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<正>1 Introduction The unconventional shale oil-gas energy,with a huge resource potential,has attracted lots of attention in the world.The occurrence、a accumulation ability and even the flow of the shale oil-gas are seriously affected by characteristics of the reservoir space.Thus,studying the characteristics of the reservoir space of the shale has been the important research direction in the field of the  相似文献   

泥页岩的可压裂性是决定页岩油气能否有效开发的关键之一。由于沉积和成岩过程中的差异,常造成泥页岩在成分、结构、构造、成岩作用等方面存在明显的非均质性。可压裂性在本质上是泥页岩岩性特征的综合反映,所以泥页岩这些不同方面的岩性特征也就成了影响可压裂性的关键因素。本文通过分析岩石力学和工程力学的相关研究成果,结合实验数据,分析总结了泥页岩岩性因素对可压裂性的影响机理。认为尽管脆性矿物的含量是定性判断泥页岩可压裂性的重要依据,但长英质矿物作为脆性指标应该建立在中强成岩作用基础上;长英质颗粒或自生矿物晶粒大、形态复杂、分布密集、有序度高,有利于提高泥页岩的可压裂性;层理发育,纹层连续性强则会降低泥页岩的可压裂性;成岩作用强,矿物之间固结紧密,泥页岩的可压裂性也会增强。在泥页岩油气勘探开发过程中,必须注意岩性差异对泥页岩可压裂性的影响。  相似文献   

在三维各向异性弹塑性本构关系基础上,求解不排水条件和破坏条件,导出各种不同试验条件下K0团结粘土的各向异性不排水剪强度表达式。对常规超固结比定义下的不排水剪强度进行研究,将理论计算结果与试验结果进行比较,验证所提理论的合理性。  相似文献   

依据露头层序地层学的基本原理和基本工作方法及思路,对上扬子地区寒武系进行层序划分与对比,并在早寒武世三级层序内探讨沉积相平面展布与空间分布。早寒武世扬子地台被动大陆边缘一侧持续发生海侵,沉积体系域以海侵体系域TST和高位体系域HST为主,缺乏低位体系域LST。分别编制海侵期和高位期两幅不同时期的沉积模式图表现三级层序的沉积体系特征,并对目的层段牛蹄塘组黑色页岩作出评价,从而揭示出露头层序地层学在页岩气初期勘探中的重要应用价值。  相似文献   

<正>At present,shale gas exploration in China has made a significant progress,and we have established four statelevel shale gas demonstration areas that include the Fuling Jiaoshi dam,Changning—Weiyuan,Zhaotong and Yanchang.Shale gas production in last year has reached 13*108m3,which the yield of Fuling Jiaoshi dam reached the  相似文献   

李娟  于炳松  刘策  孙梦迪 《现代地质》2012,26(4):732-740
为探索渝东南地区下志留统龙马溪组黑色页岩中粘土矿物特征及其与储层物性的关系,在综合前人对含油气盆地粘土矿物分析的基础上,以重庆市彭水县鹿角剖面为例,深入分析了鹿角剖面黑色页岩粘土矿物组合与分布特征、粘土矿物的形成机理及其控制因素以及粘土矿物对孔隙度和渗透率的影响。结果表明,一方面根据古盐度的计算,龙马溪组上部古水介质含盐度较低,下部较高,具有上淡下咸的特点;另一方面该套黑色页岩属于晚成岩阶段B期。储层中粘土矿物的类型、数量及其分布特征等对储层孔渗条件具有一定的控制作用。伊利石(含伊/蒙有序混层矿物)含量与孔隙度有弱正相关关系,与渗透率呈负相关关系,原因可能是成岩伊利石不断生长,一方面由于其体积减小使得显微孔隙体积有所增加,但另一方面,由于自生伊利石晶体细小,使得页岩粒间孔隙遭到不同程度的破坏,致使平均孔隙半径变小,渗透率变差。绿泥石含量与孔隙度呈现微弱的正相关关系,而与渗透率呈现较好的正相关关系。这是由于成岩绿泥石主要来源于长石溶解或蚀变形成的高岭石的转化,因此,绿泥石与孔隙度和渗透率的关系可能反映其与页岩中长石矿物的含量有关。  相似文献   

