore, a coal pillar with large width may form a large elastic core as the panel is mined, and the vertical stress is expected to be greater in magnitude. Because of the high stresses and the associated stored elastic energy, the risk of coal bumps in a coal pillar with large width is greater than for a coal pillar with small width. The results of the model also predict that the peak abutment stress occurs near the intersection between the mining face and the roadways at a distance of 7.5 m from the mining face. It is revealed that the bump-prone zones around the longwall panel are within 7–10 m ahead of the mining face and near the edge of the roadway during panel extraction.  相似文献   

A recently developed unconventional fracture model (UFM) is able to simulate complex fracture network propagation in a formation with pre-existing natural fractures. A method for computing the stress shadow from fracture branches in a complex hydraulic fracture network (HFN) based on an enhanced 2D displacement discontinuity method with correction for finite fracture height is implemented in UFM and is presented in detail including approach validation and examples. The influence of stress shadow effect from the HFN generated at previous treatment stage on the HFN propagation and shape at new stage is also discussed.  相似文献   

Summary. Discontinuous manual observations and irregular caving characteristics of roof rocks often lead to improper decisions resulting in accidents and production loss. Hence, systematic monitoring of the hanging roof behind the chock shields is necessary for safe and productive mining operations. A real-time application was successfully implemented in an Indian mine for forecasting of hanging roof behaviour to enhance safety and productivity. This paper reports the functioning of real-time TWAP (time weighted average pressure) analysis in the forecasting of hanging roof behaviour in real time.  相似文献   

地下水资源是北京供水系统的支柱,设立地下水水源地保护区,是保护水源地最大可能免受人类活动影响、保证水质安全的重要措施。论文以北京市某典型水源地为例,在收集相关水文地质勘查、长期动态观测、水源地开采现状、规划及周边污染源调查等成果资料的基础上,建立了地下水系统水文地质概念模型,模拟出地下水流场。通过质点追踪技术,计算水源地水力捕获带范围。综合考虑水源地周边地形、地物和潜在风险污染源等因素,确定了水源地保护区的范围。结果表明,数值模拟法能客观详细地刻画实际地下水含水层的结构与水文地质条件,划分结果可靠、准确,能为地下水管理部门提供有效合理的保护依据。  相似文献   

"引江济太"工程对太湖及周边地区的影响分析   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
高怡  毛新伟  徐卫东 《水文》2006,26(1):92-94
引江济太是近年来太湖流域实施的一项重要调水工程。本文应用监测资料,分析了太湖流域实施引江济太工程对太湖及其周边地区水资源量和质的影响,说明了引江济太工程有效增加了太湖流域水资源的供给,改善了太湖水体水质和用边河网地区的水环境,提出了需加强引水期水资源量质监测,并建议研究增加新的调水线路,扩大引江济太效果。  相似文献   

文章选用四氯乙烯(PCE)为代表性重非水相液体(DNAPL),采用透射光法监测PCE在单裂隙介质中的运移过程和形态分布,探究流速及裂隙面倾斜度对PCE运移分布行为的影响。结果表明,单裂隙介质中PCE呈团块状脱离注样针,并在运移过程中呈近椭圆状。地下水流速越大,初始面积Fs越大,近椭圆的PCE离心率e越小;裂隙面倾斜度越大,初始面积Fs越小,近椭圆的PCE离心率e越小。不同流速或倾斜度条件下,入渗稳定后的PCE团块面积与离心率均明显下降。地下水流速及裂隙面倾斜度的增大对于PCE纵向运移具有促进作用,使PCE污染物前端锋面运移速率增大,在相同时间内更快运移到裂隙底部。PCE入渗停止后,流速增大促使污染源区PCE饱和度降低,使饱和度峰值随水流速度增大而减小;倾斜度增大抑制污染源区PCE饱和度降低,使饱和度峰值随倾斜度增大而增大。  相似文献   

高广运  张婧  郭星宇 《岩土工程技术》2007,21(5):230-233,238
为了分析不同土体参数对扩底墩竖向承载性状的影响,利用有限单元法,建立了均匀地基中不同土体模量、内摩擦角、粘聚力的三维有限元模型,模拟分析了土体模量、内摩擦角和粘聚力变化时扩底墩的竖向承载性状。分析表明,扩底墩基础以端阻力为主,土体模量和内摩擦角对其竖向承载性状的影响较大,粘聚力影响较小。因此扩底墩持力层应选择土体模量和内摩擦角大的坚硬土层。  相似文献   

裂缝性储集层岩芯裂缝统计分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
周永胜  张流 《世界地质》2000,19(2):117-124
在系统介绍岩芯裂缝基本参数统计的基础上,给出岩芯裂缝空间分布规律的表示方法,并概括了裂缝孔隙度和渗透率的估算方法,提出有效孔隙度、渗透率和单井控制的有效裂缝体积可作为裂缝性储集层等级划分和裂缝综合评价的依据.  相似文献   

为探讨水流体活动对板块俯冲隧道过程及大陆碰撞造山的制约作用,采用热力学和动力学耦合的数值模拟方法,建立了系统的数值模型.结果显示俯冲隧道内的混杂岩存在两种不同的折返路径:(1)平行于俯冲隧道斜向上折返,形成靠近缝合带的高压-超高压变质岩;(2)近垂直穿过上覆地幔楔侵入地壳深度.这两种差异性的模式主要受控于俯冲带热结构.俯冲带的温度结构控制俯冲隧道内水流体和熔体活动,从而影响上覆地幔楔的弱化程度,最终导致俯冲带内物质的不同运移过程和折返路径.同时,大陆俯冲碰撞带的岩石圈变形和拆沉作用均与俯冲带的流体-熔体活动所导致的岩石圈弱化息息相关.数值模拟结果极大促进了对于板块俯冲带流体-熔体活动及其动力学过程的理解.   相似文献   

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