鄂尔多斯盆地北部山西组页岩气储层与煤层共生,页岩有机质含量较高,具有较大的资源勘探潜力。为精细表征控制山西组页岩储层分布的沉积微相,根据测井数据、录井数据、岩芯观察描述、薄片分析、粒度分析、X射线衍射全岩分析以及总有机碳含量(TOC),研究了山西组页岩储层岩相与沉积微相类型,在山西组识别出(灰)黑色碳质页岩、(灰)黑色含碳质页岩、(灰)黑色含碳质(粉)砂质页岩、(深)灰色含碳质页岩、(深)灰色页岩、(深)灰色(粉)砂质页岩和含钙质页岩7种岩相。这些岩相沉积在富植沼泽、贫植沼泽、三角洲平原分流间洼地、曲流河河间洼地、天然堤与决口扇远端微相环境,其中富植沼泽、贫植沼泽与成煤的泥炭沼泽、泥炭坪环境比邻共生,且在山二段时期更发育。富植沼泽和贫植沼泽微相控制了具有较高TOC的(灰)黑色碳质页岩、(灰)黑色含碳质页岩、(灰)黑色含碳质(粉)砂质页岩和(深)灰色含碳质页岩的分布,是控制山西组页岩储层分布的有利微相。  相似文献   

<正>In recent years,china shale gas exploration and practice confirmed that shale gas resources distributed in the marine facies,the marine-continental transitional facies and lacustrine facies.Three types of shale gas resources have the same resource potential and different geological conditions(Zhang Dawei,etc.,2012).Lacustrine shale influenced by local climate and provenance,since they have the geological features of rapid litho facies change,  相似文献   

Summary This paper presents a new approach, combined with the Boundary Element Method (BEM) analysis and the diametrical compression on a thin disc with a small central hole, referred to as the ring test, for determining the indirect tensile strength of anisotropic rocks. The stress distribution around the hole can be successfully obtained by the proposed single-domain BEM. The complex variable function method was used for conveniently computing the tractions and displacements of a two-dimensional anisotropic body. If we assume that the tensile strength is given by the maximum absolute value of stress in the direction perpendicular to the loaded diameter at the intersection of loaded diameter and the hole, then from the failure load recorded by laboratory testing of ring (disc), the indirect tensile strength of rocks could be obtained. A marble from Hualien (Taiwan) with clearly black-white foliation, which was assumed to be transversely isotropic, was selected to conduct both ring tests and Brazilian tests for evaluating the tensile strength. The variation of the marble tensile strength with the inclination angle of foliation and with the hole size was also investigated. In general, the tensile strength of anisotropic rocks determined by ring test is not a constant, but depends on the elastic properties of rocks, the angle between the planes of rock anisotropy and the loading direction, the diameter of the central hole, and the contact condition of loading.  相似文献   

四川盆地南部地区广泛发育下古生界寒武系、志留系等多套海相页岩层,其中龙马溪组是该区页岩气勘探开发的重点目标层。根据钻井岩心资料,通过有机碳、热解、碳同位素、等温吸附等地球化学实验分析,对川南地区下志留统龙马溪组页岩的有机质特征及其对页岩含气量的影响进行了研究。结果表明,川南地区龙马溪组页岩有机碳含量较高(平均1.53%),有机质类型较好(Ⅰ型和Ⅱ1型),热演化程度高(Ro为1.94%~2.42%),且页岩含气量较高(平均1.85m3/t)。页岩有机质特征是影响页岩含气量的主要因素,有机质丰度、有机质类型和热演化程度三者共同决定了川南地区龙马溪组页岩的含气量。  相似文献   

运用高压压汞、液氮吸附及渗透率测试等实验,利用极差、突进系数、变异系数等参数,表征煤系页岩孔渗特征及孔隙层间非均质性,分析孔隙层间非均质性主控因素。结果表明:河南义马地区上、下石盒子组泥页岩微孔与小孔较为发育,山西组大孔较为发育,分别提供了气体吸附附着面积和储存运移空间;上石盒子组孔容与孔径相对偏差最小,孔隙分布均匀,山西组比表面积相对偏差最小,表面积分布均匀;随围压增大,渗透率不断降低,且满足负指数相关关系;渗透率级差、突进系数和变异系数显示下石盒子组渗透率非均质性较弱,山西组渗透率非均质性很弱,更易于压裂开发。非均质性宏观上主要受沉积物质组成和构造改造作用影响,微观上受成岩演化影响。  相似文献   

张国常 《贵州地质》2002,19(2):93-98
在岩性及岩相观察基础上以不同类型的米级旋回层序作为分层和描述地层的基本工作单元,把米级旋回层及其有序叠加形式作为识别三级层序的基础,通过野外露头的详细观察、描述认为:在南盘江坳陷晚古生界地层中SB1型层序界面是以区域平行不整合面、古风化壳、古土壤层、下伏地层的强烈白云石化以及沉积物转化面为识别标志;SB2型序界面是以沉积物转化面、地层结构转化面及古土壤层为识别标志:SB3型层序界面是以凝缩段直接覆盖在下伏地层之上为识别标志;SB型层序界面是以上下地层的岩性组合、地层结构转化面及年代地层为识别标志。  相似文献   

延安周边地区长7泥页岩地层中获得工业油流,使得针对该地区的勘探工作开始审视页岩油目标。基于此,开展了系统化的烃源岩品质评价工作以及页岩油气潜力分析工作,以期为深入的页岩油勘探提供参考。研究表明,研究区页岩有机质丰度整体较高,平均总有机碳含量4.05%;有机质类型主体为Ⅰ型、Ⅱ1型及Ⅱ2型;整体进入了生油窗,处于成熟生油的热演化阶段。页岩的物质来源为陆地与湖泊的混合来源,其整体上沉积于弱还原弱氧化环境。三类有机质中,有机质含量越高,则其生烃能力也越强;Ⅰ型有机质的生烃能力最大、Ⅱ1型有机质次之,Ⅱ2型有机质相对最小。Ⅰ型有机质、Ⅱ1型有机质及Ⅱ2型有机质,页岩油含量即总游离烃量分别为10.30 mg/g、8.99 mg/g、8.14 mg/g。页岩油相态以游离态为主,吸附态相对较少。可动用性方面,页岩油的可动用资源集中于Ⅰ型有机质,Ⅱ1型有机质可动用较差,Ⅱ2型有机质可动用性极差。在综合勘探潜力方面,最适于进行页岩油勘探的对象是Ⅰ型有机质,其次为Ⅱ1型有机质。Ⅱ2型有机质基本无页岩油勘探潜力。  相似文献   

The compressibility of shale matrix reflects the effects of reservoir lithology, material composition, pore structure and tectonic deformation. It is important to understand the factors that influence shale matrix compressibility (SMC) and their effects on pore size distribution (PSD) heterogeneity in order to evaluate the properties of unconventional reservoirs. In this study, the volumes of pores whose diameters were in the range 6–100 nm were corrected for SMC for 17 shale samples from basins in China using high-pressure mercury intrusion and low-temperature nitrogen gas adsorption analyses, in order to investigate the factors influencing the SMC values. In addition, the variations in fractal dimensions before and after pore volume correction were determined, using single and multifractal models to explain the effects of SMC on PSD heterogeneity. In this process, the applicability of each fractal model for characterizing PSD heterogeneity was determined using statistical analyses. The Menger and Sierpinski single fractal models, the thermodynamic fractal model and a multi-fractal model were all used in this study. The results showed the following. The matrix compression restricts the segmentation of the fractal dimension curves for the single fractal Menger and Sierpinski models, which leads to a uniformity of PSD heterogeneity for different pore diameters. However, matrix compression has only a weak influence on the results calculated using a thermodynamic model. The SMC clearly affects the multifractal value variations, showing that the fractal dimension values of shale samples under matrix compression are small. Overall PSD heterogeneity becomes small for pores with diameters below 100 nm and the SMC primarily affects the PSD heterogeneity of higher pore volume areas. The comparison of fractal curves before and after correction and the variance analysis indicate that the thermodynamic model is applicable to quantitatively characterize PSD heterogeneity of shale collected from this sampling area. The results show that PSD heterogeneity increases gradually as micro-pore volumes increase.  相似文献   

对页岩气赋存的主要场所页岩孔隙的研究是解决页岩气赋存和保存机理的关键,但目前缺少有效的手段去定量刻画高演化页岩微纳米孔隙的非均质性特征。通过低压N2吸附/解吸、高压压汞、场发射扫描电镜(FE-SEM)等实验,运用分形维数对渝东南地区龙马溪组高演化页岩微纳米孔隙非均质性进行了定量分析。结果表明:高演化页岩的微纳米级孔隙非均质性极强。中孔(2.0~50.0 nm)中2.0~4.5 nm 的孔隙分形维数平均2.853 4,4.5~50.0 nm 的孔隙分形维数平均2.7367,这种极强非均质性主要受有机质控制。总有机碳(TOC)含量大于1.7 %时,有机质孔在中孔中占主导地位,粘土矿物含量的增加会在一定程度上增加中孔的非均质性。宏孔(>50.0 nm)分形维数平均2.8441,非均质性较强,主要受石英和碳酸盐等脆性矿物控制,随着碳酸盐矿物含量的增大,非均质程度增加,有机质对页岩宏孔的非均质性影响不明显。  相似文献   

中下扬子区二叠系露头层序地层研究   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:15  
按新近国际年代地层划分方案(ICS,2000),下扬子区二叠纪地层自下向上分为3统,9阶和相对应的华南传统6阶划分。二叠系从阿瑟尔阶至长兴阶(44Ma)共划分出14个三级层序,每个三级层序平均时限约为3.14Ma,其中“紫松阶”)相当阿瑟尔+2/3萨克马尔阶)1个(船山组中上部)、“隆林阶、(相当1/3萨克马尔阶+阿丁斯克阶)2个(分别对应船山组上部和梁山组或镇江组)、“栖霞阶”(相当库班甘德阶+1/3罗德阶)3个(栖霞组),“茅口阶”(相当于2/3罗德阶+沃德阶+卡皮丹阶)4个(孤峰组,茅口组,堰桥组,银屏组和武穴组),吴家坪阶2个(龙潭组或吴家坪组),长兴阶2个(长兴组或大隆组);共归并为4个层序组(sequence set)。  相似文献   

We show that, as previously described, there are conflicts between areas used by people and shorebirds. However, we propose that burrowing organisms add complexity to the shorebird–human interaction that should be taken into account for management and conservation. This is because SW Atlantic mudflats are dominated by high densities (up to 60 crabs m−2) of a strong bioturbator, the burrowing crab Neohelice granulata (=Chasmagnathus granulatus). These crabs affect the habitat use and foraging performance of shorebird species. The two-banded plover Charadrius falklandicus feed more in burrow areas whereas the yellowlegs Tringa spp. and the white-rumped sandpiper Calidris fuscicollis tend to avoid burrow areas. We evaluated the effect of human recreational activities on shorebirds, taking into account shorebird–crab interaction, during shorebird migratory periods (November to April) of 2001, 2002, and 2003. This study was performed at the Mar Chiquita coastal lagoon (37° 40′ S, Argentina). Results showed that people only rarely used the extensive soft bottom intertidals dominated by burrowing assemblages of N. granulata because the soft sediments make walking difficult. Therefore, human impact is reduced for the two-banded plover. However, for several migratory shorebirds that also avoid burrow areas, these areas act as suboptimal alternative areas when human impact is important in their preferred habitats. When human activity is low, shorebirds remain foraging in the area but they decrease their feeding intakes. The extensions of burrow areas differ among estuaries and are likely to generate between-estuaries differences as stopover sites for shorebirds. Also, other species that form large burrowing assemblages can have a similar impact on shorebird–human interactions.  相似文献   

济阳坳陷罗家地区页岩储层的固有各向异性及水平层理发育使得储层呈现VTI(vertical transversely isotropy)各向异性,而VTI各向异性背景下垂直裂缝的发育使得储层进一步呈现等效正交各向异性特征。本文以正交各向异性介质作为罗家页岩油储层模型,在岩石物理建模中应用Backus平均理论将测井尺度的VTI各向异性粗化至地震尺度,并利用Schoenberg理论在VTI各向异性背景中引入垂直裂缝,进而得到正交各向异性等效介质模型,同时考虑裂缝尺度和流体填充等因素。之后,应用各向异性反射率法进行全波场地震正演模拟,计算正交各向异性页岩油储层AVAZ(amplitude versus azimuth)响应,通过振幅的方位特征进行储层裂缝识别。计算结果表明,PP波、PSV波和PSH波方位振幅响应各不相同,且方位振幅分布图的拟合形状可反映裂缝的发育方向,为页岩油储层中裂缝的地震识别提供依据。  相似文献   

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